THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 SHAABAN 21, 1435 AH Handlers of Israel tightens Godzilla still Dutch on verge camels W Bank grip, relevant and of last 16 test ‘negative’ Abbas blasts raging after 60 after beating for MERS3 kidnappers7 years39 in Japan Australia20 Midday work ban puts Max 45º Min 28º focus on labor rights High Tide 04:48 & 16:01 Workers in Gulf face abuse, poor legal protection Low Tide 10:27 & 23:05 40 PAGES NO: 161201 150 FILS : An annual midday work ban has gone into effect this month across much of the Khorafi also to protect construction workers and outdoor laborers from the risks of direct sunlight and extremely high welcomes temperatures during the hottest summer months. The ban, which stands out as one of the most strictly enforced laws aimed at protecting migrant workers in investigation Gulf Arab countries, sheds light on the often difficult working conditions for millions of expatriate laborers ICM urges probe who make up the bulk of the workforce here. They pro- By B Izzak vide the manpower to build high-rises, shopping malls, highways and other mega-construction projects sweep- : Former speaker of the National Assembly ing through the region. Jassem Al-Khorafi yesterday joined former prime Contractors and companies caught violating the ban minister Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad are fined thousands of dollars and face temporary sus- Al-Sabah in welcoming a public prosecution investi- pension. Labor Ministry inspectors in the various coun- gation into allegations of conspiracy and abuse of tries make tens of thousands of unannounced visits to public funds in which they were named. In a state- sites to ensure the ban is enforced. The rules are in their ment issued through his lawyer, Khorafi said he was tenth year in the , and have been pleased by the new developments after Sheikh around for several years in other Arab countries in the Ahmad Fahd Al-Sabah took the allegations to the Arabian Gulf. The ban, which lasts between two to three public prosecutor. months, went into effect June 1 in Kuwait and , The two former statesmen have categorically June 15 in and the United Arab Emirates, while denied any wrongdoing and pleaded innocent, and start it July 1. The longest while charging that there is a plot behind the entire work break is five hours in Qatar, while the shortest issue to undermine the security and stability of the duration is 2.5 hours in the UAE. country. Khorafi, who was the assembly speaker At an International Labor Organization meeting in between 1999 and 2011, said in the statement that Geneva last week, delegates considered a treaty that he is ready to refute all the fabricated claims and requires governments to take measures to better pro- lies in Sheikh Ahmad’s lawsuit. tect workers, in particular migrant laborers, from fraud- DUBAI: In this June 15, 2014 photo, laborers nap on pieces of cardboard during their midday break at the Continued on Page 15 ulent and abusive recruitment. Dragon Mart Phase 2 construction site. — AP Continued on Page 15 SPAIN BOOTED OUT appeals for US air strikes Saudis warn of civil war • UAE recalls envoy Gulf countries struggle with Iraq blowback DUBAI: Saudi Arabia and other petro-powerhouses of the Gulf for years encouraged a flow of private cash to Sunni rebels in Syria. Now an Al-Qaeda breakaway group that benefited from some of the funding has stormed across a wide swath of Iraq, and Gulf nations fear its extremism could be a threat to them as well. Those countries are now trying to put the brakes on the network of private fundraisers sending money to the rebel movement, hoping to halt the financing going to the radical Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. But at the same time, they sharply oppose any US military assistance to Iraq’s Shiite-led government aimed at stopping the extremists’ rapid advance - and are furious at the possibility Washington could coop- erate with their top rival to help Iraq. Their stance reflects the complex tangle of national NAJAF: Iraqi Shiite women hold their weapons as they gather to show their will- rivalries and sectarian enmities in the region. Sunni- ingness to join Iraqi security forces in the fight against militants yesterday in ruled Saudi Arabia, along with its Gulf allies, have had this southern Shiite shrine city. — AFP the primary goal of stopping the influence of mainly BAGHDAD: Iraq asked the United States However, Zebari said “a military approach Shiite Iran in the Middle East, and they deeply oppose yesterday to carry out air strikes on Sunni will not be enough. We acknowledge the Iran’s ally, Iraq’s Shiite Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, jihadists, who attacked the country’s need for drastic political solutions.” whom they accuse of discriminating against his coun- main oil refinery and seized more territo- The United States spent millions of try’s Sunni minority. ry in the north. The appeal came as fight- dollars over several years training and They are torn over the Islamic State’s stunning vic- ers from the Islamic State of Iraq and the arming a new Iraqi army after disbanding tories. They would be happy if the insurgency forces Levant (ISIL) were pressing a week-long the Sunni-led force created by the late the removal of Maliki and his replacement with a more offensive that has brought them close to dictator Saddam Hussein. Washington Sunni-friendly government. But long term, they fear the capital, and as Prime Minister Nouri has already deployed an aircraft carrier the Islamic State or other radicals inspired by it could Al-Maliki pledging to face down “terror- to the Gulf and sent marines to bolster eventually turn their weapons against the Gulf’s pro- ism”. “Iraq has officially asked Washington security at its embassy in Baghdad, but Western monarchies. And they are alarmed that its to help under the security agreement President Barack Obama has insisted a power could increase Iran’s role in Iraq - a scenario (between the two countries), and to con- return to combat in Iraq for US soldiers is already realized with top Iranian military figures in RIO DE JANEIRO: Chile’s goalkeeper Claudio Bravo makes a save against Spain’s duct air strikes against terrorist groups,” not on the cards. Baghdad helping organize the army. Sergio Ramos during the Group B World Cup football match at the Maracana Zebari told reporters in Saudi Arabia. Continued on Page 15 Stadium yesterday. — AP (See Page 20) Continue on Page 15 Tearful Spanish king quits throne

MADRID: A teary-eyed King Juan Carlos sealed future queen Letizia in a black top and white through them, dressed in a blue military uniform his abdication of the Spanish crown yesterday skirt, and Juan Carlos’s wife Queen Sofia, with the red silk sash of the forces’ commander in after a four-decade reign, clearing the throne for applauded the abdicating king. chief, to be sworn in by the parliament on his 46-year-old son, Felipe VI. The 76-year-old Minutes earlier, cannons had fired a salute Thursday morning. “There’s a festive atmosphere. monarch signed the act of parliament ending his and shouts of “Long Live the King!” rang out as It’s a party for this new king,” said one passerby, reign with a golden pen at a ceremony in the royals arrived by car at the old palace in west- Carlos Tesorero. “All the Spanish people have Madrid’s Royal Palace, then hugged his son, who ern Madrid. Juan Carlos is credited with helping faith in him. He is very capable and I think he will will be sworn in today morning. The embrace guide Spain to democracy after the death of the be a good king.” between the elderly king and his heir under the dictator Francisco Franco, but his popularity was The red-and-yellow Spanish flag fluttered palace’s chandeliers marked the first royal suc- damaged by scandals in recent years. from balconies across Madrid and two giant flags cession in Spain’s post-Franco history. Madrid was bedecked with flags to hail the hung down the facade of the city hall. “It looks Dressed in a dark blue suit and pink tie, Juan soon-to-be Felipe VI. Red and white flowers - more like a football match. Lots of flags. Too Carlos, who uses a cane following repeated hip nearly 16,000 blooms, according to the City Hall - much, perhaps,” said Jose Manuel Garrucho, a 20- operations, stood unaided during part of the cer- adorned the streets. Workers hoisted a great red year-old student, outside the parliament. By emony but had to briefly hold Felipe’s arm to canopy with the state coat of arms embroidered coincidence, yesterday was also a big night for steady himself. A band struck up the national in gold over the front doors of the lower house of Spain’s national football team, with a crucial MADRID: Spanish King Juan Carlos (left) embraces Crown Prince Felipe after anthem as Felipe in a dark suit, his wife and parliament in central Madrid. Felipe will pass World Cup tie against Chile. — AFP signing an abdication law during a ceremony at the Royal Palace. — AP p2 COPY_Layout 1 6/18/14 9:13 PM Page 1


Photo of the day

KUWAIT: A street vendor sells ice cream, sodas, juice, water and other snacks near a school in Kuwait in this file photo. Street vendors work outside during the summer, sitting for hours near their carts to earn their living. Though there is a ban on workers working outside in exposed areas from the hours of 12noon to 4pm, many continue working throughout the day. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat MP proposes tougher penalties against visa traffickers No date for resuming recruitment

By A Saleh market and workers that could become irre- Interior Ministry to allow domestic workers versible in the long term,” Awadhi explained to transfer to the private sector, confirming KUWAIT: A lawmaker proposed an amend- in a statement to announce his proposed earlier reports about the matter. ment to the labor law that stipulates tougher amendment. The process will be controlled by a set of penalties for employers found guilty of visa The lawmaker reiterated that visa traffick- regulations which include that the worker trafficking, including increased jail terms and ing is a main cause why Kuwait remains on must transfer to the same sponsor or a first- license cancelation. Over 2,500 companies the blacklist for countries where human traf- degree relative, and must be living in Kuwait were referred to the public prosecution dur- ficking is practiced, and underlined the for a specific period of time to guarantee the ing the first half of 2014 on human traffick- results that this crime creates “when workers seriousness of the employer’s transfer ing charges or for violating labor regulations. find themselves forced to resort to illegiti- request, Dousary said. Article 138 of the law number 6/2010 stip- mate activities to make ends meet as a result ulates a maximum jail sentence of three of being left without a job or a way to GCC transactions years and/or a KD 1,000 to KD 5,000 fine for demand their rights from their employers.” In other news, the Immigration General employers who fail to provide jobs for work- Visa trafficking also harms the private sector Department began handling transactions of ers recruited from inside or outside Kuwait. when local authorities introduce tougher GCC nationals to bring domestic helpers the MP Kamel Al-Awadhi’s proposed amendment recruitment measures to limit illegal issuance same way that expatriate employers’ transac- calls for increasing the maximum jail term to of visas, Awadhi said. tions are handled, starting from Tuesday. As five years, and the fine to range between KD per the new direction that was issued by 5,000 and KD 10,000. Employers convicted of Foreign recruitment General Director Maj Gen Talal Marafi, a GCC human trafficking already face jail terms Hiring labor forces from abroad in the pri- employer would be required to pay a KD 200 ranging between 15 years and life in prison. vate sector is currently suspended as the fee to recruit a domestic worker. GCC nation- The amendment also gives authorities the Public Labor Authority currently works on als used to pay KD 10 per transaction before right to revoke the license and allocation of new controls to regulate the process. June 17, 2014, which is the same fee collect- industrial or agricultural units given to General Director Jamal Al-Dousary did not ed from Kuwaitis. employers found guilty of the practice men- give a date or provide details about the pos- The decision aims at curbing the increase tioned above. sibility of reopening foreign recruitment in hiring domestic workers among the state’s when he was approached on the matter on community of 120,000 GCC nationals who Inadequate punishment Tuesday. currently sponsor nearly 10,000 housemaids Awadhi believes that the current punish- Dousary spoke to reporters on the side- and drivers, according to a source from the ment is not adequate with the gravity of the lines of the preparation meeting for the first department. The source who spoke to Al-Rai crime in which employers bring workers conference for social affairs and labor minis- on the condition of anonymity added that from outside through prearrangement that ters in countries, the decision is also motivated by the recent involves receiving money from the laborer in which kicked off yesterday in Kuwait, headed discovery of a large number of marginal exchange for the visa he or she is issued - a by Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Hind labor forces who were initially brought by process known as visa trafficking. “This crime Al-Subaih. Dousary meanwhile announced GCC sponsors as domestic helpers, then left leaves severe effects on the state, the labor that the authority referred a letter to the to find jobs for themselves. Wataniya Airways moves to resume operations

By A Saleh The company asked the Ministry of for the first time since March 2011. It plans to Commerce to publish the minutes of its use the extra funds to prepare and equip air- KUWAIT: The Ministry of Interior’s legal department manager, Maj Gen Asaad KUWAIT: Defunct local airline Wataniya extraordinary assembly meeting in the state’s crafts and cover expenses required to resume Abdul Rahman Al-Rowaiyyeh yesterday received and honored counselor, Khaled Airways is planning on resuming operations official gazette next month. The company will operations, according to a company source. Ibrahim Abdul Samad Masoud on the occasion of concluding his tenure to the sometime in the near future. The troubled air- contact the Capital Markets Authority after The airlines plan to lease two aircrafts dur- department. The honoring ceremony was also attended by MOI’s PR and moral line has started efforts to relaunch by execut- that to start taking measures regarding the ing the first quarter of 2015 for nearly KD1.124 guidance manager and acting manager of security media, Brig Adel Al-Hashash. ing its general assembly decision to indemni- initial public offering. million, each flying an average of 17 flights a fy its accumulated losses and increase its capi- Wataniya Airways needs a minimum of KD day, said the source who was quoted by Al- tal to KD 24 million. 11 million in capital to re-launch operations Watan yesterday. Doctor wins court order to return to Amiri Hospital Kuwait marks 53rd independence anniversary KUWAIT: The administrative court on gave orders to transfer a patient, who KUWAIT: Kuwait is marking the 53rd independ- head of state proved an exceptional statesman. Tuesday overruled a Ministry of Health happened to be a lawmaker’s father, out ence anniversary, recalling the day, June 19, 1961, After June 19, 1961, Kuwait joined Arab League, KPC urged to change order to transfer the head of the inten- of the intensive care unit in order to when the country declared full autonomy and sov- and was later accepted member of the United strategy towards sive care unit and anesthesia section at make room for a more critical case, ereignty over its territory after a period of being a Nations in 1963. the Amiri Hospital to the Infectious according to reports at the time. British . Europort refinery Diseases Hospital. The verdict stipulates Dr Kefayah challenged her transfer that Dr Kefayah Abdullah Malek should order on the basis that it was based on The document stating end of protectorate sta- State constitution KUWAIT: Oil sources called for a change in the return to her old post which she was abuse of power, arguing that she was tus was signed by the Chief British Political Internally, the state took swift steps to organize strategy of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Resident in the Residency, Sir George and regulate all aspects of life and state manage- (KPC) towards the Europort refinery in transferred from in November 2013. punished for doing her job. Humphrey Middleton, and late Amir Sheikh ment and created the majority of institutions need Rotterdam as it represents a financial burden. Then minister of health Sheikh A large number of doctors had staged Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, who was fondly to properly run a modern-day state and its rela- They said KPC bought the Europort refinery Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al- a demonstration outside the Amiri dubbed “father of the constitution” by his people, tions and dealings with both nationals and expats. in the Netherlands from Gulf Oil Company in Sabah had taken a decision to transfer Dr Hospital days after the transfer to show in recognition of the many key achievements dur- All in all, the bulk of the state’s administrative infra- addition to the Gulf Haven refinery in Denmark Kefayah as a punitive measure after she solidarity with Dr Kefayah. ing his reign. structure saw light in relatively a short period of as Gulf Oil built the refinery in 1970 according The atmosphere in Kuwait was leading in the time. In the field of diplomacy, the first few years to the specifications of Kuwait oil. direction of this development since start of Sheikh after independence were just as eventful, with cre- Its refining capacity is around 75,000 barrels Kuwait embassy staff Abdullah Al-Salem’s reign as 11th Amir in 1950. ation of the ‘foreign affairs department’ in August per day, and enjoys an outstanding location Kuwait joined a number of international organiza- 1961. Current Amir, His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al- between two of the largest international oil tions even before declaration of independence. Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah became the state’s companies - Shell and BP. pulled from Iraq Most notably, the state joined Health Foreign Minister in the second cabinet, in January The sources said that European refineries KUWAIT: Foreign Ministry Secretary cal Muslim group, the Islamic State of Organization, the UN Food and Agriculture 1963. As “father of the constitution”, Kuwaitis are are relatively old and some of them use meth- Organization (FAO), OPEC, and the UNESCO in still most proud of their 11th Amir for his efforts ods that do not meet the legislative and envi- Khalid Al-Jarallah said that Kuwait’s Iraq and Levant. (ISIL). 1959. Just six days short of declaration of inde- leading to the drafting and adoption of the state’s ronmental requirements, especially in western ambassador to Baghdad Ghassan Al- Al-Jarallah said the ambassador’s pendence, the state also joined the World Labor constitution, Nov 11, 1962. Europe, so some companies opt to introduce Zawawi and embassy personnel have return to Kuwait is temporary until secu- Organization as well. In recognition of many accomplishments, and improvements to their refineries to be able to been recalled due to rising levels of inse- rity is restored in Iraq. He said that there The 15 years of Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem’s rule in a token of love of their leader, Kuwaitis chose to continue operations and compete, but these curity in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. are some local administrators still work- were times of moderate and balanced policy and officially celebrate independence on the same day improvements are costly compared to the Several embassies, NGOs and multina- ing at the embassy. He said the opening strong interaction with international bodies, as Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah assumed post expected profits, because of the many taxes tional corporations have moved person- of the Kuwaiti consulates in Erbil and well as strong support and involvement in all Arab of Amir in 1950, and Independence Day was including that of carbon and environmental nel out of Iraq following the takeover of Basra has been postponed until the situ- and Islamic causes. Throughout his rule, the late marked on February 25 ever since. — KUNA pollution. several cities including Mosul by the radi- ation returns to normal. p3.e$S_Layout 1 6/18/14 9:12 PM Page 1

THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 LOCAL Kuwait urges Muslim unity against challenges Jeddah hosts OIC meeting

JEDDAH: Kuwait’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al- Hamad Al-Sabah said here yesterday the Muslim World must join hands, decide world is facing major challenges and swift vari- ables that require more integration. Addressing on solution on Syria: Jarallah the 41st meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) foreign ministers held here, KUWAIT: The international community, Al-Jarallah recalled Kuwait’s hosting Sheikh Sabah Khaled said: “The Muslim nation is most specifically permanent members of the second donors’ conference, on the embroiled in difficult challenges and swift of the UN Security Council, has a moral heels of the successful first conference changes which necessitate integration and soli- duty, to overcome differences and agree which yielded more than targeted finan- darity from everybody and efforts to face them.” on solutions for Syria, “as the disaster cial contributions. In occupied Palestinian territories, for spares nothing and no one and shows “However, even with pledges made instance, the Palestinian people have been suf- no sign of abating,” stressed a Kuwaiti during the two conferences, and amid fering so much due to violations of Israeli occu- official here yesterday. frequent pleas for support by special- pying authorities, he said. Foreign Undersecretary Sulaiman Al- ized UN agencies, and in the face of an The Palestinian people are being denied Jarallah was addressing a meeting of increasingly critical state of affairs with inalienable rights and even hopes for a just and major donors in aid of Syrian refugees the sharp increase in number of comprehensive peace based on an independent which kicked off here, and urged donors refugees, the sums actually paid up so state on the June 4, 1967 border with East who had made pledges during the first far fail to come close to meeting the Jerusalem as its capital in line with relevant UN and second donors’ conferences to hon- challenge.” resolutions, he said. or their word without delay, “to alleviate “It is critical pledges be met,” the offi- He congratulated the Palestinian leadership the suffering of the Syrian people.” cial reiterated, “so that UN agencies may on their new national unity government, wish- This meeting convenes in line with continue their operations and pro- ing it could live up to its due responsibility. He ongoing efforts to rally support on this grams.” voiced much regret at the deteriorating humani- dossier, he said. He further pointed out In addition to the financial challenge, tarian conditions of the Syrian people owing to that the State of Kuwait had paid up, in and despite UN Security Council resolu- killing, torturing and displacement, calling on KUWAIT: First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad full, its pledge of $800 million to UN tion 2139 and presence of UN High the international community to continue efforts Al-Sabah leaves for Jeddah to attend the 41st Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ministeri- agencies. Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to arrive at a political solution to the pressing al talks. Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic representatives in Syria, many difficulties Syrian crisis. kidnapping of Turkish diplomats in the Iraqi city He also welcomed Egypt’s commitment to Development is also active and involved still impede aid work. This leads to even of Mosul, hoping that they would be set free the roadmap, of which the last step is parlia- in many initiatives to help Syrian more hardship and suffering. “We there- Impacts of crisis soon. mentary elections due later this year. He wel- refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and else- fore have a responsibility to exert more Kuwait hosted two international donor con- Sheikh Sabah Khaled welcomed the positive comed a recent African Peace and Security where, with funding of as much as $50 effort to cooperate with the UN to ferences for Syria and contributed $800 million results of P5+1 Talks on Iran’s nuclear program, Council decision to unfreeze Egypt’s African million set aside for this purpose. enable the specialized agencies and rep- to UN humanitarian activities in Syria in order to hoping that a comprehensive and final agree- Union (AU) membership as a positive step “We are convened at a time of the resentatives to operate and achieve ease out the woes of the Palestinian people, he ment would be reached soon. towards Egypt’s effort to regain its regional worst humanitarian disaster of recent their goals.” reminded. He condemned persecution, suppression and and international pioneering role. history, as the force of death and Kuwait had convened the first meet- However, the Kuwaiti foreign minister warned marginalization against Muslims in Myanmar as Meanwhile, he emphasized that the current destruction slaughters scores of our ing of principal donors back in March, anew of the impacts of the Syrian crisis on the a breach of all international charters and heav- serious and bitter situation in the Muslim brethren, renders millions displaced and presided over by UN Secretary General region’s countries. enly religions, while calling for more efforts with world requires effective steps to condemn homeless, within and beyond Syrian ter- Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs and On Iraq, he stressed the necessity of respect- international organizations in order to ensure extremism and hardline and to find sustainable ritory, and spares neither the young nor Chairman of the International Islamic ing Iraq’s sovereignty, security, stability, national their rights and deliver aid to them. solutions to face Islamophobia. the elderly in its wake.” Charitable Organization Dr. Abdullah Al- unity and territorial integrity, while voicing He also denounced recent events in the He congratulated Saudi Foreign Minister Most alarming still, “we are seeing Matouq. strong objection to interference in Iraq’s national Central African Republic (CAR) which has forced Saud Al-Faisal on chairing the current OIC the spread of the bloody conflict and a The country had called for and host- affairs. thousands of Muslims to flee to neighboring session, and thanked the Saudi government spill-over which compromises the secu- ed the First International Humanitarian He further condemned all terrorist acts tar- countries. for warm welcome and hospitality as well as rity of neighboring countries and their Pledging Conference for Syria on geting Iraq’s security and unity, but he called on efforts to ensure a successful meeting. innocent populations, of which we had January 30, 2013, and pledged $300 mil- all Iraqi political rivals to get engaged in serious Last step Sheikh Sabah Khaled concluded by saying warned earlier into this conflict,” Al- lion for the aid effort. dialogue aiming to face serious threats to their On Egypt, the Kuwaiti foreign minister con- he looked forward to meeting OIC foreign Jarallah remarked. It later hosted the Second country. gratulated new president Abdelfattah Al-Sisi, ministers when they come together in “The horrific figures and statistics International Humanitarian Pledging Sheikh Sabah Khaled also condemned the wishing the new government best of luck. Kuwait in 2015. —KUNA specialized agencies are reporting show Conference, Jan 15, 2014, and again without doubt that we are facing grave pledged $500. This second contribu- moral, legal, and humanitarian responsi- tion included $250 million from the bility ... We are also to face the conse- Kuwaiti state treasury, $50 million quences of a lost generation, as children through Kuwait Fund for Arab and young are deprived of schooling Economic Development, and an addi- and struggle to overcome desperate tional $200 million raised by Kuwaiti conditions.” charities. —KUNA

Draft law gives retirees health insurance coverage KUWAIT: The Health, Labor, and Social attended the committee meeting yester- Affairs committee at the National Assembly day, told reporters afterwards that the endorsed a draft law granting citizens retirees will be issued insurance health health insurance coverage, said committee cards with which they can get health care chairman Saad Al-Khanfoor, in press state- at a provider of their choice, be that in the ments yesterday. public or private sectors, emphasizing at The draft law will avail Kuwaiti retirees the same time that insurance companies registered with the Public Institution for will be employed to carry out the new Social Security the opportunity to get insurance approach. health services at all public, and for the first To allay some fears that there might be a time, private health care providers for no massive run on private health providers by charge whatsoever, said the chairman. insurance card-carrying citizens, the minis- KUWAIT: The Kuwait Dive Team removed more than three tons of solid waste from the Shamlan marina in Sharq, in an operation carried out in This law will apply to retirees only as a ter affirmed that these providers will be cooperation with several state departments and volunteers. The team members also distributed trash cans to ships and boats at the marina in first introductory stage, after which, once able to serve the retirees without a hitch, order to prevent people from dumping trash into the water. proven workable, will also apply to other especially that in recent times, numerous sectors of society such as children and the private sector health services have popped rest of the population, young and old, he up in many parts of the country, including said. hospitals and clinics. GCC social affairs The draft law was approved by both the The new health insurance law covers government and the lawmakers in the many health treatments such as surgery, ministers meet in Kuwait committee, he said, stressing that it will be ex-ray, dentistry, lab tests, hospital stays, turned over in the Assembly’s next meeting emergency room care, all prescribed med- KUWAIT: The first meeting of Gulf approval of a single charter as a regulative to the entire body of the parliament for ications, among a host of other things. All Cooperation Council (GCC) ministries of framework for the committee’s work, she universal voting, which he thought would expenses will be borne by the ministry of social affairs kick-started here yesterday, said. be easily forthcoming. health with no money coming out of the focusing on ways and means of putting The Kuwaiti minister hoped that the Minister of Health, Dr Ali Al-Obaidi, who pockets of the insured. —KUNA joint cooperation mechanisms in place. meeting would come up with concrete rec- In a keynote speech, Minister of Social ommendations that would fulfill the expec- Affairs and Labor and Minister of State for tations and hopes of the GCC people. Planning and Development Hind Al- On his part, GCC Secretary-General Sabeeh said the meeting aims to continue Abdullatif Al-Zayani said the GCC ministeri- commitment to creating a better future for al council decided at a meeting in Jeddah Gulf societies and carry on social efforts in in June 2013 to set up four ministerial com- all fields. mittees in the fields of health, education, There are swift worldwide changes and labor and social affairs in order to promote variables that block development in world and develop inter-Gulf cooperation in all countries, including the GCC ones so more fields. work and coordination need to be carried He hoped that such committees would out in order to achieve sustainable devel- be an additional step on the way for devel- opment, democracy and justice, she said. oping and reinforcing coordination among The agenda of the meeting includes a the six GCC member states in the domain host of significant and weighty issues and of social development. subjects that reflect the organizing com- Several social achievements have been mittee’ interest in light of changes, mainly made over recent years thanks to relentless boosting women’s social involvement and efforts and fervent work, Al-Zayani pointed improving children’s conditions, she added. out. The agenda also includes a ministerial The GCC chief spoke highly of the vital committee to follow up on the implemen- role of the member states’ ministries of tation of resolutions adopted by the GCC health in the fulfillment of the needs of Supreme Council, together with the Gulf families. —KUNA KUWAIT: The man arrested for murdering an Indian in Omariya. Man held for ‘Sinyar 8’ environmental Omariya murder campaign launched By Hanan Al-Saadoun KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sinyar team of volunteers. Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah yes- Sheikh Nawaf lauded the team for KUWAIT: A citizen was arrested in Farwaniya for murdering terday inaugurated the national cam- their efforts in the protection of the an Indian in Omariya, said security sources, noting that the paign for the protection of the marine marine environment and the example suspect confessed to shooting the man. He led police to environment (Sinyar 8) at Bayan Palace. they were setting for their peers in this the gun which he had disposed in the Kabd desert. Further His Highness the Amir deputized His area. investigations are still in process. Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf The launching ceremony was attend- Drug trader Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to attend ed by Speaker of the National Assembly An Asian was arrested with 80 gm of heroin and 70 gm the ceremony. Marzouq Al-Ghanem, His Highnness the of marijuana, said security sources. Case papers indicate During the ceremony, His Highness Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak CAIRO: President of the Kuwait Association for the Ideal Family and Chairperson of that narcotics detectives had been tipped off concerning Sheikh Nawaf received Minister of Oil, Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Deputy Minister of Al-Fatat Sport Club Sheikha Fariha Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meeting here yester- the suspect’s activities in drug dealing. A search warrant Minister of State for National Assembly the Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah day with the Egyptian Tourism Minister Hisham Zazo. During the meeting, Sheikha was issued to arrest him. He confessed to possessing the Affairs and head of the supreme environ- Al-Sabah, in addition to other ministers Fariha handed over the financial allocations collected to promote Egypt’s tourism in drugs for trading as well as for his own use. mental council Dr Ali Al-Omair and the and state officials. —KUNA Kuwait during her previous visit. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 LOCAL

kuwait digest In my view What concerns The judiciary’s me as a citizen integrity By Abdullatif Al-Duaij

n light of the troubled atmosphere and skepticism, or even contempt, that affected the majority of the state’s By Labeed Abdal Iestablishments and foundations, Sheikh Ahmad Al- Fahad’s step to go to the Public Prosecution comes at a critical time. By going to the prosecution to settle the accusations made by himself and others against some public figures, that step resorts some of the faith that state establish- [email protected] ments lost due to the barrage of accusations they received in recent weeks. It also reinforces the trust that we suppos- edly have for our judicial system and the state’s establish- ccusations against public figures of receiving ments in general. bribes to influence their decisions, which the The accusations mentioned in Sheikh Ahmad’s case AKuwait Transparency Society (KTS) demanded to papers do not concern me a lot. I am puzzled by the cheers launch an investigation into, is a very dangerous issue that the accusations received despite the fact that they are that requires collaborative efforts to reveal the truth. yet to be proven to be real. And above that, those accusa- Bearing in mind the sensitiveness of the positions of tions remain to be an issue that the public have no direct those accused, the volume of the alleged bribes and relationship to. As a citizen, I am not largely concerned about accusa- subjects raised over the issue, the judiciary must carry tions of money laundering, arms trafficking or even deal- out an investigation in all the information revealed. ing with Israel. Those are ‘personal’ crimes that happened, Thorough examination is required to find out the currently happening and will continue to happen. — Al-Anbaa truth, and verify the authenticity of what has been Therefore, I am truly surprised to see some people ‘happy’ raised by a former MP, who questioned the integrity of about the accusations, and turning the issue into a matter members of the judiciary. In the meantime, the parlia- of public affairs by assuming that the laundered money ment must exercise its monitoring role and form inves- were taken from the public funds. tigation committees to determine whether there is any The rumors say that the funds involved in the money kuwait digest governmental involvement in the case. laundering process exceeded 65 billion, I don’t know The KTS acknowledged in a recent press release that whether dinars or dollars, but I do know that our entire corruption is widespread in the country, pointed out annual income does not reach 65 billion yet. The accusa- Wake up to ISIL threat flaws found in several state departments and the bad tions do not point out directly to public funds, nor do they quality of services they provide. They called on the gov- specify the sources and locations of those funds. ernment to study the reasons that caused the state to These accusations should not overshadow other accu- By Nabila Al-Anjari drop to the bad level it currently sits at, and which sations made before that against judges of receiving reflects negatively on national unity. bribes. Those accusations are a stab to our judicial system, We need researches to diagnose the reasons why especially that the accused individuals are members of the any people in Kuwait panicked after seeing a and during the seven-month-long Iraqi Invasion. Kuwait is in this position today - one that reflects a bad Supreme Judicial Council and the Constitutional Court, video that spread through social networks, What scares the people is that the government did image for the country in front of the world. While prob- and that is precisely the issue. showing troops claimed to be Islamic State in not announce any arrangements to face any danger Questioning the integrity of the Constitutional Court’s M lems or cases of corruption happen everywhere around Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants, approaching the that could affect us. In addition, its reaction to the the globe, Kuwait is required to follow in the footsteps members means challenging and canceling all decrees north borders of Kuwait. The footage went viral simul- video was a clarification of what was happening on that the court approved or annulled. The verdict to annul of states that diagnose their problems and enforce the parliament and approve the so-called single vote elec- taneously with news about the ISIL dominating wide the other side of the border. proper treatment measures that include full and toral system come to mind. By accusing the Constitutional areas in Iraq and Syria. There is no winner from wasting time on fruitless prompt application of the law. Court’s judges of receiving bribes, the goal is to reassert The Ministry of Interior denied the rumors, and said battles while ignoring the security of Kuwait and its Not only does this help compensate for what has the legitimacy of the first annulled parliament and the ille- that the movement of troops shown in the video are been lost, but also helps countries reinforce security gitimacy of the current one. routine measures that happen when an Iraqi official and regain the trust of their people. This is what concerns me as a citizens, and what worries visits the border area. What scares the people is that the me if the accusations were true. I have faith in our judiciary Meanwhile, Kuwait has been busy with political government did not announce any and its members of course, but on the other hand, we can- conflicts, exchange of accusations and TV interviews, arrangements to face any danger that kuwait digest not but deal with the accusations with seriousness. Those ignoring the risks on national security as a result of who made the accusations have put their political future the conflicts surrounding the country. could affect us. and personal interests on the line, and a person who does Forced-feeding that is either suicidal, or is confident about the information Troops are moving toward the borders, while most in his possession. As a citizen, I am concerned by that, and political figures here were trying to prove their power hope that the accusations are proven to be correct or not, and credibility by focusing on less important matters. people. The current battle between the political foes is of prisoners one way or another and as soon as possible. In the meantime, people are distracted by the mess destined to end in a loss not only for the people The most recent case filed is the result of a conflict and conflicts that cause nothing but weakness and involved, but it could affect us all. By Linda Gradstein between Sheikh Ahmad and his foes. The accusations disunity in the country. The political conflicts must be stopped, and the made at the Irada Square are between the people and The government should give more attention to government has to become more alert especially from he Israeli Knesset is expected to next week approve a those accused of corrupting the judiciary. I am part of the Kuwait’s security since the fox is not taken twice in the those who might exploit these conflicts to cover their bill that would allow hospitals or prisons to force-feed people, therefore am concerned about these accusations; same snare. What happened in the last few days jog shady deals and plots. Tprisoners on hunger strike. The bill has already passed not Sheikh Ahmad’s battle. its first reading and the final vote comes as 82 Palestinian — Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Qabas one’s memory about the events before August 2,1990, — Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Qabas prisoners are currently in Israeli hospitals after being on a hunger strike for more than 50 days. The prisoners, who are protesting Israel’s policy of administrative detention without charges or trial, are taking mineral supplements and drinking kuwait digest water. “The bill’s aim is to prevent prisoners and organizations from exerting pressure on Israel by means of a hunger strike,” Move against Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said during the Knesset discussion on the bill. “They use such strikes to try to preachers stop administrative detentions and obtain easing of restric- tions....the state’s interest is for no prisoner to die as a result of a hunger strike.” By Dr Shamlan Al-Essa The bill has set off a firestorm in Israel. The Israel Medical Association (IMA) is set to distribute a booklet to all doctors t seems that the phenomenon of injecting religion in the internal medicine wards where Palestinian prisoners in politics will not stop in our country, as two weeks are being treated. The booklet takes a strong stand against Iago an Egyptian imam who spoke about the force-feeding based on international law. Egyptian elections and accused the Egyptian judiciary “Every day, the number of hunger-striking prisoners sent of not being fair and siding with the government was from the prisons to the hospitals is growing,” Dr Leonid deported. Eidelman, the director of the IMA wrote in a letter sent to On June 8, Al-Qabas published news about the doctors in all Israelis hospitals over the weekend. “Treating Awqaf Ministry’s decision to punish 14 imams who vio- them presents a special challenge that doctors have hitherto lated Friday sermon rules and dealt with political and not encountered on such a scale.” international issues and sided with factions in Kuwait Israeli human rights advocates say they believe that force- feeding would violate Israel’s Basic Law on human dignity. and abroad. A source in the awqaf said the punish- “Prisoners cannot be forced to eat against their will as long as ment will vary between suspension from giving ser- they are conscious and continue to refuse,” Amir Fuchs, of the mons, warnings and undertakings not to repeat the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) said. “A hunger strike is a tool violation. that prisoners use to try to protest and influence public opin- The question that we should ask — is the Awqaf ion. Silencing that tool would violate the prisoner’s freedom Ministry moves to warn about any suspension — and of expression.” deportation in case of non Kuwaitis — a new govern- There are currently some 5,000 Palestinian prisoners in ment policy, or is it a kneejerk reaction and temporary Israeli jails, including 180 who are being held under adminis- trative detention. These orders based on emergency regula- tions from the time of the British mandate, allow the state to We definitely support any serious jail someone without charges or trial for up to six months, if revealing the evidence against them could compromise government move to distance politi- national security. The six month term can be renewed repeat- cal Islam groups from injecting reli- edly. In the past, Palestinian prisoners have successfully used gion in all aspects of life. hunger strikes to achieve better conditions. In 2012, some 2000 Palestinian prisoners held a mass hunger strike for decision due to our foreign relations with friendly Arab more family visits. The Israeli government eventually agreed countries or Western allies? We laud the move of the to their demands. The current strike is meant to force Israel to end the prac- government if the government has a new method and tice of administrative detention and allow prisoners to be vision on how to deal with political Islam groups and jailed only after presenting the evidence in court. Israel has the continuation of these groups to inject religion in long insisted that administrative detention is only used in all issues of the society, and not only in mosques. extreme cases, and in recent years, the practice has declined. If the decision is a new policy, and a wise govern- Palestinians say Israel often uses the practice to keep sus- ment method, and not a temporary reaction, then we pects in jail for years at a time. Palestinian prisoner advocates definitely support any serious government move to say that inmates who are taken to Israeli jails are mistreated. distance political Islam groups from injecting religion “They are handcuffed to the bed, and have to call a guard in all aspects of life. Will the government deal with the to go to the bathroom,” Sahar Francis, the director of interference of political Islam groups in the ministry of Addameer, an NGO that advocates Palestinian prisoners’ education curricula? We may understand the interfer- rights said. “We totally oppose the law that would allow ence of these groups in the Islamic religion curriculum, force-feeding. Going on a hunger strike is a basic right of but we do not understand how was religion was every prisoner.” injected in the Arabic language, social studies and The Israel Medical Association guidelines offer four princi- even science and maths. Is it realistic to explain all sci- ples for how to treat hunger strikers. The first is that hunger entific phenomena from a religious view?! striking prisoners should be able to make their own decisions The question is — why did the government move about what is right for them, after being given a detailed against mosque preachers now, despite the fact that explanation by doctors. Secondly, every medical action clergymen and preachers have been making political should be in accordance with the patients’ worldview. No medical actions, including force-feeding, that could harm the speeches for a long time and particularly against patient should be taken, and the prisoners should be distrib- friendly Western countries and against some Arab uted among different hospitals. regimes. Is the government’s move the result of local, While most doctors say that force-feeding would violate Arab or international circumstances? patient’s rights and their Hippocratic oath, some doctors in The answer to the question is clear, which is that Israel offered a counter-argument. the rapid changes in the area, and the start of religious “We should definitely permit prisoners to engage in and sectarian wars in more than one Arab country hunger strikes to protect their grievances, since at times that such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and created might be the only way to bring their situation to the public,” fear in the Arabian Gulf countries and prompted some Shimon Glick, a professor of medicine at Ben Gurion governments to take strong steps against preachers in University wrote in the Jerusalem Post. “But we must make it mosques, such as what happened in Saudi Arabia and clear to them up front that under no circumstances will we UAE. So, Kuwait’s move comes later than the rest of the allow them to endanger their lives and health; that when Arabian Gulf countries. they reach a state of danger to themselves they will be hospi- — Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Watan talized and fed even against their express will.” — The Media Line THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 LOCAL Sun to be at zenith on Saturday

KUWAIT: Kuwait is due to witness the itude 2327º north of the equator where the year’s longest day on Saturday, June 21, sun lies in the zenith at the summer solstice when the summer solstice takes place, (falling around June 21-22). announced astronomer Adel Al-Saadoun When the sun at its zenith during the yesterday. solstice day, there will be very limited shad- Saturday is forecast to last for 14 hours ows, particularly in countries located north and a single minute, said the astronomer in of the latitude 23.5 degrees, and there may remarks to Kuwait News Agency, alluding be no shadows at all in some regions. to the annual phenomena, when the sun Temperature in Kuwait will soar, partly appears directly overhead in the middle of due to the solstice phenomena, but will the summer. gradually taper off until the fall sets in on The tropic of Cancer is the parallel of lat- September 22. —KUNA Exam results on June 27

KUWAIT: Education Ministry Undersecretary told her that there will be a test in the Mariam Al-Wutaid postponed announce- Arabic language for the Religious Institute ment of the Secondary Certificate exams Students, though the Science students will which was scheduled for Thursday June 26, complete their exams on June 22 and Arts until Friday June 27 in the afternoon. on the 23rd. Educational sources said Al-Wutaid held First deputy of the General Director of a meeting with the Science and Arts The Arts and Religious Institute Exams Dr. branches to arrange for announcing the Saud Al-Harby said that results will be results on Thursday but one of the officials announced on Friday, June 27. PIFSS strike crisis worsens

KUWAIT: As the labor strike at the Public of intimidation’ it accused the PIFSS man- Institution for Social Security entered its agement of practicing. third week, the issue took a serious turn The problems continue to worsen in Tuesday when some employees received the meantime amid the increasing num- documents from management asking ber of frustrated people who have been them to sign an acknowledgment of unable to finalize their transactions as a KUWAIT: A camel herder with two of his animals. Kuwait had asked camel owners to appreciate the current situation as it is dealing with a most abstention from work. result of the strike, Al-Qabas reported dangerous virus that threatens human health. —Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat The workers on strike refused to sign yesterday. the paper which would make them legal- The labor union demands financial ly responsible for the repercussions benefits to end the work stoppage, but resulting from their work stoppage, Al- Finance Minister Anas Al-Saleh demands Results of MERS tests on Rai reported. The labor union issued a that workers return back to their desks statement in which it criticized the ‘policy before negotiating their demands. Kuwait camels ‘negative’ Precautions to prevent spread of virus

KUWAIT: Deputy Director General for Animal She said that contacts were made with inter- but warned that the deadly MERS virus remains Welfare Affairs at the Public Authority for national organizations in regards to this issue as a serious public health problem, especially with Agricultural Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAAFR) well as animal health groups in the GCC coun- the approach of haj pilgrimages. Hanadi Bastaki said medical tests that were tries and all precautions must be taken to pre- Several countries in the region have tested made for those who dealt with the Middle East vent the spread of the MERS coronavirus in camels as part of a MERS control strategy. This Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) infected camels Kuwait. More than 200 people across the world week a 53-year-old Bangladeshi man traveling are negative, adding that the camels tested were have died from the virus, though the majority of from the US via Abu Dhabi to Dhaka was discov- random by PAAAFR teams in various areas. cases have been concentrated in Saudi Arabia. ered to be infected with the virus. She said the decision to ban the import and Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia announced MERS has spread to 22 countries, including export of camels is subject to new develop- an increase in total confirmed cases of MERS to Jordan, Kuwait, Bangladesh and the United ments and laboratory results. 688 from 575, and a rise in deaths from the virus States, from the Middle East. So far the World She said the decision will be reviewed after to 282 from 190, after a review of data. Health Organization has recorded 699 cases of some time and she asked camel owners to MERS with a mortality rate of 30 percent. appreciate the current situation as the authority Serious problem The virus is thought to have originated with is dealing with a most dangerous virus that The World Health Organization said on camels in Saudi Arabia but the exact source KUWAIT: A delegation from the Finance Ministry yesterday visited the Zakat House’s threatens human health. The infected camels Tuesday that the recent surge of the respiratory remains unconfirmed. information system center at its headquarters in South Surra to discuss bilateral have been quarantined. disease in Saudi Arabia appears to be abating cooperation. The delegation was received by the center manager, Najeeb Al-Mutar. LOCAL THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

KUWAIT A fire recently broke out in a Salmiya building, said security sources, noting that the fire started in a basement used as a warehouse to store ladiesí garments and makeup. The basement was divided into partitions, which impeded firemen. Three firemen were injured in the process, while no other casualties were reported. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun Man in police net for raping six-year-old Police to be questioned for entering Jahra girls’ school

KUWAIT: Mubarak Al-Kabeer detectives arrested a and child were injured in an accident at Salmi taken to the forensic department for an autopsy police report, the case started when a student officers who entered her office in a police lineup. man accused of raping a six-year-old girl inside Road Tuesday. Police vehicles and ambulances to determine the cause of death. was sent to the principal’s office after she her family home. The suspect was visiting his rushed to the scene in response to an emer- refused to hand over her cell phone to a teacher Property damage brother-in-law’s house when he assaulted the gency call, and found after they arrived that the Man drowns who caught her hiding it in her pocket. The stu- A government official filed a case against one child and ran away, according to statement made car carrying the Saudi family had flipped. The vic- A man was found dead at the Sharq beach dent did not cooperate with the principal, and of his employees for deliberating damaging his by the victim’s father to Mubarak Al-Kabeer police tim was pronounced dead at the scene, while the hours after his friends lost him while swimming. instead went out of the school. Her parents car. The alleged incident happened at the station officers. The Kuwaiti man gave police the three others were rushed to Jahra hospital. Police and crime scene investigators headed to a came later and expressed their objection to the Mosques Department building in Riggae where information of the suspect; an Iranian man who is location where a person reported in an emer- principal about what happened with their the suspect searched for a senior Ministry of married to his wife’s sister. A case was filed and the Kabd man’s death gency call that a dead body was washed ashore. daughter. They were joined moments later by Awqaf and Islamic Affairs official’s car, then hit it girl was taken to the forensic department for an A homicide investigation was opened into The man was identified as an Asian national, and seven policemen, who asked the principal for three times with his own vehicle much to the examination. Detectives were able to locate the the death of a man discovered at a camel farm in preliminary investigations revealed that he was her civil ID and ordered her to go with them to surprise of the security guards at the place. man in Sulaibiya after detecting his cell phone’s Kabd after Criminal investigators found evidence swimming with his friends the same day but got the police station. The principal called her hus- Waleed Al-Shuwaib, the Assistant Undersecretary signal. He was arrested, taken for investigations of foul play at the scene. The investigators were lost. A case was filed. band, who came over to her office and offered for Mosques Affairs, filed a case at the Andalus and remanded in custody pending procedures to called after paramedics pronounced the 41-year- to go to the police station in her place. News police station after he was told about the inci- be referred to the Public Prosecution. old Bangladeshi man dead at the farm. Medical Officers enter school about the incident reached the Jahra Security dent. Investigations are ongoing to arrest the staff had accompanied police who headed to the Investigations are ongoing to identify seven Director after the principal called Interior suspect and discover the motive after the senior Salmi Road crash scene in response to an emergency call report- policemen who entered a girls’ high school in Ministry officials. The director gave orders to official denied having disputes with any ministry A Saudi woman died and her brother, his wife ing the discovery of a dead body. The body was Jahra without permission. According to the summon the principal in order to identify the employee. Man stabs wife’s lover to death

