StylePredict: Machine Theory of Mind for Human Driver Behavior From Trajectories

Rohan Chandra1, Aniket Bera, and Dinesh Manocha

University of Maryland, College Park

Studies have shown that autonomous vehicles (AVs) behave conser- drivers (8). For example in (8), a Tesla driver is observed to vatively in a traffic environment composed of human drivers and do be executing a lane-change maneuver. The Tesla AutoPilot not adapt to local conditions and socio-cultural norms. It is known slows down to wait for an excessively large gap in the target that socially aware AVs can be designed if there exist a mechanism lane thereby blocking the traffic behind it in the current lane. to understand the behaviors of human drivers. We present a notion This behavior of Tesla Autopilot frustrates the other human of Machine Theory of Mind (M-ToM) to infer the behaviors of human drivers. drivers by observing the trajectory of their vehicles. Our M-ToM ap- Theory of Mind (1) is a concept in cognitive and social proach, called StylePredict, is based on trajectory analysis of vehi- neuroscience and that refers to humans’ ability cles, which has been investigated in robotics and computer vision. to understand the intentions, desires, and behaviors of other StylePredict mimics human ToM to infer driver behaviors, or styles, people, without explicit communication. From the neurosci- using a computational mapping between the extracted trajectory of a entific perspective, ToM has been explored in applications vehicle in traffic and the driver behaviors using graph-theoretic tech- involving both human and animal subjects primarily to study niques, including spectral analysis and centrality functions. We use the relationship between ToM and mental illnesses such as StylePredict to analyze driver behavior in different cultures in the autism and schizophrenia (9), and demonstrate the existence USA, China, India, and Singapore, based on traffic density, hetero- of ToM in children and aged humans (10). ToM for human geneity, and conformity to traffic rules and observe an inverse cor- drivers, on the other hand, has not been formally studied, relation between longitudinal (overspeeding) and lateral (overtaking, despite a general understanding and acceptance of the need lane-changes) driving styles. for the former (3).

Autonomous Driving | Driving Behavior | Spectral Graph Theory | As human drivers, we possess Theory of Mind, which allows Intelligent Transportation us to infer the behaviors of other human drivers (2, 3), simply by observing the motion of their vehicles. For example, if 1. Introduction a vehicle is weaving through traffic, other drivers typically infer that the driver of the weaving vehicle is aggressive, and here is considerable and growing interest in developing accordingly keep their distance from that vehicle. ToM thus TTheory of Mind (1, 2) in autonomous driving. From establishes a “psychological mapping” between the trajectory studies in traffic psychology (3–7), Theory of Mind (ToM) of a vehicle and the behavior of its driver. Problems related to in autonomous driving corresponds to interpreting driving trajectory analysis, for example trajectory prediction (11–13) behavior, or “styles”, and adjusting to the local driving condi- and tracking (14, 15), have been studied mostly in robotics and tions. The local driving patterns of a particular region vary computer vision, whereas driver behavior modeling has mostly widely according to the traffic density, the type of vehicles, been restricted to traffic psychology and the social sciences (16– observance of traffic rules, and communication between drivers 32). So far, there is relatively less work to connect the ideas based on gestures or honking. Examples of ToM in driving from these disparate fields of research. For AVs to replicate can be observed in the following common case scenarios: ToM in the same manner as a human driver, new areas of research must bridge the gap between robotics, computer • Merging or lane-changing: Suppose driver A wants to vision, and the social sciences and develop a computational merge or switch over to another lane containing driver B. ToM model that maps trajectories to human driver behavior. arXiv:2011.04816v2 [cs.RO] 11 Nov 2020 Driver A needs to make an intuitive split-second decision Computational models for ToM are also referred to as “Ma- on whether or not driver B will allow the lane-change, chine ToM” (33), abbreviated as M-ToM. The main strategy or deny the lane-change by accelerating. If B offers the of current M-ToM methods in autonomous driving is to learn lane-change, the ideal reaction of A is to switch as soon as reward functions for human behavior using inverse reinforce- possible to avoid confusing B. If B denies the lane-change, ment learning (IRL) (7, 33–35). M-ToM models that employ then A should ideally keep driving and try again. IRL, however, have certain major limitations. IRL, as a data- driven approach, requires large amounts of training data, and • Turning at intersections: At a four-way intersection with- the learned reward functions are unrealistically tailored to- out traffic lights, multiple vehicles arrive at the inter- wards scenarios only observed in the training data (33, 35). section at the same time. Assume, additionally, that For instance, the approach proposed in (33) requires 32 mil- the standard rules of intersections do not hold (right- lion data samples for optimum performance. Alternatively, hand-move-first). A driver, using ToM, would predict the Bayesian approaches to IRL are sensitive to noise in the tra- behaviors of the other vehicles and would allow aggressive drivers to pass first.

AVs currently do not posses ToM and therefore exhibit conser- vative and shortsighted behavior, that frustrates other human 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]

1 jectory data (7, 35). Consequently, current M-ToM methods Table 1. A list showing the taxonomy of various aggressive and con- are restricted to simple and sparse traffic conditions. servative behaviors. In this work, we focus on modeling the longitudi- nal and Lateral specific styles (except “tailgating” and “ responding In light of these limitations, perhaps the main challenge to to pressure”). NA denotes “Not Applicable” M-ToM in autonomous driving is to universally model human driver behavior in all kinds of traffic environments. The diffi- Global Behavior Specific Style/Indicator Nature culty stems from the general observation that different traffic Overspeeding Longitudinal environments lead to different driver behaviors because of vary- Tailgating Longitudinal ing traffic density and heterogeneity. For example higher traffic Overtake as much as possible Lateral density (e.g. India & China) logically implies smaller spaces Aggressive Weaving Lateral in which vehicles can navigate, which inadvertently affects Sudden Lane-Changes Lateral Inappropriate use of horn NA longitudinal driving styles. Longitudinal driving styles include Flashing lights at vehicle in front NA any style that is executed along the axis of the such as Uniform speed or under-speeding Longitudinal overspeeding and underspeeding (30, 36). The heterogeneity Conservative Conforms to single lane Lateral of traffic, on the other hand, affects lateral driving styles, Responding to pressure from other drivers NA which are executed perpendicular to the axis of the road such as sudden lane-changing, overtaking, and weaving (36, 37). Two-wheelers and three-wheelers are known to be more likely to perform lateral driving styles (38). However, the exact the behaviors of drivers in Pittsburgh (U.S.A) (40), New relationship between the nature of the traffic environment and Delhi (India) (11), Beijing (China) (41), and Singapore its effect on driver behavior has not been made clear. To (private dataset). model driver behavior in any given region, M-ToM techniques • StylePredict can be automatically integrated in any re- must take into account how driver behaviors depend on the altime autonomous driving system without the need for traffic density and heterogeneity of a given region. manual adjustments or parameter-tuning.

