
hosts military powerlifters Street Station Page B-1 fighters Page A-2 Finding the right medical clinic Page B-2

Festival drawing near, *Station prepares for visitors

JPAO mobile mammogram van. Individuals, or other groups that desire to volunteer for a The 1990 Windward Fam- "Besides a weekend of fun, four-hour shift at any activ- ily Festival, co-sponsored by the festival offers a unique ity may call the volunteer Castle Medical Center and opportunity for Marine units coordinator, Carlos Lopez at Marine Corps Air Station (down to the company level) 254-5871. Several locations Kaneohe Bay, will be held to raise some extra money," and times are available on a *ere July 27-29. said Maj. John Bucking- first-come first-serve basis. ham, Assistant Director of The three-day Festival will MWR. Another opportunity for be the largest single event fund raising is available to ever held on the Windward Volunteers are needed to groups and organizations Coast, featuring water sports, operate rides, collect admis- that donate time to sell carnival rides, games, staged sion fees, and work in the advance tickets. Advance entertainment, Marine Corps food and game booths. "We tickets are good toward ride equipment plus community are prepared to increase a coupons and food, during the exhibits and information. unit's MWR party fund by $2 festival and include a free Castle Medical Center will per volunteer," said Bucking- admission ticket. Informa- Itrovide several activity ham. He is currently coor- tion and tickets are available ooths and displays ranging dinating the unit volunteers from Bob Porter at 254-2716 from the Emergency Room and can be reached at 254- or 254-2806. "Ask a Nurse" display to it's 5871. Books of scrtpt for rides and games are also available Where to get Family Festival tickets at many locations island- Sears Ticket Outlets wide. Unocal 76-Bob's Union Service, Kailua Waimanalo 76 Station The festival will open Fri- day, July 27, at 6 p.m. with Marine Corps Exchange Activities entertainment and activities Windward Community Federal Credit Unions running till 11:30 p.m. Castle Medical Center Credit Union Saturday will be Family Day Air Station ITT Office with gates open from 11 a.m. - Facility 11:30 p.m. Gates open Temporary Lodging Sunday at 11 a.m. and all rides will be discounted from 4-9 p.m. Admire to take command of 3d Marines Adm. Kelso Posts as Chief of during Platt Field Ceremony Friday Naval Operations Tomorrow JPAO national relations (1988). and senior White House Admire also served as the III Adm. Frank N. Kelso becomes the 24th Chief of Naval social aide to President and MEF tactical exercise control- Operations when he takes over the post from retiring Adm. Mrs.Carter(1976-79).Admire ler for Team Spirit 89 in Carlisle A.H. Trost at a ceremony at the Naval Academy The 3d Marine Regiment After the Officer Candidate will get a new commander Course and The Basic School, served as an instructor at the Korea. 1111 tomorrow. Armed Forces Staff College Adm. Kelso was previously the Supreme Allied Com- Friday at 10 a.m. during a Admire served in Vietnam as change of command cere- an infantry platoon leader at Norfolk, Va., from 1980- Admire was transferred to mander Atlantic (NATO) and Commander-in-Chief, Atlan- 82. He was promoted to the 1st MEB in August 1989. tic Fleet, based in Norfolk, Va. mony on Platt Field. Col. with 3d Bn., 3d Marines, from decorations John H. Admire, currently the 1966-1967. After two promo- lieutenant colonel in Janu- His personal MEB's assistant chief of staff tions and a tour as an infan- ary 1981. include the Bronze Star with Marine for Operations and Training try company commander at combat "V" and a star in Fighter Pilot Killed (G-3) will Admire served as the G-3 lieu of second award, the take command of Camp Pendleton, Admire of A Marine Corps F/A-18 pilot was killed June 10 when the reinforced regiment from returned to Vietnam after Plans officer for the 1st Purple Heart, the Legion his jet crashed during carrier qualifications aboard USS Col. James L. McClung, who completion of the Advanced Marine Aircraft Wing in Merit, the Navy Commenda- Enterprise 80 miles east of Norfolk, Va. is transferring to Headquar- Infantry School to serve as Okinawa from 1982-83, and tion Medal with combat "V," 1stLt. Michael J. Watters, Strike Fighter Squadron-106, ters Marine Corps. an adviser to the Vietnamese served as the deputy chief of and the Combat Action based at Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Fl., crashed into Marine Corps (1969-1970). staff for the 3d Marine Ribbon. the Atlantic approximately three miles in front of the Amphibious Force for the carrier during night carrier operations. Search and rescue Admire joined the Corps in Exercise Bearhunt deploy- McClung will work in Plans, operations were conducted for 18 hours by helicopters November 1965 after gradu- After a tour as an officer ment to South Korea, and as Policies and Operations when based aboard the Enterprise and U.S. Coast Guard aircraft. ating Phi Beta Kappa from selection officer in Houston the commanding officer of 3d he reports to Headquarters The cause of the accident is under investigation. the University of Oklahoma (1970-73), Admire reported to Reconnaissance Bn. Marine Corps. He joined the with a bachelor's degree in the 2d Marine Division at 1st MEB in June 1987 after advertising and a master's Camp Lejeune and served as After attending the Naval a tour at Headquarters, degree in journalism. He has a company commander in War College in Newport, R.I. FMFPac, and served as chief Pless Hall Set to Re-open since earned a second MA Cuba with 2d Bn., 8th (1984-85), Admire reported to of staff for the MEB until he Pless Hall Dining Facility is scheduled to re-open Monday degree in strategy and policy Marines, and as the Battal- Headquarters, U.S. European took command of 3d Marines 11Pf.or breakfast after a four-month re-furbishing project. During (1982) and a third in inter- ion Landing Team 2/8 Command in Stuttgart, Ger- in June 1988. the shut-down, the deck was replaced and new equipment was installed. S-3 officer many, to serve during a Med- as a crisis ac- iterranean de- tion officer ployment and branch Marine Diver Rescued (1973-75). He chief. He par- was promoted ticipated in the off Makaha to major in planning of A Marine was rescued early Saturday morning after he January 1975, the April 1986 was separated from his diving partners while doing a night and was later air strikes IP' dive off Makaha, north of Barbers Point. The Marine was reassigned to against Libya. rescued by a civilian fishing boat at 2 a.m., several hours 2d Reconnais- He was pro- after he was reported missing. sance, Bn. to moted to colo- serve as the nel in July battalion's op- 1987. erations offi- Celebrate the Birth of America cer, then as ex- Admire ecutive officer, served in Independence Day celebrations in Kailua will begin July and finally as Okinawa as 3 with a concert at Kailua Beach Park featuring the Royal Band. Fireworks will follow the concert, can commanding assistant chief Hawaiian and (1975- of (G-3) de be viewed from the beach park or by Ulupau Crater on the officer staff 76). for the 3d Ma- Air Station. The "Glory of Freedom Parade" will begin at rine Division 10 a.m. July 4, and run down North Kainalu St. to Kailua Admire Intermediate School. then (1987-88), and served at Ma- commanded rine Barracks the Contin- II /v 8th and I as gency Marine so. barracks oper- Air-Ground tint /fit 'NW ations and 3- g III 1 APT Task Force Legally Speaking A-6 At A Glance 8-4 training offi- 88 during its ° Blotter A-7 Family Services B-5 cer, ceremo- deployyment Education A-8 ASYMCA B-5 nial parade to the Persian MWR/Movies A-10 Salutes B-5 Col. J.H. Admire commander, Gulf (1988-89). Col J.L. McClung _! HAWAII MARINE June 28, 1990

The darkness of one level within Pennsylvania Battery is flooded by light from another as a Marine from Squad Leaders School conducts a tactical assault during MOUT training. Building urban warfare skills Penn Battery resurected

Operations in Urban Terrain scattered throughout the .7Sayk."pnils:rcerIckson (MOUT). three levels of the battery. These holes - which come In 1945, a five-year project in all shapes and sizes - in put a 14-inch gun from the "MOUT is part of our stan- doubtless had a purpose at sunken battleship Arizona on dard curriculum," said IstLt. some point. Now, however, top of Ulupau Crater. The Scott Fazekas, "but we don't they serve only as ways to emplacement site was com- have any facilities here to break limbs. pleted just as World War II give (the students) realistic Came to a close. The gun was training." never used and shortly there- While the class was con- after was removed and lie said that one of his ducting their MOUT, two gen- scrapped. erators were brought inside instructors came up with the the battery and used to light idea to use Penn Battery. further, two of the larger rooms. In Today, although the 53- After checking into it addition to this, the fluid foot -long gun is gone, the Fazekas had to agree, the from Chem-lights a good one. was used underground concrete facility idea was to trace any objects or holes that housed it still stands as in the rooms that the stu- a hollow reminder of the past. There are safety precautions dents would be using. Its 43 rooms were turned into of training within the con- an eerie, but realistic training crete structure, but they aren't "This isn't as ideal for site last month. insurmountable. For one urban training as the ones thing, there are no lights, that are built especially for Instructors of the Squad and most of the battery MOUT operations, but its the Leader's School brought remains pitch black regard- best thing we've got here," of day. This Pennsylvania Battery back less of the time Fazekas said. "I just hope Students inspect the next lower level inside the battery. to life, as students from Class problem is compounded by we'll be able to use it more 1-90 conducted Military inconspicuous holes that are in the future."

LCpt. Mike Brownrlgg studies a hole in the ceiling, that was once home to a 14-inch grin from the battleship Arizona at the close ol World War II

A pelt of students move tactically between rooms inside Penn Battery during a MOUT exercise. June 28, 1990 HAWAII.MARINE A-3

JPAO in Vietnam in 1969. After there through September. In U.S. Air Force Command and Command of VMFA-212 separation from the Corps, 1976, he deolo,,,d again Staff College at Maxwell Air will change hands Friday at he was selected as an nvia aboard INS Iwo Jima for a Force Base, Ala., he '2 p.m. during a ceremony on tion officer candidate and six-month Mediterranean graduated with distinction in the flightline between Han- was commissioned in August cruise May 1984. His next tour gars 103 and 104. lACol. 1970. He was designated a In December 1976, Collins was us the operations officer James M. Collins I will take Naval aviator at NAS Merid reported to VT-I9 at Merid- fin MAG-41 at NAS Dallas, command of the "Lancers" ian, Mississippi, March 3, ian, where he served as a Texas, from 1984.1987. from LLCol. David J. Mc- 1973. He reported to gunnery instructor, flight Collins, whose most recent Carty, who has commanded VMF'AT-201 at MCAS Cherry operations officer and squad! assignment was within the the Hornet squadron since Point, N.C., for F-4J training ran operations offieer until let MEB's Operations section VMFA-212 December 1989. and was later assigned to 1979. After Amphibious 1G-81, came to Kaneohe Bay McCarty, who has logged VMFA-451, where he served Warfare School, he wan after a two-year tour as more than 5,400 flight hours as a pilot through March ordered to VMFA-212 in May executilie to the director for changes in fighter and attack aircraft 1975. 19811, where he served as operations (,1-3) at US- during his 22 -year career, will Assigned to 3d On., 2d logistics officer, aviation CINCPAC at Camp Smith. be reassigned within MAG- Marines, he nerved as Battal maintenance officer, opera- Collins has logged more 24 until his retirement in ion Landing Team air liaison Lions officer, and executive than !1,000 flight hours, command August. officer and fire support coor- officer. mostly in fighter/attack air- dinator. He deployed with His tour with the Lancers craft. His personal decora Collins began his career as Special Mission Force 1-75 to ended in 1983 after several Lions include the Purple Heart Friday an enlisted Marine, serving Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in Mainland and two WestPac and the Defense Meritorious with 1st Reconnaissance 13n. March 1975, and served deployments. Selected for the Service Medal. LtCol. J.M. Collins II

by voluntary trontributione from eustorners who err ,monied with the Keine advrneed in the Hawaii Marine mart he made available for youngetere' delivery servals A voluntary contribution of El a month purch one, axe, or patronage to everyone without regard to race, creed. color, may he enlarged by Meer. carrier!, Hoaxing residents may Dino., the tuitional origin, religion, lige or sea af purchasers, user or petrol The The Hawaii anklieher directly if they wish to stop home delivery ()mtions appearanceof all advertinernentsin the Marine is an unofficial newspaper published every Thurs- ronterning Hawaii Marine, mcludemserts day by RED Publications, circulation policies and arrVire can Le,mnwered by ealliag and re flyers, dove not consitttute endoreement Inc., 45.525 Luluku Road, Kaneohe, Hi 98744, the publisher of the firms, product, or private firm not a The Hawaii Marine welcomes stones and photo subrninnions vervices by the Department of Deft-needle Department connected with the Department of the Navy or the United from its of the Neon or the States Marine readers, and con respond to timely re1111141l1+ for specialized I 'lilted Stales Milner. ...q1,4 Corps. All advertisingis provided by RFD Publications, Inc., coverage 13erino, by calling 235.5881 call the MCAS/Ist MKS Joint Public Affairs Office at 257 or by visiting their office. Circulation Is 8,000, 5745 him wl tot ward activities or 111111 uff,r.r The Hawaii Marine is a free publication delivered the Fleet Marine FuTrr, Afho re Office ar ,401ding Col ti R. Critser each week to all 477-5052 for Leeward family housing units aboard Marino Corps Station, activities. Opinione expressed by the publiehrr nod 111,11, Affairs orb. er Copt. I, .M. liven Air Kaneohe Bay and to journalist, ore their all lin waii-bneed own, end are not to be considered all affirm I Editor Set Marine Corps commando. Housing carriers are paid only estimator, 'I' Shearer of the Depertment of the Navy or the Caned Stabs Mario, 5,rirs

SILLS FIELD LOSE YOUR FAT EASIER! , Lose 4-14 Permanent Inches in 1 HOUR!' SCHOFIELD EUROPE'S 1 BODY WRAP BARRACKS PIANO LESSONS 5 23% OFF 3 WRAP SERIES Jump PUBLIC 247-6010 BENEFICIAL HEALTH & BEAUTY of KANEOHE INVITED KADON KANESNIRO-TICSINICIAN JOHN SCHOUTEN 45-270 Waikalua Place, KANEOHE 955 CornCo arry '306 Not Wed In 1990 Otrectory Activities All Day *serene SoOngf 8100 SPEC Tetjtntall EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL BUT NOT EXPENSIVE L reEF VINO CONSULTATION eve 236-4400 j Priror hub. Jame bib I he Is IF Um I. 51 Coll FREE rd Sinclet he, ist /hi shun Entertainment FIngs FI)1111, Bunn & Bunn BELOW Attornejs at Eaw 4-10 PM PRICES USASCH, Entertainment A law atorporation RETAIL Low Uncontested Divorces Cribs, Juvenile Farm Low Uncontested Adoptions Lure, Strollers, Swings. Bankruptcy Car Seats, etc. Car Accidents & Custom Bedding & Deaths Wallcaverings ISAME DAY.SERVICE/RUSH AVAILABILi In-Store Special Order . OPEN EVENINGS a SATURDAYS) . Dunn Catalogs Former Military Matemity & Nursing Item 597 Smith st. suite 17s 1.11 7.31 1127 JAG Attorney ISLAND BABY Equipment and Accessories .22 Onenwa St Knitun, Hawaii 98734 WIFE 'WANTED 262-0726 Clasea Sunday. I he Specialty Store With DISCOUNT PRICES! Due to a massive overstock situalibr New Home Center s offering for sale to the public a limited number of new special 1990 HEAVY DUTY New Home Zig Tay Sewing Machines (MODEL 57101 that are made of METAL and sew on all fa bets. Levi's, cony, r Polo Mdiches This Saturday tory, nylon stretch, vinyl, silk. EVEN SEWS ON LEATHEPr . meats needed for holes (any sizei he, _t% runs. satin stitches. darns. It ' In Waimanalo stretch stitches, Just set dials and see magic happen without 44 JOSE programmers These HEAVY DUTY New Home,. 01.4*cols soio CUERVO eafE suitable for home. professional or schcol room sev. C.)-Gt ,xso.s,rsieolow ratty Your price with ad $129 wthout this c ad $395 In Kailua And Margarita 4 DAYS ONLY JUNE 27-30 Celebrating Our 8th Year Half Time By Celebration GRAND OPENING Of Our We" KITE FANTASY" All Day NEW ROME M.- New "Harry's Goes Italian" Honolulu Polo SEWING CENTER 721Vcr'' 8" Lunch Coupon 50% OFF Lunch Coupon-1 z) Club At I I Bring. In This Coupon, Buy One Sandwich In Walmanalo Opposite Bellows Regular Price, Get Another Of Equal Value For I - Gates Open Noon First Match 2 pm FIAT F PRICE I expires 7/1/90 Eve Saturd thru Se 1 29 Into: 949-1331 EARLY BIRD DINNER SPECIALS Reduced Prices 5:30 - 6:30pm Our July Monday Thru Thursday Major Credit Cards Accepted 629 Kailua Road 261-2120 clearance sale Closed Sundays - - is so big we HELP THE MEDICAL WORLD SAVE LIVES AND RECEIVE S100/MONTH BY DONATING PLASMA had to start it NEW DONORS RECEIVE EXTRA COMPENSATION in June. WITH THIS AD. IT'S SAFE, IT TAKES MOST PEOPLE LESS Dr. CHARLES DEAN THAN 2 MRS. PER VISIT Optometrist June 21st-July 22nd AND IT'S EASY,

Specializing in CONTACT LENSES THERE IS NO AIDS RISK Hard. soft, tinted, astigmatism, bifocal, disposable OR ANY OTHER BLOOD guaranteed fit program Select Nike, Reebok, RELATED DISEASE RISK INVOLVED. NEW STE- Glasses and FASHION EYEWEAR British Knights and L.A. Gear athletic shoes RILE EQUIPMENT IS 1200 Frames In stock for men, women and kids USED EVERY DONA- Claiborne, Gucci, Dior. Guess, Jordache, Dunhill. TION. Select athletic apparel. Cardin, Camera, L A Gear and much, much morel 0 111.1. anennon.,,f EMERGENCY SERVICES ver v- Contacts & Glasses LENS CONSULTATIONS CONTACT rin Where it all begins. 'Appointments Available' Personalized Contact Lens Evaluation - PLASMA DONOR CENTER FAMILY EYE EXAMINATION PLAN Ask about our. OF HAWAII One Fee Covers the Entire Family for One Year PEARLRIDGE CENTER 317q knanAka St RAINY MM. 130 IMwAM St. Koa 836-0647 (171..... I, 110Wila 296-1316 261-9735 PHASE I & II 5 plea 6 30pm A-4 HAWAII MARINE June 28, 1990

Cross Hairs

Cpl. Gary Smith CEIMM108 Cpl. Frederick Ashworth Cpl. Gary Smith shows how much he likes to cammle-Op. Naming the best sniper in the Brigade

story and photo. from the 200- and 300-yard To avoid detection, the ere started picking them out ration games and a written by LCpl. Ci. Pomo, smith lines at stationary targets. snipers were donned in one by one. test. The final event was the Scout/snipers from Surveil- "ghillie" suits. The suits are In the end, only three snip- second observation exercise. lance and Target Acquisition In addition to live firing, a combination of utilities, ere achieved the maximum (STA) Platoon, 2d Bn., 3d the snipers were paced burlap strips, netting and amount of points for the "Congratulations gentle- Marines, claimed top honors through two observation other materials, and when in stalk. "You can't escape me," men," said Dewey as the in the 3d Marine Regiment's exercises, and a range esti- the ghillie mode, snipers low said Dewey tauntingly as one snipers packed up their bin- STA Platoon Competition mation test. Each individual crawling through the grass of the snipers walked in. "Do oculars and scopes. "You June 18-20. sniper's score for every event are prime examples of the you know what got you have survived STA-Comp- was added and divided by six "unseen enemy." caught? Your ghillie cover is Two." It was the second STA com- for a team average. According to Sgt. Patrick too dark. Your head is the petition 3d Marines has held. Dewey, regimental scout/ only thing I saw." Lawless gave a short speech Marines from 2/3 beat STA The competition moved to sniper and a judge for the The stalk was followed by to the competitors, applaud- Platoon from 1st Bn., 3d Mar- Schofield Barracks on the competition, the longer the the three additional land ing their skill and determina- : labs, 221 -191, in making it two second day, where the snip- snipers are out there stalk- navigation exercises, and the tion. "Every time I see you out of two, having won the ers would face the most ing, the more careless they Marines didn't get back to guys perform, I'm amazed," first meet in December. physical portion of the meet. get. "They start to get Kaneohe Bay until almost he said. "I sure as hell The snipers went through the impatient as they get tired," midnight. "They're some couldn't do half the things The meet tested all the basic first of four land navigation he said. tired puppies," said Lawless. you do. Once again, kudos skill., of a scout/sniper, and courses (two day, two night) to everybody." each battalion's competition early that morning. Armed team featured their six best with compasses and maps Lawless added that for the snipers plus two alternates. instead of their M-40A1 Stamina Stalking next competition, all three Cpl. George Dabdoub of 2/3 sniper rifles, the scouts shot battalion's STA platoons will won the top individual scout/ azimuths and headed out to Shooting be participating, as well as sniper award. find five separate points. an Army team. "We want everybody to know what STA An hour into the exercise, Bright and early on the is all about," he said. The first day's events fea- Sandwiched between the only one of 12 snipers had third and final day of com- tured shooting and sight two day courses was a gru- been spotted by Dewey, fel . petition, the platoons gath- "I think this is the best skills of the snipers at the eling "stalk." The snipers low judge and regimental ered for a "boots and utes" thing in the world," said rifle range. They fired match had three hours to crawl and scout/sniper Sgt. Ferrill run, followed by a run LCpI. Douglas Wood. rounds from the 200-, 300-, slither to a 200-yard line, and Chatman, and Capt. Keith through the Battle Skills "There's nothing I'd rather and 500-yard lines at station- pop off two blank shots at Lawless, the regimental intel- Obstacle Course. do. It's like you against them ary and moving targets. For the observers, who were ligence officer. As the The competition then and I feel like I've got an im- the night shoot, they used scanning the field with high- minutes dragged on, and the switched to mental toughness portant job. Yep - no place starlight scopes and fired powered binoculars. snipers got closer, the obsery for two small object memori- but STA."

C.1.9afeour McCoy.. scout/sniper with 1 /3 STA Platoon, Awaits adjustment nat rig lioos troo, run ohserw.r, Cpi Leslie Doom June 28-July 4, 1800 HAWAII MARINE A-5

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The PLAZA al Pearl Harbor hrs odwartleon..1 net @Miter mote* at Barbers Point W ON Nan of The MALL Navy E achante onob net nononto. enlemMInrmo Hurry! Limited Quantities *While Supplies last Navy E.n,wya. 11.0 flowernono.0.. Ile Yelacis 4 July We Balm Thersday 211.0.44frWsdnisday swv10.1 fadverOPI email e A-6 HAWAII MAI(INI., .1 une 25, 1990


O y Copt I.L. Kelly Moments later, with the to pay far the amount Benotz judgement, the creditor or Legal Services Cancer contract signed, Benotz drove still owed. In this case, agency can try to Last week's collection Legally Speak his new car off the lot. Auto repossessions $8,100 went to pay on the satisfy the judgement with ing article covered how In all his happiness, he forgot loan. At this point, the bank Benotz's other personal vehicle repossessions occur that the contract said he is still out $5,900. Guess property. on the Air Station. This would be paying $425 per who is going to pay the week's article spells out the As you can see, reposses- month for the next five years. request. Choice number three gives the car up. remaining amount-Benotz. consequences of a reposses- sion of your vehicle is not a Ile started paying the $425 has many lasting conse- Although Benotz thought He still owes the bank $5,900 pretty picture. If you are ex- and doesn't even have the gikgr the purpose of this ar- each month, however, within quences. he was finished with his car periencing difficulties in car to show for it. ticle assume that t.Cpl. Harry a year, he got married and Once Benotz allows the when he turned it in, it will meeting your financial obli- G. Benotz went to a car moved into an apartment. bank to repossess the car, he come back to haunt him. The bank will try to collect gations get help before it dealership looking for a cheap Then he had a baby. The will receive an adverse mark When the car was repos- the amount from Benotz. If comes down to repossession. "junker" car. As he talked bills start to add up to more on his credit history. The sessed, Benotz still owed the they are unable to do that, The Legal Assistance attor- to the car salesman, Benotz than he makes each month. adverse mark will remain on bank $12,000; but the car was they could always turn over neys can, as your represen- started having visions of At this point Benotz has his credit history for the next only worth $10,000. At the the debt to a collection tative, negotiate a new driving around in a fancy, three basic choices concern- seven years. Any future repossession sale, the high- agency. Again, this goes on payment schedule with your loaded, $20,000 car. In his ing the car. First, is to creditor who is thinking est bidder bought the car for Benotz's credit history. If creditor; some creditors are fantasy, because of his new continue making the pay- about loaning him money will $7,000. This money was used the collection agency still willing to agree to a delayed wonder car, all the women ments. Second, is to sell the look at his credit history and to pay for the repossession cannot collect on the debt, payment if they are aware of before gets who saw him would throw car himself. Third, ix to have set' that he had 11 repo/omit expenses (ie., storage, selling, the agency can sue Benotz the situation it themselves at him, begging the car repossessed, either nion. Thin bud 111/11.1( occur/4 transferring the title, etc.), the in court for a judgement in too late. for dates voluntarily iir at the bank's even if Benotz voluntarily reit.0 niter went to the hank the amount of the deficiency. Get help...before it gets too If the debt is turned in to a late.