By Hanan Al-Saadoun alleged killer. The suspect, also Filipino, said that condition did not allow police to question her or he entered his Fahaheel apartment and discov- verify whether she is the killer’s wife. KUWAIT: A man was arrested for killing his wife’s ered that his wife was having an affair with The report did not specify the kind of injuries lover inside his house yesterday. The victim, a another man. He said that he lost his temper, that the woman sustained. Police found alco- Filipino man in his forties, was pronounced dead picked up a knife and stabbed the man to death. holic drinks inside the apartment as well. A case at the scene where police also arrested the The woman was taken to the hospital while her was filed and investigations are ongoing. Paul at Tavern II launches Ramadan Menu

KUWAIT: The Maison De Qualit’ PAUL in its new branch at Tavern II, greets the Kuwaiti community during the occasion of the Holy month of Ramadan and offers a unique mouthwatering menu inspired from the tradi- tion of this month. The authentic French cuisine, worldly renowned for its state of the art diversified menu offers a delicious Iftar with a rich choice Zain provides ‘Machla of tasteful Ramadan specialties. The restaurant visitors will enjoy breaking their fasting with the Ramadan drink the Jallab then indulge Boxes’ to Zakat House themselves with either the red capsicum soup or the traditional lentil soup. KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunica- The company further explained that tions company in Kuwait, announced yes- ‘Machla Boxes’ were distributed through terday its utmost preparation to welcome Zakat House to ensure the maximum num- the Holy Month of Ramadan by providing ber of families’ needs are covered before the food essentials through the distribution arrival of Ramadan. Zain also stated that its of’Machla Boxes’ to Zakat House. This annu- plan to distribute food supplies this year al initiative aims at covering the needs of will extend to cover several entities in addi- underprivileged families in Kuwait by pro- tion to Zakat House, in order to reach out to viding them with essential food supplies in the maximum number of areas in Kuwait. the occasion of the upcoming holy month. Zain affirmed that its Corporate Social Zain explained that it organizes this Responsibility Program during the upcom- charitable initiative annually as part of its ing holy month includes an extensive array extensive Corporate Social Responsibility of programs. The initiatives and programs Program during the month of giving to will focus on helping less fortunate people ensure underprivileged families in Kuwait to enjoy Ramadan happily, as well as cele- have the essential food supplies they need, brating the true spirit the Holy month especially during the time of fasting. brings. Kuwait calls for more efforts against desertification ROME: Kuwait’s delegate to the Food and estimated some 60 million people from Agriculture Organizaiton (FAO) Yusuf Jehail urbran African countries and southern At PAUL, the Ramadan menu will feature yesterday underlined importance of the Sahara would migrate to North Africa and Kuwait favorite meals inspired by his “In Search human factor and environmental aware- Europe by the year 2020. of Perfection”, including the salads of choice ness in the fight against desertification. Jehail called for the collaboration of which varies from the Salade de Patates, a Jehail, also head of FAO’s Near East Group, national, regional and international efforts combination of tasty ingredients of baby pota- said desertification and drought were key to confront desertification, depletion of to, cherry tomato, artichoke hearts, fresh factors in most of the Near East countries. natural resources, cutting of trees and mushroom, asparagus, goat cheese, green sal- Addressing an international seminar abuse of water resources. The Kuwaiti ad, topped up with vinaigrette dressing and over desertification in some Near Eastern envoy cited efforts of regional countries the Salade de quinoa et crevettes with quinoa, filet and a rich assortment of vegetables At PAUL, we offer a delicious Iftar menu in a countries, on occasion of the World’s deser- like the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) plant- boiled shrimp, cherry tomato, grilled marrow, served with rice and the Poitrine de poulet unique atmosphere; said Christian Salloum, tification day, Jehail said desertification and ing of 130 million trees and 22 million palm broccoli, and green beans served with balsam- grille served with pasta, spinach and feta PAUL Senior brand manager. “While designing drought were threatening 68 percent of trees over the past few decades. Kuwait, he ic pesto dressing. cheese. the new Iftar menu, we were keen to cater to total space of the Arab countries. added, planted around 5,000 hectares. He Upon first glance at the menu, visitors alike After a long day of fasting, PAUL treats its the different culinary preferences reflecting a He said the tough environmental condi- also commended Iraq for launching a proj- will also recognize the diversity of the main customers with a Tarte campagnarde aux balanced healthy meal, and we are hoping tions, including drought, were affecting ect with Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia to course matching different tastes including the dattes and a Tarte campagnarde aux noix et we’ve created French twisted dishes that will natural resources. He added that the UN restore biological diversity. — KUNA famous French specialty Boeuf Bourguignon raisins secs with the true taste of the French appeal to everyone during the Holy month of and the Loup de mer grille ,a grilled sea bass pastries! Ramadan. KU needs more post-graduate programs

KUWAIT: Kuwait University (KU) President Fareeda Al-Awadhi said they sought to Dr Abdullateef Al-Bader said Tuesday KU establish solid cooperation with KNPC in was developing new post-graduate pro- different domains particularly the develop- grams to cope with renowned universities ment of human resources. around the world. She said the College of Graduate Studies “For us to reach an international and has 70 programs for masters and 12 for prestigious educational level, we need to doctorate. Ahmad Al-Jeemaz, Deputy CEO review the problems facing KU and then of KNPC’s Mina Abdullah Refinery, said the solve these academic problems,” Al-Bader largest segment of employees were engi- said in a meeting between KU College of neers. Graduate Studies and Kuwait National Cooperation between KNPC and KU’s Petroleum Company (KNPC). He said KU College of Graduate Studies aims at needed to focus more on its post-graduate improving the decision-making of KNPC’s programs. employees who were considering to con- Dean of College of Graduate Studies Dr tinue their studies. — KUNA 1980 coup leaders given life sentences in Turkey

Page 10 THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

In this handout photo released by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency yesterday shows Malaysian marine police officers standing on the deck of a boat with victim’s bodies retrieved from a capsized boat on the outskirts of Banting after an apparently overloaded boat carrying Indonesian illegal migrants sank overnight in seas off western Malaysia. Thirty-seven people remained missing yesterday after an apparently overloaded boat carrying Indonesian illegal migrants heading home for Ramadan sank overnight in rough seas off western Malaysia, killing nine. — AFP Nine dead after boat sinks off Malaysia 61 migrants survive with 35 missing

BANTING: Thirty-five people were believe 97 passengers were aboard tival. Both countries are Muslim- missing yesterday and nine were con- the wooden boat, including some chil- majority. “We believe the boat was firmed dead after an apparently over- dren. Authorities said rescued passen- overcrowded and the sea was rough loaded boat carrying Indonesian ille- gers told them they were returning during the incident,” Mohamad gal migrants headed home for home to Indonesia across the Malacca Hambali said. Ramadan sank overnight in rough seas Strait-the busy shipping lane between Access to survivors was not imme- off western Malaysia. Malaysia and Indonesia’s Sumatra diately available as they have been Officials said 61 people were res- island-for the Muslim fasting month of taken into custody by police. Relatively cued or made it to land by themselves Ramadan. Officials had initially said affluent Malaysia is a magnet for after the accident around midnight the passengers were believed to be migrant workers from poorer neigh- near Port Klang, Malaysia’s largest port, seeking to enter Malaysia. bours such as Indonesia, Bangladesh as authorities intensify the search with “From interviews with those res- and Myanmar. Accidents, however, are nine ships and a helicopter. “Thirty- cued, they said they were returning to frequent as thousands annually risk five people are still missing. We have Aceh (in northern Sumatra). They did the sea journey in rickety boats to seek found nine bodies. They died due to not have any travel documents,” said low-paying work-typically shunned by drowning,” said Mohamad Hambali Mohamad Hambali. Malaysians-on plantations, construc- Yaakup, head of the Port Klang office “As in previous years, many tion sites and in factories. Indonesians of the Malaysian Maritime Indonesian migrants will be leaving often add to the risk by choosing to Enforcement Agency. Malaysia ahead of Ramadan.” Around cross the Malacca Strait in darkness to “Rough seas are making our rescue two million illegal immigrants-the vast avoid detection. operation difficult. But we will contin- majority of them from Indonesia-are Last August a boat carrying more ue the search with rotating teams until estimated to be working in Malaysia. than 40 Indonesians heading home the remaining people are found,” he Large numbers of them annually for Eid-al-Fitr sank off southern said. The boat sank not far from shore, return home to Indonesia ahead of Malaysia. Malaysian authorities called raising hopes that many of the missing Ramadan, which begins around the off a search several days later, with had made it to safety on their own, end of June and will culminate in late seven confirmed dead and 33 still Mohamad Hambali added. Officials July with Eid al-Fitr, Islam’s biggest fes- missing. —AFP 40 Indian construction workers kidnapped in Iraq

NEW DELHI: Unknown assailants have struction workers have been kid- abducted said he had been out of con- kidnapped 40 Indian construction work- napped,” Akbaruddin said. tact since last Sunday. ers from Iraq’s second largest city of Islamist militants have long consid- “His phone has been switched off. Mosul, which fell to Sunni insurgents ered India a target. An al Qaeda video We are tense and are wondering what last week, India’s foreign ministry said released last week called on Indian happened to him,” Gurpender Kaur told yesterday. Muslims to follow the example of Syria TV news channel CNN-IBN. “Until then, The identity of the kidnappers and and Iraq and launch a jihad, or holy war, at least we were able to speak for a sec- the whereabouts of the workers is against the government. ond or two, but now even that is not unknown, foreign ministry spokesman Most of the hostages are from the possible.” Syed Akbaruddin told a news briefing. north Indian state of Punjab and were About 10,000 Indian nationals are No ransom demand has been received. working for a Baghdad-based company working in Iraq, mostly in areas unaf- “The Red Crescent confirmed to us that called Tariq Noor Al Huda, Akbaruddin fected by the fighting between the as per their information, 40 Indian con- said. The sister of one of the men Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the national army. About 100 Indian workers are trapped in areas overrun by ISIL, Akbaruddin said. The Indian government has contact with many of them, including 46 nurses. It has sent a senior envoy to Baghdad to support repatriation efforts. The nurses are stranded in Tikrit, which is under militant control, with many of them holed up in the hospital where they work. Nurses who spoke to the Indian media said they had been treating people wounded in fierce street fighting. The Red Crescent, a humanitar- ian group, has contacted the nurses and is providing assistance, Akbaruddin said. ISIL fighters, who aim to establish a Muslim caliphate across the Iraqi-Syrian frontier, launched their revolt by seizing Mosul, and have swept through the ASKI KALAK: An Iraqi displaced family carries belongings at a temporary Tigris valley towards Baghdad. camp set up to shelter Iraqis fleeing violence in northern Iraq yesterday, in Scores were killed on Tuesday in a Aski kalak, 40 kms west of the Kurdish autonomous region’s capital Arbil. battle for a provincial capital close to Saudi Arabia warned of the risks of a civil war in Iraq with unpredictable Baghdad, and fighting shut Iraq’s consequences for the region, after Sunni militants seized large areas from biggest refinery at Baiji, hitting fuel and Shiite-led government forces. — AFP power supplies.—Reuters p8_Layout 1 6/18/14 9:26 PM Page 1


Iraqi Shi’ite fighters in Syria head home to fight ISIL

BEIRUT/BAGHDAD: Iraqi Shi’ite Muslim Ahmed al-Kinani said the group was music,” said one Jaramana resident. “It’s moment,” said Abu Yazan al-Shami, an the edges of Baghdad and western militias fighting in Syria have started responding to a call from Iraq’s most too soon to know for sure, but it seems activist based in east Ghouta, which bor- Anbar province. Baghdad has been dec- returning home to combat a lightning senior Shi’ite cleric to protect Iraq from their numbers have dropped in the past ders Abassin Square. orated for months with posters of Iraqi advance by Sunni insurgents in their Sunni militants from the Islamic State of few days.” Firas Abi Ali, an analyst at IHS Country militia fighters slain fighting in Syria. own country, an exodus that could Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), who seized While the scale and impact of the Risk, said there was no evidence yet Iraqi Rebels in Syria’s eastern Deir al-Zor affect the balance of power in Syria. Iraq’s biggest northern city last week. redeployment is not yet clear, Syrian fighters were withdrawing from Syria en province along the frontier with Iraq say The movement demonstrates how “Asaib Ahl al-Haq has withdrawn rebels have reported a cooling of clashes masse. Any redeployment would proba- they have seen more flights to Iraq flying intertwined the conflicts in the two from Syria and returned to Iraq as both in eastern suburbs of Damascus, which bly be orderly, with coordination overhead over the past few days. neighbouring countries have become, are religious duties to defend our sacred some attributed to a withdrawal of Iraqi between Iranian and Syrian authorities, “We’re seeing five or six commercial as Sunni and Shi’ite fighters move sites. Now they are fighting ISIL togeth- Shi’ite fighters supporting Assad. limiting the impact on the fight, he airliners crossing into Iraqi air space between them and shifts in battlefield er with our security forces.” On Friday, rebels set off a bomb in a added in a note. “The government will from Syria every night,” said Abu Hamza momentum on one side of the border Estimates of the number of Shi’ite building used by government forces compensate for any redeployment of al Deiri, an activist based in Deir al-Zor. influence the other. fighters in Syria have run in the thou- near several major security sites near Iraqi Shi’ite fighters, using manpower However, some activists doubt the President Bashar al-Assad has relied sands. Residents in Jaramana, a Abbasin Square on the eastern edge of drawn from Hezbollah and other departure of Iraqi fighters will have heavily on Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias Damascus suburb with a heavy presence Damascus - an act that would normally sources,” Abi Ali said. “However, the Iraqi much impact on the conflict which has from Iraq and Lebanon to help turn the of government troops backed by foreign trigger a fierce counter-offensive. fighters’ departure would probably tem- killed more than 160,000 people and tide against overwhelmingly Sunni militias fighting rebels in the nearby dis- Instead, the rebels advanced to take sev- porarily reduce the ability of the Syrian regularly kills 200 more per day. rebels. One of those militias, Iraq’s Asaib trict of eastern Ghouta, say fewer Iraqi eral more buildings the next day. government to mount new offensives “We expect the Iraqis to leave, but I Ahl al-Haq, an Iranian-backed group fighters have been visible lately. “To be honest, even the rebels are and place it on the strategic defensive.” don’t think that will happen massively. which fought U.S. troops during the “We easily differentiate them right surprised at the lack of government Syria’s conflict has raised the profile Plus, Hezbollah is sending more fighters 2003-2011 occupation, confirmed on away from their accents. You can also reaction to this advance. Either (the gov- at home of Iraqi Shi’ite militias, which to make up any shortage in case Iraqis Wednesday that it was pulling some of hear them down the street when they ernment) is preparing for a very power- have been helping the Shi’ite-led gov- withdraw,” Damascus-based activist its fighters out of Syria. Spokesman drive their cars blaring Iraqi Shi’ite ful counterattack, or they’re weak at this ernment fight ISIL for months around Susan Ahmad said. — Reuters Al-Jazeera reporter held in Egypt freed

CAIRO: An Al-Jazeera Arabic service jour- Fahmy, a former producer for CNN and nalist who had been on hunger strike for contributor to other Western media outlets, more than four months to protest his pro- is accused of belonging to the Muslim longed detention without charges in Egypt Brotherhood, a charge he dismisses as has been released in Cairo. baseless. The defendants also include Abdullah Elshamy, 26, walked free late Australian-award winning journalist Peter Tuesday evening to cheers and hugs from Greste and Baher Mohammed, another family members, as well as dozens of Egyptian reporter for the station. friends and supporters. His mother, wife They are charged with providing a plat- and brothers met him outside a police sta- form for the Brotherhood and Morsi. The tion in a northern Cairo suburb. three have been imprisoned since Dec. 29. Egypt’s prosecutor general had ordered Six other Al-Jazeera staffers, including two his release, citing “health conditions” after Britons, are being tried in absentia. 10 months in jail without charges. Elshamy, The case has caused an outcry among once a chubby young man, looked gaunt journalists and rights groups, who say their and frail, and sported a bushy beard as he prosecution was politicized and under- left the station in Nasr City, still dressed in a mines freedom of expression in Egypt. prison uniform. The prosecution was a reflection of the “I have won,” he told reporters, despite tension between Egyptian authorities and A combination of undated family handout pictures made yesterday shows the three Israeli teenagers believed kidnapped by Palestinian mili- pressure from prison authorities to end his the network. The Egyptian government tants, (from L to R) Eyal Yifrach, 19, Naftali Frenkel, 16 and Gilad Shaar, 16.The youths, one of whom also holds a US passport, are students at strike, including keeping him in solitary accuses Al-Jazeera of being biased toward Jewish seminaries in the West Bank, and are believed to have been snatched late on June 12 from an area between Bethlehem and Hebron confinement. “I have lost 45 kilograms (99 Islamists. The network denies the allega- while hitchhiking. — AFP pounds) but I was certain that God will tions against it and its detained staffers. make me victorious.” Elshamy had been held since August His family said they would take him to a without charges when he was swept up hospital. His detention, along with the trial with other protesters following the violent Israel tightens W Bank grip of other Al-Jazeera journalists, was related dispersal of a pro-Morsi sit-in that left hun- to the sweeping crackdown on Islamist dreds dead. supporters of ousted President Al-Jazeera welcomed his coming as Abbas blasts kidnappers Mohammed Morsi since the military over- release. “This is a relief rather than a cause threw him last year. Egyptian officials for celebration. Abdullah has been through accused the network of supporting Morsi’s a terrible ordeal for over 10 months,” the Israel re-arrests former Palestinian prisoners Muslim Brotherhood. The Qatar-based net- statement issued early Monday said. The work denied the allegations. Hours earlier, network called for the release of the three JERUSALEM: Israel further tightened its grip on ty deal was signed in April, ending years of bitter Palestinians, among them 51 who had been a Canadian-Egyptian journalist for Al- other journalists on trial. the West Bank yesterday, arresting another 65 and sometimes bloody rivalry. released as part of the Shalit deal, in a move Jazeera imprisoned in Egypt said he is Fahmy appeared upbeat in the hospital. people, as Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas Pundits have said Israel is seeking to use the hailed by Netanyahu as sending “an important hopeful that Elshamy’s release on medical He said he considered the case a “misun- lashed out at those behind the kidnapping of massive military operation to bring about the message.” Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said grounds means he too will be freed. derstanding” and wished authorities won’t three Israeli teenagers. collapse of the newly formed unity government, the re-arrests were a “clear message that not Mohammed Fahmy spoke from a private let the case continue to harm Egypt’s name. As the hunt for the youths entered its sixth established with the backing of its foe Hamas. only are we taking action to release the boys, hospital where he had a medical checkup Fahmy has been the most outspoken day, there was no let-up in Israel’s drive to deal a but also that when there is an abduction, we on his shoulder, an injury that’s worsened against the charges during his trial. He has crushing blow to the West Bank infrastructure of ‘Unjustified, harmful’ will put those who have been released back in during his six-month imprisonment. submitted letters to the court from such Islamist movement Hamas, which it has blamed “President Abbas’s statements on security jail.” some prominent figures in Egypt, such as for the kidnapping. coordination with Israel are unjustified, harmful Since the searches began early Friday, Confident former Arab League Secretary -General As troops pressed their biggest arrest opera- to Palestinian reconciliation,” Hamas spokesman troops have arrested 240 Palestinians, searched “We are very confident we are going to Amr Moussa, who oversaw the committee tion in years, imposing a tight lockdown on Sami Abu Zuhri said. more than 800 locations and raided 10 Hamas- be next,” said Fahmy as he stepped out of that drafted Egypt’s current constitution. huge swathes of the West Bank, Abbas blasted The Palestinian leader’s remarks in Jeddah run institutions, the army said. the prison car, handcuffed to a policeman. Moussa wrote that Fahmy was “known those behind the teens’ disappearance, saying were also “a psychological blow to the thou- But despite days of intensive military opera- “We have rebuffed everything that they as competent, has integrity and is objec- they were trying to “destroy” the Palestinian peo- sands of Palestinian prisoners suffering a slow tions, there appeared to be no end in sight, brought against us” during the trial. tive.” Fahmy has complained that medical ple. And he defended the security coordination death in the occupation’s jails,” he said, referring with troops focusing on the southern city of Fahmy and two other Al-Jazeera English negligence caused his shoulder not to between the Palestinian and Israel, sparking a to around 5,000 detainees being held by Israel. Hebron and the surrounding area. journalists are on trial for terrorism-related heal. Authorities finally allowed him to furious denunciation by the Hamas. “Those who Although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “They kicked the door in at 7:30 am (0430 charges, the first such case against seek private medical care while in cus- kidnapped the three teenagers want to destroy Netanyahu has directly accused Hamas militants GMT) and told us to get out... If our relatives reporters in Egypt. The verdict in the trial tody. On Tuesday, a new report showed us. We will hold them accountable,” Abbas told a of being behind the kidnapping, the movement didn’t live nearby, we’d have ended up on the that began in February is expected that he would need surgery to fix a frac- meeting of the Organisation of Islamic has dismissed his claims as “stupid”. street,” said Umm Amr, a mother of four who Monday. tured bone. — AP Cooperation in Saudi Arabia. Palestinian militants have long backed a poli- lives in Taffuh village. “It is in our interest to have security coordina- cy of kidnapping Israelis for use as bargaining Meanwhile, the International Committee of tion with Israel, because that would help protect chips to secure the release of prisoners. the Red Cross said it was “intensifying its us,” he said. “We will never have another intifada In October 2011, Israel began the staged efforts” to provide aid to Palestinians during the (Palestinian uprising) — that would destroy us.” release of 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in operation. But the Red Cross warned the opera- Hamas denounced his remarks as “harmful” to exchange for Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier held tion was “fuelling frustration and may trigger a fledgling reconciliation deal between it and in Gaza by Hamas militants for more than five further violence.” the Palestinian leadership, which saw an interim years. So far, there has been no claim of respon- Officials warned the operation could run government of technocrats replace rival admin- sibility for the teens’ disappearance. into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which istrations in the West Bank and Gaza earlier this begins at the end of June. Others said the nor- month. The exchange was the first public sign of Ramadan disruptions likely mal easing of security measures during the a major dispute between the sides since the uni- Overnight, Israeli troops arrested another 65 fasting month could be suspended. — AFP Syria air raid kills nine children in displaced camp CAIRO: Egyptian Al-Jazeera journalist Abdullah Elshamy, who has been on hunger strike, gestures as he speaks to the media outside a police station in Cairo’s eastern BEIRUT: Syrian army helicopter fire killed nine reported. Rebels pulled out of the Old City of and the Levant (ISIL), the same feared jihadist neighbourhood of Nasr City, upon leaving the station a day after the prosecutor gen- children in a camp for displaced civilians near the Homs under a UN-brokered deal in May, after group which has spearheaded the seizure of a eral ordered his release from detention due to his health condition. — AFP Jordanian border yesterday, a monitoring group spending two years under army siege. The missile swathe of neighbouring Iraq over the past week. said. fire came as negotiations for a truce in Waar on the “Residents and some of the students’ families in They were among 12 civilians killed in the air outskirts of Syria’s third city stalled despite hopes the town of Ain al-Arab told the Observatory they 12 sentenced to death raid on the camp near the village of Shajara, south raised by the May agreement. are very worried that ISIL may forcibly recruit the of Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human The Observatory meanwhile expressed concern children and make them carry out suicide attacks Rights said. The youngest of those killed was a girl over the fate of 145 Syrian Kurdish children kid- using vehicles or explosive belts,” the Observatory for killing Egypt officer aged just four, the Britain-based group said, napped late last month by the Islamic State of Iraq said.— AFP adding that seven people were also wounded, CAIRO: An Egyptian judge convicted 12 Morsi. The break-up of the sit-in killed hun- three of them women. Islamists yesterday of murdering one of the dreds, most of them Islamists. “The victims were all civilians, people who had most senior police officers to be killed in The trial had opened in March. Judge fled the violence in other parts of Daraa province,” the country in recent months, sentencing Khafagi referred the ruling to the Grand Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told them to death. The ruling session was aired Mufti, the highest Islamist authority in AFP. live on Egyptian television. As soon as Egypt, to review it before the final decision The air raid comes amid escalating violence in judge Moataz Khafagi read out the sen- is pronounced on August 6. Defendants Daraa province, where rebels have been advanc- tence, the defendants broke out in chants then can appeal. ing in recent months, according to activists. of “God is great” in defiance while pacing Also yesterday, a court sentenced two Nearly half of Syria’s population has fled their around the cage. Only nine defendants men to six months in prison for sexual homes since the uprising against President Bashar were present, with the others were sen- harassment in the first verdict since the for- al-Assad’s rule erupted in March 2011. More than tenced in absentia. mer interim president decreed the wide- three million have found refuge abroad. Gen. Nabil Farrag was shot dead in spread problem a crime. The defendants But around six million more are displaced September during a raid on an Islamist were arrested two weeks ago when they inside Syria, with many living in terrible conditions stronghold in Kerdasa, just outside of Cairo. sexually harassed two women in two sepa- in camps along the borders. On Tuesday night, The raid followed an attack by militants on rate incidents in the Mediterranean city of Syrian government aircraft also bombarded sever a police station, killing 15 policemen and Alexandria. The two men were referred to a Al rebel-held areas of Aleppo province in the mutilating their bodies, in one of the grisli- swift trial. north, keeping up an aerial offensive that has est assaults on security forces. The verdict is part of several measures killed some 2,000 people, including more than 500 children, since January, according to the The militants had taken control of the taken by Egyptian authorities to combat BAGHDAD: In this Friday, June 13, 2014 file photo, Iraqi Shiite tribal fighters deploy with their Observatory. town, near the Pyramids, and attacked the sexual assault and harassment after a string weapons while chanting slogans against the Al-Qaeda-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the The army fired two surface-to-surface missiles police station to apparently avenge a vio- of incidents against women who were cele- Levant, to help the military, which defends the capital in Baghdad’s Sadr City, Iraq. Saudi at the Waar district of Homs, the only area of the lent crackdown on a sit-in of supporters of brating the inauguration of newly elected Arabia and other Gulf petro-powerhouses encouraged a flow of cash to Sunni rebels in Syria central city still under opposition control, activists ousted Islamist President Mohammed President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi.—AP for years. — AP THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 INTERNATIONAL US details 14 killings in Blackwater trial

WASHINGTON: A US government pros- base, they participated in a lie that is accused of first-degree murder. The tos and video, lawyers for the security mind in a war zone to explain their ecutor on Tuesday chronicled for a jury there were insurgents in the area, said other three - Paul Slough, Evan Liberty guards had argued that it was unfair to clients’ actions. the alleged conduct of four Blackwater Martin and Dustin Heard - are on trial for vol- the defendants to show the jury the One expert witness they plan to call security guards accused of killing 14 “That lie that they had begun that untary manslaughter, attempted photograph the prosecution said was of would testify about the use of force in Iraqis and wounding 18 others in down- day would unravel within moments” manslaughter and gun charges. Al Rubia’y. They said the picture was combat situations and the general town Baghdad nearly seven years ago. because two veteran Army officers In the aftermath of the shootings, meaningless without testimony from a threat level in Baghdad at the time of In opening statements at the trial of showed up on the scene to see what Liberty was slapping people on the doctor or a forensics expert. U.S. the shootings. Another expert witness the four guards, Assistant US Attorney T. was going on, he said. back, just as at a football game, Martin District Judge Royce Lamberth said the will testify that certainty or absolute Patrick Martin said some of the victims The State Department hired said. The guards pleaded innocent to all photo alone was evidence that could proof that a perceived threat was dead- were “simply trying to get out” of the Blackwater and Martin said it took four charges. On Tuesday, Martin displayed be shown to the jury. But Lamberth ly or imminent was not required in way of gunfire from Blackwater guards. days for the department to arrive on graphic photos and video of the scene ruled out another photo showing brain order for a contractor to respond with “Fourteen died, 18 injured. For the scene to look into the shootings. He in the Iraqi capital, including a picture matter on the street and blood spatters deadly force. Rather, an individual what?” he said. One component of the said the investigation was pathetic, said to be the face of a motorist prose- on a car window. would need only a reasonable percep- prosecutors’ case is that the Blackwater incomplete, haphazard and that “most cutors said had been shot in the head. On Monday Slatten’s lawyer, Thomas tion, based on all the circumstances of guards harbored deep hostility toward of all it seemed bent on clearing the The victim was identified by the prose- Connolly, said it was “pure imagination” which he was aware. Slatten could be Iraqis and boasted of indiscriminate fir- contractors.” cution as the first victim to be killed in that the photo of the car driver sentenced to life in prison if convicted. ing of their weapons. The State Department did not imme- the shootings, Ahmed Haithem Ahmed amounts to evidence of Slatten firing The other guards face a mandatory Immediately after the shootings at diately respond to an email request for Al Rubia’y. Slatten is charged with first- the shot that killed the driver. Lawyers minimum penalty of 30 years in prison Nisoor Square on Sept. 16, 2007, as comment late Tuesday. degree murder in his death. for the Blackwater defendants are if they are convicted of the gun charge soon as the guards got back to their One of the guards, Nicholas Slatten, On Monday, in a preview of the pho- focusing on self-defense and state of and at least one other charge.— AP

‘Unanswered questions’ Georgia, Missouri carry out executions remain on Benghazi First US executions since botched lethal injection WASHINGTON: Hillary Rodham Clinton says many unanswered questions remain about the deadly 2012 ST LOUIS: A Georgia inmate was executed terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, even as US authorities Tuesday night in the first capital punish- have captured their first suspect in the case. ment in the US since a botched execution Clinton, speaking in separate interviews with CNN in April raised new concerns about lethal and Fox News, said Tuesday she was still seeking infor- injection and intensified the debate over mation on the attacks that killed US Ambassador Chris the death penalty. Stevens and three other Americans and led to numerous Marcus Wellons, 59, received a lethal investigations. But she defended the Obama administra- injection late Tuesday in Jackson, Georgia, tion’s response to the incident and said the State after last minute appeals to the US Department tried to respond to the fast-moving attacks Supreme Court were denied. A corrections that have become a focal point of criticism from official said he was pronounced dead at Republicans. “We want to know who was behind it, what 11:56 p.m. Eastern time. The execution the motivation of the leaders and the attackers hap- seemed to go smoothly with no noticeable pened to be. There are still some unanswered questions,” complications. Clinton said on CNN. “It was, after all, the fog of war.” Wellons’ execution came about an hour The potential 2016 Democratic presidential candi- before that of inmate John Winfield in date addressed the Benghazi investigation and a range Missouri, and a third execution is sched- of issues in the two interviews as part of a promotional uled for Wednesday night in Florida. tour for her new book, “Hard Choices,” about her four Winfield was executed by lethal injection at years as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state. 12:01 am and was pronounced dead at 12:10 am. Central time, a spokesman for Cautious the state Department of Public Safety said. Clinton urged the Obama administration to remain The US Supreme Court had also refused cautious about working with Iran to combat fast-mov- late Tuesday to halt his execution, and ing Islamic insurgents in Iraq. And she said it was unclear Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon denied clemency. whether it would have turned the tide in Syria if the US All three states refuse to say where they had tried to help moderate rebel forces there, as she get their drugs, or if they are tested. MACON: Joseph Shippen, far left, Assistant Rector of the Christ Episcopal Church in Macon, Ga., and Episcopal Bishop Rob once advised. The former first lady’s appearances came Lawyers for Wellons and Winfield chal- Wright, second from left, stand with protestors outside the grounds of the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in hours after the Obama administration announced the lenged the secretive process used by some Jackson, Ga., before the scheduled execution of Georgia death row inmate Marcus Wellon on Tuesday. — AP capture of a Libyan militant suspected in the Benghazi states to obtain lethal injection drugs from attacks. Clinton said the capture showed the U.S. has an unidentified, loosely regulated compound- professor Deborah Denno, a death penalty was living. Later that day, a witness told state claims anyone with an IQ of at least 70 expert, said of this week’s executions. “The police he saw a man carrying what is not mentally disabled; testing has shown “an unwavering commitment” to go after anyone who ing pharmacies. scrutiny is going to be even closer.” appeared to be a body in a sheet. Police Henry’s IQ at 78, though his lawyers say it would attempt to harm Americans. John Ruthell Henry’s execution is sched- found the girl’s body in a wooded area. She should be re-evaluated. A significant portion of the Fox News interview Scrunity Several states have turned to US sources uled last night in Florida. Georgia and had been strangled and raped. Henry stabbed his estranged wife, focused on Clinton’s response to the Benghazi attack, for execution drugs since European compa- Missouri both use the single drug pento- In Missouri, Winfield had been dating Suzanne Henry, to death a few days before reflecting criticism among Republicans that Obama and nies opposed to capital punishment cut off barbital, a sedative. Florida uses a three- Carmelita Donald on and off for several Christmas in 1985. Hours later, he killed her Clinton were disengaged during the incidents and later supplies of certain drugs used in execu- drug combination of midazolam years and fathered two of her children. 5-year-old son from a previous relationship. misled voters about the causes of the attacks. A new tions. Nine executions nationwide have hydrochloride, vecuronium bromide and Donald began dating another man. One Henry had previously pleaded no contest GOP-led House select committee on Benghazi could been stayed or postponed since late April, potassium chloride. night in 1996, in a jealous rage, Winfield to second-degree murder for fatally stab- extend the issue into the next presidential campaign. when Oklahoma prison officials halted the Despite concerns about the drugs and showed up outside Donald’s apartment in bing his common-law wife, Patricia Roddy, The probe could figure into Clinton’s political future if execution of Clayton Lockett after noting how they are obtained, death penalty sup- St. Louis County and confronted her, along in 1976, and was on parole when Suzanne she seeks the White House again; Clinton said during that the lethal injection drugs weren’t porters say all three convicted killers are with two friends of hers. Winfield shot all Henry and the boy were killed. the Fox interview that “I know you and your viewers being administered into his vein properly. getting what they deserve. Wellons was three women in the head. Arthea Sanders Asked Tuesday if he had discussed with have a lot of questions.” But she said the US often sends Lockett’s punishment was halted and he convicted in the 1989 rape and murder of and Shawnee Murphy died. the Department of Corrections what hap- people into dangerous places to represent its national died of a heart attack several minutes later. India Roberts, his 15-year-old neighbor in Donald survived but was blinded. In pened in Oklahoma and if any changes security interests and she didn’t think that should “I think after Clayton Lockett’s execution suburban Atlanta. Soon after the girl left for Florida, the state is moving ahead with the were needed in Florida, Gov. Rick Scott change. “I don’t think we should be retreating from the everyone is going to be watching very school, another neighbor heard muffled execution despite claims that Henry is said, “I focus on making sure that we do world,” she told CNN. closely,” Fordham University School of Law screams from the apartment where Wellons mentally ill and intellectually disabled. The things the right way here.”— AP The interviews also touched on several issues brew- ing in Congress, including investigations into the Internal Revenue Service’s scrutiny of political groups seeking tax-exempt status and efforts to curb gun vio- lence and reform immigration laws.

Investigation Clinton suggested the IRS case could benefit from a “fair-minded” investigation, even though Obama has called it a “phony scandal.” Clinton said, “Anytime the IRS is involved, for many people, it’s a real scandal.” Clinton reiterated her support for expanding back- ground checks for firearm purchases and reinstating the ban on assault weapons. “We cannot let a minority of people - and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people - hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people,” she said on CNN. — AP Biden urges LatAm to take in more Gitmo prisoners BOGOTA: US Vice President Joe Biden, on a four-country trip across Latin America, said he hoped the region would accept more Guantanamo prisoners to help expedite clos- ing the facility, in an interview published yesterday by a Colombian newspaper. “One of the fastest ways to accelerate the closure of Guantanamo is for other countries to agree, in a responsi- ble manner, to receive detainees,” Biden was quoted as saying in the Spanish-language El Espectador. The vice president, who is on a regional tour coinciding with the World Cup, said during his stop in Colombia that closure of the prison remained a high priority for the United States. Uruguay earlier this year agreed to take in five detainees, and the Uruguayan press said that Brazil had also been pressed to do so. In March, authorities in Bogota said they would also consider a request to accept prison- ers. Transfer of prisoners out of the jail-which President Barack Obama has repeatedly vowed to close-has been accelerated in recent months. But 149 detainees still remain in the special prison cre- ated under former president George W. Bush after the September 11, 2001 attacks. US administration officials are actively working to find countries which will take the detainees, as many cannot be sent home because of fears to US security or because they face persecution at home. Biden is scheduled to meet Wednesday morning with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, who was re- elected just days ago in a tight run-off. The meeting will center on the ongoing peace process that Santos’s government has engaged in with the coun- try’s two leftist guerrilla groups. Biden, who met with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff Tuesday, is also scheduled to visit the Dominican Republic and Guatemala. —AFP THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Stubb starts talks to form next Finnish government

HELSINKI: Alexander Stubb, set to election the new government is unlikely The incoming government, however, Rinne favours more for stimulus,” Rinne told Finnish broad- become Finland’s new prime minister, to introduce such major policy changes. will have to address a weak economy, The two biggest parties in the coali- caster MTV3 on Tuesday, while also play- began talks yesterday on forming a Instead, the five parties involved in which has contracted for the past two tion both have new leaders. The Social ing down differences on fiscal policy. coalition government, which is likely to the coalition talks, which are expected to years and many economists doubt the Democratic Party chose Antti Rinne as “We are working together in a good comprise the same five parties as the last two days, will agree a “mini govern- outgoing government’s forecast for their new leader in May, and he became cooperative spirit.” Finland is one of the outgoing one. ment programme”, Stubb said. “Stress is growth this year of 0.2 percent. finance minister this month. Rinne is few remaining triple-A rated countries Stubb, new leader of the centre-right on the word mini,” he was quoted as say- Stubb was tasked with forming the seen continuing in that role in the new in the euro zone, and the Katainen National Coalition party, is set to suc- ing in daily Helsingin Sanomat. next government on Monday after government. The main issue in the coali- government had agreed to cut spending ceed Jyrki Katainen, who is seeking a Defence Minister Carl Haglund also winning the leadership of the National tion talks is how much money to put and raise taxes by 7 billion euros to keep high level job in the European Union. said policies implemented by Katainen’s Coalition party, Finland’s biggest polit- into short-term economic stimulus deficits in check. Katainen handed in his resignation on government would not be overturned. ical party, on Saturday, succeeding measures. Stubb has said that his gov- At the end of last year, Finland’s pub- Monday and is expected to step down “We will not open Pandora’s box in these Katainen. Katainen was nominated ernment will not reopen the budget lic debt stood at 57 percent of gross next week. British and US educated negotiations, but will stick to earlier yesterday as Finland’s candidate to framework agreed by the Katainen gov- domestic product, up from 33.9 percent Stubb, 46, wants to cut taxes and take agreements,” Defence Minister Carl replace EU Economics Commissioner ernment in March. That plan includes at the end of 2008. The finance ministry his neutral country into NATO but with Haglund told Reuters, adding he expect- Olli Rehn, who moves to the European 600 million euros in new stimulus sees it breaching the EU’s 60 percent lim- just 10 months to go before a general ed the talks to wrap up by today. Parliament. spending. “We aim to find new money it this year.— Reuters Tensions mount in Kenya after coast massacres

NAIROBI: Political tensions and anger over grip rule of then President Daniel arap Moi. worsening insecurity mounted in Kenya yesterday in the wake of twin massacres on Finding a ‘scapegoat’ the coast, claimed by Somalia’s Islamist Moses Wetangula, the parliamentary Shebab but blamed by the president on leader of Odinga’s Coalition for Reform and local political networks. Democracy (CORD), told AFP he feared the The assault on the town of Mpeketoni government were “scapegoating instead of late on Sunday and a nearby village the fol- taking action over a serious issue”-the lowing night left at least 60 dead, and were ongoing threat of attacks from militants the worst attacks since last September’s across the border in Somalia. Shebab attack on the Westgate shopping Tensions are already high between the mall in the capital in which 67 were killed. supporters of the key parties, where loyalty Despite an immediate claim of responsi- is largely based on ethnic lines. Earlier com- bility for the latest carnage from the Al- ments by Interior Minister Joseph Ole Qaeda-linked Shebab, Kenyan President Lenku on Monday, in which he criticised Uhuru Kenyatta instead blamed “local polit- “destructive politics and ethnic profiling”, ical networks” along with an “opportunist swiftly sparked riots in Nairobi, as youths network of other criminal gangs”. supporting the government blocked roads The charges have been greeted by scep- with burning tyres in an anti-opposition ticism and confusion-but are also seen as protest. “Instead of forging a united front to raising the spectre of fresh ethnic violence take the war to the criminals, Kenyans, inside Kenya. “The emerging scenario especially on social media, have taken on points to a dangerous political situation each other,” The Standard newspaper that could easily escalate to violence if not warned. On social media, rivals are well managed,” the Daily Nation newspaper exchanging “vitriolic attacks laced with eth- said in an editorial. nic venom and threats to violence”, The Although no names were mentioned, Nation said. Kenyan media said it was clear Kenyatta Muslim leaders have also warned they was accusing opposition leader Raila fear the conflict seen in 2007-2008 could Odinga, a former prime minister and return, the country’s worst wave of violence Kenyatta’s main rival. since independence in 1963. KIEV: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, right, attends a graduation ceremony at the Ukrainian military academy in Kiev, Ukraine, yester- “The president was pointing the finger The situation is “a recipe for sectarian day. The Ukrainian president yesterday announced a plan to end the fighting in eastern Ukraine, promising a unilateral cease-fire after discus- directly, even without mentioning names, and ethnic violence which might be a sions with the Russian and German leaders, a potential major development to bring peace to the country. At left is acting Ukrainian Defense at opposition leader Raila Odinga who... repeat of the tragic events of 2007,” said Minister Mykhailo Koval. —AP has led a series of high-profile political ral- Sheikh Mohammad Khalifa, of the Council lies to press demands for a national confer- of Imams and Preachers. “Kenya cannot ence on problems afflicting Kenya,” the afford action that might be seen as the out- Rebels impose ‘reign of paper said. come of rumours and political propaganda, The Star newspaper also said “the politi- or actions designed merely to muzzle the cal temperature in Kenya has risen to dan- legitimate opposition and all alternative gerous levels”, and called for Kenyatta and voices,” the Daily Nation editorial warned. fear’ in Ukraine, UN says Odinga to meet. “This extremism is leading Shebab insurgents have claimed-and Kenya to disaster, neither side appears will- carried out-deadly attacks on Kenyan soil in ing to back down,” it added. the past, and survivors of the coastal ‘People killed at checkpoints for no reason’ Bitter memories are still fresh in Kenya attacks reported gunmen speaking Somali six years since contested 2007 elections and carrying Shebab flags, executing non- GENEVA: Pro-Russian rebels have imposed a strategic southern province of Crimea and vari- “Some of those released talked about beat- escalated into ethnic conflict in which over Muslims in what they said was revenge for reign of fear in eastern Ukraine, abducting ous other mainly Russian-speaking communities ings, sleep deprivation, poor or inhumane condi- 1,200 people were killed, violence for Kenya’s military offensives in Somalia. scores of real and imagined opponents and sub- in the east after the February ouster of Moscow- tions, sometimes forced labour, including which Kenyatta and his deputy William Kenya also has its own homegrown jecting them to torture, the UN’s human rights tied president Viktor Yanukovych. requests from the so-called de facto authorities Ruto face crimes against humanity charges Islamist militants, as well as a coastal sepa- office said yesterday. Russia has faced international condemnation and armed groups to join their ranks and even- at the International Criminal Court (ICC). ratist group, the Mombasa Republican In a fresh report by its monitors in the con- for annexing Crimea. Tens of thousands, mostly tually be used to abduct more people,” he said. Odinga, who lost out in the 2007 elec- Council (MRC), but the tactics and extreme flict-torn country, the UN office also said hun- Muslim Tatars, have been displaced from the “People have been killed at checkpoints for tions and again in 2013 to Kenyatta, earlier violence seen during recent attacks are dreds had perished in fighting and that the region. no reason other than perhaps not slowing down this month vowed mass protests against unprecedented on Kenyan soil. “It seems rights situation had worsened since it took stock Moscow rejects the criticisms, as well as promptly, or shot because they have brought the government, with the next on July 7, associating these killings with politics was in early May. charges of sending arms and men to the rebels food to servicemen, or been shot by armed the anniversary of protests for multiparty the easy option,” The Standard newspaper “The main problem is in the areas controlled in areas such as the city of Donetsk. groups because they no longer wanted to fight,” democracy in the 1990s against the iron- said. — AFP by armed groups,” said Gianni Magazzeni, a sen- he added. ior official with the UN’s Office of the High Beatings, killings The rebels insist they took up arms to defend Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The OHCHR did not tackle the issue of ethnic Russians against the Right Sector, a hard- “We have a situation of a reign of fear, if not Moscow’s role head-on, but noted that the self- line group within the movement that ousted terror, for those that are caught in those specific declared Donetsk People’s Republic had Yanukoych. locations,” he told reporters. acknowledged the presence of Russian citizens Previous OHCHR reports have rejected that Ukraine launched an offensive in April in an within its forces. argument, and Magazzeni reaffirmed the point. attempt to take back rebel strongholds. In Donetsk and the rebel bastion Lugansk, at “The so-called Right Sector is very small,” he Since then, Magazzeni said, at least 356 peo- least 222 people have been abducted, among said, noting that it mustered two percent of the ple have been killed. The number was based on them monitors from the Organisation for vote in May’s Ukrainian presidential election. a mix of official data and research on the Security and Cooperation in Europe, said “The inability of minorities to be respected is ground. Magazzeni. not an argument that we see in day-to-day life A total of 86 of the dead were Ukrainian ser- At least four people are known to have been or we see corroborated by evidence on the vicemen, including 49 whose transport plane summarily executed and 137 released, he said. ground,” he added. was shot down on June 14. The whereabouts of the remaining 81 Magazzeni noted that Ukraine’s new govern- Magazzeni said the figure of 270 non-military detainees is unknown, he added, noting that ment had swiftly voided legislation restricting fatalities did not break down rebel fighters and testimony from freed individuals raised fears for the official use of Russian, as well as launching civilian victims. The rebels seized control of the their fate. moves to decentralise power.—AFP Spain’s popular prince must charm Catalonia as king MPEKETONI: Friends and relatives of some of those who were killed during Sunday night’s attacks wait to receive the bodies for burial at the morgue in Mpeketoni, about MADRID: Many Spaniards are hoping for a lot pendence mood fuelled by a long recession and dictatorship that followed the brutal civil war of 60 miles (100 kilometers) from the Somali border on the coast of Kenya yesterday. more than polish and glamour from new King perceptions of unfair taxation. the 1930s. After the 1975 death of General Kenya’s top opposition leader Raila Odinga says a statement by the country’s president Felipe VI when he takes the throne today after It cannot hurt that Felipe has studied Catalan Francisco Franco, Spain’s polarised leaders Uhuru Kenyatta that local political networks were responsible for two days of killings his father’s surprise abdication. - the language spoken by 7 million people in agreed to a constitutional monarchy to mollify that left 60 people dead. — AP The new monarch faces daunting expecta- northeastern Spain - setting him apart from rightists. They also created 17 autonomous tions that he can help resolve some thorny polit- most of the Spanish-speaking Madrid-based rul- regions with a promise of significant devolution ical problems - especially a surging independ- ing class. for the separatist-minded Basques and for ence movement in wealthy Catalonia in north- “He can function as a moderator or arbitrator Catalonia. Thirty-six years later, the consensus 1980 coup leaders given eastern Spain - even though his role as head of to help a new consensus emerge on a possible has crumbled, undermined by economic hard state is largely symbolic. constitutional reform, which is very necessary times and high-level corruption. life sentences in Turkey Part of this is because the 46-year-old, who and which I believe should be profound,” said Criminal charges against Felipe’s brother-in- has a degree in diplomacy from Washington Gregorio Camara, a professor of constitutional law - accused of embezzling millions of euros of ANKARA: In a showcase trial aimed at end- influence in Turkish politics, secured consti- D.C.’s Georgetown University and is married to a law at the University of Granada, who led a team public funds - were a major factor in King Juan ing the military’s interference in Turkish poli- tutional amendments in 2010 to revoke their television journalist, is widely popular. that drafted a white paper on constitutional Carlos’ stepping down. Separately, a former rul- tics for good, a court yesterday convicted the immunity. “This verdict should serve as a les- He also has an untainted image that contrasts reform last year for opposition Socialists. ing People’s Party (PP) treasurer is in jail on only two surviving leaders of the country’s son to those who have non-democratic with that of his father and other members of his bribery, money-laundering and other charges. 1980 military coup of crimes against the desires,” opposition legislator Aytun Ciray family. New Constitution? Still reeling from the euro zone crisis and bat- state and sentenced them to life imprison- told NTV television. But some constitutional experts and politi- Spain’s 1978 constitution was the fruit of a tered by crippling unemployment, Spaniards are ment. Evren was initially regarded as a hero by cians are hoping the new king will use behind- delicate consensus on stability after the long in a feisty mood.—Reuters Kenan Evren, 97, the military chief of staff many Turks because the Sept. 12, 1980, mili- the-scenes influence to push Prime Minister who led the takeover and went on to serve as tary takeover stopped the fighting. But he Mariano Rajoy and opposition leaders into president until 1989, and Tahsin Sahinkaya, was later accused of condoning the chaos in reforming Spain’s 1978 constitution to resolve the 89-year-old former air force chief, had the years before the coup and using it as an the Catalan crisis by redesigning relations been on trial since 2012. They are the first excuse for the military to step in and restore between autonomous regions and the central coup leaders to be prosecuted in the country order. He shut down Parliament, suspended government. where the military has overthrown three the constitution, imprisoned civilian leaders “The new king could push in some way a con- governments since the 1960s and pressured and disbanded political parties, then quit the stitutional reform to help to legitimise the an Islamic-led government to quit in 1997. military but became president until 1989. monarchy more fully,” said Joaquin Tornos, a law The 1980 military takeover stopped dead- Some 650,000 people were detained in professor at the University of Barcelona. ly fighting between political extremists but the upheaval and 230,000 people were pros- Felipe - whose father King Juan Carlos lost also led to a wave of executions, torture and ecuted in military courts, according to official favour after going on a secret elephant hunting disappearances. The two men - who did not figures. Some 300 people died in prison, trip at the height of Spain’s financial crisis in attend the trial because of ill health and testi- including 171 who died as a result of torture. 2012 - could use gestures, conversations and fied by video link from their hospital beds - There were 49 executions, including that of consultations to push dialogue, Tornos said. will immediately appeal the verdict, their 17-year-old. Testifying in 2012, Evren As constitutional monarch, he is seen as the lawyer Burak Baskale told The Associated described the coup as a necessary act that he only player who could break a stand off between Press. would repeat under the same conditions. He Catalan leader Artur Mas - who vows to hold a Their prosecution was made possible said Turkey’s military was forced to intervene vote on independence in November - and Rajoy, after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s because of politicians’ incompetence in the who pledges to block the vote. MADRID: A woman hangs a Spanish flag on her balcony in front of the Royal Palace in Madrid, government, intent on burying the military late 1970s. — AP Mas has tapped into a growing Catalan inde- Spain, yesterday, a day before 46-year-old Prince Felipe will be proclaimed king today.—AP THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 INTERNATIONAL 2 US drone strikes kill five militants in Pakistan