A. Main Contributions. We demonstrate StylePredict using a state-of-the-art traffic 1. We present a graph-theoretic Machine Theory of Mind simulator (42) and evaluate its accuracy on real-world traffic (M-ToM), called StylePredict, that computes a compu- videos using the Time Deviation Error (TDE) (43). Our results tational mapping between vehicle trajectories and driver show that StylePredict can model different driver behaviors behavior, mimicing the Theory of Mind that humans use with near-human accuracy with an average TDE of less than to intuitively infer driver behavior by simply observing 1 second. the vehicle trajectories. B. Interpretation of Driver Behavior in Social Science . Many 2. We use graph-theoretic techniques including vertex cen- studies have attempted to define driver behavior for traffic- trality functions (39) and spectral analysis to measure agents (44–49). However, due to its abstract nature, driver the likelihood and intensity of the driving styles (over- behavior does not lend itself to a formal definition. For example speeding, overtaking, sudden lane-changes, etc). Based on in (44, 45), driver behavior is described as driving habits that these measures, we assign global behaviors that identify are established over a period of time, while Ishibashi et al. (46) whether a particular driver is aggressive or conservative. define driver behavior as “an attitude, orientation and way of thinking for driving”. To resolve these inconsistencies, Sagberg 3. We use StylePredict to analyze driver behaviors in dif- et al. (37) extract and summarize the common elements from ferent regions of the world and identify a relationship these definitions and propose a unified definition for driver between the nature of the traffic environment and its behavior. We incorporate this definition in our driver behavior effect on driver behavior. In particular, we observe an in- model. verse correlation between longitudinal and lateral driving styles of a region. Drivers in regions with higher traffic Definition 1.1. (Sagberg et al. (37) Driver behavior refers density and heterogeneity (India/China) are more likely to the high-level “global behavior”, such as aggressive or con- to maneuver laterally whereas drivers in regions with servative driving. Each global behavior can be expressed as a lower traffic density and heterogeneity (U.S.A/Singapore) combination of one or more underlying “specific styles”. For are more likely to perform longitudinal styles. example, an aggressive driver (global behavior) may frequently overspeed or overtake (specific styles). The main advantages of StylePredict over prior work are the following: The main benefit of Sagberg’s definition is that it allows for a formal taxonomy for driver behavior classification. Specific • StylePredict is robust and directly operates on raw tra- indicators can be classified as either longitudinal styles (along jectory data obtained from commodity location sensors the axis of the road) or lateral (perpendicular to the axis of the such as GPS and stereo-cameras, without any filtering or road). Any combination of these indicators can define a global pre-processing steps. We analyze the robustness property behavior such as aggressive or conservative driving. We list in Section4B. several longitudinal and lateral specific styles corresponding to the aggressive and conservative global behaviors in Table1. • StylePredict generalizes to traffic observed in different geographies and cultures since the traffic information of C. Problem Setup. We can formally characterize driver be- any region or culture can be reduced to a common graph- havior by mathematically modeling the underlying specific based representation (Section2). In this work, we study styles.

2 Fig. 1. Overview: The autonomous vehicle reads the positions of all vehicles in realtime. The positions and corresponding spatial distances between vehicles are represented through a traffic-graph Gt (Section2). We use the centrality functions defined in Section3 to model the specific driving style corresponding to the global behaviors as outlined in Table2.

Problem 1.1. In a traffic video with N vehicles during any where µ is a distance threshold parameter. Adjacency matri- time-period ∆t, given the trajectories of all vehicles, our ob- ces allow linear vector operations to be performed on graph jective is to mathematically model the specific styles for all structures, which are useful for analyzing individual vertices. drivers during ∆t. For example, from Equation1, it can be observed that each th th In Section4, we will elucidate what it means to “mathemati- non-zero entry in the j column corresponding to the i row of the adjacency matrix stores the relative distance between cally model” a specific style. In Section2, we construct the th th “traffic-graph” data structure used by our approach. Then we the i and j vehicles. introduce the ideas of vertex centrality in Section3 followed However, considering the traffic-graph and its corresponding by a presentation of our main approach in Section4. We adjacency matrix only at a current time-step t is not useful in describe the experiments and results in Section5. We analyze describing the behavior of a driver. The behavior of a driver the traffic in different cultures and list some observations in also depends on their actions from previous time-steps (35). Section6 and conclude the paper in Section7. To accommodate this notion, we enforce the adjacency matrix at the current time-step to be correlated with the adjacency 2. Traffic-Graph Setup matrices for all previous time-steps. If the adjacency matrix at a time instance t is denoted as At, then, the adjacency matrix The behavior of a driver depends on his or her interactions for the next time-step, At+1, is obtained by the following with nearby drivers. StylePredict models the relative interac- update, tions between drivers by representing traffic through weighted undirected graphs, called “traffic-graphs”. In this section, we   At 0 > describe the construction of these graph representations. If we At+1 = + δδ , [2] 0 1 assume that the trajectories of all the vehicles in the video are t × extracted using state-of-the-art localization methods (50) and where δ ∈ R( +1) 2 is a sparse update matrix. The presence of are provided to our algorithm as an input, then the traffic- a non-zero value in the jth row of δ indicates that the jth road- graph, Gt, at each time-step t can be defined as follows, agent has formed an edge connection with a new vehicle, that has been added to the current traffic-graph. The update rule Definition 2.1. A “traffic-graph”, Gt, is a dynamic, undi- rected, and weighted graph with a of vertices V(t) and in Equation2 ensures that a vehicle adds edge connections to a set of edges E(t) ⊆ V(t) × V(t) as functions of time de- new vehicles while retaining edge connections with previously fined in the 2-D Euclidean metric space with metric function seen vehicles. A candidate vehicle is categorized as “new” 2 with respect to an ego-vehicle if there does not exist any f(x, y) = kx − yk . Two vertices vi, vj ∈ V are connected if prior edge connection between the vehicles and the speed of and only if f(vi, vj ) < µ for some constant µ. the ego-vehicle is greater than the candidate vehicle. If an We represent traffic at each time instance t with N road- edge connection already exists between an ego-vehicle and agents using a traffic-graph Gt. Each vertex in the graph Gt is the candidate vehicle, then the candidate vehicle is said to represented by the vehicle position in the global coordinate have been “observed” or “seen”. The size of A is fixed for all > 2 t frame, i.e. vi ← [xi, yi] ∈ R . The spatial distance between time-instants, t, and is initialized as a zero matrix of size NxN, two vehicles is assigned as the cost of the edge connecting the where N is the max number of agents. At is updated in-place two vehicles. with time and is reset to a zero matrix once the number of In computational graph theory, every graph Gt can be vehicles crosses some fixed N. equivalently represented by an adjacency matrix, At. For a N×N particular traffic-graph, Gt, the adjacency matrix, A ∈ R is given by, 3. Centrality Measures In graph theory and network analysis, centrality measures are  f(vi, vj ) if f(vi, vj ) < µ, i 6= j , real-valued functions ζ : V −→ , where V denotes the set of A(i, j) = [1] R 0 otherwise. vertices and R denotes a scalar real number that identifies key

