Judy Blume To. Neighborhoodaudience
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__-. ~ 0 •• . .' . \ . OCtober 6, .1999 ......... Badillo Quips . Anger Latino Community Latino and.CUNYleaders callfor Badillo S resignation Critics notpacified by CUNY chairmtln~apology By MacoOvie Jean-Francois News Editor Chairman ofthe CUNY Board ofTrustees Herman Badillo has been asked to resign by various Hispanic leaders over comments which were deemed racist, disrespectful and ~~t. Badiilo, speaking at an event sponsored by the Center for Educational innoVation, on Sept. ~ was asked for his view on the prob lein of teaching the new .waVe of Hispanic immigrants from Central America. Badillo =----IiIIilllIii4-~-~~1ItIar:R-c18JbR'¢1Ie~·. ~~~~t·w'!iolirr conversation .with .iC~WjS6i~-.'- : .. IfciPas JDidcuc ·schOOI, pr~aycii·1ietie.·· ;;:=~;J -rbebigcst piroblan we··hPe is dI8t we arc getting ~ ofstudcuts wbo moe 12, 13, 14 years old tiom the bills ofMexico and the Dominiam Republic who have never been to any sdaooI," said Badillo. "There bas never been a tradition ofcducation," Badillo contin ued. "They have education in some of the GI.3.I~".I"".,,,,,,, dJI1.on,,,,,,,,,,Gr,,,,,,,,oncenscnhlpof ............n McOi..£U.ID..tD'-''''''''''''''''·'''''·'''''''''''prali:II iaItIn •.f/lc (PtwiWI1 rSrArl8na) ..-' . cities, but not in the bills." He then described the physical features of these immigrants as "pure Indianr- lDcasaod Mayaos who are, you know, five feet tall with straight bait: And Judy Blume to.NeighborhoodAudience: wben they speak of LaRaza (Spanish ~ - --___ __. • .~ • . ~~____ _ ~ • _,-_ __ __ •• __ ~__ 0" ~ _ . -guage·cmct culton:); daey're·not'1aIking about the Spanish language, they're talking about Censorship a Product ofParental Fears the original Indian language." 441 am furious that a prominent leader of By Media Ariana our community would prove to be so callous Contributing Writer and prejudiced," said Juan Figueroa, presi dent of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and The relationship between censorship and Education Fund. the teen-age parent took center stage last In a press release from Dominicans 2000, a Tuesday night when author Judy Blume" non-profit organization that seeks to unite all appeared as a guest of Barnes & Noble Union Dominicans in the United states, Badillo's Square on a panel with five other authors to oommentmummigmts~oo~re~ introduce Gramercy neighborhood residents to from other students is equated to segregation her new book titled "Places I Never Meant to Students from various CUNY campuses, Be: Original Stories By Censored Writers." including Baruch, Hunter, Hostos, LaGuardia Blume, the author of many Generation X, Y and Lehman, assembled the 'weekend follow and baby boomer teen novels including "Tales' ing Badillo's speeCh. As a result ofthe meet of a Fourth Grade Nothing," "Otherwise ing, a letter demandiDg Badillo"s resignation Known as SilCiia the Great," and 44Are You was circulated. "CUNY is oars and we will There God? It's Me, Margaret," has put tog~ '. defend it, even fiom itsel('" stated tbe student er this collection of Stories in collaboration ICaders. ~o longer Win we tolerate tbe stew-' with 12 other noIabIe authors, each contribut-' ardsbip of· bigots and eIitisas. We are raising .the standard of our leaders uCUNY. ing stories that had been banned by numerous '.' . .' TG"'f··of~-':.····ii· public,and school blxalies. CoDiiiIjiD"'iIiC iiTJ Remediation· in cbaradCr will DO longer be Panelists for the evening, autbotS David toward the pn>1I:eD and 1iccD.•'POP"" offered bere," Klass, .Walter Dean Myers, Rachel Vail, tions, the focus ofthe disclIsskm' was _. Tbe Professional StaffCoUegeat Brooklyn Jaqueline Woodson and,. ofcourse, Blume, dis . pre-teaI BDd teen issues. 1bc discuss_•. CoIIegc,a SIUdcnt-bascd activist group, cited cussed tbetopics of censorship and barmed also focused on .-cntiDg issues; the pen:eiwd bigoted .emarks by Badillo about books. ThePanel also announced that all ofthe problems parents of adolescent·teeas· Mexican aDd Dominican immignnts in the book's royalties generated &om sales will be face, ana fears'parents may have wbaI·. New York City public SCbooI system, his role donated.to die National Coalition Against they allow their cbildrc:D to read pubIi-. ill dieMnating J'CIIICdiatim •.tbe SICIliol" c0l Censorship. The authors described how cations which deal with sensitive issues, leges, aod a loss ofconfidc:nce in his ability to many ofthe stories contained in the book were such. as puberty and sexuality. provide unbiased k:adersbip for CUNY as banned because they dealt. with topics of ado ~People are really scared," said reasons for demanding Badillo's removal lescent.sexuaIity, puberty, curiosity, homosex Woodson. "They are really scared ofclass . '.' '. ,_. '-'-'..." . usa Vice President Braulio Medina [issues], they. are scared of issues like. (Abar.~"",!rm••••lIir~·.21"I· . passed out fliers of news clippings from -£I uality and what Blume refcrrecLto as the three ..- .' .