NOW PLAYING AT THESE THEATRES: legmutes. No appointment. CINERAMA, PEARLRIDGE WEST, AIKAHI, KOKO MARINA 8 MILILANI See Directory For Showtlmes. Sorry, No Passes? We Do More! 41,osillon 01111,1 I

gtenge put °O PP PM°. I OW and Al lertax wave fluel Beautiful Convertible Bedding 1111012. Imo olseed 50150.516 9 Chao andlintiatno tamed 7D. 400100 30 and oa 45, to C0 mesa Ker breathe noon KV raw Containerload 2 heals new Wee -s r P. Owl( fre wow bleles Prices j 3 Obosnedass 12 Mg Nes lo mow gessue -..... I CMds4arenvnesen WIDE VARIETY iJ 13 Yscouln1. MVO 3 5 God. /MK "Owns, roal Months No Intan, 14 Wain Kw Men, *TPurs Financing Mellen!, ; 6 050 ed Nbrare 154 / Cho ell 51 poor steams Ad c.c.? HONOLULU

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al E oa5 Food Booths & Entertainment

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KI a of Rock

Schedule of Events Wednesday, July 4, 1990 8:30 AM Register for 5K Fun Run 9 AM 5k Fun Run LOAM Children's 1-Mile Run Society of Seven Food Tenth Open Games & Nintendo Contest (Desiderio 4 PM Tropic Lightning Parachute Club Jump 4:30 PM Flag Retreat Ceremony 4:35 PM Society of Seven (SOS) Show 5:45 PM Mini Concert: 25th ID Band GREAT AMERICA" 6 PM The King and Rock-n-Roll Show PERM SALE 7:15 PM Concert w/ 1612 Overture: STARTS JULY ST 25th ID Band POrtne 7:40 PM Special KO% 00 ell Show: Flags We Follow ut enarn 8:20 PM Fireworks Display gate c 1 01; "..=,,,eol1 th"e0 reVXg, 1"4 ra" SCHOFIELD BARRACKS

SENIOR CMZEN'S SILLS FIELD 14EXYS DISCOUNT Mon. Toes R Well Open to Everyone -Free Admission! OPEN SUNDAYS' MAL fvfin ELL 10% OFF Al I Sitt ON SERVICES Ar\ U.S. Army MWR Systems Hawaii Making (On affordable - nrrl WINDWARD 2314234 June 28,1890 HAWAII MARINE A-7 111111Moreet Alcohol !United Incidents Marine's base decal was for multiple traffic violations base housing. The fire overdosed on suspected crys- to summon help for a domes-. *The Military Police appre- removed and his station after he was observed driving started when a sailor disposed tal methamphetamine. The tic altercation. MPs re. hended a Marine for DWI driving privileges have been a vehicle with expired regis- of hot charcoal in the kitchen officers seized smoking de- sponded to the call and found while the Marine was park- suspended. tration. When stopped, the garbage can. The house vices and marijuana from the that the couple was involved ing his car on "G" Street. 'Two Marines were appre- Marine couldn't produce a sustained minor damage. apartment, and the couple in a verbal altercation. The MPs detected the odor of hended by Pearl Harbor MPe driver's license, proof of was transported to Castle A Marine had left the alcohol on the Marine's in two separate incidents of insurance, current registra- liP1) officers responded to Medical Center and later quarters and broke the door breath and administered Fl underage drinking at the tion or safety inspection. The a report of a woman scream- Tripler Army Medical Center. down when he returned. The field sobriety test, which the enlisted club there. Marine was released on $300 ing at an apartment in Marine and his wife were Marine failed. The Marine bail and is scheduled to Kailua. When the officers ',Air Station MN received a apprehended for breach of was transported to MPD, Other Incidents appear in court. arrived they discovered a call from HPD that an un- peace and the Marine was where he refused to submit to *The Honolulu Police De- *The Federal Fire Depart- Marine and his active-duty identified woman had used charged with damaging an intoxilyzer teat. The partment arrested a Marine ment responded to a fire in Navy wife had apparently the 911 emergency number government property,

WHEN TRYING HARDER HASN'T HELPED... st4P NOS° Make an Educated Decision When A LIFE CHAGINGN Choosing Your Health Care Facility WEIGHT CONTFIGI '944 PROGRAM ROWER COCCI n COMIAN7 EEO STOP ciammo Cant Loud, Graduate, Life Chiropractic College ',oral.] for Rating of Spinal Impairment and I /bold lily by LAB Angeles Chiropractic College W would lihto int/ JOHN DAUGHTERS Member of the Hawaii State Chooprache CERTIFIED RIPIITITRERAPIST 262-5911 Association Hex w ;tantalite of University of Hawaii with Honors Mitmlier of the Kathie Exchange Club who ironer! our atoll in May Dr. Jamie G. Phillips KAILUA OPTICAL Has One Hour Service On Most FT 28 State-of- leiGentle and Single vision Lenses. the-Art Thorough Care Helpful la 1, rs.111.4 ..ahey. Ta..441.... ielsieeer-ikoo Wu.,latalluue Won CONTACTS from $59 ..file._ las Ino 'nchanted Lakg Chiropractic Call Now For from s69 COMPLETE GLASSES 1(190 Kettle Drive Kailua, Hawaii 96734 An Appointment -39 = 262-5555) OVER 1,000 FRAMES

Kailua Square Uluniu Street 262-6191 Luke Jones, 0 ne We Have A System Tailored To og FeedOPIPPiw' Ste\y (Von ?:HA:AIWIN2:57 Your Very Needs. '2, WeeK.CleVolety\Acm iss2r, osN 18.,e6' Amiga A2000 w/ 1084 79 MS-DOS VGA 20. NEW monitor & 46 mb hd SUPER;18, System Specials 1999.95* 12, AMIGA Ia.,. 711111,1=1=.111,1111. C $1 286 40 mb Super VGA 3000 AMIGA SOO Professional A500 w 1 meg 20 MB hd 1499.95 - System 1699.95 In Stock tvEmilm--- Ime cu. Monaca I2 MHZ 226 MT I owe nun DT wail) LaPaneehle A59020 MB houdditk 4 40 lob 2131as w/ I:1 coramils Nib nom Software Bork. WasAaProorasor, Mao, Dove lama 1024068 member 5121 ma eaed 101 key Rohanced Keyboard (I) Par, (2)weial sad )60.0,4 Was MOM *gamma. me.. sar It we a trOla. OFF (I) game port Baby AT case 2C0 w power apply t41 dal exam a data awawax sew Stow., . .47 wr NEW: Sharpc,AliTg 00 I year warranty ...Law. sal oyelma wawa,* As w am. tstaadi 60% & Sets HP Tauser.t TI Compatible Lave printer with Sands IlAM MB ...OKI In. 1111/0 Fors factory software 1099.95 386SX 40 mb Super VGA ea (Tea, tetta awe V4eddin9 Star NX 2410 System 1799.95 40 10, dllwas Mot DIA tla Iota 4110 mdi *mos 336SX CPU 16 mirz I 1:s iwa (0 artit) ....m.1.4.1 .10.4.=.1.....1.7 24 printer Jewelry 3 for 1 jet( Hawaiian rt=loppy'" Mr! S24sN't A 10Z767"6" pnylkmal lou 299.95 14K gold 5I2K VGA cud WI eey Enhanced ICerybowd 0,179 Special Dateelel iawa firocolol, I) Par , 2 Naiad aed I pate part Baby AT er Am10003 .w01.+. Opralls. moo A l'or OmniPage 386 Document ,t1, ) empower mos* I year vamnry 386 ornputer nad elmmmu 4rnmtrnn 223,1 89 4094 Iva 16 e Ilaboo for asopt166 I as, leslat..f Ws, 401.1. 105 6MM Set.,.. Ls Rklo- lerna ,r1747.0.2=rtntr7tr2V117 'ororn 275 386 33MHz Super VGA 200 640 00 400 ma IMO 400 ..- 135 $399 $1499.95 Bram 8mm 445365 159 Set System 3699.99 lam* moo am. m, web bath 10mm $499 cadte rwro 4 meg ram (0 wan esparalahle 860 1Omm 54k ..WISHT4 LOn 12ntrn IoM Set 60.b 21Ims hd 1:1 het controller 12 tab floppy U er VGA Multiscan dp SUE 4 tmal 01 verpo nut $599 Drive SwparVGA 1024.70 less onitor .28 mm dp 1024x768 VGA card 101 key Enhance.. ward .3.0g2 Par 2 I MATTI crs,som o to aerial NW vase port AT ca. w .{.01. Yo. lotions & 512K VGA card 1119V I year wamney TowirCase option SIOrOr LA Ifir MIEN rm.., 740 4 Bs. fuxurn wth only $ 669.95 FREE REPAIRS 200 Hamakuo Drive * Next to Kali. Safeway Wiwi 96734 Ask about instant credit 262-0008 Pi*CStiS ComputerServices lm la At. Ph. 488-7544 hteeSon: llobp C veal *Wm st. s4tive Calm mosioNowAY Goib Diootiombs

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gap forge 04 - her I June CLUB PEARL 284 May I PRESENTS; I Country 5, 1990 (Thural Music 2030-2330 ALMOST Jazz 1930-2330 :ALL-Afir I "wile 29 e Rock's 4 May 6, '** Ro112030-01301990 (Fr!) RAP SHO Country Music I STARRING: I Disco 2030.0130 2100-0130 tl June I June 9: 90, 1090 (Sal) (sa, I IRock's Roll Country 2030-0130 Music 2030-0130 Disco 2100-0130 ITALIAN /CONTINENTAL 17j-f2.1? Sharon i Juno 30, shar- 1990 (Set) I Rock 'n RESTAURANT (113 PEARL Ro112030-0130 PRESENTS: 1 Country Music 2030-0130 SCOTT IJuly 3, WO Still cooking homemade Italian I Flo (Tue.) LIMA k ' "from scratch" ... IHVPNO 776-44 Country ol12200-0130 food FRANK DE REVUE Music 40 years in Kailua Disco 2030.0130 right!) July 14, 1990 1 JWY (we must be doing something p2ja°37::2102°°(99:0Un°'190(flours) /990 1900-2030 hours I Country (Wed) / cover outgo: Music Paradise Lounge For information.44.00 2030-0130 I 47I-174.? Call Sharon I .1114. 7, # Rock 1990 0.1) Closed Tuesday CLUP 'n golf PEARL Country 2030-0130 on Monday, Wednesday & Thursd., PRESENTS. Music Seniors Discount Cover Charge: Disco 20300130 $800 Ova"' TONY 2100-0130 ROD/ July Kainehe Street, Kailua i"KING to, WO Rock (rues) across from Kentucky Fried Chicken $1000 D°°r ROCK F 'n fto/12,130-2330 1 duly 27. AI ROLL" July 11, 1990 (al) Rock 1990 (Wed) 9 Paradise 'n Roll zaw-233o Reservations Appreciated I or Information: I Lounge Country Cover Charge, Music Call Sharon at 471-1742 In:oormallon $10 00 2090-2330 261-1987 Call Sharon A-8 HAWAII MARINE June 28, IWO Eciaciitioa By Mtge. R.L. Hoorn an extension of our educa- Now to return to potentials. This is nothing more than Every occupation or skill The potential you waste can Joint Education Officer tion. We are taught our If we do not combine the the ability to stick to some- must have leaders. You've never be regained. However, Unlike many people who specific jobs and are drilled skills that the military pro- thing when it gets hard; not already been taught how to you must work, and work work in education centers, my continually on the various vides, with our personal quitting even though you be a leader, now all you have hard, to achieve your full background is not in educa- aspects of it. That much is desiree/attributes, we are want to. I do not think that to do is develop the skills or potential. That's where we tion administration or coun- easy to see, but we learn wasting our best asset, our- I

APPEARING AT NAIL. SERVICE TO PAMPER YOU: Manicures 10.00 TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, Tickets $10 (21 & over) FRIDAYS& SATURDAYS FAST EDDIE'S Pedicures 20.00 512 (18-20 yrs.) Nall extensions DOORS 7pm NIGHTCI UB (DISCOUNT PRICES TUESD AY & 40.00 SITOWT1ME 8pm WEDNESDAY. OLYN $7. 50 Fills 20.00 ON SALE NOW PI/COS for additfonal seMces available upon request. No appointment necessary 52 Oneawa Street, Kallua 261-8561 except with our master stylists, phone 945-5696 hale olNrnotIvas halloo LIBERTY HOUSE DON'T MISS -71IWOn. SUMMER FURNITURE FAIRE AT&T THE RIGHT CHOICE

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i ../,'"::91:":";".!"2:orizqpi..!1,"/VP/I:V.,::,..,.:.,.'':',./::k.,;10r/:,./:: k°,:";;\1/::,..,::,,:: \e,;;,11P/ kih ";, TRAVEL BARGAINS DEEP SEA FISHING ii. AT ITS BEST!!! H 11 \ li(111 It 11 111111N 1 PI Illl Il WIWI? ASK 732-5533 The 44' fishing machine "KALOHI" runs 7/temied, daily from Rainbow Bay Marina, Pearl lo: ONE WAY/ROUND TRIP Hong Kong $780 Harbor. We provide all the gear; you keep ME NOW the fish. Family Theater LAX/SFO $159/$286 Bangkok $819 EXPERIENCE THE THRILL OF A LIFE- 7:15 p.m. nightly S San Diego $189/$318 London $1159 TIME WHEN THAT BIG ONE STRIKES!! TO DROP Frankfurt $1010 5 Passenger Exclusive Charter except Thursday NYC/BOX $285/$498 $325.00 full 8 hour day 254-2113 ..:.? WAS/MIA $285/$498 Paris $1040 8 Passenger Exclusive Charter $355.00 full 8 hour day IGHT t; Pittsburg $285/$498 Athens $1152 Pure and simple. If you want to lose weight without putting your Overnight to Molokai body through the lorture and pain of a rigorous diet and Friday through Sunday "..,' Manila $895 Rome $1230 .. $850.00 32 hours exercise program, Stop Drops is the answer. Just 4 drops Joe Versus the Taipei $780 Berlin $1029 Weekdays & Weekends Other packages available upon request. Homeopathic in a glass of water three times a day suppresses your appetite Formula dramatically. Volcano-Comedy (PG). Tom All military, active duty, retired, DOD and Herbal 30 BACK GUARANTEE. Fares based on midweek travel. Limited seating. Penalties and restrictions apply. DAY MONEY Hanks and Meg Ryan star in government employees call the charter fishing TODAY & START office at 423-1113,Special Services Pearl NA VSTA plus shipping CALL a romantic story of a quiet at 474 -0156, 474-1190 for details. Reserve early & handling LOSING WEIGHT TOMORROWS !ti,k' .1; and confirm your charter date today. All $3495 man whose life is changed reservation. on a first-come, first-served basis. ONE MONTH'S SUPPLY 263-3637 IZOYAL ADVGNTLL126 T124,VEL. This ad not paid for by Special, Pearl NAVSTA. by an encounter with a Ask me how you can become a distributor & make money tort -`-: 3615 Harding Ave. Suite 101 millionaire industrialist and i., rt, .;,r4,:f.,,I:f.,1:.,01;fNlrtiAlreaeiry wroiirrowiotty.yrf.NI;reiltieilti .i ...... YOU KEEP THE FISH!! his daughter. trsitiitiViriailtriltrea?.

Monday through Wednesday First Power- Suspense (R). Lou Diamond Phillips and LAW OFFICES OF VIKING WHITE VIKING ELNA WHITE VIKING ELNA WHITE VIKING ELNA WHITE VIKING ELNA WHITE Tracy Griffith star in this film V about a Los Angeles homi- JOSEPH P.H. AHUNA, JR. WE NEED cide detective who specializes YOUR OLD 1 WEEK ONLY in solving serial crimes. He CALL IF YOU ARE: N GIN II ! finds himself in a terrifying HELP! Injured in an Auto Accident E game of cat and mouse with Due to the demand for used machines we are E Suffering from Personal Injury L a murderer whose powers N authorized to give N transcend the mere mortal. Suffering from Serious Injury or Death A TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE . A FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION $300 W NO FEE FOR REPRESENTATION UNLESS FOR ANY MAKE OR MODEL r SEWING MACHINE YOUR CASE IS DECIDED IN YOUR FAVOR T 1 i 1111 E ON ANY NEW VIKING, ELNA, OR WHITE SEWING MACHINE, OR SERGER E CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS V V 235-4000 Joseph P.N. Ahuna, Jr. VIKING ELNA WHITE SEWING CENTERS Attorney at Law K I 670 AUAHI ST. KUNI DRY GOODS The MWR Ticket Office has The Kaneohe Atrium Bldg. Keawe PEARLRIDGE N Bet. Coral & EASY CREDIT- 521-7066 487-6553 N tickets and information on 46-005 Kawa Street, Suite 101 G how to get them at special VIKING ELNA WHITE VIKING ELNA WHITE VIKING ELNA WHITE VIKING ELNA WHITE VIKING ELNA WHITE military rates. The office also takes reservations for events KANEOHE HAWAiI and attractions around the island. Call the Entertain- ment Hotline at 254-3304 for more information or stop by the cage in the Theater lobby. For Classified Ads call 235-5656 Family Festival will run from July 27-29 aboard the Air Station. The ticket office . kW. 111I Pk has script on sale for $10, _er41CW' 1 IliM. WANAli which includes free admis- sion. The Momas and the Papas will perform and rides, water shows and food will be available. BEEF CENTER The Kennedy Theater will present "Little

, Women-The Tragedy" per- formed by the Split Britches Company from New York M A N AGER'S OPEN HOUSE July 13-14 at 8 p.m. and July 15 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $8. Comedy Club will head- line Kathy Buckley and Back By Popular Demand Bobby Gaylord until Sunday. Carl Wolfson and John "Hitman" Henton will per- form from July 3-8. Comedy at Sea aboard JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!" 20 FIL ET the Windjammer Twilight Sail No Money Down No Payment for 45 Days MIGNON offers mainland comedians to,,t151ornerS,,u STEAKS reserving seven nights a week. It 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH-NO INTEREST Cl cutting tune tocicy leaves at 8 p.m. Terms Credit) 833-0020 Consolidated Theater (Extended Available on Approved PUrChOSO ret)..rOcl Tickets are now $4.25 for cali tor shows that cost $5.50 at the jaw STOCK UP NOW cutting tiame 833-0020 door. /yr w USDA CHOICE SPECIAL NO. 1 eoced PER PAYMENT $3300 FOR 6 Sew Cced LBS. FOR ONLY 300 PAYMENTS Kaneohe Bay Stunding Rib F look Steaks 880 Steaks w et mi17nor,1 New YOrk Steak Ground Beet YOU 257-3552 I-Bone Steaks *Smart! toodon hod Club Steaks Sirloin lip Steaks Plole Beet RECEIVE FREE 100 LB. BONUS Rit7 Steaks Rib (ye Steaks Ispiyok, PACK Weekdays Pnme Cul Root! Slew and more W THIS 30 Lbs. Grade A Fryers 20 Lbs. Pork Chops 11:45 a.m. Catholic Mass Lbs Sliced Bacon Lbs. Frozen Vegetables - EXAMPLE: 200 lbs. 1 s. loin, 1 rib, 2 plates, 2 flanks. 2 AND 20 30 NO CHARGE WITH SPECIAL 141 Saturdays briskets. @ 99C lb. = $198.00 PLUS FREE 100 lb. THIS 6 p.m. - Catholic Mass bonus. Avg. weights 200-400 lbs. - Sunday 7:30 a.m. - Catholic Mass 8:30 a.m. - Protestant Com- munion per PLUS THIS PLUS THIS LBS .01 r. LBS per 9:30 a.m. Catholic Mass FOR payment - S2975 rOarYomneryni FOR 150 till 35 $2228 for only ONLY 6 11 a.m. - Protestant Worship payments 40 LB. BONUS 40 LB. BONUS ONLY 6 payments smstisit Situ "nine Beet Club Steak Plate Beef Mignon Steak Fllet Sirioln Riti Eye Steak Swiss Steak .tleysiyoalkRound stump Roost USDA GRADE A Five-week summer Sunday USDA GRADE "A Rib Roast Pot oast Top Round Sleek Short Ribs Arrn Roast Fresh Brisket SInoin lip Roast 15 lbs. Chicken 15 lbs. school, 9:30 a.m., July 1, 8, 15, Chicken Chuck steak Flank Steak Flank Steak Ground Beet 10 lbs. Pork Chops 5 lbs. Pork Chops BBO Steaks Ground Reel 21 and 29: "Journeys with Londnn Broil And Soup Cuts Chuck Roast & Soup Cuts 10 lbs Vegetables 15 lbs. Vegetables Jesus," building 1391. 5 lbs Bacon 5 lbs. Bacon SPECIAL #2 SPECIAL BONUS :12 NO CHARGE BONUS n3 NO CHARGE #3 The Station Chapel is offer- 15011as Example 951b, Lzornost Soloin 1 Round 2 Moles WITH SPECIAL 43 1 Chuck. Rib ing Vacation Bible School 2 Monks 2 Briskets 2 Moles 2 Monks & 2 Briskets S .1. Si is, ita in 50 plus ReC Its = 5133 55 plus 40 ID Aug. 6-10 from 9-11:30 a.m. FREE 401D BONUS PACK BONUS PACK AK) wt 135 to 350 Ib Register at the Chapel. am es 15010 390 lbs YEAR ROUND SPECIAL NOTICE! ATTENTION ALL BEEF USDA CHOICE BLOCK READY Alt beef cut on By Appointment. ALL TOTAL dollar GUARANTEED prices on minimum weights. Some orders Camp H.M. Smith 600 Mi $2557 Twweeks FOR TENDERNESS AND bned FLAVOR 10 YOUR SATISFACTION OR WILL include extra Plates. Flanks and Briskets for ground 477-5098 beef and Soup Cuts Beef Is not Manufactured Example 500 lbs. select cut beet at S3.99 lb Plus BE REPLACED LB FOR LB. ALSO item. therefore weight will coy. All Free Steaks are 100 lbs FREE Pork, Poultry & Vegetables, 3 Sunday GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS AGAINST based on 4 ounce portions. BEEF SIDES AVAILA- Chucks, 3 Ribs. 3 Slams, 3 Rounds. 2 Sirloins 8 Mass FREEZER BURN BLE: A 1000 pound steer yield 465 pounds of retail a.m. - Catholic cuts Irons A 600 pounds carcass. 25% are sleeks, 9:30 a.m. Protestant Wor- 25% roasts. 25', Is ground beef and stews. 25% is - made up of hit bone and shrinkage. -F. S. Brisket ship FRE "S.Loin INTRODUCTORY OFFER 9:30 a.m.- Protestant 20c1b. cutting & wrapping charge on all orders 20 RIB EYE 100 LBS. FREE FROZEN VEGETABLES Sunday School USDA CHOICE SELECT CUT ORDERS OR FOR THOSE WHO WANT JUST THE Tuesday 20 LBS. GREEN BEANS 20 LBS. MIXED VEGETABLES STEAKS BEST CUTS AT OUR REGULAR to all customers open- 20 LBS. CORN 20 LB& BROCCOU .20 LBS. CARROTS 11:30 a.m. - Catholic Mass EVERYDAY PRICES trig 0 0 months account Up to Ji Wednesday with purchase on op- 100 lbs. wirnot older. Mb or math vottl any bonus pock. 6:45 a.m. - Prayer Breakfast prayed credit RIB 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal tit / SHORT - -A BEtF SOLD & OfCF GROS 56.39 LOIN SIRLOIN 141 C>F 10RtliER CLGS.,R,QUIRING LONGER Aloha Jewish Chapel SUBJECT TO LOS CHUCK LB 154.4911,6.99 ROUND Pearl Harbor S3.49 LB. LB LB. $4.991.8.

