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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 30, No. 27): December 22, 1876

Maxham & Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 30, No. 27): December 22, 1876" (1876). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 695.

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Ern. JIAXIIAM, I DAN'I. B. WINQ EniTORfl. G. S. TALMER, A 'ViowsT Gat.k prevailed on Saturday, Surgeon Dentist. increasing in violence until it became almost Ofmcb—over AUlen IWr .Uwelry Stor», oppottUo rcople'0 NHt. Mitnk. a hurricane, the cold steadily growing more Residkncs—oorner of Ootlege ntid Gutclioll Sts Intense until Sunday morning when the thcrnioiiKter, registered from twenty to rt7“I nm now propered to ndminislor pure twenty-four degrees below zero. Almg Nili'ous Oxitle Oae^ which I slnili coiistnntiy keep on Iinnd for those who wish .'or this atiscs* Itie const it was even m Son^s Store. cross, he led the recluse to the chainher pointed out to that magnanimous prince ligence and virtue in the communiiy will blown lUxmt and hijiiratl and wng'jiis wero ItEStDENCE, Main St, opp, Elmwood Stand. “ IWtr)’, if iHJrfectofl, is the only verity; is overturned, aud even a Boston nmner was of tlio invalid. a great talent dead, and great m sforliine raise the value ot Ids farm. Ho uiidcr- the 8j>eech of man after the ro-il, ami not after OJUlcc Uiurs: 9 to 11, a. iu., 2 to 4 aud The noble peasant, the illustrious au- existing.’ slancls tliat all improvements that affect the apparent*'’ Halmi Emerson. twisted about and Imd one of his limlis cen- ■ ‘ 7:to‘Hp. X. PANE PICTUBES. llior of so many grand works was ex­ ‘And where are ynu gning?’ a-ked the public good promote his own per.-on* An olil philosophor omx^ ouuKht, siderahly injured. At Knlghtsvillc an un- tended upon a miserable pallet covered Julia. al wcllarc, and ilib wellare of Ids chil­ As if hy ohanoo. a wing-od thought, liiil.slied cliurcli was blown down. BY ROSE TEIUIY COOKE. with a strip of green serge. Ilis wife ‘ I ro'urn,’ said Tlmddeus, ‘ lo the It was so (Iclicnto and bright, MISS EMILIE S. PHILLIPS, dren. Mo wiHhml it put in woni.s aright, and eldest son stQod at the heud of- tlic SKownKO.\!t Is to Imvo two courses of Teacher of Inatfnmental Music. A wondcr-worHor all night long Roman camp, to lay aside my uniform Now I ask my readers to look about To hold it fast, that all mignt hco Residence on Sherwin Street. IIoH w’rouglit hiR tank for me; lied and made willi their entwined linnds and resume tny herinii’s robe, not again over the community, nod'see if they do And fcol Its oUanu ns woU as he. lectures, in oi,a of wliielt Dr. liohins, of Now, by the cold and distant dawn, a pillow.for the painter, for his breath­ to leave till I rejoin my well beloved not find the beat farmers and the most Uo searched his rarest thoughU in vain ; Colby, and Rev. A. S. fiodd, of Batti, aro His rairaolcs 1 see; Refertncti,—E Toumjee. Dr. of Music, and ing was already paiiilnl. .Inlia, the eld­ llirifty and independent farmers in that liu raekod fur naught his |o.tni>od brain. down for loctnres. Pkok St a. KMEi.r, of E. Cons, of Music, Ills gravings on the wiiiduw-pauo The words ho found, thoy wore so long ; Xloston, 0£ magic traoery. est daughter, who was colchratcd at Par­ nciglihorhuud where the myst money lia-. They were bo clumsy, weighty. stn>ng, Jesus and the Common' I’KOrLE.— Piiop. Ei.dku ihet witli llnttcring success Hero lifts an Alpine summit, steeps ma for her great beauty, leaned against been expended in improvcraonls; in That, when he made n ongu withal, with his illusirnted CentcnDtal Lectures in WALDRON, As the heavenly stair, the hed-post, her hands crossed upon her Tlio common people heard him gladl-'. o'uii'clies, scliools, (luhlic building.*, high One «o3rc« qotiid ace ttin tiionght nt nil. A wayside cross below the path, « breast ;her eyes were fixed on a cr'icilix This is one ol the clearest tokens ol the ways, parks and fountains ? The hi-ati At last, by failnro soro dismayed, llnllowell. Opunsellor at Law But not a pilgrim there; divinity of his teachings, .simplici Mu c.\Ucd a {HK*t to his aid; No sad face of humanity, which hung from the wall, and .she seem­ liful village i.s always surrounded by an Bat when he held his cage in view, Tiix case of Joanna B. Gllmou ys. Wal- • ' * AVAtKRVILLR, ME. No agony of prayer. ty and Ircquetit lioiiiclincss of these ed to pray fervently. The litile girls, intelligent, lultivatod, enterprising and Ho dimly then the thougnt shone tlirougli, II. Carter was wou by the plaintiff. And here, before a lonely lake, Agnes and Veronica, slept peacefully in teachings have, no doubt, repelled some public-spirited agricultural population, Me fcurc<{ the seer wouht not guesH Ct^Special attentiuu given to collecting. Col- One^halt its real luvclincHH. ectjrour bills and pay your debts. A fringe of reeds and fern; each Ollier’s arms on a bundle of strnw wlio wouhl lain have had from him pro­ and their sliaring and aiding in the pub­ I For the Mail.] Acmes the water's crystal chill found di.scussions as to the divine nature, No dying Kunseta burn. in a corner of the room. The violence lic improvcinciils has made the lariners The poet poured tho bant Ijctwecn, FREE TRADE. 3r. Zr. a. GANNETT, the ground of rigl.l, the luaetionsof con­ At fii>t. with sadly pur.ziud mein { You hoar nut on that rushy e.horo of disease distorted the features of the and ilicir snug farms what they arc.— But BtM>u his eye, b\B brain, caught tiro; Wo rloeeil our last artielo on Froo Trade The call of drake or tern. Homoeopathic Physician & Surgeon artist, and, liis fine face boro llio mark' science, tlie essence and mode of lile lo [Cor. Western Journal- Me made u cage beyond ilcsirc. witli tbo follAwlng seutenco:—Ono party Here lies a omw^ of broken boughs, of holli^frlTysical and mental - suffering. come. But such discussions wou[|i have Where, gently prisoned, scorning freo, to tlio wickod compromtan boa perishod ; The Ctiuught was held fur all to mic. BitsiOKMClit—Mrs. Danbnr's Center St. A windfall in the woWATERVILT.E. ME. No living step intrudes. ‘ Thaddeus,’ said tlie painter, in a and cxpiTicuce may direct. Tlio parly ol necessity, liavo been adapted lo the Barnard S. Proctor, he illustrated a- That thuK tho word and thtmglitbeoiuod one; faint voice, ‘ am I in danger of death ?’ That when he mode his cage wiihal. that has perislied was tbo slavu bolding And here in Arctic waste and woe; common people ; lor they are the over- follows, the idea that not only must the J. K. SOULE, A glacier's mighty faCc. J’liaddeus made no reply. The paint­ Olio never dreamed it oagu at all. intori'st, tliil only a fuw short years ago Teacher of M.xisic. Majestic in its awful march, er repealed his questijii, hut was again welniing majority of Clirisliaii believers mind have received an ample store ol Helma W. Paine. was so proud and strung as to defy tliu Blow seaward from its pluco. and workers. useful luct.s, hut all those faculties niust world and make tbe daring attempt to de­ WATEUVILBE, ME. Beneath that frowu tiC sclcmn death met will) silence. • Then there is no longer any hope,’ Tlio common people heard him gladly. also have received a large development stroy the nation, of wliicU we aro a part ; There lives no human trace, OUR TABLE. now, none so liuiiible as to do them rever- 'Ojr'Agsnt for .Chiokerinji and Henry F. Miller he sadly cried ; ‘ and my poor children !’ We are all common people as to the before one can ho regarded as in an) PIANOS, for Now England and Geo. Wood'OR­ But slowly from the joyful cast ground covered by his teacliirtgs. The onee. They claimed that their inslUutiou GANS, and other rellnulo instniments. Ascends the dawning sun; ‘ God may work a miracle,’ said the complete sense well educated and inlel- Is That Ai.i, ? Bo.stoii: Roberts —alttvery, was the most lienign, for tlio ROOMS OVER PEOPLE*S BANK. Boft)ro the l(K>k of light and life hermil, ‘ hut .science can do naught.’ duties iucumhent on us to God and man ligent. ‘ To make a carpenter you Mi'utlicrH. lalionr, known to man; and conferreil tho The magic is undone; have, in their principles, their motives, lleru huvfS nnottiur vul'itno uf tho “ Nk» The pcacofnl pictures on the pane ‘ He will not save me,’ replied Anto­ want wood' and tools, and skill lo use Naino HcricM,” >\ith its que^’r title, ita iiimiiit fiuutr ft) on four millions sablo human be­ ALVAN ROBINSON, All vanish, ono-by-onc. nio. ‘ Does he help the (eehle ? The their spirit, no diversity corresponding (hem. So to make a learned man, you hiiKiin^; and gencrul air ut mystery, uini its hid­ ings, who were divested of their liiulges by to tlie differences ol condition and cul­ siioiild have knowledge of taels and laws, den author. A cuutemporary who hna Itnd the the stroke of a pen, in llie baml ot a wliilo Alas ’. must all the songs I sing, day I came from Parma, I saw an inuo upiHirtanity tu read it which we have not, suyn The traceries of my brain— ture. Tlie Sermon on the Mount may and power to uso them. Prut a ily many InlHirer, iiaineal Aliralium Lincoln, oruti Builder & Contractor. cent dove balancing itself on the hrnnch that*’ it iH a clever story, plcHHantly wiiiteii man I The other party lives—-tlio pro- The little 8tf)rieR so*! and glad — of a sycamore; a serpent was coiled about all he lived out by tlie laborer, the poor ol )ou are not awaro-liow iinper eclly with many airnto and geniul hiU at tiiu leslhet- Be uttered ail in vain, widow, the person whose intelligence ic idTcetutiuns uf home cirojes ut' modern Hooio^ teetioiiists. Whoever belongs to this parly Estimates made at short notice. And vanish when the master comes, the trunk. Lightning struck the tree, you exercise these facullie.s upon fact- ty, and an nndertwn iu in the convention that made tbo constitu­ Bcmcmbcred. sing and shine ? Dear Antonio, lot us not seek to un- no lile so large, so high, so extended in pose I write down iu a vertical coluimi very well managed.” A gucus is vontumi, with tion, who sold tliemselves to Hie slavu For wrought from man's humanity, its relations and responsihiUties, that it two series ol units 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., up to not much show of ountidence, however, th.vt traders nr slave holders, for tlio prnmisii EDMUND F WEBB, Not fleeting frost, are mine; dersiand the mysteries of God. My may nut find licre all that it is'hound lo 9, thus: llowelU i« tho autht>r, which indioAtca tlic high of a dis^iiminating tax on shipping and I love not t() be quite forgot; ieiid, think ol your soul ; recall your gi'.ktic o£ tJio buck. mauufaelures. By the lirtu so acquired, ' To die and leavo no sign. tic and 10 do Still more, we can con­ 0 9 For hale in ^YuCcrviMo by C. A. Ilenriolcuun. Counsellor at Law. —S<'r\hnr)\ past life, and—’ soutfiern slave lioldeis cracked their wliiiM My past life !’ interrupted the dying ceive of no broader, liiller, loftier l.iw ol 1 8 over Hill beads of norllieru men for many WATERVILLE. duly lor the redeemed in lieavcu, or for o The Mission or Bi.aox Rifle, or On man. ‘ Toil and poverty have been my 7 the trail. Uy Ktij.ih Kellogg, author of geueriiHous, liumhly bolding out their hand, Angel of Correggio. eoiistaut companions. J have borne Ini any created being in the universe. 3 C Klni iHlsnd Ktorica," Pleasant Cove Hto- for more tariff, more tariff—asking aud FOSTER & STEWART, milialion and injustice without murmur­ As regards our trials and .>ur. griefs, 4 5 rioa," " i'Uo \Vbtst>ering Pine Htoricn,*’etc. getting more, more and more, aiding aud lllu.virat

onco onr scythe makers rapiilly improved I For the Mail.] OUn TABLE. C^IIoi.iDAYS 1—Look at Iho adverrise- St. Niobolab.—In this best of all juvenile their giKxls and drove the Kiiglish scyllie Monthlies, during 1877, there will be inter- A HARROWING STORY OF CAM­ Tiik Atlantic Monthly for Jaiiua- mentfl, and bcc where to go for Christmas out of tlio markets—’llio’ tlicrc were many BRIDGE. cBtiug papers for bo3'8, by William Cullen and New Year’s prcBcnls. Bryant, John Q. Whittier, Thomas Huglics, old fogies nnd prejudioed people who In Two Cftaptcra. rv bcRinK tho new year with the following ta­ would not use n Yankee scythe. To meet ble of contewt" :— Dorr advertises everything in the line of William Howitt, Dr. Holland, George Mac- their ca^cs we get an Kngiish nnd RI'II. MAXHAM, I UAN’L R..WINO BY s. D. asTcnBU.. 'J’he American, by Tlrnry Jnraca, .Tr.; The Perfumery, French Candles, and other rnr- Duiiald, Saiifonl B. Hunt, Frank R. Stock- KDITOnS. HeroiiH of KlmwofMi,. by 11. W. Ltmglellow; Btiunp, and imitate.—llie oltl fogies huy ilies.—I. II. Low In full display.—Ileuld ton, and otlicrs. nnd use (hem, nnd tell us the Kngiish make CIIArTKU riKST. I-'rom I’onknpogtfj rcstli. by T. 15 Aldrich; Tliere w>ll be stories, skctclics, and po­ WATERVILLE... .Di;c. 22, 187G. •Tnmiary. by H 11.; Tl»e JllackbirilH, by J. 15. & Co., Marston, Robinson, Peavy BroV, a h(!tter seytlie titan ever. We irnve ai- Site sat witli imled breath, Qlcnelied leelli, ' (irciMimiRh ; Ticft Otit, by (leorKC l*arHon« I^a- ems, of special interest to girls, by Harriet wnys Impnrtetl iron nnd steel to make nnd a wild look of li.atied in lier eye. Her Ihroj) : nirtliday Vrrbc:*, by .liimcR UnMscll l/ow- and A. F. Collins, in clothing and gent’s Frescott Spofford, Susan Coolidge, Sarah tlieso scythes, on which a lax of about Kniohts of lIoNoii.—A Qruiid Kodge of face was wliiter than leaf-lard, ami lier form cll ; Weinmrin June, by liay.ird Taylor ; HiHtnr furnishing goods. — Jlayo, Gallcrt, and Winter Kellogg, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, was tliimier tlian a steak-liroiler. She lis­ Deutrico, by Edmund 0. SLodman ; Old Wo- twenty-five per cent is coiiected, ns tarilT tills Order, for JIaiiie, was orgiini/.ed in Ijouisa Aleott, Lucrctla P. Hale, Celia tened in vain to catch tlie sound of Ids recl- man'B OosHjp. by 1’h‘anceH Anne Kemble ; Homo Dinsmoro in boots and shoes.—Uedington Thaxter, Mary 5Inpcs Dodge, and many duties by the government. Notwi\listand- Lewiston lust Tuesday—llie following ofll- New ]5kH of Poetry, by W. I). lIowellH ; Clos­ ing tids, wo sold scythes largely in nli tiie Ir g footsteps ; hut the moaning and sigliing ing l)nyfl of tho Iiiternatioiial Fair, by W. O. in all kinds of housekeeping goods.—Pliil- otliere. Tliere will be also “ Twelve Sky Kngiish American I’rcvinces, nnd under being cliosen : of tli3 rusliing-winds, nnd the deep bellow- ' HoWflh ; The Contributora’ Club ; Matin Hong, lips & Co., nnd Paine, in fancy and sub- Pictures,” by Piofessor Proctor, tlio As­ ing of llie nmd waves ns tliey lieat witli' words by Payard Taylor, music by JobnK.. our Reciprocity Treaty we were suppiying I. S. Bangs, Waterville, Past Grand Hlantial liardward.—Percival & Co., and tronomer, -with maps, showing “ The Stars more scytiies than they bouglit from all Dietalor ; Geo. A. Calliilisn, Lewiston, fury over (lie clam beds of Clmrles river, ! Paine; IlCcent Literature ; Music ; E- long, gliaslly neck out of the window, Init tlie twelve Koiigs by Atlaiilio jutets is Mr. ^’ay- and Frolic, and Wit ami Wisdom, will be tator ; .lolin Bird, Ifockliind, Grand Chap­ lur's Heieiuule, to wliich ^Ii'. Paine liim fitted a ments.—Mrs. Percival, nnd Airs. C'base, in I f tlian we can get it, nnd nenriy cut us off lain: .losepli M. Hayes, Balli, Grand Guide; the leagues of i-oiiring tlioroiiglifareH of (In- mingled ns heretofore, and St, Nieliolns p.s.hz:ai«d a go* Lower Port are desi-rted by man, and no eh irming melody, UK pure nnd jx-itcefu] as the millinery.—Osborns, and Buck Br’s, in from those markets. If we coidd get our .lohii B. .Iordan, Aulmrn, Grand Reporter; dawn which it eelobrutOK. Anollur novelty is will contiiiiKi to delight tlic young aud give iron and steci free of duties, we could sup­ B. Faniliiiin, Bangor, Grand Treasurer; sound renehes lier ear, (lini riiig the warring "Mr. Oicemuigli’H cmnedietta, ** The Illaek- groceries and good tilings,----- and perhap.^ pleasure to tlie old. ply the world with scythes. Americnn Geo. If. Aiulrews, Biddeford, Grand Oniir- eleiiK-iits,) save tlie iiiullled tinkle of tln- birds.” iulendcd, like Mr. IIowcIIh’ “ Parjor Olliers who don’t advertiae, and whom we 'I'lie Loudon LiUr.iry world says: “ There lion and steel is successtully u.sed, but the Brigliton car bells iiiid the liyena liowls of (Jar.” bust Heptcnibf r, for private repreKcntation. is no iiingnziuc for tlie young tiint can be dian ; Jolin W.Bowe, Angustn, Gr.indHen Under the ho.'ul of Education is a ])t)werful at­ Imvo not time to hunt up till next week, |iriec of it is made by the cost of tiie Kng­ tinel ; .lolin Bird, Boekliiiid, Geo. S. tlie bell yaiiker ns lie slirieks out “ Wasli- wlien we hope for lime for “more last siiiil to equal tins choice iiroduetion of in’ton street, railroad crossin’.” on tho study of Urcek iu (Vdleges, by one iish nnd Gi'rmnn iron nnd steei, while we Woodman, Anlnn ii, nnd Sainnel W Lane, of the most aecompliKhed Creek suholarH iu tlio words,” Scribner’s press. All tho articles, whether have rather less confideneo in them.—In .\iign.stn. Trustees; Geo. B. Woodman, With a grim look she tnriis from the win­ country. ill prose or rhyme, are flirohbiiig with vi­ lids business we need Free Trade. Aulinni, Rcprcscnlativc to tlie Supremo dow, lays tlie stove handle nnd rolling In the conrso of the prc«;ent year W. D. How­ Dr. Clmnning was walking on the beach tality, * ♦ ♦ The literaturo aud artistic il- Tlien for nnotiicr prnctieai examide; Imdgo for two years. 8. II. Boynton, on tlio table nnd iiuillers, “H he ain’t ells will publiKh two stories in dramatic form, at Newport wiih a Indy. “ Wbt,*n Hook,” liistriiHous are botli superli.” - lionie ’fore 1.20 o’clock, llale’s Honey of and will also fiiri^li Home charming essays on said she, “at the sweep of the ocean and The London Dsily News says : “ We Tile American Screw Co., of I’rovitleuce, Roekland,'Alternate for Representative for New I'higland Country Ijifc : Mrw. Kemble's li. I., a great American company of na­ for two years. Wm. F. Oiirceloii, Lew­ Horehouiid and Tar won’t save him. I’ll Chapters of “ Old Woman's CoHsip ” will be its power and think of tlut infinite range wisli wc could point out its equal in our WISHING tional importance, we are informed, nif* Mliston, Repie.sentnlive to Siiprenie Lodge for reduce Ids reiimins to a liatler and llirow continued ; T. B. Aldrich will contribute a beyond, I feel myself ao amall as to be all own periodical literature.” re 1 oving a large part of their Imsiness to one year. E. M. Fuller, Bntli, All;,rnate 'em into the nsli barrel 1 ” bright story in throe parts; Mark Twain will insignificant. Do not you ? ” “ Aly dear Goon News Foil Bovs and Girls.