3 Table 2. Definition and categorization of driving behaviors (37). We measure the likelihood and intensity of specific styles by analyzing the first-and second-order derivatives of the centrality polynomials.

Global Behaviors Specific Styles Centrality Style Likelihood Estimate Style Intensity Estimate

st nd Overspeeding Degree (ζd) Magnitude of 1 Derivative Magnitude of 2 Derivative st nd Overtaking / Sudden Lane-Change Closeness (ζc) Magnitude of 1 Derivative Magnitude of 2 Derivative Aggressive Weaving Closeness (ζc) Local Extreme Points ε-sharpness of Local Extreme Points st nd Driving Slowly or uniformly Degree (ζd) Magnitude of 1 Derivative Magnitude of 2 Derivative Conservative st nd No Lane-change Closeness (ζc) Magnitude of 1 Derivative Magnitude of 2 Derivative

vertices within a graph network. So far, centrality functions Algorithm 1 Our approach outputs the Style Likelihood Es- have been restricted to identifying influential personalities in timate (SLE) and Style Intensity Estimate (SIE) for a vehicle, online social media networks (51) and key infrastructure nodes u, in a given time-period ∆t. in the Internet (52), to rank web-pages in search engines (53), > Input : u = vi ← [xi, yi] ∀vi ∈ V(t) and to discover the origin of epidemics (54). In this work, Output : SLE(t), SIE(t) we show that centrality functions can measure the likelihood 1 t = 0 and intensity of different driver styles such as overspeeding, for each v ∈ V(t) do overtaking, sudden lane-changes, and weaving. 2 while t ≤ T do There are several types of centrality functions. The ones 3 // Compute Centrality // that are of particular importance to us are the degree and i N−1 ζc[t] = P closeness centrality (39). Each function measures a different Dt(vi,vj ) v ∈V(t)\{v } property of a vertex. Typically, the choice of selecting a cen- j i ζi [t] = {v ∈ N (t)} + ζi [t − 1], (v , v ) 6∈ E(τ), τ = trality function depends on the current application at hand. d j i d i j 0, . . . , t − 1 For instance, in the examples mentioned earlier, the eigen- t ← t + 1 vector centrality is used in search engines while the degree // Perform Polynomial Regression w.r.t Time // centrality is appropriate for measuring the popularity of an β = arg min kζ − Mβk individual in social networks. Likewise, we found that different β ζ(t) = β + β t + β t2 centrality functions measure the likelihood and intensity of 0 1 2 // Compute Likelihood and Intensity // specific driving styles such as overspeeding, overtaking, sudden for k = 0, 1, 2 do lane-changes, and weaving. Here, we give the basic definitions ∂ζ(t) 4 SLE (t) = of the key centrality functions used in our approach. k ∂t 2 SIE (t) = ∂ ζ(t) Definition 3.1. Closeness Centrality: In a connected k ∂t2 traffic-graph at time t with adjacency matrix At, let Dt(vi, vj ) 5 end denote the minimum total edge cost to travel from vertex i to 6 end vertex j, then the discrete closeness centrality measure for the 7 end ith vehicle at time t is defined as,

i N − 1 ζc[t] = P , [3] given that the velocity of the given vertex is higher than that Dt(vi, vj ) vj ∈V(t)\{vi} of the connected vertices. The closeness centrality for a given vertex computes the reciprocal of the sum of the edge values of the shortest paths 4. StylePredict: Mapping Trajectories to Behavior between the given vertex and all other vertices in the connected traffic-graph. By definition, the higher the closeness centrality Here, we present the main algorithm, called StylePredict, for value, the more centrally the vertex is located in the graph. solving Problem 1.1. StylePredict maps vehicle trajectories to specific styles by computing the likelihood and intensity Definition 3.2. Degree Centrality: In a connected traffic- of the latter using the definitions of the centrality functions graph at time t with adjacency matrix At, let Ni(t) = {vj ∈ (Section3). The specific styles are then used to assign global V(t),At(i, j) 6= 0, νj ≤ νi} denote the set of vehicles in the behaviors (37) according to Table2. neighborhood of the ith vehicle with radius µ, then the discrete degree centrality function of the ith vehicle at time t is defined StylePredict Algorithm as, i i 1. Obtain the positions of all vehicles using localization ζd[t] = {vj ∈ Ni(t)} + ζd[t − 1] [4] sensors deployed on the autonomous vehicle and form such that (vi, vj ) 6∈ E(τ), τ = 0, . . . , t − 1 traffic-graphs at each time-step (Section2). where |·| denotes the cardinality of a set and νi, νj denote the velocities of the ith and jth vehicles, respectively. 2. Compute the closeness and degree centrality function values for each vehicle at every time-step. The degree centrality at any time-step t computes the cumulative number of edges between the given vertex and 3. Perform polynomial regression to generate uni-variate connected vertices in the traffic-graph over the past t seconds, polynomials of the centralities as a function of time.

