Institute for Policy Research Northwestern University Working Paper Series WP-06-05 Estimating the Accuracy of Jury Verdicts Bruce D. Spencer Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research Professor of Statistics Northwestern University Version date: April 17, 2006; rev. May 4, 2007 Forthcoming in Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2040 Sheridan Rd. ! Evanston, IL 60208-4100 ! Tel: 847-491-3395 Fax: 847-491-9916, !
[email protected] Abstract Average accuracy of jury verdicts for a set of cases can be studied empirically and systematically even when the correct verdict cannot be known. The key is to obtain a second rating of the verdict, for example the judge’s, as in the recent study of criminal cases in the U.S. by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). That study, like the famous Kalven-Zeisel study, showed only modest judge-jury agreement. Simple estimates of jury accuracy can be developed from the judge-jury agreement rate; the judge’s verdict is not taken as the gold standard. Although the estimates of accuracy are subject to error, under plausible conditions they tend to overestimate the average accuracy of jury verdicts. The jury verdict was estimated to be accurate in no more than 87% of the NCSC cases (which, however, should not be regarded as a representative sample with respect to jury accuracy). More refined estimates, including false conviction and false acquittal rates, are developed with models using stronger assumptions. For example, the conditional probability that the jury incorrectly convicts given that the defendant truly was not guilty (a “type I error”) was estimated at 0.25, with an estimated standard error (s.e.) of 0.07, the conditional probability that a jury incorrectly acquits given that the defendant truly was guilty (“type II error”) was estimated at 0.14 (s.e.