MIRANSHAH: At least five militants killed,” a local security official in logue process with the Pakistani violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and area in the crackdown on the Taleban were killed in two separate US drone Miranshah told AFP. The identities of Tehreek-e-Taleban (TTP) aimed at end- territorial integrity” in a foreign office and other militants. strikes early yesterday in a northwest those killed in the strikes were yet not ing a seven-year insurgency that has statement. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has tribal district where Pakistan has this clear, the official said. claimed thousands of lives. Leaked documents have shown deep urged Afghanistan’s leader Hamid week launched a major military offen- The attacks took place just minutes However the nascent peace process cooperation over drone attacks in the Karzai to help seal the border in the sive. apart. Two drones fired four missiles in was shattered when the Taliban past, but they remain controversial, mountainous tribal area between the Local security officials said six mis- the first strike, then a third drone fired a launched an attack on the airport in with critics charging they cause many two countries to stop insurgents escap- siles hit three compounds in Dargah further two missiles in the second Karachi on June 9 that left dozens dead. civilian casualties. ing the offensive. Mandi village in North Waziristan, attack, the official said. Another senior The US resumed the programme last Some 2,171 people have been killed Air strikes early Tuesday targeted around 10 kilometres (six miles) west of security official confirmed the strike and week, days after the Karachi attack, with in drone attacks since August 2008, three Taliban strongholds in the town the main town of Miranshah in an area told AFP that a vehicle parked in one two strikes in the same village of according to an AFP tally. of Mir Ali in the North Waziristan considered a stronghold for the Al- compound was also hit, adding the Dargah Mandi, killing at least 16 mili- Pakistan’s army launched its long- region, killing 25 of the militants, Qaeda-linked Haqqani network. death toll could rise. tants. Islamabad condemned those awaited military offensive-a standing according to official statements, raising “US drones fired six missiles which Washington reportedly suspended strikes, despite suspicions the two demand of the United States-on the total insurgent death toll to 201. hit three separate compounds in two its drone programme in December to countries coordinated in the aftermath Sunday, a week after the Karachi attack, The figure could not be independently villages, at least five militants have been give Islamabad time to pursue a dia- of the Taliban siege, branding them “a deploying troops, tanks and jets to the confirmed. — AFP Afghanistan election in peril over Abdullah’s fraud claims

KABUL: Afghan presidential election complaints. Abdullah, a former resist- Front-runner calls foul candidate Abdullah Abdullah yester- ance fighter and foreign minister, Karzai, Ghani and the IEC made no day demanded a halt to vote-count- believes fraud denied him victory in immediate response to Abdullah’s lat- ing over fraud allegations, taking the the 2009 presidential race, and has est allegations. Ghani’s campaign country to the brink of a political cri- often said that only ballot-rigging team has been defending their candi- sis during its first democratic transi- could stop him from winning this date on Twitter since Abdullah first tion of power. time. made fraud claims late Sunday. Abdullah ramped up his com- Counting the votes is due to take “We reject and condemn any vote plaints over alleged fraud in weeks, pitching Afghanistan into a of fraud,” Ghani’s camp said on Saturday’s run-off election by accus- period of uncertainty as the NATO Tuesday. “We let the respected ing his opponent Ashraf Ghani, out- combat mission ends this year and Election Complaints Commission going President Hamid Karzai and the the aid-dependent economy falters. investigate and pursue all the com- Independent Election Commission The preliminary result is on July 2, plaints.” (IEC) of all being involved. before the official complaints period The two candidates went through A smooth election was seen as a begins, and the final result is sched- to the run-off vote after coming top key test of the 13-year international uled for July 22. Abdullah raised the in the eight-man election on April 5, military and aid effort to develop prospect of United Nation playing a when Abdullah secured an easy win Afghanistan since the fall of the role in breaking the impasse, but it is with 45 percent against Ghani’s 31.6 Taleban regime in 2001. unlikely to embrace the suggestion. percent.—AFP But Abdullah’s statement on Wednesday fuelled a growing dispute that could trigger instability as the bulk of US-led troops withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of the year. “We suspend engagement with BANNU: Pakistani civilians, fleeing from a military operation in North Waziristan tribal agency, arrive in Bannu dis- the (election) commission and we trict yesterday. Pakistan eased a curfew in a tribal area to allow civilians to flee a major offensive against the have asked our monitors to leave Taleban, signalling a likely escalation in the campaign as the US hit the militants with drone strikes. — AFP their offices,” Abdullah said. “We are asking for the counting process to be stopped immediately.” Over 30,000 flee Pakistan He added that “everybody knows... that unfortunately the president of Afghanistan was not impartial” offensive against Taleban and that some ballot boxes were stuffed with votes the day before the second-round election. Registration points, camps set up The arguments erupted despite pleas from the United Nations and BANNU: Over 30,000 people fled a few was lifted to let people flee before killed in the military operation cannot the United States for Abdullah and major military offensive against the a more concerted ground operation. be verified, and some residents who Ghani to give officials time to conduct KABUL: Afghanistan’s presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah, center, pre- Taleban in a Pakistani tribal area yes- “Miranshah and Mir Ali have have fled the area spoke of civilian the count and adjudicate on fraud pares himself for a news conference in Kabul, Afghanistan, yesterday. —AP terday, after authorities eased a cur- already been cordoned off. Ground casualties from aerial bombing before few in a sign the campaign is likely to troops will move in after civilians the offensive officially began on intensify. move to safe places,” the official said. Sunday. Aziz-ur-Rehman, a 42-year- The military has deployed troops, “First, ground troops will enter in old teacher at a school in Mir Ali, fled tanks and jets in North Waziristan on major towns and will then move the town riding on the bonnet of a the border with Afghanistan, in a towards the suburban areas,” after truck. long-awaited crackdown on the strengthening their positions. “It’s like doomsday for people in Taleban and other militants in the “We will then go to the villages and Mir Ali, where death is everywhere tribal area. to the mountains,” he added, saying since Saturday,” he told AFP, accusing Adding to the pressure on the the operation would continue until the military of killing numerous civil- insurgents, two US drone strikes hit every militant had been eliminated. ians. “They start the day with artillery compounds in the area early yester- A second security official in the shelling early in the morning. Gunship day. The military eased a curfew in northwest confirmed the details. helicopters come for shelling during parts of North Waziristan to let civil- the day and jets strike at around 2:00- ians leave, indicating a new and more Drone strikes 2:30 in the night.” intense phase of the anti-militant At least five suspected militants He said the onslaught killed two drive in which ground forces will play were killed in two separate US drone children in his neighbourhood and a greater role. missile strikes in North Waziristan, left a third girl badly wounded. Tens of thousands of people had according to local officials. Rehman was one of around 9,000 already fled the operation, which the Strikes in the tribal area a week ago people who arrived in Bannu on military says has killed more than 200 ended a nearly six-month pause in Wednesday, according to Arshad militants, and a fresh exodus is under Washington’s controversial drone Khan. Many streamed into the town way. “Some 30,000 people arrived in campaign against militants in carrying their possessions-quilts, Bannu from Mir Ali town of North Pakistan. Coming just days before the buckets, mats, water coolers, even Waziristan since this morning,” Arshad launch of the full-scale Pakistani mili- livestock and family pets. One family Khan, director general of the FATA tary operation, they also triggered talk even brought three parrots in a cage. (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) of collaboration between the US and As they left North Waziristan and Disaster Management Authority, told Pakistan. entered Khyber Pakhtunkhwa AFP. Khan said 92,000 people have Amir Rana, the director of the Pak province, people were issued with now fled North Waziristan since the Institute of Peace Studies think-tank, military began air strikes against the said he believed the latest strikes were ration packs containing biscuits, tea, Taleban last month. a further indication of cooperation. sugar and milk. Most have gone to the town of “What level (was the cooperation) Thousands of people have also fled Bannu, just across the border from and did Pakistan request it for a spe- across the border into the Gorbaz dis- North Waziristan in neighbouring cific target? That has to be seen,” Rana trict of Afghanistan’s Khost province, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and a told AFP. Islamabad has condemned according to local officials there, and traditional haven for those fleeing vio- previous drone strikes as a violation of are being given food and aid. lence in the tribal area. its sovereignty, and did so again last Pakistan’s military launched the Registration points and camps week-although leaked documents offensive-a longstanding demand of have been set up to deal with the have shown cooperation on them the United States-on Sunday, a week influx of people, but most prefer to with the US in the past. after an attack on Karachi airport travel on to stay with relatives in other claimed by the Taleban killed dozens areas. A senior security official in ‘Like doomsday’ and marked the end of a troubled northwest Pakistan told AFP the cur- The number and identity of those peace process.— AFP Muslims demand UN probe into Sri Lanka religious riots

BERUWALA: The main Muslim party in leaders from both sides. denied them visas to enter the country. Sri Lanka’s ruling coalition yesterday Hundreds of troops were deployed But there is an opportunity now for the demanded a UN probe into one of the to help police after the extremist government to demonstrate its bona country’s worst-ever religious riots, as Buddhist Force, or BBS, marched in fides and allow the two UN experts to President Mahinda Rajapakse toured neighbouring Alutgama on Sunday, come here and start an investigation,” the violence-hit resort region. with clashes breaking out as it claimed Hakeem said. The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress its procession was stoned by Muslims. The minister spoke with reporters as (SLMC) said it was also boycotting par- At least four people were killed and police announced they had arrested 49 liament yesterday as a protest against nearly 80 seriously wounded, while people-both Buddhists and Muslims- Colombo’s failure to rein in a hardline dozens of homes, businesses and vehi- overnight. Buddhist group widely accused of cles were torched, with violence spread- sparking the clashes. ing to Beruwala on Monday. Islamic body urges action Justice Minister and SLMC leader “I will get the military to help you “We have already arrested 49 and Rauf Hakeem told reporters Rajapakse’s rebuild your homes and shops,” remanded 25 of them and further administration was at fault for letting Rajapakse said, adding that he will hold arrests will take place today,” police the bloodshed escalate. an impartial inquiry. Residents had com- spokesman Ajith Rohana told AFP. “We are convinced that the govern- plained that the authorities did little to The 57-nation Organisation of the ment did not do anything to prevent stop the violence. Islamic Cooperation urged authorities to the violence against the Muslims,” said The president made no reference to investigate and take action against Hakeem, who is the most senior Muslim the SLMC demands to allow two UN those responsible. in Rajapakse’s cabinet. Rajapakse, who experts the Special Rapporteur on free- OIC secretary general Iyad Madani was visiting Bolivia when the violence dom of religion or belief and the Special said he hoped “every possible effort broke out, travelled to the resort region Rapporteur on minority issues-to visit would be exerted by the Sri Lankan of Beruwala shortly after his return to the island. authorities to prevent a further escala- the island and met local community “The government has for some time tion of violence”.—AFP THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Australia tightens conditions for overseas aid

SYDNEY: Australia announced yesterday and work in partnership with countries, spending was meeting targets. billions we invest in aid,” Bishop said. water management; governance; educa- it would place greater restrictions on for- particularly in the Pacific,” Bishop told the Where value-for-money targets were The new conditions would vary coun- tion and health; humanitarian assistance; eign aid to recipient countries, with a Australian Broadcasting Corporation. not met, investments that did not show try-to-country, she added, and would and the empowerment of women and larger role for the private sector and At least 20 per cent of Australia’s improvements within a year would be ensure aid spending was accountable to girls. One precondition would be that at increased scrutiny of women’s rights. annual aid spend by 2020 will be in the cancelled, according to the report. taxpayers and “inform future funding all aid investments must assess gender Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said an form of “aid for trade”, by which projects Bishop, who became the nation’s top decisions.” issues, with at least 80 percent focused annual budget of Aus$5 billion (US$4.8 directly linked to exports receive fund- diplomat with the election of conserva- The government’s budget unveiled in on support and empowerment of billion) to countries such as Indonesia ing, from 12.5 per cent currently, accord- tive Prime Minister Tony Abbott in May froze foreign aid at its 2013/14 level women. Papua New Guinea, which will and Papua New Guinea would focus on ing to a foreign ministry report. September, said the reshaping was also of US$4.8 billion for the next two years, receive more than US$467 million from “aid for trade”, decreasing the budget for “We will work with countries to ensure aimed at encouraging private partner- ahead of a planned cut in 2017/18. More Australia this fiscal year, has a very poor a more traditional one-way corridor of that they understand what is required ships in aid programmes. than 90 percent of funding will be record on violence against women donations. and they understand the concept of “We can’t keep doing what we’ve focused on Australia’s regional neigh- according to rights groups. “We want to be economic partners, mutual obligation,” she said, referring to always done and expect a better out- bours, Bishop said. Australia also provides assistance to we want to move away from the old the introduction of so-called “perfor- come; we’re not getting the outcomes Aid will focus on six areas-infrastruc- nations in Africa, Latin America, the stereotype of aid donor/aid recipient, mance benchmarks” to assess whether we should expect from the billions and ture and trade; agriculture, fisheries and Middle East and the Caribbean. — AFP Aquino to visit Japan as China tensions mount

MANILA: Philippine President Benigno Japan and the Philippines, former World Aquino will visit Japan next week, with War II enemies, have been drawn closer in rows over China’s territorial ambitions like- recent years as they have tackled their ly on the agenda, his office said yesterday. parallel disputes with China. Aquino will meet Japanese Prime When Abe visited Manila in July last Minister Shinzo Abe during the one-day year, he pledged Japan’s help in strength- trip on June 24, in another move to deep- ening the Philippines’ maritime defence en ties as the two nations have endured capabilities. increasingly hostile disputes with China Part of that equipment was a promise over rival maritime territorial claims. of 10 patrol boats for the Philippines’ The tensions will “likely” be a topic of poorly-equipped coast guard, which is on discussion when the leaders meet, the frontline of trying to monitor China’s Aquino’s spokeswoman, Abigail Valte, told increasing presence in contested waters. AFP, although she did not want to give fur- The dispute between the Philippines ther details until an official agenda was and China is over competing claims to determined. parts of the South China Sea. China claims In a statement announcing the trip on nearly all of the sea, including waters close Tuesday evening, the Philippine foreign to the coasts of the Philippines and other ministry also indicated the China tensions claimant countries. would be discussed, while referring to a The Philippines has lodged repeated “strategic partnership” between the two protests in recent years over China’s grow- nations. ing military and civilian presence on “The meeting is an opportunity for the islands and in waters within what it con- two leaders to exchange views on recent siders its exclusive economic zone. regional developments and to discuss Most recently, the Philippines has areas of cooperation to enhance the accused China of creating artificial islands Philippines-Japan Strategic Partnership,” on tiny islets and reefs, possibly as a prel- the statement said. ude to building military installations. Aquino will also deliver a speech on the Meanwhile, relations between Japan Philippine government’s efforts to end a and China have plummeted over their HANOI: Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi (L) and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung (R) attend a meeting in Hanoi yesterday. decades-long Islamic insurgency in the competing claims to the Japanese-con- Beijing’s top foreign policy official began talks with Vietnamese leaders in Hanoi yesterday over China’s stationing on an oil rig in disputed south of the country, as it seeks to imple- trolled Senkaku islands in the East China waters, which sent the two countries’ relations plunging to their lowest point in decades. — AFP ment a peace pact with the Moro Islamic Sea. Liberation Front signed this year. Japan last week summoned the Japan hosted secret talks between Chinese ambassador after a near miss Aquino and MILF leader Murad Ebrahim in involving fighter jets from the two nations Beijing tells Hanoi to stop 2011, which later became recognised as a near the islands, which China calls the key moment in igniting the peace push. Diaoyus. —AFP ‘hyping up’ sea dispute ‘China is not sincere to solve maritime dispute’

HANOI: Beijing’s top foreign policy official yes- ly heated territorial dispute, with each side Beijing says four Chinese citizens died. terday slapped down Vietnamese claims to dis- claiming the other has engaged in aggressive Hanoi has since moved to muzzle public puted waters, in talks aimed at pulling relations behaviour against its ships, including by ram- protest as it seeks to reassure nervous foreign back from their lowest point in decades. ming them. investors that the country is a safe place to do State Councillor Yang Jiechi met Vietnam’s The dispute has brought relations to their business. The United States called the deploy- Foreign Minister and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan lowest point since a border war in 1979. Yang ment of the rig in contested waters “provocative” Dung in Hanoi for the first high-level talks was previously China’s foreign minister. But he and Dung, Vietnam’s prime minister, has between the neighbours since early May, when moved up to the State Council, the country’s announced Hanoi is considering legal action vessels from both sides collided near a Chinese cabinet, last year, making him more powerful against China. oil rig anchored in contested seas. than the current foreign minister. Hanoi-based diplomats say privately it is The incident prompted deadly anti-China unlikely Vietnam would follow through on this riots in Vietnam and an evacuation of nationals ‘China is not sincere’ threat as any legal action could lead to econom- by Beijing. Yang told Vietnam that it had to “stop Vietnam’s communist leaders have struggled ic retaliation by Beijing, which would hit Vietnam its disturbances against China’s operations, stop to balance strong domestic opposition to hard. hyping up the relevant issue”, and deal with the China’s unilateral moves in the South China Sea China is Vietnam’s largest trading partner and fallout from riots targeting foreign businesses, with their traditionally friendly ties with a fellow the standoff over the rig has already affected Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua communist country. some local companies, which rely on cheap Chunying, told reporters in Beijing. Nguyen Trong Vinh, a former Vietnamese Chinese imports, forcing them to diversify their During the talks Yang “stressed that the Xisha ambassador to Beijing said he was surprised by supply chains. (Paracel) Islands are China’s inherent territory” Yang’s visit as previous Vietnamese attempts to “China has the upper hand and Councillor and said the current difficulties in the relation- initiate high-level bilateral dialogue had been Yang will certainly hint at what might happen ship were due to Vietnamese “illegal distur- rebuffed. economically if bilateral relations are not MANILA: Daniele Bosio (C), an Italian diplomat detained in the Philippines for bances”. Even so, “China is not sincere in wanting to patched up,” said Vietnam expert Carl Thayer. alleged child abuse, is escorted by Philippine policemen as he arrives for a court Vietnam claims the Paracel Islands, known as solve the maritime dispute”, he said, adding But the broader issue at stake is “China’s hearing in Binan City, Laguna province, south of Manila yesterday. A Philippine court Hoang Sa in Vietnamese, which China seized Beijing likely just wanted to do some damage unanswered challenge to the Obama postponed the arraignment of an ailing Italian diplomat detained for allegedly abus- from then-South Vietnam in 1974 in a period of repair to its international reputation. Administration”, which has repeatedly called on ing three children in a case closely followed in the Asian nation. — AFP turmoil shortly before the end of the Vietnam “They want to reduce international pressure Beijing to end incursions into disputed waters, war. and stop the bad press (but) they will not stop he added. There was no immediate reaction from their policy of encroachment in the East Sea,” he The Philippines has recently protested Vietnam but analysts said the hard line taken by said, referring to the South China Sea. what China describes as reclamations in reefs Yang means the talks are highly unlikely to yield Anti-Chinese riots sparked by Beijing’s dis- within its exclusive economic zone, including ‘Racist’ maid advert a breakthrough. The two sides have spent the patch of the deep-sea rig claimed three Chinese in one it fears Beijing intends to convert into draws anger in HK last month trading accusations in the increasing- lives in Vietnam last month, according to Hanoi. an airstrip. —AFP HONG KONG: A “racist” insurance types that are hurting so many peo- Philippines seeks quick commercial depicting a male Chinese ple?” added Marcin Rutecki. actor as a Filipina maid has drawn out- Hong Leong Insurance (Asia) rage on social media in Hong Kong, expressed regret and said its advertise- with groups representing the city’s ment was not intended to be discrimi- ruling on suit with China domestic helpers calling for an apolo- natory on grounds of race or gender. gy. Aimed at the employers of Hong “Nevertheless, we have taken action MANILA: The Philippines wants an years. Even with the pending legal most of the disputed waters since ensure the safety of aircraft using the Kong’s 300,000 maids, who mainly hail to withdraw the said advertisement as international tribunal to issue a deci- challenge, China has continued to ancient times. gravel strip, air force officials said, from the Philippines and Indonesia, we sincerely do not wish to upset any sion as quickly as it can on a Manila expand and fortify its claims, includ- Filipino air force officials, mean- after the Chinese foreign ministry the domestic helper insurance advert member of the public,” it said in a complaint that questions the legality ing reclaiming land in disputed reefs while, said Wednesday they plan to said the Philippines planned to con- for Malaysia’s Hong Leong Bank shows statement. of China’s massive South China Sea that can be turned into offshore mili- repair a portion of a partly-eroded struct a “world-class” airport on the the Chinese actor wearing dark orange The row comes weeks after contro- claims because the disputes continue tary bases, possibly with airstrips, del airstrip on a Philippine-occupied island, called Pag-asa by Filipinos and to escalate. Rosario said. island in the disputed Spratly Islands, Zhongye by the Chinese. The island is make-up and a curly wig as he plays versy over a Hong Kong school text- Foreign Secretary Albert del In early May China deployed an oil adding that preparatory dredging home to a small Filipino village and is clumsy maid “Maria”. book, which critics said encouraged Rosario said late Tuesday that the rig guarded by dozens of escort ships work may start this year so ships car- the second-largest in the area. Taiwan “I think they should make a public children to racially stereotype their Philippines would ask its lawyers to in waters also claimed by Hanoi, rying construction materials can dock occupies the biggest island in the apology,” Eni Lestari, spokeswoman for neighbours. petition the Arbitral Tribunal in the igniting sea confrontations and anti- there. The repairs are meant to Spratlys. —AP the Asian Migrants’ Coordinating Body, The book asked children to match Hague, the Netherlands, to issue an China protests in Vietnam. told AFP, describing the ad as “very nationalities to the “appropriate” job earlier ruling after China said it would The tribunal has given China until racist”. description-such as Indonesian for not get involved in the case, which Dec. 15 to submit written arguments “You are making comedy out of domestic helpers, or Japanese for sushi should shorten the arbitration pro- and evidence against the Philippine someone, out of a community,” she restaurant owners. ceedings. “I am hoping we could get complaint, but Beijing said it would said. “For (Hong Kong residents) it’s The case of Indonesian maid something by next year ... because not join the arbitration proceedings. funny, but what they don’t realise is Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, who allegedly China is not participating and Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan also what’s funny is actually racist.” She endured a months-long torture cam- because the situation is getting have had overlapping territorial questioned why the bank did not hire paign by her Hong Kong boss, has put worse every day in the South China claims in the South China Sea which someone from Indonesia or the a spotlight on the working conditions Sea,” del Rosario told reporters. have sparked confrontations. There Philippines to play the maid. faced by the financial hub’s domestic After China took effective control have been fears the conflicts, includ- Others took to Twitter and Facebook workers. of a disputed shoal, the Philippines ing a dispute between Japan and to blast the advert. “You guys should Her employer, a 44-year-old moth- early last year started the tribunal China in the East China Sea, could really take down that ad and apologise er-of-two, is on trial and last week process that questioned the validity spark an armed conflict, although for it... it’s really not appropriate for a denied all the charges against her. under international law of China’s so- analysts say a major fight is unlikely. professional representation of your Amnesty International last year con- called “nine-dash line” claim, a rough The Philippines recently sought a demarcation of its territory on its offi- moratorium on construction and oth- financial services,” Kahlil Stultz wrote demned the “slavery-like” conditions cial maps that virtually envelopes er expansion activities in the disput- on the bank’s Facebook page. faced by some of the city’s domestic MANILA: In this June 5, 2014 file photo, Philippine Foreign Affairs most of the South China Sea. ed areas by rival claimant countries, Secretary Albert Del Rosario talks to the media following a news con- “Why do you have to solidify the helpers and accused authorities of Philippine officials have said a tri- but China has dismissed that, insist- omnipresent racial and cultural stereo- “inexcusable” inaction. —AFP ference at the ASEM (Asia Europe Meeting) Conference on Disaster bunal decision may take three to four ing it has had sovereign rights over Risk Reduction and Management in Manila, Philippines. — AP



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Focus Nile Delta under threat from illegal building

By Maggie Fick and Mahmoud Mourad

n the Nile Delta province of Qalubiya, lifelong residents remember the days when lush farmland stretched as Ifar as the eye could see. Today, their view is marred by unfinished brick tenement buildings with metal rods jut- ting into the sky - signs of the growing problem of illegal construction in Egypt’s agricultural heartland. The unli- censed building is more than an eyesore - it threatens plans by the world’s top wheat importer to cut its costly imports bill by growing more locally. Scarce farmland has been eroded for decades by relentless population growth and urban sprawl, and the pace of unlicensed building exploded since 2011 when Crisis sounds death knell of centralized state the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak led to a securi- ty vacuum. The Agriculture Ministry estimates that some By Sammy Ketz John Drake, an expert on Iraq with British security group expert on the Iraqi oil sector. “The political, economic and 30,000 feddans (acres) have been lost each year to unli- AKE, was asked if Iraq could remain united. “I don’t think it’s energy future depends on the ability of the different con- censed construction in the past three years, up from lightning offensive by Sunni militants may have impossible, but it is highly unlikely,” was his verdict. “The de stituents of the Iraqi polity to pull the country together, 10,000 feddans before the revolt. Around the Qalubiya sounded the death knell of a centralized Iraq, say facto internal borders have changed, and I think they are before the ship sinks completely,” she said. The Kurdish land town of Kaha, about 50 km north of Cairo, residents are Aanalysts, who suggest the country, at best, may sur- likely to solidify into de jure borders over the coming years.” grab, she added, “is a recipe for eternal instability.” building new homes on farmland on the outskirts of town vive as a federal state. In just a week, an insurgency spear- The UN envoy to Baghdad, Nickolay Mladenov, described in areas where crops such as wheat and corn or fruits and headed by the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant the crisis as “life-threatening” for Iraq and the region as a Americans ‘Destroyed the State’ vegetables used to be grown. (ISIL) has laid bare the country’s sectarian and ethnic divi- whole. Arthur Quesnay, from the Institut Francais du Proche In May 2003, Paul Bremer, US President George W Bush’s Farmers like Omar Mahmoud saw an opportunity in sions. The state of Iraq, in its modern form, was created in Orient, said he believes Iraq can remain whole, but only if it viceroy in Iraq, led a campaign that dissolved the army, the breakdown of law and order after Mubarak was top- 1920, and has always been a patchwork of ethnicities and adopts federalism. “Iraq can survive as one country, but throwing out thousands of troops and officers. Many of pled to build an enclosed pen for his livestock on his own religious confessions. Its population is mainly Shiite Muslim with a federal or confederal system after negotiations and a them then joined a Sunni insurgency against the new gov- land without interference from police or the local govern- Arab, but the large Sunni Arab minority dominated the consensus between Baghdad and other actors. The consti- ernment, and have now become part of ISIL or are allied ment. Although he now faces a lawsuit and the threat of country since independence in 1932 until Saddam Hussein tution allows this,” said Quesnay. “Most Arab Sunni actors, with it. Researcher Quesnay said: “The Americans destroyed fines, he says he is considering building a larger structure was overthrown in the US invasion of 2003. including the insurgents, are nationalist. They want power the state and kicked off the country’s sectarian decomposi- for his family on the land. Local farmers eke out a subsis- There is also a sizeable minority of Kurds. Thrown in to to be shared in a more balanced way, and they also want tion. Now, all political actors must rely on their ethnic or tence living on land they inherited from their fathers, but the mix, are ethnic Turkmen, Christians of all stripes and political autonomy in their regions.” sectarian background to enter the political scene. Prime some are fed up with the ever-rising costs - and diminish- other minorities. The Kurds, who straddle the borders of All the experts agree that the current crisis is rooted in Minister Nouri Al-Maliki failed to act as a national political ing returns - of their trade. “Farming no longer helps me Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria, have for a century fought to the 2003 invasion. “The Americans dismantled Iraq’s institu- leader, and has relied instead on sectarianism, marginalis- get by,” said Mahmoud, standing amid the rice patties he have a state of their own, and have taken advantage of the tions, but Maliki will go down in history... Iraq lost its geo- ing the Sunni elites who have found themselves with their just planted after harvesting his wheat crop last month. current crisis by seizing the oil-rich area of Kirkuk. graphic integrity on his watch,” said Ruba Husari, a top backs against the wall.” — AFP “I’d rather build on it, or sell it off if someone offered me a Meanwhile, leading Shiite clerics have reacted to the Sunni good price.” offensive by making a call to arms, raising fears of all-out civil war. Influx From Towns Fanar Haddad, a research fellow at the Middle East Pressure on the land was noted by President Abdel Institute of the National University of Singapore, said that, Fattah Al-Sisi during his election campaign last month, “at least from a Kurdish perspective, Mosul was definitely an when he proposed that the state build cities in the desert, irreversible turning point”. That was a reference to Iraq’s sec- relieving demand on the thin ribbon of farmland which ond city that fell to ISIL control last week. “Kirkuk was seen runs alongside the River Nile and the Delta north of the as one of Iraq’s most intractable problems and it was effec- capital. The Nile Delta is the one of the most densely pop- tively resolved overnight thanks to ISIL and company,” ulated parts of the country of 86 million people, and Haddad told AFP. The Kurds, who have had their own Egypt’s breadbasket. The vast majority of Egypt’s wheat autonomous region within Iraq since 1991, have long laid production comes from the Nile Delta and Valley. claim to Kirkuk, as its energy resources would enable them Landowners in the Delta are not just building for them- to enjoy total economic sovereignty. selves. Some families moving out of the increasingly expensive cities are buying new homes on converted There’s no Going Back farmland for less than the price of a small flat in town. The Iraqi Kurds’ premier has said it will be “almost impos- Near Mahmoud’s freshly harvested wheat fields, a new sible” for Iraq to return to how it was before last week. In an neighbourhood of recently built mud brick homes is fur- interview with the BBC, Nechirvan Barzani said he believed ther evidence of the influx of residents from the towns. autonomy for the Sunni areas might be the best solution. Abdel Latif Sabr, 65, was living in a small flat with his three Haddad says partition of any kind remains a thorny subject sons and their growing families before he moved to a in Arab Iraq, and that the “conflict between Sunni and Shiite four-room home in a district that was, until two years ago, political actors has been about control of the whole rather a fruit farm on the edge of wheat fields. “God blessed us than separation”. That said, ISIL has a broader objective - and gave us this complete life,” he said as proudly ges- creating an Islamic state incorporating vast tracts of Iraq tured to the bedroom where some of his 12 grandchildren and neighbouring Syria. Haddad says, after recent events, sleep. Sabr fears fines from the local government and pos- “never before has the prospect of partition of Arab Iraq Kurdish peshmerga forces fire missiles during clashes with militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant sibility of eviction, but says there has been no word from been more of a possibility.” (ISIL) jihadist group in Jalawla in the Diyala province on June 14, 2014. — AFP the authorities since six months ago when he was told by the city council that it was bringing a lawsuit against him. Amsterdam revolts against Holocaust memorial Buildings Dynamited Authorities in the Delta provinces where lush fields hug the Nile river have stepped up efforts to confront the By Nicolas Delaunay broken by what happened at Auschwitz. The Auschwitz to stop the plan. illegal buildings, but have struggled to keep up with the Committee says that the new monument complements The head of the Auschwitz Committee, Jacques pace. New neighbourhoods spring up as others lie in msterdam residents fearing the loss of a popular the old one, but Wolkers’ widow disagrees. “This is an idi- Grishaver, said he regretted that the project might now not ruins, evidence of a dynamiting campaign that has inten- park have rejected a multi-million-euro Holocaust otic idea that completely denatures my husband’s work,” be completed in 2015, the 70th anniversary of the end of sified in recent months, according to Abdul-Mohsen Al- Amemorial by famed US architect Daniel Libeskind, Karina Wolkers told AFP. “The idea is that the surrounding World War II, but that he respected the decision. “It’s impor- Essily, the top local official in the town of Kaha. “The forcing officials to rethink the plan. A district council in the trees reflect in the broken mirrors, if you take the trees tant that the democratic process is respected,” Grishaver extent of infringement (on farmland) since the (2011) rev- city voted on Tuesday to send the project back to the draw- away to make a new monument, it no longer makes told AFP. “If residents feel they haven’t been involved in the olution exceeds the total amount during the 30 years of ing board after residents complained that the city had sense,” she said, adding that she was ready to go to court project, then we have to give them that.” — AFP Mubarak, given the lack of police presence,” he said. backed the project without having properly consulted “There must be a deterrent to building on agricultural them. “We’re not opposed to the idea of building a monu- land through punishment,” he said, flipping through a ment, it’s a good idea in itself, but it makes no sense build- notebook with handwritten destruction orders. ing it here. The park’s just too small,” local resident Marja While it is unclear if the public demolitions and the Ham told AFP. sight of whole neighbourhoods lying in ruin is deterring The five-million-euro ($6.8-million) monument is a proj- further construction, experts say the process could pre- ect of the Dutch Auschwitz Committee, which hopes to dis- vent efforts to reclaim farmland. Between the clearing of play the names of 102,000 Jews and 220 members of the land for building, the construction of brick and cement Sinti community deported to Nazi death camps during structures and their subsequent destruction, the land los- World War II. Funded through donations, the “Path of Light” es its agricultural value, says Cairo University agronomist maze-like memorial is designed by Libeskind, master-plan- Gamal Siam. Restoring it for agricultural use is difficult and ner of the new World Trade Centre’s reconstruction in New takes years, he said. “If the current rate of farmland loss York’s Lower Manhattan and the Jewish Museum in Berlin. continues, in 50 years or so, we will have lost every piece Libeskind and the Committee had hoped for the of our agricultural land.” — Reuters 1,000-sq-m monument to be completed in 2015, built in Amsterdam’s central 7,500-sq-m Wertheim Park, in an old Jewish neighbourhood near the Jewish Museum and the Portuguese synagogue. But residents have complained All articles appearing on these that the monument will take up too much space in the pages are the personal opinion of popular park, which already has a monument to the vic- tims of the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz, and the writers. Kuwait Times takes no they are worried about the impact of the expected 200,000 responsibility for views expressed annual visitors. therein. Kuwait Times invites read- They are also concerned about the number of trees that ers to voice their opinions. Please will need to be cut down. “We’re happy that the council has now decided to send the project back,” resident Florine send submissions via email to: opin- Boucher told AFP. “That’s much better than just pushing [email protected] or via snail the project through and imposing it,” she said. “We hope mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. that the project will change.” The Auschwitz memorial already in the park, designed The editor reserves the right to edit by Dutch artist Jan Wolkers, was put there in 1993 and is any submission as necessary. made up of broken pieces of mirror covering around 10 Visitors of the Wertheim Park point to a banner opposing plans for a second Holocaust monument in the park in sq m of the ground, a depiction of how the heavens were Amsterdam yesterday. — AP NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

Iraq appeals for US air strikes Gulf countries struggle with Iraq ... Continued from Page1 ment of Maliki, will only contribute to “escalate political ten- Continued from Page1 community for failing to support more moderate rebels sion and jeopardise security”. “The only way to salvage Iraq and from the Free Syrian Army and implicitly accused Gulf However, Secretary of State John Kerry has said drone protect its territorial integrity and stability is through adopting “They all hate Maliki and they all hate Iran, they want to nations of backing ISIL in a speech to a gathering of leaders strikes could be used. a consensual national approach that brings (Iraqis) together see it play out,” one US official said. from Islamic countries in the Saudi city of Jeddah on Maliki vowed on television that “we will face terrorism and and does not exclude” any party, the UAE ministry said in a In phone calls this week with the leaders or foreign minis- Tuesday. “Some leaders believed they could use terrorists as bring down the conspiracy,” adding that “we will teach (mili- statement carried by WAM state news agency. ters of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab hired mercenaries but suddenly found themselves stuck tants) a lesson and strike them.” He also said the country’s The UAE statement said it “reiterates strong condemnation Emirates, US Secretary of State John Kerry heard a chorus of with terrorists who used the opportunity to advance their security forces, which wilted in the face of a major militant of the terrorism of ISIL which killed scores of innocent Iraqis”. disapproval for any kind of US military operation to help own interests and agenda,” Jarba said. Free Syrian Army offensive that overran all of one province and chunks of three But it said that the UAE “believes that the way out this bloody Maliki, such as airstrike or train-and-equip missions, accord- fighters have been battling Islamic State forces in eastern more in a matter of days last week, had suffered a “setback” tunnel will not be through more exclusionary policies and sec- ing to US officials familiar with the conversations. The offi- Syria, trying to hold back their advances there. but had not been defeated. Maliki security spokesman tarian approaches.” Speaking in Vilnius following talks with cials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were The ISIL has emerged as one of the most radical factions Lieutenant General Qassem Atta later said security forces Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius, the UAE Foreign not authorized to publicly discuss the private exchanges. in Syria’s civil war and its priority, more than ousting Assad, would retake by today morning full control of Tal Afar, a Shiite Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan also slammed Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia’s Cabinet put out a state- has been to achieve its dream of a cross-border “Islamic emi- town in the north that lies along a strategic corridor to Syria. Iraq’s policies towards Sunni Arabs. “We’ve seen this during ment blaming the insurgent explosion on Maliki’s govern- rate” in the region, starting with Iraq and Syria. Even before That would provide a base from which to launch operations to Saddam Hussein; now we are seeing this during the current ment’s marginalization of the Sunni minority - “the sectarian ISIL swept over Iraq’s second largest city, Mosul, a week ago, recapture Mosul. government, where one segment of the society is totally and exclusionary policies practiced in Iraq over the past Gulf nations began to worry the group is too uncontrollable, With regional tensions rising, Iranian President Hassan ignored,” he said. years.” Iraq’s Cabinet replied Tuesday with a furious state- too ambitious and a potential threat to their rulers, who Al- Rouhani said the Islamic republic “will do everything” to pro- The unrest “carries warning signs of a civil war with unpre- ment of its own, accusing Saudi Arabia of fueling ISIL’s rise Qaeda and other radicals have long said should be toppled. tect Shiite shrines in Iraqi cities against the militant assault. dictable consequences for the region,” Saudi Foreign Minister and of “appeasement to terrorism.” It said it holds the king- ISIL “not only targets Kuwait, but the entire region,” And Saudi Arabia warned of the risks of a civil war in Iraq with Prince Saud Al-Faisal said at the opening of an Islamic bloc dom accountable for “the resulting crimes, which are tanta- Kuwait Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah said, unpredictable consequences for the region, while the United meeting in the Red Sea city of Jeddah. Prince Saud renewed mount to genocide.” adding that Gulf nations must “protect our internal front”. Arab Emirates recalled its envoy to Baghdad. A UAE foreign Saudi accusations that “sectarian policies of exclusion” of Iraq’s The ISIL’s surge in Iraq is in part a blowback from the Gulf Governments began reining in their support for rebels earli- ministry statement voiced “serious concern” about “exclusion- Sunni minority implemented by Maliki’s government were countries’ policies in neighboring Syria, where they have er this year. Saudi Arabia has warned its citizens they will be ary and sectarian policies that marginalise essential compo- responsible for the violence. This paved the way for countries backed the Sunni-led rebellion in hopes of toppling another prosecuted if they fight abroad and labeled the ISIL a terror- nents of the Iraqi people,” in reference to the Arab Sunni with “bad intentions” towards Iraq “to go ahead with plots of Iran’s allies, President Bashar Al-Assad. With government ist organization. minority. threatening its security, stability, national unity and sense of consent, influential and even state-linked Sunni clerics in In Qatar, one of the most prominent clerics supporting The UAE warned that the policies of the Shiite-led govern- Arab identity,” he said. — Agencies the Gulf in recent years urged men to join rebels in Syria and Syrian fighters, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, has not been on drummed up donations for the Syrian cause in campaigns the pulpit for months. In Kuwait, Nayef Al-Ajmi, who held in mosques, online and on TV. The funds went to numerous the posts of justice minister and Islamic endowments minis- Midday work ban puts focus on labor... Syrian rebel factions, but some are believed to have gone to ter, resigned in May after the US Treasury accused him of extremist ones like the ISIL. having a history of promoting jihad in Syria, though the Continued from Page1 er, in implementing those laws - which look very good on David Cohen, of the US Treasury Department, put the government insisted his activities were “charitable, religious paper, look humanitarian, reasonable and up to interna- amounts raised in the hundreds of millions. Some of that and humanitarian”. Despite initiatives like the midday work ban, Gulf tional standards - we see little to basically nothing,” he went to legitimate humanitarian purposes, but much went Fundraising clerics complain that they are now being countries resisted voting in support of the new interna- said. the rebels, including extremist groups, Cohen - who is the told not to raise money for any Syrian rebels. “Right now tional standards to prevent forced labor. The non-profit organization visited labor camps in under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence - said there is a siege. All the Gulf countries that were supportive An overwhelming 437 delegates supported the proto- Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia over the past six months in a speech earlier this year. He did not provide more precise have barred that support,” Kuwaiti cleric Nabil Al-Awadi col, but among the 27 that abstained from the vote were and released a report Tuesday entitled “Slaving Away: figures. He said Kuwait has become “the epicenter of angrily said on his TV program. Awadi, who is part of a col- the energy-rich Gulf nations of the United Arab Emirates, Migrant Labor Exploitation and Human Trafficking in the fundraising for terrorist groups in Syria.” He said money is lective fundraising campaign for Syria by Kuwaiti charities, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The ILO Gulf.” Most migrant workers come from poor villages and being raised in Kuwait and Qatar for ISIL as well Al-Qaeda’s has been accused by other prominent clerics in the United says forced labor generates $150 billion in illegal profits towns in Yemen, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, affiliate in Syria, the Nusra Front. The US State Department Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia of using donations to fund annually, and that $8.5 billion of that is from the Middle Bangladesh and Nepal. They leave their families for years said Monday there is no evidence of Gulf governments ISIL. “Pressure has been put on me to stop collecting aid to East. The highest amount, more than $50 billion, was in in search of low-wage work as construction workers, driv- themselves funding ISIL. Syria,” he said, adding that directives from the Kuwaiti gov- the Asia-Pacific region. ers, cleaners and domestic help. They send tens of bil- The head of the Western-backed Syrian opposition coali- ernment “were clear: Syria is over.” But he said money is still The “kafala” or sponsorship system for migrant work- lions of dollars in remittances to their home countries tion, Ahmad Jarba, angrily denounced the international finding its way through back channels. — AP ers is among the most controversial in the Gulf. It ties annually and are allowed to return for a visit once every their legal status to a sponsoring employer, and can few years. require an employer’s written permission before a worker Domestic workers in the Gulf, who hail largely from Khorafi also welcomes investigation changes jobs or leaves the country. Qatar has been under the Philippines and the Horn of Africa, are also not afford- extra international scrutiny due to its stringent kafala sys- ed adequate legal protections, according to rights Continued from Page1 include an independent international investigation to tem as it prepares construction projects for the 2022 FIFA groups. Many work as live-in maids seven days a week guarantee that people responsible should be held World Cup. Bahrain is the only country in the Gulf that and are exposed to physical and sexual abuse. The UAE The lawsuit came after the opposition last week accountable without delay. The statement also called allows migrant workers to join trade unions. It also allows recently drafted a law that would guarantee its 750,000 revealed what it claimed documents showing huge for keeping suspect officials away from the investiga- migrant workers the right to change jobs while in the domestic workers one day off per week, their salaries transfers of public funds into foreign accounts including tion, which should be carried away from authorities country. paid in cash every month and a written contract from one in Israel. The total amount of funds involved in the who are suspected to be involved and who have However, the executive director at Americans for their employer. Abdulla said the current situation of allegations exceeded $50 billion. already taken a position on the issue. Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, Husain migrant workers in the Gulf amounts to “modern day The Islamic Constitutional Movement (ICM) yester- Like other opposition groups, the ICM called for sack- Abdulla, said the kafala law is rarely implemented and slavery”. “The idea is to put fear in these migrant workers. day joined other opposition groups in calling for an ing the government and dissolving the National employers find ways to punish workers who want to quit No one speaks up and everyone works as a robot,” he international investigation into the scandal. ICM, the Assembly. It also called for undertaking real and funda- by withholding their salaries and passports. “One thing said. “The migrant workers have built these countries and political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, said the alle- mental reforms that would guarantee that such abuse Gulf countries are good at passing is legislation ... howev- for them to be treated this way is just obscene.” — AP gations made so far require urgent measures that of public funds is not repeated. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 SPORTS

Ghana midfielder McIlroy to represent Ireland Ashraful gets fixing ban CORK: Rory McIlroy says he will represent Ireland at the 2016 Olympic DHAKA: Former Bangladesh captain Mohammad Ashraful and ex-New Zealand extends Milan deal Games in Rio de Janeiro, putting an end to speculation that he may batsman Lou Vincent were handed lengthy bans from all forms of cricket yesterday have chosen to play for Great Britain instead. for their roles in a Twenty20 match-fixing scandal. A special tribunal set up to inves- ROME: Sulley Muntari has signed a one-year extension to his contract The 25-year-old two-time major winner was born in Northern tigate claims of corruption in the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) announced with AC Milan, the Ghana midfielder agreeing to a deal that keeps Ireland and could have represented both Ireland at Britain when golf that Ashraful was banned for eight years and ordered him to pay a fine of one mil- him at the club until 2016. returns to the Olympic stage for the first time since 1904. lion taka ($12,820) after he admitted match-fixing. “AC Milan communicates that Sulley Muntari has renewed his con- “I see this as a continuation of what I have always done,” he was Vincent was banned for three years for failing to report approaches to fix match- tract until June 30, 2016,” the club said in a statement yesterday. reported as saying on Wednesday ahead of the Irish Open at the Fota es. A third former international, Sri Lanka’s Kaushal Lokuarachchi, received an 18- Muntari signed a permanent deal with Milan before the start of Golf Club in Cork. “I have been thinking about it a lot. I don’t know if it is month ban for the same offence. Shihab Jishan Chowdhury, an owner of last season after joining on loan from local rivals Inter Milan in because the World Cup is in Brazil and I was thinking a couple of years the league’s reigning champions Dhaka Gladiators which employed January 2012. down the line. “I was thinking about all the times I have played for Ashraful, was banned for 10 years and fined two million taka for The 29-year-old scored five goals in 26 league Ireland as a boy and everything. For me it is the right decision to play being party to an effort to fix a match. Shakil Kasem, one of the appearance for Milan last season as the Serie A for Ireland.” McIlroy, who recently split from his fiancee, Danish tennis three-member tribunal which handed down the sentences, said giants floundered, finishing in eighth place and player Caroline Wozniacki, had earlier said “he would probably play for the bans would be effective anywhere in the world. “The charges missing out on European football for the first Great Britain”, and in 2013 suggested he may miss the tournament alto- against the four were brought in accordance with the ICC’s (International Cricket Council) anti-corruption code,” Kasem told time since 1998. Muntari played the full 90 min- gether to avoid controversy over any decision. AFP. “As a result, during the ban period, they’ll be barred from utes in Ghana’s dramatic 2-1 loss to the United “I was always very proud to put on the Irish uniform and play as an amateur and as a boy, and I would be very proud to do it again,” he playing and all sorts of cricketing activities anywhere in the States in a World Cup Group G fixture in added. “Just because now that I’m playing golf for money and I’m a pro- world.” The ban on Ashraful, 29, is backdated to May last Brazil on Monday, a match decided by a fessional, I’m supposed to have this choice or this decision to make, year when the one-time prodigy tearfully admitted hav- John Brooks header four minutes from where if you look at the rugby players, you look at cricketers or hockey ing helped fix matches in the tournament, which has time. — Reuters players, they view Ireland as one, the same as we do in golf. —Reuters been tainted by scandal since its inception. —AFP Yankees trounce Blue Jays

NEW YORK: Masahiro Tanaka gave up a home run to Jose Reyes on the first pitch of the game, then earned his major league-high 11th victory as the New York Yankees beat Toronto 3-1 Tuesday night for their 14th straight home win over the Blue Jays. Brett Gardner hit a two-run homer off the right- field foul pole and the Yankees sent the AL East lead- ers to their seventh loss in 10 games. Tanaka (11-1) struck out 10 in six innings and left with an AL-best 1.99 ERA. The Japanese rookie has made 14 starts this season - he’s gone at least six innings in every outing and never permitted more than three earned runs. Dellin Betances worked two innings and David Robertson closed for his 17th save. Pitching about 50 miles from his Long Island hometown, Blue Jays rook- ie Marcus Stroman (3-2) threw 98 pitches in 3 2-3 innings on a sticky night.