4 4. Measure likelihood and intensity of a specific style for each vehicle by analyzing the first- and second-order derivatives of their centrality polynomials. We depict the overall approach in Figure1 and outline the pseudo-code in Algorithm1. We begin by using the construc- tion described in Section2 to form the traffic-graphs for each frame and use the definitions in Section3 to compute the discrete-valued centrality measures (lines 5 − 7). Since central- ity measures are discrete functions, we perform polynomial regression using regularized Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) (a) Sudden Lane Change/Weaving: The closeness centrality for the green agent #0 decreases away from the center (scenario A) and increases towards the center solvers to transform the three centrality functions into contin- (scenario B). uous polynomials, ζc(t), ζd(t), and ζe(t), as a function of time (lines 10 − 11). We describe polynomial regression in detail in the following subsections. We compute the likelihood and intensity (lines 12 − 13) of specific styles by analyzing the first- and second-order derivatives of ζc(t), ζd(t), and ζe(t), respec- tively (this step is discussed in further detail in SectionC).

A. Polynomial Regression. In order to study the behavior of the centrality functions with respect to how they change with time, it is useful to convert the discrete-valued ζ[t] into continuous-valued polynomials ζ(t). This allows us to calcu- late the first- and second-order derivatives of the centrality functions necessary to measure the likelihood and intensity of (b) Overspeeding: The degree centrality monotonically increases. The rate of driver behavior, explained in Section3C. increase indicates the scale of aggressiveness, with higher rates of change indicating A quadratic∗ centrality polynomial can be expressed as more aggressively overspeeding drivers. The blue plot corresponds to agent #0, while 2 the red plot corresponds to agent #10. Note that agent #10 is being overtaken by ζ(t) = β0 + β1t + β2t , as a function of time. Here, β = agents that appeared earlier (#0 and #8) due to it’s conservative speed. Consequently, > [β0 β1 β2] are the polynomial coefficients. These coefficients it’s degree centrality plot is constant at 0. can be computed by solving the following ordinary least squares (OLS) problem: Fig. 2. Simulation results of various driving styles (overspeeding, weaving, lane changing) with their corresponding centrality values. The red circle represents the radius for the agent #0. Mβ = ζi > > i (M M)β = M ζ [5] system given by Equation5. However, in the presence of noise β = (M >M)−1M >ζi , the OLS system described in Equation5 is modified as shown below: T × d Here, M ∈ R ( +1) is the Vandermonde matrix and is given by, Mβ˜ = ζ˜i [6] 2 d > −1 > i 1 t1 t1 . . . t1  β˜ = (M M) M ζ˜ 1 t t2 . . . td  2 2 2  M = . . . . .  where ζ˜i = ζi + . Then we can prove the following, ......  2 d Theorem 4.1. kβ˜ − βk = O(). 1 tT tT . . . tT where d = 2  T is the degree of the resulting centrality We defer the proof to the supplementary material. polynomial. C. Style Likelihood and Intensity Estimates. In the previous B. Robustness to Noise. In the formulation above, our al- sections, we used polynomial regression on the centrality func- gorithm assumes perfect sensor measurements of the global tions to compute centrality polynomials. In this section, we coordinates of all vehicles. However, in real-world systems, analyze and discuss the first and second derivatives of the even state-of-the-art methods for vehicle localization incur degree centrality, ζd(t), and closeness centrality, ζc(t), polyno- some error in measurements. We consider the case when the mials. Based on this analysis, which may vary for each specific raw sensor data is corrupted by some noise . Without loss style, we compute the Style Likelihood Estimate (SLE) and of generality, we prove robustness to noise for the degree cen- Style Intensity Estimate (SIE) (43), which are used to measure trality and the analysis can be extended to other centrality the probability and the intensity of a specific style. functions. The discrete-valued centrality vector for the ith Overtaking/Sudden Lane-Changes Overtaking is the act of one agent is given by ζi ∈ T ×1. So ζ1[2] corresponds to the R vehicle going past another vehicle, traveling in the same or degree centrality value of the 1st agent at t = 2. an adjacent lane, in the same direction. From Definition3 in In the previous section, we show that a noiseless estimator Section3, the value of the closeness centrality increases as the may be obtained by solving an ordinary least squares (OLS) vehicle moves towards the center and decreases as it moves ∗A polynomial with degree 2. away from the center. The SLE of overtaking can be computed

5 (a) In all three scenarios, the ego-vehicle is a gray vehicle marked with a blue outline. (left) A conservative vehicle, (middle) an overspeeding vehicle in the same lane, and (right) a weaving and overtaking vehicle.

(b) Constant degree centrality function for conservative (c) Monotonically increasing centrality function for over- (d) Extreme points for closeness centrality function for vehicle. speeding vehicle. weaving vehicle.