- ·.(MI'~uU"' al ' ,.C..- . .. S"s: sex, swc:aribg aDd Satai1 . ~. '.. '.jIIiIt (~2D- IO-:-··_II ·~ . W"db mudloftbepanel's writing experience cOHlinaidon~ 3 ~ ..·.I•••IiI·.,. -- . ... .~ .. ' ... '" . -, ". "" ...• '. I·"'" , .. - - 2 OC'f'OBER6;1999 e TICKER NEWS 3 School ofPublic Affairs Welcomes Stan Altman As New Dean • • ..' -. ." •• -• • -.... .~ ,- •• " -. • ':. - ••• .' ~ ~ ---- - ;-,._~ • ,-_ ... -_ •• .-_,_ '_ '. '~-:-.-" ,'" ,- __ ••~.. '_0'- __ " •• '.__ ~ ••• , _'., • 0 •• ,_ '. _ _.' " _. _. _ '_. _ Nevertheless, Altman is optimistic. "One of the reasons I wanted this job was because it is a great opportunity to work with a young program and to help it expand," he said. Even though he has just taken office, Altman has numerous projects in the works. He has been working on get- ting the school Career Develo involved in city issues. He is trying to get graduates of the ON-CAMPUS RFCRIJITING / SEE CYCLE 1 CALENDAR School of Public Affairs involved inthe 2001 City Council election. ."". .. " . "' PROGRAMS AND WORKSHOPS" .-...... " '" His main project , .. right now, however, is to settle in his: new October 4 Con Edison (Business) Info Session 6:00 PM 151 East 25th Street Room 765 position and to lead the School of Public Con Edison (Info Tech) Info Session 6:00 PM 151 East 25th Street Room 755 _ Affairs into the next I millennium. Merrill Lynch-CFO Group Info Session 6:00 PM 151 East 25th Street Room 763 Altman's resume is impressive. He October 5 VOCATIONAL TESTING 3:30-5:00 PM Newman Library Room 251 StanAJtman.was named th8new dean oflheSchooi of Public Aff8lrSearilerthls y8ar. (PhotoITIckerArchlves) - received his bache By Fred Leon smaller, up-and-coming school, there are better Altman has demanding tasks awaiting him. lor's degree from City October 6 Goldman Sachs (Info Tech) Info Session 6:00 PM 151 East 25th Street Room 763 StaffWriter opportunities for collaborative approaches Besides administering the School of Public College, his Master's from Purdue University between students and faculty. ,. Affairs, he must manage the school's budget and his Ph.D. from Polytechnic Institute. October 7 Morgan Stanley Info Session 6:00 PM 151 East 25th Street Room 763 Each year, freshmen enter' Baruch College "I'm committed· to public service," 'said and further expand the links between the Altman has taught at well-known colleges. as graduating seniors leave. We accept these Altman. Baruch, as part of a public university school and the job market. He was a faculty member at City College and INTERVIEWING I 5:00-7:00 PM 151 East 25th Street Room 251 new members into our community as we wish The School of Public Princeton good luck-to those leaving it. It is-atradition at Affairs isa new school University, and "Baruch is thefuture of headed the School October 12 JOB SEARCH 3:00-5:00 PM 151 East 25th Street Room 251 every college. This year, we also accept and serving graduates for five "I'm committed to public welcome the new Dean ofthe School ofPublic New York." years and undergraduates of Management at ~ SUNY Stony October 13 American International Groul! Affairs, stan Altman. for a year. This might pose service. " "Baruch is the future of New York," said a problem for a new admin Brook. He also Info Session 6:00 PM 17 Lexington Avenue Room 306 Altman. "The curriculum of the School of which gives all people a chance to gain a good istrator trying to increase served in the central Public Affairs reflects the multiculturalism of education, will allow him the opportunity to organizations' awareness of what its graduates administration of SUNY Albany. October 14 Alumni Seminar the city," he added. He also asserts that in a serve the public. have to offer. STRATEGIES.FOR MAKING CAREER TRANSITIONS 6:00 -8:30 PM . Newman Library Room 415 .".. - . J;J Andersen Consulting Info Session 6:00 PM -151 East 25th Street Room 763 Herman BadilloInflames Latino Community With Remarks Bristol Myers Squibb Info Session 6:30 PM 151 East 25th Street Room 765 Leaders call his remarks a 'slap in the face' to the Hispanic Community (Courtesy of October 18 PaineWebber Info Serve Info Session 5:00 PM Newman Library \0tl l; CUNY) Room 251 ....:.:.:.:...t HER MAN race. "He should resign," concluded Vice look at the word choices," said Medina "[His] continuedfrom front ;l~~~:~:' Revlon Info Session 6:00 PM President Jasmine Abreu. words are worth grains ofsand" .;:::::~:::::: BAD ILL 0 , 151East 25th Street Room 765 .t~j[[~?- Diario," a popular daily journal printed in ·'1 will not resign," responded Badillo to Alejandro Cantagallo, President of Hunter B.B.A., J.D., October 19 Chase Manhattan Bank Info Session 6:00 PM 135 E. 22nd Street Room 309 Spanish, and the Lehman student newspaper. CUNY student leaders' requests at a closed College's Student Liberation Action According to these articles. Hispanic leaders meeting held on Sept. 28. Movement, concurred that Badillo's comments ~:rg~:~:~~ were made in a .derogatory manner that's like il; Grant Thornton Info Session 6:00 PM 135 E.