—To To reduce our stock t'nnndn, on account of the tariff tax on tiie for I{ 'iireHentative for one year. eUAl-TEIl .SECOND. be-a fnqueiit contributor; (JliarloH Francis friend.” said he, “ when I .look at the in­ meet the demand for a cheaper St. Nicholas Adams, .Ir.. has promised a series of {i.ipei's on finite ocean I donot think of myself at all.” Gift Book, the price of vota. I nnd II has iron tliey import, to malic serewa from. The eonsliliUion of tlie Grand Lodge of With Ids nose redder tliiin the dasher of Cfdonial UiRt<»ry ; Hon. Charles Halo will de­ As much as possible In Canada tliey can get iron low enongli to a Noitli Avenui- car, and knocked round on scribe Egyptian Life ns he observed it during Utanemher that mirrors should never be been reducerl to 3$ each. Tho Three vol­ enalile tlieri to export screws to Kngland I’eiinsylvania was adopted as the constitu­ a line witli Ids right slioiilder, a nil/bit hirt rcsidcuce there a.s Consul General ; Essays hung where tlie sun shines directly upon umes, in an elegant library case, arc sold BEFORE JAN 1 1877. orelsewliere.—If we could have Free'I'rnde, tion of tlie Grand Lodge. faced man miglit liiive lieen si-eii making a on American Authors will upnoar from the pen them. They soon look misty, grow rough for $10 (III full gilt, $16,) so that all may tiie Screw Co. would do ail flielr lni.-*in'ss zig-zag movement tlirJiiigli Brewery street, of Mr. G, Lathrop ; and a Valuable Herics of give tlieir children a complete set. These Voted to liold tlie Anminl Session llie I’apers ou various professionH and cmjiloyineiits or granulated, and no longer give back a in Providence, and supply tiie world witli leading two polieemeii. Tliey stopped lic- volumes contain more attractive material tliird Weilnesdny in February. Tlio pres­ will be furnislieil by dlH'.inguishcd writers. correct picture. Tho amalgum or union screws. As in the seythe nnd screw busi­ fore a neat, iiiiprcteiiding niaiislon, a littli- Published by II. O. Houghton A Co., Boston, of tinfoil with mercury, which is spread op llinii fifty dollars’ worth of the ordinary ness an-enormous tax on tiie material used, ent ollieers holtl over until Feb., 1878. off from tlie street, and the rabiiit faced at a year. glass to form a looking-glass is easily ru­ children’s books. We have made a Is paid to the governinenf, so m every oili­ Voted to hold llie Dcxt meeting in AiiguSta. iiimi liad commenced reprimaiuliiig tlie ined by the direct, couliiiucd exposure to Subscription price, $5 a year. Tho three er liusineas u.sing iron nnd steel, the same The Galaxy witli its January nnm^ liniiml volumes aud n subscription fur this GREAT REDUCTION Till- popularity and growlli of lliis Or­ giiaidians of tlie iiiglit for inleiTuptiiig a her enters upnn its thirteenth volume. Jlr. the solar ra^'s. tribute is paid, cither to the government, (luiet man ill the street, wlien lie was seized year, ouly $12. Subscribe witli the near­ la our Prices. der i.s lacst unprecedented—nunilieiiiig at William Black s stiuy of liladciip Violet'' is In all policies of life -insurance these, or to the Amerieaii iron mnmifaeturer, in by tlie linir and bounced up a flight of stairs, hnmght to a close in this number. The open­ est newsdealer, or send money in chock, or am-ir cmiiilers fairly zens are really overdoing thia tixitli-pick The IIeioht of Hvfoomby.—Rev. L. reiireseut nil phases of the best modern (ilyndon arc among the bc.stof the pjiets. The N. Philliiw, pastor of the Methodist church his goods liere, we will pay lilm more pro­ groan under the loads of useful as well as depurtments of science. literature, slid current business ? tlioiight, and no man who aims at hroail at 5Ionticello, Iowa, eloped witli the wife ®TiOOK fit. At tiie end, that profit goesto the land oiTiameiibil goods tliey carry. Everv pos- gossip arc ns full and valuable tvs usual. A serious casualty occurred on tlic Bos­ speciilator. Tiie foreigner comeg, lirings eidtnrc and desirc-s to ho well infovmed of silile want in the line of Dry or Fancy Publislicd by Hhcldon Co,, New York, at of a leading mnu in his congregation, but AT OUB PBIOES ! a year. ton, Ban e and Gardner Rail M’ay Wedneselay before going, he wrote tbe folloM’ing in a ids workmen, who take tiie pi,aces tlial what is stirring m the world of thonglit, Goods can lie filled here. The ill liealHi of afternoon, near Priuceton. A passenger slioiiid be ootnpied liy uative workmen. one of onr liaders, Mr.‘Clias. H. Aniold, letter to Ills wife: “ 51ay the widow's God can aiford to do without tlieso great helps LipriNCOTT’s IMagazink for January Iniiii collided with a mixed tiaiu, demol and the Fatlicr of tho fatherless abundant­ Overcoats— I'luler Free Tmdo the same foreignei-s compels liim to oiler for sale liiseiiliie opciiH with ap ilhihtrat^d urticle on H{)ain, tho isliiiig both locomotives, one liaggiige, one would stay at home, make tlieir goods nnd wliicli bring Iiini tho best tlioughts of tlio stock of geiu-ral iiiereliaudise. This is a fir-'t of a series, by Edward King, descriptive ly bless 3'ou and your cliildren in all things, $5 $7, $9, $12, $14, $16, $18 chiefly of the (piuint customs and amusing passenger and three freight curs. One pas­ aud make you happy all through life. I ship them to us, making the same compe­ deepest tliiiikers of tlie world. Every libra­ good chance for, luul Hie stock senger, Cluu'les O. Laml), was killed, and Former Prices— tition, taking the same articles from us in types character that Btill charactcrizo pro­ v.-aiit you every morning nnd evening to ry aud reading association sliould have tlic will be found to be complete, and Hie cus­ vincial life in the country of Don (Juixoto. SL'ver.Tl others senously injured. $7, S9, $11, $14, $16, $18, 120 exchange, to curry hack ; nil being alike tomers first class. read witli the children lu the New Testa­ Our FIoi r of Fire ” i.s the title of atiothcr The investigation of tliu lyxiisiana elec­ ment. Please read a verse first, and then benefited, except llie idle land speeulaior, fonr great reviews, ns well as the fai'-fuuicd Tiie last storm (Jlonda}-) has given us illuKtratcd paper, in which the phenomena and who never did nor never will do aiiyliody Blnekwood’s Magazine, the most powerful sleigliing in earnest—about a foot of “ beiiii- operation of volo.tnic eruptions arc depicted and tion I13' Hie Coiigressioiial Committee has have each one read in turn, and theu nil Ulsters— brought to light outrages by the Democrats kneel and repeat the Lord’s Prayer. Oil, any goixl. The fact is, the tariff tax helps monthly in the Kiiglisli tifiil snow ” liaviiig fallen. 1 am tliinkiiig explained. Mr. Earl Shinn, the di'>tingni.shed $8, $9, $10, $12, $14i, $16i only till! land speculator and increases tiie tlial if the writer of Hint poem could Jiave art critic, h'ts a paper on •’ Phidias and his Pre- on defenceless blacks, M’liicli ciiiial iu atro­ Paulina, do Keeg up the family altar as Former Prices— dc be regarded as tho typical A neri- Prob’s " predictions have been vcrifietl the late as 1700 to 1770 or later, when all onr posed “beautiful snow”—and would ns AiiocT Duinkino.—Wlien it can be said Stales, Init President Giloii refuses to sur­ 1 cat! state. A^luirt article ou ** Unquiet Graves,*' past 3’enr. Still he is not satisfied, nnd nails wore made by liuiid ; mainly in far­ soon have credited it to ‘5Iib. Partington as by Murio Uowlaud, givea au accuuiit of the of a youug iiiiiii “ He drinks,” and it cun hopes to reach ninety per cent, with a lit­ SUITS OF ALL KINDS mer's liouses liy men nnd boys, wlio with render tlieiii, cininiiiig that 11103- are snered to George Sand. Union. strange ricNsitudea that Iiavo hefallcn tlie re- lie jiroveii, Miint store Mants iiim for a tle more practice. . From $2 to $5 less tlian wo a little anvil, iinnimer ami iron rods, siit maitiH of in'iny cclebr.ited persons. Lady I5ar- clerk ? Wliat cliiircli M’unts liim for a mem­ fi'oni outsiile observation. kci's “ Lott^-rH fiom South j^j^frica ” are con­ have ever sold before. round the family fire nnd hiiminered out THE SITUATION. ber 't IVlio will him ? Wlwit dying Tlie Nation sa3’s Secretary 5Iorrill’s rec- cluded in this number, as is also the serial sto­ oiiimendatioiis are “ marked with much of nails ; same as motlicrs and daiigliters took The ice cmbnrgo in the Penoliscot drives Continues in what Judge W. used to cull ry fit Love in Idleness,’' which has‘entertain­ man M ill iippoiut liim as bis eSeeutor't He tlieir knitting and in tiie same room coal laden vessels into Belfast, from whence ed many readers during the past six months. may liiive iieeii forty years in building bis tlie same sort of caution and common sense and tiy the same liglit, in the evenings ; all n“Statu quo condition,” Guesses, nnd •• The Marquis of Lossie,” by Geo, Macdonald, reputatiijii—it goes doM ii. la'tters of rec- whicli Mr. Bristow brouglrt into tlie atl- working for botli pleasure iiiul profit, in their cargoes arc transferred to Waterville tlircats, and proiihesics, and suspicious, is still in progress, with no falling oft in power ommendalibii. Hie backing of business firms, miiiistrntinn of tlio finances. ” Tliose arc and Ollier places by rail. I or interest; and tliere is a sluirt story by Uev. a brilliifiit iiuecstry, cannot save liiiii. The tlie tiualities whicli are uo'v needed at tliis way nails were made, not only for nnd opiuioDE-^all amoiiutiiig taug'.bly to I Williaui M. linker, author of “ The New Timo- home consumption, Imt also to supply tiie , thy.” The poetry of the numbsr inclnde.