Fig. 3. Measuring the Likelihood of Specific Styles: We measure (degree and closeness centrality) the likelihood of the specific style of the ego-vehicle (grey with a blue outline) by computing the magnitude of the derivative of the centrality functions as well as the functions’ extreme points. In Figure 3b, the derivative of the degree centrality function is 0 because the ego-vehicle does not observe any additional new neighbors (See SectionC) so the degree centrality is a constant function; therefore the vehicle is conservative. In Figure 3c, the vehicle overspeeds, and consequently, the rate of observing new neighbors is high, which is reflected in the magnitude of the derivative of the degree centrality being positive. Finally, in Figure 3d, the ego-vehicle demonstrates overtaking/sudden lane-changes and weaves through traffic. This is reflected in the magnitude of the slope and the location of extreme points, respectively, of the closeness centrality function. by measuring the first derivative of the closeness centrality computing, ∂ζc(t) polynomial using SLE(t) = . The maximum likelihood ∂ζd(t) ∂t SLE(t) = SLEmax can be computed as SLEmax = maxt∈∆t SLE(t). The ∂t SIE of overtaking is computed by simply measuring the second Similar to overtaking, the maximum likelihood estimate is 2 derivative of the closeness centrality using SIE(t) = ∂ ζc(t) . ∂t2 given by SLEmax = maxt∈∆t SLE(t). Figures 3b and 3c vi- Sudden lane-changes follow a similar maneuver to overtaking sualize how the degree centrality can distinguish between an and therefore can be modeled using the same equations used to overspeeding vehicle and a vehicle driving at a uniform speed. model overtaking. We visualize the use of closeness centrality Weaving Weaving is the act of a vehicle shifting its posi- to model overtaking in Figure 2a. tion from a side lane towards the center, and vice-versa (55). In such a scenario, the closeness centrality function values Overspeeding We use the degree centrality discussed in Sec- oscillates between low values on the side lanes and high val- tion3 to model overspeeding. As At is formed by adding rows ues towards the center. Mathematically, weaving is more th and columns to At−1 (See Equation2), the degree of the i likely to occur near the critical points (points at which the vehicle (denoted as θi) is calculated by simply counting the function has a local minimum or maximum) of the closeness number of non-zero entries in the ith row of A . Intuitively, an t centrality polynomial. The critical points tc belong to the aggressively overspeeding vehicle will observe new neighbors  ∂ζc(tc) set T = tc ∂t = 0 . Note that T also includes time- (increasing degree) at a higher rate than neutral or conser- instances corresponding to the domain of constant functions vative vehicles. Let the rate of increase of θi be denoted as 0 that characterize conservative behavior. We disregard these θi . By definition of the degree centrality and construction points by restricting the set membership of T to only in- of A , respectively, the degree centrality for an aggressively t clude those points tc whose ε−sharpness (56) of the closeness overspeeding vehicle will monotonically increase. Conversely, centrality is non-zero. The set T is reformulated as follows, the degree centrality for a conservative vehicle driving at a uniform speed or braking often at unconventional spots such ( ) ∂ζc(tc) as green light intersections will be relatively flat. Figure 2b T = tc = 0 ∂t visualizes how the degree centrality can distinguish between an [7] overspeeding vehicle and a vehicle driving at a uniform speed. ∂ζ (t) ∂ζ (t ) s.t. max c 6= c c Therefore, the likelihood of overspeeding can be measured by t∈Bε(tc) ∂t ∂t

6 Algorithm 2 Computing E[T ] for each video in a dataset. value for TDE indicates a more accurate behavior prediction Input : M participants, set of starting frames S = model. The TDE is given by the following equation, {s1, s2, . . . , sM }, set of ending frames E = t − [T ] {e , e , . . . , eM } SLE E 1 2 TDEstyle = [8] Output : E[T ] for a video f ∗ 8 s = min S where E denotes the expected time-stamp of an exhibited e∗ = max E ∗ ∗ behavior in the ground-truth annotated by a human and f Initialize a counter ct = 0 for each frame t ∈ [s , e ] ∗ ∗ is the frame rate of the video. f = 2 Hz for the Singapore for t ∈ [s , e ] do dataset and f = 10 Hz for the U.S. dataset. In other words, 9 if t ∈ [sm, em] then the TDEstyle computes the time difference between the mean 10 c ← c + 1 t t frame, E[T ], reported by the participants and the frame with 11 end the maximum likelihood, tSLE, predicted by our approach. 12 P(T = t) = ct While tSLE is computed using arg maxt∈∆t SLE(t) as explained 13 end in Section4, [T ] is computed using Algorithm2, described ∗ ∗ ∗ E 14 P E[T ] = t tct, t = s , s + 1, . . . , e in the following section. A natural question that may be asked is why not use classi- fication accuracy as a metric – that is, to measure the number d where Bε(y) ∈ R is the unit ball centered around a point y of correctly modeled styles as a fraction of the total number of with radius ε. The SLE of a weaving vehicle is represented styles. The answer is that since the model is rule-based using by |T |, which represents the number of elements in T . The the representations and definitions in Sections2 and3, the SIE(t) is computed by measuring the ε−sharpness value of classification accuracy metric (and variants thereof) always each tc ∈ T . Figure 3d visualizes how the degree centrality turns out to be 100%. We verified this in our experiments. can distinguish between an overspeeding vehicle and a vehicle driving at a uniform speed. B. Datasets and Simulation Environment.

Conservative Vehicles Conservative vehicles, on the other Simulation Environment We use the Highway-Env simula- hand, are not inclined towards aggressive maneuvers such tor (42) developed using PyGame (58). The simulator consists as sudden lane-changes, overspeeding, or weaving. Rather, of a 2D environment where vehicles are made to drive along a they tend to conform to a single lane (57) as much as possible, multi-lane highway using the Bicycle Kinematic Model (59) as and drive at a uniform speed (37), typically at or below the the underlying motion model. The linear acceleration model speed limit. The values of the closeness and degree centrality is based on the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) (60), while the functions in the case of conservative vehicles thus, remain lane changing behavior is based on the MOBIL (61) model. constant. Mathematically, the first derivative of constant poly- The original simulator proposed by Leurent et al. (42) nomials is 0. The SLE of conservative behavior is therefore generates homogeneous agents that are parameterized by de- observed to be approximately equal to 0. Additionally, the like- fault to behave conservatively. We modified the simulation lihood that a vehicle drives uniformly in a single lane during parameters and designed two different classes of heterogene- time-period ∆t is higher when, ity (see Figure2) to produce both conservative (blue agents) and aggressive vehicles (green agent). The parameters used

∂ζc(t) to generate the two classes of vehicles are provided in the ≈ 0 and max SLE(t) ≈ SLE(tc). ∗ ∂t t∈Bε(t ) supplementary material.

