1952-10-10, [P ]
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Page Friday, October 10, 1952 THE-SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON, ONTO’ SOCIETY, SOCIAL EVENTS AND NEWS OF THE CLUBS r k . - - ■—— 1 1 - ----------------------------.... .... _____-----— «..! ——..j— r——■ — ' ' —' —-.— .............- .. .............——„ YAUGER GUESTS Mrs. Herman Webb pi rented' TELEVISION SNACK India Chicken Spread Thoroughly. Refrigerate for several aid Sayer and Roderick E. Spence Leever-Creachbaum Ingredients: One 416-ounce can hours to allow flavors to combine, have received long service medals Mrs. Bridgman ATTEND THEATRE the program taking for her tonic India Chicken Spread*. Celery Wedding Oct. 25 “Beautifying the Home Grounds.” Serve chilled. Fatrt M. Yauger, North Main St, minced chicken pate, % teaspoon from Queen Elizabeth in recogni Home From Europe Pertinent suggestions in the talk curls, Carrot Strips and Olives. Co curry powder, 2 teaspoons finely Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lrrvrr, entertained with a theatre party were, “landscaping should always conut Cream Cake. Crisp Crackers. tion ot the 26 years they have Mrs. H. K. Bridgman, Lafayette Of Waverly, announce the engage at the Hartman for the perform diced drained watermelon picklp, QUEEN HONORS spent at isolated lighthouse on have a design; simplicity should be Beverage Road, landed in New York, Mon ment and approaching marriage of ance of “Paint Your Wagon.” His the keynote in planning; there Hethoi: Mix chicken pate, curry LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS , Lake Winnipeg. Both were retir- guests were, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. j day night aboard the Brittanic, theif daughter, Judith Anne, to Should be harmony between build (Recipe for Starred Dish Follows) powder and watermelon pickle WINNIPEG, Canada GP)—Don- cd recently. after a three months’ vacation in John Winston Creachbaum, son of Yauger of Birmingham, Alabama; ings, trees, flowers and shrubs; Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Creachbaum, Mr. and Mrs. James Stolzenbach lawns should not be cut up with With headquarters in Paris after Ot Greenfield. and Mrs. Evelyn Devitt of Colum flower beds, but for better effect a week’s stop in London, England, bus; Douglas Van Meter of Galion; they' should be planned around the The bride-elect is a granddaugh Miss Mary Millar of Ashville, and she motored through Belgium, ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Leever edge of the lawn or in front of Holland, Germany and Switzer Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Selby, Jr., Park shrubs, or vines. of South Charleston, former Lon Avenue. land. A part of her stay was spent don residents, and a niece of Judge Mrs. Roy Keye, the new presi in Normandy and on the Riviera. Mary Cannon Clark, East High On Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. John dent, was in charge of the meeting One journey or especial interest Street, and Maxey B. Cannon, N. Yauger of Cincinnati came to Lon that was attended by 21 members, was to St. Odenrodo, Holland, Main Street, London. don and joined the members of who enjoyed a social hour and de where she called on the von dor the theatre party, who came over licious refreshments. Linden family, whose daughter. Miss Leever graduated from from Columbus for dinner with ^t Miss Paula von der Linden, has Waverly High School and attended Mr Yauger and the Sclbys at the for some years been in correspond Ohio State University, where she Yauger home. ence with members of the Bridg- was a member of Alpha Chi Omega 4* 4/t, Cooking's Fwr Ecosaomy - Festival Sorority. Mr. Creachbaum is a ettes club in London. Miss von der RETURN from vacation CUR FALL ECONOMY FESTIVAL IS JAM-PACKE3 WITH THE BEST VALUES AVAILABLE—BEST BECAUSE OF SPE Linden went, to Paris for a week graduate of Centralia High School Mrs. Blanche EgClhoff, Summer FAMILY SUPPER CIAL PRICES—Fih'E QUALITY AND LONG ESTABLISHED BRANDS—DON’T MiSS THESE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY end with Mrs. Bridgman, just be and attended Duke University. He ford Pike, Roy Ballenger, South Is associated with his father in Lamb and Rice Casserole*. Salad SPECIALS— fore she returned to London, Eng Main Street, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowl. Gingerbread with Apple land, for another week of sight farming. K. Baldwin of Columbus, have re The wedding will be an event of sauce. Cooked Carrot Strips. Bread seeing before sailing for America. turned from a vacation at Dand and Butter. Beverage. ALL SET FOR FALL Wl™ AGAIN! Another Tremendous On the trip to St. Odenrode, Mrs. Saturday. October 25 in First Pres ridge, Tennessee. r byterian Church in Waverly. (Recipe for Starred Dish Follows) FA^SCS By The Yard Bridgman was accompanied by Lt. Lamb and Rice Casserole Col. T. A. Kenan, who. during 4* 4* VALUE-SMASH !M World War II