*} uu M’orld shies off. Wliy 'i It is whispered Wasliiugton. At tlie meeting held here lust week, the demands of trade, and export to foreign little more tlian uotUiiig—coming from J “ Eveuiug Hong ” by Hiclnej’ Lanier, which has all tlirough tlic commiiiiity ; “He drinks A tape M'orrn, twenty-six feet in Icuglli, countries to consldcratile extent, nnd not eonstitiitioii of the State Grunge was chang­ cvci-yM'licrc, and from all clssscs of men— ' been set to music by Dudley Buck ; and some lie d,inks I’’ Tliat blasts him. Ivheu n lias just liccii removed from a little imy on­ { transliitiouK by Emma L'lz.irns, from the Froncli without fair pay to tiie laborer. As this ed so tliat tlie annual meeting will hereaf­ arc filling Hie papers, and bolpiiig tlic peo­ young man loses liis veputalioii for sobriety ly tM'o years of age. Hie son of 5Ir. Albert of Francois Ooupee. In the Gossip, Mrs. IIoop- lie iii’glii as M'ell lie at tlie bottom o.f the industry increased In importance tiie labor ter meet on the third Tuesday of Decem­ ple to “ grin and bear ” tlieir suspeuso till ' cr has a c ijiital letter describing the great auc- Gctclicll'nt Oetclicll’s Corner, in Vnfisal- was removed to shops, nnd made more of sea. There are young men m Iio have their ber. •I tion sales in I’liris ; Mr. Trollope rccouutB a boro’. The presence of Hie worm was ap- Robes f a trade nnd specialty. Tiie writer remam- deliverance comes by way of law and Hie visit to the horpe of Giorgiouo. The present good name as ilicir only caiiital. prcliendod from tbe fact tliat tiie little fel­ bers Andrus Dyer, who, it now living constitution, as m’c trust it Mill come Mlieii ' number begins the now voTumo of this popular The Boston Gi-odb is a live newspapei, “The Contributors’Club” promises to low Inul a violent appetite for raw meat. would be about 80 years old. Wlien a tiny it comes at a.'I. I magazine, which wc commend ns one of the He would beg for it every day, aud the Iiiiud Buffalo, anywhere from iudcpcudcDt in politics, uuscctoriau in re­ I attructivo illustrated monthliea imblisli- lie a very aeceptiible feature to the AlUinti.c lie went from wlial is now Casco, in this 1 cd. Among the special attractioiiH for 1877 Monlhlp. market man iu leaving meat for Hie famil3’, $8 to $15 I state, to Massachusetts, nnd learned the ligion, and neutral in nothing. In addition Tub Eci.hotic SIaoazine, Mdiicli reprints Wifi be a new sorud story by Itobocca Harding would always cut off a piece for tlio hoy’s trade of a nail maker. lie returned to to its ordinary attractions it will give graph fixim all tlio Foreign (Jiuirtcrly RevicM's, Davis, and a scries of illustrated sketohea on inmicdiato use. Dr.-Crookcr, ot tliis city, Tho largest and BEST Uulinod Casco, built him a sliop nnd went to work The Beauties of the lUiiiie. No magazine cx- One of tlio most amusing incidents ot had diiirgc of the case.—(Ken, Jour. making nails. It soon proved that tlie far­ ic reports of tho Moody and Saukey meet­ Magazlucs and Journals, fnriiisiiing Hie cceda this in the beauty of its illuR rations. the campaign occurred at Cincinnati Robes ever offered for sale ings soon to be held in Boston. Sec ad­ Pnblisheti by .1. B, Lippincott A Co., I’liiln- When bluster begins, argument ends. mers of Casco could cut lumber, haul it to cream of the clioiccst foreigu literiiture at dclphia, ub $4 a year. The Democratic leaders had issued cir­ in town, from...... $7 to $11 Portland with ox temiis, cxcliangc llie lum­ vertisement in anotlic-r column. a very loiv l<^<‘. Mill commeiice a new culars, calling for a meeting of ex-sol- Whether Hayes or. Tilden be President is ber for nails made in .Mnssuclinsetts, nnd The Nurreuy, that bright and beau­ dier.s, irrespective of parly. Tlie Union ot comparatively little ^importance, but Wb had a heavy fall of snow on JIoii- voluniu M'illi lue .liuiuary uumber. It lias it is of the greatest moment Hint tbe con­ Imul the nails to Casco cheaper tlian An­ tiful inuiithly magnzinc fur yuijngcBt rondcD, soldiers judging correctly that it was a drus Dyer could nfforil to make tliem ; lie- diiy, witli a strong wind, which blocked ever boeu a favorite witli Hie best class of ciitcm uiMiii II new year with u charming Jun- troversy be settled In the Amerleam nnd uaiy number, all aTiInzc with atlraetiuuH, pic­ cause Miuisacliiiselts'nailers had better fa­ readem and iucreases iu excellence witli scheme (or advaneiiig the interests of not in the klexican M’ay. Tlie party which tlie roads and delayed the trains on the rail­ torial and litemry. We liavo trietl to wenii a Tilden at tlieir expense, dutcrmiiTed to drat appeals fsom the forum ot reason to Please caU and see for yourself. — cilities for making nails than he'hud. Dy­ each Bucccctliiig year, aud to make it addi­ pair of little folk from thia nur.eiy book ; but er did not ask tlio Casco people to slmw road. The Pullman train due at 4.24 Tues­ no, they any they must have it ns long as they attend the meeting, and give to the coun­ the field of arms, puts itself M'holly in the We are bound to sell, iu ^t MUST him any special favours by a tariff tax on day morning did not arrive until noon. tionally attractive it furnishes an clegiint live, for Hiey feel sure they shall never bo too try tlio true sentiment of the majority M'roiig, and will find, m'Iicu the issue is sell, nnd will give^a better borgam | Massachusetts nails, nor by exempting Ids steel engraving with each number. For old to enjoy tho Nursery. Subscribo for it ns a A Democrat was cliosen chairman of niadu up, that it has lost the support of all for the next Ct/'CoI. Bangs proppsc-s to pay his re­ Christmas or Now Year’s gift to the children, good citizens.—[Port. Adv. jiroperty from taxation, but went into tlie further particiilnm sec prospectus In our uiid'it will last tlirough tho whole year. Notli- tlie giilhering, but M’hen he endeavored lumber business and made money. spects to tlie little folks on Christmas Day, advertising columns. •* ing is like it as a first rending book for the to forco the pii.ssago of a lot of disloyal, Thu Eustern news is more peaceful iu its lint other nail makers persevered, in­ and wonld be glad to c-xoUango “ greeting '' young. tone; the armistice has been prolonged. Fifteen Days 1 ruuliiihcd by dohn L. Shoroy. Boston, ut slianceful resolutions, the Hoys in Blue creasing facilities and improving miiehin- CiTTlie friends of Mrs. E. F. Jlradbiiry, ery, from year to year, up to tlio present witli every boy and girl, largo or small, in $1.GU u year, and sent postage paid. deposed tho sclicinor and elected a loyal Counterfeit five dollai’ bills of the Mer­ I’han has ever been offered bofotn I time ; and now, in 1870, facilities are so Wiilervillc, Winslow nnd viciuity. —M’idely known ns a dealer in niillincry man in his stead, when resolutions in.- chants’ National bauk of New Bedford are complete, and machinery so perfect, tlial Ho will be “ At Homo " ou Christmas gomls on 51aln-st.', for nenriy forty years, Messrs. Houghton & Company have pub­ dorsing Gov. Ilayos were adopted. The iu circulation—exceedingly well executed, n nail factory, well ordered and well lished an index to the first 88 volumes nl blit compared with tho genuine, tho engrav­ Day, at his ofllce, in the Mill, from 0 to 12 M’lll bejiained to learn that slie M’ns pros­ Democrats were caught in their own ing appears qxite dim. Tlie rcpregehtntioii manned, can take in old iron and turn nut trated ISy a paralytic sboek on Tuesday laat, the ANauft'e from 1857 to 1870. The in­ trap. ______nails, very nearly ns fast ns a grist mill A. JL, to any uumber who may call. dex coiitiiiiis a list of all tlie coiitriliutlouH, of the landing of Columbus, on the back Willie attending to business 'at her store. of tlio note, appears quite faded; can grind kernels of corn, allowing tlie M’itli tiaiiies of nil tlio cuutribiitors amiexcd, Payment of War Claims.—Dem­ Tub house of ilr. Asa^B. Youug, of and iiuoHier list of the contilbutors, M itli nail factory as many macldnes as the grist Slie M’ag taken to lier residence, M'horo slie ocratic ■ Congressmen have not been so III Augusta; Rev, II. W. Tilden Is pas­ P. 8. HE A.IaD & 00. mill lias runs of stdues. This is no figure, Cherrylleld, wiw burned Wednesday night, tlie contributious of each. As many of tlie remains in a very feeble condillou, but much frightened since tlie Biaine-Hill tor of tho Baptist churcli, and is highly es­ It Is literally true. and a Miss Gnptill, aged 18, aud one of best contributions to Hie magazine have teemed cs|>ecially among the children of with hopes of recovery in due time. appeared anonymously, this Index, in now debate.' as tliey were on Moiidny, when As to tlie export of nails, it is presumed Mr. Young’s cliildrnn, aged 6 or 0 years, his parishioners. Recently aHIttle tivo- to bo large-, and we never beard of tho im- supplying Hie names of the nutliors, reveals Hunter frep.) of Indiana, introduced a ycar old boy, who is a Republican true ^rtotion of common nails from abroad. perished in the flnuics. CS'Seo a chauco to buy good sloiglis iiiucli curiniiB and valuable literary history, resolulioD instructing the Judiciary com­ clicuii—at Joscpli Turely’s. Wliile it ut the saiiiu tjiiiu makes uviiiluble blue aud thinks very much ot tho clttrgy- In nails wc can heat tlie world, and sell A MUUDEUoiis trap was set for an olllcer mittee to report an araendmont to the man, was about to retire and closed up his them for n mere trillo over llie price of tlie rieli stfircs of literature in Hie scries of constitution prohibiting tlio payment of beil time prayer with, “O, Lord, bless wlio searched tlic Saco Uouso for liquor, a Athuitic volumes. bar iron ; and if the nail maker could im­ That popular mngaziuu, the “ Wide- war claims to disloyal persons. There father and mother, and bless Mr. Tilden; port iron, free of a tariff tax, he could sell few days ago,, which shows tlio temper of Awake,’’ has issuctl its prospectus for 1877, was a general flutter on the democratic O Lord, you know which one I mean. ” nails lor a less price [K-r pound, tlian tlie men who ia tliese days of light deal ih in­ Pout.TnY Exiiiuition at Fahifield.