471-0050 111171'....."M 1 PLATE Fl ANK 98D LB. 79c LB. Friday PeOFRIAENf.NUAlliagtigiin 89 LB 8 p.m. Shabat - r NAME BRAND FREEZER ALSO Wts from 15 lbs and up Saturday FOR SALE. priced for volume buying 10 a.m. - Shabat and Torah BEEF CE R Study FREEZERS 3131 N. NIMITZ HWY. AIRPORT SIDE 4 $349 MON.-FRI. 10 cubic ft for as low as $349.00 plus tax, with 10 A.M.-8 P.M. purchase of Beef order 200 lbs. or larger 36 SATURDAY months financing available roz.:1 10 A.M.-6 P.M. L_ SUN. CLOSED FOOD STAMPS 833-0020 WELCOME Bending bars Military lifters strain glory and photos Marine Corps, Air Force, and man of the LI.S. Powerlifting Schleich in the 198.25 pound by Cpl. Reginsid M. Cola the Army came in force to Federation, Ray Verdolick. division. ...111101111 41111111111111/1b The Air Station Enlisted vie for team honors and in- Sanctioned by the United "Powerlifting is making a Ili Club rocked to a different dividual titles in their reaper. States Powerlifting Federa- comeback in the military," beat dm the afternoon of June tive weight divisions. tion, this event was only the said Verdonck. "This corn 23. The noise wasn't music, second official event ever held petition was a lot more but the thump of hundreds The competition con- on the Air Station. exciting than last year's. of immix weights of being siated of three events: squat, The Marine Corps tears, This time the lifters were a lifted and dropped during the bench preset, and dead lift. comprised of 13 men and little wilder; and that always 1990 Ilawaii Armed Forces Judging the competition were women, ram ged in weights excites the crowd." Power lifting (liampiomihips. Kevin Smith, Buddy Piave, from 114-220 pounds. In an Other highlights during the Power lifters from the and the Hawaii State Chair- afternoon of close competi- competition were when tion, the Marine Corp. team Army's Anna Hoffman broke was beat out by the Army three State records in each of team for top honors. the events for the 181.75 Kaneohe Marine Dane Scott pound division. Army's was one of the favorites in Sandra Flores-Alamo also the 165 pound division and broke a state record with a was out to break the existing 347 pound squat in her Armed Forces record of 441 132.25 pound division. pounds in the bench press event. Scott made three close at- tempts, but failed to get the deciding signal from the judges and was out of the competition. Other successes in the pow- erlifting competition were Kaneohe's Crystal Dillard, who took 1st place in the 114.5 pound women's cate- gory and Camp Smith's Gina Walter Hodge of BSSG ends B.C. Scroggins !issuing laritasy Williams, who captured a 1st with a bat of the hand. place win in the 123 pound women's division. Other Marine first place winners Billy SInglield, a member of the Infantrymen were Ronald Hollabaugh in Hawaii Marine Corps the 132.25 pound division, powerlifting team, displays Kevin Poynter in the 165.25 intense concentration while dominate over-30 pound division, and David attempting a dead lift. tournament Story and pholoe by Cpl. Reginald M. Cole The 1/3 Youngbloods were introduced at center court fur the Over-30 Basketball Championship game against BSSG with a thunderous roar from their supporters rattling the foundation of the Main Gym June 22. While BSSG's support wasn't as strong, they had thellsycliological advantage of previously beating 1/3 in regular season play. Losing to BSSG 61.49 in the regular season, 1/3's head coach Wayne Emery knew BSSG would be a formidable opponent. "BSSG is more of a run- Crystal Dillard completes a squat. Dillard captured that place ning team," he said. "Our best defense is Dane Scott attempts B squat 'I:Meg the event in the women's 114.5 pound division. against that to play our game and go man- to-man." 1/3's plan was also to key on BSSG's Randy Barrett and C.S. "Woody" Woodriff. Aloha State Games active duty. Water aerobics nesday from 5.9 p.m., or call Kid's Run at Camp Emery knew if starters Bar- Needs Torch Bearers are held Tuesdays and Cpl. Eddie Herrera at 267- Smith rett and Woodriff started to 5552. The Aloha State Games is Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. in The Camp H.M. Smith MPs click for BSSG, 1/3 would he the Pool. Cost kicking-off with a torch run Station for are hosting the third McGruff in for a long afternoon. the sessions is $18 a month Keiki Fun Run July 21 at At the onset, neither team around each of the Hawaiian C.W.Hennigen of 1/3 leaps Islands, and volunteer torch or $2 a class. For more Karate Classes 8:30 a.m. at Smith Field looked very comfortable or information, call Monica Wolf there. The one-mile event is into the flow of the game. past BSSGs James Wade to runners are needed for the Offered score during his team's last at 254-2963 or 254-2458. open to children 5-12, and Four minutes elapsed with Oahu torch run July 8 or 9. Dependent Recreation is minute comeback to tie the offering Okinawa Shorin requires a $10 entry fee. neither team putting any Interested Marines and family game and send It into overtime. members may contact Maj. Carole Kal Golf Ryu-Karate classes Mondays, Entry forma are available at points on the board. FISSG's George D. Fitts made an early Tim Pfister at 477.6282. Tournament Wednesdays and Fridays at the Camp Smith Provost The had come to show controlling the defen- first half Golfers are invited to play the Family Gym. Adults and Marshal's Office and at a close when 1/3's Barrett sive boards. in the Carole Kai USO Golf children 3 years old and up Dependent Recreation here, sunk a three-pointer at the Windward Triathalon James G. Wade, BSSG's 16 are being enrolled. For more and must be signed by a buzzer to make it 17-20. Tournament July at point guard, was the first Athletes, Volunteers Hickam Air Force Base. The information, call Seneei parent or guardian. For more Coming out for the second player to score. Controlling Needed tourney begin an 11 Johnson at 254-2122, or information, call Cpl. Dumke half, 1/3 showed a tighter will with Wade's outside shooting a Dependent Recreation at 254- at 477 -6878. defense and went into man- Athletes can still sign up a.m. check-in followed by and his slashing, 12:30 p.m. 2963. ability to-man. Within three min- fur the Windward Triathalon, shotgun start at Summer Pool Hours penetrating quickness proved which will he held on the Air Play will consist of 18 holes, utes of the second half, 1/ Recreational swimming at to be a weak spot for 1/3. 19. Volunteers person best ball, and four 3 had tied the game 24 all. Station Aug. two the Station Pool is scheduled With 5:39 left in the first also needed for aid sta- flights, one based on total Both team were playing a are Aloha State Games' 1.5 p.m. Mondays and Fri- half, BSSG was hanging on tions and to help out in the handicap. For more informa- more aggressive style of ball Deadline Extended days and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on to a slight lead of 14-8. Fitts, finish area. Volunteers will tion, call USO of Hawaii at and Fitts woo active again Due to overwhelming re- weekends. Lap swimming is one of BSSG's star players, a T. 836-3351. fur BSSG. receive complimentary scheduled Mondays through got into early foul trouble and triathalon is an sponse, the entry deadline for BSSG began piling points shirt. The Fridays from 11:30 a.m.-1 wasn't playing his normal annual event, which consists Chess Club Forming the Aloha State Games has on the board but 1/3 man- been extended from June 15 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. dominating under-the-goal of a one-mile swim, a 50-mile Thome interested in joining aged to stay within three 6. The Games are style ' -I van',. bike ride and 10-mile run. a chess club can contact to July points all the way. When all slated for July 12.15, and will Scuba Locker Offers Entry forms may picked up Petty Officer 3rd Class Tapun Course but seven seconds remained at the Athletic Office. at 257-5660. of all mark the first state-wide in regulation play, the two Player. The Scuba Locker is now levels are welcome to join the amateur sports festival since (vamp found themselves in a the historic Makahiki Games. offering an open water scuba Flag Football club, which will meet every stalemate, 49-49. BSSG had The Games are open to class starting July 2.3, and final possession in the Nat Sunday from noon-3:30 p.m. Scuba Organizational at the Station Library. everyone, and will encompass 16-17. July 14, the mecon but failed to connect Meeting more than 31 sports in levels Locker has chartered a two and the championships went the Main The intramural flag foot- Rod and Gun Club of competition for all ages tank boat dive to into overtime. ball organizational meeting and abilities. For more Wreck and Makaha Caverns. With a fresh start and five The K Bay Rod and Gun The locker is located in is scheduled for July 19 at I information on entering the minutes in OT, neither team Club will meet at the Skeet games, call Hawaii Pacific building 120 next to the p.m. in the Station Theater. Range 5 7:30 p.m. wanted to make any costly July at Sparta at 522-0700. Marina, and is open Mon If your unit will be on deploy- This will he the final chance fouls because they were both ment, contact the Athletic day, Thursday and Friday in the bon., penalty. With to sign up for the Mouflow from II a.m.-6 p.m., and Office at 254-2616 before your and 10K Classic Footrace 1:16 left in (YT, 1/3 gained hunt on Lanai. Military Saturday-Sunday from 7 a.m.- unit leaves. civilian personnel are invited The Kailua Chamber of the lead for the first time, 52- Commerce's annual Fourth of 6 p.m. For more informa- 51. At that point, BSSG's to attend. For more informa- tion, call '254-5709. Simper Fit Aerobics tion call 254-3228. July celebration will kick-off offense self-destructed. Fuel Simper Fit aerobic classes with an early-morning 10K was added to the fire when MSG's head coach Eugene are being held at the Main Soccer Players run. Awards will be given to Attention, Gym Users Gym ('lass schedules are the top finishers in five age The Station Gym is not Clark was hit with a techni- Monday Friday, 9 a.m. and 6 Sought categories as well as elite open until 10 a.m. Mondays cal foul for crossing the p m for high-low impact; The Hawaii Marine soccer (open), race walking and through Fridays. Units halfcourt line during play. Mondays and Wednesdays at team is looking for players wheelchair divisions. Entry needing gear for a unit When it was all said and 7 p m , and Friday at 6:30 for their team. Anyone fee is $17 the day of the race. function should coordinate James G. Wad* of BSSG. done, 1/3 had captured the m for low impact; and interested can meet at Pop For more information, call with the athletic director at breaks loose during the Over- Over-30 Championship title, 11 30 a.m. high impact for Warner Field Monday-Wed- 263-5163. least a day before the event. 30 Championship. beating BSSG 58-52. B -2 HAWAII MARINE June 28,1990 Selecting proper clinics aids in medical treatment Navel Base situation go to the nearest *Social Work Dept. Pearl Harbor hospital or medical facility as By consult 'There is a big difference fast as possible. 257-5023 bet ween acute care and The Naval Clinics on Oahu emergency care, according to are for acute care only. 1,ti'mdr. Cherie liellier of the *Acute Care Service Sailors, Marines and their Adult and child Naval Medical Command, families may use them. Below medical problems Pearl Harbor. is a list of clinics and the days per week The three Branch Medical services available at the Air Seven Clinics on Oahu (Makrdapa, Station Branch Clinic. Clip (including Holidays) 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Barbers Point and Kaneohe it and keep it by the phone. Bay) lire Acute Care Clinics. ',pediatrics No appointment necessary 257-3133 They provide coordinated Monday-Friday services for examination, 7:45 a.m.-10 p.m. diagnosis, care, and treat- Well Baby Clinic *Ambulance support ment for minor acute illnesses Tuesday and first Satur- 24 hours every day 44.144itt Allen took top honors and injuries during desig- day 257-3133 nated working hours. This of each month. encompasses minor cuts, 257-2131 *Immunizations acrapes, colds, sore throats, *Gynecology Monday-Friday Marine swing immunizations, eye glasses Pap smear and regular 7:45-11:15 a.m. golfers and other similar things. Gynecology problems 1-3:15 p.m. The Naval Clinics on Oahu Monday-Tuesday (closed Wednesday p.m.) are not Emergency Clinics for (Scheduled appointments) 257-3321 treatment of severe injuries Mamogram: referral and illness. Emergency for HASAC team slot to Tripler ePharmecy Clinics are open 24 hours a Monday-Tuesday Story and photo Call In for refills worst round 4,1 the tourna- all the way hack 144 tilt h day, every day, and have a (Scheduled appointments) by Cis. Jason Erkkaon Monday-Friday ment, 84, which knocked him place. doctor available at all times. 257-2131 The 1990 Hawaii Marine Emergency rooms are where 7:30 a.m.-10 p.m. Athletic Counsel Golf Cham- *Adult Medicine No service on you go if you have a heart Monday-Friday pionships were held at the John McCray weekends or holidays 1990 Hawaii Marine attack, cut yourself with a 7:45 a.m.-3:20 p.m. Klipper Course June 20-24 to Jett Covert Golf Team Members: lawn mower or have a car 257-2131 eChempus Information pick golfers for the Hawaii Kris Kramer wreck and have to brought Marine Team entry in the (according to placement in *internal Medicine Catherine Heflin in by ambulance. For mili- Noon-1 p.m. Hawaii Armed Services tourney) Seniors Division: Monday-Friday tary people on Oahu, this 7:45 a.m.-3:20 p.m. Alternating Thursdays competition next month. Peter Decries service is provided by Tripler 257-2131 257-1700 Open Division: Al Menchaca Army Medical Center. Charlie Allen defended Charlie Allen 'Optometry his Tony Marvin However, this doesn't mean Open Division championship Kerry Hunt Monday-Friday *General information Glenn Boerigter (tied with Tripler is the only place to 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. title for the second year in a John Bascuk and appointments. Marvin) go. In a life4.hren letting 257-2131 row with a four-round total 257-2131 of 302, while Peter Devries took the Seniors competition with a 335.

Twelve golfers competed in the Open Division for one 0 six spots on the team. Th, Seniors Division team we, already decided at the start of the competition because only four players entered.

Kt-is Kramer beat out Jim Garvey on the first hole in sudden death competition to decide the sixth place Open Division-spot after both carded 316s for the touma. ment.

For Allen, the tournament was a shoe-in, despite his first-round score of 80. He maintained 74e throughout the remainder of the compe- tition, and managed to bent Kerry Hunt, his closest competitor, by six strokes

"I had a bad first day, but stayed consistent during the next three," Allen said.

After two rounds, the top players were easy to spot BR AT&T their score cards fell within The Military Calling card- nine strokes of each other. Jeff Covert led the pack with makes sharing the experience easy. a 151, Hunt trailed close behind with a 153, Allen and It's free. And you don't need White were on his heels with 154s. John Bascuk, 157, a phone of your own to get one. John M !Cray, 159, and Kramer, i60, brought up the matter where the military takes you, the rear. Alr,7' Military (Alin ig Card will keep you close By the third round, Allen t.1 established his lead with a Lustily and friends. 228, one stroke over Covert. I 'se it to call from most phones, anywhere. It's The others had fallen hack. your direct link to more areas worldwide than In the final day Allen and any other long Covert were paired, and at that point it could have been distance card. either one's game. After the And its the least first two Wes, Covert had a 4001 two-stoke lead on Allen for expensive way to the round (one stroke over- all). But on the fifth hole. 1111 call next to direct the tables turned on him. Ile 555 4142 lost a hall and wound up dialing on the with an eight. From that o I KU"' Alicr tong point on, Allen stayed com- pletely in control, ending the Distance Network. round with a 74. Covert, on the other hand, carded his '%- " 555 4747 t"fhe hest part is the AT&T Military ( ailing Card is free. And you can get one even it vou don't have a phone of your own. 16 order your FREE ATC77' Military Calling Card call

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Ice Hockey Team worship and tournament play, camp-out. For more informa- held Monday, Wednesday 'A" Division Cycling Team Tryouts 'toll the club at 263.4444 or tion, call 531 -4127. and Friday mornings from I . itirh Koeneke The Armed Forms will enter Forming contact Masu Kusume Dyer 8:3044:30 a.m. at the Family 2. Jame Hernandez a cycling team in the CISM Anyone wishing to compete at 2543307 Summer Tennis Clinics Gym, and Tuesdays tin(' 3. Ell,. Precituirr Cycling Championship Sept. in ice hockey should contact Thursdays from 6.7 p.m. at 1017 in Arnhem, Nether- Chaplain Murray at The Hickum Tennis Center 257.3326 tennis Mokapu Elementary School "B" Division lands. Marines interested in or LCpi. Broton at 257 2288. Lacrosse Players is offering two-week clinics throughout the sum- cafeteria. For more informa- Mike Zonath attending selection races Wanted tion, call Louise Hunt at 239- 2 Danny Gonzabrz must submit the following Ka Hue Racquet Club The Honolulu Lacrosse mer. Each two-week clinic consists of '10 one-hour :734 2. John Laing through their chain of Scholarship Club IN looking for players. for command to: MWREIPTACT The !Callan Racquet Club's For more information, call classes, and is available Sizzler adults. The Racquetball "C/D" Division Quantico/ /CMC(MWV/ by Men's Night Doubles will be Lou Jonske at 257.5149 or juniors (7.18) and of the "Summer of The results I. liiihrl Ambrose July 16. heldJuly 29 until Aug. II. 261 -2166. cost is $70 plus a can tennia bias Ball machines Sizzler" racquetball tourna- 2. Thomas Beyer A. Name, rank, SSN Admission is free and open ment held June 16.17 at the 3. Kurt Efliefi It Phone number to the public. Additionally, 150K Charity Bike and videotaping will he used. more call Main Gym were: C Duty station the club is awarding a group Tour Slated For information, 449-259% or 449-5369. Open Division Seniors/Masters I1. Races entered in 110st two tennis scholarship to 20 The first I lawaiian Multiple I. Miguel Santiago I Hilly Whitfield years selected students of Killian Sclerosis 150K "Round the 2. Adam McKay Zonal h E. 'times and place finishes. Intermediate School. For Island" Bike Tour will be held Jazz Up Your Training 3. Billy Whitfield Greg Kt mike further information on upon. .duly 21-22 with an overnight Jazzercise classes are being FuN isle, tarts Fria. HOLIDAY *THEATRES W' ,4111/%0 NEED A LAWYER? ossin 8 10 I g r-lcbarjted Labe Out Of Americans e eve attorneys w n ane e ooad Oposing especial hems 1Y Ciriemas *ACCIDENT CASES nonsvon Oeme *DRUNK DRIVING NritlfaiNfl 00. on 1060 Ksolo Dr. 263-4171 Will Suffer From A Back Injury pensasoge 0440 BANKRUPTCY .1.10100als 0401114 CRIMINAL DEFENSE Pworn W C040, Is! I « , SW. Ite strip. Mee DIVORCE 1Inten woo CAROUSELS 01,9 3100 out The stress and incon- PH 671.3661 0410009 tor a nn IN, C11101/4,1\t) venjence of back

98. ' BROWER & BROWER n 30, 30. !I pain cannot be mea- Anylorn* \ ATTORNEYS .c Sat 500 6 Weci . 1 0 1 5 , 12.15 . 2 1, Anyrolwe She stole sured. If you have a All 0c-covens his heart. us .1COT S BROWER ESO 531 -9985. - back problem, call Free Initial Consultation 'mono, sstmorans PRIM 1088 BISHOP ST_ STE 804 g - TODAY, EXECUTIVE CENTRE HONOLULU Partles WOMAN 4r15,5.45 6 9.15 Sat, Sun 40 Mat 11 6 1:45 WE CAN HELP. This Is No Cartoon! oats FULL COVERAGE 219- 971 8 TEENACEMIITANT *Workmen's Comp $5.09 OFF NINJAIURTIES vf;:4164121- *No-Fault MO,/ PM CHAMPUS PREFERRED STATE OF THE ART DENTISTRY Ut COUPON EXCLUSIVE, ONE OF A KIND PAYMENT klifuruff44 INTRODUCTORY OFFER PLAN IN HAWAII FOR ALL. FORMS OF 5:45,8 6, 10.15 )ENTAL WORK. KAILUA ONLY 261-9103 $2750 AVAILABLE ONLY AT 235-8878 CASTLE. DENTAL GROUP 2 0.1 EMLiNS THROUGH THE OFFICE OR it \ '165 THE Nit' Utilizing PETER R. RAKER, D.M.D. 11 II A (are I rye We Exam to understand your 50 told symptoms you. K!) EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Relaver4 9. 'Chiropractic Adjustment to 6.156 8:30 Dr. Ames Kuala Chow '79 Per Year For Individual/4 5..15006 wee Mat: 11:30 6, 1:45 relieve nerve pressure Chiropractor '130 l'er Year *Physic. Therapy Modalities to aid Kamehameha Graduate For A Family Of Three K 110 I WvIN recovery lo 10, 1 a.. 1.112ru t I & '30 Per Year TEENAGE MUTANT' *Massage to relax muscles CASTLE PROFESSIONAL Fur Each Additional Member '4;17.167:: :.:11V.; NINJATURTLES ' E all V n. A. ....o1 ' " CENTER KANEOHE Pater It. Saki,. 11.14.11. CASTLE PROFESSION AI. CENTER AMPLE FREE PARKING 12 11"11, 1. I,. 111'1111' .10.001 SAM 116V .SCITE3ti 1-11EIRINT FOR 247-7997 DOM 7/15/90 In Hawaii ,235-2121 Matrix RED OCTOBER ii21.1.21' NANAKULI 668-8775 BACK TO THE FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC FUTURE RARTM AKAMAI THE BESTTR1P! 444 5,30 6 9 247-7997 Sun &wed: 11,1:30 6 4 ), Relax with Domino's Pizza'!