RED SOX 2, TWINS 1 Lewis Hamilton in action in this file photo. Brock Holt scored both Boston runs, Jon Lester weathered a shaky start and pitched six-plus strong innings as the Red Sox held off Minnesota. Hamilton targeting Lester (8-7) has a winning record for the first time this season. The Red Sox have won two straight and four of six. After needing 33 pitches to get out of the Austria Formula One first inning on a hot, muggy night at Fenway Park, Lester settled down and took a shutout into the sixth. AUSTRIA: Lewis Hamilton is ready to take Australian Daniel Ricciardo took his first F1 He left with one out in the seventh after striking out an unfamiliar bull by the horns this week- victory ahead of what amounts to a home six and holding the Twins to one run, four hits and a end as Austria’s revamped Red Bull Ring race for the team. walk. Edward Mujica pitched the ninth and earned his returns to the Formula One calendar after The short but scenic track, in the south- second save. Phil Hughes (7-3) took the loss for the an 11-year absence. ern Styrian mountains, remains largely the Twins, who have dropped four straight. The Mercedes driver, a teenager when same as the old A1 Ring and is set to be a Austria last hosted a grand prix in 2003, big celebration of motorsport in Austria PHILLIES 5, BRAVES 2 needs to win at Spielberg to rein in champi- with every living Austrian F1 driver taking Ryan Howard homered and Kyle Kendrick won onship-leading team mate Nico Rosberg part in a legends parade. consecutive starts for the first time in 11 months for after the blow of retirement in Canada 10 How much of a celebration it will be for Philadelphia. The Phillies, winners of two straight and days ago. Red Bull remains to be seen. “We’re going to six of eight, got a solid start from Kendrick (3-6), who “I’ve never driven the circuit but I’ve have a lot of home support. There’s still a had gone 2-11 in his previous 20 starts since last Aug. been working on it in the simulator and I’m gap to Mercedes, we are working on closing 11. Kendrick allowed six hits and two runs with one sure I’ll learn it pretty quickly when we get that down,” team principal Christian Horner walk and six strikeouts in seven innings. out on track,” the 2008 world champion said said after Montreal. Atlanta has lost seven of 11 and 13 of 21. Ervin in a team preview. “To have a race at the Red Bull Ring as Santana (5-4) continued to struggle, giving up eight “It’s always exciting to go to a new ven- Red Bull Racing - with that comes a bit of hits and four runs with three walks in six innings. ue, so it should be an interesting weekend. pressure but it will be fantastic to perform Santana, who struck out five, is 1-4 with a 6.17 ERA in his last seven starts. I’m feeling good in the car right now and I’ll in front of effectively a home crowd.” be pushing flat out to come away with max- Quadruple world champion Sebastian BREWERS 7, DIAMONDBACKS 5 imum points this time around.” Vettel has driven the circuit on a number of Jonathan Lucroy homered twice, including a grand With Rosberg finishing first or second in occasions but only four current drivers - slam in an eventful seventh inning, to lead Milwaukee every race so far this season, while Hamilton Jenson Button, Fernando Alonso, Felipe past Arizona. has retired twice, the German now has a 22- Massa and Kimi Raikkonen - have raced Lucroy’s slam to center came on Brad Ziegler’s first point lead as the championship arrives at there in Formula One. delivery after Arizona reliever Evan Marshall was eject- Red Bull’s home track for the eighth race of None have won and only Raikkonen has ed for hitting Ryan Braun with a pitch. Marshall (2-2) 19 this year. stood on the podium. The last winner at the took the loss, facing three batters without getting an Hamilton may have to win another four track was Michael Schumacher, the seven out after relieving starter Mike Bolsinger, who was races in a row, as he did earlier in the year, times world champion who is now in hospi- called up from Triple-A Reno earlier in the day. just to regain the upper hand if Rosberg tal in Switzerland after recently emerging Lucroy had a solo homer in the sixth. Aramis stays that consistent. from a coma following a ski accident at the Ramirez also hit a solo shot for the Brewers. Kyle Lohse NEW YORK: Yankees Mark Teixeira hits a seventh-inning RBI single in a baseball game against “There is a long, long way to go. I caught end of last year. (8-2), who had hit three batters all season, plunked the Toronto Blue Jays at Yankee Stadium. — AP up before and I’ll catch up again,” said the Schumacher also had one of the most two in his six innings, apparently leading to retaliation rallied against Brian Schlitter (2-2). Marlins rookie David Wright hit his first homer since May 28, and Briton, who started the season with a retire- controversial wins of his career at the circuit by Marshall. Lohse allowed four runs, three earned, reliever Sam Dyson (1-0) pitched 1 1-3 scoreless Lucas Duda also connected for the Mets, who have ment in Australia that left him 25 points in 2002 when Brazilian team mate Rubens and six hits. innings for his first career win. lost 11 of 14. Mets manager Terry Collins batted the adrift. “It’s going to take another four wins Barrichello was ordered to let him pass pitcher eighth with Eric Young Jr. hitting ninth for the to make the difference so I’m going to do despite dominating the race. MARINERS 6, PADRES 1 ORIOLES 7, RAYS 5 second straight game in an effort to stimulate the Robinson Cano hit a two-run homer and Jesus my best to get those results.” Mercedes Of the newcomers, McLaren’s Danish Chris Davis hit a replay-delayed grand slam to lead offense. During the 14-game slump, the Mets have Montero got his first big league homer in more than a motorsport head Toto Wolff was not dis- rookie Kevin Magnussen and Toro Rosso’s Baltimore past Tampa Bay. Davis was awarded a slam scored two or fewer runs seven times. Daisuke year to help Seattle sweep a two-game set with San off Erik Bedard (3-5) during a five-run third-inning Matsuzaka worked a scoreless seventh inning in relief counting that possibility. “Obviously, Nico Russian newcomer Daniil Kvyat are those Diego. Roenis Elias (6-5) allowed three hits and struck now holds an increased gap at the top of with the freshest experience having raced after a video review showed his drive struck the foul of Mets starter Jonathon Niese (3-4). out six without a walk in seven strong innings. pole. He reached second base on an opposite-field the championship but Lewis is a fighter and there last year in the Renault 3.5 World Dominic Leone and Danny Farquhar each pitched an shot down the left-field line. The review that lasted 1 WHITE SOX 8, GIANTS 2 I have no doubt that he will come back Series and Formula Three respectively. inning in relief. Cano’s fourth home run of the season minute, 18 seconds revealed the ball hit the pole a few Gordon Beckham and Dayan Viciedo hit two-run stronger than ever,” he said. “It’s a very cool place - it’s a circuit where gave the Mariners a 4-1 lead in the fifth and was feet above the wall, and Davis was given a home run. home runs, John Danks pitched effectively into the you never really get to rest in the cockpit enough to chase San Diego starter Eric Stults after the The Orioles also got a two-run homer from Steve seventh inning and the White Sox snapped a four- HOME RACE because the track is always going some- inning ended. Stults (2-9) allowed four runs, six hits Pearce. Sean Rodriguez and Desmond Jennings game losing streak. Mercedes have been dominant this sea- where,” said Magnussen. “Every lap is a real and a walk. homered for Tampa Bay, which is 5-16 in its last 21 The slumping White Sox had managed a total of son but Austrian-owned Red Bull broke adrenaline rush because the corners never games. six runs during their skid. Viciedo, who was just 2 for their winning streak in Canada when stop coming.” — Reuters ROYALS 11, TIGERS 4 The Rays pulled within 5-2 in the bottom of the 23 on the homestand coming in, went 2 for 4. His Alex Gordon and Mike Moustakas homered as part third when Rodriguez and Jennings hit consecutive fifth-inning blast ended a stretch of 51 at-bats without of a seven-run second inning, and Kansas City took solo homers off Miguel Gonzalez (4-4). an RBI. Danks (6-5) settled down after a somewhat Boks skipper to set caps over first place in the AL Central with its ninth straight slow start and gave up two runs - one earned - and victory. Gordon and Moustakas hit two-run shots off NATIONALS 6 ASTROS 5 five hits in 6 1-3 innings. In his last five starts, the left- Max Scherzer, and Kansas City has won the first two Anthony Rendon doubled twice and drove in three hander is 3-1 with a 1.51 ERA. milestone in Wales test games of this four-game series emphatically. The runs, and Washington opened a six-game homestand Hunter Pence went 2 for 4 with a home run for the Royals, who trailed the Tigers by seven games after a with a win over Houston. Giants, who have dropped four straight and seven of CAPE TOWN: Victor Matfield will become he’s also been a great interim captain, May 20 loss, now lead Detroit by a half-game atop the Ryan Zimmerman added two doubles and two eight. Giants starter Matt Cain (1-5) allowed eight runs the most-capped South African player of with Jean de Villiers out injured.” division. RBIs as the Nationals snapped a four-game losing - seven earned - and 10 hits in five innings. all time when the giant lock leads the Scherzer (8-3) yielded a career high-tying 10 runs streak. Tanner Roark (6-4) pitched five innings in win- in four-plus innings. Yordano Ventura (5-5) allowed Springboks in the second test against BOTHA RESTED ning his third straight start. Rafael Soriano worked the REDS 6, PIRATES 5 three runs and eight hits in seven innings. Wales in Nelspruit on Saturday. Van der Merwe, who was given last ninth for his 14th save. Houston’s Jose Altuve returned Todd Frazier led off the ninth inning with a to the lineup, going 4 for 5 with two doubles and two tiebreaking homer, lifting Cincinnati past Pittsburgh When he takes to the pitch, the 37- weekend off to attend his brother’s wed- ANGELS 9, INDIANS 3 year-old will beak the record of 2007 ding, will play alongside his Bulls team RBIs. He was limited to one pinch-hitting appearance after the Reds’ bullpen blew a three-run lead. Mike Trout homered twice and drove in four runs, in the last three games after being hit on the right Frazier’s team-leading 16th home run to center World Cup-winning skipper John Smit mate Matfield after Meyer opted to rest and rookie Matt Shoemaker remained unbeaten as a hand by a pitch. Dallas Keuchel (8-4) came in 6-1 with field came off closer Jason Grilli (0-2) and gave the with his 112th appearance for the side as veteran Bakkies Botha, who was not even starter as Los Angeles beat Cleveland. a 1.33 ERA over his last seven starts, but struggled Reds third fifth win in six games. Cincinnati (34-35) South Africa look to wrap up the two-test named on the bench. Trout’s three-run homer in the fifth broke a 3-all tie with his command. also got within one game of .500 on its ninth try. series with another thumping win. “I’ve always preferred to stick with a and capped a four-run inning. He added a leadoff Billy Hamilton had three hits and two stolen bases Matfield will lead a side that has two winning combination and the changes to homer in the seventh. The two-time All-Star was 3 for DODGERS 4, ROCKIES 2 for the Reds, while Joey Votto had two hits and three changes from one that scored five tries in the team were both part of our planning,” 5, extending his hitting streak to 12 games, and has Hanley Ramirez homered before leaving with a RBIs. Frazier, Brandon Phillips and Ryan Ludwick beating the Welsh 38-16 in Durban last Meyer added. reached base safely in 35 of his last 36 contests. hand injury, and Zack Greinke pitched Los Angeles to added two hits apiece. Logan Ondrusek (2-2) pitched weekend. “The backline really performed well Shoemaker (4-1) allowed two runs in a career-high a win over Colorado. Matt Kemp also went deep and 1 1/3 innings and the eighth and Aroldis Chapman The first will be a new lock partner in last weekend and we would like to give eight innings. The right-hander is 4-0 in seven major- Carlos Triunfel hit his first major league home run after got the last three outs for his 12th save. Flip van der Merwe and the other at them another opportunity to play league starts, six this season. He also had a career- replacing Ramirez. loose-head prop, where Tendai together, as there were a number of new high 10 strikeouts. Josh Tomlin (4-4) gave up six runs Greinke (9-3) gave up a run and three hits with five ATHLETICS 10, RANGERS 6 Mtawarira takes over from Gurthro combinations. in 5 1-3 innings as Cleveland snapped a 10-game strikeouts in six innings, and tied St. Louis’ Adam Derek Norris homered and drove in five runs, Steenkamp. “This is a fantastic accolade “The same applies up front. Bakkies is home winning streak. Wainwright and Cincinnati’s Alfredo Simon for the NL Stephen Vogt was 3 for 3 with two RBIs and Oakland for Victor,” Springbok coach Heyneke fit for selection, but we decided to man- lead in wins. held off Texas for its third win in four games. Meyer said in a SARU media release yes- age his workload this week and I know MARLINS 6, CUBS 5 Brian Wilson pitched a scoreless eighth and Kenley Tommy Milone (5-3) won his fifth consecutive deci- Garrett Jones hit a three-run homer in the seventh terday. “He has been a terrific servant of Flip, who has been outstanding in the Jansen got three outs for his 20th save. X-rays on sion, matching his career-best, for the A’s. Milone inning and Miami rallied to beat Chicago. Adeiny the game in South Africa and has led his last two seasons, will slot back in easily. Ramirez’s right hand were negative. Jhoulys Chacin (1- gave up three runs and five hits over 5 2-3 innings in Hechavarria started the Marlins’ seventh with a bunt 5) gave up three runs, seven hits and three walks in six improving to 5-0 over his last eight starts. He walked country with distinction since returning “The same goes for ‘Beast’ single for his fourth hit. Rafael Furcal had a two-out, to the Green and Gold. (Mtawarira), who upped the tempo with innings for the Rockies. one and struck out three. two-run single in the fourth for his first RBIs since Yu Darvish (7-3) lost his eighth straight to the A’s “When he returned to the game earli- his work rate last weekend.” Centre 2012. CARDINALS 5, METS 2 and the Rangers lost for just the second time in six er this season, he set his goals on becom- Wynand Olivier, recalled to the squad Hard-luck Cubs starter Jeff Samardzija allowed Michael Wacha escaped a pair of jams with strike- games. Darvish allowed seven runs - four earned - and ing a Springbok yet again and he’s this week after last appearing in the three runs, two earned, in six innings but was again outs, Yadier Molina hit his first homer in nearly four eight hits over 5-plus innings. He walked five and struck worked extremely hard to get there. national team jersey in 2012, takes his denied a victory. The Cubs are 4-11 when he starts weeks and St. Louis won for the eighth time in nine out eight, including Brandon Moss in the first for career “I don’t think anyone can doubt that place on the bench instead of injured fly- even though his ERA is 2.78. Luis Valbuena’s RBI dou- games. Wacha (5-5) gave up a run and five hits in six strikeout 600. Roughned Odor hit a home run, tripled he deserves his place in the team and half Johan Goosen. — Reuters ble in the seventh gave Chicago a 4-3 lead, but Miami innings and Molina got his first homer since May 24. and drove in three runs for the Rangers. —AP THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 SPORTS In Brazil, futebol has its own language

RIO DE JANEIRO: Do you speak futebol? With the 1938 squads. Daniela Alfonsi, a director at the foot- said to be “na banheira” - “in the bath” - relaxing and know how to treat the ball, because all Brazilians World Cup in full swing, there’s never been a better ball museum in Sao Paulo, says Brazilians initially taking it easy while teammates run around. Brazil’s have to treat the ball in a pleasing way. So if you time to learn. For Brazilians, football is a whole lan- adopted English words when football first landed 1994 World Cup winner Romario or Italy’s Filippo don’t treat the ball in a beautiful way, you pisa na guage. Being so creative with their feet forces them some 120 years ago, introduced by European-edu- Inzaghi were bathers. And Pele was no mere bola - you stamp on the ball.” to be creative with their tongues, too, to conjure cated Brazilians, notably Charles Miller. So they “jogador” - which means player - he was a “craque,” a But a kid who aces his school exams could be said new words and phrases for techniques and styles of would have said “goalkeeper” and “match” instead of crack, a genius. to have scored a “golaÁo” - a beautiful goal, which for play they’ve perfected in making the English game “goleiro” and “partida” as they do now, she said. But, In Portugal, Brazil’s former colonial ruler, football Brazilians is the only type really worth scoring. The their own. quickly, “we invented our own words, Brazilian fans are “adeptos,” meaning they’ve adopted or American equivalent might be a slam-dunk. Brits Example: For Brazilians, a shot that rises sharply words,” she added. And then some. Dozens of words become hooked on a team. But in Brazilian might say an absolute belter. and then dips behind the goalkeeper into the net is a and phrases, some cheekily creative, like the best Portuguese, the word is more visceral. “Torcida” Finally, if you want Brazilians to sympathize when “folha seca” - a dry leaf. Very poetic. That Brazilians Brazilian players, others humorous, earthy, romantic comes from the verb “to twist” and evokes how foot- your heart is broken or you suffer personal disaster, see Mother Nature’s handiwork in the languid, curva- and even cruel. ball puts fans through the wringer. tell them you’ve had a “Maracanazo.” They should ceous up-then-down trajectory says a lot about how A clumsy defender is said to work on a farm, a “The idea (is) that you have to squeeze your body, catch on, because it refers to Brazilian deeply they think about the game. “fazenda.” And when a goalkeeper fumbles or misses you suffer,” Alfonsi explained. “It’s very emotional.” football’s darkest day: the 2-1 defeat to Uruguay Didi, a World Cup winner with Brazil in 1958 and a crossed ball, he’s gone hunting for butterflies. The Because Brazilians live, breathe and dream football, in Maracana Stadium in 1950 that cost Brazil the 1962, was famed for his dry leaf free kicks. The con- ball - “bola” - is a feminine noun, reinforcing the idea terminology and history from the pitch bleeds into World Cup, traumatizing the nation. Brazilians hope founding, opposition-twisting dribbling technique of it is “something you have to treat with care, with their everyday language, too. Even Brazilians who this World Cup will end with a victory to heal that 1970 World Cup winner Rivelino became known as respect, like you treat a woman,” Alfonsi said. (In aren’t fans of football still speak futebol. scar. “Of course, we’ve had a lot of disasters. Violence, the “elastico,” which speaks for itself. And the over- German, a football, or “der fussball,” is masculine, Example: When someone screws up, Brazilians all kinds of disasters: floods, economic disasters, edu- head “bicicleta” kick, so called because players look which seems apt for Germany’s traditionally muscu- might say that person “pisou na bola” - stamped on cational disasters,” Alfonsi said. But “when we lose like they’re riding a bike upside down, is said to have lar style of play). the ball - which, of course, is a big faux pas. something that is so important to you, it’s a been invented by Leonidas, a star of Brazil’s 1934 and Goal-poachers who loiter in the penalty area are “It’s ugly,” said Alfonsi. “It means that you don’t ‘Maracanazo.” — AP Djokovic top seed over Nadal as Murray edges Federer

LONDON: Wimbledon turned tennis when he swept past Djokovic in last upside down yesterday when Novak year’s final, has been elevated to the Djokovic was named top seed above third seeding despite a world ranking of world number one Rafael Nadal while five. Federer, a shock second round loser defending champion Andy Murray was to Sergei Stakhovsky in 2013 and who seeded three over seven-time winner won the last of his seven titles in 2012, Roger Federer. was handed the fourth seeding in line The All England Club awarded top with his current ranking. billing to 27-year-old Djokovic, the 2011 World number three Stan Wawrinka champion and 2013 runner-up, by using has never got beyond the fourth round its controversial grasscourt weighting at Wimbledon and that modest form is system in deciding its seeds instead of reflected in his seeding of five. sticking by the ATP world rankings. The women’s seedings follow the French Open champion Nadal, the WTA world rankings with five-time 2008 and 2010 Wimbledon winner, is rel- champion Serena Williams the number egated from his world number one rank- one followed by China’s Li Na, Simona ing to the second seeding after losing in Halep of Romainia in third and Poland’s the first round in 2013 and second round Agnieszka Radwanska taking fourth 12 months earlier. spot. Maria Sharapova, the champion at Murray, who became Britain’s first Wimbledon 10 years ago as a 17-year- men’s champion since Fred Perry in 1936 old, is seeded five. — AFP Li, 11 and ready to make US Women’s Open history PINEHURST: In pigtails and polka-dots, qualify, on this stage, it’s extraordinary,” pint-sized Lucy Li displayed plenty of said Norwegian veteran Suzann poise on Tuesday as she talked about Pettersen, ranked fourth in the world. taking on the US Women’s Open at the “Hopefully she can have a fantastic LONDON: The Fugue ridden by William Buick, leads the field, on their way to victory in the Prince of Wales’s Stakes, during DayTwo of the 2014 age of 11. The California sixth-grader, week. I’m sure she’s already met and Royal Ascot Meeting in Ascot. — AP whose family is from Hong Kong, played with some of our big idols out booked her place in the second here.” women’s major of the year by taking But Pettersen also hopes Li, and other Treve off key as The medalist honors in sectional qualifying. young golfers, don’t home in on their Her status as the youngest qualifier in sport to the exclusion of other experi- the history of the event has put her in ences. “I really just hope that they’re also the spotlight, but Li said it won’t put her having fun with it and really enjoying under pressure this week at Pinehurst. what they’re doing. Because it’s a long Fugue takes honors “The perfect week, I just want to go life. In golf you can play forever, so really out there and have fun and play the best enjoy it.” Li, who tops out at five feet, two ASCOT: Treve lost her aura of invincibility at been restrained towards the rear by Frankie was the (fast) ground, maybe she tweaked I can and I really don’t care about the inches (1.6m) has sampled other activi- Royal Ascot yesterday when she could finish Dettori through the early stages. She made something,” Dettori continued. ties. She said she “really likes” dancing, outcome,” Li said. “It’s just I want to have only third behind The Fugue in the Prince Of some headway as the field, led by Mukhadram, “I tried to follow The Fugue all the way but I fun and learn. “I want to learn a lot from “loves” diving and also plays table tennis Wales’s Stakes. turned for home, but her progress thereafter could never keep up with her. She will have to these great players.” Li didn’t think she’d and badminton. Last season’s queen of the racetrack was was laboured. be checked over because she didn’t feel great.” be intimidated by the crowds she’s sure But nothing else has golf’s appeal. “I expected to regale the attending British The Fugue, by contrast, travelled with greater Victory was overdue reward for The Fugue, who to draw this week. She’s already like golf because it’s different from other monarch Queen Elizabeth II with a virtuoso dis- zest under William Buick as she loomed up to is trained for the music composer, Andrew appeared at one of golf’s iconic venues sports,” she said. “Anybody can play it-if play, but she looked a pale shadow of the filly Magician in the home straight. She picked off Lloyd-Webber, by John Gosden in Newmarket, this year, winning the 10-11 girls age you’re tall, short, fast or slow, that’s what which carried all before her in 2013. the leader before accelerating away to win by England. Her career has been blighted by a group in the inaugural Drive, Chip and I like about it.” This was Treve’s second defeat in as many 13/4 lengths, with Treve a further 1 length adrift series of near-misses. Putt Championship at Augusta National Li didn’t seem to be beset by worries starts this season, which she opened by failing in third place. “We have been through a lot together over in April. over her golfing future, and whether to overhaul Cirrus Des Aigles at Longchamp last Ground conditions at Ascot were faster than the years,” Buick said, “so to win here is very spe- “It’s awesome, right? I mean, she’d like to follow in the path of players month. Prior to that, she had won all five of her Treve had previously encountered. This was cial. She was always travelling well for me.” Lloyd- Pinehurst and Augusta National in, like, such as Michelle Wie, Lydia Ko and Lexi career starts. manifest in The Fugue’s winning time which, at 2 Webber’s wife, Madeleine, was overcome by The two months. I mean, that’s just amazing. Thompson, who made precocious leaps Trained at Chantilly, France, by Criquette min 01.90 secs slashed 0.62 seconds of the previ- Fugue’s triumph. “It is just so satisfying,” she said. It’s mind blowing for me.” to the professional ranks. Head-Maarek for Sheikh Joaan Bin Hamad Al ous track record set by Cirrus des Aigles three “She has been so unlucky in so many races But Li’s achievement in earning a “I haven’t really thought about that,” Thani, Treve now has a mountain to climb if she years ago. Dettori later maintained he was not around the world. Something always seems to place in the field has prompted con- Li said. “Right now it’s just: play as well as is to regain the lustre she showed in winning the happy with Treve as he took her down to the go wrong, but everything went right today. To cern as well as admiration from older I can and the game’s going to take me Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe in October. start. “She was (galloping) short and was never beat the best horse in Europe, especially at Royal pros. “For an 11-year-old to actually wherever it’s going to take me.” — AFP She never looked likely to win here, having in her comfort zone,” the jockey said. “Maybe it Ascot, is a wonderful feeling.” — AFP Old grudges aside as Murali helps Aussies

SYDNEY: Sri Lankan spin great Muttiah than Down Under where he was routine- Muralitharan announced yesterday he ly taunted by crowds. will join the Australian coaching team for It was in Australia in 1995 that he was their series against Pakistan in the United first called for “chucking” by umpire Arab Emirates, putting old grudges aside. Darrell Hair. Even then prime minister The world’s leading Test wicket taker John Howard, a keen cricket fan, said he is already working with Australia’s top felt his action was illegal. It prompted spinner Nathan Lyon as part of Australia’s Muralitharan to threaten to boycott Sri National Cricket Centre Spin Programme, Lanka’s next tour of Australia. and has agreed to become more He was always cleared of any wrong- involved. doing and ended his career with a world His signing is a coup given his knowl- record 800 Test wickets. His appointment edge of the doosra delivery, which has is part of coach Darren Lehmann’s plan long baffled the Australians, and with to enlist the support of specialist coach- Pakistan’s Saeed Ajmal among the ing consultants to assist the team’s game’s most potent mystery spinners. preparations throughout the year. “I know the Australian team is a very Muralitharan’s role will be similar to good side, but hopefully I can have a lit- that filled by fellow spin legend Shane tle bit of input to help them do well in Warne on the recent tour of South Africa the series against Pakistan,” said before the World Twenty20 tournament. Muralitharan. “Muttiah Muralitharan is a true great “Those conditions might help spin- of the game and his involvement with ners and I know a few tricks that might the Australian team will bring enormous help them on what to do as I have played benefits,” said Lehmann. a lot of matches in those conditions in “He really understands the conditions the UAE and hopefully I can help them a we’ll face and will be able to impart a little bit. great amount of knowledge. “Not only “Ajmal is a difficult customer for all the will he help guide our spinners during best batsmen in the world, but he bowls that tour, but he will also work with our a little bit similar to me so perhaps if I can batsmen to help them prepare to play bowl to the Australian batsman it might Pakistan’s dangerous spin bowlers.” help a little bit and give them some tips.” Australia play Pakistan on neutral The 42-year-old retired from internation- ground in the UAE in a series comprising al cricket after Sri Lanka lost the World three one-day matches, two Tests and a Cup final to India in 2011, and his deci- Twenty20 from October 3-November 1. sion to work with Australia raised some Pakistan have been forced to play eyebrows. He was beset by controversy their home series at neutral venues since KUWAIT: The Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Chairman of the ASEAN Committee in Kuwait (ACK) organized the ACK Futsal over his unique bowling action for much militants attacked the Sri Lankan team in tournament on Saturday, June 13, at Yarmouk Sports Club. Diplomats from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Philippines,Thailand of his international career, no more so Lahore in 2009. — AFP and Vietnam participated in the events. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

Hey ref, can I have a haircut?

CUIABA: A dancing chemist, a British bobby and doppel- leagues compare him to a Hollywood star. “But unfortunately a Gambian take on wrestling. ganger for a Hollywood star, a Swedish millionaire, and a hair not a good looking one,” he admitted to .com. “They say I “I’m not really very good at it but like to do it as a hobby.” FAN FERVOR salon owner are all playing a central role at this year’s World look like Shrek, which explains why I have a picture of him as a As a former High School maths teacher, American Mark Cup. These are just some of the varied off-pitch personas of screensaver on my mobile.” Geiger shouldn’t have any problems adding up the yellow the 25 referees attempting to keep things rolling smoothly as cards-unlike Brazil’s Sandro Ricci. He made the fatal error of players from all corners of the globe collide in Brazil. Chip Insurance man with whistle dishing out a second booking but failing to send the recipient away at the granite-like veneer of the man in the middle and House burgled? Car pranged? Then Cuneyt Cakir’s your off in a domestic league game. Ricci made history at the there’s a treasure trove of weird and wonderful aspects of man-the Turkish referee practices as an insurance broker back World Cup on Sunday by awarding the first score by goal-line humanity waiting to be unearthed. Take Noumandiez Doue in Istanbul, that is when he’s not turning the pages of a technology to France against Honduras. for example. Stephen King chiller. Any Belgians or Algerians of a religious He’s also an old sentimentalist. “Before each game,” he He created history when he became the first referee from nature in Tuesday’s clash in Belo Horizonte will have found a explains, “I take off my ring and kiss it four times in honor of the Ivory Coast to take charge of a World Cup game, Chile’s kindred spirit in their referee-Marco Rodriguez. Away from the four women in my life-my mother, my wife and my two second day 3-1 win over Australia. As well as being one of football, the former PE teacher is at home behind the pulpit daughters. Referees let off steam in different ways-Bahrain’s Africa’s top officials the 43-year-old is a qualified chemist, “and delivering sermons in his capacity as a Protestant preacher in Nawaf Shukralla for instance may well head to Rio’s iconic I like to dance”. Any hard-up players taking part in the United a church outside Mexico City. Copacabana beach after a tough day at the World Cup office. States’ victory over Ghana on Monday should have tapped up Players needing a short back and sides-Marouane Fellaini? “When I want to leave everything behind me, I always go the their ref, Jonas Eriksson. The Swede is known as “the laid-back — need look no further than Bjorn Kuipers. The Dutchman sea,” the legal researcher disclosed. Last but not least, step for- millionaire” after making a seven-figure fortune selling shares who refereed Real Madrid’s Champions League final win over ward Felix Brych. The German lawyer gained notoriety in the in a media rights business. A Yorkshire policeman will be Atletico last month owns a hair salon as well as a couple of Bundesliga last season when awarding Bayer Leverkusen’s keeping law and order in Colombia’s second Group C run out grocery stores back in Holland. Meanwhile it might be best infamous “phantom” goal. And he probably spoke for his work against Ivory Coast on Thursday. Howard Webb, handed the not to mess with Bakary Papa Gassama. The first Gambian to colleagues everywhere when he urged fans to always remem- honor of refereeing the 2010 World Cup final, says his col- referee at the World Cup is a devotee in his spare time of buri, ber: “We are referees, but we are also normal people.”— AFP

FORTALEZA: Football fans are seen during a Group A football match between Brazil and Mexico in the Castelao Stadium in Fortaleza during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. — AFP 5 problems jeopardizing Japan and Greece go back Brazil World Cup hopes to the well for Natal clash

FORTALEZA: Brazil coach Luiz Felipe Scolari declared himself “satisfied” with NATAL: After losing their Group C openers, for Brazil but almost as many in their first his team’s 0-0 draw against Mexico in Fortaleza on Tuesday, and the hosts Japan and Greece will be looking to redis- match of the tournament, a 3-0 defeat to remain on course to reach the World Cup knockout phase. However, ‘Felipao’ cover the qualities which got them to Brazil Colombia in Belo Horizonte. admitted that improvements still need to be made, as was evident in their as they bid to keep their campaigns alive at They came to the World Cup promising opening game, when they came from behind to beat Croatia 3-1 in Sao Paulo. the Dunas arena today. There is little doubt a more adventurous style and, considering Here, AFP Sport looks at five areas where the Selecao could fall down in their that only three points will do if either side is themselves unlucky to have gone down by bid to win the World Cup. to extend their stay in Brazil beyond the such a margin to the Colombians, will not group stage. Japan’s attacking flair helped be abandoning it. “Everyone expected we Coping with the pressure them become the first country to qualify would have 11 men behind the ball, “The demands are always much greater here in Brazil, but we are pre- for Brazil but they paid the price for unchar- defend, defend, defend and give every- pared,” said Dani Alves after the Mexico game. Nevertheless, the Selecao have acteristic timidity after taking an early lead thing to keep a clean sheet,” said experi- shown signs of fragility under pressure in their two matches so far. Seeing in their opening 2-1 loss to Ivory Coast in enced striker Giorgios Samaras. “But I think Neymar break down in tears at the end of the rousing version of the national Recife. what they saw was a team that likes to anthem at the Castelao brought home the enormity of what this Brazil side Abandoning the fast, intricate inter- attack, that moves the ball really well, and are trying to achieve and the amount of pressure they are having to carry on passing that gave them the lead through that tries always to create chances. “We their shoulders. Against Mexico, the nervous energy transmitted by the Keisuke Honda after 16 minutes, they sat went out to win against Colombia, and that crowd in the early stages of the game in particular had an impact on both sets back in defense and were ultimately bullied philosophy will not change. We just hope it of players. First touches were poor, passes were wayward and challenges out of the contest by the powerful Ivorians. brings a better result for us because Japan came flying in during a frantic opening spell. “Possession, that is our strength,” striker is now a must, must-win game for us. Brazil at times lack a calming presence-captain Thiago Silva is usually such Honda said this week. “When we have the “We created chances against Colombia a cool customer but he has apparently been unable to sleep at night due to ball we just need to keep the ball and not and that’s something we can’t forget. On the pressure that is as stifling as the heat in Fortaleza. give it away easily. When we do lose the another day, it could have been us winning, ball we should press immediately. That is and that’s something we need to take into Dependence on Neymar our philosophy.” this massive match.” That may be, but With the possible exception of Oscar, Neymar is the one player in this Brazil Italian coach Alberto Zaccheroni is Portuguese coach Fernando Santos will cer- side capable of conjuring up a moment of match-winning magic from unlikely to make sweeping changes to his tainly be hoping for an end to concentra- nowhere. Fred last week insisted there was nothing wrong with giving the ball side, although Yoshito Okubo might have tion lapses at the back that cost the team so to the Barcelona man when the going gets tough. Against Croatia his was a done enough as a substitute in Recife to dear in Belo Horizonte. Tricky winger match-winning contribution, and against Mexico he was twice denied by bril- get the nod over the disappointing Yuya ’s better ball retention liant Guillermo Ochoa saves. However, seeing Neymar in tears following the Osaka up front. Attacking midfielder Shinji might get him the nod ahead of forward national anthem in Fortaleza indicated that he could do with having some of Kagawa has also taken some flak for his dis- , while Fanis Gekas could the weight taken off his shoulders. “Neymar doesn’t win or lose on his own. play against the Elephants but his place in make way for up front He is part of a group,” says Scolari. “Within the group, he can sometimes be the the side is probably safe with Japan fans despite hitting the bar against Colombia. decisive player. But he wins and loses with the rest of the team.” hoping he might be able to produce some- “Mitrogoal” is Greece’s most expensive thing special to unlock the Greek defense. export and although a knee injury disrupt- Striking concerns Scolari has selected Fred against both Croatia and Mexico, but the 30-year- Former European champions Greece con- ed his preparations for the tournament, the old Fluminense centre-forward has been ineffective, except for winning the ceded four goals in 10 qualifying matches time for caution is over. — Reuters controversial penalty that set Brazil on their way to victory in their opening match. Against Mexico, Fred was replaced by Jo, and he could be a contender to come into the starting line-up against Cameroon on Monday, when Brazil will look to clinch their place in the last 16. There are no other options, and it is easy to wonder how much of a difference Diego Costa could have made had Scolari shown faith in him and persuaded the Atletico Madrid man to rep- resent his homeland rather than his adopted country Spain. Paulinho- “Today I felt much freer out on the field, which is fundamental to me,” said Paulinho after the Mexico game. But the Tottenham Hotspur midfielder still didn’t do enough to suggest that he should be an automatic starter against Cameroon. With a solid centre-back pairing and Luiz Gustavo offering extra protection to the defence, Brazil could do with a more technical, creative play- er in central midfield. Paulinho has often appeared sluggish, his touch clumsy. Perhaps Hernanes will get his chance to impress in Brasilia.

What about Plan B?- Scolari wants his sides to come flying out of the blocks and score an early goal. But against Croatia they conceded first and had to rely on a controversial penalty as they fought back to win the game.Against Mexico they often lacked inspiration and couldn’t find a way past Ochoa, leaving Oscar to later lament: “In the first 30 minutes, we had various chances to score but none of them came off. “Mexico play with almost everyone behind the ball. It is diffi- cult to play against opponents like that who counter-attack quickly.” Scolari ARACAJU: Greece’s midfielder (3rd right) vies for the ball with mid- may need a more efficient Plan B come the tournament’s latter stages. — AFP fielder (2nd right) during a training session in Aracaju, ahead of their game against Japan. — AFP THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

Russia draw with S Korea

CUIABA: Blundering Russia goalkeeper FAN FERVOR Igor Akinfeev was bailed out by team- mate Alexander Kerzhakov in a 1-1 draw with South Korea in the World Cup on Tuesday that exposed both teams’ defi- ciencies. Akinfeev had already looked sus- pect in dealing with long-range shots before spilling Lee Keun-ho’s speculative effort into his own net in the 68th minute, gifting South Korea the lead at the Arena Pantanal. Kerzhakov, though, came to Akinfeev’s rescue by turning in a shot from close range six minutes later - just three minutes after coming on as a substi- tute - to earn Russia a point from a poor- quality Group H match. Akinfeev stayed on the ground inside his own net, head in his hands, after mak- ing his error, clearly embarrassed after dropping what was a routine save from a shot from about 30 yards. He was con- soled by a couple of teammates, who pat- ted him on the back. “It was a kid’s mis- take,” Afinkeev said. “The goalkeeper of the national team shouldn’t make mis- takes like this one.” Russia coach Fabio Capello has remained loyal to Akinfeev this season despite some patchy form, and stood by him again. “He is a great goalkeeper,” Capello said. “There can be mistakes, of course - some can get a penalty wrong ... and it’s logical for a goal- keeper to make a mistake as well. “We were able to make up for that and we can accept a mistake by a great keeper like CUIABA: Russia’s forward Alexander Samedov (left) falls with South Korea’s midfielder Ki Sung-Yueng during a Akinfeev.” Group H football match between Russia and South Korea in the Pantanal Arena on June 17, 2014. — AFP The explosive six-minute spell that fea- tured both goals was not in keeping with There was no hiding their toothless hand clapping but South Korea coach unimpressed. There was a major improve- the rest of a fairly mundane game charac- attack here, either, with the experienced Hong Myung-bo was satisfied by what he ment after the break, although it required terized by slow build-up play, poor pass- Park Chu-young starting as the lone strik- saw. “In such a tournament, the first the mistake by Akinfeev to really get the ing and wayward finishing. A point leaves er but justifying fears that he has lost his match is the most difficult,” Hong, who game going. both teams behind Belgium, which beat way after three ineffective years with captained the nation to the semifinals of However, South Korea couldn’t hold Algeria 2-1 earlier Tuesday, but the group Arsenal in the English Premier League. He the 2002 World Cup, said through a trans- on and when Dzagoev’s cross-shot was appears wide open based on the opening was substituted in the 56th and his lator. “There is a lot of pressure on it so I spilled out by goalkeeper Jung Sung- two fixtures. Having lost four of its last five replacement, Lee, scored South Korea’s thought the players played very well.” ryong and defender Hwang Seok-ho’s games heading to Brazil, the South goal. Russia, led by former England coach Save for a shot by Son Heung-min that clearance went straight at Andrei Koreans came into their eighth straight Fabio Capello, was just as lifeless in attack flew over the bar in the 39th when the Yeshchenko, Kerzhakov was on hand to World Cup with concerns over their flimsy - at least until Kerzhakov and Alan forward was free at the edge of the area, bundle home from inside the six-yard defense and a lack of goal threat. A 4-0 Dzagoev came off the bench - and too there was barely a chance created in the box. “I thanked them for their reaction,” thrashing by Ghana in a warm-up in functional in midfield. A dire first half was first half. Capello stood with his hands on said Capello, who turns 68 on Wednesday. Miami last week highlighted those worry- marked by the large contingent of his hips in the technical area throughout “It was the greatest birthday present I ing deficiencies perfectly. Brazilian fans in the crowd doing slow the first 45 minutes, looking distinctly could receive.”— AP Five of the best goals of WCup

SAO PAULO: The World Cup’s opening group games have produced several goals of breathtaking quality. The follow- ing are five of the best so far according to Reuters.

Robin van Persie (Netherlands 5 Spain 1) A stunning goal to match a stunning result as the Netherlands came from behind to thump world champions Spain in Salvador. With Spain leading 1-0 through Xabi Alonso’s 27th minute penalty, Van Persie sprung the offside trap to launch himself in the air and meet a raking cross from left wing back Daley Blind. The Dutch captain’s diving, looping header caught Spain keeper Iker Casillas in no man’s land and dipped below the bar to tie the score at 1-1. “It was a bril- liant goal, I have to be fair,” said Van Persie. “It was a bit of a gamble but just before the pass I saw Iker Casillas out of his goal. It was a header, really a lob- header, but a great goal.”