was in the Fourth CALIFORNIANS Amvets Auxiliary Ingredients: 14 cup uncooked • RAYON FAILLES Infantry Division With her son, VISIT HERE rice, 1 tablespoon salad oil, % DRFSScS Installation x LINING SATINS George R. Bridgman, now of Aus Mr. and Mrs. Dareld Beadles of pound diced lean lamb shoulder, % tin, Texas. Col. Kenan is presently Sacramento, California, (Kath- Mrs. Thomas Slattery, a past cup chopped onion, 1% cups td» assigned to General Staff of eryne Gammell) have returned president, installed the officers of mato juice, 1% cups water, 2 tea RAYON AND COTTON SHAPE Headquarters in Paris. home after Visiting her father, the Amvets Auxiliary of London spoons salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, PLAIN GABARDINES Mrs. Bridgman’s son and daugh Omer Gammell, also Mr. and Mrs. Post, at the meeting of the Auxili <2 cup ripe olives. ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John K. James Gammell, Mr. and Mrs. ary at the home of Mrs. Herman Method: Do not wash rice; brown • WOOL-TONES Bridgman, Spring Oaks Farm, Slattery, School Street, Monday ®98 John Chamberlain, and Mr. and it in oil in heavy skillet over mod Pt: north of London, motored to New evening. Mrs. John Gammell, all of London. erate heat, stirring often. When t *>..*■*« • PLAIN AND FIGURED Tubbable, Sanforized, Gingham York for a few days’ vacation They also visited Mrs. Gammell’s ahead of her arrival, met the ship Officers for the new year are rice is golden, remove from pan BROADCLOTHS sisters, Bessie, Vaughn and Irene Mrs. Lloyd Willman, president; and brown meat. Add onion and Plaids - Gay Prints of Rayon and accompanied her to London. in Columbus, a brother, Walter, Mrs. Paul Nelson, first vice presi* cook and stir until onion is wilted. • DEEP TONE and other relatives. Crepe - Plain Colors in Rayon dent; Mrs. James Harbin, second Return rice to pan, add tomato SEERSUCKERS ?f ’.s- i 4fi 4ft MRS. JESSE CHANCE Vice president; Mrs. Robert Turvy, juice, water, salt and pepper; boil and Cotton Gabardines - Regular IS HONORED recording secretary; Mrs. Walter 1 or 2 minutes. Turn into 11 a-quart GUEST FROM PHOENIX casserole and cover tightly. Bake • FALL PICKALAYS At the annual meeting of the Turvy, treasurer; Mrs. Dean Gar and Half Sizes. John R. Lambert flew in from in slow (325F.) over 45 minutes. ■ Hugucpot Society in the Woman’s rard, historian; Mrs. Harry Turvy, Phoenix, Arizona, and spent the Cut olives from pits and stir light • DARK COLORS IN City Club in Akron, Mrs. Jesse Sr., chaplain; Mrs. Joseph O'Con weekend with London relatives. nell, public relations. ly into rice with a fork. Return to WOVEN PLAID Chance, North Oak Street, was 4 oven 15 minutes longer. Makes 4 GINGHAM chosen state vice president for a MEGAWS ON As a special courtesy for Mrs. servings. Harry Turvy, Sr., who was cele Corduroy Dresses term of two years. VACATION The program on the “French brating her birthday, Monday, the FAMILY DINNER & t ■< !7 Huguenots” was given by John Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mngaw Sliced Ham*Butt. Broccoli. Fluf MA' FOR THE JUNIOR MISS and their daughter, Buffy, Willis Auxiliary planned a surprise, with Pearson of Cleveland, who has Avenue, loft Wednesday to accom a handkerchief shower and birth fy Lemon Bread Pudding*. Sweet just returned from an extended day cake when refreshments were Potatoes. Bread and Butter. Bev pany Mr. Megaw’s mother, Mrs. F. served. trip to Europe. The society was or A. Megaw, who has boon visiting in erage. ganized by American and French At the business session the auxi their home, to her home in Wilm (Recipe for Starred Dish Follow*) army officers of 1783 to perpetu ington, Delaware. liary voted to give $25 to the local ate friendship during the religious Red Cross Services to Camps and Fluffy Lemon Bread Pudding 4*98 war. For many years Gen. George Jlospitals for Christmas gifts for Ingredients: J,2 cup water, 6 Washington served as its presi Miss Foster In tnen at the Veterans Hospital, tablespoons bottled lemon juice, Take advantage these dent. Chillicothe, and made final plans 1/3 cup butter or margarine, 1 cup One Piece Styles - Skirt with Matching Weskits - and N. Y. Hospital Special Low Prices - For Fri-I for a spaghetti supper at the sugar, 2 eggs (separated), 2 cups . , _ , ... 1 Jumper Styles - Sixes 9, II, 13 15. LONDON HDC MEETINGS Eagles Hall, November 15. soft bread crumbs. day and Saturday selling. TO START OCTOBER 13 Miss Delpha Foster, daughter of The program for the evening al Mr. and Mi's. J. M. Foster, R.R. 3, so included games, with numeroiai Method: Mix water and lemon The program fog"'the; eoming London, went to New York City prizes and door prizes for Mrs. juice. Cream butter and % cup of 36 Inch - Soft, Fleecy year for the London Home Dem last week to work at the New York Walter Turvy and Mrs. Lloyd the sugar in a mixing bowl; beat onstration Council will be outlined Hospital as a Managing Dietitian.