ASS 4A14.881:00° sivak "A Fine Dining - Gathering Place With An Intimate Atmosphere" Live Entertainment & Dancing Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Wednesday Is Ladies Night - Drink Specials & Karaoke Show. Senior Citizen's Discount Every Tuesday & Thursday. SUNDAY BUFFET PIANO BAR 10:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Charles K.L. Davis Friday & Saturday ALL YOU CAN EAT! 5:30 p.m. IT'S TIME FOR DOMINO'S PIZZA". us for hot, fresh, custom-made pizza Lunch Served Serving Lunch & Dinner Dinner Served Call 7 Days A Weal, guaranteed! S Days A Waal. Featuring Kiawe Broiled Entrees delivered in 30 minutes or less... Monday-Friday MoadaySnaday 1100 p.m. Reservations Accepted SAS p.m.10:00 p.m siI,vrzzA PI //A ! KANEOHE 46-014 Kamehameha Hwy. In The Heart Of Kaneohe Call Us! 236-0501 $12?° Kailtta IT'S TIME 263-3030 io7 Sit,

TO GET OUT Kaneohe 235-7575 OF THE DARK. 45 -1 15 1 Kanihathcha Hut PIPPLRONI PLUS Open your eyes and see just how many healthy, housing an :1 can . PAN PIZZA! 'subjects are covered in the new edition benefit programs Just about eve '(6 Aikahi/KMC AS of the Consumer Information Catalog. you would need to know. Write today $8?9 It's free lust for the asking and so are We'll send you the latest edition of the 254-6433 nearly half of the 200 federal publica- Consumer Information Catalog, which is 2:i Kaneohe Bay Dri, tions described inside. Booklets on sub- updated and published quarterly It'll be jects like financial and career planning. a great help. you'll see Just write eating right, exercising. and staying Ell Consumer Information Center Department ID Pueblo, Colorado 81009 HAWAII MARINE June 28, 1990 rit littace recruiters at Recruiting Sta- CHAMPUS News Garden Cultural variety of graduate and Wiki Wiki: 8 a.m.9 p.m. Ping Parlor: 4:30-10 p.m. undergraduate courses on the Baskin Robbins: 6:30 a.m. - Package Store: 10 a.m.-7 tion Macon, Georgia. On top Military people in Hawaii Festival Air Station and at Camp 9 p.m. p.m. of working at home for up to must disenroll from the local Moanalua ( ;,irilens Foun- Smith. For dates, times and Video Center: 10 .1.1T.-6 p.m. Scuba locker: 7 a.m.-6 p.m. 30 days, Marines can earn CHAMPUS Prime program dation is hosting its 13th course descriptions call 254- Gas Station: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. points towards promotion. before leaving the state or Annual Prince Lot Hula 2687 or 487-1182. Burger King: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. For more information contact future claims could be denied. Festival July 21 from 9:16 MCC Phone Center: 6:30 your unit administration To disenroll or for more a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Moanalua Elvis Lives at the a.m.-8 p.m. Georgia and South office or call GySgt. Venable information call the CHAM- Gardens. There will be Kllpper Course Inn: 6 a.m.- at (912) 762.8103/04. PUS at 522- 7545. botanical displays as well as Officers' Club 5 p.m. Carolina Recruiters hula and arta and crafts. The Tony Roi, an Elvis imper- Enlisted Club: 5-11 p.m. Assistance sonator from Las Vegas will event is free. For more Officers' Club: 6-9:30 p.m. Marines are needed to assist 11111,;,111,1% I %% LI 1 NI 111111,1h IN('.. information call 839-5334. appear at the Windward Officers' Club July 7 from 8- 1513 YOUNG ST. SUITE 5102 PH. *945-7400 10:30 p.m. Advance tickets THE AIKAHI REGULATION * OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK DELIVERY AVAILABLE TO HON. KAILUA * Booster Club are on sale at the Officers' 0, en OW PVT The next meeting of the Club. For more information LOS ANGELES 158 1217 BAN FRANCISCO 129 287 call 264-4984. SAN DIEGO .154 .327 SEATTLE 189 378 Kaneohe Rooster Club will BARBER & MIAMI/NEW YORK 303 .517 CHICAGO/DETROIT .532 be July II at 7:30 p.m. in the LLLLL NTOWN/SUFFALO 552 BOSTON/WASH DC 303 s817 LAKE 482 Dependent Recreation Cen- MWR Hours for :61 ALBLIGUIROUE/COLORADO . 482 DENVER/SALT CITY ter. They will also sponsor HAIRSTYLE *OKLAHOMA CITY/OMAHA 22 *GUAM 235 .450 Haircuts' TOKYO 5111 *MANILA 774 a rummage sale July 15 from Independence Day The following hours have by wpolnbnonl, welle.ine welcome *HONG KONG NM *BANGKOK .710 p.m. at the Rec onto. nnimonona 9 a.m.-1 1!..imet Actin. Duty Military $5.75 Center. For more informa- been set for activities that - !NM: tion call 254-2466. will be open on July 4: Civilian $7.25 A Main PX: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Cosmetic Tatoolnp by appointment ISLAND 225 Self Service: 10 a.m. -9 p.m. COUPONS Deli: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 254-4111 841-8414 SOW NIGTTIC710INIAPPLIVIMICIS SULMCT TO CNANI Family Day Care Bowling Snack Bar: Noon. 25 Konen. Bay IX .3.43,4 TOO, War 1435 Middle at OPEN MON-FRI 8:30 AM-7:00 BAT -SUN 9:00 AM-3:00 PM 41.114 ShOppIng on back rocIvos Honolulu Seminar 9:30 p.m. non.. iiromon. roses hIllreut Out.. l'otchrlals or, WWI.' A seminar will he held at Car Rentals: 8 a.m.6 p.m. the Station Theater Saturday Golf Pro Shop: 6:30 a.m. - 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 AM-9 PM at 10 a.m. to present infor- 5 p.m. I ,AW OFFICES OF mation and answer questions about the Family Day Care Home program. The program Lanes KENNETH H. NAKAMURA is sponsored by the Staff PHOTOGRAPHY NC() Wives' Club and par BY Center enta, child care providers and Baseball Cards Castle Professional all interested people are and COLIN 46-001 Kern. Highway, Suite 307 KANEOH invited to attend. For more information call 254.1541. Comics "Specializing In Military PERSONAL INJURY Marriage Encounter Balls & Dining Outs" & ACCIDENTS There will he an informs & tive 262-0597 No set-up fee REAL ESTATE BUSINESS talk on the weekend mar quality portraits riage encounter MON f RI 17 Studio program July Couple portraits, candid* GENERAL LITIGATION 5 at 7 p.m. in the Officers' RIF CI 0913 347 105 Free pick-up & delivery Club. The program is de CALLUS DIVORCE & ADOPTIONS 31IN 11 4 from 50-1500 signed to strengthen marital FOR A FREE Groups relationships, and help people CONSULTATION 418A Kindel Rd Kallim 2^d discover the potential of their 1031 Auahi St. (sewn MrPonald 247-8512 (located nest to Ward Warehouse) relationship. For more infor- 521-7116 mation call Ed or Cindy Elder at 254-2625.

Hawaii Pacific College Registration The next term for 111'(' is July 9-Sept. 17. Registration is now being held for a large

I ,1 Caret Marian L '011 \ l\iv.mi1 A1 L '

GP Johnny

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Nn lonn I I nrte,1 Mn e Am,,,,-. ,..ning Amer.

Fnn, I 'A amnon toal ry and nullr,n, I flerat ',mien and nainan nennnnel tnonni IMn Sc, and Or Von nItInr1mbes Lank Aar ate Man v.., and .4** Ch.," ,4`4!I NA int* 'MW Senn in de nonbined Nand CampAln June 28, 1990 HAWAII MARINE B-5

Family Service Pro- in a productive manner invited to attend an orienta- sonal goals while gaining self Home Buying Course- raking that come up when grams -The Family Serv- during a course July 10 from tion tour July 13 from 8 am.- confidence through a course Learn about mortgages, VA they are at home alone. ice Center offers the follow- 1.4 p.m. 4 p.m. Travel to points of July 18 from 1 -3 p.m. The loans, financing, and how to Limited enrollment. ing programs to help military Resume Writing - Learn interest and learn the basics program is co-sponsored with deal with realtors July 18 Job Hank - The FRC has people improve their lives. to write an effective resume of Hawaiian culture. Bring the ASYMCA, and child care from 7-9 p.m. a computerized listing of jobs For more information and res- to land the job you want. a bag lunch and the ESC will is available. On Your Own -A two- available in the civilian ervations, or to get on the The class will be held July 11 provide sodas. Stress Management - part class for children 9-years community and can put your newsletter mailing list, call from 1-3 p.m. New Direction Semi- Learn to handle stress and and older, will be held July name on the lint of potential the FSC at 264-1641. New Arrivals Tour - nar-Find personal fulfill- techniques of relaxation July 2324 from 9-11 a.m. to teach employees. Call 254-1541 for Planning PCB Moves - Families and individuals are ment and explore new per. 17 from 1-4 p.m. them how to handle situ- an appointment. People due to receive PCS orders can learn the ropes of planning a move July 11 from 8:15.11:30 a.m. The class 66THROUGHOUT MY CAREER WE will cover TLA, disbursing, 30% off travel, and the latest scoop ALWAYS FOUND CARING, QUALITY from TMO. sale on custom koa! Anger Workshop - HELP NEARBY AT LOCAL Learn how to deal with anger en 7 USPA&IRA OFFICES.,9 limed Sou,lad USPA&IRA mgrems for officers and senior NCOk have literally changed their lives. Each ,fige4 one is carefully formulated and -made to meet your present and future needs. Call today The Armed Services YMCA for your free booklet or information on how Outreach office is located you can attend one of our seminars. You'll down the sidewalk from the Choose from our elegant showroom collection. discover how USPA&IRA can create a program that will 1Ip \ 1,11 I,CCOIlle financially independent. 7-Day Store on the Air master craftsmen will design the furni- Station. For information on Or...Our programs or to make reserva- ture to fit your needs, tastes, and budget. tions, call 254-4719. Child care is provided for those Rockers Dining Room Sets Chests participating in programs Koe Bowls Tables: End and Well Units unless otherwise indicated Bedroom Groups Geisha Lazy Susans below. }Wring pt. wilitats 1.111.111., Ia.,- Imam toipmleeke Facyclucto Heritage Cell or come by our local office Crafts for Kids - Chil- Pall Palms Plaza dren will have the opportu- 2870 Ualena St. 970 North Keleheo, Avenue #A-309 nity to design and paint their (Near Airport) . t . Col. David W Killam U.S. A1111 \ I 111.) Kellue, Hawaii 98734 own T-shirt July 11 from Open Monday-Saturday 9:00 to 5:30 1:30.3:30 p.m. All children (808)254.5844 most bring a T-shirt. 839-6656 Windward Festival Car- nival - The ASYMCA will have a booth at the festival to sell refreshments. They are looking for volunteers to help sell hot dogs, popcorn and soda. All profits will go directly to their programs. Prenatal Class -A pre- natal class starts July 11 and will run through Aug. 11. The class covers everything you need to know about preg- nancy and newborn child care. Classes will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and the fee is $5. Reservations are required.

VMFA-235 Good Conduct Medals LCpI. Tony W. Hand Cpl. Scott Vandeven Cpl. Brian Taylor Cpl. Manuel G. Martinez Jr. Meritorious Promotions Cpl. Josef M. Jones Promotion LCpI. Kenneth F. Thiel

NCO of the Quarter Cpl. Paul Quickenton

2d Bn., 3d Marines

Navy Achievement Medal LCpl. B.S. Lawson Cpl. D.W. Braun Cpl. M.D. Thompson Sgt. A.A. Harewood Meritorious Promotions LCpI. A.R. Olmos LCpI. R.M. Rhead LCpl. M.J. Wiest LCpl. Al. Young Cpl. B.J. Courtney Cpl. G. Santiago Promotions LCpl. J. Camacho Jr. LCpl. A. Christian LCpI. R.A. Felon LCpl. V.A. Gomez LCpl. S.L. Gray LCpI. D.E. Hahn LCpl. D.W. Hall LCpl.B.P. Humpert LCpI. J.A. Judkins LCpI. J.B. Liles LCpI. O.R. Lopez LCpI. D. Lombreras LCpl. J.L. McKinney LCpl. G. Pravednikov LCpl. A.T. Scott LCpI. D.L. Stanek 1.Cpl. L. Vandemun Cpl. J. 1)ruel Cpl S.T Stokes

MINIM of the Quarter LCpI. E A Zuniga

NCO of the Quarter Sgt. Nadolaki Meritorious Masts Pvt J. Angevine Pvt. A.I. Young PFC H.E. Curtin PFC F.E. Hernender PFC S.M. Jonathan PFC P.S. MeEnany SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking K.M. Shavers PFC Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health PFC N A. Weber Now Greatly Seamen WR Podium B-6 HAWAII MARINE June 28, 1990

KAILUA ELECTRONICS 262-7677 anne-O Pizza SUMMER CAMP VCR TV MOVIE CAMERA REPAIR We're Open Daily 1100-2200 hrs. U moml Frl. & Sat. 1100-2300 hrs. U No kids allowed, it's your turn 1 Day VCR Service Military Discount I For Walk-In and Take-Out Orders Delivery Sonia from 1700-2100 hrs. Low Rates Factory Trained Frl. I Sat. 1700-2200 hrs. I THE Free Estimate Technicians PIZZA CARNE tlbsp or Nsys NB"' flue K I JTACO KAILUA 6 MEAT TOPPINGS FOR 1 SPECIAL PRICE! 7/31/90 losio,NI" 0AS PLANTATION -1 A HUT ELECTRONICS I veto VCR and H Pepperoni, Canned Bacon, Beef, Ground & -r Chunk Sausage & Ham A MOVIE CAMERA U 25 HOOLAI ST. U Small $7.60 Med. $10.40 Large S12.00 SPA -ree- A son S1.70 Save 51.05 Save $3.90 A retreat for body and mind AI-1 NEAR PACK404 STOW 96730 Specialists! BURGER KING S Coil 254-1537, 2541538, 254-1539 cotamwavnttown) ! (808) 237-8685 or 237-8442 51-550 Kam Highway, Ka'a`awa, HI O 1 T IIIIMMMMMMMMMMOMMMMMMMMMMOMMMii MO

Military Specialist -so you don't have to keep explaining all your A terminology. Award Winning Writer-to put you in the best possible light. MODERN Laser Set Availability-to set you out in a crowd. MasterCard & Visa Accepted COMPLETE COUNTRY Pearl BUSINESS DOCTOR SERVICES "When we opened in 1981, we were City the first facility in Hawaii to offer 455-1177 urgent care seven days a week and 12 hours a day. We treat the whole family and also do x-ray and lab work which makes office visits more convenient. 4 Patients with urgent, but less severe injuries often have long waits in Celebrate the Kailua Fireworks emergency rooms, and waiting isn't pleasant when you're in pain, especially on July 3 for children. We have a personal interest in our with . . . patients as part of this community. I guess we are a bit like the old fashioned 64 country doctors that were always there Picnics for all of the problems for the Whole family. about the only thing we don't do is LOVE NOTES make house calls and handle critical care.- to recreate the legends of rock & roll--LIVE! WITH BRUNO The KAILUA Go" The world's youngest Elvis impersonator who's taking Waikiki FAMILY & from. . . by storm. Plus a salute to all-girl vocal groups by the HIGH NOTES. URGENT Showtimes: 8p.m., except Tuesdays. $10 Show charge, Kamaainas $7.50, MEDICAL $5 children under 12. Two drink min. Special dinner packages available. CARE For reservations, call the Love Notes Hotline at 922-6477. CENTER CALL AHEAD! Don't miss Bernadette & Dr. Robert L. Simich & Associates Beach Center a- Located at Kailua the Sunshine Company, 660 N. KAILUA RD. (Near Island Snow) 9:45p.m.-1:30a.m. PH. Tues. through Sat. 263-4433 261-5518 Dr. Robert Simich, ownerof the center with a Complimentary validated Sheraton Waikiki Hotel painting byAlfred Furtado well known forhis The hospitality people of Trrlrrl SANDWICH SALOON or valet parking. works of Island families.

Telephone Service 235-5656 ; Mon. -Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Counter Service CLASSIFIED 45-525 Luluku Rd. Kaneohe DEADLINE CLASSIFIED Mon.-F6. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. NOTICE!

SUPERMARKETS SALESPERSON WANTED toms Used Car Dealership Great Working Conditions WHERE YOU WORK WITH PEOPLE Good Money & Benefits NOT FOR THEM Trucks & Toys Wahiawa Positions Are Available At All Locations The 4t 961 Center St. No Experience Necessary is coming. 621-0020 and we'll We Offer: be Competitive Wages Vacation Pay closed ... 4. Medical Sick Leave Pay All 0 Dental Paid Holidays On Job Training Friendly Environment classified Join Hawaii's Premier ads must be Nurses Staff Relief Agency Become a part of the TIMES Family placed by: We offer: Servicing the Island's finest Apply at: TIMES Personnel Office 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. facilities MONDAY Flexible schedules St. Floor Extensive bonus & benefits 2153 North King 2nd Locally managed/owned Honolulu, HI 96819 JULY 2nd Competitive wages 5 pm. Discover paradise with: at Kahu Malama Nurses, Inc. 847-0811 Sun Press/ (808) 526 -3761 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MIDWEEK

4 Health & Fitness 4 Health 8 Fitness 20 Lost & Found 25 Personals 25 Personals

PSYCHIC Reader, I chan- BACK Ache? Neck? HOLISTIC HELP MLM FOUND: 1 Ige. dog, Alkali' COMPUDATE Celebrates 235-5656' Shoulders? Knee? business, FIT, P/T income School area. Mix color. Call 4th Anniversary! This week nel an E.T. to resolve life + tax benifits. only. Ladies Free. Join. issue. Call Sara, 262-0544. RESUMES GET ROLFED! Own busness. 254-2188. 50 Business Opportunities Beautiful posture that lasts, Call Greg 988-4968 and 926-3283. in just 10 sessions! Dr. leave message. FOUND: 6/23, 2 yr. old QUIT Smoking Today! Re- MAKE $$$ CLEANING UP MILITARY WIVES!! LOOKING for Max, a Gladys Man Ph.D. Ad- male. All black Sheltie mix sults guaranteed. Certified Easy home business. Tril- in in 527-4927 vanced certified Roller. w/brown nose. Choker Marine, recent grad. NCO Hypnotherapist. 261-4595. lion dollar industry. Get Interested working the medi- on leave in Kailua, Kona, 955-2494 10 Cemetery Plots chain w/leash. Windward your share, 263-8638XC FINE WRITING SERVICE Fr., May -4. Reported back cal field? Part-time entry level po- Mall/Aeola St. 536-5699. FINANCIAL freedom, the 1188 Bishop Sc., Suice 2604 TMI has come to Hawaii HAWAIIAN Memorial Park, Wed., May 9. Haole w/blond DIVORCE sitions available. Will train. Flexi- hair. Born 6/29/69? Call opportunity of a life time, Excursion workshop 7/7- 1 plot, choice. area. Only 25 Personals Carolyn Lay via parents your future deserves the ble work hours. 10am-8pm. 7/8. .Call Jack E. Chaffee $1800. Call 261-5207 very best SERIOUS IN- Waikiki 926-2286 293-1010. 885-4981 P.O. Box 28, Ka- Oahu ADOPTION muele, HI 96743 Serving QUIRES ONLY!!!!! Call 536- Tuesday thru Saturday. Aiea MILILANI Plots. Sell for Professional & happily mar- 4957. 486-3740 Tanning Since 1977 ELECTRIC Beach $2000 each. Pay only $1200 ried couple unable to have FREE PERSONALITY TEST MONEY HIDDEN in your PLASMA CENTER Salon, 212 Merchant St. each. Call 923-8899 chidlren of our own. We ...Ydur personality deter- DONOR JOB VIDEO Introduc- computer. Turn your com- #3310 599-5999. want to provide secure, mines your happiness. puter into $$$$ monthly in PLACEMENTS RESUMES tory offer to 1st time warm & loving home for Know VVhs,0 Cal Dianetic Hahne $1 spare time, 263-8638XD OF HAWAII tanners. 60 min. of tanning 15 Announcements new born Ameriasian child. 1-800-367-8788 2500 time for $9.95 + tax w/ad VIDEO MONEY SECRETS Please help us fullfill our PERMANENT Weight Loss! 595-2533 only. Call Now. CERAMIC Classes, Wed. 7- dream. Call Loura or Jason Earn thousands weekly 9 p.m. Sat. 1-3:30pm. spe- Certified Hypnotherapist. with your video camera. 836-0648 3 Aviation 4 Health & Fitness collect 215-892-9754 Call 261-4595. Statt Attorney FREE Electrolysis. Receive cialize in centerpieces. 262 Find out how, 263-6636XA 8862. DISCOVERY Toys-Summer sale! Gene Bridges 1 mo. free on a guaranteed MARRIAGES legally per- YOUR LAST JOB! Sur- Up to 60% off selected 50 Business Opportunities 50 Business A&P-IA RATINGS, 5 days, estimate. Lic. Electrologist, formed anytime,anyplace. round yourself with suc- Opportunities FOR LADIES medical privacy. 521-4008. items, birth-adults. Ency- A Public Service ATP-FE, 2 days Guaran- Very reas. rates, Parks, cessful people and a proven MAKE MONEY at auctions A CHALLENGE: AJ available for consulta- Aloha Pawn clopedia avail. Great last beaches, waterfalls, etc. Do you teed Classes coming soon. Pi elect plan that works. Whether in Honolulu. Homes, cars, have the courage to be rich! 1-800-345-2742 tions or hands on therapy EYE Lash dyeing & perm- (Buy, Sell, loan. Trade] minute party gifts & favors. Even under water. Call Financing mdse. you desire an extra income boats. Send $5 World Inter - 948 -4267,24 hr. recording. Available. In the successful ing, dark & curly! $20 to $25. Hostess-receive free Now. 259-5429. ancient Come see us for best Become an educational of $500/mo-$50,000/mo., prise 209B 14th St. Hono- art Call 521-4008. you can with the right at- of healing using natu- consultant and help chil- IF you want to drink, that's 30 Income Tax lulu, HI 96818 ral aromatic essential deals in Wahiawa your business. If you want titude! 486-2057. 58 Schools & Instruction It's easy to charge it. Visa/ MASSAGE by Massuer 10 dren enjoy positive play TURN CRAFTS TO CASH oils. to stop, that's ours. Call MasterCard pays for Sun yrs. exper. Try all the rest Ph. 622-2898 exp. while running your TAXES filed late, past $300 A DAY, process ph. Proven methods turn PIANO Lessons Kaneohe. Press Classified. 235-5656. own business. Call 946-1438 Alcoholics Anon- years, in your home service orders at home. people call hobby to big cash weekly. area only. 235-4432 533-2487 . & come back to the best 540 California Ave. ymous or 926-3782. 486-5024. Steve White MBA 395-7141. you. 836-0981 ext. L24. Extra income, 263-8638X8. 841-1196 Classified II June 28-July 4, 1990