Lionel Messi (Argentina 2 Bosnia 1) Argentine number 10 Messi picked the perfect time to score his first goal at the World Cup finals for eight years. With PORTO ALEGRE: Netherlands’ forward Robin van Persie (right) controls the ball during a training session in Porto Argentina leading 1-0 but struggling to Alegre. — AFP put World Cup debutants Bosnia away, the four times World Player of the Year lit part in the goal. Valon Behrami’s brilliant one of the fastest goals at a World Cup. rampaging performance against up the Maracana in the 65th minute, block tackle in his own box got the move Dempsey, who became the first US play- shell-shocked Spain by outsprinting dancing past a defender, playing a one- underway, and Uzbek official Irmatov er to score at three World Cups, picked the defense from inside his own two with Gonzalo Higuain before striking allowed him to continue his surge into the ball up from a throw-in outside the half, tying goalkeeper Iker Casillas home a sweet left-foot shot that went in Ecuador territory despite almost being Ghana box, and surged towards goal. up in knots and firing home with his off the post. It was Messi’s first goal at bowled over by a bodycheck. As the Showing terrific balance at full stride, the left foot. Media reports say the 30- the finals since he scored in Argentina’s flowing move continued and the ball US skipper zigzagged past two defend- year-old reached 37kph during his 6-0 win over Serbia & Montenegro was fed out wide, Seferovic stole in ers into the area and struck a left-foot sprint, the fastest ever recorded by almost eight years ago to the day. across the Ecuador defense to clip home shot in off the far post. Dempsey’s goal FIFA in a game. Ricardo Rodriguez’s cross and round off a was the fifth fastest at a World Cup. Olympic sprint champion and world Haris Seferovic tremendous team goal that sent Swiss Turkey’s Hakan Sukur holds the record record holder Usain Bolt has been (Switzerland 2 Ecuador 1) fans into raptures. for the fastest goal which he netted after clocked at just under 45kph. Seferovic finished off a breathtaking 11 seconds against South Korea in 2002. Robben’s goal was the perfect box-to-box counter-attack in stoppage Clint Dempsey bookend to the Dutch scoring after time to give Switzerland a thrilling 2-1 (United States 2 Ghana 1) Arjen Robben Robin van Persie tied the game at 1-1 win over Ecuador, but excellent referee- The American took 30 seconds to put (Netherlands 5 Spain 1) with his superb diving header in the ing by Ravshan Irmatov also played a his side 1-0 up against Ghana, recording Dutch winger Robben capped a first half. — Reuters

Ageing lion Eto’o snarls at MATCHES ON TV

foes, still has desire to play FIFA WORLD CUP Colombia v Ivory Coast 19:00 MANAUS: Cameroon’s Samuel Eto’o may be coming to the coach Volker Finke is even considering playing Eto’o as a beIN SPORTS 1 HD end of his career but as he showed on Tuesday the captain substitute despite a knee injury shows how important the beIN SPORTS 2 HD of the Indomitable Lions still has plenty of desire. Eto’o hit striker is to the team. The 33-year-old made his international beIN SPORTS 11 HD out at unspecified enemies he said were trying to under- debut in 1997 at the age of just 15. He played in the 1998 beIN SPORTS 13 HD mine the team, saying he would deal with them after the World Cup as a 17-year-old and has scored a record 54 goals beIN SPORTS 1 HD FR World Cup. Cameroon soccer has often fallen prey to for Cameroon. BBC ONE HD infighting and intrigues and the players left a day late for He came on for part of the Mexico game despite the Uruguay v England 22:00 the World Cup amid a dispute over bonus payments. injury. “They asked me whether I really wanted to play and I beIN SPORTS 1 HD Local media accused the players of being greedy. Eto’o, said I had the same desire as the 17-year-old boy who beIN SPORTS 2 HD who has also had to deal with allegations about his person- pulled on the shirt for the first time (at the World Cup),” he beIN SPORTS 11 HD al life, told a news conference that there were people who said. Eto’o said even if he did not play he wanted to stay beIN SPORTS 13 HD clearly wanted the team to fail. “You can be sure that after with the team. BBC ONE HD the World Cup, I will respond to each and every person who “The most important thing is that we are a group and has attacked me. I will give the names of everyone who is yes, it’s true that I am an important member of the group. Tomorrow Japan v Greece 1:01 behind this story so Cameroonians know who loves and But this group is more important than me,” he said. Eto’o has BBC One who does not love this country,” he told reporters. also had a spectacular club career, winning the Champions beIN SPORTS 1 HD “I’m telling you - I won’t give in to blackmail. And after League twice with Barcelona and once with Inter Milan. He beIN SPORTS 2 HD the World Cup be sure that these people need to get ready.” said if Cameroon were knocked out of this World Cup in the beIN SPORTS 11 HD For the time being, though, he vowed to devote everything first round, the squad would stay together. “The Barcelona beIN SPORTS 13 HD to a team who started the tournament with a loss to Mexico team that won so much over the years took more than a beIN SPORTS 1 HD FR in Group A and need to beat Croatia yesterday. The fact that decade to build,” he said. — Reuters BBC ONE HD Available at The Sultan Centre & Carrefour Cambodian worker exodus triggers Thai economy fears

Page 22 Business Eurosceptics fan debate over ECB voting rights THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 Page 23 Jordan’s King Abdullah II inaugurates ‘Abdali Markets sniff risks of US Fed hawkishness Boulevard’ in Amman Page 24 Page 26

YOKOHAMA: Japanese auto maker Nissan Motor’s electric vehicles ‘e-NV200’ (left) and ‘Leaf’ at the company’s headquarters in Yokohama, suburban Tokyo. Global automakers are locked in a showdown evoking the video format wars of the 1980s, as they bet on what eco-friendly vehicles will prevail in the battle for dominance of the burgeoning low-emissions sector. — AFP Automakers split on ‘green car’ strategy Auto firms explore different technologies TOKYO: Global automakers are locked in a showdown Motors are the most advanced in fuel cells, but the problem car-more than twice the Leaf’s current range-and much charging stations will be crucial to demand. “All of it is very evoking the video format wars of the 1980s, as they bet on is the high cost of the technology and necessary infrastruc- faster re-juicing. The company, while not abandoning elec- closely linked to the development of infrastructure, but we what eco-friendly vehicles will prevail in the battle for domi- ture.” tric altogether, sees the fuel cell as the next logical step are seeing more and more competitors coming onto the nance of the burgeoning low-emissions sector. In a contest after its big early success with the Prius gas-electric hybrid, scene which is always a tell-tale sign,” he told AFP earlier this reminiscent of the scrap for pre-eminence in the home Limited range, high prices which has sold about 3.7 million units since its launch in the year. Ghosn was speaking in Bhutan, where Nissan sealed a video market, which pitched Betamax against VHS, huge Analysts say very low or zero-emission vehicles will dom- late 1990s. “Electric vehicles are still so limited by the cruis- deal to supply the tiny Himalayan kingdom’s government auto firms are going all out for very different technologies. inate the next phase of independent travel, with govern- ing range,” Nobuyori Kodaira, Toyota’s executive vice presi- with a fleet of its green vehicles as it eyes an all-electric Toyota, which is ending a battery deal with US electric car ments everywhere rolling out stricter emissions standards. dent said in a recent interview. “Hydrogen can be recharged transport policy. Governments throwing their weight leader Tesla, is concentrating on mass-producing a fuel-cell This near-certainty is sparking massive investment, with in three minutes... Quick-charging an electric vehicle still behind strict roadside pollution standards and other envi- vehicle, along with smaller rival Honda. Nissan, by contrast, Japan’s seven major car manufacturers expected to spend a takes about half an hour.” ronmentally-minded policies is crucial, analysts said. has bet the farm on all-electrics, unveiling its second model record $24 billion on green car research and development “I don’t think GM, Ford and Chrysler look at green cars as this month-despite weak sales of its flagship Leaf-and is this year, according to the Nikkei business daily. Different paths, same goals a profit opportunity or big growth opportunity in which pushing the technology in China, where officials are scram- Detractors say electric vehicles simply shift emissions to Cleaner power generation, however, may boost the they are sensing a lot of consumer demand or growth-their bling to contain an air pollution crisis. the fossil-fuel burning power plants that provide the energy appeal of electric cars, said Jos Dings, director of Brussels- goal is to meet what the government requires from them,” Japan’s number-two automaker is also reportedly in talks to recharge their batteries. They are also hampered by a based NGO Transport & Environment. “If... we manage to said US-based auto analyst Jack Nerad. Whether one tech- with Germany’s BMW and Tesla about standardizing re- short driving range. Fuel cell cars, on the other hand, are make electricity in a much cleaner way-there is a lot of nology ultimately reigns supreme, or they co-exist with a charging systems, after the US company took the rare step seen as the Holy Grail of green cars as they’re powered by a investment in renewable energy-then it can definitely be a patchwork of refueling stations, may not matter much, of agreeing to share its patents with competitors to boost chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen, which produces sustainable way forward,” he said. Still, Nissan’s Leaf has added the environment group’s Dings. “All carmakers are lacklustre electric vehicle production. “Nissan and Tesla... nothing more harmful than water. Still largely experimental, shifted about 120,000 units since its launch nearly four now seriously investing in developing these technologies, came out with very ambitious goals for the technology but fuel-cell vehicles could get a boost as various jurisdictions, years ago, way below expectations. seeing how customers react to them, seeing how they work had to backtrack, partly because demand... wasn’t strong including the US state of California, launch new hydrogen But its chief executive Carlos Ghosn-a steadfast cheer- on the road and how much they cost,” he said. “They all enough,” said Stefan Bratzel, director of Germany’s Center of refueling stations. leader of electric cars who has scoffed at rivals’ ambitious chose different paths and that’s fine, as long as the solu- Automotive Management. “Daimler, Toyota and General Toyota is eyeing a 500-kilometre range for its fuel-cell plans for a commercialized fuel-cell vehicle - said new re- tions deliver.” — AFP Iranian economy remains India’s firm picks women in distress amid sanctions JERUSALEM: US Treasury Secretary Jack weapons. Israel also has voiced concern relatives to meet quotas Lew said Iran’s economy remained in a about the prospect of its closest ally, state of distress due to sanctions over its the United States, cooperating with MUMBAI: Confronted by a new law aimed at address- in 2013. Credit Suisse’s Global Gender Gap 2013 nuclear program and that the United what it considers its deadliest foe, Iran, ing the widespread absence of women from India’s ranked India at 101 out of 136 countries and found States would not rush into making a bad to stave off a sectarian break-up of Iraq. boardrooms, the country’s richest businessman decid- that only nine percent of the firms surveyed had deal to prevent Iran from obtaining a Lew said the United States was con- ed he knew just the woman for the job-his wife. Nita women as part-owners. The “perception hurdle” of nuclear weapon. Lew said that the tem- cerned about the “grave situation” in Ambani, best known for her skyscraper family man- male-dominated Indian corporates rather than any porary and reversible sanctions relief Iraq. “As the president (Barack Obama) sion, is due to be voted as a director of her husband lack of business sense among women is keeping true have been limited. “Iran is losing a signif- makes a decision on next steps, let me Mukesh’s giant conglomerate Reliance Industries-one talent away, said Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, the founder icant amount in oil sales alone from the be clear that this is not primarily a mili- of several firms opting for female relatives over out- and head of Biocon, a leading name in India’s biotech sanctions that remain in place, more tary challenge,” he said, noting the sider talent. sector. “There is an ecosystem geared towards nega- than the value of the temporary relief,” United States has steadily increased The law, passed last year and with varying dead- tive selection that excludes women. The job criteria Lew said in a speech in Jerusalem to the security assistance to the Iraqi govern- lines for firms depending on turnover, aims to boost are fashioned out in such a way that only men will US-Israel Joint Economic Development ment over the past year. gender diversity at the top by insisting on at least one make it to the short list,” 61-year-old Shaw said. Group yesterday. “As we approach the “While it is evident that Iraq needs woman in the boardroom of listed companies. But “So while a company advertises for talented risk- last month of the agreed upon period significantly more help to break the analysts say the lack of outsiders breaking through the takers on one hand, the board is actually risk-averse for negotiations, Iran’s economy remains momentum of extremist groups and glass ceiling is unsurprising in a country that regularly and steeped in convention when it comes to allow- in a state of distress that brought the bolster the capabilities of Iraqi security ranks near the bottom of surveys on women in the ing women to join their ranks.”Shaw said she too government to the negotiating table in forces, there is no military solution that workplace. “My firm has been head-hunting for over a struggled against the same “credibility issues” when the first place,” he said. will solve Iraq’s problems. Any action decade and I have not had businesses actually looking she started Biocon 36 years ago but she kept push- to hire women from outside the ranks for board posi- ing on until better days came. In some cases women Such sustained pressure gives the the United States takes would have to tions,” said Mahalakshmi, the head of the Mumbai- themselves are hesitant to step forward, say analysts, United States the opportunity to pursue be done in conjunction with a serious based Professionele Consulting, who uses only one for fear of being a token female face in the board- MUMBAI: Reliance Industries Chairman a negotiated agreement with Iran, in and sincere effort by Iraqi leaders to name. room-expected to rubber stamp decisions rather conjunction with its P5+1 partners, that govern in a non-sectarian manner, pro- Mukesh Ambani poses with his wife Nita “Businesses would want someone whom they can than bring any fresh perspective. upon their arrival at the company’s annual will assure the international community mote stability and unity among a influence and ensure conformity in the board,” she Padmaja Alaganandan, who advises on human general meeting in Mumbai yesterday. — AFP that Iran’s nuclear program is entirely diverse population, build and invest in added. India’s treatment of women has been in the resources at consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers, peaceful, Lew said. “We will take the the capacity of security forces, and international spotlight since late 2012 when the fatal said women were worried about being promoted for experience is limited and her most celebrated time to do this right, and we will not address the legitimate grievances of gang-rape of a young student in the capital New Delhi their gender rather than talent and “whether their achievement is creating the “world’s priciest home”, a rush into a bad deal,” he said. “No deal is Sunni, Kurd, and Shia communities, Lew sparked outrage over sexual abuse and gender inequal- voices will be even heard”. As a result, it has been eas- 27-storey edifice that dominates the city’s skyline. better than a bad deal.” Iran and six said. Lew also expressed optimism ity. Although new Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ier for companies to select “known faces” from a Shaw feels a possible solution to the complex issue world powers re-launched talks on about the US economic recovery, which pleasantly surprised activists by putting women in small group of women who have already made it in lies in making suitable amendments to the new reg- Tuesday to try to salvage a deal on its is in its fifth year. “After a harsh winter more than a quarter of his cabinet posts, a sharp the business world-or, as recent moves have shown, ulations. “The law should mandate the appointment nuclear activity by a July deadline, striv- that restrained growth in the first quar- increase on the last government, analysis of the wider family members. Since the new law was passed, oth- of independent women directors. Female family ing to prevent a long-time standoff ter, we are still expecting the underlying Indian workplace shows there is a long way to go. er well-known companies turning to female relatives members being appointed on boards to be compli- from descending into a wider Middle strength of the economy that was evi- for their boardroom positions include the fabric and ant is not in keeping with the spirit of the intent,” she East war. dent last year to result in a strong sec- Dismal equality ranking fashion retailer Raymond Group, cigarettes-to-soap said. Another suggested step while waiting for Israel has been concerned that the ond half of this year, and economic data Women make up roughly 50 percent of India’s conglomerate Modi Group and Century Textiles and changes in the law is to expand forums that groom powers have not done enough to pre- over the past three months supports population of 1.2 billion, but in terms of female labor Industries. talented corporate women for board roles, and vent Iran from developing nuclear that optimism,” he said. — Reuters participation it ranks a dismal 120th among the 131 Other than her enthusiastic co-ownership of the increase the number of support groups. “We need to nations surveyed by International Labor Organization Mumbai Indians cricket team, Nita Ambani’s business fight,” said Shaw.— AFP BUSINESS THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 Philippines woos investors to develop new city Cambodian worker MANILA: The Philippines plans to auction off by the end is complete, government studies show. Terms for tenders The 1,300-hectare plot is split into five lots under sepa- of the next quarter rights to the development of a 1,300- of the planned city’s first phase are being readied and rate contracts. These involve a 50-year development term exodus triggers hectare lot in a former US base now being converted into could be out as early as August, Arnel Paciano Casanova, and lease, with a possible extension of 25 years for each. a new city and special economic zone, a government offi- president and chief executive of state-run Bases The government is updating the land value of the Thai economy fears cial said yesterday. The planned 9,500-hectare Clark Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) said. areas up for tender, but it was worth 300 pesos ($6.84) Green City in the Clark Special Economic Zone, north of “Investor interest is high,” Casanova told Reuters, but he per square metre in 2013, BCDA business development the capital, Manila, will be the Southeast Asian nation’s refused to identify interested companies due to non-dis- manager Arrey Perez told Reuters. He expects the price to BANGKOK: The dramatic departure of nearly 190,000 Cambodian migrant first city to be built from the ground up outside the closure pacts. Both foreign and local investors may bid. spike after the city’s masterplan was approved by workers from Thailand threatens to hit labor-intensive industries from sprawling capital region of nearly 12 million people. The Clark Green City is intended to ease congestion in President Benigno Aquino last month. Market reaction in seafood to construction, damaging the Thai economy just as it teeters on area up for auction could bring in 3.9 billion pesos ($88.9 Manila, Casanova told a news briefing, forming the urban the first phase of the auction is likely to dictate the size, the verge of recession. Panicked laborers-who help keep major Thai busi- million) for state coffers, Reuters calculations based on core of the central region of main island Luzon and dic- pace and value of tenders for succeeding lots. The devel- nesses afloat but often lack official work permits-have fled in droves, fear- 2013 prices show, although the government says it is tating the development of its surroundings. Auction pro- opment of utilities, waste management facilities, tele- ing a crackdown by the new military junta after it warned illegal migrants revising land values upward. ceeds will go to the state, designated mainly for the mod- coms and transport systems, as well as a food terminal face arrest and deportation. Despite officials from both countries denying Clark Green City is estimated to generate 1.57 trillion ernization of the Philippines’ armed forces. A law on spe- project in the planned city could be auctioned under a a clampdown is under way, rumors of violent anti-immigration raids have pesos ($35.8 billion) worth of economic activity annually cialized economic zones allows for the contracts to be public-private partnership scheme starting next year, spread across Thailand, where businesses already report feeling the pinch and create nearly a million new jobs when development awarded through competitive bidding or joint ventures. Casanova told the briefing. — Reuters of a shrinking workforce. In Rayong province, around 200 kilometers from the Thai-Cambodian border, factories have cut production after losing many of their Cambodian workers, said Sanguan Seangwongkij, vice chairman of the association of rubberwood operators in the region. “Many of the factories in my group have had to slow down production because of an up to 30 percent short- age of workers,” he said, adding it was “damaging foreign confidence” in the sector. The factories, which process old rubber trees to make furniture, rely upon Cambodian labor but also hire workers from Myanmar, he said. Thailand has around 2.3 million legal migrant employees and a further 800,000 are thought to be working illegally, according to the employment department. The latter is a conservative estimate, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The kingdom has virtually no unemployment and depends upon neighboring Cambodia, Laos and particularly Myanmar-where the majority of Thailand’s migrants come from-to fill manual labor vacancies. Workers from Myanmar are not returning home in large numbers, and analysts suggest the Cambodian exodus may be linked to the sensitive nature of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Cambodia. Thailand’s fugitive former leader Thaksin Shinawatra, who is bitterly opposed by the military now running the country, was a close ally of Cambodian premier Hun Sen. The sudden departure of what may be the entire Cambodian ille- gal migrant worker community-the IOM had estimated there were up to 180,000 unofficial Cambodian laborers-has triggered concerns for the Thai economy. “We can’t afford to lose migrant workers. They are of vital importance to the expansion of Thailand’s economy,” said Suchart Chantaranakaracha, vice chairman of the labor affairs department of the Federation of Thai Industries. “If the rumors continue and there is still drainage of Cambodia migrant workers out of Thailand, then there will be a problem,” he said. Even before the May 22 coup in which the army seized power, Thailand’s once-vibrant economy was reeling from nearly seven months of deadly street protests, which dented consumer confidence and scared off foreign tourists. The economy shrank 2.1 percent quarter-on-quarter in the first three months of 2014, according to an official estimate. The fear is that it will contract again in the second quarter, sliding into recession.

Operation backtrack? The junta has been keen to show it is serious about kick-starting the economy, leading some analysts to suggest the army misjudged the impact of its warning to illegal migrant workers. “Politically, it’s always con- MANILA: A homeless child sleeps on the steps of an overpass in Manila. The Philippines’ roaring economy cooled in the first quarter of the year as the impacts venient to blame immigrant workers... The junta didn’t realize how quickly of Super Typhoon Haiyan and other natural disasters hit harder than expected, official data showed. — AFP the rumors would circulate. Now they’re trying to backtrack,” said Bruno Jetin, a researcher at the Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia. Thailand’s migration strategy has previously been criticized by groups including the IOM for failing to implement long-term policies to address labor shortages. Egypt gas exports drop In a possible bid to stem the outflow of migrant laborers, the military regime has said it recognizes their importance to the workforce. On Monday an army general said plans to create special economic zones Government diverting gas for domestic use would better manage the movement of migrants, while a junta spokesman later said the regime was going to simplify registration for work permits. CAIRO: Egypt’s natural gas exports dropped 80.94 per- including the energy firms needed to help Egypt boost to generate power, and shortages this year caused rare The recent crisis has exposed Thailand’s reliance upon foreign labor but cent in April from a year earlier, according to the latest gas production. Egyptian gas exports began in the mid- winter blackouts. Many cities are now experiencing daily could prove to be a short-term problem, said economist Charl Kengchon of official statistics, as gas promised for export was diverted 2000s, but more than halved from 2008 to 2012 and power cuts heading into the summer months, when the Kasikorn Research Center. “If both countries can clarify misunderstand- to meet a domestic energy crisis. Gas production also fell have now slowed to a trickle. Egypt relies heavily on gas consumption peaks. — Reuters ings, the situation will be resolved soon,” he added.—AFP 14.66 percent in April compared with a year earlier, according to a report by the state-run Information and Decision Support Centre published this week. The report put the value of exports at $30.5 million in April com- pared with $160 million a year earlier. Property website Zoopla Steadily declining gas production and foreign firms’ wariness to increase investment have combined with rises on first day of trading price subsidies and rising consumption to create Egypt’s worst energy crisis in decades. The government has LONDON: Shares in Zoopla started trading 5 per- Daily Mail and General Trust said it planned to decided over the past year to divert most gas output to cent above the initial public offer price yesterday, retain a stake of at least 31 percent in Zoopla, hav- the domestic market. Egypt’s new president, former as rising confidence in the country’s housing sec- ing held around 52 percent before the flotation. Its army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, now must lure investors tor helped the property website achieve a valua- shares were up 2.5 percent. Zoopla, which was with a pledge not to break contracts and to offer attrac- tion of near to 1 billion pounds. Zoopla, which launched in 2008, trails Rightmove in the online tive terms in future deals. Disarray in the energy sector was majority owned by Daily Mail And General property sector, drawing more than 40 million vis- has worsened since the 2011 overthrow of Hosni Trust, priced its offering at 220 pence per share its a month to its websites and mobile applica- Mubarak, in part due to Egypt’s inability to pay foreign yesterday, after initially setting the range at 200 tions, compared with about 80 million visits for its firms for output. Gifts of fuel from its Gulf allies have not to 250 pence. In conditional trading, the shares larger rival. Shares in Rightmove were up 2.6 per- included natural gas. were up 4.5 percent at 230 pence, valuing the cent, valuing it at 2.2 billion pounds. Zoopla joins a British gas producer BG issued a profit warning earlier group at 960 million pounds ($1.6 billion). The rush of companies seeking to join the London mar- this year, cutting production forecasts and serving “force offer represents 38.3 percent of the company’s ket and follows recent listings by online groups AO majeure” notices to affected buyers and lenders. Sisi POIPET: Cambodian migrant workers cross the border as they wait issued share capital, with no new shares being World and Just Eat and property agent Foxtons last swore in a new government on Tuesday that he hopes to be transported back to their home provinces yesterday. — AFP issued. year.— Reuters will revive a sluggish economy and lure back investors


Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. Syrian Pound 2.900 Sierra Leone 0.000069 0.000075 UAE Exchange Centre WLL Nepalese Rupees 3.880 Singapore Dollar 0.221771 0.227771 Malaysian Ringgit 87.040 South African Rand 0.020285 0.028785 ASIAN COUNTRIES COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Chinese Yuan Renminbi 45.395 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001871 0.002451 Japanese Yen 2.761 Australian Dollar 267.50 264.50 Thai Bhat 9.680 Taiwan 0.009275 0.009455 Indian Rupees 4.764 Canadian Dollar 262.65 265.65 Turkish Lira 134.045 Thai Baht 0.008320 0.008870 Pakistani Rupees 2.868 Swiss Franc 320.80 318.80 Srilankan Rupees 2.167 Euro 388.78 389.78 Arab Nepali Rupees 3.009 US Dollar 282.10 285.10 Singapore Dollar 225.420 Bahrain Exchange Company Bahraini Dinar 0.743942 0.751942 Sterling Pound 476.98 479.98 Egyptian Pound 0.036594 0.039694 Hongkong Dollar 36.489 Japanese Yen 2.83 2.85 Iranian Riyal 0.000078 0.000080 Bangladesh Taka 3.638 Bangladesh Taka 3.631 3.901 CURRENCY BUY SELL Iraqi Dinar 0.000181 0.000241 Philippine Peso 6.466 Indian Rupee 4.787 5.087 Europe Jordanian Dinar 0.394793 0.402293 Thai Baht 8.661 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.163 2.598 Irani Riyal transfer 0.271 Belgian Franc 0.007353 0.008353 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 Nepali Rupee 2.996 3.531 British Pound 0.466036 0.475036 Irani Riyal cash 0.273 Pakistani Rupee 2.863 2.790 Lebanese Pound 0.000138 0.000238 Czech Korune 0.006213 0.018213 Moroccan Dirhams 0.024413 0.048413 UAE Dirhams 76.87 77.34 Danish Krone 0.047541 0.052541 GCC COUNTRIES Bahraini Dinar 750.84 752.91 Nigerian Naira 0.001196 0.001831 Euro 0.379159 0.387159 Saudi Riyal 75.470 Egyptian Pound 39.44 40.04 Omani Riyal 0.728773 0.734453 Norwegian Krone 0.043192 0.048292 Qatari Riyal 77.763 Jordanian Dinar 401.50 407.15 Qatar Riyal 0.076996 0.078209 Romanian Leu 0.081630 0.81630 Omani Riyal 735.190 Omani Riyal 733.64 740.94 Saudi Riyal 0.074803 0.075503 Bahraini Dinar 751.690 Qatari Riyal 77.90 78.45 Slovakia 0.008101 0.018101 Syrian Pound 0.001754 0.001974 UAE Dirham 77.074 Saudi Riyal 75.36 75.76 Swedish Krona 0.038280 0.043280 Tunisian Dinar 0.169198 0.177198 Swiss Franc 0.308324 0.318524 Turkish Lira 0.138248 0.145248 ARAB COUNTRIES Turkish Lira 0.138248 0.145248 UAE Dirhams 0.076041 0.077190 Egyptian Pound - Cash 38.601 Yemeni Riyal 0.001276 0.001356 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 39.550 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Australasia Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.321 Australian Dollar 0.253599 0.265099 Tunisian Dinar 173.930 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate New Zealand Dollar 0.231556 0.241056 Al Mulla Exchange Jordanian Dinar 399.660 US Dollar 281.500 America Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.899 Canadian Dollar 259.510 Canadian Dollar 0.253852 0.262352 Syrian Lira 2.017 Sterling Pound 475.750 US Dollars 0.278800 0.283150 Currency Transfer Rate (Per 1000) Morocco Dirham 35.187 Euro 391.810 US Dollars Mint 0.279300 0.283150 US Dollar 282.400 Swiss Frank 320.975 Euro 386.000 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Bahrain Dinar 749.235 Asia US Dollar Transfer 282.900 UAE Dirhams 76.620 Bangladesh Taka 0.003338 0.003938 Pound Sterlng 474.000 Euro 386.440 Qatari Riyals 78.200 Chinese Yuan 0.044090 0.047590 Canadian Dollar 260.450 Sterling Pound 474.280 Saudi Riyals 75.340 Hong Kong Dollar 0.034401 0.037151 Indian Rupee 4.765 Canadian dollar 259.540 Jordanian Dinar 396.715 Indian Rupee 0.004441 0.004842 Turkish lira 133.730 Egyptian Pound 39.475 Egyptian Pound 40.115 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000020 0.000026 Swiss Franc 316.270 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.164 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.154 Japanese Yen 0.002674 0.002854 Australian Dollar 263.100 Indian Rupees 4.679 Bangladesh Taka 3.637 US Dollar Buying 281.700 Kenyan Shilling 0.003298 0.003298 Pakistani Rupees 2.852 Korean Won 0.000266 0.000281 Philippines Peso 6.450 Bangladesh Taka 3.622 Malaysian Ringgit 0.083640 0.089640 Pakistan Rupee 2.867 GOLD Philippines Pesso 6.322 20 Gram 245.000 Nepalese Rupee 0.003009 0.003179 Bahraini Dinar 751.800 Cyprus pound 691.420 Pakistan Rupee 0.002663 0.002943 UAE Dirham 76.900 10 Gram 124.000 Japanese Yen 3.750 5 Gram 64.000 Philippine Peso 0.006347 0.006627 Saudi Riyal 75.400 BUSINESS THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 With free universities, Danes shun big pay for ‘fulfillment’ COPENHAGEN: No tuition fees and generous grants give years in Denmark, but its youth have shunned the sector, that he prefers living off social benefits than taking a job agree. “The problem is not as serious as some people young Danes an opportunity that would make most with only one-third the OECD average contemplating an he didn’t find “meaningful”. For Mads Lundby Hansen, an would have it,” said Palle Rasmussen, a professor of educa- green with envy-a university education without a massive engineering career amid top-heavy enrolment in arts and economist at free market-leaning think tank CEPOS, stu- tion and learning research at Aalborg University. “If there debt yoke. But many, in both industry and politics, feel it’s humanities programs. dents should pay at least part of their studies. “My advice are some courses that don’t lead to jobs, students will become a free lunch that’s giving indigestion to is to introduce a limited tuition fee because it would make eventually avoid them,” he said, arguing that unemploy- Scandinavia’s already weakest economy. Too many pursue ‘Education as investment’ young people consider what kind of job and salary they ment benefits are no longer as cushy as they once were in “fulfillment” and too few the science and engineering Novozymes, along with toymaker Lego and healthcare will get. You begin to think about education more like an Denmark. Overall, only 48 percent of Danish graduates degrees needed in well-paid growth sectors critical for products manufacturer Coloplast, felt it was time to hit investment,” he said. end up working in the private sector, compared with an the nation’s future, they say. Typical is 23-year-old Ali back with a major advertising campaign to woo students. EU average of 60 percent. Some say only major change, Badreldin, who is enrolled at the Royal Danish Academy “Many young people want a meaningful job, and I think Political hot potato both fiscal and ideological, will encourage more students of Music to become a saxophone player. “Music was we need to become better at explaining the difference Countries like Britain have used the financial crisis to towards well-paid growth sectors. With one of the highest always part of my life growing up so it was a natural engineers are making,” said Novozymes human resources justify tuition fee hikes, but talk of even nominal fees has tax rates in the world-at 56 percent for top earners-big choice,” he said. director Michael Almer. Conservative critics, meanwhile, proven a political hot potato in Denmark. Last year, salaries mean mostly bigger taxes to sustain the welfare His courses are free and he gets a monthly stipend of say all is too easy in a cradle-to-grave welfare state where Venstre, the largest opposition party, was roundly state. Many young Danes just don’t see the point of put- 5,839 DKK (782 euros, $1,074) in a system where class youth unemployment, at 14 percent, is noticeably lower accused by the ruling Social Democrats of “gambling with ting in years of effort into studying for a bigger salary eat- sizes are rarely limited. The result has Denmark spending than the EU average of 22.8 percent, according to the welfare and equality ... we have built up over genera- en up by taxes. Others, like music student Ali, remain more proportionally on education than any other country Eurostat. tions” when they suggested a school fee proposal, which convinced that all will work out if they follow their dream. in the OECD club of 34 advanced nations. Yet biotech They point to “Lazy Robert”, or Robert Nielsen, an erst- was promptly killed. As the debate heats up, Danish uni- “If you study something you are passionate about you firms like Novozymes say they cannot find enough engi- while student of social sciences, philosophy and Chinese, versities have pledged to reduce admission to fields have a greater chance of making a living from it later,” he neers. Engineering opportunities have soared in recent now 45, who shot to notoriety after proudly stating on TV where unemployment among graduates is high. Not all said. — AFP Chinese putting wind in sails of Greek recovery Cash-strapped Greece hunts for investment

ATHENS: Greece will roll out the red carpet tomorrow for Premier Li Keqiang as the cash- strapped euro-zone nation looks for Chinese investment to put wind in the sails of its recov- ery. Li’s visit comes just a month after his Greek counterpart, Antonis Samaras, travelled to China to tout his troubled but improving economy as an attractive entry point for Chinese investment into the European Union. With Greece now on the path to recovery, Li’s two-day official visit to Athens marks Beijing’s renewed interest in investment prospects up for grabs. Chief among them is a 67-percent stake in the port authority, the largest in the country. Chinese transportation giant COSCO, which already has a major foothold after having won in 2008 a 35-year concession to expand the two FRANKFURT: The Euro sculpture stands in front of the European Central Bank (right) main container terminals at the port, is a favorite in Frankfurt, Germany. — AP to win the deal. “We will work together with Greece to turn the port of Piraeus into the best of its kind in the Mediterranean,” the Chinese Eurosceptics fan debate prime minister wrote in an article in Greek daily Kathimerini yesterday. “China seeks closer coop- eration with Greece over airports, railroads, road over ECB voting rights networks and other infrastructure. “Greece is speeding up privatizations and infrastructure FRANKFURT: The enlargement of the of more and more countries signing up to development. China will encourage its euro-zone to 19 countries in 2015 has the single currency, a new system was acclaimed businesses to play an active role in sparked a debate in Germany as to agreed back in 2003 whereby once mem- this procedure,” Li wrote. whether Europe’s top economy will see its bership exceeded 18 states, a system of power curbed within the European Central rotating votes would be introduced to pre- ‘Potential targets’ Bank. The eurosceptic AfD party, but also vent the decision-making process from The first visit to Greece by a senior Chinese official in four years will see the signing of a joint leading right-wing politicians and econo- becoming too unwieldy. With Lithuania LONDON: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (centre left) meets with British Chancellor George mists are fanning fears that Europe’s top becoming the euro area’s 19th member declaration, a set of government-to-government agreements and a number of business contracts. Osborne as he arrives at Lancaster House in London to address the delegates of the UK-China economy could hold less sway on the ECB’s from January 1, 2015, this new system will Financial Forum yesterday. — AP decision-making governing council as come into effect. From then on, the euro- The Greek government said Li is also scheduled more countries sign up to the euro. zone’s five biggest economies-France, to travel to Crete, where the Tymbaki port and show renewed interest. Earlier this year a group the biennial Greek shipping exhibition. “Greeks And members of the conservative CDU Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain- the airport of Kasteli have been cited as poten- including Chinese conglomerate Fosun was are the most important clients for China. Greece tial investment targets for China. Overall a dozen and CSU parties are calling for a change to will share four votes, and the other 14 selected to lead a 6-billion-euro ($8.1 billion) is the biggest market,” said Bill Chen, vice-presi- ports, including in Greece’s second-largest city the rules so that the head of the German member states will share 11 votes. That redevelopment of the old Athens airport of dent of Veritas classification bureau in Shanghai. , are to be privatised under a state Hellinikon into a housing and leisure complex. “In 2013 there were quite a number of new central bank will always have a vote in means that in one out of every five meet- asset program mandated under the country’s every ECB decision. The once mighty ings, Germany, Europe’s paymaster, will not buildings, the market is warming up after the cri- EU-IMF debt rescue. Greek shipyard presence sis,” he said. Bundesbank, reputed for its unflinching have a vote in any ECB decisions. The head The last visit by a top Chinese official to anti-inflationary stance, was the model on of the influential Ifo economic think-tank, Chinese shipyards are also the main benefici- Greece has one of the world’s largest ship- Greece-then premier Wen Jiabao-was in 2010, at ary of a building drive by Greece’s merchant ping sectors, accounting for more than 16 per- which the ECB is based. But as the euro- Hans-Werner Sinn, has long argued that the start of the European country’s crippling shipping sector, which accounts for seven per- cent of the global fleet and close to half of the even the current one man-one vote system zone crisis unfolded and deepened, the economic crisis. The selection of COSCO in 2008 cent of the nation’s gross domestic product and tonnage carried by European vessels. In total the Bundesbank’s imprint on the institution itself is untenable, since an economic pow- to expand the container terminals at Piraeus employs some 192,000 people. China, the Mediterranean country has 3,669 ocean-going began to fade. This was not infrequently erhouse such as Germany has no more say made waves, but subsequent efforts by the world’s biggest shipbuilder, currently has 192 ships of over 1,000 gross tonnage. “It is good for the source of acute tension: both than a tiny country such as Malta. The Greek state to secure Chinese investment- orders from Greek shipping companies accord- both (Greece and China) to develop our industry Bundesbank chief Axel Weber and ECB prospect of Germany losing its vote there- including in public railways and the Athens air- ing to UK-based sector observer Fairplay. Korean and get more efficient... (Chinese) shipyards chief economist Juergen Stark quit over the fore has eurosceptics such as the AfD party port-had little success. But now with the spectre shipyards follow with 189 new buildings, while have a lot of capacity,” said Jack Chou of ECB’s handling of the crisis. up in arms. It demands that the of Greece going bankrupt and a breakup of the Japan has 27. The positive attitude towards Shanghai-based Merchant Ship Design and Bundesbank be given a right of veto. euro receding, Chinese investors have begun to China was evident earlier in June at Posidonia, Research. — AFP One man one vote But leading members of the mainstream Since the ECB took over the monetary CDU and CSU parties have also chimed in. policy reins for the euro area, the policy- Markus Soeder of the Christian Socialist setting governing council has had a one CSU warned that Germany could purposely man-one vote system under which each of be sidelined by timing particularly contro- the six members of the ECB’s executive versial decisions for those meetings when board and each national central bank gov- the Bundesbank would not vote. Ifo chief ernor has one vote. But with the prospect Sinn agreed. —AFP BoE united in holding rates

LONDON: The Bank of England was flow, and in particular what that implied unanimous in its decision to maintain its for the degree of slack, the prospect s for record-low interest rates earlier this its absorption, and the broader outlook month, minutes showed yesterday. The for wages.” The BoE has already stated central bank’s Monetary Policy that it will not consider raising interest Committee (MPC) voted 9-0 to keep its rates until all the spare capacity, or slack, key lending rate at 0.50 percent, where it in the economy has been absorbed. “All has stood since March 2009 to stimulate members agreed that, in the absence of growth, amid Britain’s strengthening eco- other inflationary pressures, it would be nomic recovery. The MPC was also united necessary to see more evidence of slack in keeping the bank’s quantitative easing being absorbed before an increase in stimulus amount at £375 billion ($636 bil- bank rate would be warranted,” the min- lion, 469 billion euros), according to min- utes added. They also noted that there utes from the June 4-5 gathering. was “considerable uncertainty around BoE governor Mark Carney had hinted the current level of slack, and a range of last week that the bank could lift rates views on the committee.” sooner than expected, prompting ana- Last Friday, Carney had declared that lysts to price in an increase by the end of the first rise in interest rates could be PARIS: Commuters arrive at Gare Saint Lazare train station to catch one of a few trains in service for the day in Paris, France yesterday. A week the year. That is in contrast to the delivered sooner than expected. “There’s into a nationwide train strike that has tangled traffic and stranded tourists and has caused some of the worst disruption to thecountry’s rail European Central Bank, which launched already speculation about the exact tim- network in years. — AP radical and unprecedented easing meas- ing of the first rate hike and the decision ures earlier this month to bolster fragile is becoming more balanced,” Carney had euro-zone growth and ward off the said. “It could happen sooner than mar- Germany eases stance on threat of deflation. BoE policymakers kets currently expect.” added that they were “somewhat sur- Some experts are calling on the bank prised” that markets had attached a “rela- to use other tools at its disposal to help tively low probability” to an interest rate dampen soaring British house prices, French and Italy’s budgets hike before the end of 2014. “The (British) particularly in London. Meanwhile, offi- economy was starting to return to nor- cial data showed Tuesday that Britain’s FRANKFURT: Germany’s deputy chancellor Sigmar in the debate,” the economy minister and deputy ing for more time for countries that have pledged to mal. Part of that normalization would be 12-month inflation rate slowed to 1.5 Gabriel hinted in a newspaper interview yesterday chancellor told the mass-circulation daily Bild. “We implement the necessary reforms to get their a rise in bank rate at some point,” the percent in May, which was the lowest that France and Italy could be given more time to Germans are in better shape than other countries economies and finances in order. However the con- minutes read. level for four and a half years. The latest get their finances in order. because we pushed through a tough reform pro- servatives in Germany’s left-right coalition govern- “The precise timing of the rise would figures mark the sixth month in a row In comments which could restart a debate over gram. But we, too, needed time to cut our state ment are opposed to any easing of the deficit rules. austerity and growth in Europe, Gabriel struck a con- debt,” Gabriel said. On Tuesday, the French national accounting court depend on the outlook for inflation. when the rate has been at or below the ciliatory tone to countries struggling to meet the On a visit to France on Monday, the minister had said that France was set to miss its extended target That, in turn, would depend on the data BoE’s 2.0-percent target. — AFP EU’s strict fiscal rules. “I’m in favor of more honesty joined his counterpart Arnaud Montebourg in call- for reducing its public deficit this year. — AFP BUSINESS THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 Markets sniff risks of Fed hawkishness Dollar holds firm after US inflation picks up

LONDON: The dollar held firm yesterday after a sur- the yen, the greenback reached a one-week high of dence of economic slack being absorbed before rais- prisingly high reading for US inflation raised expecta- 102.31, while the euro retreated from a one-week ing rates, the minutes showed. “This unsur- tions that Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen could peak to trade at $1.3566. prising set of minutes which did however paint a pic- strike a more hawkish tone on the monetary policy “If the Fed is more hawkish then the message will ture of a committee which is becoming increasingly outlook. The risk of a faster US policy tightening was be one of divergence from the ECB and the euro will divided about the appropriate time for tightening,” high enough to keep European stocks from hitting suffer,” said Aberdeen Asset Management investment said Nick Beecroft, senior market analyst at Saxo new multi-year highs. US stocks futures indicated a manager Luke Bartholomew. “If the Fed is neutral or Capital Markets. slightly positive opening on Wall Street. The US and dovish then markets will see them as diverging from British central banks’ outlooks diverge from that of the the Bank of England and so sterling will benefit.” The Diverging outlooks European Central Bank, which cut all its interest rates FTSEurofirst 300 index of top European shares was up The yield premium offered by US Treasuries over this month and promised banks more liquidity. The 0.12 percent at 1,389.46. Sterling retreated from five- German Bunds was around its highest since 2005 at Fed’s two-day meeting ends later and will be followed year highs to trade 0.11 percent down on the day at 125 basis points, highlighting the diverging economic by a news conference with Yellen. $1.6946 after the minutes of the Bank of England’s last and monetary policy outlooks. The ECB’s stance has “There’s lots of attention on the inflation number,” meeting. Backing comments last week from Governor kept yields on top-rated bonds depressed and pushed said Investec chief economist Philip Shaw. “Investors Mark Carney that sent the pound soaring, the bank’s investors towards riskier assets, aiming to maximize are probably being a bit cautious and being posi- nine-strong policy committee said it was surprised returns. Cyprus was on the verge of making the fastest tioned for Yellen to say it’s a bit of a concern that infla- that markets had priced in a relatively low chance of comeback to markets of any bailed-out euro zone tion surprised on the upside.” “Certainly the days when an interest rate rise in 2014. country with a new five-year bond yesterday. “We put the Fed was talking about inflation being too low have But the meeting took place before data, on in a bid not because Cyprus is the soundest creditor in passed. But whether they express concern, that’s Tuesday, showing inflation slid to a new five-year low. the world but because there’s a hunt for yield going another matter.” The dollar index was little changed at Members also agreed that, in the absence of inflation- on and the bonds will perform,” said Guido Barthels, 80.58, having climbed 0.2 percent on Tuesday. Against ary pressures, it would be necessary to see more evi- CIO at Luxembourg-based Ethenea. — Reuters

HYDERABAD: Indian laborers transport bags of onions at a wholesale onion market yard in Hyderabad yesterday. The Indian government will impose a Minimum Export Price (MEP) to discourage their export and control the rising price of the vegetable. India’s central bank chief said that tackling spiraling inflation would be a priority in the coming months, amid fears of further price rises hitting tens of millions of the country’s poor. — AFP Gold edges lower

SINGAPORE: Gold edged lower yesterday will dominate,” Meir said. The US dollar as a firmer dollar and outflows from bul- climbed in tandem with rising Treasury lion funds sapped demand, with many yields yesterday as a surprisingly high investors waiting on the sidelines for the reading for US inflation threatened to give US Federal Reserve to conclude its policy a hawkish tilt to the Fed’s policy outlook meeting before placing big bets on the later in the session. Investor sentiment in metal. Spot gold slipped 0.3 percent to bullion is bearish as reflected in flows in $1,268.00 an ounce by 0623 GMT, after SPDR Gold Trust, the world’s largest gold- ending flat in the previous session. The backed exchange-traded fund. Holdings metal hit a three-week high of $1,284.85 in the fund fell 0.26 tons to 782.62 tons on on Monday due to violence in Iraq, but Tuesday - a second straight day of prices have since fallen back. declines. The fund, considered a proxy for The Fed is widely expected to chop investor sentiment, posted its biggest out- another $10 billion from its monthly bond flow since mid-April on Monday. purchases at its two-day policy meet that Physical markets in Asia have also not concludes yesterday. Markets will be been able to boost prices. In top buyer watching closely for any commentary on China, gold prices were trading either at a when the US central bank would begin to discount of about $1 an ounce or on par raise interest rates and its outlook for the with the global benchmark, in a sign that economy, especially given that recent buying interest is weak. Gold premiums data has been strong. “We remain cau- in India - the world’s second-biggest gold tious about gold going into the Fed meet- buyer - fell to their lowest in four months ing yesterday as hints of rate rises could as wedding demand cooled off. Platinum trigger more dollar strengthening and and palladium edged higher as South prove to be an overall drag on the pre- Africa’s platinum producers and union cious metals group,” said Edward Meir, AMCU agreed on a broad wage offer to analyst at INTL FCStone. end a protracted strike. Details such as “Geopolitical headlines still have the the time frame and additional benefits capability to spark prices higher, but for are still outstanding, a producer said on the moment, we think Fed uncertainties Tuesday. — Reuters Brent rises towards $114 as Iraq burns