The intensity of such maneuvers will be low and can be re- Real-World Datasets We have evaluated StylePredict on traffic flected in the lower values for the SIE. data collected from geographically diverse regions of the world. In particular, we use data collected in Pittsburgh (U.S.A) (40), New Delhi (India) (11), Beijing (China) (41), and Singapore 5. Experiments and Results (private dataset). The format of the data includes the times- We begin with a discussion of the evaluation metric, the Time tamp, road-agent I.D., road-agent type, the spatial coordinates, Deviation Error (TDE), for measuring the accuracy of behavior and the location. We understand that the characteristics of prediction methods in SectionA. Then, we describe the real- drivers in a particular city may not reflect similarly in other world traffic datasets and simulation environment used for cities of the same country. Therefore, all results presented in testing our approach and outline the annotation algorithm used this work correspond to the traffic in the specific city where to generate ground-truth labels for aggressive and conservative the dataset is recorded. vehicles in SectionB. Finally, we use the TDE to evaluate our One of the main issues with these datasets is that they approach and analyze the results in real-world traffic as well do not contain labels for aggressive and conservative driving as simulation in SectionC. behaviors. Therefore, we create the ground-truth driver be- havior annotations using Algorithm2. We directly use the raw A. Evaluation Metric. We use Time Deviation Error trajectory data from these datasets without any pre-processing (TDE) (43), to measure the temporal difference between or filtering step. For each video, the final ground-truth annota- a human prediction and a model prediction. For example, tion (or label) is the expected value of the frame at which the if a vehicle executes a rash overtake at the 5th frame and ego-vehicle is most likely to be executing an aggressive style. our model predicts the behavior at the 7th frame, then the This is denoted as E[T ]. The goal for any driver behavior TDE= 0.067 seconds, assuming 30 frames per second. A lower prediction model should be to predict the aggressive style at a

7 (a) Frame 65. (b) Frame 70. (c) Frame 75. (d) Sudden Lane-Change.

(e) Frame 20. (f) Frame 25. (g) Frame 20. (h) Overspeeding.

(i) Frame 75. (j) Frame 80. (k) Frame 85. (l) Weaving.

(m) Frame 66. (n) Frame 68. (o) Frame 70. (p) Overspeeding.

Fig. 4. Driver Behavior Modeling in Singapore (top row), U.S. (second row), China (third row), and India (bottom row): In each row, the first three figures demonstrate the trajectory of a vehicle executing an aggressive driving style (sudden lane change, overspeeding, weaving, and overspeeding, respectively), while the fourth figure shows the corresponding closeness or degree centrality plot. The shaded colored regions overlaid on the graphs in the first two rows are color heat maps that correspond to P(T ) (line 8, Algorithm2). Conclusion: The expected time frame of a driving style reported by the participants of the user study (orange dashed line) matches that of the time of maximum likelihood computed by StylePredict (blue dashed line). time-stamp as close to E[T ] as possible. The implied difference the following driving styles: Overspeeding (OS), Overtaking in the two time-stamps is measured by the TDE metric. (OT), Sudden Lane-Changes (SLC), and Weaving (W). The The TDE metric is computed by Equation8. Here, traffic conditions differ significantly due to the varying cultural norms in different countries including Singapore, the United tSLE = arg maxt∈∆t SLE(t), as explained in Section4. We use Algorithm2 for computing E[T ]. For each video, M par- States (U.S.), China, and India. For instance, the traffic is ticipants were asked to mark the starting and end frames for more regulated in the U.S. than in Asian countries such as the time-period during which a vehicle is observed executing India or China where vehicles do not conform to standard rules an aggressive maneuver. For each video, we end up with such as lane-driving. Such differences contribute to different S = {s1, s2, . . . , sM } and E = {e1, e2, . . . , eM } start and end driving behaviors. Our quantitative results in Table3 and frames, respectively. We extract the overall start and end qualitative results in Figure4 show that our driver behavior frame by finding the minimum and maximum value in S and modeling algorithm is not affected by cultural norms. Across E, respectively (lines 1 − 2). We denote these values as s∗ all cultures, the average TDE is less than 1 second for every ∗ and e . Next, we initialize a distinct counter, ct, for each specific style. Aggressive vehicles are still associated with high ∗ ∗ frame t ∈ [s , e ] (line 3). We increment a counter ct by 1 centrality values while conservative vehicles remain associated if t ∈ [sm, em] (lines 4 − 7). The value of the counter ct is with low centrality values. assigned to P(T ) (line 8). The E[T ] of P(T ) can then be In Figure4, we show traffic recorded in Singapore (top computed using the standard definition of expectation of a row), the U.S. (second row), China (third row), and India discrete probability mass function (line 10). Algorithm2 is (bottom row). In each scenario, the first three columns depict applied separately for each video in each dataset. the trajectory of a vehicle executing a specific style between some time interval. The last column shows the corresponding C. Results using TDE. In Table3, we report the average TDE centrality plot. The shaded colored regions overlaid on the in seconds(s) in different geographical regions and cultures for graphs in Figures 4d and 4p are color heat maps that corre-