— spreading before its readers a flcli feast for side, and hurried consultations. Tho There are at preseut soveu hundred price of bar Iron now is here. liunrd nails toxicating driuks. Tho rounds of a ladijcr Tho llmt cxhihltlou of tho Central 5Ialiie arc sold hero in Watervllle at tlireo and one Hie coming twelve mouths. This popular Southern meiphers wlio hud their eyes inmates at tho Soldiers’ Hume lu Togus, leading to tho cellar wcrcsuwetl nearly off, Poultry Association opeued at Fairfield, on tho largest number ever at tho Homo at A New Thing in Wnterrille. half cts. per pound. Under tliese circum­ pictorial .Magazine for the youug folks. Is un fat claims, were indigniiut when they stances, tlio law of Congress saj-a, if you uud it was only by hastily catching at the 5Ionday ami closed ou Thumday. It may saw tho noriliern democrats running or oue time, BlioM'ing, that through lack of JOHN A. VIQUB now enteriug upon Its fourth volume. employment, or on account of straitened ImiMirt board nails you must pay a tux on sides of tho trap door that the olllcer savwl justly ho said to have been a very marked prupuring to swallow the pill. Tho ru- Hu left bit oart and looatad lii|a Qnaatj I them of .SSiK-r lUt) lbs., or on horse Sophie 51ay, Ella rarninn, and otlier hi- circumstances, many ore driven to the hos­ himself from a dangerous fall. success, though the stormy weather aud had publicans held up Tildeu's letter declar­ pitable doors of the Home, who under oth­ Ou Main St., Id door north ofampla SL, vkinl shoe nails .60 per 100 Ihs. If wc cou'd terostlug M'riters for the youug, M ill con­ lie Intenda tuoBbrIbr aaVa Obotoa OroMrianl travelling prevuntod os largo attendance os ing tliat no disloyal man expeutetj pay­ er conditions could shift fur themselves. bring lu ua'.U free of a tax, we could work tribute liberally to Us columns the coming aU A-tiwls, in Iba atora lataly oeuplad by Jorw I them up into bar iron ctieaper tlian we pay \TnB BAi-TiST Ladiks’ Aiu Booietv—or­ expected. Two hundred coops were on cx-. ment (or war claims, and laughingly ■ It is reported from Mexico tliat Ameri­ Oo. - Ho Inritea all to call. Ha will attand to kk| year. If the parents want their childruu for that article now. Those in the busi- ganized to raise funds for upholsteriug uud Iiibltion Tuestlay—probably exceeding in called on the democracy to.follow their can missioaaricB there are iu danger on ac­ own bualneaa and eoonomlia ao aa to ba aUa *1 nees of making iron from the oie have ma­ to be happy, they should svud two dollars aall lilt goodt at low prioaa. Ha lotanda la furuishiug the new Church—held Its auuu- quality, variety and number any cxbibitiuK chief. ' When tho roll call was concluded, count of tho recent success gained over the beat ot Oofibea, Teat and Sploaa. Naw uiio«l nipulated our cnugressmsii, aud secured-tlie to Iho puliUshers, D. Lothrop & Co., 80 it M'as found that ih’e resolution had pass­ Lcrelo government by the Diaz aud Iglesias oonttautly added. ul ineetiug on Wetluesday evoulug, aud ever held In the State, 'ileus, turkeys, pMsago of such laws, to force us to pay ami 82 Fiaiiklin street, Boston, aud receive ed by a vote of 150 to 63. The atlirm- factious, which are working In tho Interest JOHN A VlOU* tlieir jH-iucs. By ohservatiuu wo have made a very gratifying diiancial exhibit, geese, ducks and pigeons M’cie present iu of the ohurcli party. . the magazine one year. alive was made up of eighty republiuaiis learuod that very many cougreasmeu work only about forty dollars remaining unpaid extreme beauty ami perfection. Wo hope Skowhegan is to have a lecture course. for pay. and seventy democrats, and tho negative of over seven hundred. CsTUeiir iu mind tho lecture of IIou. to give I'st of prizes next week. L. T. BOOTHBT A BOH’ The Iron manufacturer aecuros a very dI sixty-tliree demourafs. Tho only rational liberty is that which is Wm. Guold, ou “Fort Halifax,” ou Fri­ born of subjection, reared in fear of God General Inauranoe Agency /I high protection, still we import imuieuscly A SEA serpent five hundred feet long, aud ’if Wo regre't that u'e are obliged to au- large quantities of Imii and hard ware.— day eveiiUig of next week' It M'ill bo ou General Diaz declined to proclaim and love of man, and made courageous in fifty feet across the hack, is wortli talking Douiico that Dr. Pulslfer, continues very the defence of a trust and tho proaecutlou PKKUZ BLOOK, Give us Free trade, aud it will Imi our fault eutertalumeut of deep iuUrcst to all who tho Presidenoy of Iglusias in Mexico, If we do not improve busincas and give the about, aud that is what au English sea cap­ sick, of pneumoala, so that his physiclaiis of a duty.—Wimmi. WATERVILLE, MB, Kuow either much or little about “tho unless he could name four members ol laborer a better ebauee. tain rc-jHirts having seen in the Straits of and atleudimts speak very doubtfully of It appears that Theodore Parker’s old Old Fort ” that has llvetl to become so fa­ the Cabinet. This was refused by jiarlsh at Boston are not to break up. They lEita^1telwdJ«U.| Jacobs. Herrlu, who shot Merritt J. llar- Malacca. his rccavery. Iglesias when Diaz proclaimed himself mous with aotlquarlaus. have subscribed $20,000 toward paying their Repimenti the Leediog Diou last summer, iu Canaan, and was seut provisional president, and the revolution by Judge Douforth to the lusaue Asylum Rev. a. L. Lake, assistant lu the Wa- Spurgeon iu a late sermon told the tyirea church debt, and will reopen their church now continues between these rival pre­ for services within a few weeks. at tb» last tenii, to have the queaik-n of his tc-rville Classical Institute, hts been engaged Go TO UENitiOKSoN’s for Harper’s Mag­ ami uiolhers not to run after jmlilie interest AHERIOAN^I^ rOBIK}!' sanity detemiiuud, ia prououuced by Dr. azine for January, aud all the other popu­ to tho neglect of domestic duties: “ Let tenders. Mrs. McIntosh, who was going to Toron­ to preach oue quarter of the time to tho the bo on the shirts, let tho chil- Fire Insuraace Co'a Harlow to be free from all traces of iusuij- lar periodicals, which ho always receives to with cattle, was put off a train ou the Baptist church at PIshon’s Ferry, in wl\leh dieu’e socks bo mended, let the roast mut­ Great Western Railway. Her pass ’was ity, and he will accordingly be tried at the promptly on publicatlou. The business portion of Phillips Up­ next term which sits next Tuesday, fur there is a good degree of re-liglouf iutere-st. ton ho (lone to a turn, let the house he us per Village was destroyed by flro Tues- refused by the conductor, who declared. OAPITAIi- mnuslaugUter, the crime for which he was CiiBiBTMAs.—Tho Baptist Sabbath School neat as a new pin, ana tho homo as happy day night. Five stores nnd two dwell­ “No woman ouu ride ou a drover’s poll.’’ 100 000*000 os a home can be.” Judge Burton gave judgment for plaintiff , iudlcted. “ Fuukst Tau Sai.vb " relieves thtj burn­ will have a pleasant outertalnmeut lu tho ings were burned. Loss $10,000 ; in- In Fratteu not long ago, a man was ttieil ing paiu, and promotes a disposition to ou her suit, reserving fur cuuidderetlon the Ininrea FABM PKOniktT AND Vcotry ou Monday evening; aud there will Wristlet ptu'iles arc now a now kind of sured for $1000. Tbj losers are A. amount of damages. , for murder In the usual course. In the heal. ami'semeut. The ladles furnish tho wrist­ Toot linker & Co., $COOO ; S S Williams, DETAOHGD PBITAT^ ^ | usual comae he waa found guilty ami con- be the uaual servloea at 8t. Francis Church. lets all nunibersd. Then they each put on $500 ; M 8 Hinckley, $1000; H Mor­ The Melhodiat finds an illustratloit' of per seat, ht faau Zaitia. deiimed,' aud lu the usual course the jurors Iff Hr. J. Wesloy Gilmau, of West Wa­ Liiti.e FuLKtil A word iu your car one of a jialr, and tho mates are sold, hit tM truth gf the text, *’ The wicked shall were applied to, to sign tho petition, fur rison, $700 i Mrs. Hinckley, $500 ; no Inautei agaioat DAHAPS by UORTIMQ terville, It eugaged In preparing a History privately. Accept Col. Baugs’a iuvitatiuii or miss, to the gentlemen, aud each man nut live out half their days,” In the fact oommulatiou of his senleaoe. One wiser has to devote himself for tho cveulug to insurance on the above. C M Davis, that iu a list of fifty pei'souyi executed for ar lire afifii if net. than hla fellowa dkl ao, witli the poaUcript, of Drummond U. A- Chapter, No. 27, lo­ in another culumu, and make him a call $500, insurance $1000 ; E H Nicker­ J^AU IZMMIlei promptly leitled at thia O#**- the lady whose wristlet is numbered the murder within a few months past, not one )< INttUMt-oeteMllI I “ Un oouditluu that he bangs himself.’’ cated at that place, tie will do it well. on Christmas D83''. You will not regret It. same as the oue he has drawn. son, $1000 ; ipsuranco $600. of them was over thirty-five years of age. June 1, IWt. ®f)C Watertille SWail ... laec, 22. 1870.