LONDON: Brent crude rose towards $114 a create more instability. After the 2003 con- barrel yesterday as Sunni militants pushed flict, one of the first things the United forward in northern Iraq, striking a key States did was to get the refinery back run- refinery near Baghdad and stoking worries ning and petrol shortages would create about oil exports from the key producer. more domestic instability,” Jakob said. Iraqi The rapid advance of militants in northern officials say the southern regions that pro- Iraq has led oil companies to pull foreign duce some 90 percent of the country’s oil staff out of the country, fearing violence are completely safe from the Islamic State could spread to major oilfields concentrat- of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). ed in the south. Further increasing tensions, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said his Iraq’s oil output country would not hesitate to defend Shiite But the International Energy Agency (IEA) holy sites in neighboring Iraq. said Iraq’s oil output target of 4 million bar- Brent rose 20 cents to $113.65 a barrel by rels per day by the end of the year looks 0815 GMT. US crude gained 35 cents to increasingly at risk, just as demand is picking $106.71 a barrel after a draw in domestic up due to a stronger global economy. US stocks. Worries about disruption to Iraq’s crude was supported by data from industry supply drove up both benchmarks by more group American Petroleum Institute (API) than 4 percent last week, the biggest weekly showing crude stocks fell by 5.7 million bar- jump since July for Brent and since rels last week to 378.2 million, compared December for US crude. Sunni militants yes- with analysts’ expectations for a drop of terday renewed their attack on Iraq’s biggest 650,000 barrels. Crude stocks at the Cushing, oil refinery, Baiji, with machine-gun fire and Oklahoma, delivery hub rose by 255,000 mortars. The plant north of Baghdad has barrels, the API said. The US Department of been shut and its foreign staff evacuated, Energy’s Energy Information Administration although refinery officials said local staff (EIA) is due to release its closely watched remain in place and the military is in control data at 1430 GMT. Oil investors will also keep of the facility. an eye on the outcome of the Federal “Crude prices are reacting to the head- Reserve’s policy meeting later in the day. The lines on the attack on the Baiji refinery,” Fed is widely expected to shave another $10 said Olivier Jakob, analyst at Zug, billion from its monthly bond purchases, Switzerland-based consultancy which have supported commodity prices by Petromatrix. “The insurgents are trying to injecting extra liquidity. — Reuters

MOSUL: An Iraqi man shops for food at a market in the northern city of Mosul, Iraq. — AP BUSINESS THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 American Airlines trims Venezuela flights

WASHINGTON: American Airlines, owed some is struggling with shortages of goods as basic as $750 million by Venezuela, said Tuesday it was toilet paper. In addition to soaring inflation and sharply reducing flights to the South American soaring crime, the shortages have fueled at nation from July after the two sides failed to times violent anti-government protests that read a deal, a spokesman said Tuesday. “Since we have killed at least 42 people since February, are owed a substantial outstanding amount and with opposing sides trading blame for the have been unable to reach resolution on the bloodshed. debt, we will significantly reduce our flights to Since Maduro took power last year following the country after July 1,” said American Airlines the death of his mentor, longtime socialist spokesman Casey Norton. leader Hugo Chavez, Venezuela has seen its eco- Starting July 2, flights will be reduced from 48 nomic situation deteriorate. Late Tuesday, a week to 10 from Caracas and Maracaibo, with Maduro said on his radio program he was Miami as the only US destination, eliminating replacing longtime planning minister Jorge New York, Dallas and San Juan, Puerto Rico, he Giordani, architect of the currency control pro- added. “We continue to work with the govern- gram in place for 11 years. His replacement will ment of Venezuela on this matter,” Norton said. be Ricardo Menendez, the former education, sci- President Nicolas Maduro’s socialist govern- ence and technology minister, the president ment’s payment problems-it owes $4.2 billion said. No reason was given, but analysts said the dollars to international airlines-have led many replacement could be a first step toward chang- carriers to end or reduce service to Venezuela. ing the currency controls widely blamed for Venezuela requires airlines to sell tickets in boli- shortages and high inflation. Domestic econom- vars and then trudge through government TOKYO: People walk by an electronic stock board of a securities firm yesterday. — AP ic woes also have mushroomed as Venezuela bureaucracy to eventually get the greenbacks the official rate of 6.3 bolivars to importers of On the black market, the greenback can cost as continues to spend billions of dollars on interna- they are owed. designated priority goods such as food and much as 60 bolivars. Venezuela, an OPEC nation tional support for communist Cuba and on With strict currency controls in place since medical supplies. Others who need dollars have that sits atop the world’s largest proven oil cooperation with other Latin American and 2003, Venezuela is only providing US dollars at to buy them at a higher rate of 10 to 50 bolivars. reserves and imports most of what is consumes, Caribbean allies. — AFP

Mexico’s rural landowners pose a threat to foreign energy investors

EMILIANO ZAPATA: When foreign investors fact of life. “The land tenancy issues are the begin to pour into Mexico’s overhauled energy biggest piece of uncertainty you have to deal sector in the coming months, they will face a with as a foreign mining company and I would potent force well-known to miners: Mexico’s foresee energy companies having the same ejidos, or rural landowner groups. The product issue in the future,” said Michael Harvey, direc- of revolutionary land reform - almost a century tor of corporate affairs at Canadian gold miner ago - that redistributed more than 100 million Goldcorp. hectares from large landowners to small farm- The company’s Los Filos mine was blocked ing groups, the ejidos control surface rights to by an ejido for more than a month earlier this large swaths of Mexico. The ejidos are often year, and it has faced weeks of legal uncertainty poor but they can be powerful: machete-wield- at its giant Penasquito mine. In 2012, Canadian ing landowners shuttered government plans silver miner Excellon saw its share price fall by for a new Mexico City airport in 2002. nearly 50 percent during a 99-day blockade at For years, foreign companies have owned its La Platosa mine in northern Mexico. Miners concessions to mine metals in Mexico, leading complain of outlandish demands. In the case of them into delicate negotiations with the ejidos, Excellon, it said the ejido wanted a concession who often block mines for months when they to truck silver from the mine but was unwilling feel they are getting a raw deal. But until last to insure the cargo, a charge the ejido disputes. year, when Congress approved a reform to end Harvey recommended engaging landowners state oil giant Pemex’s 75-year monopoly, for- from the outset and dealing with them directly eign firms were blocked from exploiting the oil rather than through middlemen. and gas reserves of the world’s 10th largest oil producer. Now, they too will have to get along Oil and toil with the ejidos, forging long-term relationships Experts say much of the initial investment that will help define the success of Mexico’s resulting from the energy reform will head to efforts to boost economic growth and lure new areas like Chicontepec, which holds about a investment to stem a decade of declining third of Mexico’s reserves and where mid-size POIPET: Cambodian workers transport their goods from Thailand at a Cambodia-Thai international border gate in Poipet, Cambodia yesterday for their crude oil output. companies can forge relationships with Pemex daily work near the border. — AFP “If you don’t manage it well, this can be a or operate alone. Emiliano Zapata, a sweltering real challenge,” said Gustavo Nieves, a project citrus-growing village in the Chicontepec oil manager for Mexican oil services company basin, is one of the 3,631 ejidos in the eastern Grupo Diavaz, which operates on behalf of state of Veracruz. It has the highest number of Thai Central bank cuts Pemex in the Chicontepec region in central landowner groups in Mexico, making up 40 Mexico and pumps up to 13,000 barrels of percent of the area of the state. crude a day. “It can get really complicated.” As such, it is a testing ground for whether Leftist lawmakers and agrarian groups, many of foreign oil companies can make nice with local 2014 growth forecast, whom opposed the reform, have raised the landowner groups. On March 2, an eight-inch temperature for foreign investors by accusing Pemex oil pipe burst into a stream that pro- them of planning land grabs. “This is the total vides water to the village, which is named after Monetary committee votes 7-0 to hold rate at 2.0% destruction of property in this country in the a revolutionary peasant leader who fought for service of international companies,” said Labor land redistribution. Pemex took responsibility BANGKOK: Thailand’s central bank cut this stronger inflationary pressures. JP Morgan said fairly fast in the second half, starting from the Party Senator Manuel Bartlett. for the leak, but months passed until the year’s growth forecast nearly by half to 1.5 per- “We think further easing from the BOT looks second quarter.” stream was this week finally declared clean. cent but sees a much brighter 2015 as the new unlikely at this point; the emphasis will now be Land uncertainty During that time, residents relied on tanked-in military government tries to reinvigorate the on fiscal policy kicking into gear.” Bid to speed up spending Unlike in Mexico, where the state owns all water supplies, and they said up to eight days economy after prolonged political turmoil. After When seizing power, the army said it needed oil and gas in the ground, US mineral rights are would pass without a delivery. the first policy meeting since a May 22 military ‘Downside risks’ to restore order and confidence after months of privately owned. Such clearly defined land Exasperated by the lack of water and a per- coup in Bangkok, the Bank of Thailand (BOT) The central bank noted there are “downside political unrest and tension. The junta has rights are one of the reasons some believe the ception they were saddled with all the costs of said it saw the economy shrinking 0.5 percent in risks” from a slow recovery in exports and announced measures it hopes will get the sput- US shale oil and gas revolution has been so oil extraction, but saw none of the benefits, the first half, compared with a year earlier, but tourism. Both activities are pivotal for Thailand’s tering economy going again. It has made pay- successful, and will be hard to replicate over- members of the 2,000-strong ejido blocked the growing 3.4-3.5 percent in the second half. The economy. Exports, which account for more than ments owed to rice farmers under a rice-buying seas. Oil majors like BP and Exxon Mobil have main road into the oil-producing zone. “The central bank seems to be counting on the mili- half of gross domestic product, have remained scheme and has prepared emergency measures been quietly building up their presence in government’s slogan is that the oil belongs to tary government to get long-delayed state sluggish while tourism - accounting for about aimed at lifting the economy. The junta is seek- Mexico City, but they have not disclosed specif- us Mexicans,” said laborer Josue Sanchez. “But spending under way and jack up battered 10 percent of the economy - has been battered ing to fast-track infrastructure spending, which ic investment plans. Last month Chevron said it us Mexicans, who live the reality, haven’t seen domestic demand. While slashing this year’s by political tensions. In May, tourist arrivals fell has been derailed by the political crisis. saw “tremendous opportunity” in Latin half a peso of that wealth.” Faced with the growth projection from the 2.7 percent seen in about 11 percent from a year earlier, but indus- Among current economic problems are ris- America’s second-largest economy. But, experts prospect of more investors arriving, locals in an March, the BOT raised next year’s growth fore- try executives say June will show an improve- ing inflation at a time of high household debt say, investors in Mexico’s energy sector face area where half the population lives on food cast to more than 5 percent, compared with 4.8 ment, helped by the lifting of curfews the army and weak confidence. In May, domestic auto troubling questions. “Who do we deal with, handouts, say they are left with few options to percent. imposed. sales fell 38 percent from a year earlier. what kinds of arrangement can we make, and make themselves heard.“We’re looking at the “Following a significant reduction of political “After the curfew lifting, online bookings in Politically, the country remains deeply divided. third, can they be enforced and will they be prospect of blockades, because nobody wants uncertainties, the economy should benefit from tourist towns in such as Krabi and Phuket have If 2004 growth turns out to be 1.5 percent, that respected?” said Jim Rice, a Houston energy to take responsibility for these problems,” said improving public and private spending,” the risen by 5-10 percent and that’s a good sign,” would make this year the worst since 2011, lawyer at global law firm Sidley Austin. Gumercindo Gonzalez, the head of the ejido. A central bank’s Monetary Policy Committee said, said Pornthip Hirunkate, vice president of the when devastating floods meant Thailand eked The Mexican government is trying to bring Pemex spokesperson said the company took adding that recovery should pick up pace given Tourism Council of Thailand. In the first quarter, out expansion of 0.1 percent. On Tuesday, ING some clarity to these questions. Under the care of the leak in Emiliano Zapata, but added “resumption of functioning public policy man- Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy con- said it thought the central bank might cut this terms of the reform, whose fine print is still that a lot of ejido complaints lacked substance, agement.” The committee voted 7-0 to keep the tracted 2.1 percent from the previous three year’s projection to as low as 0.9 percent. JP being hashed out in Congress, surface rights and that the groups were usually looking for one-day repurchase rate unchanged at 2.0 per- months. Paiboon Kittisrikangwan of the BOT told Morgan’s current forecast is for 1.1 percent. holders will be incentivized to reach a quick financial gain. According to Gustavo cent. The rate had been cut by 25 basis points in a news conference that following that first-quar- Sarun Sunansathaporn, economist with Tisco and amicable agreement at a fair price or face Hernandez, the head of Pemex exploration and November and again in March. Most analysts do ter shrinkage, the central bank internally cut its Securities in Bangkok, said the economy “will the prospect of expropriation. But the previous production, Mexico’s extractive industries gen- not see a rate change this year assuming the 2014 forecast to below 1 percent. “But after May gradually pick up. But government spending experience of miners suggests the reality is far erally enjoy a fruitful relationship with the eji- economy stabilizes, and some expect a rate rise we have revised our projection again because may not come in fast this year, but instead next more complicated, with costly shutdowns a dos.—Reuters in 2015 if Thailand regains velocity, leading to there is a chance that the economy will grow year.”— Reuters Small business lending reaching ‘new normal’

NEW YORK: Banks are making it easier for small businesses stronger and they’re keeping their expenses down, which to get loans, and they’re giving companies better terms makes them more appealing to risk-averse banks that want and lower interest rates. That’s the conclusion of to lend. “We’re entering a new normal,” he said. researchers at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Small business owners who have been conservative Business and Management and Dun & Bradstreet with their finances since the recession began 6 1/2 years Credibility Corp, who yesterday released the results of a ago are still cautious, the survey shows. An index measur- survey on small business financing. Forty-four percent of ing their demand for outside financing of all types fell 1.3 the small businesses surveyed last month said they points to 32.1. Companies’ hiring plans are also conserva- received bank loans during the previous three months. tive. Forty-seven percent of small businesses said they had That’s a sizeable increase from 39 percent in February and no plans to hire in the next six months, up 2 percentage 34 percent last fall. The Pepperdine Private Capital Access points from February. The number of businesses planning Index for small businesses rose to 27.7 from 27.1 in to hire up to two employees rose to 35 percent from 33 February. It measures companies’ demand for and ease in percent, but the number of companies planning to hire getting financing, including loans. three to 10 workers fell slightly. Banks are taking more steps to persuade small business- Stibel said he expects hiring to increase. He noted that es to borrow, said Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp CEO many owners are getting lines of credit, but aren’t rushing Jeff Stibel. Interest rates for small businesses, which had to use them. They want to be sure they have the money on been about 15 percent, are falling, he said. Banks are also hand when they’re ready to expand or hire, he said. willing to lend for longer terms than they did a few years Owners’ revenue expectations for their companies were lit- KITIMAT: Douglas Channel, the proposed termination point for an oil pipeline in the Enbridge Northern Gateway ago. Stibel’s company compiles credit reports on small tle changed from February. Many owners have said in sep- Project, is pictured in an aerial view in Kitimat, BC. Canada’s government on Tuesday, June 17, 2014, approved a contro- businesses. Banks are willing to lend because small busi- arate surveys they won’t hire until they have enough new versial pipeline proposal that would bring oil to the Pacific Coast for shipment to Asia, a major step in the country’s nesses are generally healthier than they were during the business to justify expanding their payrolls. The survey efforts to diversify its oil exports if it can overcome fierce opposition from environmental and aboriginal groups. — AP recession and its aftermath, Stibel said. Their cash flow is included responses from 1,251 companies of all sizes.— AP BUSINESS THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

Italy beaches: Open for business, closed to competition

MILAN: Italy’s beaches are a family affair - and that’s a Renzi is trying to convince Brussels to accept the 2020 says his father - a poor fisherman - was awarded a Baretta says Rome is hoping to get EU approval for the problem for the euro-zone’s third-largest economy. deadline or risk a possible infringement procedure beach concession by the state after World War II. new 2020 deadline, so that Italy has time to introduce Most of the beaches along Italy’s 7,500 kilometers of that might lead to a fine. The new government says it Piraccini says his father didn’t have to promise any a new system that will introduce a fairer tender sys- sun-kissed coast have for decades been managed by needs the extra time to overhaul the beach licensing improvement to the beach in exchange; he just com- tem but also reward long-time balneari who have small businesses operating concessions that are system while limiting the damage for thousands of mitted to keeping the sand clean. It was not until invested in Italian beaches for decades. passed on from generation to generation. Though concession owners. It’s not just an issue of fairness. Italy’s 1960s economic boom - when motorways were The balneari are already sharpening their knives. licences are state-owned, they rarely come up for Italian beaches generate revenues worth almost 10 built, hotels were erected and tourists began coming Fabrizio Licordari, beach management representative public bids, allowing Italy’s balneari - or beach man- billion euros a year, according to Angelo Bonelli, to Italy - that the beach business exploded. Piraccini at employer’s lobby Confindustria, says keeping Italy’s agers - to keep a tight grip on amenities ranging from leader of Italy’s Green Party. Yet only around 100 mil- says his dad had one client in 1957. beaches in the hands of small business has stopped single-shack parasol rentals to up-market bars and lion euros a year go to the state through the conces- Now, the same stretch of beach in the bustling them falling prey to big hotels with a lack of respect restaurants. sion of operating licences. Riviera town of Milano Marittina, near Rimini, lures for local traditions. He says small businesses keep The balneari say the all-in-the-family system keeps Briatore’s savannah-style Twiga resort draws deep- 200 families per month. Like Piraccini, who inherited organized crime - which preys on lucrative big state costs low for beachgoers. But local and foreign entre- pocketed holidaymakers from Britain, Russia and the beach from his father, thousands of other families contracts - at arm’s length. Licordari also says beach preneurs say they’re being shut out. The battle of the beaches offers a window onto one of the biggest bar- riers to Italy’s economic development: the lack of competition across sectors. Guilds, associations and other lobbies that are politically powerful have for decades prevented new blood from entering the economy and are one of the reasons it has barely grown over the past two decades. “Beach concessions should be given to people who will manage them effectively, who will work hard and create new jobs,” says Flavio Briatore, a business- man and former Italian Formula One investor. Briatore has been running the “Twiga” beach club in the trendy resort of Forte dei Marmi for the past 15 years. But he has never been able to bid for the licence directly. Instead he says he sublets the beach from a licence holder for 250,000 euros a year. That compares to the 3,570 euros on average that each direct licensee pays the government, according to official figures. “The government shouldn’t give concessions to those who speculate by subletting,” says Briatore. Many governments have tried to pry open parts of Italy’s services sector including taxis, pharmacies and legal practices. But the results have been mixed. Two ROME: Men dressed as centurions wait to pose with tourists near the antique Trajan’s market yesterday in central Rome. — AFP years ago the government of Mario Monti attempted deregulation, but many of the measures were diluted by parties protecting vested interests. Italy’s new beyond to its umbrellas, discos and restaurant. By have passed on post-war licences again and again managers should have the right to decide whether Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, nicknamed Demolition subletting, licence holders can earn handsomely. “The over the decades. Though the state officially gives out they want to hand out licences to newcomers or not. Man, has staked his reputation on cleaning up Italian beach business in Italy has created a caste. Licences the licences on a six-year basis, renewals almost never “Some of my colleagues didn’t send their kids to business and rewarding merit. The European Union is have been doled out on a private basis with no ten- come up for public tender. Mario Pelucchi, analyst at college but taught them the profession,” says also trying to put its foot down. In 2006, the EU ders, It’s a lobby in all senses of the word,” says Bonelli. think tank Nomisma who recently published a report Licordari. “Now with all these tenders they run the risk ordered its member states to open up various sectors “State assets need to be exploited to the full, beach on Italy’s beaches, says “it’s a fragmented industry of someone else coming in and leaving them jobless.” to competition. It told Italy to put its 28,000 beach licences are not generating revenues in line with their with around 90 percent of the businesses run by fami- “Italy’s beach system is unique, run by small family licences up for public tender. real value,” agrees Pier Paolo Baretta, undersecretary lies.” enterprises that invested on the basis of a law,” adds Yet Italy has been stalling. First it got the EU to of the economy ministry. The system eventually raised flags in Brussels. In Sergio Pizzolante, a lawmaker with the centre-right agree to extension of the existing licensing system to 2008, the European Union officially criticized Italy for party, Nuovo Centro Destra, which is a member of the 2015. Then in 2012, the government yet again bowed Beach time the way it awarded its beach licences, saying too governing coalition. “Brussels must understand you to pressure from the balneari and passed a national Italy’s beaches haven’t always been good business. many concessions were renewed without opening can’t just take that away without recognizing the val- law shoving the deadline back further to 2020. Now, Danilo Piraccini, who runs a cooperative of balneari, them up to new entrants. Treasury undersecretary ue of their businesses.”— Reuters Housebuilder Berkeley slams UK measures to curb market Shares down 3.7 percent

LONDON: British housebuilder Berkeley has Rob Perrins told Reuters yesterday. Reuters survey of 13 banks and brokerages. “We attacked government measures designed to help “It’s a really bad thing. I think you should allow have had very good demand ... People now feel like cool the country’s surging housing market, saying the mortgage market to work, the key thing is the economy is beginning to pick up and they are they were a poor policy response that would pre- employment. People when they do buy a home getting real wage growth, so they feel much more vent house purchases by people who could afford and they are in employment, they will save to pay confidence to come and buy,” said Perrins. Berkeley them. British house prices have risen by 11 percent their interest payments,” Perrins added. The house- said it invested 353 million in nine new sites for the over the last year, data showed earlier this month, builder, which said it had created 3,000 new jobs in year ended April 30, which was sufficient to build benefiting house builders but leading to concerns the year ended April 30, has seen its profits jump in 2,500 homes. It also said it had a “pipeline” of that the property market could overheat and pose recent years thanks to strong demand for its 11,000 plots of land, which would be worth 1.5 bil- a risk to financial stability. London homes from overseas buyers. It has been lion pounds over the next five years. Finance minister George Osborne said last further helped by improved buyer sentiment Shares in Berkeley fell 3.7 percent to 2,178 pence week he would give the Bank of England stronger stoked by government schemes to help Britons by 1019 GMT, making it one of the biggest losers in powers to curb mortgage lending, by stopping buy their first home. Perrins’s comments came after the FTSE 250 index of mid-sized companies. The Britons taking out loans that are too big com- Berkeley posted a 40 percent rise in full-year pretax stock fell as low as 2,166p, equaling a seven-month pared with their income or the value of their profit and said it was on track to deliver further low set last month. “Berkeley’s numbers are bang in Faisal Al Ayyar and His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein pictured during the home. The comments sent shares in leading growth in the long term. line with expectations, perhaps a tad ahead,” said opening. British housebuilders down more than 4 percent analyst Stephen Rawlinson at brokerage Whitman on the day. “If you bring (in) these new rules, you Good demand Howard. “Telling everyone that the housebuilders stop people buying, you’re stopping people who Pretax profit rose to 380 million pounds ($638 are in a good moment is not that helpful really, as King Abdullah II inaugurates can afford to buy, so personally I think the million) from 270.7 million a year earlier, above the share prices are being driven by sentiment and a changes that the Bank of England proposed on top end of the range of analyst forecasts between view about whether the good performance will ‘Abdali Boulevard’ in Amman mortgages are poor,” Berkeley Managing Director 309 and 379 million, according to a Thomson continue,” Rawlinson added.— Reuters

KUWAIT: United Real Estate Company including real estate, banking and insur- (URC), the MENA region’s leading real ance. Burgan Bank estate developer, announced yesterday the These investments have significantly NBK announces the inauguration of “Abdali Boulevard”, a contributed to providing job opportunities partners with mixed-use project within the master devel- for Jordanian nationals and to the nation’s opment of the Abdali project, developed growth. We strongly believe in Jordan’s Al Jawhara winners by the Abdali Boulevard Company (ABC). bright economic future and we are certain; offers The grand opening was held under the that Abdali Boulevard will contribute to the KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) interest-free account with regular deposit patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II country’s economic strengthening and has announced the three lucky winners in and withdrawal privileges, it also entitles discounts Bin Al Hussein of Jordan and in the pres- architectural renaissance. “ Abdali Mall is Al Jawhara weekly draws during the account holders to enter the weekly, ence of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al another development in the heart of the month of June. NBK has re-launched Al monthly and quarterly Al Jawhara draws. KUWAIT: Burgan Bank announced yesterday an exclu- Abdullah and His Royal Highness Crown new downtown area of Abdali. The project Jawhara account by offering customers Each KD 50 in an Al Jawhara account enti- sive discount from for its credit and prepaid PrinceAl HusseinBin Abdullah II. is owned by URC and AID, holding 60% and more chances to win bigger prizes; KD tles the customer to one chance in any of cardholders when shopping online from US stores and URC’s main shareholder, Kuwait Projects 40% respectively. The mall will be inaugu- 5,000 weekly, KD 125,000 monthly and a the draws. All prizes are automatically shipping directly through The offer aims at Company Holding (KIPCO), was represent- rated next year. grand prize of KD 250,000 quarterly. Anas credited to the winners’ accounts the day rewarding the bank’s cardholders by enabling them to ed by the Vice-Chairman, Faisal Al Ayyar. Mohammed Al Dani, Bader Rashed Al after the draw. The more money held in shop online without the need to have a physical address. KIPCO hosted the event alongside Abdali Nuwaiem and Abdulla Ali Al Enizi each Al Jawhara account, the greater the Apart from an effective and safe delivery service, Burgan Investment& Development (AID). The event won KD 5,000. The winners expressed chances of winning. Al Jawhara account is Bank’s cardholders can also capitalize on the numerous was inaugurated by Dr MuntherHaddadin, benefits accompanying this service, starting with a ABC Chairman, followed by a speech on their gratitude and thanked NBK for its available to both Kuwaitis and expats and great services and promotions. can be opened at any of NBK’s branches waived setup fee and waived membership fees for 2 behalf of KIPCO and URCgiven by Engineer years. Customers will alsoreceive up to 20% discount on Mohammed Ahmed Al Saqqaf, Chief Al Jawhara is one of Kuwait’s leading in Kuwait. For further information visit cash prize accounts offering numerous , or call Hala Watani at shipping rates as well. For customers to avail this offer, Executive Officer of URC and Vice Chairman they need to login to of ABC. benefits to its customers. Not only is it an 1801801. The master development was designed and implemented in accordance with the economic vision of His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein for Jordan. Household credit jumps KD 132 million Abdali Boulevard is the largest integrated, mixed-use development in the booming new downtown of the city of Amman, Abdali. The project spans over 121,000sqm NBK ECONOMIC UPDATE and a gross land area of 25,540 sqm. Additionally, the development’s compo- KUWAIT: April’s credit corrected as weaker non- tions. Point of sale (POS) and ATM transaction data, result, the local credit share of bank’s total assets nents are connected by a 370 sqm pedes- financial business credit withheld growth. for the first quarter of 2014, further reaffirmed the was at its lowest, in April, since the financial crisis, trian walkway. Abdali Boulevard incorpo- Household credit continued to display a strong health of the consumer sector, with POS and ATM accounting for 54% and below its high of 63% in rates leisure and retail components includ- performance despite family fund repayments, volumes up by 15% y/y and 6% y/y, respectively. September 2009. ing international restaurant chains, cafes meanwhile foreign assets rose significantly. Money All remaining credit corrected in April following Money supply (M2) growth decelerated to 6.5% and high street retail brands. supply, on the other hand, contracted as seasonal its exceptional performance in March. Credit to y/y following a very strong March performance. M1 The project also consists of office spaces deposits were withdrawn. Total credit contracted non-financial business decreased by KD 165 million growth slowed as well to 15.8%. Both aggregates and residential components such as serv- by KD56 million in April following March’s unusual slowing growth to 6.4%. Drops were noticed across fell against a backdrop of declining deposits in iced apartments. The project’s total invest- large gain of almost half a billion KD, credit growth the board, particularly in trade and industry. Real April following strong March gains, and in line with ment cost is US$500 million. KIPCO’s Vice moderated to 7.3% year-on-year for the month. estate and “other” credit, however, stood as the seasonal patterns. Withdrawals were observed in Chairman, Faisal Al Ayyar, said: “We are Household credit jumped by KD132 million, its outliers posting healthy gains. Meanwhile credit for both KD deposits (-KD199mn) and foreign currency delighted to be celebrating the grand strongest in 7 months, steadily expanding by the purchase of securities fell by KD130 million, off- deposits (-KD132 mn). Deposit rates on dinar time opening of Abdali Boulevard. The project 14.7% from a year ago and was primarily driven by setting its last monthly gain. Growth in foreign deposits increased across the board by 2 to 4 bps. was developed by the Abdali Boulevard installment loans. Growth in the household sector assets continued apace, as international markets Rates on the 1-month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12- Companyin which URC, KIPCO’s real estate continues to support overall credit growth, adding became increasingly attractive. These assets grew months timed deposits stood at 0.61%, 0.82%, arm, owns a 40% stake. KIPCO has a long- Engineer Mohammed Al Saqqaf presents KD326 million out of KD 529 million year-to-date, by 1.1 billion KD or 10.7% in the past four months 0.99%, and 1.2%. Meanwhile, interbank rates con- term presence in Jordan in several sectors his speech on behalf of KIPCO & URC. seemingly little affected by family fund redemp- alone and now account for 21% of total assets. As a tinued to edge higher averaging 1% in April. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 technology Amazon expected to unveil smartphone

Analysts see potential for shaking up market

NEW YORK: Amazon stages a mystery unveil- ing-widely expected to be a smartphone-to delve into a super competitive market dominat- ed by Apple and Samsung. The company has given a hint as to what is in store and invited a small group of media to the Seattle event to be Amazon Prime’s value hosted by Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos. The announcement contained an image of goes beyond shipping what appeared to be the edge of a smartphone- a device long rumored to be in the works by the By Anick Jesdanun into original programming, though none Seattle, Washington firm, which is a retailer of a of its shows has gotten the critical recep- multitude of goods and digital content. A video AMHERST: Spending $99 a year for an tion that Netflix has had with “House of shows people apparently dazzled by a device Amazon Prime membership to get free Cards” and “Orange is the New Black.” After that is not seen. The Wall Street Journal report- shipping hardly seems like a deal. After all, getting customer feedback on 14 shows, ed Tuesday that AT&T will be the exclusive oper- I can usually get free shipping by spending Amazon ordered full seasons for two ator of the expected Amazon phone. at least $35 on a single order. But Prime’s comedies and three kids’ series. So far, Analysts see potential for shaking up the benefits became apparent gradually over people who don’t have Prime aren’t able market. The phone is expected to hit the mar- the nine months I’ve used it. During a trip to buy episodes. ket in September, according to specialized web last month, for instance, I got started on sites, which put the price range at $99 to $199. the first season of “The Good Wife” and E-BOOKS: “If it is a smartphone, Amazon would automati- read Michael Lewis’ “The Blind Side.” Last You can borrow one book a month as cally be considered one of the top players weekend, I added Journey’s “Greatest Hits” long as you have a Kindle e-reader or before it even ships its first phone,” said Gerry SANTA MONICA: In this photo, Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon, introduces the Amazon tablet, but you’re not offered everything album to my music library and began Purdy, chief mobile analyst for Compass Kindle Fire during an event in Santa Monica, Calif. — AP watching the spy drama “The Americans.” I that Amazon makes available for pur- Intelligence. finished a book on photography on my chase. The selection includes the “Harry Purdy said Amazon’s market clout, large cus- Amazon’s streaming video service. Last week, journalists attending the event, Bezos sent way to work Monday. All that came for free Potter” and “Hunger Games” series and tomer base and willingness to sell devices at the company added streaming music for no copies of his favorite childhood book, “Mr. Pine’s with Prime. Some features work only with several books by best-selling author low profit margins gives the company an additional charge. But Amazon still needs to Purple House,” which is about one house that a Kindle e-reader or tablet. If Michael Lewis. But once I finished those, I opportunity to get a foothold in this key seg- deliver a high-quality handset and offer stands out from the others. Inc. introduces a new smartphone struggled to find books of interest. Each ment. “They have a lot of tools,” Purdy told AFP. enough apps to compete with the popular Forrester Research analyst James McQuivey Wednesday, as widely expected, those fea- month, Prime members can also choose “They can give free access to content, access to devices from Apple and makers such as said Amazon is not interested in taking away a tures will likely work there, too. Amazon one of four books to own outright, regard- music, or they could credit your monthly phone Samsung which use the Google Android plat- lot of Apple and Samsung market share, but in might even introduce additional ones just less of whether they own a Kindle device. bill if you spend enough with Amazon.” form. keeping its customers more engaged. “Amazon for its phone. But there’s plenty to enjoy, These books are all published by Amazon. Amazon has worked to keep customers Several reports have said Amazon’s new wants to be in your pocket,” he told AFP. “It even without an Amazon device: So far, none has interested me enough to close with its Amazon Prime subscription serv- phone would have 3D technology, making for a wants to be with you in your hand’s reach get - even for free. ice, for $99 a year. This gives consumers free richer, multidimensional display that could dif- whenever you think about something you want UNLIMITED VIDEO: delivery for goods, as well as access to ferentiate it from rivals. In a cryptic message to to purchase. — AFP Since 2006, Amazon has been offering MUSIC: video for download, much like Apple’s This is Amazon’s newest benefit, iTunes. Although TV episodes cost just $2 debuting just last week. More than a mil- YouTube to launch or $3 each, I hate paying for something lion songs are available for streaming on GBM study reveals that’s been shown on television for free. Kindle tablets, Web browsers and music service amid Amazon changed the dynamics in 2011 Amazon’s Music app for Apple and evolving IT security when it started offering movies and TV Android devices. In some cases, you can indie dispute shows to Prime members for free. Unlike download songs for offline playback. As LOS ANGELES: YouTube will launch a new subscription weaknesses in Kuwait Netflix, Amazon offers only part of its col- with books and video, free music is limit- music service, the company acknowledged Tuesday lection that way. Video is available on a ed to a portion of what Amazon makes after being dragged into a public dispute over royalties variety of devices, but not Google’s available for sale. Universal Music Group’s KUWAIT: As Bring Your Own Device main concern preventing companies that will result in the blockade of some independent Chromecast or smartphones and tablets catalog is missing, but you do get (BYOD) programs continue rolling out from cloud adoption. However at the running Google’s Android system, with Grammies winner Daft Punk and plenty artists’ music videos. The Google Inc.-owned video site in Kuwait, half of respondents polled in same time up to 44 percent of employ- the exception of Kindles. As with Netflix, of ‘80s tracks from Journey and Madonna. said in a statement that it is “adding subscription-based this year’s Gulf Business Machines ees in Kuwait are already using less free video has typically been limited to features for music on YouTube” and that “hundreds of (GBM) Security Survey are permitted to secure free cloud-based data storage streaming, meaning you need a persist- FOR KIDS: major label and independent artists” have signed on. connect personal devices at work. In options to store company documents. ent Internet connection. But last fall, Amazon’s FreeTime Unlimited service The paid service - to be launched within a few spite of the prevalence of personal This confirms the need for such a serv- Amazon began enabling downloads on offers plenty of kid-friendly apps, books months - will likely allow playback of videos without connectivity in the country’s work- ice whilst highlighting that companies Kindle tablets. That came in handy during and video for a set monthly price. Prime ads and allow for offline playback on mobile devices. force, surprisingly59 percent of compa- currently lack proper investment in a my train trip through Ohio and other members still have to pay, but they get a That’s according to two people familiar with the matter. nies invest only 15 percent or less of secure cloud based solution and as states last month, when I kept encounter- few dollars off the monthly fee. The people weren’t authorized to speak publicly and their IT budgets in security to support such run the risk of staff-related IT ing stretches without cellular service and spoke on condition of anonymity. The people also con- that evolution. security incidents. couldn’t watch Netflix. SHIPPING: firmed that a small number of independent artists who Since 2012, there has been a 22 per- Since GBM’s foundation in 1990, the And of course, there’s the free ship- had not agreed to new deal terms will have their videos cent increase in those owning five or company has been at the forefront of EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: ping. I started out by saying that I could blocked in some countries starting in a few days, even more personal connected devices. As addressing challenges associated with Lately, Amazon has been making get free shipping by spending at least on the free version of YouTube. YouTube will block the Kuwait and region overall mirror the the cybercrime eco-system in the world’s immersion in a digital age, the region. The research, conducted by exclusive deals to block shows from $35 on an order. However, that’s for stan- music videos so users of the test version won’t be con- majority of IT experts polled in the GBM’s INS practice, informs clients and Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services. dard shipping, which takes up to eight fused about which content they can access for free and Prime is the only way to get free stream- business days. With Prime, I got a $14 study believe the GCC is a prime target end-users with the knowledge of the which features require payment, the people said. ing of past seasons of “24” and classic HBO corkscrew in just two days. That said, for cyber-security crimes for the sec- latest threats in IT security and Allowing free streams of music by certain artists while series such as “The Sopranos” and “The shipping isn’t expensive, and you need ond year in a row. Employees connect- empowers them to mitigate unsolved Wire.” This summer, Amazon is making up to 20 small orders a year to make it not offering them on the paid service would erode the ing to company networks from several risks in their own networks. The episodes of two CBS series, “Under the worth the $99 membership fee. Plus, value of the paid plan, one person said. devices pose a multiplied threat, beg- Security Framework, coined by GBM Dome” and “Extant,” available through scores of items are excluded from free The move also adds pressure on those labels to sign, ging for additional IT security precau- and at the core of its IT security offer- Prime just four days after the broadcast. shipping, including some running shorts because not being on YouTube altogether will result in tions. ing, enables customers to meet and Without Prime, you can still buy some I was looking to buy. The benefits of less advertising revenue and exposure. YouTube has “The increased focus on rolling out exceed IT industry best practices in shows digitally or on DVD. CBS is also Prime clearly go beyond free shipping. reached deals with all three major music labels - smart government services is one of order to secure their infrastructure. making its shows available for free, None of the other perks is enough by Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, and the factors driving the increase of though they will carry ads, while Prime itself, but as a package, they make Prime Warner Music Group - and many independent labels as device connectivity in Kuwait’s work- Key findings: will not. Amazon also has been getting a great value. — AP a whole representing about 95 percent of all labels, the place,” commented Hani Nofal, director • 53% of respondents in Kuwait people said. of Intelligent Network Solutions (INS) believe the Middle East is a prime tar- Determining which artists are blocked -and where- at GBM. “With an ever-changing tech- get for cybercrime Japan robot firm showcases could be confusing because some indie artists have nology landscape supporting those • 59% of companies in Kuwait invest their music distributed in certain countries by the types of advances, the role of IT securi- 15% or less of their IT budgets in secu- major labels. Singer Adele, for instance, is signed with ty professionals is increasingly dynam- rity thought-controlled suits ic and vital to a company’s sustained • 10% of respondents in 2012 Beggars Group’s XL Recordings in the UK, but Sony KAWASAKI: A Japanese robot-maker yes- power-assisted robotic suits, limbs and success and integrity.” reported owning 5 or more personal Music’s Columbia label distributes her music in the US Supporting the survey results sug- devices; 32% of respondents in 2014 terday showed off suits that the wearer can joints that can help the elderly and disabled Rich Bengloff, president of the American Association of control just by thinking, as it said it was to get around or can help industrial workers gesting a lack of proper IT security reported owning 5 or more personal Independent Music, an industry group representing investment in a maturing digital world, devices linking up with an industrial city promoting to lift heavy objects. The machines detect independent labels, said he disagrees with the charac- innovation. Cyberdyne founder Yoshiyuki weak electrical pulses that run through the this year’s survey found that incidents • 51% of respondents are allowed to Sankai said he was allying with Kawasaki, a skin when the wearer’s brain sends the mes- terization that only a few labels haven’t signed. He caused by internal staff in the previous connect personal devices at work city south of Tokyo, to explore ways to sage to the limb to move. The robot then argued that independent artists are being treated 12 months rose to 63 percent, up from • 68% of respondents’ employers expand real-life applications for his robo- moves exactly in concert with the natural unfairly simply because they lack market power. 35 percent in 2013. partially or do not at all restrict social suits, which are often used for physical limb, but provides much more power than “I’m not very happy, obviously,” he said. “We’re ask- “While more businesses are adopt- media access therapy. “We want to make technology it could exert on its own. “We don’t want ing to be treated equitably and fairly.” One person ing and embracing social media, inter- • 67% of respondents’ employers that actually helps people,” Sankai, who is people to see individuals wearing our prod- familiar with the terms said that independent labels are nal IT security precautions have not yet main concern around cloud adoption also a professor of engineering at the ucts and think ‘Gee, it must be so hard (to being offered the same per-stream royalty payment as caught up with the increase in liabili- is data security University of Tsukuba, northeast of Tokyo, live with ailments)’,” Sankai said. “Rather, we the major labels, but are not offered the same guaran- ties caused by employee activity on • 63% of security incidents in the said. want people to see the robot and say, ‘Wow, tees or advances for the first year. Alison Wenham, CEO personal connected devices and asso- past 12 months were caused by inter- Cyberdyne, based in Tsukuba, makes that’s fantastic’,” he said. — AFP of the Worldwide Independent Network, another trade ciated online activity. We know Kuwait nal staff; 35% of security incidents in group representing indie labels, said in a statement is a prime target for cyber-attacks, so the previous 12 months were caused that YouTube’s decision to blockade some labels was a companies must redefine internal IT by internal staff in last year’s findings security best practices,” added Nofal. • 44% of companies utilize free “grave error of commercial judgment.” She said services For the third consecutive year, data cloud-based online file storage servic- like Spotify and Deezer have done a better job repre- security has been identified as the es at work. senting independent music on their platforms. —AP Ireland asks EU to look at data rules after Facebook allegations DUBLIN: Ireland’s High Court on yesterday asked companies including Apple, Google, Facebook and cial review must fail... because the European com- the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to review Microsoft to gather user data as part of a mass mission has already decided that the US provides European Union data protection rules in light of electronic surveillance program known as Prism. an adequate level of data protection,” he said. But allegations that Facebook shared data from EU The Irish data watchdog - the effective supervi- he asked the European Court of Justice to clarify users with the US National Security Agency. But it sor of the EU activities of some of the biggest US whether the main European rulings on data pro- said it would not be able to force the country’s Internet companies, which have their European tection cooperation with the United States — the data protection commissioner, Facebook’s regula- headquarters in Ireland - had said in July there 1995 EU data protection directive and the 2000 tor in Europe, to investigate the allegations. were no grounds for such an investigation. High European Commission decision on the Safe Austrian student group europe-v-facebook, Court Justice Gerard Hogan, who has jurisdiction Harbour principles-were compatible with the EU had demanded an investigation into allegations because Facebook’s European headquarters are Charter of Fundamental Rights. “The critical issue that companies including Apple and Facebook based in Dublin, said he could not force a probe, which arises is whether the proper interpretation help the US National Security Agency (NSA) har- but said the application raised questions about of the 1995 directive and the 2000 Commission KAWASAKI: An official of Kawasaki City demonstrates a new powered exoskeleton to vest email and other private data from European whether EU data rules were compatible with the decision should be re-evaluated in the light of the assist movement of an arm developed by Japan’s robot suit venture Cyberdyne dur- citizens. Fugitive US intelligence contractor Edward EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. subsequent entry into force of article 8 of the EU ing a press conference yesterday. — AFP Snowden last year revealed that the NSA used Web “It is clear that the present application for judi- charter,” Hogan said. — Reuters THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 HEALTH & SCIENCE US joins bid to create Pacific marine reserve DiCaprio pledges $7m to help clean up the seas WASHINGTON: The United States joined forces from more than 80 countries met for two days Hollywood actor DiCaprio, an avid diver, who with other nations Tuesday to declare a vast with scientists and industry experts. Obama said said his love for the oceans had led him to swath of the Pacific Ocean a marine sanctuary he would use his executive powers to expand explore underwater worlds and delight in all and take “historic” steps to combat illegal fishing. the Pacific Islands marine park, where the White kinds of marine life. Taking the helm in a stepped up fight to save the House said “tropical coral reefs and associated “I’ve witnessed environmental devastation planet’s oceans, President Barack Obama marine ecosystems are among the most vulnera- first hand,” DiCaprio said, recalling two dives he ordered his administration to chart a way to ble areas to the impacts of climate change and made some 18 years apart at the coral reef in expand an existing US reserve and create what ocean acidification.” Australia. “What once had looked like an endless would be the world’s largest marine park. In a video address, Obama said he had also underwater utopia is now riddled with bleached And a two-day conference hosted by the directed the US government to “build a national coral reefs and massive dead zones.” State Department was given a sprinkle of star- strategy to combat black-market fishing.” “Rising “Unfortunately today, there’s no proper law dust by Hollywood A-lister Leonardo DiCaprio, levels of carbon dioxide are causing our oceans enforcement capacity and little accountability who pledged $7 million from his foundation to to acidify. Pollution endangers marine life. for violating the law. It’s the Wild West on the help clean up the seas. The US is planning to Overfishing threatens whole species as well as high seas,” warned the star of the box-office hit expand the Pacific Remote Islands National the people who depend on them for food and movie “Titanic.” Monument, which together with action taken by their livelihoods,” Obama said. But the White Kerry said the move to clamp down on illegal other nations such as the Cook Islands and House pledged that fishermen, scientists and fishing meant all seafood sold in the United Kiribati, would mean some three million square conservation experts would be consulted before States would be “sustainable and traceable.” A kilometers (1.2 million square miles) are declared the outlines of the marine sanctuary are defined. recent report found that between 20 percent off-limits to all fishing fleets and drilling activi- and 32 percent of wild-caught seafood imported ties. Bleached coral into the US in 2011 came from illegal or “pirate” A total of $1.8 billion-with a $1 billion alone The plan could ignite a new battle with fishing. coming from Norway to combat climate change- Republicans in Congress, angered by Obama Environmentalists also welcomed Obama’s was pledged at the conference seeking to draw again using his executive powers to bypass the plans as “a historic step forward in the fight up an action plan to fight pollution, acidification US legislature. “If we ignore these problems, if against seafood fraud and illegal fishing world- and overfishing. “Right now only a small fraction we drain our oceans of the resources, we won’t wide.” “This initiative is a practical solution to an of the world’s ocean... is currently protected,” US just be squandering one of the humanity’s great- ugly problem and will forever change the way Secretary of State John Kerry said. est treasures, we’ll be cutting off one of the we think about our seafood,” said Beth Lowell, More must be done but the new commit- world’s major sources of food and economic campaign director with the international advo- ments are “a terrific start,” he said, after leaders growth,” Obama warned. He won support from cacy Oceana group. — AFP