8 Table 3. We report the Time Deviation Error (TDE) (in seconds (s)) observe that the traffic density and heterogeneity of a region for the following driving styles: Overspeeding (OS), Overtaking (OT), influences the driving behaviors of road-agents. We summarize Sudden Lane-Changes (SLC), and Weaving (W). The TDE indicates the absolute difference between the times taken by a human expert our conclusions as follows: and our proposed approach to identify a driving style. Lower is bet- Conclusion 1. Drivers in regions with lower traffic density ter. Conclusion: On average, we find that it is easiest to predict weaving and sudden lane-changes in India. This observation agrees and heterogeneity (U.S.A/Singapore) are more likely to perform with our cultural analysis in SectionC where we show that higher longitudinal driving styles (Figures 6a and 6b). heterogeneity (associated with traffic in India) and lack of conformity A lower traffic density logically implies larger spaces in in lane-driving leads to more prominent weaving and lane-changing behaviors. which vehicles can navigate, thereby theoretically increasing the chances of overspeeding and underspeeding. This phe- Dataset Styles nomenon is reflected in the TDE measurement. The degree centrality should ideally be computed after observing an agent OS OT SLC W for some number of time-steps, due to the recursive nature of U.S. (40) 0.25s 0.67s 0.23s 0.26s Definition4. Long-term observation is easier in sparse traffic Singapore 0.54s 0.88s 1.21s 1.28s and therefore, the TDE for overspeeding is lower for sparser China (41) 0.74s 0.44s 0.39s 0.23s populated countries like the U.S.(0.25s) and Singapore(0.54s), India (11) 0.81s 0.38s 0.19s 0.06s as shown in Table3. Conclusion 2. Drivers in regions with higher traffic density and heterogeneity (India/China) are more likely to perform lateral driving styles (Figures 6c and 6d). Conversely, a higher traffic density implies smaller spaces in which vehicles can navigate, thereby minimizing the likelihood of overspeeding. In addition, countries like India and China are often composed of different road-agents including cars, buses, trucks, pedestrians, three-wheelers and two-wheelers. Two-wheelers and three-wheelers are known to be more likely to perform lateral driving styles (38). Therefore, StylePredict achieves the lowest TDE for lateral behaviors in India (0.06s for weaving, 0.19s for sudden lane-changes, and 0.38s for overtaking) and China (0.23s for weaving, 0.39s for sudden lane-changes, and 0.44s for overtaking). Due to the influence of heterogeneity on lateral driving styles, the distribution of specific styles executed by vehicles Fig. 5. Distribution of vehicles (inner graphs) and driver behaviors (outer graph) is more uniform in India and China and skewed towards longi- in different regions. Outer graph conclusion: The distribution of driving styles is uniform in India and skewed towards longitudinal styles in the U.S. Inner graphs tudinal styles in the U.S. In Figure5, we show that over 83% conclusion: The traffic is highly heterogeneous in nature in India whereas the traffic of aggressive maneuvers in homogeneous U.S. traffic were clas- in the U.S. is primarily composed of cars. sified as overspeeding while the remaining 17% were classified as sudden lane-changing. On the other hand, specific styles in traffic in India, which is relatively more heterogeneous than spond to P(T ) (line 8, Algorithm2). The orange dashed line traffic in U.S., were observed to be evenly distributed between indicates the mean time frame, E[T ], whereas the blue dashed 27% sudden lane-changing, 27% overtaking, 27% overspeeding, line indicates tSLE. The main result can be observed by noting and 18% weaving. the negligible distance between the two dashed lines, i.e. the Based on these conclusions, we observe an inverse corre- TDE. lation between the TDE and the type of style (Figure6). In the first row (corresponding to traffic in Singapore), For example, traffic in the U.S. and Singapore is relatively for instance, our approach accurately predicts a maximum sparse and homogeneous. Therefore, by means of the above likelihood of a sudden lane-change by the white sedan at conclusions, we observe a lower TDE for longitudinal styles th around the 75 frame (blue dashed line, Figure 4d), with an and higher TDE for lateral styles. On the other hand, we average TDE of 0.88 seconds. And similarly in the second row observe the opposite trend in Asian countries like India and (corresponding to traffic in the U.S.), we precisely predict the China where traffic is dense and heterogeneous. In such en- maximum likelihood of overspeeding by the vehicle denoted vironments, we observe a higher TDE for longitudinal styles th by the red dot at around the 30 frame with a TDE of 0.25 and lower TDE for lateral styles. seconds. Note that in both cases the TDE (the distance between the blue and the orange dashed vertical lines) is 7. Conclusions, Limitations, and Future Work almost negligible. We present a new Machine Theory of Mind approach that uses the idea of vertex centrality from computational graph 6. Analysis of Behavior Modeling in Different Cultures theory to explicitly and exactly model the behavior of human From the results of the experiments performed in the previous drivers in realtime traffic using only the trajectories of the section, we draw several novel conclusions highlighting the vehicles in the global coordinate frame. Our approach is noise- relationship between driver behavior and traffic environments invariant, can be integrated into any realtime autonomous in the USA, China, India, and Singapore. Specifically, we driving system, and can work in any geographic region.

9 (a) Lateral styles (higher TDE) versus longitudinal styles (lower TDE) (b) Lateral styles (higher TDE) versus longitudinal styles (lower TDE)

(c) Longitudinal styles (higher TDE) versus lateral styles (lower TDE) (d) Longitudinal styles (higher TDE) versus lateral styles (lower TDE)

Fig. 6. Inverse Relationship: We observe an inverse correlation between the TDE and the type of style (longitudinal vs. lateral). The “type of style” on the x-axis is a continuous variable. For example, a vehicle may simultaneously overspeed and perform a lane-change. The “type” of this style would lie somewhere along the middle of the x-axis. (Top row) The U.S. and Singapore are countries with low traffic density and lack of heterogeneity, and so drivers are more likely to perform longitudinal driving styles (Section6). Therefore StylePredict can model longitudinal styles more accurately (lower TDE) than lateral styles (higher TDE). ( Bottom row) Conversely, India and China are countries with higher traffic density and heterogeneity, and so drivers are less likely to perform longitudinal driving styles and more likely to perform lateral styles (Section6). Therefore, StylePredict can model lateral styles more accurately (lower TDE) than longitudinal styles (higher TDE).