"Waterville Mail. Of George Eliot, one of the most dlstin- 1 guisbed of her masculino cotempomries Holiday Goods! Ncu) ^buci'tiscmcntg. An Independent 'FnmilyNewiipiiper, devoted to privately says that she is a woman of such —AT— the Support of the Union. high moral lenBe, that to converse with her MR. A. F. COLLINS BUSINESS ! (KT-BKADV FOR AOENT-5-THK for an hour makes a man feel as if be were Fubllihed on Friday. on top of a mountain; the air is too rarifled, DflRB’S DRUG STORE. MAXHAM & WING, and it fatigues him. An unusually large assortment of And we mean business when wc say we Editors fud Proprietors. ELEGANT can sho'w you one of tho BEST nnd CHEAPEST Blocks of grapliio pi'n-picturo of it» history, grand A/ Phenix Block...... t.ilain Street, Waterville, ^ctir ^Tiuihea ^ CorriJba, Hfts ths piraaurs oflnforminc: lii« friends and buildliiB*,illiiBa, wondarfolwonu.rroi exhiblls,exhihlla, cnriosllfea,cnriotllles. greatxreat ANOTHER CHANGE, old Customer, that ho ha. hired day., etc. l’noso*Kt,T Illustkatkd, thou- Ern. MaxnAM. Dam’lR. Wiao- THE anbsorlber hereby announces that he has Hand, Nail, Teeth, Infant, MElSrS’, YOUTHS’ and BOYS’ ouGiii.v roruLAK, and vkrt ciikaf. 1* selling archased the stock of Hardwara recently owned Shaving, Velvet, Flesh, Clothes, Hat & lmmcn»«ly. 6000 Aoxst* Wartxd 1 Send fur T B R M 8 y T, E-. Ra n|ted & Co., and hopea, by close at- full particular.. Thl* la the chance of 100 venra TWO DOLLAUB A TEAR, IN ADVANCE. Shoe Brushes. to eom numrf fatl. Get the only reliable iiiato- entlon to business and fair dealing, to enjoy a CLOTHING ry. MUIlBAHD .DHOTHF,RS, Pub, , Sprlov- SINOLII OOPIUS FIVE CENTS. Wing ahare of patronage, (feld, Mnw. 'i' > • P '"K n^No paper discontinued untit nil arrearage L, B. PAINE TERFUMERY, Half of tho Store occupied bp O. F. r plAUTION.—Bb kot dxciivxo by pretn*- are paid, except at lbs option of the publish Colognes, Mayo, ever shown in this vicinity. Wo have selected our stock with great care nnd lure book* assnminK to be •• official,’’ and NOTICES. Toilet Waters, bought at tho very BOTTOM of tho maket. Wo wish to call spccal attention lolling what will happen in August and Sept. ' Perfumers, to our DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Smellin ? Bottles, "riic Little Rock Benth b West closes at 10.35 A. M., 8.00 p. m A CARD. Pu:i-boxes. • “ open at a. m., 5X p. m. And is ready to receive LARGE and ELEGANT STOCK of North & East closes at 4.35 “ Tc all who ar6 suHerihg from the crrorB nnd Powders, & nnd Fort Smith “ open at A. h., 11.00 " indiflcretinnfi of youth, nervous weakness, early Puffs. OVERCOATS Office hours Irom 7M \. M. to 8 p. m. decRV, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a reel* Hand Mirrors, C. R. MoFADDKN.P. M. pe that will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE, ORDERS FOR RAILWAY WstorrlUe, Nov. 1. 1670. rids great remedy whs discovered by a mission­ Toilet Soaps, Some very extra Bargains. A good warm Overcoat $4.00 to $5.00 nnd " —IIAA— ary in Sontli America. Send h self-addreiised Shaving Mugs, fair all wool Overcoat, Irom 8.00 to $12.00 [f 0 K SALE PACT. PUM. PANOV AND PHT810 envelope to the Rkv. Joseph T. Ikman, Station J)f BibU //ouse. AVio York CUv. 17—6m Soaps & Creams, Custom Clothing. This is no Humbug, mean what wo say, these goods must be sold, and Fanning Undi, Gra^ni UnY OILIVIAN’S ALL WORK will be done in WOOD et GOAD. eat Tar. It.cures Catarrh. 4w27 Holiday Gifts, Boys' & Cliil- Kxira Vine Mixed Terda, with nain*.IO C^MRHOR ICE AH of which may be had at astonishingly Low Dry Hard and Soft Wood, prepnrod eti., poieptild. L JONB9fc()0.,NxMau, N.V. ScAROiTT OF Monet.—There is no doubt With Glycerine and Carbolic Acid. Prices, ns the Store muKt be cleiirodby New for Stove or FurTiuces, consiniilly on (Iren’s. Wtfk to Agenti.lamplrr FHKK. but the present condition of all kinds of The best remedy for Sore Lips and Chapped Hand Years when Mr. Crowell will remove to more First-class Manner, L')Ob e i i l». 0. VIOKllt:UY, ' Au|ufra,^alre . commodious quarters, hand and delivered in qunntilies desired $3. $360. $8. and upwards, business and industry is fearlully depressed, AND A FIT WARRANTED. WEI.E, f IIA'I' IS CtTEt and it behooves every family to look care­ YANKEE in any p.'irt of tlie villngo|; also Charconl lorriages. niENS* AND novs’ New Ilaby Boep. made by nobixion Droi. &■ Co. fully to their expenses. Winter is coming In preot variety; Vases, Glass Ware. for kindling coal fires, by the Lushel or hofton. on when children are liable to Croup, 1> i V *nd Weady work for ou Wliooping Cough, etc. Coughs and Colds In Waterville, Nov. 30th, by Tlcv. 8. P. Mer­ TOYS and KNICK KNACKS, barrel. The best quality of pressed Hay VjIVyV/JL/ 1. I.\. X Of iwo enterpriidng lU” will provSl everywhere, and Consumption, rill, Mr. Otis E. Pieroo. of Augusta, and Miss or women In «acb oouim .. Aunista F. Dowtis, of WaterviTlc. ENDLESS VARIETY, CALL AND SEE BE­ .md Stniw, by Ihe bale or ton, Lime by ULSTERS. PartlcwIarB frre. Brnd 91.Kl for outflt worth with other throat and lung diseases, will Maine Standard please copy. Addrf>BH J. LATIlAM 8t 00,419 Warhington itrret, carry off many. These diseases should not In this village, Dec. 19, by Itev. Dr. Sheldon, Sleds, SiHtipnery, Boxes of paper nnd FORE BUYING the cask or car load, Newark Cement, UoBtoD, .Maiti bo ueglectcd. Doctor’s hills are expensive, Mr. Edwin F. Young and Mrs. Adolo R. Wtl- envelopes. Diaries, Suspenders, llo-siery, An immense Stock I Hams, both of Waterville. •also Portland Cement by the pound PiiOfiTS rnoM ffliOA >5 and we should advise our people to use Neckties,PHperCollars,, Needles, A largo variety 1 en one||routr*ct in 30 ------iloscnEE’s German Btrup. It never has , Colored Worsteds in great variety. or ensk, for lining or repairing Ciateriis. days by thl lit. dselln. in stocks. An unbroken lino ! Tti. JudirloDR uisna^oDi.nt of failed. One bottle at 76 cents will keep batiks. Ribbons, Ruffles ; &c. &c. Thanking you all for past favors I hope for a Long Island ‘White Sand nnd Calcined your whole family well duriug tlie winter. continuance of vour trade. Plaster for skim coat plastering. Agent LADIES’ MISSES’ & CHIL- STOCK CONTRACTS Two doses will relievo any case. Sold in In this village, Deo. 7, Goorge Alfred, son of LOADED TABLES DREN’.S FURS, on the prif liege plan xlwxye eoeurei • good return all towns in the United States, and by your ClC. and Abbie M. Cnpokctt, aged 15 months, Where you have your clioice for lOcts, for Portland Slone Ware Co’s, Drain open (en llni(»e the lortMnient lii «■ mnny dt/i.— DmgglsL______7 days. Deo. 7, Lora Byron, son of W. H* and Also tba larccst stock ever sbnwn to tha stoto 8eud fo! luforiuatioD and the “ Ntw free. Abbie Drown, 2 years and 7 days. 2.5cI8,50cts., 75cl8 or $1.00. Articles, Pipe and Fire Bricks. of Wolf A llulTiil.i ROUES, I.ined Itiill'iilim. $7 OoldMd I T. rtTTTEU, WRIGHT fc ub.,Ooncord. N.U. Eyes. In Skowhegan, Deo. 13th, Mary E.Thyng, Deo. 16, 1870. Terms,cash on delivery at lowest preces. formerly of Waterville, aged 45 years. FOR 1877! G. S. FLOOD. Je Peavy A Bro’s. CONGRESS. WATERVILLE, LODGE NO. 33. FXLECl loTl AG A ZINE The Senate spent the day Thursday, WINTER CAPS for MEN and BOYS NKUAL meeting, Monday evening, in discussing the Louisiana election. The Christmas OF FOKEItilV LITEICATURE. MUFFLERS ! MUFFLERS!! Alfon fino stock of STYLISH HATS House passed a resolution providing (or A- Deo. 26,1876, at 7 o'clock. A L. A. DOW. Sec, -1876- THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. A greni variety in oil the latest pnt- at a special committee of the Senate about The Eclectic Pi»prin($ from nil the Foreign »S..TAKH4^INTERNAU’ IVEIY CURES tcrn.s in Silk. Cnshomerc, &c. counting the electoral votes, and anoilier Qiinrterlioi, Reviews, Mngnzines and Journnis, RHEUMATISM, GOUTikvERySlliSiI. 