Combination Unlock: SM
Combination unLock: SM Unlock bingos from COMMON 2 & 3-LETTER COMBOS. 7s/8s starting, containing, ending (if any). Plurals / conjugations not listed separately. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club 7s start SM- SMACKED ACDEKMS SMACK, to strike sharply [v] SMACKER ACEKMRS one that smacks (to strike sharply) [n -S] SMALLER AELLMRS SMALL, of limited size or quantity [adj] SMALTOS ALMOSST SMALTO, colored glass used in mosaics [n] SMARAGD AADGMRS emerald (green gem) [n -S] SMARMED ADEMMRS SMARM, to use excessive flattery to obtain favors [v] SMARTED ADEMRST SMART, to cause sharp, stinging pain [v] SMARTEN AEMNRST to improve in appearance [v -ED, -ING, -S] SMARTER AEMRRST SMART, characterized by mental acuity [adj] SMARTIE AEIMRST smarty (obnoxiously conceited person) [n -S] SMARTLY ALMRSTY in smart (characterized by mental acuity) manner [adv] SMASHED ADEHMSS SMASH, to shatter violently [v] SMASHER AEHMRSS one that smashes (to shatter violently) [n -S] SMASHES AEHMSSS SMASH, to shatter violently [v] SMASHUP AHMPSSU collision of motor vehicles [n -S] SMATTER AEMRSTT to speak with little knowledge [v -ED, ING, -S] SMEARED ADEEMRS SMEAR, to spread with sticky, greasy, or dirty substance [v] SMEARER AEEMRRS one that smears (to spread with sticky, greasy, or dirty substance) [n -S] SMECTIC CCEIMST pertaining to phase of liquid crystal [adj] SMEDDUM DDEMMSU ground malt powder [n -S] SMEEKED DEEEKMS SMEEK, to smoke (to emit smoke (gaseous product of burning materials)) [v] SMEGMAS AEGMMSS SMEGMA, sebum (fatty matter secreted by certain
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