Sebamed’s Fresh Shower gentle on skin KUWAIT: As the weather gets hotter, protects the natural barrier function of one needs to shower more frequently the skin’s acid mantle, with the PH value and more than once a day. When of 5.5 of health skin. The product is 100 Sebamed began developing products, it percent soap- and alkali-free, refreshing focused on maintaining the skin’s natu- and activating. Fresh Shower provides ral health while simultaneously taking mild cleansing for stressed skin, without good care of it. A product that can be dehydrating or irritating it. The emol- used every day is Fresh Shower. It is lients and moisturizers replenish soap-free shower emulsion for daily gen- hydrolipid reservoirs making the skin tle cleansing, making the skin supple soft and supple, and moisturizes the skin and smooth. with natural amino acids, while allantoin Sebamed Fresh Shower supports and regenerates and soothes the skin. Chinese dog-eaters dodge activists with early feast

BEIJING: Residents in a southern Chinese Animal rights activists say the event is a city that has come under fire for an annual public health risk because the dogs under- summer solstice festival in which thousands go no quarantine to ensure they are free of of dogs are slaughtered for food have held disease, and that they are strays grabbed off their feasts early to avoid attention. Some streets around the country, as well as residents of Yulin started gathering last allegedly stolen from pet owners. The dogs weekend and eating dog meat and lychees are often poisoned with toxic chemicals OCHSENHAUSEN-MITTELBUCH: Bengal tiger cubs are pictured near Ochenhausen, southern Germany yesterday. — AFP to celebrate the longest day of the year, that could be harmful to humans, they say. ahead of Saturday’s actual solstice, state Deng Yidan, an activist with Animals media reported this week. The residents Asia, said the public backlash hurts the wanted to avoid protests by animal rights image of Yulin and China. “Negative cover- Mazola to boost plant Mammograms could activists. In recent years, the festival has age is growing - dog theft, criminal activi- been targeted by activists who have ties, food hygiene issues, and rabies fears - cut breast cancer drummed up public awareness of the event not to mention the division in society capacity by 400% with posts on social media and online peti- between those for and against the festival DUBAI: Mazola - A brand which has been caring and serving their deaths by 28 percent tions, and descended on the city to protest - together these have brought significant- worldwide consumers for over 100 years with the best quality outside slaughterhouses or markets where ly more negative publicity to Yulin than LONDON: In the latest major study to consider whether the ingredients, confirms the expression that one ‘cannot improve on dangers of mammograms outweigh the benefits, experts say the dogs are sold. economic benefits,” Deng said in a state- perfection’. As one of the leading food brands in the region, The public uproar reflects the increasing ment. the tests can reduce the chances of dying from breast cancer Mazola takes concerted steps towards innovation and by nearly 30 percent and that national screening programs affluence of ordinary Chinese, who keep The Yulin government has sought to research in the entire manufacturing, packaging and sup- pets, travel overseas and are changing atti- distance itself from the feasting, saying it should continue. The debate over the value of mammograms ply chain processes to ensuring the best possible product has raged in recent years. tudes toward traditions they may not have is not officially endorsed. State media reaches the end-consumers. questioned before. Photos on state media reports say the government told restau- A British review in 2012 concluded that for every life According to statistics, the demand for Mazola mammograms save, about three other women are unneces- showed groups of Yulin city residents tuck- rants to remove references to dog meat products have grown significantly year on year amidst ing into plates of meat and vegetables from their menus and signboards - though sarily treated for a cancer that would never have threatened growing consumption levels, new product develop- their lives. In February, a rigorous Canadian paper covering around dining tables strewn with lychees. it did not bar the sale and consumption of ment and increasing focus on healthy and natural Other photos, which circulated widely on the meat, which is not illegal in China. The older methods of screening that followed women for more products. “Innovation is the key in our success jour- than two decades suggested mammograms don’t lower the Chinese microblogs, were of skinned, government has denied the formal exis- ney and we are extremely thankful to the research cooked dogs hanging from hooks at street tence of such a festival, saying it is a culi- risk of dying from breast cancer. and development team at Mazola who bring one of In the new observational study, researchers tracked all stalls or piled on tables. Under the Yulin tra- nary habit practiced only by some busi- the finest products to serve our consumers. At dition, eating dog and lychee and drinking nesses and people. Public pressure Norwegian women aged 50 to 79 between 1986 and 2009, Mazola, we have adopted the most advanced tech- just as a national screening program was getting underway. on the solstice is supposed to make people stopped another dog meat festival, in nology and international equipment in oil refining stay healthy during winter. It is unclear if the eastern Zhejiang province, which was can- Scientists used a model to estimate breast cancer death rates and deodorizing while maintaining world-class quali- in women invited to get a mammogram as part of the gov- supposed health benefits diminish if the celed in 2011 despite dating back hun- ty controls,” said Zeeshan Rahman, Marketing feast occurs before the actual solstice. dreds of years. — AP ernment-funded program and in those who weren’t included Manager at Mazola. yet. They said about 76 percent of women offered a mammo- “Our manufacturing facility, equipped with latest gram actually got it. technology, is fully automated at each manufactur- The researchers estimated about 368 women need to be ing process and we have extended our innovation given a chance to have a mammogram to prevent one death and research endeavors from products to packag- from breast cancer and that screening reduces breast cancer ing,” he added. In short, Mazola cares for you and deaths by about 28 percent - similar to what many other your family’s well-being. For this, the company provides studies about mammography have concluded. The research a wide array of oil products that are both healthy and also ensures the was published online Tuesday in the British journal, BMJ and desired taste and quality. was paid for by the Norwegian Research Council. “Mammograms do provide some benefit, but the prob- lem is the screening is so sensitive it captures tumors without Tourism threat to Antarctica malignant potential,” said Lars Vatten of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, one of the study’s SYDNEY: Antarctic scientists warned yes- lives there,” said Justine Shaw from the authors. Vatten said improved treatments for breast cancer terday that a surge in tourists visiting the NERP in the study published in the jour- were also lowering death rates in developed countries, mak- frozen continent was threatening its frag- nal PLoS Biology. “However, we show that ing mammograms less important since even cancers caught ile environment and called for better pro- there are threats to Antarctic biodiversity. later are sometimes still treatable. tection. Tourist numbers have exploded “Most of Antarctica is covered in ice, with He said the benefits of getting a mammogram justified from less than 5,000 in 1990 to about less than one percent permanently ice- ongoing national screening programs but that women 40,000 a year, according to industry fig- free,” she added. “Only 1.5 percent of this should be given more information about the potential ures, and most people go to the frag- ice-free area belongs to Antarctic harms, like having unnecessary treatment including surgery mented ice-free areas that make up less Specially Protected Areas under the and chemotherapy. In many Western European countries, than one percent of Antarctica. Antarctic Treaty System, yet ice-free land women are offered mammograms every other year from age A growing number of research facili- is where the majority of biodiversity 50 to 70. In the US, a government-appointed task force rec- ties are also being built, along with asso- occurs.” Five of the distinct ice-free eco- ciated roads, fuel depots and runways, in regions have no protection at all while all ommends the screening start at 50 while the American the tiny ice-free zones. It is these areas 55 of the continent’s protected areas are Cancer Society recommends yearly mammograms from age which contain most of the continent’s close to sites of human activity. 40. wildlife and plants, yet they are among Steven Chown, from Monash “To tell women not to have a mammogram is probably an the planet’s least-protected, said a study University’s School of Biological Sciences, overreaction but we are becoming more certain screening led by the Australian government-fund- another collaborator in the study, said has significant harms,” said Russell Harris of the University of ed National Environmental Research the ice-free areas contain very simple North Carolina, who co-authored an accompanying editorial. Program (NERP) and the Australian ecosystems due to Antarctica’s low He said the paper’s estimate that being offered a chance to Antarctic Division. species diversity. This makes its native get a mammogram reduces breast cancer deaths by almost 30 percent was an overestimate because of the uncertainties YULIN: In this photo released by the Human Society International, a dog waits to be “Many people think that Antarctica is wildlife and plants extremely vulnerable in the model. “Getting a mammogram is something that sold for meat in a market in Yulin, in southern China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous well protected from threats to its biodi- to invasion by outside species, which can women should be given a choice about,” Harris said. “It’s rea- Region. -— AP versity because it’s isolated and no one be introduced by human activity. sonable to decide not to do it.” — AP


The Regency receives prestigious Seven Star Luxury Award

mong the different awards received by The “Coming after winning two World Travel Awards in May, Regency Kuwait for the year 2014, it has been the Seven Star Global Luxury Awards serves to under- Aawarded the prestigious Seven Star Luxury line the meteoric rise of The Regency’s reputation in Award at “The 2014 Seven Star Global Luxury Award the international marketplace”. Ceremony” for the second year, which took place at Giraudo added “To receive this accolade is not just a Chateau Spa & Organic Wellness Resort in Malaysia. great honor for The Regency but it bolsters the credibil- The annual event was attended by representatives ity of this great landmark hotel in the global arena, of some of the hospitality industry’s best loved luxury proving once again that an independent, Kuwaiti- brands. Commenting after receiving the award, Aurelio owned brand can compete with the creme de la creme Giraudo, General Manager of The Regency stated in hospitality worldwide”.

GUST MBA holds entrepreneurship lecture

he Gulf University for Science and Technology and teams, we can also think about innovation and entre- (GUST) MBA Program welcomed Dr Robert M preneurship in large institutions and organizations. While TMauro, Director of the Institute of Global Leadership this is sometimes called entrepreneurship, what it means at Boston College and Director of the Irish Institute, to the to develop an innovative idea within an organization or university and seized the opportunity for a lecture on to be innovative and promote entrepreneurship across all “Entrepreneurship within Larger Organizations” for their of its departments has not been investigated in great students. detail. Through three case studies: Human Terrain System Dr Mauro presented a lecture about the at the US Army, Biogen Idec, and Boston College; Dr “Entrepreneurship within Larger Organizations” which Mauro suggests that innovation in a large organization comprised that academics, governments and policy requires individuals with superior networking skills and makers, and leaders in business development have been an ability to continuously connect and negotiate with vigorously debating entrepreneurship and innovation colleagues across their organization. since the early 1970s. Emerging out of these debates, Dr Mauro spent the best part of a decade conducting new academic disciplines, government policies and lead- research and lecturing in a number of different universi- ership and financial mechanisms were develop and ties in Ireland and Northern Ireland. He is Board Chair of deployed. During this time business schools began to Irish Network Boston, a board advisor to The Frederick offer degrees in entrepreneurship, governments created Douglass- Daniel O’Connell Project, and a member of innovation districts, and angel investors and venture both the Boston Irish Business Association’s board of capitalists began to look for the next innovative product directors and the Wild Geese Network of Irish Scientists or service at university labs and coffee shops. The majori- Steering Committee. Dr Mauro is a recipient of a “Top 40 ty of these debates and related practices, however, under 40” in Irish-America award. GUST continues to wel- focused on the entrepreneur with a start-up innovation come esteemed representatives like Dr Mauro to benefit and idea. and expand the knowledge and experience of their stu- Instead of focusing solely on independent individuals dents.

KBC holds blood donation campaign

he Kuwait Banks Club organized a blood donation campaign recently at its head office in Jabriya in cooperation with Tthe Kuwait Central Blood Bank. WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

The Sultan Center announces opening of Abu El Sid Restaurant

he Sultan Center (TSC) yesterday inaugurated Abu El Sid, the authentic Egyptian restaurant adding to its existing Tportfolio of restaurants. Located on the Arabian Gulf Road, entrance to Green Island Abu El Sid offers a memorable dining experience. Upon entering the restaurants one is instantly taken back in time to a glamorous Egyptian golden era, with its flavorful aroma, transcending music and serene atmosphere. Abu El Sid is based upon a story of a legendary man Al- Sayyed Abou el Sid who was known for his generosity, hospi- tality and most importantly his legendary cooking of exquisite Egyptian meals, who compiled his recipes into a book which was found centuries later and turned into an inspiration for an authentic Egyptian restaurant. According to Ahmed Al-Bader, Co-Founder Director of Epicure Group, subsidiary of The Sultan Center “Abu El Sid aims to provide diners with an entertaining, memorable expe- rience by brining this nostalgic Egyptian era back to life through interior design, decor and authenticity. Abu El Sid delivers authentic and refined Egyptian cuisine, in its most hospitable form, with secret recipes that have been passed down thru the ages to the most trusted sources of Abu El Sid for patrons to enjoy. Customers who dine in Abu El Sid will tomers with a range of dining options, with Abu El Sid being erate in retail, restaurants, distribution, real estate, telecom, 600 thousand customers visit our 63 stores and 21 restaurants undoubtedly experience a culinary delight of generous flavors the latest addition to its increasing portfolio of restaurants, and security services with revenues over US$1 billion. TSC is in Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan and Lebanon, where our 10 and aromas while enjoying famous Egyptian hospitality” said which include Wasabi, Pizzetta, Prime & Toast, The Butcher’s Kuwait’s largest independent retailer and supplier of grocery thousand associates provide unrivalled service, quality and Al-Bader. Den, Pickles, Pintxos, Jeans Grill, and Mearmisha”. items, fresh food, and general merchandise, with operations range of products to make TSC “the customer’s preferred Al-Bader stated, “The Sultan Center aims to provide its cus- The Sultan Center Food Products Co is a regional conglom- across the Gulf and Middle East region. Each week, more than choice”.

IIS celebrates Hula Day

n May 22, 2014 for the first time in the history of juices etc familiarized the students in particular and audi- thirst of the upcoming heat. India International School, Mangaf Kindergarten ence in general with the genre of Hawaiian music, culture Following this, Hula dance, a complex art form signify- Osection celebrated novel concept of Hawaiian Art and tradition. Teachers and students adorned themselves ing the aspects of nature was performed gracefully by the festival under the auspices of Yogeetha Thomas and with headbands, garlands, anklets and wristlets woven students, amazingly enchanting the audience. The tiny Creative Head Nilofar Qazi and their dedicated team of from leaves and intricately braided with colorful flowers Hawaiian dancers took special pride in their appearance, teachers. reflecting the Hawaiian culture and tradition. wearing elaborate and elegant costumes with beautiful The scenario of Kindergarten section was transformed The remarkable day was inaugurated by the Chief Guest floral accessories. It was indeed a spectacular festive day into Hawaiian Island creating a typical serene ambience Saramma K G Abraham, Director, NBTC Group escorted by organized in an elegant manner to inculcate the concept with elaborate decorations like ornately carved shell and Director, Malayil Moosa Koya, Principal, FM Basheer Ahmed of culture, tradition and art in the minds of young budding hut. Corridors galore with beautiful harmonious island Sr Vice Principal Narinder Kaur and the Vice Principals. personalities there by enriching them in sharing the tradi- music and dance, traditional tropical fruit desserts and Delectable tropical fruit punch was served to quench the tions, values and art of Hula Day.

IES conducts aero-modeling workshop

o inspire and ignite scientific temper among stu- Science-Savvy whiz kids of classes 6 to 10 involved the glow of awe lighting up the faces of the budding T Premkumar, the principal of IES, lauded the par- dents, The Indian Educational School, Kuwait themselves in designing and building gliders and scientists when the rockets shot up and the para- takers for their enthusiasm and creativity. He also T(Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan) conducted a two-day water-propelled rockets under the guidance of Prateek chutes unfolded in midair. appreciated the members of the Science Faculty, IES workshop on aero-modeling (Aircraft designing and Gupta, Director of Innovian Technologies, India. It was a wonderful experience for the youngsters. for their commitment to nurture and nourish love for Water rocketry) under the aegis of its Science The enthusiasm of students knew no bounds when At the conclusion of the workshop, all the participants science among the young minds and asked the Department on June 13 and 14. The workshop was the the youngsters launched their rockets in the open were awarded certificates. Special prizes were given department to organize a workshop on “Circuit first of its kind held in the country. ground. It was indeed very heartwarming to witness away to the teams that designed the best rockets. Designing” for the children during the next term. TV PROGRAMS THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

04:45 Celebrity MasterChef 05:15 The Chase 05:35 Extreme Makeover: Home 06:05 Dancing On Ice 18:30 Austin & Ally 07:50 Say Yes To The Dress – Edition 07:30 Breathless 18:55 Mako Mermaids Bridesmaids 07:40 Bargain Hunt 08:25 The Syndicate 19:20 Violetta 08:15 Say Yes To The Dress – 00:45 Human Prey 08:25 Marbella Mansions 09:20 Take On The Twisters 20:05 Liv And Maddie Bridesmaids 01:35 Untamed & Uncut 09:10 Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh And 10:15 Murdoch Mysteries 20:30 Jessie 08:40 Something Borrowed, 20:50 Dog With A Blog 02:25 Shamwari: A Wild Life Easy Food 11:10 Emmerdale Something New 21:15 Mako Mermaids 03:15 World’s Wildest Cities: 09:35 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery 12:00 Coronation Street 09:05 Something Borrowed, 21:40 Austin & Ally Manaus 10:00 The Restaurant UK 12:30 The Chase Something New 10:55 Extreme Makeover: Home 13:20 Dancing On Ice 22:00 Shake It Up 04:05 Wildest Indochina 09:30 Toddlers & Tiaras Edition 14:45 Murdoch Mysteries 22:25 A.N.T. Farm 04:55 Animal Cops Houston 10:20 Say Yes To The Dress 13:10 Bargain Hunt 15:35 Take On The Twisters 22:50 Good Luck Charlie 05:45 Dog Rescuers 13:55 Marbella Mansions 16:30 Big Star’s Little Star 23:10 Wolfblood 10:45 Say Yes To The Dress 06:35 Breed All About It 14:40 Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh And 17:25 The Hungry Sailors 23:35 Wolfblood 11:10 Cake Boss 07:00 Animal Airport Easy Food 18:20 Murdoch Mysteries 11:35 Jon & Kate Plus 8 07:25 Preposterous Pets 15:05 Extreme Makeover: Home 19:10 Coronation Street 12:00 Little People, Big World 08:15 Wild France Edition 19:35 Take On The Twisters 12:25 Oprah: Behind The Scenes 09:10 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors 17:10 Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh And 20:30 Big Star’s Little Star 13:15 Secret Eaters 10:05 Shamwari: A Wild Life Easy Food 21:25 The Hungry Sailors 14:05 Iyanla, Fix My Life 00:10 Hoarding: Buried Alive 11:00 Animal Precinct 17:35 Bargain Hunt 22:20 Coronation Street 14:55 Extreme Couponing 01:00 My Crazy Obsession 11:55 Animal Airport 18:20 Homes Under The Hammer 15:20 Cake Boss 01:25 My Crazy Obsession 12:20 Breed All About It 19:10 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery 15:45 What Not To Wear 01:50 My Strange Addiction 12:50 ER Vets 19:35 Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh And 16:35 Toddlers & Tiaras Easy Food 02:15 My Strange Addiction 13:15 ER Vets 17:25 Say Yes To The Dress 02:40 Secretly Pregnant 13:45 O’shea’s Big Adventure 17:50 Say Yes To The Dress 03:30 I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant 14:40 Shamwari: A Wild Life 00:00 Breakout 18:15 Jon & Kate Plus 8 03:55 Long Island Medium 15:30 Tanked 01:00 Hard Time 18:40 Little People, Big World 04:20 Say Yes To The Dress 16:30 Wild France 02:00 Hunter Hunted 19:10 Oprah: Behind The Scenes 17:25 Nature’s Newborns 03:00 Situation Critical 04:45 Say Yes To The Dress 00:20 Tech Toys 360 20:05 Extreme Couponing 18:20 Mutant Planet 04:00 The Indestructibles 05:10 Toddlers & Tiaras 00:45 How Does That Work? 20:30 Cake Boss 19:15 Gator Boys 04:30 The Indestructibles 06:00 Oprah: Behind The Scenes 01:10 The Unexplained Files 21:00 Say Yes To The Dress – 20:10 Biggest And Baddest 05:00 Naked Science 07:00 What Not To Wear 02:00 Alien Encounters Bridesmaids 06:00 Megastructures 21:05 Shamwari: A Wild Life 02:45 Mythbusters 07:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 21:35 Shamwari: A Wild Life 03:35 Sci-Trek 08:00 Breakout 22:00 Gator Boys 04:30 Cosmic Collisions 09:00 Hard Time 22:55 Biggest And Baddest 05:20 Thunder Races 10:00 Hunter Hunted 23:50 Animal Cops Houston 06:10 Meteorite Men Actor charged with 11:00 Situation Critical 07:00 Alien Planet 12:00 The Indestructibles 07:55 Prototype This 12:30 The Indestructibles murder due in 08:45 Sci-Trek 13:00 Naked Science 09:40 Meteorite Men 14:00 Megastructures 10:30 Superships Los Angeles court 15:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 00:00 Doctors 11:20 Cosmic Collisions 16:00 Breakout 00:30 Zen 12:10 Thunder Races 17:00 Hard Time 02:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 13:00 How Does That Work? 18:00 Hunter Hunted 02:45 Twenty Twelve 13:30 Sci-Trek 19:00 Cosmos: A Spacetime 03:15 Ashes To Ashes 14:20 Mythbusters Odyssey 04:05 Lark Rise To Candleford 15:10 Thunder Races 20:00 The Blackout 05:00 Nina And The Neurons 16:00 Superships 22:00 Family Guns 05:15 Poetry Pie 16:50 Meteorite Men 23:00 Brain Games 05:20 Mr Bloom’s Nursery 17:40 Alien Encounters 23:30 Brain Games 05:40 Boogie Beebies 18:30 The Unexplained Files 05:55 The Green Balloon Club 19:20 Tech Toys 360 06:20 Nina And The Neurons 19:45 How Does That Work? 06:35 Mr Bloom’s Nursery 20:10 Mythbusters 06:55 Boogie Beebies 21:00 Redesign My Brain 07:10 The Green Balloon Club 21:50 Close Encounters 07:35 Twenty Twelve 22:15 Close Encounters 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT ON OSN MOVIES HD 08:05 The Cafe 22:40 Sci-Trek Stewart 08:30 The Job Lot 04:00 Chicago Fire 13:00 Love And Honor-PG15 01:00 The Colbert Report 01:45 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 08:55 Eastenders 05:00 Once Upon A Time 15:00 Madea’s Witness Protection Actor Michael Jace appears in court in Los Angeles 01:30 Sean Saves The World 02:10 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 09:25 Doctors 06:00 Suits 17:00 Ice Age: Continental Drift-PG 02:00 Web Therapy 02:35 Roadtrip With G. Garvin Thursday. — AP 07:00 C.S.I. New York 18:30 The Lone Ranger-PG15 09:55 Only Fools And Horses 02:30 The Big C 03:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin ctor Michael Jace is scheduled to appear in a 08:00 Warehouse 13 21:00 Kick-Ass 2-18 10:25 Big Cat Diary 03:30 Back In The Game 03:25 Andy Bates American Street Los Angeles courtroom today for arraignment 10:50 Lark Rise To Candleford 00:00 Chelsea Lately 09:00 Unforgettable 22:45 White House Down-PG15 04:00 Seinfeld Feasts on a murder charge filed after his wife’s shoot- 11:40 Twenty Twelve 00:30 Scouted 10:00 Chicago Fire A 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 03:50 Iron Chef America 01:25 Style Star 11:00 Once Upon A Time ing death last month. The actor, who played a police 12:10 The Cafe Jimmy Fallon 04:40 Chopped 01:50 Style Star 12:00 Emmerdale officer on the television series “The Shield,” did not 12:35 The Job Lot 05:30 Two And A Half Men 05:30 Unwrapped 02:20 E! Investigates 12:30 Coronation Street 13:00 Eastenders 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 05:50 Tastiest Places To Chowdown enter a plea during his initial court appearance last 03:15 Extreme Close-Up 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 00:00 Mike Tyson: Undisputed 13:35 Doctors 08:00 Seinfeld 06:10 The Next Food Network Star month. Police say Jace shot his wife April multiple 04:10 E!ES 14:00 Warehouse 13 Truth-PG15 14:05 Only Fools And Horses 08:30 Two And A Half Men 07:00 Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam times in the family’s Los Angeles home on May 19 07:50 Style Star 16:00 Emmerdale 02:00 You Will Meet A Tall Dark 14:35 Big Cat Diary 09:30 Trophy Wife 07:25 Roadtrip With G. Garvin while their young children were present. The boys 08:20 E! News 16:30 Coronation Street Stranger-PG15 15:00 Twenty Twelve 10:00 Modern Family 07:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives were unharmed and are now living with relatives. 09:15 Giuliana & Bill 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 04:00 The Arrangement-PG15 15:30 The Weakest Link 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 08:15 Iron Chef America 11:10 Eric And Jessie: Game On 18:00 Warehouse 13 06:00 The Last Stand-PG15 Police have not released a motive for the slaying 16:15 Lark Rise To Candleford Jimmy Fallon 09:05 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 12:05 E! News 19:00 Switched At Birth 08:00 Girl In Progress-PG15 but have said they are looking into whether financial 17:05 Eastenders 12:30 Seinfeld Basics 13:05 Extreme Close-Up 20:00 Covert Affairs 10:00 Gnomeo & Juliet-PG or other domestic issues may have been involved. 17:35 Doctors 13:00 Two And A Half Men 09:30 Amazing Wedding Cakes 13:35 THS 21:00 Chicago Fire 11:45 Life Of Pi-PG Jace’s attorneys have said the case is still in its early 18:05 Outcasts 13:30 Breaking In 10:20 Easy Chinese: San Francisco 14:30 Style Star 22:00 Intelligence 14:00 Arthur 3: And The War Of 19:00 My Family 14:00 Back In The Game 10:45 Andy Bates Brazilian Street stages and their investigation is ongoing. April Jace’s 15:00 Keeping Up With The 23:00 Nip/Tuck Two Worlds-PG 19:30 The Cafe 14:30 Trophy Wife Feasts family has called her death a senseless act of domes- Kardashians 15:45 Girl In Progress-PG15 tic violence. Police say Jace called 911 to report the 20:00 Ashes To Ashes 17:00 Giuliana & Bill 15:00 Modern Family 17:30 Lincoln-PG15 11:10 Tastiest Places To Chowdown 20:50 Waking The Dead 18:00 E! News 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 20:00 2 Days In New York-18 11:35 Jeni & Olly’s West Coast Wine killing. Their two children were at home at the time 21:40 Getting On 19:00 E!ES Stewart 22:00 Gangster Squad-18 Adventure but were unharmed. 22:10 BBC Electric Proms: Paul 20:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 16:00 The Colbert Report 12:00 Reza’s African Kitchen Audio of Jace’s call has not been released, but fire McCartney 21:00 Fashion Police 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 00:15 Falls The Shadow-18 12:25 Charly’s Cake Angels officials released a 911 call from April Jace’s father ear- 21:30 Party On 18:00 Baby Daddy 01:45 5 Days Of War-PG15 12:50 Siba’s Table lier this month in which he says the actor told him he 22:00 Party On 18:30 Arrested Development 03:30 Armageddon-PG15 00:30 World Cup Of Darts 13:15 Jenny Morris Cooks Morocco had shot his wife. “My son-in-law called me, and 22:30 E! News 19:00 Trophy Wife 06:00 Dick Tracy-PG15 03:30 Inside The PGA Tour 13:40 Andy Bates Brazilian Street 19:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Feasts (texted) me, and said come get the kids because he 23:30 Chelsea Lately 08:00 Last Man Standing-PG15 04:00 Snooker shot April, our daughter,” the caller, whose name was 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 10:00 Paycheck-PG15 14:05 The Next Food Network Star 07:00 Golfing World redacted from the audio, told a fire department dis- Jimmy Fallon 12:00 Lakeview Terrace-PG15 08:00 World Match Racing Tour 14:55 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 00:10 Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 15:20 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives patcher. 00:35 Celebrity MasterChef 14:00 Last Man Standing-PG15 09:00 Rugby League Stewart 16:00 Sins Expiation-PG15 11:30 European Tour Weekly 15:45 Chopped April Jace, 40, a financial aid counselor at Biola 01:30 Extreme Makeover: Home 16:35 Tastiest Places To Chowdown University, had three sons, including two boys under Edition 18:00 Lakeview Terrace-PG15 12:00 Live PGA European Tour 20:00 Gun Shy-18 15:00 World Match Racing Tour 17:25 Jenny Morris Cooks Morocco the age of 10 with Jace. Michael Jace also appeared 02:10 Extreme Makeover: Home CHOICE HD 17:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Edition 00:35 Dancing On Ice 22:00 The Wrath Of Cain-18 16:00 Inside The PGA Tour on the show “Southland” and had small roles in the 16:30 European Tour Weekly 18:15 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 02:50 Bargain Hunt 02:00 Emmerdale 00:00 Suits movies “Planet of the Apes,” “Boogie Nights” and 17:00 Live PGA European Tour 18:40 Siba’s Table 03:35 Marbella Mansions 02:55 Coronation Street 01:00 Unforgettable “Forrest Gump.” — AP 20:00 Trans World Sport 19:05 Reza, Spice Prince Of India 04:20 Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh And 03:25 Breathless 02:00 Bates Motel 21:00 Golfing World 19:30 Andy Bates Brazilian Street Easy Food 04:20 The Syndicate 03:00 Nip/Tuck 00:00 A Very Harold And Kumar 22:00 Live PGA Tour Feasts Christmas-18 19:55 Roadtrip With G. Garvin Zendaya says she’s the 02:00 Grassroots-PG15 20:20 Chopped 04:00 The New Guy-PG15 21:10 The Next Food Network Star right fit for Aaliyah role 06:00 Surf’s Up-PG 22:00 Jeni & Olly’s West Coast Wine Adventure 08:00 Snowmen-PG 00:00 Inside The PGA Tour or anyone concerned about who would play Aaliyah in a 00:30 Trans World Sport 22:25 Jeni & Olly’s West Coast Wine 10:00 Dating Coach-PG15 film about her life, the girl who earned the role - 17-year-old 01:30 IRB Junior World Adventure 12:00 The New Guy-PG15 Zendaya - says it mattered to her, too. “I really want it to be 14:00 The Impostors-PG15 Championship 22:50 Siba’s Table F perfect for her and show young people what she was able to do 16:00 Dating Coach-PG15 04:00 World Cup Of Darts 23:15 Siba’s Table and what she accomplished,” the Disney Channel star said in an 18:00 Bernie-PG15 07:00 Trans World Sport 20:00 Peep World-18 08:00 Total Rugby interview Tuesday, a day after Lifetime announced she would play 22:00 A Very Harold And Kumar 08:30 International Rugby Union the role of the R&B singer. Christmas-18 10:30 Inside The PGA Tour Zendaya says she’s the right choice for the part because “if you 11:00 Tennis Gerry Weber Open want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.” Aaliyah 13:00 World Cup Of Darts was killed in 2001 at age 22 when her plane crashed after takeoff 16:00 Trans World Sport 00:00 Violetta from a Bahamian runway. She dominated on the R&B and pop 17:00 NHL 00:45 The Hive charts, earning platinum-plus albums and racking hits with songs 19:00 WWE NXT 00:50 Art Attack like “Try Again,” “Back & Forth” and “Are You That Somebody?” 01:00 Faces In The Crowd-PG15 01:15 Art Attack 20:00 Rugby League State of Origin Zendaya, who was the runner-up on “Dancing With the Stars” last 03:00 The Impossible-PG15 22:00 Live Super League 01:40 Wolfblood 05:00 The Glass Man-PG15 02:05 Wolfblood year, says she’s aware the role comes with a lot of scrutiny. 07:00 The Trial-PG15 02:30 Violetta “I can’t please everybody ... what I can do is work really hard 09:00 Faces In The Crowd-PG15 03:15 The Hive and you know, just continue to show her legacy,” she said. 11:00 Reviving Ophelia-PG15 03:20 Art Attack Zendaya was almost five at the time Aaliyah died. She says she 13:00 A Kiss At Midnight-PG15 03:45 Art Attack remembers watching the singer’s music videos when her older 15:00 Salmon Fishing In The 00:30 IPL Highlights 04:10 Jungle Junction sister would babysit her. Yemen-PG15 01:30 IPL Highlights 05:00 Art Attack Zendaya is recording some of Aaliyah’s songs for the film. 17:00 Carnage-PG15 02:30 ICC Cricket 360 05:50 Mouk Zendaya, who made her debut on the Disney Channel series 19:00 Texas Killing Fields-PG15 03:00 IPL Highlights 06:00 Austin & Ally “Shake It Up” in 2010, released her first album last year, which fea- 21:00 Lovelace-18 06:25 Dog With A Blog tured the platinum hit “Replay.” She says her success as a young 04:00 ICC World T20I Highlights 23:00 Hick-PG15 06:45 Mako Mermaids star helps her relate to Aaliyah, who released her debut album at 07:00 ICC Cricket 360 07:10 A.N.T. Farm age 15. “I feel like she grew up so young and she grew up in the 07:30 ICC World T20I Highlights 07:35 Jessie industry ... and she just had to deal with so much,” she said. “I con- 09:30 ICC Cricket 360 07:55 Good Luck Charlie nect with that.” Zendaya also stars in the Disney Channel movie 10:00 IPL Highlights 08:20 That’s So Raven “Zapped,” which premieres June 27. She will also co-produce and 11:00 IPL Highlights 08:45 Suite Life On Deck act in the network’s upcoming show “K.C. Undercover.” The 00:45 Flesh And Bone 12:00 Best of ICC World T20I 09:05 Dog With A Blog Aaliyah film is based on the book “Aaliyah: More Than A Woman” 09:30 Shake It Up 03:00 The Forgotten 12:30 ICC Cricket 360 by music journalist Christopher Farley. Shooting is scheduled for 05:00 Falling In Love 13:00 ICC World T20I Highlights 09:55 Austin & Ally 10:15 A.N.T. Farm this summer. — AP 07:00 Kathmandu Lullaby 14:00 ICC World T20I Highlights 10:40 Good Luck Charlie 09:00 Broken Bridges 15:00 ICC World T20I Highlights 11:05 Suite Life On Deck 11:00 Matching Jack 16:00 IPL Highlights 11:25 Jessie 13:00 The Iron Lady 17:00 IPL Highlights 11:50 That’s So Raven 15:00 My Kid Could Paint That 18:00 Best of ICC World T20I 12:15 Hannah Montana 17:00 Matching Jack 18:30 ICC Cricket 360 12:35 Hannah Montana 19:00 Rachel Getting Married 19:00 Live Natwest T20 Blast 13:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 21:00 Melancholia 22:30 Best of ICC World T20I 13:25 Wizards Of Waverly Place 23:15 Girl, Interrupted 23:00 ICC Cricket 360 13:45 A.N.T. Farm 14:10 Jessie 23:30 IPL Highlights 14:35 Dog With A Blog 15:00 Good Luck Charlie 15:25 Liv And Maddie 01:00 Dark Tide-PG15 15:50 Gravity Falls 03:00 The Cold Light Of Day-PG15 16:10 Mako Mermaids 05:00 Remember Sunday-PG15 16:35 A.N.T. Farm 07:00 The Words-PG15 00:05 Tastiest Places To Chowdown 17:00 Dog With A Blog 09:00 Ice Age: Continental Drift-PG 00:55 Jeni & Olly’s West Coast Wine 17:20 Good Luck Charlie 11:00 Cheerful Weather For The Adventure 17:45 Liv And Maddie This Jan 26, 2014 photo shows singer Zendaya at the LAST MAN STANDING ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION Wedding-PG15 01:20 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 18:10 Jessie 56th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. — AP Classifieds



SHARQIA-1 FANAR-3 CUBAN FURY (DIG) 1:30 PM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 2:15 PM 360º- 1 MALEFICENT (DIG) 3:45 PM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 4:15 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG-3D) 2:00 PM 7500 (DIG) 6:00 PM HUMSHAKALS (DIG) (HINDI) 6:15 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 4:30 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 8:00 PM HUMSHAKALS (DIG) (HINDI) 9:15 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 7:00 PM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 10:30 PM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 12:15 AM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG-3D) 9:30 PM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 12:45 AM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 12:05 AM FANAR-4 SHARQIA-2 MALEFICENT (DIG-3D) 2:00 PM 360º- 2 MALEFICENT (DIG) 1:00 PM MALEFICENT (DIG) 4:00 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 12:45 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 3:00 PM BLENDED (DIG) 6:00 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 3:30 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG-3D) 5:30 PM MALEFICENT (DIG) 8:15 PM THE RAID 2 (DIG) 6:15 PM MALEFICENT (DIG) 7:45 PM BLENDED (DIG) 10:15 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 9:00 PM MALEFICENT (DIG) 9:45 PM BLENDED (DIG) 12:30 AM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 11:45 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 11:45 PM FANAR-5 360º- 3 SHARQIA-3 JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 1:45 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 2:00 PM FREEZER (DIG) 12:45 PM THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 4:15 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG-3D) 4:15 PM BLENDED (DIG) 2:45 PM THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 6:45 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 6:30 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 5:00 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 9:15 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 8:45 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 2:06 JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 12:05 AM X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST (DIG) 11:00 PM BLENDED (DIG) 10:00 PM FREEZER (DIG) 12:30 AM MARINA-1 AL-KOUT.1 7500 (DIG) 12:30 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 12:45 PM MUHALAB-1 BLENDED (DIG) 2:30 PM MALEFICENT (DIG) 3:00 PM BLENDED (DIG) 1:00 PM 7500 (DIG) 5:00 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 5:00 PM TUITION THE WIND RISES (DIG) 3:45 PM BLENDED (DIG) 7:00 PM MALEFICENT (DIG) 7:15 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 6:30 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 9:30 PM MALEFICENT (DIG) 9:30 PM Arabic Teacher for non- BLENDED (DIG) 9:15 PM 7500 (DIG) 12:15 AM FREEZER (DIG) 11:30 PM native speakers beginners & BLENDED (DIG) 11:45 PM advanced - All levels of the MARINA-2 AL-KOUT.2 Arabic language - IGCSE & MUHALAB-2 THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 12:30 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 2:00 PM GCSE, language training syl- MALEFICENT (DIG) 12:30 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 3:00 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 4:30 PM labus foreign and common- MALEFICENT (DIG) 2:30 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 5:15 PM THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 7:00 PM wealth office. Only KD 10 for HUMSHAKALS (DIG) (HINDI) 4:30 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 7:45 PM ELISA KHATAFHA JAMEEL (DIG) (Kuwaiti Film) 9:30 PM an hour & free books. THU+FRI+SAT+MON THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 10:15 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 12:15 AM Contact: Mr Khalid: MALEFICENT (DIG) 5:30 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 12:45 AM NO SUN+TUE+WED 99619998. (C 4740) 15-6-2014 SUN+TUE+WED from Archana Jeetendra MALEFICENT (DIG) 7:30 PM MARINA-3 AL-KOUT.3 Vyas to Safiyah Shaikh as Prayer timings THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 9:30 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG-3D) 1:30 PM 7500 (DIG) 12:30 PM per Maha Gazette No. U- THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 12:05 AM MALEFICENT (DIG-3D) 3:45 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 2:15 PM ACCOMMODATION 45730 dated 17/01/2013. HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 5:45 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 4:30 PM A room available in I, Archana Jeetendara Vyas MUHALAB-3 MALEFICENT (DIG) 8:00 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 7:00 PM Salmiya, in good location have changed my religion HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 1:45 PM MALEFICENT (DIG) 10:00 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 9:45 PM from Hindu to Muslim as HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 4:00 PM JERSEY BOYS (DIG) 12:05 AM 7500 (DIG) 12:05 AM for single European or Arab per Maha Gazette No. U- EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 6:15 PM bachelor. Tel: 69637796, 45735 dated 17/01/2013. 7500 (DIG) 8:45 PM AVENUES-1 AL-KOUT.4 66334748. (C 4750) FREEZER (DIG) 10:30 PM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 1:15 PM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 1:00 PM 19-6-2014 (C 4744) FREEZER (DIG) 12:15 AM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 4:00 PM BLENDED (DIG) 3:30 PM Fajr: 03:13 CUBAN FURY (DIG) 5:45 PM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 6:30 PM CHANGE OF NAME FANAR-1 ELISA KHATAFHA JAMEEL (DIG) (Kuwaiti Film) 9:00 PM BLENDED (DIG) 8:00 PM SITUATION VACANT Shorook 04:49 FREEZER (DIG) 1:00 PM ELISA KHATAFHA JAMEEL (DIG) (Kuwaiti Film) 12:05 AM CUBAN FURY (DIG) 10:15 PM I, Husain Suksorwala Duhr: 11:49 A lady maid needed to EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 3:00 PM THE RAID 2 (DIG) 12:30 AM Murtuza Mohammed, hold- Asr: 15:23 work as a part-timer for an FREEZER (DIG) 5:30 PM AVENUES-2 er of Indian Passport No: American/Lebanese single Maghrib: 18:50 EDGE OF TOMORROW (DIG) 7:30 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 2:00 PM BAIRAQ-1 L4536374, hereby change man in an apartment locat- Isha: 20:22 ELISA KHATAFHA JAMEEL (DIG) (Kuwaiti Film) 10:00 PM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 4:45 PM MALEFICENT (DIG-3D) 1:45 PM my name to Murtuza ed in Salmiya. Working FREEZER (DIG) 12:45 AM THE WIND RISES (DIG) 7:30 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG-3D) 3:45 PM Mohammed Husain hours is about 10-12 THE WIND RISES (DIG) 10:15 PM HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG-3D) 6:00 PM Suksorwala. (C 4747) hrs/week with a salary of 75 FANAR-2 THE PHILOSOPHERS (DIG) 1:00 AM MALEFICENT (DIG-3D) 8:15 PM 14-6-2014 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 1:30 PM MALEFICENT (DIG-3D) 10:15 PM KD/month. Call 66417504. MALEFICENT (DIG-3D) 12:15 AM (C 4748) HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (DIG) 3:45 PM AVENUES-3 I have changed my name THE WIND RISES (DIG) 6:00 PM THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 1:30 PM 17-6-2014 THE WIND RISES (DIG) 8:30 PM THE PHILOSOPHERS (DIG) 4:00 PM BAIRAQ-2 7500 (DIG) 11:00 PM THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 6:30 PM BLENDED (DIG) 1:30 PM Automated enquiry aboutthe Civil ID card is 7500 (DIG) 1:00 AM THE PHILOSOPHERS (DIG) 9:00 PM THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 3:45 PM THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (DIG) 11:30 PM BLENDED (DIG) 6:15 PM 1889988 112