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11 S1: Proof to Theorem 4.1 In SectionA, our algorithm assumes perfect sensor measure- ments of the global coordinates of all vehicles. However, in real-world systems, even state-of-the-art methods for vehicle localization incur some error in measurements. We consider the case when the raw sensor data is corrupted by some noise . Without loss of generality, we prove robustness to noise for the degree centrality and the analysis can be extended to other centrality functions. The discrete-valued centrality vector for i T × the ith agent is given by ζ ∈ R 1. So ζ1[2] corresponds to the degree centrality value of the 1st agent at t = 2. In SectionA, we show that a noiseless estimator may be Fig. 7. Robustness to Noise: We show that by regularizing the noisy OLS system obtained by solving an ordinary least squares (OLS) system given by Equation9, we can reduce the original condition number (red curve) while at δ −→ 0 given by Equation5. However, in the presence of noise , the the same time upper bounding the reduced condition number (blue curve) by . The reduced condition number helps stabilize the noisy estimator β˜. OLS system described in Equation5 is modified as shown below: detailed analysis of computing α is given in the supplementary Mβ˜ = ζ˜i material. In our approach, as M is fixed for every T , we need [9] only search for the optimal α once for every T . ˜ > −1 > ˜i β = (M M) M ζ The new estimator is therefore obtained by regularizing Equation9 by adding a multiple of the Identity matrix, Γ = αI where ζ˜i = ζi + . Then we can prove the following, to M >M, Theorem 7.1. kβ˜ − βk = O(). β˜ = β + (M >M + Γ>Γ)−1M > Proof. M is T × (d + 1) Vandermonde matrix where d  T is the degree of the resulting centrality polynomial. Vander- The effect of this regularization on the condition number of monde matrices are known to be ill-conditioned with high M can be seen by the blue curve in Figure7. σ condition number κ = max that increases exponentially with σmin time T . From the noisy system given by Equation9, we have,

β˜ = (M >M)−1M >ζ˜i S2: Simulator Parameters β˜ = (M >M)−1M >(ζi + ) [10] The linear acceleration model is based on the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) (60) and is computed via the following kinematic ˜ > −1 > β = β + (M M) M  equation,

> −1 From Equation 10, kβ˜ − βk = k(M M) Mk which can ∗ h vα 4 s (vα,∆vα) 2i v˙α = a 1 − ( vα ) − ( s ) [11] be shown to be approximately in the order O(κ). There- 0 α fore, the error between the true solution β and the estimated solution in the presence of noise β˜, depends on the condi- Here, the linear acceleration, v˙α, is a function of the velocity tion number κ of the matrix M. A higher value of κ im- vα, the net distance gap sα and the velocity difference ∆vα plies that the trailing singular values of M >M, denoted by between the ego-vehicle and the vehicle in front. Equation 11 2 2 2 is a combination of the acceleration on a free road v˙free = Σ = {σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σd} have very small magnitudes. When in- > 4 verting the matrix M M, as in Equation 10, the singular a[1 − (v/v0) ] (i.e. no obstacles) and the braking deceleration, ∗ 2 values are inverted (by taking the reciprocal) and are repre- −a(s (vα, ∆vα)/sα) (i.e. when the ego-vehicle comes in close sented by Σ−1 = {(σ2)−1, (σ2)−1,..., (σ2)−1}. After the inver- proximity to the vehicle in front). The deceleration term 1 2 d ∗ sion, the trailing singular values now have large magnitudes, depends on the ratio of the desired minimum gap (s (vα, ∆vα)) − ∗ v∆v 2 1 and the actual gap (sα), where s (vα, ∆vα) = s0 + vT + √ . k(σi ) k  1. When multiplied by , these large inverted 2 ab singular values amplify the error, resulting in a large value s0 is the minimum distance in congested traffic, vT is the of kβ˜ − βk. In Figure7, it can be seen by the red curve that distance while following the leading vehicle at a constant under general conditions, κ increases exponentially for even safety time gap T , and a, b correspond to the comfortable small matrices (we fix d = 2 and increase T from 0 to 20). maximum acceleration and comfortable maximum deceleration, However, there are many techniques that bound the con- respectively. dition number of a matrix by regularizing its singular values. The lane changing behavior is based on the MOBIL (61) In our application, we use the well-known Tikhonov regular- model. According to this model, there are two key parameters ization (62). Under this regularization, after the inversion when considering a lane-change: operation is applied on M >M, the magnitude of the resulting 1. Safety Criterion: This condition checks if, after a lane- inverted singular values are constrained by adding a parameter change to a target lane, the ego-vehicle has enough room α. The modified inverted singular values can be expressed as σ to accelerate. Formally, we check if the deceleration of the i . The addition of the α2 in the denominator keeps the σ2 α2 successor atarget in the target lane exceeds a pre-defined i + overall magnitude of the inverted singular value from “blow- safe limit bsafe: ing up”. The choice of the parameter α is important and a atarget ≥ −bsafe

12 2. Incentive Criterion: This criterion determines the total advantage to the ego-vehicle after the lane-change, mea- sured in terms of total acceleration gain or loss. It is computed with the formula,

a˜ego − aego + p(˜an − an +a ˜o − ao) > ∆ath

where a˜ego −aego represents the acceleration gain that the ego-vehicle would receive after to the lane change. The second term denotes the total acceleration gain/loss of the immediate neighbours (the new follower in the target, an, and the original follower in the current lane, ao) weighted with the politeness factor, p. By adjusting p the intent of the drivers can be changed from purely egoistic (p = 0) to more altruistic (p = 1). We refer the reader to (61) for further details. The lane change is executed if both the safety criterion is satisfied, and the total acceleration gain is more than the defined minimum acceleration gain, ∆ath.

Table 4. We show the simulation parameters that define the conser- vative and aggressive vehicle classes.

Model Parameter Conservative Aggressive

Time gap ( T ) 1.5s 1.2s Min distance (s ) 5.0 m 2.5 m IDM 0 Max comfort acc. (a) 3.0 m/s2 6.0 m/s2 Max comfort dec. (b) 6.0 m/s2 9.0 m/s2 Politeness (p) 0.5 0 2 2 MOBIL Min acc gain (∆ath) 0.2 m/s 0 m/s 2 2 Safe acc limit (bsafe) 3.0 m/s 9.0 m/s

Additionally, the desired velocity v0 is set to 25 meters per second and 40 meters per second for the conservative and aggressive vehicle classes, respectively. Finally, the desired ve- locities for the conservative vehicles were uniformly distributed with a variation of ±10% to increase the heterogeneity in the simulation environment.