5S -Wools A nstruction OUTREACH WORKER THE ALOHA HEALTH CARE TRAVEL TRAINING Challenging position Basic/Computer/Tour and rewarding with TEAM Enroll Now. CPS Outreach Program. Outreach and sup- Part-Time Drivers Windward Travel Institute port services for abused & neglected chil- Light Delivery Work... Thanks KOMO and Sun Press for 262-7749 or 247-0427 dren and their families. BSW, B.A. in Human the quality and effectiveness of JOIN THE TEAM Services field or work exper. preferred. Valid PRE-TEENS/ Teens: Self- Retired folks welcome their advertisements. HI drivers license & access to car. Excl. Improvement modeling All of our Nursing positions have classes. Super rates. benefits. Call for YOUR FUTURE IS AT Call today! 423-0798. , Apply at/Send resume to: been filled and we are now ACTING I-Acting, Singing, appointment Dancing. Children & Teens Catholic Services to Families accepting applications for Call 261-0457 250 S Vineyard St., Honolulu, HI 96813. IF IC 833-0988 personnel who wish to be SEWING made fun & easy. Equal Opportunity Emp)oyer ULF considered for future openings Lessons start immed. Kai- Military welcome. ELIVIEILIY lua 262-6387/262-4455 roc. and for "ON CALL" positions. McDonald's® of ALOHA TUTORING Ser- vice All subjects, all grades. 58 Schools & Instruction LAColio.(34eaS Cate Cetim Individual Instrn. 536-3030. 60 Help Wanted 60 Help Wanted 60 Help Wanted PIANO Instruction OPEN Water Dive Course. Male/Female Male/Female Male/Female 247-6661 Windward Mall Juilliard M. Music. Certification Padi, $100 TELEMARKETERS MGR. Ass't Mgr. for BE DEBT FREE!!! ENJOY 538-9985. includes everything. great rewards, Retire in 3 9 needed. Salary + women/childs wear F/T, Call 235-4105 Bob years $10,000 possible. PIANO lessons, ex- commissions. Benefits, flex. hrs. 537-5911 ext. 54. 60 Help Wanted 60 Help Wanted elementary teacher BA in flex. hrs. Call 735-6452. GUARANTEED state help $ 7c per hour Male/Female Male/Female 4 music seeks interested stu- 60 Help Wanted MILITARY Welcome! Im- 261-0334. HOME CLEANERS!! ''' to start dents phone 396-6137. Male Female mediate P/T sales in retail P/T HOTEL front desk. store. 537-5911 ext. 54. COOK, Food service & SECURITY Officer, FT/PT, Apply in person. Pepper Kitchen personnel, day & Kailua high extra income! Home UP TO $8.25/HR. for rise. Corn- 59 Employment Opportunities EARN PHOTO Lab help, entry tree apt. Hotel, 98-150 evening shift, Wahiawa call petitive wage, excel. bene- assembly, crafts, piece- Lipoa Pl., Aiea STUDENTS, MOTHERS, levels w/ no xperience & Lillian or Kathy at 621-6758 fits. Retirees & Military OPEN OR CLOSE work, electronic sewing, exp. techs. Pay from $5 to typing. Call 1-213-281-8111. MILITARY WELCOME NURSES welcome. Call M-F, 8-3pm, OUTSTANDING( FLEX. daytime hours $15/hr. depending on expe- PART time Telemarketer 261-2443. RN's, LPN's Aides Highest To invite persons OPPORTUNITY ENTRY ADIA wants Need car & home phone rience. Openings for print- pay, to free PM !IOW PERSON DATA great benefits. seminar. Pleasent "PROVEN" Keys to finan- (2 To 3 Days Per Week) you for immed. openings! ers, machines& custom Transfer priveleges, na- voice 6 hrs. a week evenings, cial freedom and loan A11RAC11VE, Outgoing Tolkawe Top No Fee Call CALL 732-9490 print spotter/retoucher tional companies, flex. hrs. $6/hr $$$. , person to oak* In servicing customer svc., drivers, plus bonus or level of exper. sources send SASE for in- 533-8889. Dana's Housekeeping Choose your own. Upjohn formation., SDL, Suite 227- (Year Round Availability) PIT. negotiable. Larry customers. two Fit posthons Personnel Service. quality control supervisors. 836-2273 942-7797 available. Pleosont working Receptionist, attendant/ 2 shifts open, Fir & PIT. ext. 123. Box 111333 Kamuela, HI conditions. assistants. Flex. hrs. req. POOL Svc. Technicians. 96743. Always An Equal Opportunity Employer. Flex hrs. avail. Call ACCOUNTING CLERKS AVON! Met new friends! MASI CALL 2354750 F/T. Call Kahala Pet Training provided, respon- 538-6828 for interview appt. AR/AP, Payroll. Work P/T time merchandiser to Hospital 735-4433 sible people only need Work your own hours - today! ADIA 533-8889. Free gift. Call Char 834-2835. work at exchanges. Must apply. Ph. 263-6653. P/T SWIM Instructor have own car, 455-4161. needed WSI or YMCA cer- LIKE TO CLEAN? Proud of SEEKING 5 serious people your cleaning skills? Join HONEST & LEGITIMATE HO HO tification. Call 261-0808 earnings, free package de- HO Pf\.,.. RN to make extra $300/$3000 our team and join the best. Need Christmas cash? *.e mo. for life. No inventory, AVONI Own your own bus. Need car & phone. Military tails. SASE J.0. 86-262 "Christmas McDona d's-7-', - Alamihi St. 96792. Around the El ii FULL-TIME DAY SHIFT selling or delivery. Call Be your own boss' Cash dependents welcome., Call World", the nation's most Gift. Kandy 235-7641. 525-9948 for more info. 486-4822. Mrs. Clean Inc. MAINTENANCE Person, popular party plan is hiring supervisors McDonald's® of Windward Mall CHRISTMAS Around the EARN $500+ per week. RN, LPN, Aides in Geriat- FT/PT, with high rise condo in all areas. No Flex. hours. investment, collection LPN World is back! Hiring dem- FREE TRAIN- rics. North Shore. Call 638- exper. Competitive wage, or 46-056 Karneharneha Highway onstrators. Party Plan. Call ING. BONUSES. PROFIT 8514 weekdays. excel. benefits. Kailua, Call delivery. Free training & FULL, PART-TIME EVENINGS & NIGHTS Carol Ann 254-6219 SHARING. BENEFITS. In- M-F, 8-3 pm. 261-2443 supplies. July is last month Kaneohe, Hawaii . terested in children? for hiring Value WAIMEA FALLS PARK We supervisors so ' WAIKIKI PIT, F/T, jewelry, . Apply in person or call educational products'? are currently seeking indi- call today. 247-5808 gifts. Hawaii Pacific Pearls Enjoy talking to people? WHY FIGHT THE 672-3798 & leave msg. , viduals for employment in .1990 McDonald's 926-5844 This job is for you! the following Depts: Tour Corp BATTLE OF THE HILL SENIOR CITIZENS & OAHU CARE FACILITY TEACHER/Asst. Teacher Teachers welcome. Call for (English & Japanese speak- 0 % for Kailua Pre-school. Af- interviews. Lani 595-7111. ing). Hula Halau, Charlie's EACH DAY??? COLLEGE STUDENTS. Don't feel left Out! We'd love ternoon hrs. 261-0690. Country Store. Apply in 942-2363 SEAMSTRESS wanted, Ka- to hire you as a Supervisor person at the park office V.eovedsouvte '34fAipau 60 Help Wanted 60 Help Wanted 60 Help Wanted EARN $300 to $500 per wk. neohe business, 2 yrs. exp. for "Christmas Around the 1808 S. Beretania St. 59-864 Kamehameha Hwy., Male Female Reading Books at home. helpful, FIT-PIT, willing to World," Work your own hrs. Male/Female Male/Female Call 615-473-7440 Ext.B514 learn. 247-6483 Haleiwa, HI 96712. AD....121643 No investment, collection EASY ASSEMBLY any HOMEWORKERS, Earn up ATTENTION MILITARY EARN MONEY Reading KANEOHE' or delivery in this easy to KARMA & do & fun hours, $339.84 week, family to $1470 per month. Amaz- Families. Gen. Sectys./ Books! $30,000/yr. income party plan. Must ADIA 533-8889.' *PART-TIME potential. Details. (1) 805- have a car. Call 672-3798 & of 3 earns $4417.92 month- ing brief recorded message typists. uniforce® 637-6000 ext. Y-4031 ACCOUNTING Iv. msg. ly. FREE 24 Hour Record- reveals details. Call No Fee/EOE. RECEPTIONIST temporary service's BOOKKEEPER, ing Reveals. 801-379-2960 236-1112 Ext. HI. WANTED* ATTENTIONIIII! Ext. H103H U.S. HOTLINE HOUSECLEANERS, hon- WAREHOUSE/ DECOR & MORE is now SPECIAL EDUCATION est, trustworthy, reliable,- NIGHTS, WEEKENDS, BAYS OF hiring Supervisors to hire CENTER of HAWAII (Pearl Immediate opening for mature, GUILD MORTGAGE CO. LUMBERYARD and train Demonstrators. EARN extra monthly in- dependable. Willing to' City) Has immed. openings work. Can take "WE'VE GOT A JOB FOR YOU" & OPERATIONS Now is the time to join come building a home busi- construc-: dependable person with good is seeking retired Military for; FIT (TRAINER); over tive criticism, can commu- WORKERS America's #1 party plan! ness PIT. Call 948-1171. see program development/ CONCERT CONCESSIONS GAME Free training nicate, Transport avail.: phone skills and customer the field and supplies! Team Teach functional liv- Supportive work environ-, Officers to enter No investment. Call Debbie OPERATORS WAREHOUSE MUCH MORE DYNAMIC. GROWNG ing skills to a group of 14 ment, excl. benefits. Ph.. at 254-4252. CASHIERS/SALES contact. of Mortgage Banking. This is WINDWARD COMPANY! disabled adults. Experience 623-8185. Must be over 18 years of age P/T openings In TELEMARKETING No with D.D. population. BA or Call Monday thru Friday APPLY IN PERSON - Honolulu, Kaneohe & AA degree preferred. Sal- a most rewarding career both sales Set appt. PIT, sal.+. Pearlrldge for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. PROMPTLY' Military welcome. 621- retail ary commensurate w/de- DENTAL 455-3785 shoes & clothing de- gree & experience. financially and personally. KAILUA SHOPPING CENTER 6089, Jerry. Work M- 537-2137 Military Very Welcome partments. F, 8-4, P/T (JANITOR); ASSISTANT Customer SeMce Center **AVON** $8.00 start up. perform basic janitorial ser- Call Blair Borthwick for details 537-5911 ext. 54 Full time position in "Work when you want to workr® Acme, orn uaERni irousE 50% earnings possible. vices such as sweeping, ISLAND HEARING CARE a.m. to 4 o m. McCully area. Willing at 808-528-0049. Free kit, call Jo 395-6970. moping & cleaning bath- rooms. Salary $585/mo. to train. Work M-F, 12-4, Stop by our office at 2201 Waimano Call 949-6608 Home Rd. Pearl City (Bld. application: DRIVER/Delivery person 6) to fill out For needed P/T hrs. in the information, 455-2176 mornings Mon.-Fri. Call GROUNDS Keepers for 538-6828. Darien Pro. Maoanalua Gardens, F/T Photo Lab -HOME & APARTMENT GUIDE or prr $6/h r. to start PT JOB/FT pay. Work own w/excl. benefits. Call hrs. No investment. No col- 75 Apts. Partly 83 Houses Partly [ 83 Houses Partly Clyde Nakata 833-1944 lection/delivery. Call Jo Share C' 93 Vacation Recitals ' I-114Real Estate lot Sale 1 76 Rentals to Furnished Furnished 88 Rooms for Rent Iv. msg. Furnished .... 8am-5pm, 834-1842. For 1 FAST growing Hawaii Co. KENNEL help, 40 hr. week KANEOHE - enjoy spectac- looking for energetic, high- BDRM for 3bdrm. 2/ba. many up- HALEIWA, clean & quie SPACIOUS, cute 2 bdrm. NANAWALE ESTATES incl. Sun. Adults only. rent, $200 incl. grades incl. yard svc. ular ocean view, from dra- HAWAII ly motivated exp. sales per- PARTLY turn. 1bdrm, full utils. 2002 Liliha St. #17, $250 incl. utils., retiree/ priv. cottage, nr. Kailua lot, swimming 262-2116. Call 5-8 p.m. advertising kit. w/lanai, W/D, utilities $1,400 Call 521-6294 matic exec. home. 5 military ok. 637-6102 beach, Avail. pool, park, basketball ct.. son. Excl. salary + comm. side of house. See Bruce. min.from KMCAS/Pali. Per- June 16-28. Ph. ENUMERATORS needed included. $875. Avail. 7/1 days Pat, 735-3765 eves Mo. of Aug, & on. 262-5922 clubhouse $9500. Low Great benefits. Rollin. fect for family or 2 bachelor It's easy to charge it. Visa/ 946-5500 to update Hon city directo- Call 247-78%. KAILUA BEACH PARK, down payment payment information, officers. $2400/mo. Call MasterCard pays for Sun accepted. FS Clark & ry for R.L. Polk & Co. No new 2/3 bdrm. Pool/Jacuzzi KAILUA Vacation Rentals. HOLISTIC Health Care. I It's easy to charge it. Visa/ 261-5806. Press Classified. 235-5656. Near Assoc 922-6945 (B) selling door to door can- MAKAHA Valley Planta- W/D. $1:595, 261-2000 Beach. am looking for 5 people vass. Neatness call tion. lmmac., 2bdrm., MasterCard pays for Sun Call 261-5174 who & legible pool, Press KANEOHE oceanviews KANEOHE - on bus line, are interested in con- hand writing required. tennis $800. 672-3337. Classified. 235-5656. lush custom, pool, 3/3 KANEOHE BAY rarely tributing to the Well-Being EWA Beach Cottage, prkg., turn., kitchen priv , util., avail., sparkling, isolated, $5.50 to $7.50 per hour. eves. 2 $2200 or share $650 ea AFFORDABLE private 1 of others while making an wash, walk to shop & bus BASE area. bdrm. home, non-smoker $400. quiet ocean front Town- Apply in person Mon.-Fri. Sun Press prkg., beach views $850. 226-7203. bdrm. cottage, near beach excellent income. Call $450/util. 689-6704 239-4266 Tom - mornings. home. 2 Ige. master suites. 9-12 at 770 Kapiolani Blvd. 943-0094 Rent Mart Fee & shops. Call 262-2212 531-8053 NEW studio w/ bath in Kai- MAKAKILO Highlands, plenty of room for a family Suite 705 Hon. Hi. 96813. lull. NC, pool. Single non- KAILUA rm., own ba W/D KAILUA home, own room, Classified exec. 4 bdrm., 21/2 ba. view of tour. 21/2 ba. w/3 lanais. SUBWAY SANDWICHES smoker. $500 incl. KAILUA canal front, $450 + KAILUA 2 units, lge $6504 util. 6/15 utils. Pref. $1,600 677-5071 or bath utils. share fishing, boating, Windward 261-2510. female. 261-5169 3/bdrm. 2/ba. $1,700 incl. access. Ph. 262-8537 eves. studio/bdrm., pvt. ant., `"P" RECEPTIONIST/ City Shopping Svc, Nea 672-9869 pool. Ph. 262-8540 windsurfing or sailing. Ctr. Now hiring F/T, P/T yard. water. Pool, jacuzzi & ten- KMCAS paddle ACCOUNTING crew & shift leaders for Advertising KANEOHE 2 bdrm. nr. too. Fee No pets, avail, 85 Condos/Townhouses KAILUA - 2 to 4 guests nis. simple nights & wkends. 235-0000 Windward City Shop. Ctr. 82 Houses Unfurnished 93 Vacation Rentals $275,000 Century 21 Home- Responsible for all 7/15. 254-6501 Partly Furnished Ocean front or Kbay area $1100 incl. utils., 13i9n5c1-00er STAY-AT-HOME MOMS prkg, 1 254-3040 or 254-5250 Call Lydia at incoming calls & pool. Call 247-3921 PEARL area. lge. cottage Part time work for full time Department KAILUA nr. beach-asp. greeting pay in educational sales. KAILUA-3bdrm 2ba, prirt c,overed prkg. $850 visitors. PUNALUU 1 bdrm. beach nice 1-3bdrm 2ba. home. BEAUTIFUL Beach front HANDY Base. 1 bdrm., Rent Mart Fee UPGRADED 3 bdrm. 21/2 For interview Call: Ike fence, avail, 6/10: nr 943-0094 front TV. Extras. 262-5445. condo. Fully equipped min. Duties include typ- prkg., utils., view $650. condo, furn. Shown bath spacious 2 488-8381. beach, S, Ele. School story & 943-0094 Rent Mart Fee. by appointment 235-3445 3 days phone 247-5590. Iv. ing, filing routine $1600. Call 262-2215. KAILUA 2bdrm, 2 ha, NO mesg. Townhouse. In a very de- OFFICE Asst. needed for PETS, yard service in- KAILUA, new studio apt., sirable area. $389,000. accounting. High Waimanalo office. Approx- 235-5656 priv. beach access, prkg. KAILYA 2 bdrm./1 bath 1 cluded. $1100. 262-4334. KANEOHE - Fum. luxury Open House from 2-5. Sat. School imately 10 hrs. per week. 261-5310 graduate, prkg. stall. Avail. 6/29 83 Houses Partly Condo to share. Private rm. $1000/mo. & Sun. Kuapa Isle, Hawaii Call Donna 259-8685. $7510. switchboard exp. No pets 261-1828. Furnished KANEOHE Bay rarely avail. & bath, laundry, pool, secu- Kai 408 Opihikao Pl. Or call sparkling, isolated, quiet, rity, prkg. Cleaning & util. KAILUA - Studio, Kitchen- 395-8831 or 735-7301. desirable. Non- TEACHERS Ass't & Aides ette, pool, pvt. ant., I98 Rentals Wanted for Christian Elem. & pre- MAKAHA Valley Towers 1 ocean front Townhome. 2 provided. Non-smoking nr. smoker. $6 an hr. 73 Apts. Furnished bdrm. furn/prtly. turn. new 235-0363. beach. 262-2474. school. P/T Music Teacher KAILUA, walk to the beach, Ige. master suites, plenty of pro. ref. $600/mo. NICE military couple w/one COLORADO* carpets, drapes, paints. room for a family of four. Will train if you Fall. 262-8501. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Ohana family child , looking for a 2/bdrm Under $1000 per acre Very clean. Parking, pool, 21/2 ba. w/3 lanais. Enjoy PUNALUU across Beach, have basic skills. room $1,600. 2 bdrm. 1 ba. WINDWARD. lge. town- house/apartment, w/yard, Fish, hunt, ski PRESCHOOL teacher 20/ KANEOHE 1 bdrm apart. laundry park. Sleeps 7 & 6, large avail. 6 month min. Ohana $1,200. fishing, boating, windsurf- house priv. prkg. W/D $860. quiet. Between $800-$850. 5 acre ranches Mail resume to The hrs. per week. $9.75/hr. req. Util. incl. $575 mo. Call $700 mo. Call yard. Groups okay. Call Sandy at Also 2 bdrm, 1 ba. ing or sailing. Pool, jazucci 943-0094 Rent Mart Fee Limited Offer B.S. Degree in Child Devel- after 6 .m. 236-1194. 531-8181 days. Kailua/Kaneohe area. Oceanic Institute, 259-9995. guest house all incl. util, & paddle tennis too. Could Phone 261-2403 Owner/Broker opment Elem. Education. be avail. July 15 for the right Makapuu Pt., Wai- Apply Bld. T-820 Wheeler water, yard svc. KAILUA 638-8650 6/30, 1-4 p.m. person or family, $1,500 + 86 Condos/Townhouses 2 to 3 guests. AFB. Call 656-1895. Open Sat Oceanfront or beachside. manalo, Hi. 96795 75 Apts. Partly 76 Rentals to Share 1040 Kainui Dr. or call deposit Sorry, no pets. Call Furnished I 103 Stores/OfficeS j Lydia at 395-0009. Call 261-2618. 116 or phone PILOT/MECHANICS Furnished 261-0061. Available 7/1 ,.- tor Rent Real Estate Wanted TECHS Worldwide Aviation ) employment opportuni- KAILUA - Maunawili spa- KAILUA Koolau Vista 2 KAILUA 1 bdrm., cottage 259-7951 EOE LANIKAI - Avail. now. n r 2 BEDROOM house. 6950/ ties.Free brochure. 24 hrs. 1 or 2 bdrm. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 11/2 tropical setting. Steps KAHALUU Beach, In home, share utils. month, partial utilltes in- cious fenced bdrm., ba., prkg. to WAHIAWA office space for PROPERTY wanted, cash apt., pet ok $650-$700 incl yard, $1600 incl. yard ser- 5950/mo incl. water. Avail. bch. $45/day. Call rent. Call 621-0806 or 7 days. 1-800-543-5201. $350/mo. + deposit. 262-2154 cluded. 237-8025 after or terms, Hilo side, Call AVONI Fun, exciting easy, utile. 239-4037 6p.m. vice avail. 7/15, 261-5602 July 7. 247-4798 261-2834. 622-1120 262-8882. Set your own hours. Cali EMONSTRATORS want- Chris 456-2950 d for House of Lloyd. SPARE time business ven- oys, gifts and home decor arty plan. Great hostess ture. People help people rogram. Kit provided. earn income. Call 537-5465. Ab- olutely no investment & POSTAL JOBS $18,392- ake your own hours. Earn $67,125/yr. Now hiring. Call weekly pay check now til (1) 805-687-6000 Ext. P- hristmas. Also booking 4031 for current list. arties. Call 254-1884. EARN Extra Income! PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HOUSEKEEPERS, Wait- Homeworkers needed now! resses/Waiters, Diet Aides, & $3 10: The Nursing Assistants, Main- Send SASE Appliances Carpets Cleaning Electrical Masonry Plumbing Repair Yard Service JLK Co., 1164 Bishop St. tainenance, P/T days, P/T #124, Hon.. Hi. 96813 nights. For info. call Angie AM PM Carpet Service 1. WE service all makes & HOUSEPROUD Cleaning MASON CENTER We spe- KANEOHE AEID Maintenance. We do FREJUS YARO svc. Rea- at 247-6211 M-F, 9-3 p.m, DENTAL asst. chair side. Carpet sales 2. Installations CEILING fan installation. Plumbing. Re models on all major appls. Res./Comml. Reasonable, Free est. Call 395-0395. cialize in general masomy, pairs & remodeling. Lic general household repairs sonable Hedge trimming & Pohai Nani-Kaneohe. lmmed. opening. Will train Aaro Appliance 235-6817 or - new & used. 3. Repairs & Satisfaction foundation, retaining, slab, and yard maint. Painting, hauling. Call 254-6032 restretches Free guar. 623- #C6052 C9153. 239-9262. Free est. EXCL. pay! Over 100 com- Call 261-4605 235-2677 estimates 8185. sidewalk, flower beds, hauling, etc. 262-7991. To 224-2350 panies need home workers/ BARBER Hairstyling 56 to driveway, stonewall, rein- $100. & Hauling. HOME/comml./move-outs. QUALITY work, ceiling forcement rebar. Lowest PLUMBING, home repair & YARD Service distributors now! Call for 58% comm. Paid every wit. REPAIR-BUY-SELL Trade Quality work, reliable, af- fans, fixtures, addl tele- drain cleaning. Call Miracle HOME Improvement repair, Mowing, trimming,hauling amazing recorded msg. Open 7 days 254-4111 Cleaning lines instal. 637-9862 rates possible. To $100. junk. Free es- washers, dryers, ref rig., fordable, refs. 239-9387 668-8708. Maintenance for free est. termite and water damag rubbish and 293-2276, ext. 22. freezer, air cond. Honest! timates. 235-3763. 486-5645 tale-pager. repair. Call 239-5794, leav MAID Svc. now hiring de- COME SEE US! Warranty, Call 239-7479 HOUSECLEANING 1/2 price THE Window Cleaner! Free ISLANDWIDE Electrical. PLASTERING & Masonry. 526-8568. Up to $100. msg. K&D Repair Service pendable people for Wind- with a 6 mo. agreement, ref. reasonable Quality service. Up estimates, To $100. We can fix any problem. To $100. LAWN & Garden reason- ward area. Commission + WE ARE EXPERTS IN TURNING 10 yrs. exp. Call 262-4786. Ph 262-2181. 696-6065, dgt1..288-7356. to $100. 922-8802 rates. able & reliable. Experi- mileage. Flexible hours. YOUR EVERYDAY SKILLS INTO $S Cabinetry A CARREIRA. Home re- enced. 623-0830. Professional Services Ph. 235-8768. COMPFTITHEE SALARIES. J&M Professional Clean- OUTLETS, switches, ALL phases masonry, brick, pairs & painting, One call LONG TERM ARO ers. Homes, offices. move- FEATHER DUSTERS qual- lure installations. Free est. AVON! Free gift, work your SHORT TERM ASSIGNMENTS. WEEKEND stone, concrete work. No we do it all Free est. Call ARO CABINETS, Countertops, outs, commercial, etc Rea- ity housekeepers for people #C-12229 927-1520 PROFESSIONAL Garden own hours, up to 50% profit. EVENING POSITIONS TOW job too big. Free est. & NEED help promoting you 239-4857 GREAT UNDIES & appliances installed & sonable, reliable, refer- who value their homes. services, all phases. Island Call Kathryn 423-0693. consultation 15 yrs. esp. business? I do press re . PAID HEALTH INSURANCE Free est. To $100. ences. We Bonded. 833-1428. wide. 262-6118 more. don't just clean, Dave 262-2642 To $100 leases, PR & promo pieces GERALD'S Home Repair. PERMANENT P/T employee. CHILDCARE suaSier CM&R Co. 226- Floors/rile . ATTENDANCE BONUS Call Mark we CLEAN!!!!" 395-2024. Established professiona Jalousie windows, screens. Shop work. Mechanically 9170 or 955-3499. REFERRAL BONUS PERSONALIZED Res./ writer/consultant. Call Su painting & garbage dispos- TREE Svc. Lrg. removal to inclined. Repair childrens GENERAL CLEANING Comml. Cleaning. Painting Drnamental VACATION A HOLIDAY PAT Bonded CUSTOM ceramic tiling to 263-4146 Initial consulta als. Free estimates. To trimming. coin/carnival rides. Older JOB RE-ENTAT COUNSELING 8 hr. special $94.00. & Carpentry insured. Free estimates. fit your needs/budget. Free lion free. $100. Ph. 536-8907 12yrs. exp. #C14433 Free retirees welcome. Will train. ASK 110111 WORDPROCESSING 4 hr. service $57.00. 927-5825. est. (to $100). 836-8570. PAINTING. Father & son. est. All Paradise Tree Svc. Call Sam 671-3661, TRAINING Call 732-9490. Nice work. Free est. To Call 695-8228. REDWOOD fences &gates & Water rot dam- MERCHANDISER Windows & move in/out. $100. Ph. 455-8971 SPARKLING CLEAN TERMITE P/T, no NEVER A FEE decks, house repairs. Fre Call for price. HOUSECARE Basic Clean- age repair specialists. Free selling. Will train. Ideal est. To $100 Jon 235-5351. Construction Handyman est. To $100. Call Mark It's easy to charge it. Visa/ for housewife Dana's Housekeeping. Paint- ing $35 plus/weekly/bi- or PfT Contracting PACIFIC PARADISE weekly/windows/some ir- CM&R Co. 226-9170 or 955- MasterCard pays for Sun student. Work 15-18 hrs. Western Personnel Services. ers. Custom int.-ext paint- CARPENTRY, ELEC., PLUMB. JL HANDYMAN Svc. Home oning. Also Move put 3499. Press Classified. 235-5656. per wk. Restock our march. Tr knatAnY srav:::: & more, window conversio ing, low rates. Free esti- GENERAL, windows, carpets CHRIS Contracting Inc. repairs & renovation. ter- inspection. 261-3926. Is- in retail stores. to jalousie. Free est. T mates. To $100. Call Bobby CANE chair repair, als HUN° Al EA detailing, move out/in. Spe- General contracting, spe- mite, water rot, dmg., car- landwide. excel. ref. DISTINCT Leeward area. Car nec. $100. Call Mark CM&R Co B: 927-0453 H: 422-8289 rush weave. Professions 5240411 497-6669 cial TLC. 487-9460. cializing custom home pentry, plumbing, elec., quality work guaranteed yard, rock, sprinklers. ISLAND SALES 239-8645 226-9170 or 955-3499. building. ceramic Call All phases of con- tile, drywall paint- DO IT YOURSELF. Plank Call 734-6492. 263-7777 PART TIME EOT; M/F,44,,v HOUSE Cleaning, struction. Lic. #14229. ing. Ph. 236-0052. JAL Services Maint. Co. Gen all types. Free wall paneling T&G kits. $9.00 Per Hour SUNSHINE mature, responsible, refs., est. & insured. The Painting Contractors. Carpentry, redwood fence Phone Fully Oak, Knottypine, incense REMI's Yard Svc.-mowing, General office duties, 20 free est. 737-0657 254-2288 Insured - Lic. cedar, Airomatic cedar &decks. Quality work, reas BOB a Handy Man to know. #C13054. Cali 396-4221 for Sewing/Alterations plant grass, cut trees, haul- hrs per week, flexible 62 Domestic Help Wanted prices. To $100. Call Stev ADON CONSTRUCTION Inside/outside home repair. FREE Estimate. closet lining. Competitive ing, free est. 261-4952 schedule. Telephone reser- 261-2638 SUE'S housekeeping, is- specialized in quality re- We do it right the first time. prices. 254-4954. vations, filing, light CHILDCARE neaueu or land wide. Quality work Ph. 735-2196 SEW Unique. Custom sew bookeeping, etc. Located in great kids. Mililani area modeling/home improve- MEL'S Painting & repairs NW! Gardening & Upscale CARPENTRY, decks. Corn with a personal touch. ment & new construotion. ing. clothing, drapes, alter Cambell industrial Park. Our home or yours some Move in/out our specialty, interior & exterior, dry wall, gardening svc. for your For interview call Gail at wkends. Call 623-9108. plate home repair & remod Lic. #ABC 9911. For appts. carpentry, quality Remodeling ations. Ph 423-2899 eling. Refs., ins. To $100 reasonable, free est., call some total needs. Prompt svc., 682-7223. SKIP BARBER call 236-1110. work, free est., up to $100. SITTER NEEDED for 2 Call Charley 262-6794 Sue 942-9861. Hauling reliable precise. 259-8393 RACING SCHOOL 695-5010 PATIO & new additions, JUDY'S Fashion Creation boys after Summer School PACIFIC Isle Contractors. repair, remodel. Custom Sewing/alteration MODELS needed for fash- from 12-4, Aina Haina to CARPENTRY svc, repairs, TIRED of the same cleaning GOT things in a Clifford Lawn Svc's. Mowing, Specialist in Kitchen & Bath to haul LEE'S Painting 20 years 677-4695 Free p/u & del. 239-5601 CDK ion show. Male/female. Will Hawaii Kai area. House remodeling, etc. ph. service? Call Barb & Jo's hurry! Have no worry, give lwane #C-447. trimming, weeding to $100 822-2007. remodeling/addition. business exp. Lid, #03858. train. 841-2043 avail./walking dist. to Iv. mesg. up to Janitorial Service. Flat Masa a call at 455-9505. Free est. Cliff 455-5190. $100. rates. Ph. 262-8608. C11114206. Ph. 623-4717. Call 247-1454. school. Ph. after 4, REMODELING, Additions, Join discovery toys 396-6896. Termite/Pest Control FRE1TAS YARD SERVICE "CLEAN WINDOWS" INC. TONY'S Painting & Home Wood Decks, #BC12339. Play a SITTER needed D&M CONTRACTING 247-2287 Reasonable hedge trim- by living for 2 small Carpets Prof. service since 1968. Gen. contractor, planning Landscaping improvement. Int./ext. Prof. Call John children, M-F 8-12, willing 10-20% ter- ming & hauling. Call Fun Ilex, part/full time job Call Ron Albert 522-0193 & design service, new and reasonable. Free est. DISCOUNT for working w/children to trade afternoon sitting or mite treatment. Price is low. 254-6032 in edu- CARPET & upholstery homes, additions, remodel- MARK SOUZA LAWNS .3 GARDENS To $100. 625-3626 PROFESSIONAL REMOD- cated toys. pay to $4/hr. 239-6259. Work is professional. Training pro- cleaning. Home, business, BROOM Service - all types ing, all construction Prof. Maintenance & Ren- ELING exper. all phases vided. Unlimited financial Ohana Termite NEED sitter for my 21/2 yr. auto. Independently owned cleaning - Move out Res./ phases. Free est. Lic. ovation & remodeling. "WE ISLAND Budget Painting & rough to finish. We do it all. & Pest Con- FREE tree trimming. Call rewards. & operated. Ask for Roy comml. incl. carpets & win- #14233 & insured Call CARE & IT SHOWS". 254- mildew wash. Qual. wrk. to Top quality to $190. trol (Lic. PC-31) FREE EST. for info. No obligations. old girl. In your Kaneohe 422-2335. dows. Refs. 623-4875 239-4546 4949 eves. $100. Ins. refs. 239-5058 235-0347, 263-8545. (res) 625-9905. 9am-6pm. 261-5342 283-6176 hm. Start 7/2 M-F 6-5. 239-8693 June 28-July 4, 1990 Classified III USED 1990 TOYOTA USED CARS COROLLA '71 CHEVY MALIBU CYTB78 '85 LEBARON TURBO CONY. kunst 6 Cyl, Auto $395 4/C, *na P /$, 4,4/7117, 11PIK IND $3495 '78 PLYMOUTH HORIZON AAXOS4 '89 MITSU. PRECIS MP$173 Auto 01712 $395 4474, 4/C, P/17. Dad* $4595 '82 BUICK SKYLARK arra4o '84 FORD MUSTANG CONY. 6114924 4 DR. SEDANS 6 Cyl, A/C, Auto, P/S, C... Auto, whits $995 $4995 '82 FORD T-BIRD AVY457 '88 NISSAN HARDBODY P/U cum** 4 CyL S Spowl, Low 111.4, Auto. PC 41716 $1295 Greet mai $5375 '84 DODGE RAMPAGE '86 FORD TAURUS GL IAL11422 6WDS27 $1495 e CYL 4/c. 404, PM Super Special $5695 '77 RANCHERO AFF668 '89 FORD RANGER P/U CYB9411 V.A. Auto. *1697 $1595 24441, 4*4 Pawl '6395 '89 FORD TEMPO I.XDfP370 '79 F-100 P/U AA0533 4 1W,14/C, AL64. 0,424000 Mae. $8195 V.A. Auto 111710 $1895 '86 FORD ESCORT WAGON CEV177 '88 CELICA GT NKU374 Low Mileage, OWN, P/54 P/W Mon 5 56444 6441e, New Pad, .1.. $ 1995 /VC, $8395 '84 TOYOTA TERCEL raWS53 '88 CHEVY CAMARO T-TOP DTX32 I 741, Awes. /VC, P/W, P/1, Cr.,la Tit A/c, Auto, 4 D. 74w $2195 $8995 Auto, A/C, P/S, CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. PRICES PLUS TAX, LW. & DOC FEES. GOOD NOW TILL JULY S, 1990. AM/FM Stereo 8 Onlyfito choose from WE FIT YOUR NEEDS ZIPPY'S KOKOMARINA If you go to school, work another job or have GENERAL OFFICE CLERK other obligations but still need extra cash. GREAT BUY Were the job for you. Full time position. Seeking mature minded individual with We are currently hiring F/T & P/T employees to help us take inventory in retail stores excellent numerical aptitude, 10 ONLY $10,495 throughout the state. key and cash handling expe- No experience necessary. We will train. Flex- rience. Mon.-Fri., occasional ible scheduling, promote from within policy. $1000* DOWN Free transportation to job site. Medical ben- weekends. Fast paced job with All cars subject to prior sale. Plus Tax, & $55.00 Lic. Fees. to F/T & P/T employees that Excellent *60 mo. financing 13.75% APR. OAC. Sale ends July 5, 1990. efits available varied responsibilities. PER MON. qualify. We pay $5 PIT, $6 mornings and $5 benefits/salary negotiable. $23101* oat evenings. III &MAU Call Sue at 955-6622 for an appointment IN I 1 This position requires' phone, driver license aa.u.1 CZ, 41 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. & reliable transportation. Applications KAIMUKI TOYOTA I ID oil DowToi.,,--::. so accepted Monday-Friday 10-6pm. ZIPPY'S, INC. A DIVISION OF 111.1.LLAA *[....k WASHINGTON INVENTORY 1765 So. King Street SE1RV) SERVCO PACIFIC SIN IMNIKI:\,r-- SERVICE The Catering Experience bldg. sublet* to prior sole. Sale paces plus tax 905 Umi St. #104. 842-7177 2nd floor. Corner of 6th Ave. & Waialae 735-1737 & Sc. lees. uberai Ilnancing available. 765 Kam Hwy. #104.455 -6563 An equal opportunity employer.