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Arrival Flights on Thursday 19/6/2014 FDB 8053 Dubai 14:20 Departure Flights on Thursday 19/6/2014 MSR 580 Sohag 13:50 Airlines Flt Route Time SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 Airlines Flt Route Time MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:40 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 JZR 562 Sohag 00:10 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 267 Beirut 00:25 KNE 460 Riyadh 15:05 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:20 KAC 741 Dammam 14:35 JZR 539 Cairo 00:30 KAC 562 Amman 15:30 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 FDB 058 Dubai 14:50 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:35 QTR 1079 Doha 14:55 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:25 KNE 470 Jeddah 15:35 NIA 264 Alexandria 00:50 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 MSC 403 Asyut 01:30 MPH 093 Amsterdam 15:40 KLM 411 Amsterdam 00:55 KAC 673 Dubai 15:05 SAI 441 Lahore 01:35 OMA 645 Muscat 15:50 JZR 502 Luxor 01:30 FDB 8054 Dubai 15:10 THY 764 Istanbul 01:40 JZR 257 Beirut 16:00 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 KAC 617 Doha 15:30 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 KAC 672 Dubai 16:00 THY 773 Istanbul 02:20 KNE 473 Jeddah 15:35 GFA 211 Bahrain 01:55 KAC 118 New York 16:00 MSC 404 Asyut 02:30 KNE 481 Taif 15:50 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 SAI 442 Lahore 02:35 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 02:30 QTR 1072 Doha 16:15 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:50 JAI 576 Kochi/Abu Dhabi 02:35 RJA 640 Amman 16:20 THY 769 Istanbul 03:40 SVA 505 Jeddah 16:00 THY 768 Istanbul 02:50 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 FDB 5067 Dubai 03:05 FDB 055 Dubai 16:45 FDB 5068 Dubai 03:45 KNE 471 Jeddah 16:30 RJA 644 Amman 03:10 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:45 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:35 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 NIA 251 Alexandria 16:50 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 OMA 646 Muscat 16:50 QTR 1076 Doha 03:25 UAE 857 Dubai 16:55 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:20 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 QTR 1077 Doha 04:25 MPH 093 Dubai/SIN 17:10 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:10 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 JZR 560 Sohag 04:50 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 THY 770 Istanbul 04:35 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 QTR 1073 Doha 17:20 QTR 8646 Doha 04:50 KAC 742 Dammam 17:35 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 RJA 641 Amman 17:20 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 THY 765 Istanbul 06:00 JZR 538 Cairo 17:40 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 17:45 QTR 8646 Doha 06:20 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:45 IRA 673 Ahwaz 06:20 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 JAI 575 Abu Dhabi/Kochi 06:30 NIA 252 Alexandria 17:50 JZR 563 Sohag 06:35 JZR 483 Istanbul 17:55 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 UAE 858 Dubai 18:15 BAW 157 London 06:35 TAR 328 Tunis/Dubai 18:00 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 KAC 542 Cairo 18:15 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:00 FDB 056 Dubai 18:20 FDB 5053 Dubai 07:00 QTR 1080 Doha 18:25 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:30 JZR 150 Dubai 07:15 JZR 156 Dubai 18:35 JZR 503 Luxor 07:40 FDB 063 Dubai 18:35 IRA 672 Ahwaz 07:20 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:50 KAC 104 London 18:45 FDB 054 Dubai 07:50 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:50 AXB 393 Kozhikode 18:55 KAC 537 Sohag 08:00 TAR 328 Tunis 18:55 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 ABY 129 Sharjah 19:00 BAW 156 London 08:25 FDB 064 Dubai 19:20 SVA 512 Riyadh 07:55 KAC 618 Doha 19:00 JZR 778 Jeddah 08:45 QTR 1081 Doha 19:25 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:00 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 SVA 513 Riyadh 08:55 KAC 287 Dhaka 19:30 KAC 352 Kochi 08:05 FDB 051 Dubai 19:10 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 ABY 120 Sharjah 19:40 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:15 JZR 256 Beirut 09:15 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 KAC 362 Colombo 08:45 KAC 502 Beirut 19:20 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 AXB 394 Kozhikode 19:55 ABY 125 Sharjah 08:50 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:30 KAC 363 Colombo 20:05 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:55 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:35 FDB 052 Dubai 20:10 IRA 667 Esfahan 09:00 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:35 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:30 OMA 647 Muscat 19:55 IRA 668 Mashhad 10:00 FDB 5062 Dubai 20:50 FDB 5055 Dubai 09:35 FDB 5061 Dubai 20:05 JZR 482 Istanbul 10:00 KAC 331 Trivandrum 20:50 IZG 4161 Mashhad 09:40 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:15 KAC 343 Chennai 20:55 QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:15 FDB 5056 Dubai 10:15 OMA 648 Muscat 20:55 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 KAC 561 Amman 10:15 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:30 KAC 101 London/New York 10:25 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 TBZ 5483 Mashhad 11:00 KLM 417 Amsterdam 20:55 IZG 4162 Mashhad 10:40 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 JZR 561 Sohag 11:15 KNE 480 Taif 21:00 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 MSR 619 Alexandria 21:30 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 KAC 671 Dubai 11:20 KAC 543 Cairo 21:30 JZR 151 Dubai 11:50 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 KAC 541 Cairo 11:30 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 FDB 8059 Dubai 11:55 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 KLM 417 Dammam/Amsterdam 21:55 SYR 341 Damascus 12:05 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:30 KAC 501 Beirut 11:40 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:55 FDB 071 Dubai 12:35 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:45 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:15 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 AIC 981 Chennai/Hyderabad/Ahmedabad 22:25 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 TBZ 5484 Mashhad 12:10 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 MEA 408 Beirut 22:50 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 KAC 381 Delhi 22:30 MSR 579 Sohag 13:05 FDB 059 Dubai 23:10 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:40 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 BBC 043 Dhaka 23:10 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 KAC 538 Sohag 13:40 JZR 157 Dubai 23:10 SYR 342 Damascus 13:05 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 QTR 1078 Doha 13:45 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:20 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 KAC 203 Lahore 23:10 FDB 057 Dubai 13:50 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 FDB 072 Dubai 13:15 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:35 JZR 779 Jeddah 14:20 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 FDB 8060 Dubai 13:25 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:40 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 THY 772 Istanbul 23:45 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 KAC 415 Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta 23:50 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You cannot help but overindulge today. This does not necessarily mean Self-discipline and a sense of self-worth become important issues this food. You enjoy challenges and put yourself in the line of fire often. morning. You are working within your limitations instead of feeling Although you are not dangerous to yourself or others, you do enjoy overcoming difficult hemmed in by them. You may be well-advised to accept the counsel of others concerning situations. Most people look at problems with great dread but you look at problems as the decisions relating to your career or life path. Careful-there could be a tendency to go too next challenge to test your skills. You have a natural sense of organization and may come far, expand too fast and overindulge. Counseling will make it easier for you to understand across as being a little too sober in the workplace. When it comes to friends you enjoy the the areas in which adjustments could be made. Enjoy the progress you are now making! interaction between people. You are always available to help others but you enjoy the There are emotional beginnings and that feeling of a fresh start-perhaps the establish- contact that brings about laughter, jokes and cheerful chatter. Marriage, contracts and ment of new habit patterns-or just getting rid of old ones. Make sure these new patterns partnerships are seen as keys to happiness, with plenty of lessons. are good ones because they will set the tone for quite some time to come!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This is a time during which you are unusually motivated or driven in new It may seem like it is forever before you find the answers you need in the and unexpected directions. You could receive unexpected backing-your efforts will be workplace today. Your sense of humor is what sees you through as the successful. You will reach new heights of originality. You may feel that you can take on any delays may be outside your control. Customers are rushed-perhaps because of the weath- projects after this but remember that life and the current energies seem to enjoy testing er. Many subjects need your attention. One thing at a time and you will be where you need us with new things so that we don’t always walk away the winner. You should walk in to be. Looking at customers and smiling with the answer they like to hear is supreme. humble ways and just quietly know that you will be able to achieve most anything that is Customers love to hear the words that say you appreciate their patience, etc. You are well- placed in your path. This is also a good time for public relations-you will accomplish much. regarded for your attempts to respond quickly to others and remain polite during the frus- There is a satisfaction that comes with helping others. You influence people through your trations. This evening you will find a great way to relax through a favorite hobby or fun optimism. Enjoy some laughter tonight! activity. Bicycling or walking with a friend would be helpful and fun.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Change seems to be just around the corner. Most of the focus is on you and You may find that the foggy thinking has lifted, and with a little research there are decisions to make. If you become involved in the emotional, you you will be able to find the foods, atmosphere or conditions that may have will not be able to take charge of your own outcome. Now is the time to stay the course, caused the difficulty. This new information will help you understand and correct any physi- ACROSS DOWN so to speak. If it is possible to leave an area so that you can see things from another per- cal problems that may exist. You may soon have the opportunity to consider a part-time 1. (Norse mythology) Wife of Thor and 1. Used of the language of the deaf. spective, that would be good. You are reliable and you can become determined to com- job. If you can swing it for a temporary assignment, it might just work out to your benefit. guardian of the home. 2. Not in action or at work. plete whatever task is set before you. Now is the time to appreciate that your day is pretty You successfully set out to make new friends and go to new places this evening. Be pre- 4. Produced by aphesis. 3. A mass of small bubbles formed in or on much your choice. You applied for the job you have, you become available to certain peo- pared to mingle with some very important people who can give your hopes a big boost. If 11. An amino acid that is found in the cen- ple and you have an agenda with whatever is going on. Begin now to create your desired you have a business card available to hand out to these new people, you will leave a posi- a liquid. tive impression. Dress as conservatively as possible for this evening’s event. tral nervous system. 4. South American cavy. future; success is yours and all is good. Happy birthday! 15. An artificial language that is a revision 5. (chemistry) P(otential of) H(ydrogen). and simplification of Esperanto. 6. German chemist noted for the synthetic 16. The title of the ancient Egyptian kings. production of ammonia (1868-1934). Cancer (June 21-July 22) 17. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. 7. A unit of traffic intensity in a telephone Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 18. Used especially of fruits. system. Your work or career is in real harmony with the rest of your life. You could Successful career moves may demand conformity and cost you personal 20. Russian pancake of buckwheat flour 8. Of or relating to or characteristic of gain from subordinates or young people at this time. Outer circumstances freedom, perhaps toning down a few of your unconventional habits. A kind and yeast. Thailand of its people. are favorable and it should be easy for you to push forward in projects and in all aspects of of magic seems to dawn in your life now. Prosperity and security take center stage in your 21. A Chadic language spoken south of 9. Region of western Asia Minor colonized your life. There is time today to clear away any unfinished business. A few opportunities thinking and you are determined to work hard for the financial results that you seek. You Lake Chad. by Ancient Greeks. arise for you to help guide others in the right direction, and you have a good attitude excel as a social being and should make a career out of your deep-seated interest in other 22. Proboscis worms. 10. Affectedly trendy. about interruptions. This is a good time; good fortune and plain old luck surround you. As people, partnerships and relationships. Strengthen your mastery of difficult problem-solv- 24. A federal agency that supervises carriers you make correct decisions, find the right path and move forward where career and suc- ing details. This is a month where you can pull a few strings and gain help from your co- 11. An anxiety disorder characterized by that transport goods and people between cess are concerned, it is time to turn to the personal side of life. Use exercise and physical worker friends or your other friends. This may mean research money or small errands that states. chronic free-floating anxiety and such activity as a means to release any tension and find ways to laugh. a customer may have requested. Tonight you can enjoy sharing a foot massage. 26. The most common computer memory symptoms as tension or sweating or trem- which can be used by programs to perform bling of light-headedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months. necessary tasks while the computer is on. Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 27. Acquire or gain knowledge or skills. 12. The sixth month of the civil year. 13. A small cake leavened with yeast. You are riding a high now in terms of taking advantage of the changes that 28. According to the Old Testament he was A lot of energy goes into getting things scheduled and organized. Now is are happening in your life. It is important that you secure any advances you a pagan king of Israel and husband of 14. (Old Testament) In Judeo-Christian the time to make that outward push to increase your income. This is the best time you will have made recently. In other words, call to confirm things like hard-to-get appointments, Jezebel (9th century BC). mythology. have to make progress, push forward and rise to prominence. It will be hard for you to do price quotes, analysis results, recommendations, etc. There is a change of direction for you, 19. Belonging to or prescribed for celiac wrong, for all the cycles are working in your favor. This is also a time when you may marry 30. A sheet or band of fibrous connective away from the material and glitter, toward inner needs and security. You will find yourself disease. or take on a new role in the community or with other people. You will be in demand and tissue separating or binding together mus- more concerned with maintaining and strengthening your position, rather than pushing recognition is inevitable. This is a time during which things will come to you easily. You cles and organs etc. 23. A hard gray lustrous metallic element outward. This time should be easy and filled with opportunities and friendships. Enjoy may find yourself wanting to shoulder more responsibilities connected with your family, 33. A rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic that is highly corrosion-resistant. them. More demanding times will be coming a little further down the road. Be sure to set neighborhood or personal business affairs. Friends and a social life are in order-an easy element. 25. A white metallic element that burns aside some prime time for your sweetheart this evening. and untroubled life can be enjoyed. 35. Divulge information or secrets. with a brilliant light. 39. A particular geographical region of 29. Any of various units of capacity. indefinite boundary (usually serving some 31. Any of various plants of the genus special purpose or distinguished by its peo- Aralia. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) ple or culture or geography). 32. The lowermost portion of a structure 42. A metallic element having four allotrop- partly or wholly below ground level. Your career decisions may need a little more organization and self-disci- You are a very strong speaker and will communicate just what is needed. ic forms. 34. Savory jelly based on fish or meat stock pline-you will be happy with the results of this effort. You will find a great deal of improve- Words just flow out and you have the attention of an audience, co-workers 45. A shoe covering the ankle. ment in your abilities to respond and gain insight. New habits are developed successfully or authority figures. An emotional impact will bring the subject matter home to your lis- used as a mold for meats or vegetables. teners. Everyone knows you are a born doer with an incredible drive to accomplish and 47. Large burrowing rodent of South and 36. A lake in northwestern Russia north of at this time. You may have enough work time now to plan ahead for a vacation. You may enjoy chatting with your co-worker friends about some of their vacation choices. Making achieve in life. Be careful not to allow others to take advantage of you at this time. Your Central America. St. Petersburg. ambitions are backed up by the will to get things done. You can be very emotional and 49. A nucleic acid consisting of large mole- money and multiplying what you have are not only fun but also great habits to get into, 37. Reports of the work of a society or and you are good at them. You may find requests from friends for advice on money. To others might find you a bit too aggressive today. You try hard and you tend to push on cules shaped like a double helix. learned body etc. prepare for the worldwide changes that you will be involved in the rest of this year, toward whatever goals you have in mind. This could be a time of career challenges and 50. Not in good physical or mental health. 38. A small skullcap. increase your network of friends. successes. Your home life will lay the foundation for greater confidence at work. 51. A colorless odorless inert gaseous ele- 40. An actor's line that immediately pre- ment occurring in the earth's atmosphere cedes and serves as a reminder for some in trace amounts. action or speech. Wordsearch Puzzle Yesterday’s Solution 54. A woody climbing usually tropical plant. 41. A soft silver-white ductile metallic ele- 56. Someone who works (or provides work- ment (liquid at normal temperatures). ers) during a strike. 43. A Chadic language spoken south of 57. Large sweet juicy hybrid between tan- gerine and grapefruit having a thick wrin- Lake Chad. kled skin. 44. An informal term for a father. 58. An ache localized in the middle or inner 46. A bet that you can pick the first and sec- ear. ond finishers in the right order. 61. Tear down so as to make flat with the 48. United States writer of satirical novels ground. (1879-1958). 62. A fixed number of lines of verse forming 52. An honorary degree in science. a unit of a poem. 53. Essential equal to suborder Myomorpha 64. Of or relating to a member of the with the Dipodidae excluded. Buddhist people inhabiting the Mekong 55. Proboscis monkeys. river in Laos and Thailand. 59. The part of a gunlock that strikes the 66. A deep bow. percussion cap when the trigger is pulled. 69. Ice cream or water ice on a small wood- 60. Half the width of an em. en stick. 63. A town in central Belgium. 74. A translucent mineral consisting of 65. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike hydrated silica of variable color. part of an organism. 75. Of greater importance or stature or 67. The capital of Western Samoa. rank. 68. Immediately past. 78. (Babylonian) A demigod or first man. 70. Predatory black-and-white toothed 79. Not final or absolute. whale with large dorsal fin. 80. Romanian violinist and composer 71. A hinged catch that fits into a notch of a (1881-1955). ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent 82. An open vessel with a handle and a it from moving backward. spout for pouring. 72. An organization of countries formed in 83. Informal terms for a meal. 1961 to agree on a common policy for the 84. Climbing palm of Sri Lanka and south- sale of petroleum. ern India remarkable for the great length of 73. (obstetrics) The number of live-born the stems which are used for Malacca children a woman has delivered. canes. 76. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. 85. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising 77. Of the blackest black. solely the razorbill. 81. In operation or operational.

Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 Al-Madeena 22418714 Al-Shuhada 22545171 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Sabhan 24742838 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Al-Helaly 22434853 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Al-Faiha 22545051 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Ahmadi 23980088 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144 Al-Jahra 25610011 Khaldiya 24848075 Al-Salmiya 25616368 Kaifan 24849807 Shamiya 24848913 INTERNATIONAL Shuwaikh 24814507 CALLS Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804 Afghanistan 0093 Iran 0098 Albania 00355 Iraq 00964 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Algeria 00213 Ireland 00353 Qadsiya 22515088 Andorra 00376 Italy 0039 Angola 00244 Ivory Coast 00225 Dasmah 22532265 Anguilla 001264 Jamaica 001876 Antiga 001268 Japan 0081 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 Argentina 0054 Jordan 00962 Shaab 22518752 Armenia 00374 Kazakhstan 007 Australia 0061 Kenya 00254 Qibla 22459381 Austria 0043 Kiribati 00686 Bahamas 001242 Kuwait 00965 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Bahrain 00973 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Mirqab 22456536 Bangladesh 00880 Laos 00856 Barbados 001246 Latvia 00371 Sharq 22465401 Belarus 00375 Lebanon 00961 Belgium 0032 Liberia 00231 Salmiya 25746401 Belize 00501 Libya 00218 Jabriya 25316254 Benin 00229 Lithuania 00370 Bermuda 001441 Luxembourg 00352 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Bhutan 00975 Macau 00853 Bolivia 00591 Macedonia 00389 Bayan 25388462 Bosnia 00387 Madagascar 00261 Mishref 25381200 Botswana 00267 Majorca 0034 Brazil 0055 Malawi 00265 W Hawally 22630786 Brunei 00673 Malaysia 0060 Bulgaria 00359 Maldives 00960 Sabah 24810221 Burkina 00226 Mali 00223 Jahra 24770319 Burundi 00257 Malta 00356 Cambodia 00855 Marshall Islands 00692 New Jahra 24575755 Cameroon 00237 Martinique 00596 Canada 001 Mauritania 00222 West Jahra 24772608 Cape Verde 00238 Mauritius 00230 South Jahra 24775066 Cayman Islands 001345 Mayotte 00269 Central African 00236 Mexico 0052 North Jahra 24775992 Chad 00235 Micronesia 00691 Chile 0056 Moldova 00373 North Jleeb 24311795 China 0086 Monaco 00377 Ardhiya 24884079 Colombia 0057 Mongolia 00976 Comoros 00269 Montserrat 001664 Firdous 24892674 Congo 00242 Morocco 00212 Cook Islands 00682 Mozambique 00258 Omariya 24719048 Costa Rica 00506 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 N Khaitan 24710044 Croatia 00385 Namibia 00264 Cuba 0053 Nepal 00977 Fintas 23900322 Cyprus 00357 Netherlands (Holland) Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 0031 Czech Republic 00420 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Denmark 0045 New Caledonia 00687 Diego Garcia 00246 New Zealand 0064 Djibouti 00253 Nicaragua 00505 PRIVATE CLINICS Dominica 001767 Nigar 00227 Dominican Republic 001809 Nigeria 00234 Ecuador 00593 Niue 00683 Egypt 0020 Norfolk Island 00672 El Salvador 00503 Northern Ireland (UK) Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Ophthalmologists Endocrinologist England (UK) 0044 0044 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Equatorial Guinea 00240 North Korea 00850 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Eritrea 00291 Norway 0047 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Estonia 00372 Oman 00968 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Ethiopia 00251 Pakistan 0092 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Falkland Islands 00500 Palau 00680 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Faroe Islands 00298 Panama 00507 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Fiji 00679 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Finland 00358 Paraguay 00595 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 France 0033 Peru 0051 French Guiana 00594 Philippines 0063 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam Rheumatologists: French Polynesia 00689 Poland 0048 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Gabon 00241 Portugal 00351 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dentists Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Gambia 00220 Puerto Rico 001787 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Georgia 00995 Qatar 00974 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Germany 0049 Romania 0040 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ghana 00233 Russian Federation 007 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Gibraltar 00350 Rwanda 00250 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Greece 0030 Saint Helena 00290 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Greenland 00299 Saint Kitts 001869 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Grenada 001473 Saint Lucia 001758 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Guadeloupe 00590 Saint Pierre 00508 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Guam 001671 Saint Vincent 001784 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Guatemala 00502 Samoa US 00684 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Guinea 00224 Samoa West 00685 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Guyana 00592 San Marino 00378 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Haiti 00509 Sao Tone 00239 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Saudi Arabia 00966 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Honduras 00504 Scotland (UK) 0044 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Hong Kong 00852 Senegal 00221 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Hungary 0036 Seychelles 00284 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sierra Leone 00232 Soor Center Iceland 00354 Singapore 0065 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 India 0091 Slovakia 00421 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 00873 Slovenia 00386 Indonesia 0062 Solomon Islands 00677 lifestyle THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014


Hart feels like old guy at Las Vegas club

evin Hart had a revelation while making graphic. “I looked around and I was like oh my opens Friday, also stars Gabrielle Union, Taraji “Think Like a Man Too” in Las Vegas: He’s God, am I the uncle? In the club? Have I turned P. Henson, Michael Ealy, Adam Brody and Kbecome the old guy he used to make into the old guy?” the 34-year-old comedian Megan Good. fun of during his standup routine. While at a said in a recent interview to promote the film. nightclub with co-star Jerry Ferrara, Hart real- “Looking at women like, am I the guy with all ized he was on the upper end of its demo- the keys? Am I that guy?” The film, which

Leto to replace Smith in Brilliance ared Leto could be set to replace Will Smith in ‘Brilliance’. The ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ star - who won a Meryl Streep to Jbest supporting actor Oscar for his role in the film - is reportedly in early talks to take on the leading role in the film adaptation of Marcus Sakey’s novel of the same name play Maria Callas after Smith dropped out last month, The Hollywood Reporter have stated. If Leto signs up for the psychological eryl Streep will portray Maria Callas in a new movie. thriller, about members of the population with exceptional The 64-year-old actress has signed up to portray the powers known as ‘brilliants’, he will play a federal agent Mopera legend in ‘Master Class’, a film for HBO based and detector of terrorists who must hunt down a rogue on Terrence McNally’s play about the iconic diva teaching stu- brilliant who is intent on causing civil war. Smith decided dents at elite music school Juilliard in 1971. According to the to exit the project - which will be directed by Julius Onah New York Post newspaper’s Page Six column, Mike Nichols - from a script by David Koepp - because of apparent sched- who previously worked with the actress on ‘Silkwood’, uling conflicts. ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ actress ‘Heartburn’, ‘Postcards From the Edge’ and ‘Angels in America’ - Noomi Rapace will also star in the film, which is to be pro- will direct the movie and it will begin filming in January when duced by Joe Roth, Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni. Leto, 42 - Streep completes work on ‘Ricky and the Flash’. ‘Ricky and the who had been on a six year hiatus from the film industry Flash’ sees the actress play a fading rock star who tries to before taking the part of Rayon in ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ - has reconnect with her family and she has been getting tuition for been busy working on music with his band ‘Thirty Seconds the role from a high-profile teacher. A source said: “Meryl is to Mars’ while searching for his next film project. learning the tricks of the guitar trade from none other than legendary Neil Young.” ‘Master Class’ - which debuted on Broadway in 1995 - sees Callas reminisce about her career and personal life, including being dumped by Aristotle Onassis for Jacqueline Kennedy. Streep has portrayed a number of famous women on screen in recent years, including former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in ‘The Iron Lady’ and chef Julia Child in ‘Julie & Julia’. Her ‘Devil Wears Prada’ charac- Three arrested ter Miranda Priestley is widely assumed to be based on Vogue editor Anna Wintour. outside Swift’s US beach house olice in Rhode Island say they arrested three people outside Taylor Swift’s beachfront home after they Paccosted security guards at the singer’s property. Authorities say the three Connecticut residents were charged with misdemeanor breach of peace after they threw beer bottles and shouted expletives at the guards Sunday outside Swift’s house in Rhode Island. Swift wasn’t at the home at the time. The Westerly Sun reports that police arrested 29-year-old Michael Horrigan, his 28-year- old roommate Tristan Kading and 26-year-old Emily Kading. They were released on promises to appear in court. It’s not clear if they have lawyers. Phone listings for the three couldn’t be found yesterday. Police have made two trespassing arrests on Swift’s property in the past year. Kevin Costner to star in ‘Criminal’

he 59-year-old actor is in negotia- Costner also starred in the critically tions with director Ariel Vromen to acclaimed superman flick ‘Man Of Steel’ as Tstar in the Millennium Films sci-fi Clark Kent’s father. Ariel Vromen has been thriller, a source close to the production called in to direct the movie after the suc- has revealed to The Wrap. ‘The Bodyguard’ cess of his 2012 crime thriller ‘The Iceman’ star will play a dangerous and unpre- which starred Michael Shannon, Winona dictable criminal who finds himself in Ryder, Chris Evans and Ray Liotta. JC Spink, unfamiliar territory when a dead CIA oper- Chris Bender Jake Weiner and Kevin King ative’s skills, secrets and memories are are producing the movie, while Douglas implanted into his brain, with the govern- Cook and David Weisberg are writing the ment agency hoping that he will finish the script. It is so far unknown as to when mission for them. Costner - who has mixed shooting will begin for ‘Criminal’. darker roles in ‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit’ and ‘Three Days To Kill’ with lighter parts in the Disney sports picture ‘McFarland’ - was most recently seen in the sports drama ‘Draft Day’ alongside Jennifer Garner.

Lady Gaga Judas lawsuit dismissed

ady Gaga’s ‘Judas’ plagiarism lawsuit has been dismissed. A judge has ruled the singer’s 2011 track, taken from her second studio album ‘Born This Way’, is “not substantially similar” to Chicago-based musician Rebecca Francescatti’s L1999 song ‘Juda’. Rebecca accused Gaga, 28, of ripping off elements of her song in a lawsuit filed in 2011, but US District Judge Marvin E. Aspen has determined she has failed to provide sufficient evidence of the alleged similarities between the two songs. According to, Judge Aspen said: “We conclude as a matter of law that the two songs are not substantially similar. No reasonable trier of fact could find that defen- dants copied protected expression in Francescatti’s song. The songs do not ‘share enough unique features to give rise to a breach of the duty not to Resident Evil 6 to be copy another’s work.’ Accordingly, we grant defendant’s motion for summary judgment.” In the ruling, Judge Aspen further explained the lawsuit’s objection to a similar title and similar musical notes last film in franchise “are not sufficient to give rise to a finding that the Gaga song has captured the total concept and feel of the Francescatti song”. The court official also found that the elements of plagiarism esident Evil 6’ will be the last film in the franchise. The futuristic thriller, alleged by Rebecca were not protectable on their own and speculatively titled ‘Resident Evil: The Final Chapter’, is very likely to be feels the musician has failed to present unique or protectable ‘Rthe final ever installment of the Milla Jovovich-starring series, accord- elements under plagiarism law. He added: “We find that ing to director Paul W.S. Anderson. Probed about the significance of the movie’s Francescatti has neither established that the elements are name, Anderson confirmed: “That’s what’s on the title page. It’s ‘Resident Evil: protectable nor has she established a unique combination of The Final Chapter’, so absolutely.” The filmmaker is still in the middle of writing a these unprotectable elements. No reasonable trier of fact final script and isn’t yet sure when it will be ready for production. He told could find that the songs’ expressions are substantially simi- “There are no set dates for shooting yet. I think we’re waiting until lar.”— Bang Showbiz we have a first draft screenplay and then go from there. “I don’t know [when it will be in theatres]. Depends how fast I write, I guess. There’s no set date yet but hopefully we’ll have an announcement for that soon.” The post-zombie apoca- lypse series follows Jovovich’s character Alice as she takes on a shady Umbrella organization and is one of the most successful video game adaptations of all time. Following the first film’s release in 2002, its popularity has only grown, with ‘Resident Evil: Afterlife’. lifestyle THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014


‘Curvy Chix Chariot’ owner Donna Hundley shows dresses to customer Miranda Gillis on May 9, 2014 in Washington, DC. A customer looks at handbags in the Street Boutique fashion truck. Hundley and her fashion truck are part of a growing number of ‘rolling’ boutiques in the US. — AFP photos After food trucks, fashion hits the road in US

t about noon on a square in Arlington, Virginia, food pieces, and partner with some good designers.” While a brick- trucks line up, offering soups and sandwiches to the and-mortar store can require an investment of as much as Alunchtime crowd. Lia Lee’s truck is there, too-but she’s $500,000, putting a fashion truck on the road costs about an selling dresses and jewelry. “I just restocked this blouse. This is a average of $20,000, Romo said. very nice office top-perfect for summer,” the 27-year-old Lee Raising that kind of cash is even easier thanks to crowd told one customer browsing in her Street Boutique, a cream funding on the Internet. Many times, retail trucks are more of a and black truck parked in this Washington suburb. Food trucks labor of love than a lucrative job. Half of new truck owners-the have already taken many US cities by storm, but fashion is now vast majority of them women-keep their day jobs in order to also a business on the move in America. Lee’s truck is set up like pay their costs, such as parking and permit fees. Shelley a regular brick-and-mortar store, with an elegantly appointed Sarmiento, who is in her 60s, followed an unusual path. The co- interior lined with racks of dresses and blouses, jewelry cases owner of White House Black Market-a chain with more than 100 and even a tiny dressing room.”In late 2010, there were proba- stores, 3,000 employees and $180 million in annual sales-sold bly five in the nation,” said Jeanine Romo, the co-founder and her stake a decade ago. vice president of the American Mobile Retail Association, which Two years ago, Sarmiento-who teaches at the Fashion brings together the country’s mobile stores. Institute of Technology in New York-said she was “standing at a Today, there are between 300 and 400 nationwide, most of grilled cheese food truck” in the Big Apple and thought-why them focused on selling clothes. A few offer shoes, beauty not put clothes on a truck? Since then, her Little White Fashion products and even pet accessories. “We just see that growth Truck has rolled quickly along. She now has four trucks in kind of keeps going,” Romo told AFP. Lee long dreamed of hav- Maryland and Tennessee. ing her own store-one that didn’t move. But money was tight. Her tips: don’t run up debts, make as small an initial invest- “After writing several business plans and going to consulting, I ment as possible, offer items at low prices and offer variety, so realized it was not financially possible for me to do,” Lee that everyone “can’t resist buying something.” During her lunch explained. “This is more affordable, and it fits my personality break in Washington, Miranda Gillis indeed could not resist. She better. I like the variety, going to different neighborhoods.” picked up a “beautiful green dress” from the Curvy Chix Chariot. “This is the first time I’ve ever seen a fashion truck,” said the 52- Original items year-old Gillis, president of the American Federation of Like Lee, Donna Hundley, a 30-something fashionista, did Government Employees.”It’s an excellent idea. It’s convenient, some research and found that, in California, fashion trucks are and she has good stuff. It’s more personalized.” Elizabeth all the rage. She launched her red and gray Curvy Chix Chariot Gibbons, 29, picked up a pair of shorts from Street Boutique. in September 2013. It’s an old postal van she bought for $2,200, “There is really not a lot around this particular area,” Gibbons and then renovated, decorated and refitted. Hundley-whose said, calling the truck “really fun and so convenient too.”—AFP store, as the name indicates, caters to voluptuous women sources items from young designers. “We tend to have all the plus-size clothing always be the same-it’s always black, flowers and they always want to put us in cheetah print,” she said with a ‘Curvy Chix Chariot’ owner Donna Hundley shows cus- laugh. Lia Lee owner of the Street Boutique fashion truck tomer Miranda Gillis a necklace. “I pride myself in making sure that I find some good quality arranges a mannequin while waiting for customers.

Jaqui Sincalir wears an ornate hat. Ester Dohnalova poses for a photograph. Milnda Strudwick wears an ornate hat on the first A race goer wears an ornate hat. day of the Royal Ascot horse racing meeting.

Larisa Katz models a horse motif lace hat. Linzi Weare , foreground, and friends pose for a photograph. Race goers hang onto their hats in a gusty wind. Britain Royal Ascot Royal Britain

Vickie Wilson wears an ornate pair of sunglasses Jaqui Jaynes wears an ornate hat on the second on the second day of the Royal Ascot horse rac- day of the Royal Ascot horse racing meeting at ing meeting. Ascot, England yesterday. Royal Ascot the annual five day horse race meeting that Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II attends every day of the event. — AP Milnda Strudwick wears a large red ornate hat. lifestyle THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014


Stallions fight for their position in the herd in Aschau in the Austrian province of Tyrol, Sunday, June 15, 2014. — AP photos

Racehorses teach New York inmates unexpected lessons 30 years on hen retired racehorses first arrived at Wallkill understanding me. I knew I had to be patient to have them the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Studies show educational programs in prison reduce Correctional Facility, Jim Tremper expected to teach get along with me,” Jiminez said. Some 400 horses and 400 (ASPCA). recidivism rates, but specific figures on the success of horse Whorsemanship skills to inmates who would be look- inmates have gone through the program, which relies on Many of the 45 horses now at Wallkill arrived malnourished programs or other animal programs are hard to come by. The ing for jobs when they were freed. Three decades later, the donations, at the medium-security prison about 80 miles (130 or badly injured, like 31-year-old Lunar, easy to spot with his state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision horse program hasn’t worked out as intended, and Tremper, km) north of New York City. Some horses are trained to be hooves splayed from breaking both front ankles when he did not have any figures immediately available, and the Pew the farm manager, as well as prison authorities and inmates gentle enough to be adopted out, while others spend their raced. “They’re in the same situation we are, in a sense,” said Charitable Trusts’ project that studies prison systems does not are pleased with the results. The program called Second lives at the prison farm. Scott Coyle, 47, serving time for heroin possession. “If they track animal programs in particular. Timothy Laffin, Wallkill’s Chances ostensibly teaches horse grooming and feeding, and Two dozen inmates care for them within sight of a guard weren’t here, they’d be dead. If I wasn’t here, I’d be dead, with superintendent, has high praise for the influence on inmates. while few released inmates have taken jobs with horses, its tower that marks a sharp contrast with the rustic stables, gen- my drug use.” “It gives them a work ethic, and it’s something that I think lessons in patience, empathy, overcoming anger and impul- tle neighing and barn cats sleeping in the sun. “We keep res- they take back to society with them,” he said. Tremper said he siveness have proven far more valuable, they say. cuing horses, and the horses teach the guys how to be people A different way rarely sees Second Chance inmates return but that the pro- A project of the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, again. It’s an awesome thing to watch,” Tremper said. Tremper said he knows of just two former inmates working gram is not permitted to calculate recidivism. “The biggest Second Chances marks its 30th anniversary this week at The thoroughbreds, retired from racing, were sent by their in the horse industry. Most inmates don’t stay in touch, he thing is the change that it makes in these guys, how they carry Wallkill, where it began in 1984. It has since expanded to pris- owners, rescued from abuse or neglect or purchased at feed said, while others aren’t interested in low-paying stable work. themselves, how they run their lives after they’re done here,” ons in California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, lots before they were shipped to slaughter, Tremper said. Second Chances alumnus Dax Rodriguez, 43, works at a Tremper said. — Reuters Massachusetts, South Carolina and Virginia. Noel Jiminez, 34, More than 10,000 US racehorses are shipped to slaughter each breeding farm in Gansevoort, New York after serving nearly 20 serving time at Wallkill for assault, said working with the hors- year in Canada and Mexico, according to the Thoroughbred years for attempted murder. He said horses taught him com- es is therapeutic. Retirement Foundation. Overall, US horses exported for passion. “It made me see that life is really not supposed to be “It helped me control myself to not be angry with them not slaughter in 2013 numbered more than 144,000, according to that cold or that mean, and there’s a different way,” he said. Art Basel Fair

A visitor passes by a work of art by US artist Jim Shaw called ‘Capitol Viscera A man stands inside a work of art by US artist Rodney McMillian called ‘From Visitors pass by a work of art by US artist Gavin Kenyon called ‘Farrow’ (front) Applicances Mural’. Asterisks in Dockery’ on June 17, 2014 during the preview day of the Art and a work of art by US artist Kara Walker called ‘The Sovereign Citizens Basel Fair that will run from June 19 to June 22, 2014 in Basel, Switzerland. Sesquicentennial Civil War Celebration’. Over 300 leading galleries from North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa show work from great masters of Modern and contemporary art to the latest generation of emerging stars. Every artistic medium is represented: paintings, sculpture, installations, videos, multiples, prints, photography, and performance. — AFP photos

Three employees of the Art Basel fair look at a work of art by US artist Jeff An employee of the Basel Art fair stands next to a work of art by US artist Visitors stand by a work of art by Danish artist Michael Elmgreen and Koons called ‘Hulk’. Andy Warhol. Norvegian artist Ingar Dragset (known as Elmgreen & Dragset) called ‘Papa Was A Rodeo’. lifestyle THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014

Music & Movies Still relevant and raging Godzilla: after 60 years in Japan

hile a digitalized Hollywood reboot stomps its way to box office success Waround the world, the original Godzilla-a man in a rubber suit-has hit screens in Japan again, as relevant as ever. The 1954 classic, which spawned more than two dozen follow-ups, has been cleaned up for a two-week run in Tokyo to mark the 60th anniversary of the monster from the deep. Despite the shaky sets and the all-too-obvi- ous latex costumes, a new generation of movie- goers declared themselves impressed. “I was really surprised to see a Tokyo that isn’t the current, neat Tokyo, but was just some 10 years after war, trampled again,” said Kenichi Takagi, 44, who took along his 10-year-old son. Visuals and audio have been given a scrub to remove some of the speckles and pops that cinema-goers are now unused to experiencing, although there is no hid- ing the fact that the creature is really a heavily- sweating actor in a suit. But the movie’s enduring popularity six decades on is testament to the con- tinuing resonance of its themes of human helpless- ness in the face of forces that cannot be controlled.

Hydrogen bomb test Film studio Toho released “Gojira”-a Japanese portmanteau of “gorilla” and “kujira” (whale) — directed by Ishiro Honda, in November 1954, a few months after Akira Kurosawa’s classic “Seven Samurai”. The monster movie was a mega-hit, Tokyo exhibition of his paintings on Godzilla. The at Fukushima in 2011. drawing 9.6 million viewers in the days before tele- This picture taken on May 4, vision sets were commonplace in Japanese house- point of the monster-and perhaps the reason why Warner Bros’ $160 million incarnation sees the there are so many sequels-is that it can never really “King of Monsters” pitted against two giant and 2014 shows a one-meter (39 holds. In the fictional world, the creature was awak- inch) tall statue of Godzilla at ened by a hydrogen bomb test, rising out of a roil- be defeated. Like other destructive forces of nature, long-dormant creatures that feed off radioactivity, people just have to watch it come and go, hoping as “Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston battles on a Godzilla art exhibition in ing sea and swimming to Japan where it crushes Tokyo. — AFP photos Tokyo, a walking, radiation-breathing analogy for to survive. Sadamitsu Noji, 34, said he had been a behalf of humanity. Director Gareth Edwards said nuclear disaster. The reference was clear: that same fan of the creation for two decades, and sees it as a Fukushima had been impossible to ignore. “There year the United States had carried out its hydrogen blank canvas onto which cinema-goers can proj- is a strong tradition in science fiction where it’s not bomb test at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific, expos- ect.”Besides its underlying anger, Godzilla really about the future but it’s often about the pres- ing a Japanese fishing boat to nuclear fallout, sick- embraces various feelings... Each viewer can see his ent, the time in which the films are made,” he said. ening the 23 crew and eventually killing the cap- own emotions in Godzilla,” he told AFP. “We didn’t want to literally make a film about the tain. events that happened in Japan but it’s nearly It was also less than a decade after Japan sur- Impossible to ignore impossible to make Godzilla, which is a symbol of a rendered in World War II following the US atomic Actor Akira Takarada, who starred in the original cautionary tale about using nuclear power, set in bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. But film, said he had seen the new version twice, and Japan, and not raise the question.” — AFP while the creature stands emblematic of the way agreed that Godzilla is a complex creation, worthy that humans have courted death by their tinkering, of its place in history. “I realized anew that Godzilla it is also the product of a country prone to natural isn’t simply a destroyer but that he himself is a vic- disasters. tim of an atomic bomb... I cannot help feeling sym- “We grow up thinking since our childhood that pathy for him,” the 80-year-old told reporters. That there are typhoons, earthquakes and other things status of victim resonates even louder in contem- that humans cannot control. It’s the same with porary Japan, where tens of thousands of people Gojira,” said artist Yuji Kaida on the sidelines of a remain displaced by the tsunami-sparked disaster

This picture shows a 10-metre-tall (33 ft) giant statue of Godzilla at a park in This picture shows Japanese artist Yuji Kaida speaking to AFP at his exhibition in A large wall painting of Godzilla is displayed at Toho Yokosuka, suburban Tokyo. Tokyo showing drawings of Godzilla. Studios in Tokyo as part of the Godzilla 60th anniver- sary project. ‘True Blood’ headed for Jane Lynch pulls off her tracksuit to go cabaret ane Lynch has zipped off the tracksuit and left the Cheerios behind. The “Glee” star is going cabaret. The Emmy- and AP: For you personally, what did ‘Glee’ do for your career? a musical afterlife JGolden Globe Award-winner makes her nightclub debut Lynch: It was a total game-changer. They would not have this week with a four-night stand in front of a three-piece band asked me to do ‘Annie’ if I weren’t on ‘Glee.’ At the time I was kind ike the vampires it portrays, “True Paquin. But, Barr added, after seven seasons at 54 Below, a club in the cellar of what was a notorious, coke- of known for the Christopher Guest movies. I was enjoying my Blood” won’t seem to die. Even if it of twists, turns and characters for Sookie, it’s fueled disco in the 1970s. The show gets to show off another career. I was happy doing guest spots here and there. But this Lmeans breaking out in song. After the proven a challenge to trim the saga down. “I part of Lynch, who has been roaring to take a stage again since really upped it. final scene of the upcoming last season of think we’re really going to try to return to the she made her Broadway debut last summer as Miss Hannigan in “True Blood,” fans may be able to take anoth- roots of the show,” Barr commented. “True “Annie.” AP: Who do you look up to in this industry? er fresh bite out of the HBO vampire drama. Blood” co-star Stephen Moyer, who showed Audiences can expect a few of Lynch’s favorite songs, includ- Lynch: Neil Patrick Harris. He’s all over the place, but in a In the works: “‘True Blood’: The Musical.” off his vocal chops last year on NBC’s highly ing Irving Berlin “Mister Monotony” and “Slappin’ the Cakes On good way. There’s a method in what seems to be the madness of Seriously. “This was something that I pitched rated live telecast of “The Sound of Music,” Me” by Dave Frishberg, a song she did for an episode of “Glee” him doing this and then doing that, hosting this and then doing to HBO and (show creator) Alan Ball,” said revealed he helped Barr put together some but was cut. One thing that will definitely not happen is dancing. that. I’m always watching Neil from the corner of my eye. composer Nathan Barr, speaking on the samples of the “True Blood” musical present- “I’m unteachable,” she says. arrivals line at the “True Blood” season pre- ed to HBO and Ball. Lynch recently sat down with The Associated Press to chat miere Tuesday night in Hollywood. Barr has Barr said he hopes to present a workshop about her set, “Glee,” “Hollywood Game Night,” Broadway and written the instrumental scores for the series’ version about a year from now, but he’s not who she most admires in the business. entire seven seasons, the last of which looking beyond that. To say this is “Broadway debuts Sunday. bound” is premature. “There’s no guarantees,” AP: What can we expect of your show? Barr said the musical will revolve around the composer warned. “But I think the direc- Lynch: It’s just a bunch of songs that I like to sing, hopefully protagonist, telepath and waitress Sookie tion we’re heading in is really exciting.”— AP some engaging patter, and I hope everybody has a good time Stackhouse, portrayed in the series by Anna and I’m not holding people hostage.

AP: Is there a theme for the evening? Lynch: Everybody told me as you pick songs that a theme will emerge all by itself. Nothing emerged. There’s very little tying these songs together. I say, ‘Come with me on a musical journey through a world of songs that actually have very little to do with each other.’

AP: Why did it take so long for you to do cabaret? Lynch: I didn’t have any conscious plans to do Broadway but I always wanted to. So when I got the ‘Annie’ gig, everything in me screamed ‘No!’ but of course I said, ‘Yes.’ I was so happy I did it and I got the bug back. I saw (“Glee” co-star) Matt Morrison per- form here and I said to myself, ‘Self, this would be fun for you, Jane.’ And then I got the call: Would you like four days? Everything inside of me screamed ‘No!’ but I said, ‘Yes.’ Jane Lynch

AP: What the latest with ‘Glee’? AP: Your improve skills are on show on “Hollywood Game Lynch: We’re going into a sixth season. I think it’s going to be Night.” How do you prepare your star guests? half a season. I think we’re going back to McKinley High. I think. I Lynch: What I really learned is that if I’m not relaxed, they’re don’t know any of this for sure. But that’s the word on the street. not relaxed and the audience is not relaxed. So I just really have to be relaxed. And I do clunkers - I have jokes that don’t go over. AP: What’s the show’s legacy? Somehow they get on the air and they look funny. I don’t know Lynch: I don’t think you can underestimate truly how power- how they do it. They funny-ize them. — AP ful this show has been and will continue to be: It’s the place Anna Paquin, left, and Stephen Moyer arrive at the Los Angeles premiere of the 7th and where you can go where you’re celebrated for who you are. It’s final season of ‘True Blood’ at the TCL Chinese Theatre on Tuesday. — AP this safe refuge for kids. That’s what we’re all looking for. We’re still in high school, a lot of us. Godzilla: Still relevant and raging after 60 years in Japan

THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014 39

A Brazilian supporter gestures before the start of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil vs Mexico match at the FIFA Fan Fest public viewing event in Sao Paulo, Brazil on June 17, 2014. — AFP

When Brazil plays, Cat with history of it’s time to walk pooch violence traps owners

hile millions of Brazilians blissfully empty streets. were watching their World WCup team on television, ‘TV doesn’t educate’ Rene Rivera was walking his golden Simone Rossetti, a 40-year-old retriever along a swan lake at a Sao hairdresser, was walking her two Paulo park. Believe it or not, it is shih tzus, Momo and Appa in possible to find people in this foot- Ibirapuera Park with her daughter ball-mad nation who would rather and husband as fireworks exploded walk their dog than see Neymar and in the distance, signaling half-time. company, even when Brazil is play- “I don’t like football,” she said, point- ing a key game against Mexico. For ing towards her two panting dogs. the silent minority, game time is the “I came out because they become best time to go out for a stroll, jog agitated with the fireworks.” Near or ride bikes, given that the usually the park’s Afro-Brazilian Museum, congested roads of the mega-city which was closed for the game, a are eerily empty when the “Selecao” dozen teenagers rode their skate- is playing. boards under a covered walkway. A “We don’t like the World Cup. couple even wore Brazil’s yellow jer- There are better things to do,” Rivera sey. Julio Cesar Tadeu Gamboa, a said, wearing workout clothes as he 20-year-old psychology student, walked Sammy with his wife during said skating on game-day was his Tuesday’s game. But he said the way of protesting, though his dis- sentiment is not a popular one. “At content was aimed at the way tele- our gym for instance, if you say you vision covered anti-cup protests. won’t watch a game, it’s like you’re “Television doesn’t educate, tele- from another planet, abnormal. vision doesn’t make Brazilians People say, ‘What? You’re not cheer- think,” said Gamboa, whose ear- ing for Brazil? What? You’re not lobes were extended by see- Brazilian,’” he said. Rivera, the 41- through rings the size of golf balls. year-old owner of a software com- Fernanda Vollet, 29, was watching pany, is a big fan of the local swans with her husband from a This undated photo provided by Animal Planet shows Corinthians football club, but like footbridge over the lake, soaking in Jackson Galaxy, host of Animal Planet’s ‘My Cat From Hell,’ many Brazilians he is unhappy the sunny, traffic-less afternoon. with a cat named Lux, in Portland, Ore. — AP photos about the money spent on hosting While the civil engineer said that the tournament. letting people leave work early was Brazil was hit by massive protests likely bad for the economy, she said during last year’s Confederations Brazilian bosses had no other Cup, a World Cup dress rehearsal. choice but to let their workers go ortland police had to be called in to subdue a While the movement has subsided, home or to the bars. “If people were 22-pound house cat that trapped its owners many Brazilians still fume that the at work, they would be less produc- Pinside their bedroom after attacking their money would be better spent on tive, and Brazilians would find a way baby. The baby was not injured in the Sunday inci- hospitals and schools. “This particu- to watch the game anyway,” she dent. Sgt Pete Simpson, a Portland Police Bureau lar World Cup is political, it’s an said as Brazil played Mexico to a 0-0 event to win votes and to be re- draw. She admitted, however, that spokesman, said officers responded to a 911 call that elected,” Rivera said, referring to she might make an exception in her evening from a couple who had locked themselves President Dilma Rousseff’s bid for a no-football routine. “If Brazil reaches in their bedroom with the baby and their dog after new term in October elections. “The the final, I’ll watch,” she said. “Plus the cat attacked the child. quicker the World Cup ends, that it’s on a weekend.”—AFP Simpson said the 911 operator could hear the cat Brazil is eliminated and it’s over, the screeching in the background as the couple awaited better the country will be. The peo- help. Officers used a dog snare to capture the cat ple need other things than football,” he said. For now, however, the and placed it in a crate. Simpson said the owners This undated photo provided by Animal World Cup serves his traffic needs. told the dispatcher the cat has a history of violence. Planet shows a cat named Lux, in Portland, Ten minutes before the Brazil- He said the cat remained with its owners. — AP Ore, who is featured on Animal Planet’s ‘My Mexico game was to end, he Cat From Hell.’ planned to drive home through