8^" LUMBAGO. ROBINSON’S Clothing Store. Ik thoir choicest contents, including essays, scien­ '‘QLQ BY DRUGGISTS DFORCm- &c. felling cheap nt 10 report upon tho powers and duties of ‘'HIL6phew AT tific papers, Utographicai Sketches, Reminiscen­ the House in respect to the same matter. We wish to inform the public that they ces of'1 ravel and Adventure, Tales, Stories, and w/5HTgtSl b. I Robinson’s Clotliing Store. .'Ihe post route bill of last session was Poems. The field of selection Is very large, nnd tben discussed uuiil tlie adjournment, CROWELL’S ! con find nt the store of the Tilton estate it is believed that the Eclectic presents a great­ WATEEVILLE SAVINGS BANK. IBu-y your. er variety and a higher standard of Literature and the Senate amendments reviving Wlicre a NICE LOT OF NEW GOODS than any periodical can hope to do that depends epositors who have not handed their the fast steam service and tlie franking has just been received from Boston. exclusively upon Iinme talent. A knowledge of Deposit Books in for exchange, will picas) CRACKERS 3 Doors above Post the current literature of other countries is indis- Dbring or send them to the Rank as soon aa pos­ New niUlinevy. privilege wore rejected. pcnsible to all who keep pace with tho progress sible. The Rank having resumed busioess ou ii The Senate continued the discussion Stereoscopes & Views, Silk Pocket of the human mind; and tho Eclectic ofifers^the sound basis is receiving deposits ns foimerly. At MATTHEW’S Dikery, best, and, indeed, the only opportunity for ^ob­ K. U. DRUMMOND, Trens. of the Oregon business Friday, but readi­ lloudkorchiefs and Neck Handker­ Office, Waterville, Dec. 7,1870. ed no conclusion. Tlie House, before taining this knowledge within a reasonable com­ Mrs. Chase, chiefs, Clouds, Toilet Sots, Albums, pass, and At A moderate price. Among the wri­ Offick II0UR8—0 a. m. to 12 m. 1.80 to 4 p’m Has just retur.ed with a fine stock of II lbs ol nice ones for $1 passing a bill to pay the expenses of tlie ters represented in recent numbers of tho ICclec- Parlor Croquet Sets, Books, Paper' Many cboco articles of investigating'committees, look occasion tic are: The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, James Collars in Block Walnut Boxes for Anthony E'roude, Matthew Arnold, Charles 18 7 7. New Goods ! G. II. MATTHEWS. to discuss the Louisianai election. The 25 cents, nice assortment of Neck Kingsley, Robert Rnchnnan, George McDonald, post office appropriation bill was then Ties nnd Ribbons, Boxes of Poper, John Ruskjn, Alfred Tennyson, Thomas Hughes, Kmbraoing a choice and well selected variety William Black, Mrs. Ollphant, Thomas Hardy, Quarterly Reviews IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, EIMK, taken up in committee ofitlie whole, and Ladies' and Gent’s Hkfs, Toy Books, William Morriss, Miss Thackeray, hire. Alexan­ to which ihe reMpectfuIly invUes attention JEWELRY AND Got. 21.1876. was Anally reported to the House. &o...... a^Call and see. der, Profs. Huxley nnd Tyndall, Richard Proc­ BLA0KB70OD’^ MAGAZIilE. The Senate have failed to pass over tor, R. A., Prof. Owen, Ur. W. R. Carpenter, JUST RECEIVED WI10LK9ALE suitable for the Maic Muller, J. Norman Lockyer, Herbert Spen­ AND RETAIL, Ihe President’s veto, the bill redudng BEAUTIFUL cer, and others equally eminent. Besides the Tbe Leonard Scott PnblUhing Co. AT itie President's salary to $25,000. The regular articles {:i the body of the magazine, 41 Uabclat St., Few Yokk, Bird Cages, vole was 25 to 19, lacking Ave of the there are four original edftorial departments; Continue their autkorited reprints of tlio Holiday Presents Literary Notices, Foreign Literary Notes, Sci­ AT G. A. Osborn & Co.’s. requisiie two-lliird majority. The Sen­ Holiday Trade ence and Art, and Varieties. With' regard to the FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS, ate agreed Monday, to the appointment You oxa bay at character of the selections, the aim or the Eclec­ Kdinburgli Review, (Whig), J. F. PEBCIVAL & GO’S. tic Is to be instructive without being dull, and of a joint committee to report on the prop­ 0. H- Carpenter'! Vneio Store- That can bo Loudou Quarterly Review, (Conservative), 8i|ill®(DiL Thuruugbly mnde. durable, excellont tuned, entertaining without being trivial. While each Westminster Review, (Liberal), er method of counting the doctoral vote, number contains something to interest every Second hand Book* bought and sold OEO. WUOUS OUGANB, at !120, 0140, «IGa. BOUGHT member of the family circle, it addresses iuelf British Quarterly Review, (Evangelical), and continued tha discussion of the Ore­ IlouuUful tonod, finit oIobh, ESTY ORGANS, particularly to that great body of iiitelligeut AMU at gon matter. at $130, and at $140, and at $175. readers who seek profii as well as einusement in o im Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. Mr. Knott offered in (ho House a bill Elegant fint I , fine t<>nud, JNO. P. RICH- solid and healthful literature. Reside the 128 J. F. PERCIVAL & CO’S. ARDSON ORGANS, at $1.16. BELOW COST pages of reading matter, each number of the B. B. 1GGIN8 & CO. committing the whole matter of counting CHRISTIE PIANOFORTES, fine tonod, well magazine contains a fine Steel Engraving—usu­ The Brilish Quarterlies give to tho reader , B'holesale Dealers nnd Planters ef Ihe electoral voles, with lull power, to a made. Urge lUed. ootave, at $300. ally a por:ralt^xecuted in the most urtislio well-digested information upon the great events LADIES BOX STA'riONARY MUSICAL BOXES at $3. at $5, at $8 at $13. manner. in contempo’-anoous history, and contain mas­ PEOVIDEKCE EVER joint assembly of the two houses of Con VIOLINS at $1.60, at $3, at $5, at «7, at As wo wish to close out the slock by terly criticisms on all that is fresh and valuable a large aasorlmcnt gross, in wliich all questions shall bo de­ $10, at $13. at $30. TERMS: in literature, us well as n siimmury of Urn irl- VIOLIN BOXES at 30o., at SOa, at 80o., ut AT cided by a viva voce vote of each mem­ , - ______,_____ 0*^ uinphi ol sclonoo and art. Tlie wars likely to $1, at 1.50, at 3. at 8. $6; two copies, 99; five copies, 920 Triarsub convulse alt Europe will form topics for discus­ J. F. Pkuc'val & Co’a. ber present, the majority to rule- UARUONIUAS at 12o., at 25o., at 50c., at IffHW YHARSS, scriptioos for three months, $1. The Eclectic sion, that will be treated with a thoroughness OYSTERS, The iSenat'e, Wednesday, passed a bill 70a., at SSe., at $1, at 1.30, at 1.80, at 2, at 3,40' and any other 94 magazine to one address, 98. and ability nowhere else to be found. Black­ GUITARS $S, at 8, at 10. 1877- Postage free to ail subscribers, Address, wood’s MagHzino is famous for stories, essays, Nos. 128 & 130 Court St., Boston. utablisliing the Territory ol Huron, and BANJOS at $3.50, at 6.40. E. R. PKLTON, Publisher, and Hketches of the highest literary merit. CirculatiD r .Library. coalinued the Oregon discussion. TAHBOUIUNES at $t, at 1.50. 23 Uoud Street, New Yo>k We are selllnK our PROVIDENCE RIVER TUMING-FOIIKS at 80o., at 40o. Ju8t the thing for n The House adopted the report of tho Tehms—including PoHtngo— OYSTERS, fresh from their beds every day, for TUNING-PIPES, at 30o., at 40o. $1.30 per gelinn, i^illd. Also, we have a lerge jodioiary oommittee, declaring that tole- FLUTES at $ 1, at 3, at 6. at 8, at 18. MOODY Payable Stiricily in Advance. stock of NATIVE OYSTERS, by tba barrel, at CLARINETS at $3. at«, at 8, at 10. J. F. PERCIVAL A CO’S. gmphlo communications have no more Christmas Gift, "and' For any one Review...... 94pernnn. the lowest market prioea. NORFOLK AND OERHAN AOOORDIONB from $3.40 to 8. VIRGINIA OYSTERS 90c>a. per naUnn. soul). privileges than oral or other coramuni- FRENCH JtCCORDIONS from $4 to 7. these hard lime I SAKKET. For any two Reviews...... 7 cationa, and must be produced when call­ For any three Reviews...... 10 Beautiful PopulaifjSoage and the moel Inter- The** diatlngul.hed rellitiou. worker, wiil be­ For all four Reviews...... ,.12 A FINE ASSORTMENI ed lor. There was no division on tho eetvig Few Sheet Mutie, Call at ROBINSON'S and get your gin n lerle* of tarvicea in Boalon eariy in Janua­ For Blackwood’s Magazine...... ,4 OF AUo, the new and elegant ry. They will be lield In nn iinmen.e Tiibernu- For Blackwood aud one Review...... 7 MEN’S YOUniS*. AND BOYS’ •doption of the report, but a resolution ole, now being erected at n cott of 840,000. WHITE , friend a'nice Cardigan Jacket. For Rlaokwood and two Reviews.... 10 requiring the subpoena to describe the Fhese moetlnge will be of wide-apreud public Kcr Blackwood mid three Reviews... 13 Men’s Winter Gloves tpttiAc telegrams to be produced, had exoellent in dunbility, range of work, oonven- AT CLOTHING ieuoe, Ao.; combining the beat puinta in other Fur Blackwood aud the four Reviews, 15 ROBINSGN’S CLOTHING Store. pteviously been defeated—yeas 94, nays Full and Graphic Reportt AT fimt cloaa Sewing Haoninea, at redoeed prioea. PIANO TUNING. CLUBS. 1*2. • CoU at OARI’ENTER'S MUSIC STORE, op- of the oermone and eervlces will be given from poaite Ljfotd’a Briok Blook. B. H. HOOPER. day to day In > A discount of twenty per cent, will be allowed MASONIC & ODD FELLOWS’ Bed Hock Prices A resolution was offered in the House to .our or more persons.__ Thus : four copies of FIrat'claaa tuner from Beaton, Im* made ar- Itlu/sl/ .xM A.... IF.... AT 'celling (bat J. O'Connor Power, M. P., N07’ICE raugement* to atop at Watarville aa frequently THE BOSTON DAILY GLOBE, Blackwood or ol one Review will be sent to <»«e T*ins «fc Charms. Iisd bwn deputed to represent to the n* la iieoeaaary, to tuna and repair Pianoa, He and Ihote wbo ore •eleoling a dally newspaper uUdreu for 912.60, four copies of the lour Re­ Uobiosoo’* One Price Clothing Store. he memben of the N. Kennebeo Antoultiir- views and Blackwood for 948, and so on. people of the Unkej States the congrat- will •)* in town again early In Uacemtier, and for 1877 should bear this fact In mind. At tlie Store of the Tilton o.4lBto (3 al Society ere regueeted to meet in the Ureng solioi e erdera from thoaa who wlah a careful Wfe prefer a record to a prospectua. Wlint vUtlons of the Irish nation on the cen- Tere Hell, over the atore of G. R. MoFadden, on PRKMIUMS Door uboves the Post Office.) Tueadey alternoon at 1 o’clock,Jen, Slid, 1877,ta and ak'Il^' workman, of nearly thirty yeara ex- THE GLOBE baa been it wilt be in 1877—n live, New subsoribers (applying early) for the yeir lusry of American independence, and elect Odloera for Ihe ccmlog year, beer report*, perienoi. progreseive newepaper, independent in politics, 1877 may have, without charge, the uum terr for FOUND AT LA.ST, ^**tet of the Scalp, mm J given to clubs. eradioale *11 .Scurf and Dandruff, slop tbe H«ir it say Irish ‘ nation.