126 Miscellaneous 62 Domestic Help Wanted LE64 Domestic Jobs Wanted 120 Home Furnishings GA RAG E SA BABY sitter, Sat. eves. my QUALITY Childcare, Ige. CLIFF'S Economy Furn. & Kailua home for 6 mos. girl fenced yard. Kailua/Aikahi Thrift Shop. 1716 N. King & 5 yr. boy. 262-0006 area. 18 mos.+, F/T & P/T. MOVING? St. Ph. 841-4443. Ph. 254-9999 HOKULELE CHRISTIAN sitter LINGERIE chest $90, chair UTTER JEEP EAGLE We needed on/near Hlckam CHILDCARE Kaneohe, M- Buy Fine COMMUNITY $40, cabinet $95, table AFB, Monday-Friday. F, 6-5 FT/PT, meals/ $35, excl. 262-7871. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 423-1164 snacks. Call 236-0327. Quality Used Sat., June 30 TILE, Ceramic, white, bev- Furniture. eled, 10 inch, 1500 tiles 64 Domestic Jobs Wanted 120 Home Furnishings 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fast, Free $1.75 ea. 261-0130 WILL babysit PAT'S Furniture and Thrift Pick-up. 12 Homes WANT to have a Tupper- in Hawaii Kai home, M-F, Shop. We buy & sell! 87-139 ware party? Call Arelene ATE call 395-1234. Hookele St., Main. Ph. 668- participating 623-8221 PARADISE USED 2006. DOLL House-huge tudor EXP. morn will give quality FURNITURE Maps available childcare! In my Kaneohe SET for 12 Noritake China, style, on wheels. $100, skim home. M-F. 235-8294. plus bowls, $300. Black-on- at entrance. board $20, 261-4469. a white 254-3357. CHILDCARE, Kailua area. 235-8056 Follow Kahuhipa WEDDING gown, like new, KING bed, sz. 8 was $900 new, asking lic. full time only. 18 mo. & single bed, Mauka of up. 263-4606 walnut end table, 2 Rattan $300. 531-6002 GET UP TO Kahekili Hwy. side chairs, BBQ Grill. WINDWARD Antiques, We VERTICAL Mini Blinds 50% WILL baby sit in my home, 262-7749. $2000 REBATE buy/sell jewelry antiques, Discount! Ai AMR, F/T only M-F 6-5. Call MULTI-FAMILY 72 x 84 PVC $99. on selected models LAZ-Y-BOY recliner, excl. gold, silver & repair clocks. Yard Sale. Ken Hatch 254-2080. 833-5432 6/25 only. 9 a.m. -5 p.m. 4- cond. $120. Call 671-8859 Call 262-5526. EXP. loving daycare pro- poster k.waterbed w/liner, MARBLE, Italian white Car- OR or 684-0230 RATTAN beautiful 5 pc. mirror, heater, bkshelf, rara (wht. w/gray veins) vided avail. Days/eves. living room set $550. Sofa, AS LOW AS Pearlridge area. 18 mos. & PINE Bunk Beds: 3 styles sheets incl. $500. 5-pc. 12x12 floor tiles $5.50 per chair, tables. 734-1554. sq. up. TLC given. 487-8309 to choose from. $299 com- rattan Ivrm. $400, desk, 2 ft. Ph. 949-7383. ,2.9% FINANCING plete. Ph. 293-9347. 8' SOFA & loveseat, like dresser-1 lingerie. Asst. Services clothing, LANDSCAPING & house OAC CHILDCARE new $300; king sz. hdbd. toys, hsehold plants, (potted). Reason- Baby sitting - your child our LARGE 3pc. sofa set. Deep items, books & more. 1058 Of r. 239-5601 able. Call 623-4390. e97063 home nights only. 6 p.m.- chocolate brown, very du- Mokapu Blvd. 254-2604 rable. High back design. 6 a.m. 623-3976 8' SOFA w/pillows mauve, eves. desk & clocks; exec. Includes sofa, loveseat KOA & almost new, $250, 262- desk; teak media desk; NEC WILL babysit in my Ka- chair. Very comfortable. 7582. BABY things, toys, P CHEROKEE clothes, misc. 6/30 8-3 H03 computer; conference neohe home. TLC. Call 235- Sold for $2250 new, first table; loveseats. Call 5186. $550 takes it. Ph. 261-7198. LOST Hawaiian pendant Ka Awakes Rd. Kaimipono. Around En- 263-6633 NOW AT 735 DILLINGHAM GARAGE SALE, Sat only, WILL provide loving re- CAPTAINS Bed, twin size, chanted Lake area. If seen PARTY tent 20x20 or 30x30 so sponsible care for your all wood w/mattress. $125/ Call 262-7232. 6/30, 9am-5pm, odds & ends. NO EARLY BIRDS! rental. 12' kid's party octa- DOWNTOWN child. Exper., 262-7871. car. 236-0327. MONIXULLI SCANLINE tble. w/hutch 739 Hoopuni Dr. Kailua. gon trampoline. 396-8066 BUNSEN WILL baby sit in my home, Rattan chairs $125 ea. KING FRENCH Provincial dine $475, GLOBE meat slicing ma- AMR, F/T only M-F 6 -5. Call set, table, 8 chairs, hutch. much more, 239-7544. MOVING SALE. 6/30. 9 am-3 pm Twin mattress, chine, auto, $800. Royfax 833-5432. Make offer. LILIHA DILLINGHAM Must sell now box springs, hdboard, bond Copier 115, $850. Need someone 263-3719 *********** to take care PICNIC TABLES dishes, toys, books, Sears 50" TV, $800 of 1 adult,at home from TATAMI for sale, lamps, baby crib, etc. 242 259-7369. PICK HONOLULU 2pm-12:30am. 235-5420 8- Heavy-duty finely #97009 1990 EAGLE SUMMIT LUNG COMMUNITY 4 each good shape. Anapalau Pl. COLLEGE 2 949-7975. finished starting @ $99. BASKET OUTLET. DIS- All cars subject to prior sale. Plus tax, lic.. a dot fees. 'Prices include factory rebate on Many styles & lengths CLOTHES, basketball COUNT prices on hampers, advertised cars. Sale ends July 5, 1990. EXP. sitter, 2 days per VERTICAL BLINDS - 50% Hawaii backboard, elec. type- chairs baskets & more. wk. in my Mililani home, writer, Discount! Fabric 76 x 84 Swings & Tables couch, file cabinet, Open Sat. 10-4 Above Au. 4. ref. 625-1600. $124. Ken Hatch 254-2080. misc. Sat.. 6/30, 1144 Akui la Wayne's carpet on the 735 Dillingham 110 11,1 293-8392 Pl., Kailua 8-2. corner of Nimitz & Sand Blvd. *********** Island Road. CHRYSLER MULTI Family Garage Sale: Mon-Sat 8:30am-9:00pm BEAUTICIAN/MANICURIST 370 Kailua Rd., lots of toys, FOR SALE - Comics!!! 842-6300 Dodge jeeP Tfuths & Large Dodge Eagle Plymouth 122 Travel quality clothing; sofabed Selection!! 'A Guide, Sunday 9:OOam- 6:OOpm for beautiful new Aloha Health more. 8:30-12:30, Sat., 6/30 396-8191. Care Center. Needs patient, CONTINENTAL Air round SAT 8-5, turn., clothes. PARTY Favors, kids wear & trip, HNL to Syracuse NY toys, misc. 237 Aikane St. accessories, more info Kea- caring individual to work part $475. Call 655-0218 w. or Kailua. Call 254-4668. tons Precious Creations 262-0476 eves. Ph. 537-1811. CAR PAYMENT time. 2 days a week. Must be GARAGE Sale: Sat., 6/30, 8:30-3, 1364 Onioni St. Kai- EXERCISE Rower - Amerec licensed. Moser lua, misc. & furn. Tunturi, new. Call 235-3264 Contact Kristin GARAGE SALE eves. RELIEF! Activity Director SUPER Garage Sale, Swing, Stove' Refrig., & AMWAY Products deliv- MOVING out sale, Sat., ered. Money back guaran- 9 Truck Rack 56"w x 80"1, top 6/30, a.m.-3 p.m., 2576C teed. Call 487-5241. Is your Loan pay-off greater than jkatac571e0261 Cane Moffett Pl., KMCAS Kailua. 104". Lots of other goodies. Coto 6/30 from 9am-3pm. 5550 the value of your car? LOTS of bargains, ATTENTION Large groups, Kalanianaole Hwy., Niu high schools etc. Mans or Trade? _11?. 247-6661 938 Kahili St. Valley. Unable to Sell Kailua Sat., 8 a.m. used formal wear shoes. All PLANTS & Miscellaneous sizes white, silver black. $8 for sale at 462 Keaniani St. pr. Bring this ad in 8 get AVOID REPOSSESSION, '88 Chevy Sprint in Kailua. 6/30, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. $1 off. At Aloha Stadium Auto, A /C, AM FM, 44 MPG P -759 $3900 Flea Mkt. 6/30 & 7/1 or call SAVE YOUR CREDIT! YARD Sale, 625-2998 or 834-5982. Sat., 8-12 only. Financial Firm can take-over '88 Nissan Sentra 1548 Alapapa, Lanikai. ENCYCLOPEDIA-Investing 4 Dr, Auto, A/C, P/S, Cloth MNT020 55000.E in a set for your child? Make Auto Loans & Leases SAT. June 30, 8-2 1247 your decision after examin- Mowai St. Kailua. Multi ing the new book of knowl- '88 Nissan Sentra Wagon family Household items. edge. Call 486-5024. Ask Auto, A/C, T/Wheel, Cloth, Family GARAGE sale, Sat -Sun about our back to school Economy P-831 $5500 6/30-7/1. baby items, twin special. CREDIT LINE SERVICES stroller, full brass bed, FOR sale, electric hospital '88 Suzuki Samuari Jeep misc. 94-1025 Anania Cir. bed w/trapeze apparatus, Super Clean & Low Miles, An #54, Mililani, 521-5944 8am -2pm. $800, 2 mo. old, 261-1200. Affordable 4x4 HLE210 $58001%1 3 FAMILY yard sale, 6/30- 1 TWIN mattress/box 7/1, Sam -?, 4926 Kaena Lp. spring $75; 30" all wd. tbl., '83 Chevy El Camino Schofield. 147 Sporting Goods 2 chairs, $75; Working sm. 141 Video Taping A/C, AM/FM, T/Wheel, No rust, MOVING Sale: 41-1702 Ka- spinning wheel, $60; Oak T THIS PRICE YANKEE Doodle Special! It's easy to charge it. Visa/ California car 2F82269 $6500 Ian ianaole Hwy , Waimana- Copy ice box, $75. Transfer your home MasterCard pays for Sun 1 1, Sat. 261-1254 movies lo, June 30 & July Press Classified 235-5656. $4988 8 Sun., 9 to 3 p.m. to video and get one FREE '86 Ford Mustang Cony. LX $79000%. '89 CXR 130, CXR116 AMWAY Products, environ- VHS tape with your min MOVING Sale: All Power Options P-616 MITSUBISHI CXR171 rattan furn., mentally safe. Prompt imum VHS order. 10 con- SAILBOARDS: Seatrend plants, Fuji bike, dishes, friendly svc. Call Bill venient locations. Call 9'11" $300. Dave Hill 8'6" 4 Dr. H/Backs etc., Sat. Only, June 30, all 263-6015. Econ Photo Ph. 239-4295. Tri-Fin. $160. 263-4382 '86 Honda Prelude day. 95-325 Kahlkinui P/S, AM/FM Cas, Sunroof CDC572 Court HOME BREW KIT. Make $8000 #222 your own beer. It's easy. "A GIGANTIC 504 Sale & $80. Call 671-8859 or 144 Musical Instruments 148 Water Sports '86 Yolks Vanagon TOP VALUE USED TRADES Equipment Bargain Barn. St. Pius X 684-0230 Dual Air, AM/FM Cass, just 23,000 Miles. Church, 2821 Lowery Ave., DRUMS R. hardware, new '81 Toyota Starlet and used. Buy 8 Sell. Drum KAYAK rental. Very stable Extra Sharp P-705 Manoa. 988-2651. Sunday, t27 Miscellaneous $900014%* Fully Factory Equipped BFB972 $988 July 1, 2-5 p.m. lessions. Fred's Pro Drums. touring. 1 8 2 man kayak. Wanted Call 533-7550. Karel's Fiberglass 789 Kai- '75 Olds Cutlass Cpe. lua Rd. 261-8424 '89 Jeep Wrangler 6 Cyl, T/Wheel, Radio, 4x4, Steal It!! Auto, P/S, A/C + More AEJ009 $688 125 Home Appliances CASH 146 Boats-Supplies/ The Hunter pays top dollar Services 151 Pets-Everything CYB622 $9500 '77 MGB Cony. APPLIANCE Sale! New & for your unwanted items. Cars to Plus Lic., and New Top, Nice + More CTS033 $1988 Used. Elec. & Gas. Best 764 Kailua Rd. 262-4868 GLASPAR Boat 131HP 275 AKC Tiny Toy subject prior sale. tax, doc. tees Prices! KND 842-1996 leg, runs super. Great Poodle Puppy $600. WAHIAWA iftaktil '84 Ford T-Bird dry. Best Call 247-0051 130 Antiques-Art ocean boat, stays Auto. A/C + More CSN350 $2988 offer. 239-9201 Randy with 126 Miscellaneous PUPS Pointer male 6 mo.; 621-0020 glittmog114411121 '85 Fiero Sport Cpe. Volvo access. Pontiac WINDWARD ANTIQUES Pitbull/terrier, male 4 mo: N. $3888 INDUSTRIAL power sew- Now Buying Alaskan- Fluffy Cana Graphic Eq. + More CBS031 ing machine. Straight LET'S GO FISHING 31' Kittens. 668-7222 tNd American Indian. Hawaiia- . $275, 499-1219. boat, licensed Capt. Mil- ENGLISH .Tow * * * '85 Olds Cutlass Ciera LS na. Swords. silver. watches. itary/Kamaaina rates. You Springer Span- SEARS washer & dryer, like art work. gold. bronzes. iel. 6 mo. old, to a good Auto, A/C, Tilt, Alloy + More CAJ541 $3988 keep the fish, 486-4854 1-Aula new, has transferrable glass. clocks. rare 8 home. Has papers, shots & a '88 Hyundai Excel GS maintenance agreement; 4 unusual. 262-5526. J:LASSY 26ft. Sailboat. wormed. Asking $300, Se- giftwai 961 Center St Nom Mr/. pc. dresser set, complete Evanrude 0/B, sails, rig- rious inquiries only. Patti (To Nh.e) (To M 1.4n 1) A/C, Sport Seats, Alloys + More PFY417 $3988 qn. size water bed, almost ging, all new. Hauled 1990. 533-0713 Wahiawa 132 Computers new; 10 spd. Best ofr. 247-4058 ladies bike; FREE: kittens, ginger & '88 Ford Thunderbird Sears exercise bike. Ph. CWG936 COMPUTER; IBM XT Com- BOAT repair or any fiber- tortoise. Kailua Ph. Auto, A/C, P/W, P/D, P/S, Low Miles + More $8688 677-8865. plete System, many extras. glass or epoxy work. Karel's 261-7175. 151 Pets-Everything 156 Auto Service/Parts 166 Pickups, Trucks $1500. Fiberglass Rd. FILTER Queen Vacuum 263-4382 789 Kailua IN need of quality afforda- PURE breed AKC German REUSABLE inline coolant SELL or trade '88 Dodge Caravan SE Must sell $250 261-8424 your Tick Cost $850. ble vet care? Dr. Eric Pear- Shepherd without papers, filter. Prolongs RADIATOR paid for or not. Call V-6, 7 Pass., Auto., A/C + Much. Much More CTD603 $9588 Call 735-4651 or 926-7292 Cuter 133 Jewelry & Clothing 14' HOBIE Cat with trailer son's Home Pet Svc. 235- $125, 31/2 yrs. old. Good LIFE, Eliminates clogging. Dodge PC 455-1071 to Prier Sale O.A.C. Sale ends July 5, 1990 . *After Fader, Illebeles. MOM 8457 Islandwide. family dog. Call 247-8106. 239-8604 Iv. msg. lonsedlele Delivery. Price Fees WANNA sell your furni- & accessories $1,000 Call MIKE" Flaw'-s. Ms TeX. ug.asImas am ALII Jewelry Pawn. Top 254-2258. '83 FORD Ranger, Long- ture? Call 235-8056 Para- LGE. selection mix breed bed, P/S, P/B, 65K, dise Used Furniture. Cash for Jewelry, Gold, PUPS tiny/medium terrier PORSCHE Auto Parts New $2900. Diamonds, Estate Jewelry. IVANKO weight set, $100, dogs & cats for adoption. Doberman/shepherd femal Call 261-1364. VACUUM Visit Haw'n Humane Socie- 8 Used. Call for low prices. Cleaners, like Asia Mall 1250 Maunakea exercycle $50, Call 261- Retriever/mix. 668-7222. 486-3448. UTTER MITSUBISHI $24.95 ty. Open 7 days a week. new 8 up with guar- St Downtown. Ph. 533- 6626. 171 Motorcycles, Mopeds antee. Ph. 735-6452. 7699. FREE Sailing Lessons to FREE: Kitten/adult cat. 156 Auto Service/Parts 166 Pickups, Trucks Scooters WAIPAHU 671-2626 2 SEARS boys' 10 speed GENIUNE deep blue Sap- purchasers of 21' Mac Gre- Both Tabby. Male, 12 bikes $50 ea., student's phire, precious stones gor sloop. Trailer. Top con- weeks, orange. Female. GO LUBE Mobile Auto 83' DATSUN pickup , neeas '84 YAMAHA 50cc moped fad desk w/chair $30. Ph. 261- 7.8 kt., authentication dition. $3975 At KYC adult,spayed, shots 625- Lube, reas. rates. At you work $1,400 /firm. good cond. $225/best ofr. 0289 after 5 p.m. papers. 422-4902/422-8637. 262-7745 0696 home or bus. 235-5679. Call 247-7260 Call 262-5302. Classified IV June 28-July 4, 1990 USED TOYOTA RAINBOW WAIPAHU AUTOMOBILE CENTER Chevrolet Toyota Suzuki Geo Used Cars Parts & Service "ONE STOP SHOPPING AT UNBELIEVABLE PRICES

