Radiant Transmission Is an October Gallery Touring Exhibition
RICHARD WILLIAMSON, Vajra-Kilaya, 1992, Height 37cm, Gilt Bronze, Iron and Polychrome Cover: CHEWANG DORJE LAMA (Boudnath, Kathmandu, Nepal), Chemchog Heruka (Mahottara), 2002, Gold and Gouache on Black Cotton Ground, 82cm x 59cm A LONG LOOK HOMEWARD Acknowledgements Photographic Images of Tibet In association with Tibet House Trust The October Gallery extends particular thanks to: Tibet House Trust, UK charity no 1037230 Robert Beer Tibet House, 1 Culworth Street, Zara Fleming London NW8 7AF Mrs Kesang Takla (Representative of the Dalai Lama in tel: 020 77225378, fax: 020 7722 0362 Northern Europe) email: tibettrust@tibet.com, The Venerable Chime Rinpoche www.tibet-housetrust.co.uk Anthony Aris Right: Joseph Houseal, Core of Culture GONKAR GYATSO, Sue Byrne, Tibet Foundation Ecdysis II, 2003. Chewang Dorje Lama Photographic Installation Phunsok Tshering Lama (One of Four). Karen Boston The Royal Academy Below: Peacock Productions CHAM: Tibetan Sacred Dance Lamayuru, Ladakh, 2000 The October Gallery gratefully acknowledges the Photograph by Joseph support of the Arts Council England for the financial Houseal, CORE OF CULTURE. assistance that enabled this exhibition to take place. The October Gallery Education Department is supported by JP Morgan Fleming Charities and the Lloyds TSB Foundation. We acknowledge the kind permission to screen the following films: Himalaya - Momentum Films, London Tantra of Gyuto - Mystic Fire Video, New York Radiant Transmission is an October Gallery Touring Exhibition A LONG HOMEWARD, Photograph, Tibet Museum, Dharamsala. Meanwhile, in Nepal, the tantric artistic tradition has continued uninterrupted for over a thousand years and is currently undergoing a renaissance. Exquisite masterpieces of tantric art by outstanding contemporary Newar artists form the main core of this exhibition.
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