* ___ SIX good SLEIOHE*. and aeverel PUNGS, new TIHMB OF THE DAILY GLOBE . Circuhirs with further’ particulars may be BRU'S SLEIGHS, niaiiufaetured ut Searsinout, end old, will be cold by the aubacriber, at bia FALL STYLIS had on applicatlou. tor tale at my stable*, at verv low price*. from falling nif, stops all burniug and Robing of 1 Year...... 18.00 Dec. 3. V'i4ir UKU...... JEWELL. tlio liead, and restore* Hie hair to its original uni- abop on the Plain, in Waterrllle, at very low HATS 0 Monlbt...... 4.00 The iMnard Scott FnbUahing Co., or fur a oerlaliity. It it • Purely Vegetable prloe*. JOSEPH TARDY. 1 Months...... 3.00 41 Bauclay .St., New Yuuk. Preparation, liu been au*l.vxtiUiin>,»iidEWnay«. Adiiri I I THE GLOBE F UBLI8UINO 00., KKNFKBXO COUFTY.-In Prolmte Court, aud te^ecommendalluiii. WANTED, AGENTS. 338 Wasbington Street, Boston. AGENTS WAIfTED, held al Awiusta, on the fourth Uonday of Fo. AGgl rS ill Watervill* J. H. FI*UI*d.& Cu. !orest Tar Solution, [NEW BOOK.1 GOLD AND PLATED vemlier 1876 "I’ruf. 3. M. DANIELS, Propileior. w iBhalailM (or CMMh, CoanuapUoa. MALE AND FEMALE, ilEUEAS, The fourth Monday of Decern. IliwBBkiui, ud AaiUM. W[OM£N ON THE AMERICAN GENTLEMEN'S Iy5 L«w|ttaii M*. For tho Bret Selling Article in the W b«r i.ext, Will be Cliritlmet day. FRONTIER.. sTOiBs, Ordered, Tliet the Probate Court b* held nn !or^t Tar Troches, WA^TOHES. World I tlie Tueeday fullnwiiig ; and all iimtier* ralurii- A velaebla and eutbantio hlatory of tbe berolam A good asioriroent, at tbe Store of the able to eald Court, nr to be heard Iheratii, ou the adventure*, triala, prlvatioaa, oapttvltiea. and At (he Store ol tbe Tilton eatate ^8 j Small Capital / Large Profile I Tilton estate (8 Doora above Poet office.) fourth Monday of Deoeinber, will b* beard *ud Framing of all kinds don* at short uallc*. Dobl* llvot and deathioftbepionear MOTHERS Doora above (be Foat Offles.) I QT-Goodt untold can be returned in good oon- acted lb* 'fumday fbltuwiug. lorest Tar Salve, ofthe Repablio. ILLUSTRATED with full page ' ditioD and money refunded. H.X BAKER. Judge. , AT engraving*. Call on or address November W, 1878. ______Anlnlensely interesting Book. . TO RENT FBANK SAWTELLE, Usotr*l Agent. J. F. PERCIVAL A CO’.S. A good opportunity I* bare offered to Intalli- West Waterville, Deo., 1878. if Orest Tar Soap, Winter Patterns. On Main Strbbt. POCKET BOOKS geiitHEN or WOMEN who want a goodI pay. STORAGE. PAINTING. tog biiaineot right at liome. Send for ourlIlllua- lllua- ALL tb* Lateat Stylaa: aloo BUTTERICK’S Two Tenement., near (he Kallroad Croeolng COLD KIN09. I trated Oatoriptlve. V. . Olruular, oantainiag------•-■“ -full I par- FASHION BOOKS FOR WINTER, Dellnea- in good condition for medlun sized familie* Ladies’ and Gents’ pooket books ANY-ONK wishing to hav* thafar Carriag*. lorsst Tar Inhalers, lioulart. tor and Ladle*' Review, for aale. Fatblon Sheets Term* moderata. A good asaortment at tbe Store of the Tilton Paintad can hav* tbam Sioinl tkmagb lb* wiu- «HalH»g«MtO»tMi».OwM»m>tlwi, triliaio. Addteaa, B. & SCRANTON A GO., given away. 0. U. CARPENTER. E. C. GETCHELL. AT lar by applying to Waterville, Deo. 1, lITfi, ariit* (3 DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. I 8. D. S.%VAGK, Temple St. eM artytrlo. UAKTroap, Coaa. Dec, 14, '78. 8wM». J. F. Pkkuiyal ifc CoV srije 22, 1876,

MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD American and FOREIGN PATENTS MISCELLANY. jButterick’s Patterns To Buildersi These celebrated patterns, according to tho. SELLING OUT P-. hTIeddy, voluntary testimony of many ladle*, excel in' LOVES LULLABY, giving good tits. SOLIOITOK PATENTS OEtKiLP I CHANGE OF TIME. or BT MAHIK t,r. I1ABO?«. LATEST SUMMER STYLES RECEIVED. For Inventionn, Trade Markn, or Customers will find in store Several Sizes of ^TTEdSTTION^ I Oommenoing Nor. 27, 1876. , Designs, The tlniKiM i>lr«)p in tho fp-oai RTMn racadow. nl) the Styles represented in the Spring and As I intend closing np tlie SMITH & HEADER Panetiffer ?Vfli.»lciive WiiUrviltn for Port­ The violet niKla in the bedgcmw'a abiMlnw, Summer Catalogues. land nnrl Boston, via Angnsto, nt 10.45 A. M., No. 78 State Street, cppoiite Kilby I'lio bird* seek nceta and the bectt are atill, Jhij/rrn out of toim can get three patterns FURNITURE, nnd 10.0.5 !*.M. Betfnnt, Dexter nnd Hnnpor 4.00 Street Boston. And nangbt bnt tho whip-poor-will ories on tbo sooner throudti tfie Subect'ihir than ang other WHOIiUSALE A. M. nnd 4.45 P. .M. For Portland nnd Roston bill: ' icny. SentfrcQ on receipt ot price. Summer CROCKERY, vln Lewlnton 10.46 A. M. For Skowheenn nt Lullaby ! Lullaby! Cntnlopiios given away. UKLiNKATons and La- 4.47 P. M. I iKfl* Rkvikwh for sale. Agency for Ladies' CARPET, J. FURBISH, otherfoieign coonlilfs.' CsthIs gprclncrirrl,'; Down in The pond arc tall flaga springing; and (ienticmen's and,Jloys* Kaslilon Plates, and Freight Irairi for Portland nnd Boston nt ABslgnir60 IS.n Bd at 1 p«pers ter naisnts JxscuiVJ . Maitfaiitors & Dealers 7.46 A.'M. nnd 11.50 A.M.'vin Lewiston ; nt 7..50 lessotiablfturtns.wlih dlMpsfch.*’'^**- « 'i here drowsy froga to tho atonca arc clinging, nil of Butterick's I'ns fou Publications. GLASS WARE, to .l.lermln. 111. v»lldliy«ir(i”;i|lii’7Tf"«,'nTs*ij And the fire-flica awing their lanterns wee, « 11. CARPENTER. MANUFACTURES A.M. vln AuKustn For Skowheenn nt 2.00 P.M. For tbo fairies dancing Innangnidly : FEATHER and IN Hixeri trnin for Unucor nt 7.45 A.M. Frolijlit at InTciitlonsandnTcutlon.and legalandlenaland ethercth.. adrlc. rendered u Lullaby ! LulUby! 1.05 P.M. ! ' ' 1 matter, to ml.lng the same. Oeple, o7 ,hS ! MATRESS Trade. olalmeofany patent furnlshei^ reinltilig one del Tbs winds have bid in the olm-ircca swaying; Piano and Organ Tuning. /’ossenjerfroinsare duo from Skowhognn nt tar. AasIgnmentsfecordedlD W*.b)Bglcii. They are tired with all day playing, playing, nnil nil tho Goods in theHonsc-kecpinu lin«, 10.36 A. M.—Bnngor nnd‘ Enst 10.40 A M. nnd l\« Agency In the I’niirH Siuiri poaseiie. And they rook tho birds nests to and fro, Having had considerable experience during DOORS, 0.58 P.M. Portland vin Augusta nt 4.24 A.M. Iiiperlorraelllilea for oliinlnin, Pntcuia, oJ the Inst 23 years in tuning and repairing musical I will sell so as to make it an object to ony and 4.40 P. M.—via Lewiston nt 4.35 P. M asei rtalHng the patenlabillly orineeMlon. As the young ones sleep, and sleeping, grow ; instruments, tlio Subscriber will fill orders nt Allnaeesslt iota Journey te Waaklngien Re proeire JiuUaby!luUaby! LiLullaby ** * 1 some less prices than charged by tuners from Freight 7 rains arc duo from Skowhegnn nt ft PatoDL are here savod. * * i"we«T# one wAntiig any of these goods SASH, 7 30 A\.M.—from BtngOr nnd Enst nt 11.82 A.M The rose hantpi down on its stem ao slender; abroad. Ordinary tuning $1,50. If tho piano is nnd 0.15 P. M.—from Boston nnd Porlinnd, via The lily has dropped her torch of splendor, more than Seven Octavo, or very much out of ..T A., testimonials tur.e, orjhrco ttringod, or the nctfon needs to be SPECIAL ATTENTION Augusta, 1.55 I’.si,—nnd vln Lewiston nl 12.45 IregaroMr, Edfly as oo* jot (ht most eapabl* And the greatdoaved aloe in bid frum siftbt; BLINDS, nnd 2.00 I', .v.. and suocesifol praetKlone^f iHth Wbem 1 have hiS ]W tbo mist that lies like a shoot of while : taken out, some more will be charged. Nov. 27, 1870. olUrtallntficoursff. Lullaby! Lullaby! New fStrinf/s of the hesf hnr>ortcd tvirc. Given to ABLRfl M A80N, Oommlfslontr of Pataats ” A^cw...... reeds, NeAV bellows,V WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES “ I have nohe*ItatIofj in egsurlng Intehfor* dial The fountain's wave, threngb the night is bush-^t BOSTON STEAMERS. tQe> cannot employ n man more comprirni and *•*«; New Feeder*,&c. ^ The largest and BEST STOCK of FratniiifT bv triiHtworthy, and more capatlo of putiing (heir Tbo distant sonnd of the great B0.a'A rushing! OHQANS TO LET, nt $0 gnd $7 per quar­ appltoadonsin A form to secure fort heai an earl? And the InUM-brcaih of the summer air CASKETS and COFFINS on tho MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, HVtachinery andlRTorable consideration »l tbfthe Patent Office.Office ^ lUows balm fn>m tho bhMsoms everywhere : ter. Melodeons To Lor, at 512.76. and 3, and 4^ GUTTERS, STAIR EDMUND EURKE, Lullaby! Lullaby! nmi 0 per quarter. The best Instruments for River,which will be lined and trimmed ii.f _ Late Commissioner of PaUati.u sale. G. IL CARPENTER. RAILS, Tiuildinffs of all kinds, at Mr. u. n. Eddt bsemadf for me over THIRTY Hark, to the whip-poor-will fainter, faint; Watcrvillo, June 15, '70. applicattonrfor Patents, haTln» been tnceeretal He is bushed to sleop with his owo