PRESENTS Ge° ... PRY RED° HEVROLET 45. T1 N Fl ST LOWER PRICES TIME BUYERS HAWAII'S #1 AV --M. 7Ilk\\ A,""9,* VOLUME 401111.11111.1- 40111111.11 ,14,w SALEI DEALER 14 - 1990 Geo Storm 2+ 2 Coupe P/Brakes, 5 Spd., A/C, Flrmats More

*0-6147 $9895* -11111ii ATTENTION

-191110$ leALL CREDIT UNION 1989 1988 Toy MEMBERS Fully Reconditioned Toyota Camry Corolla THIS WEEKEND ONLY Covered By Ext. Warranty CREDIT UNION SALE $9995* Mechanically Checked By 6595* '90 Chevy 5-10 Ext. Cab MILITARY FINANCING HD Air, P/S, AM/FM, Air, P/S, 4.3, Auto, A/C, P/Steer, P/Brakes, Aux Springs, Licensed Mechanics Shocks, HD Rad, Rally Whsl, Int. Wiper + More MORE ... AM/FM 10 Geo PrIzm 4 Door OUR SPECIALTY LSI Interior & Exterior Trim, Much CWU311 MORE ... Auto, P/S, NC, CERTIFIED USED TOYOTA Much More #0-6215 $11 995* CUU531 #9-2471 (Demo) DCP-603 . Must Sell Used ...... 70 $8895* r . Toyota's by July 1st. I COUPON $2UU Hurry, For Awesome BONUS 1 Savings! t ADDITIONAL I 1 FOR MILITARY New '89 Geo Tracker 4x4 customer T/Glass, P/Steer, P/Brakes, LSI Group, AM/FM, 5. 1990 1 Jury A/Cond., Cass, WL Tires, Int. Wipers 2 Dr. Coupe is completed '90 Chevy Cavalier 1 E''Pires After deaf 111101M Tilt Steer, P/Locks. Coupon 0 ... Auto, A/C, FIr. Mats, Clip & Present 09-2453 $11,995* Plus Tax & Lic. Subject AM/FM Cass, RS Pkg., B/S Mold, cash. ol coupon not P/Windows, and get S200 tor use P.C. Includes cy & all factory rebates. combinable + More w/special finance rates, Includes special GliAAC First Time to prior sale. tads July 2, 1980, Int. Wiper 10 required row Amp rem I 1988 Toyota MilitarY idsil 99,090. tem. Buyers Aasistance Rebates 6 essnitance on selected 1989 Toyota is only adld wars Ir. Tercel 11/8 5 dr. This coupon models. Subject to prior male plus tax, license, $129 doc Tercel Coupe #0-6603 $10,895* lee. Sale good to 75/90. Cars not exactly as shown $5895* $6295* TRANSPORTATION "DA KINES- TRUCKS. VANS. 4X4 Air, P/S, AM/FM, MORE ... Air, P/S, AM/FM, MORE... BFG712 MPN148 SPECIALS (OTHER KINDS) & WAGONS Too 111 a 111,/ to list dovin We have more -cia Rine'. in stock Plus more to choose from WAIPAHU TOYOTA WAIPAHU AUTO '80 DODGE MIRADA '75 LINCOLN '70 CHEVROLET STEP VAN ccw-557 $40 AEB-878 $1295 Std. Trans, Radio, Must See 586-TDT PH. 677-3161 PH. 671-2871 $995 '77 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS $ '83 PONTIAC 1000 2 DR. '85 VW QUANTUM S/W 94-757 Farrington Hwy. Chevrolet/Geo I I BFJ-58 4 Cyr. 4 Spd . Radio, Low Miles. AWE-264 $1495 Auto, A/C, /S, & More. CNT-009 $2595 94-757 Farrington Hwy. '75 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK IV $50 '85 MERCURY TOPAZ LS '85 TOYOTA TERCEL WAGON ARY-909 A/C, P/S. Cruise & More. CSA-224 $1895 Auto, Air, Radio. BXJ-801 $3895 '83 '82 TOYOTA 4X4 TRUCK SR5 Auto and Pickup '82 FORD ESCORT 4 DR. FORD MUSTANG GLX Fleet Sales and Brokerage BDW-321 $600 V-6. Auto. P/S, Radio. AVA-319 $2295 5 Spd.. P/S, AM/FM Cass. BGC-045 $4995 '81 CHEVROLET MALIBU 4 DR. '84 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. '88 NISSAN PICK-UP JEEP CHRY BEV -081 $600 Auto. P/S. Air. BTW-661 $2495 Low Miles. CWW-251 $5595 '79 CHEVROLET MALIBU '85 DODGE DAYTONA '86 JEEP CHEROKEE 4 DR. 4X4 CEJ-702 $600 Auto, A/C, P/S. Cass. LFP-744 $2695 5 Spd., A/C_, P/S, Radio. DGD-629 $5995 '80 DATSUN 8210 '84 VW RABBIT STI '85 DODGE CARAVAN PLY DODGE AEA-026 AM/FM Cass. BVC-569 $2995 Low Mileage, Must Seel BYA-593 $6295 Must contact MARSHALL BAGGS, '83 NISSAN SENTRA '84 MAZDA 626 LX 4 DR. '85 FORD BRONCO 4X4 BYX-015 Auto, A/C, P/S, Cass. BVT-198 $2995 4 Spd., Air, Cass. DBA-254 $ a 495 CALL 1-800-962-9136 '81 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO '84 FORD MUSTANG LX '84 CHEVY BLAZER 4x4 ALEXANDER MOTORS, 2340 NE Auto. CXY -298 $700 V-6, Auto, A/C. MHT-472 $3395 4 Spd., AM/FM Cass CRJ-592 $6595 Sandy, Portland, OR 97232 '81 CHEVY CHEVETTE 4 DR. '86 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 DR. '86 FORD TAURUS S/W BFB-075 $700 Auto, P/S, A/C & More CDG-987 $3995 V-6, Auto, P/S. CPX-631 $6995 No Sales Tax. Phone Quotes. Fleet Prices. Since 1946 '81 DODGE ARIES S/W '87 FORD TEMPO 4 DR. '87 FORD F150 PICK-UP We Deliver Anywhere. 4 Cyl., Radio. CEJ-702 $700 Auto, A/C, P/S, Radio. CJY-607 $4995 Auto, A/C. PAT $8495 and '85 CHEVY SPRINT 2 DR. '86 PONTIAC FIREBIRD '85 CHEVROLET K20 PICK-UP 4X4 CRA-654 $900 V-8. P/S, Cass. CFR-782 $4995 Auto. P/S. Stereo. CUA-277 $8495 171 Motorcycles, Mopeds 175 Vans, Campers, Oregon Dealer 51649 1313 W. Burnside '73 DATSUN 240Z '87 PONTIAC FORMULA FIREBIRD '87 FORD AEROSTAR Auto, A/C, P/S, Cass & Morel CGG-778 %ir Auto, A/C. KEB-953 & Scooters Jeeps, 4 WD (503) 295.5556 Portland, Oregon 97209 BEC-850 $900 $659K $9395 its easy to charge it. Visa/ HONDA MasterCard pays for Sun ST. "Come Ride With Us" Press Classified. 235-5856. "6 Automobiles for Sale Ford 630 PIIKOI 522-5400 HONDA MOPEDS SELL or trade your Ford CORNER OF KAPIOLANI & PIIKOI NEW & USED 72 VW Van $1100. Runs * X44 * paid for or not. Call Cutter great, good cond. Call STORE -SAT. 8:30 p.m. BEST DEALS IN HAWAII * Dodge PC 455-1071, K?e° M0 a.m.-9:00 Dean catrOLET 623-8873/eves. .54,a4 Emee4 '73 THUNDERBIRD, runs HOURS SUNDAY 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. good, looks good $900 or 671.2691 SUZUKI 250 Quad racer, low mileage, like new best ofr. 239-9292 $1600. Ph. 262-2821 '74 LTD '81 YAMAHA 650 Special, $525 consider otter. Kerker exhaust, runs/looks 78 FORD Bronco askingg [4:1 Call 261-7884. #1 DDGEO DEALER good. Needs some work $3000/offer. Take as is Call ;TA $450/best offer. 486-9123 239-9768 '79 MUSTANG. needs * /910101A1W011AeL56 ere leave message. work. Best offer. Call 926- CUTTER DODGE IN HAWAII '84 KAWASAKI dirtbike, * AN esitcsK mr#5to $01 3047 or 262-4291. '83 HONDA Nighthawk, reeds, gearing, pipe si- * WI COME 11.451 bN * '81 FAIRMONT. air. cond. blue 650 incl. cover, faring, lencer, good cond. $800. * '11110910/4 148406 MB good condition, auto. ask. more. Asking $1500 Neg. Call Mike/Chad, 259-9622. S700. 623-1378. 422-2292. 11110(1111/ FOY-532 Mel * '87 DODGE Grand Cara- WICITOu '83 FAIRMONT, 4 dr. sedan, 4 '84 KAWASAKI dirtbike, van. 7 pass., pampered * Kiakesiestr 301-101 t4rS 'r excl. cond. $3000 firm. Call reeds, gearing, pipe si- cond., lo mi. Best ofr. * 7t sow re Crif464 ens .41 254-4697 247-4058. lencer, good cond. $600. * 'HOMO BU-515 NR * '84 MUSTANG, 6 cyl., auto Call Mike/Chad, 259-9622 '87 VANAGON GL, auto., IllsCollasr/u WX416 Mfg * new tires, excl., $3200/of r. Call 261-2252. '88 YAMAHA IT 200. Excel- AM/FM Cass., A/C, Tinted * llama 119-193 HOS * lent cond. Fun & easy to Windows, $12,000/ofr. * WAWA KUM SIM * '89 ESCORT 4 spd. ride. A steal at $995. 395-1234. 2,300 'mimesis 5eise * mi. great cond. $4,995/offer * BRAND NEW 1990 CARAVAN PASSENGER WAGON BRAND 1990 239-9920. Call 263-3072 NEW COLTS '87 FORD Aerostar Van, Hee Haw - Come on Immac. cond. $8200 or best down. KaPioieni neWen hss offer. 486-2179 that low down, no down, Honda Parts and Repairs. All * #10968 10 to choose from '87 MITSUBISHI Cargo * E-Z term Interest tree $112,685 makes, $5985 Motor Cycles and financing for the muie of '81 ACCORD, 5 spd. std. Van, 32,000 mi., excl cond., * 44 Mopeds. $6500/ofr., 423-2039 eves. your dreams. Next to the shift. 3 dr. H/B, $1500/ofr. Bey Cc. 235-8128 Kaneohe 235-1531 Kaneohe 7-Beeen. '84 Ford LTD '79 Datsun 280ZX SELL PUY '82 ACCORD, 5-spd. H/B, (behind Jock In The Box) 176 Automobiles for Sale BJT669 #5945 AEP846 #5922 Pearl City 458-4808 TRADE CONSIGN AM/FM, Good. cond. Bonded deice uc es * $2500. 262-9745 (mixt 10 Plus Hut) GOVERNMENT Seized/ * Wouldn't you rather be Wing * Surplus vehicles as low mule from Kapiolara MAC '83 CIVIC, 4 dr. coup. Runs as 1 $21195 $2995 $257 De. Good beach car, 1 ; 173 Auto Announcements Cadillacs, Fords, Mer- 44-744 Kaneohe hey good. N, W %\ IIV, \\I cedes, Chevys, BMW's, raneohe, II WM e[ some rust. $500/offer. Call i 1:17.i/iv 4, Porsches, Trucks, Vans. Bruce, eves. 947-2576 "Hilo '87 Nissan Sentra '88 Chevy Corsica ,\N GUARANTEED AUTO LOANS \''''\ 1111/ Amazing Recorded Phone 235-9999 \'\t \ I 11 No one refused, 1-900 -820- '85 PRELUDE 5-spd, silver 1,11;1;1,,,,I.,,; CGC522 #5924 HKE894 #5895 ....,,"\\\\ \ \A\ \ \ i/;',/// \ Message Reveals Details. w/grey cloth int. A/C, Sun- CARS, S3/call, money back 926-4820 ext. Min NO CR * 76. 948-4320 roof, stereo/cass. ', I I guarantee. WNW "T` Excl. 11,,,,,77,,, MI4818 cond. inside/out. 66,000mi. , -,- $3995 l, 0, ,, ....\\ , $5895 \\\\\IIIIII/\,\\ ..... Cover Incl. Must see $6500/ "N. ///7/ '>,..-..- ********** \\\ _ ofr. 293-8262. ----"\\\ up To Family .\\ '84 Mazda 62611a 89 Nissan Sentra -z--_:::, , s / . .,.---...;--. 15 ACCORD (3 dr.), clean, MMM564 #5950 CWE924 #5926 :-.7=1 ' - AMC NC, stereo/cass., ...more. \ AS LOW AS Motors Call 254-2247 '80 EAGLE S/W, low mi., $3995 Financing! E3, E4 A Above! $5995 Special new paint, many new parts. SELL or trade your Honda 0 $1200, 293-9347. paid for or not. Call Cutter Dodge PC 455-1071. 0 '84 Ford T-Bird 89 Mitsu. Precis LS/ MPS221 #5797 -->"; I BMW '69 ACCORD 2dr., Coupe BXP171 #5923 N -- LCI. Fully loaded, new 4yr. -, -----. Financini---, 14 CHEVY '84 DODGE '877, 325E, 13,000 mi. mint warranty. Must sell. Best --;-,' $4295 $5995 -,",;%",/ ii/11/1\\ CNEVETTE 4 DR. cond., leather, loaded! Must otter. 521-3660. ;//////4111\M 2 Dr. Auto, P/S See! Call 263-4031. './,'/' " C911733 CTS8119 Maeda \ '87 Toyota Tercel '89 Dodge Colt Wagon ' V ''' /////11111 \ /,, /it , . \ Buick /// ', r /I \ \ CGY873 #5862 DBU603 #5943 2 '/ ' ii I I \\\\\ ' \\\s V////:;;;;;Iii 11 VW '80 628, dr., A/C, AM/FM, t '\ i 11 MAZDA runs well. Must sell $900/ ://'; /11°I.:1 \V, \\ s. JETTA 828 SELL or trade your Buick :'\ IV \I $4595 paid for not. Cutter ofr. 396-6642 \ \ \\ $6595 2 Dr. or Call Ij 1'11! 2 Dr. ' I ITP0213 Dodge PC 455-1071. '81 OLC auto., 4 dr. low mi., 1 1 '' \ '\\\ 1F1773 \ . $1000/ofr. Call 449-8485, '88 Plymouth Colt '88 IsUzu 12 Century. Excl. cond. M-F. Trooper CU U260 #5862 CWS102 '84 POIIMAC 12 CHRYSLER clean, new trans., sunroof. #5824 $3800/ofr. 477 -8604 (w), 81' OLC hatchback BOW LEBARON CONY. 834-5317 (h). $400 or best ofr. Auto. A/C, 4 Dr. Auto. P/S. Tilt, A/C. P/W Call 261-6691 $5595 $9895 1U1104 111118694 Chevrolet '86 RX7 GX 2+2, auto., loaded, silver & blk. $8900/ '89 Ford Escort LX '90 Dodge Caravan 'SS TOYOTA ofr. 'B3 MUZU SELL or trade your Chevy 737-8376 eves. 445BEV #5896 DDJ712 #5964 TERCEL IMPULSE paid for or not. Call Cutter 3 Dr. A/C, P/C, P/W Dodge PC 455-1071. Mercury CCS707 $5895 $14,695 '79 CORVETTE, T-Top. red 79 280E. Good $7000 priced to go. Call condition. '85 NISSAN $8500 or best offer. Subject to prior sale. Good thru 7/5 90. Rebates and special financing on after 5 p.m. 621-9435 533-0713. selected models and are not combinable with any other sale. All cars plus '85 BUICK SENTRA tax, lic.. and $129 doc tees. OAC to qualified customers. Auto, Tilt Wheel, '86 CAVALIER $8500, H/13, A/C, Bucket Seats cond. Call CCAI56 AM/FM Stereo air, auto, great Mercury SYJ210 624-6436. '84 CAPRI, 2 dr. NIB, A/C, '87 PONTIAC V6, PAN, 52,500 mi. $3500/ '85 HONDA ofr. 395-6970 Pearl Pearl City FIERO city Police St ttfort ACCORD Crrfrr Auto, P/S, Tilt Wheel POST Gas L.- S4995 IIT6709 '811 LEBARON, fully loaded 88 TRACER, 2 dr. H/B, 0111887 excl. cond., $5200/ofr. Call uto, A/C, excel, cond., OF FlCE Expru, 837-7686. aka ofer pymnt., 621-3025. 921 Kam Hwy, 1> SPECIAL MILITARY FINANCING Classics d Antiques NEW IN HAWAII?! Nissan Pc.,rt C.ty '86 RAMBLER, 4dr., good FAIR CREDIT - NO CREDIT - SO-SO CREDIT'? SELL or trade your Nissan WE ARE EXPERTS IN FINANCE condition $750. Call paid for or not. Call Cutter INCLUDING BANKRUPTICIES 259-9087. Dodge PC 455-1071.

Now Now ne.lely Ism Dodge Oldsmobile In House Financing Instant Delivery SELL or trade your Dodge Plus Tax & Lk. Subject to Sale Call 80 CUTLASS, V8, P/S, Prior for Directions paid for or not. Call Cutter Toyota Toyota Toyota Open 7 Days a weeks a.en.-* Swedes/. 11 a.=.-4 /8, tilt, P/W, auto trans, Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen p. . Dodge PC 455-1071. lk. Interior /exterior. Very 94-267 lean, must It's easy to charge it. Visa/ SELL or trade your Toyota '81 CLASSIC Sunchaser, work charge it. BUS automatic, 144 Farrington Hwy. at Leokane '85 COLT, Hatchback 5 spd. see to appre- 78' RABBIT, needs It's easy to Visa, 77 good good looking, reliable car. iate. $2000/firm. Days MasterCard pays for Sun paid for or not. Call Cutter Targa top, A/C, 5 spd., $400 or best ofr. Call 261- MasterCard pays for Sun cond. with mags. $700/best Waipahu, I-11 96701 Ph: 676-1600 First $1950 takes it. Call 54-5709, eve. 247-1456, Press Classified. 235-5656. Dodge PC 455-1071. $4900 /offer. 395-1231 6691. Press Classified. 235-5656. ofr. 262-5302. 261-4923. sk for Stan. '1,

B-10 HAWAII MARINE June 28, 1990

HAWAIIAN HAPPINESS. JOY. LOVE. V PHONE PERSON A simple toy can Hear "Talking" personals mean the difference Hawaiian men & women. Record your own ad! 24-hrs from between happiness and touch-tone phones. Women, COMPUDATE record a free ad at 948-4337 despair to a small child. Your gift joy can bring Fun 1-900-454-3210 a child this Christmas & 950 per minute to Exciting! season. You can help us Meet Ali share the spirit of the Nationalities! WINDWARD season. OVER 2000 S DUI DEFENSE MEMBERS Computer Dating Service BODE A. UALE, Esq. (Former Sr Deputy Public Defender) Sailboat Parties Video Dating FREE CONSULTATION Low Offices of P.H. Jr. 926-3283 Josepn Ahuna, KANEOHE HAWAII 2139 Milli() .Ave., Bldg. (' -214 Waikiki 235-4000

KEEP IN TOUCH American Institute for Cancer Research Red80 Dept. BSE I t WITH YOURSELF Washington, D.C. 20069 IOCAL ROOK MAYAL. Sunday July 1, 1990 1:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. "VIM*144, at 4.4iaft, Aloha Tower 1 $10.00 a person Guest Emcee: Andy Preston from MORE 105.1 FM Featured Live Bands THABESIRca S.F.T Outlaw Nob Openfire infection Overlord Steepalff Big Dawg Luau Guys *Tarrasque Optimum Fury Lore Child Broken Silence Mojo Hand Tempered Steel Martial Law Sand Island Strutters I Wildcat Rock Dancers

Tickets available at: I *The C-5 Rock & Roll Nightclub *Sears ticket outlets *Jelly's Bloch Arena

93-DAY SPECIAL From $ Economy Loss Damage Waiver is an Mustang Convertible or similar. optional additional charge of Manual Car Oahu, Maui, Kauai & Hawaii Unlimited A WEEK Oahu, Maui. Valid Now-7/14/90 and 8/27-12/18/90. Mileage $10.99 Kauai, Hawaii Unlimited Mileage & Molokai per day. OAHU: Valid Now-7/14/90 and 8/27-12/18/90. Loss Damage Waiver is an OTHER ISLANDS: Valid 4/15-7/14/90 and 8/27-12/18/90, Ouvernighter optional additional charge of $12 .,,99 per day. Budgat RESTRICTIONS: Specials are non discountable. minimum rental period not met, higher daily rates Budget Features- Lincoln Mercury rent a car and oft., fine cars. subject to rental requirements and car availability. apply. Maximum 7 day rate, slightly higher for Lasts 3 Days! I10 Refueling services. taxes, and optional items are additional time periods. Car must be returned to

extra. Weekly rate for 6 and 7 day rentals. II renting location or drop charges apply travelel agenSet erY:ao u1r1922-3600 The Kona Coast Resort is Keauhou-Kona area and our offering the most affordable and vacation ownership concept. outstanding mini-vacation package That's all there is to it! No available! Three days, two nights at obligation to purchase anything. one of several beautiful, luxurious, All taxes included. No hidden ideally-located hotels in the costs or fees. Call today for 111 Keauhou area on the Kona Coast of more information and make the Big Island of Hawaii, round- your reservations NOW. Space ftsmiiero. trip airfare from Honolulu, AND a is limited. ----graSRT SATURDAY, JUNE 30th car rental - ALL FOR JUST $132* In Honolulu call 946-0214 LOWEST PRICES EVER ON wenoKa DIVING AND THAT'S FOR TWO! or Toll-free (800) 657-7713. ACCESSORIES! To be eligible, you must travel with your spouse (if married); have 11 EQUIPMENT a combined income of at least KONA BAGS $35,000 annually; either you or up to your spouse must be between the COAST ages of 30 and 65; attend (with R E SO R T spouse) an enjoyable and 1750 Kalakaua Avenue Suite 210 50% OFF informative 2 to 21/2 hour Honolulu, Hawaii 96826 presentation on our Resort, the .510 less for weekday arrival.

ASSORTED DIVE BOOTS DIVING GLOVES $9-$28 THIS IS A TIME SHARING SALES PRESENTATION. ANY Reg. $29.95-$49.95 PURCHASER HAS, UNDER THE LAW, A 7-DAY RIGHT OF $3-$10 assorted sizes & colors Reg. $9.95-$19.95 RECISION OF ANY TIME SHARING SALES CONTRACT. *1/2 PRICE HYDRO-LITE FULL FOOT FINS *NEOPRENE FIN SOCKS Sun Press Classified atiageo Dtuerd M 2355656 1640 WIllkina Dr. 6224532 Wahiawa ::.....idWeek...... w w 1111, 7111,

Only in Hawaii: Like this little humuhumunukunukuapua'a, many of the things we love about Hawaii are unique to our islands. Take a few minutes to browse through these pages; you'll be reminded time and time again how lucky you are to live in such a special place. Sun Press

THIS CHOP MPH An AAMDM:0011A1 aramorregumararre WITIMM newt MAT itYAMILTM/TF AM FldninDIFIDISTAT MY MAMAS erlDikt nFDT At MAW AID wines AD 11 C ADMIT SUFFIX/RENT TO: HAWAII MARINE, HAWAII NAVY NEWS, HAWAIIAN FALCON, HAWAII ARMY WEEKLY 2-June 28, 1990 work, and my work car- Known for her nature ries the shop. It works out studies, including flowers NOH seasonings very nicely." and birds, Ruth Glenn Little is beginning a new Little notes that a sign line of works capturing bring taste treats of Frames Hawaii Nei's the Hawaiian memories of success is that so many days gone by. local artists bring their into your kitchen works to the shop to be Ruth Glenn Little has framed, and the word worked hard to attain this Few businesses cap- throughout Europe. They continues to spread success, but she has no are a perfect symbol of a ture the flavor of Hawaii throughthe art commu- time to rest on her laurels. as readily and success- small family business nity. fully as NOH Foods. going big time. "My work is out there," That's because flavor is Edwin and Miriam Noh "People will see pieces she explains, "but it the name of the game of started the business in we've framed at local doesn't paint itself and it shows and ask 'Who did doesn't sell itself. I have NOH's product line - 1963, first opening a Ko- dried, powdered season- rean restaurant to try out that framing?' We get a lot to keep going every day, ings and sauces, varying some of their inventions, Frames Hawaii Nei of business that way." or else nothing happens." from Japanese teriyaki, then eventually stream- Chinese char siu and Ko- lining the business into rean barbecue to Ha- the NOH line of season- Frame shop flourishes waiian haupia (coconut ing and sauce mixes. pudding), Portuguese Edwin Noh is often under artist's guidance sausage and more. NOH credited with creating boasts a total of 30 differ- Oriental seasoning and In the art business, bought Frames Hawaii ent flavors, including its sauce mixes in the dried, most artists would rather Nei "on a fluke," Little newest hit, Hawaiian iced A Tropical powdered form. concentrate on the art says it's now paying off Bird tea with its own unique, and forget about the busi- for her in unexpected Today, Edwin Noh re- thirst-quenching flavor. ness. But watercolorist ways. Coloring mains the chairman of the NOH products are used Ruth Glenn Little is a far "I produce the paint- Book by cooks just throwing business and son Ray- cry from the stereotypical ings," Little explains, illustrated by award-winning artist together meals for their mond is president. Miriam effete aesthete. The and then we frame them Noh is executive vice Ruth Glenn Little families as well as by owner of a thriving frame and we sell them. I've got and son How- Brush stroke line drawings professionals in the food- president shop and art gallery in the whole process right in ard is vice president of with informative descriptions service industry. The Kaneohe, Frames Hawaii my shop. It works for us production. A perfect gift for children of all ages. colorful packets can be Nei, this Nebraska the other way as well. found in hotel kitchens It remains a family busi- rancher's daughter is as "While we have many RUTH GLENN LTTTLE'S and restaurants through- ness that prides itself on comfortable wielding a fine artists represented in FRAMED PRINTS 25% OFF out the islands and in entrepreneurial spirit and business contract as she the gallery, I'm the big- most major cities on the its high quality of prod- is a paint brush. gest seller. Frames Ha- 235-6408 Dealers Welcome Mainland, Canada and ucts and service. Admitting that she waii Nei promotes my Say Yes to NOH! C N OH NOH Refreshi ng JAPANISE TEZIYAKI Thirst HAWAIIAN Quenching .17 the newest add the line of NOH products ... Hawaiian Iced Tea! Made with raw Hawaiian cane sugar! Unique flavor!

Taste the Flavor of Hawaii

Cf1INI:SE ERILt) RICE aAsex.A.utv NOH and Favorite Since 1963! Excellent Quality Easy To Use - "Just Add Water"! Look for the NOH products In your favorite supermarket or commissary. June 28, 1990-3 Hawaiian Cookie Critter is tops inn taste The goodies at Cookie mouth-watering muffins But before opening Heritage Critter in the Foodland to the friendly smiles they Cookie Critter, she took store at Koko Marina dispense with each sale. business and home eco- has it all Shopping Center taste as Since the 300-square-foot nomics classes at the delicious as the fresh - bakery opened in 1987, University of Hawaii. Koa furnishings have baked aroma that tanta- Cookie Critter's muffins And Chet is the man always been a favorite of lizes hungry passersby - have been named No. 1 in behind the scenes, keep- Island people, and the which explains why busi- the People's Choice ing the oven fired up and tastes of today's furniture ness has been so brisk. Awards and each of the filled with delectable lovers haven't changed. Cookie Critter owners eight styles of cookie has treats. "He is my support Now Hawaii residents, Gail and Chet Robison earned a loyal following. system," Gail says. as well as Mainlanders emphasize quality in all Gail has been baking Cookie Critter also has and foreigners, can enjoy aspects of the business, cookies and muffins since a staff of five to keep up the beautiful, native look from the top-quality in- learning the basics as a with demand. The shop is of koa furniture and other gredients used in their little girl in grandmother's open from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. wood products from Ha- soft, chewy cookies and kitchen in South Dakota. seven days a week. waiian Heritage Furni- ture. Hawaiian Heritage Fur- niture provides a variety Deliciously yours . . . of services and its staff personnel has over 75 years of combined work- I ing knowledge in all as- pects of building and de- signing of furniture, cabinets and built-in of Hawaii units. Hawaiian Herit- age's shop also provides all types of millwork, such as doors, mouldings, sur- Hawaiian Heritage Furniture "Hawaii's Best" Muffins & Cookies facing wide-belt sanding, people's choice award winner glue-up work and lathe - - work. dried surfaced koa in the to fit customers' needs. The company's lumber world, with over 40,000 For all your koa needs, Koko Marina Shopping Center 396_8175 department (wholesale board feet of wood in visit Hawaiian Heritage (inside Foodland) and retail) carries one of various sizes. The koa can Furniture's showroom at Chet & Gail Robison Open Daily Sam -7pm the largest selections of be custom cut to any size 2879 Ualena St.

Only in Hawaii, and Only at Hawaiian Heritage Furniture .1. Choose from our elegant showroom collection of fine Koa furniture. Or ... Our master craftsmen will design the furniture to fit your needs, tastes and budget.

Rockers Koa Bowls Bedroom Groups Dining Room Sets Chests Wall Units Tables (coffee & end)


k-Ick(CaCtI7 fferitg Oif e Open Mon-Sat (Tctroiture 9:00am to 5:30pm 2870 Ualena St. (2nd right off of Lagoon Dr., near the airport) 839-6656 4-JuneHawaii 28, 1990 Candy Inc. sweets are hard to beat Commonly known in cookies to satisfy each built around foods you ries and nutritiously deli- a flavor of Hawaii in a as an added popular

Hawaii as senbei, pro- individual taste. Serve as enjoy . . good foods that cious, Hawaii Candy Inc. crunchy cookie; PETITE product, PUFF RICE nounced "sen-bay," our a snack or with coffee or keep you from feeling gives you a variety of nine WAFER COOKIES, a CAKES, a bite-size snack wafer cookies are light, tea when unexpected hungry. When cutting products in seven flavors, small round bite-size made with puffed rice delicate crispy tea cook- guests drop by. down on high-caloric fat new flavors to appeal to crisp tea cookie; MISO sugar, peanuts, corn ies which originated in These wafer cookies and carboydrate foods, everyone. WAFER COOKIES, with a syrup and butter. A new Japan. They are thin make an ideal substitute the proper snack is im- delicate touch of the Ori- item soon to be on the The well known FOR- wafer in many shapes and for pastries. They are so portant. ent in a flavor (soybean) market, ROLL-0- TUNE COOKIES, a flavor sizes and come in many light, delicate and deli- Wafer cookies can bal- all its own; SESAME CREAM, a light creme roll similar to the sugar cone flavors. To taste them you cious. Ideal for any occa- ance the consumers' WAFER COOKIES, a fla- in a wafer cookie. might say they are similar sion. meals and allow them the with a message inserted, vor of sesame made with GINGER WAFER COOK- These to a sugar cone found in Most important is the sweets they enjoy be- roasted sesame seeds. products are IES, a taste an ice cream parlor. fact that consumers today tween meals and at bed- with delicate packaged and come in The hospitality of are more concerned time. of ginger; PEANUT Some of the other newly designed three- Japan begins with the about their health. They Hawaii Candy Inc. WAFER COOKIES, a added specialty items in- ounce packages and are classic pouring of tea are adapting themselves manufactures these prod- popular flavor of peanut clude: WAF-O-ROLL, a also available in tubs served with senbei or to be more selective in the ucts in Hawaii with the in a crisp cookie; COCO- light, crisp wafer rolled weighing from seven to 22 NUT WAFER COOKIES, into a delicate snack; and ounces. wafer cookies - a tradi- foods they eat. When con- health-conscious individ- tion brought to Hawaii sumers are on a weight ual in mind. Our wafer many years ago by the venture, there's often a cookies are cholesterol- early immigrants on the temptation to go over- free, have no preserva- sugar plantations. board and omit certain tives, no artificial flavor- In Hawaii, Hawaii foods entirely. ing or vegetable coloring DISCONTINUED FRAME Candy Inc. manufactures Successful weight- and are very low or with MOULDINGS various types of wafer reducing programs are no sodium. Low in calo- 40'wcyoTOFF Aloha Toppers transform trucks FOIL Aloha Toppers Inc. of- have been topping pickup Never again will you fers Bac Pac, Brahma and trucks for six years, and have to worry about gusty PRINT numerous other brands of their camper shells can trade winds and sudden aerodynamically de- be seen all over Oahu. showers ruining a week- signed fiberglass camper end outing to the beach TEE shells at 98-023 Hekaha There are hundreds of or mountains. And Aloha St., behind Cutter Ford in models to choose from, Toppers' stylish camper SHIRTS Aiea. and every one of them shells can be installed in Owners Jerry and expands the space in the minutes. Each Elaine Bergmann and back of your truck. Cus- their four employees - tomizing ideas are limited For more information, including their son, Bruce only by your imagination. call 487-3988. 46-022 ALALOA STREET KANEOHE (808) 235-6408 N

YOUR GOOD FORTUNE r OPER SHELLS® STARTS HERE! W-YALOHA TOPPERS® ar,raizrs OLOLUME CAMPER SHELL DEALER! Hawaii Candy's WAFER COOKIES A Favorite For Any Occasion ... They're Light, Crispy, and Flavorful. Various Types and Flavors To Satisfy Each Individual Taste... Fortune Cookies, Petite Wafers, Ginger, Peanut, Coconut, *Vim Miso and Sesame Flavors. .DRAHIVIA. No Preservatives Added. Low In Calories With Very Low or ElacPag No Sodium. Nutritionally Delicious! Also Available, Waf-O-Roll, Puff Rice Cakes and Roll-O-Cremes. WUXI, IffsR END CLEARANCE YEAR ST ARCRAII Buy Hawaii Candy's Wafer Cookies At Your 1990 sTARcRAFT ON ALL Favorite Store or Super Market. Fold Down CAMPERS CAMPERS! 98-023 Hekaha St. #7. Aiea ii Gandy F111111C111(jAValiilbil! Behind Ford 487-3988 Cutter 2928 Ualena Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 Phone (808) 836-8955 June 28, 1990-5 Islanders still love coconut syrup Origami A breakfast or brunch in Hawaii just isn't com- Artistry plete without coconut The creamy syrup with the exotic taste of syrup from Flavors of coconut milk makes a stack of pancakes or a Hawaii. The creamy syrup dish of Ice cream pure delight, and has been adds class with the exotic taste of coconut milk makes a pleasing local palates for 28 years. Derek Hiroe of Origami stack of pancakes or a in Aiea Artistry transforms dish of ice cream pure cranes traditional folded delight, and has been of art into original works pleasing local palates for for weddings, anniversa- 28 years. markets. Flavors of Ha- vor syrups about five ries and yakudoshi par- waii's coconut syrup is years ago. ties. Flavors of Hawaii presi- one of three flavors origi- But Mr. Lee said Fla- Origami Artistry can dent Alexander Lee said nally concocted by a vors of Hawaii will keep supply red, gold or silver the company's coconut chemist named Earl on cooking up batches of paper from which to craft syrup is an island favorite O'Neil. The company dis- the island's best coconut the cranes, or the com- that sells well to restau- continued making its syrup for many years to pany can even fold the rants, hotels and super- guava and coco-pine fla- come. cranes for customers too busy to do it themselves. But the magic happens once the 1,001 cranes have been completed. That's when Hiroe and his FLAVORS staff use the folded cranes to create larger cranes OF and other designs that then are mounted and put HAWAII, on display. INC. The crane in flight is the firm's most popular 45-512 design. It can be mounted in many different posi- Luluku Road tions and can be accom- KANEOHE, panied by other designs as well. For more infor- HAWAII mation, call Origami Art- istry at 488-2422. Origami Artistry 235-1727 r

Table Shoyu Cooking Shoyu Barbecue Sauce Teriyaki Sauce Vinegar Makes any meal more delicious! Available at most supermarkets!

1001 Crane Mounting & Framing Weddings Anniversaries Yakudoshi Parties ALL MOUNTING CHARGES 15% OFF (Framing not included) ALOHA SHOYU CO., Ltd. (Located in Harbor Center) Waterfront - liehind Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-5 Waihona St., Pearl City, HI 96782 Cutter Ford in Aira Closed Sundays 96-1205 expires 7/27/90 488-2422 Call Derek for appointment 456-5929 6-June 28, 1990 Little Hawaiian Craft Shop produces authentic articles In these times when vary the assortment to en temple images, hair- much of what is available include scrimshaw, feath- picks, scrimshaw, koa as Hawaiian island crafts ers and wood. Charlotte rice paddles, hula skirts, is the overload of cheap, became a full partner in Christmas ornaments, mass-produced imported 1978. ipu, fungus and seaweed trinkets, it is refreshing to In 1980, they moved to painting, quilting, pol- learn that works truly their preesent location. ished shell work, ceram- representative of the Ha- Their reputation for qual- ics, taps and boar tusks waiian Islands and hand- ity craftsmanship at rea- are offered along with crafted by islanders can sonable prices brought original pieces of art- still be found by travelers them many referrals and gallery quality and fine and kamaainas who will repeat business. With the museum replicas. not be satisfied with less. addition of more artisans, Such is the LITTLE HA- their business grew to WAIIAN CRAFT SHOP in four times its original size. the Royal Hawaiian Shop- (A small version of this ping Center on the third delightful shop has floor. Away from the opened at the Dole sounds and hustle of Wai- Cannery Square and will kiki streets under the be moving this fall to a shade of a giant banyan larger space nearby.) tree, you can wander Usually someone can be amongst the displays of seen at the workbench this shop and experience sanding, drilling, polish- a sense of the cultural ing or assembling. pride which is still under- The friendly, knowl- lying in these beautiful edgeable staff proudly islands. offers the work of about In 1968, Sallie Ja- 70 handcrafters of Hawaii cobsen opened a small and 10-15 from other shop at the Hilton Ha- South Pacific islands. The waiian Village where she crafters vary from individ- sold nut and seed crafts uals working at home to and began to add shells, small workshops of two to bone and other natural three people. materials to her jewelry. Bone fishhooks, koa Charolette Thielhorn and milo boxes and joined her in 1975, adding bowls, Niihau shells, Little Hawaiian her interest and talents to feather hatbands, wood- Craft Shop

CORALEI OF HAWAII g, Manufacturing gifts The beauty of Cora lei is inspired by nature. By using a unique process, Cora lei reproduces precious coral without endangering the ocean's COCOJOCV and souvenirs in limited supply. Cora lei sculptures, which range in size from five to IODUCTS, INC. Hawaii for over 30 14 inches, are made from "cultured coral." From the original design to the finished work of art, each sculpture is carefully handcrafted years, Coco Joe's is proud to and inspected to ensure the highest quality of workmanship. These present their collection of original beautiful works of art make excellent gifts and are perfect for decorative display in the home or office. Lava and Hapawood designs. ailablu at most military excllan2,c, and military exchanges and fine retailers throughout Hawaii. Fine retailers Firoughout Ilaxx Available at most w V VW NIP w

June 28, 1990-7 Silk flowers, plants Rainbow Mart -= good food Rainbow Mart, located Among the popular need no watering on Palolo Avenue in the take-out meals are sweet- heart of Kaimuki, is not sour spareribs, lasagne, just an ordinary grocery beefy curry, beef stew, to keep looking great store, it also caters and macaroni and chicken offers bento and plate drumettes. And Rainbow a Hawaii is a tropical par- protected by polyure- lunches and take-home has a complete catering adise. In keeping with this thane treatment and are meals. service, serving every- envronment, most people colorfast and timeless, Rainbow Mart is owned thing from fresh fish for have greenery outside as with maintenance con- by DAIO Corporation of two to complete meals for well as inside their home sisting of only an occa- Japan, but manager a party of 25. and workplace. However, sional dusting. Many peo- Bryan Maeda says the care and maintenance is ple who remember the company strongly pro- Rainbow also offers a constant problem in days of the "plastic motes local products, and delivery service for sodas, keeping our foliage plants" are astonished at local residents love Rain- juices or liquor along with healthy and beautiful. how lifelike these prod- bow Mart's American, the catered meals and Well, there is a solution - ucts are. Korean and Japanese pupus. For more informa- SILK FLOWERS AND Additionally, the Silk cuisine. tion, call 733-1010. PLANTS. Flower and Plant Co. "Silk flowers and plants offers a free consultation add a whole new dimen- service for home, office, sion and directions to wedding, banquets and decorating", says Brigitte parties. They will come to Lesiak, president and your home or place of general manager of Silk business to help you TM Flower and Plant Co. Inc. choose the arrangements "Be it centerpieces, dish and colors that best suit gardens, planter boxes, your needs. it/ hanging baskets or wall The Silk Flower and decor, we can create just Plant Co. is going on its 0 MI about any plant, flower or fifth year in Hawaii. Key H A W tree you'd need." personnel are Brigitte Le- Handcrafted here in siak - president and SWIMWEAR SPORTSWEAR Hawaii from fabrics im- general manager, Sey- ported directly from the mour Kazimirski - vice Orient, these gaily col- president and Marion "the best ored leaves and petals Park - head designer. "fit" look identical to the real Showrooms are located in swimwear" thing. Trees are custom- at 1331 Makaloa Street, made with natural wood Westridge Shoping Cen- 65 Walker Ave., bark in sizes ranging from ter, in Kailua next to Wahiawa 622-2698 four to 12 feet high. Foodland and in Kahalui, eD- The silks materials are Maui. Silk Flower and Plant Co. Inc.

Silk Omer de Tiont co, THE LITTLE HAWAIIAN Custom Floral CRAFT SHOP Arrangements Established in 1968

Trees created The most extensive selection of genuine Hawaii-made collectibles on natural bark crafted by the finest artisans in the Hanging Plants islands and reasonably priced.

Planter Boxes Native Crafts Wood Carvings Mention Sun Press Niihau Shells to receive: Museum Replicas Creative Originals 25% OFF Plus Much More... our discount price!

We also feature a special collection of Free Home, Business, or Event Consultation South Pacific handcrafts.

Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center HONOLULU AIEA 2233 Kalakaua Avenue Third Floor - Building B 1300 Makaloa St. W estridge Shopping Ctr. KAILUA TOWN CENTER (808) 926-2662 947-SILK 488-SILK 108 Hekili St. 263-6003 Support The Local Economy Buy Products Made 17 hiatal7



ice cream HAWAII FOOD HAWAI IAN PRODUCTS SUN CHICKEN OR MEADOW GOLD GUAVA JAM FOREMOSTASSORTED ICE CREAMS PORK LAWAU'S ASSORTED YOGURTS OR JELLY lh Gallon (3 In a bag) 8 oz. 48 oz. 2/89! 139 259 299 (Macadamia Nut 2.99) (Kalua Ptg 16 oz. 3.49)

-:]Et Chocolate Delight Muffin - MEADOW GOLD 100% ORANGE VaRgiNgSweseeemeesmer,...awat PAU RIDGE JUICE GRANNY'S FRITO LAY OF HAWAII PORTUGUESE SWEET GOURMET MUFFINS MAUI STYLE POTATO CHIPS 100% WHOLE WHEAL' 7 oz. OR OAT FIBER BREADS 1/4 Gallon Assorted 16 oz. 4169 179 219 794 (Frito's Coin Chips 1.59) RAINBOW MART 1rio1010 1720 Pablo Avenue Honolulu, 96816 733-1010