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items-in-Middle East - country files -

Dafe Created 08/01/1981

Record Type Archival Item

Container S-0899-0009: Peacekeeping - Middle East 1945-1981



October 9, 1981

His Excellency Dr. Kurt1 Waldheira Sucre Laty-Ooncra1 United Nations Headquarters New Yorkr New York 10017 Excellency: The International Association of University L'rc-si- donts which convened recently in the City of San Jose in Costa Rica had adopted a recommendation to the- United Nations to declare or to establish "A Day of Peace," "A Month of Peace", and "A Year of Peace". The International Association of University Presi- dents had requested the Presidents of those universities which had participated in the*said meeting and, whose number exceeded 700 Presidents of universities, including II. E. Dr. Abdu]-Salaam Ma j ali , 'President of the Jordan University, to request that the Permanent Representatives of their respective countries initiate a proposal embody- ing their recommendations as an item on the agenda of the thirty-sxith session of the United Nations General Assembly, in the earnest hope that it would be adopted. • Needless to state that the overriding and supreme challenge which confronts the world tod^y is the preserva- tion of peace and sparing the world the awusome prospect of total annihilation. This overriding concern is upper most in the mind, heart and conscience of every individual throughout the world. Nevertheless, there'is an intensified feeling of insecurity rind helplessness as all of us witness a very dangerous deterioration in the international situation and, ah accoIt-ration of Lhe arms race, and a drastic diminution of friendly co-existence and cooperation amongst nations. li.E. Dr. Kurt Waldheim Oct-obor 9, 1981 Page 2

Policy-makers and statesmen at various international forum: have yivou deep expression to this heightened feeling impending catastrophe; but all these endeavours have so far to deflect the inexorable drift towards a clearly j~; recognizable and acknowledged threat to world peace an ell security. It ic, therefore, most impelling that support for world peace based on justice and friendly co-existence should emanate and reenforce the endeavours of policy- makers and statesmen from amongst the leaders of learninq such as presidents of universities from all corners of the globe. Such grassroots support for peace should take concrete form and expression through the United Nations whose charter is basically designed to save this and future, generations the scourges of devastating wars. In the light of the above, Jordan proposes the inclusion in the Agenda of the thirty-sixth session of the United Nations General Assembly of this all-important and urgent item entitled: "The Establishment Through the x l General -vsser.bly of ?v ^ay or *£eac5 , *K Macttii.Qf S-esice' ,s and 'A Year of Peace.' " The appropriate draft declararation will be pre- sented, in due course,in consultation with the esteemed members of the various regional groups. I request Your Excellency, to regard this letter, as well as the attached minutes of the International Asso- ciation of University Presidents dated July.3, 1981 as the explanatory memorandum required under rule 20 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly and to have it cir- culated, as an official document of the General Assembly.

Hazem NuGcibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

Erie Is i

•!•...„:.•-!*£. "/•:. WKU-AKK AND SECURITY (•'OK MANKIND THROUGH EDUCATION" / Dr. Young Sook Chouo Thu Sacretarlaft lhe IAUP, Kyung Hoo University PublislMtr ot Lux MunJi Seoul, 131, Korua

MtMDE RS ' Of Attuf i N. wnumo • Houft C Canud Un(v»-vdv 0>. WVIm.n H. Wood Unkwtily «' >!«>•> *.*i. Auditor Oi Nnnrildl K Pil«m4 Imp Unly«*urv ('antbi to* ' Or to Yyn Pin N»nO(.»l ChunQ Hting Unw«tf IV Of C.TiibJa f. Aquino • Urifet'uty ol tlu A ivxi.lyoll

Oi IVUMI Aoi OMIIA Intitluuof T«j* . Old Un*«iiilv ol » Or F Don J»m«t C*niicl ConoaciKUl Sl«t* Co(i»0* D«. DcfuM Giunawcbj • tfercv Cottrsa (North Afn*rtco)

D> Won Sul LW • Kyung H«. Unmix U-tM*«iiiV ot lb»dM\ tOoltdi Hlf* Kh«h Kftti'i • Oi. Nlhano'h Kcudhom Snpjlum 0rf

Cons i (ioriiK) the grim world nitnat. ion in this decade OL the 1980's unprecedented crisis in the events of human history, the mounting i nternational tensions, the unbridled armaments race which could push the world into a global conflict and put a full stop to human history, the sixth- triennial conference of the International Associati6ft of University Presidents, a body comprised of over seven hundred Presidents, Rectors, and f^cholars from all over the world met in San Jose, Costa Rica during the days of June 28 through July 3, 1901,

Having deliberated upon the crucial importance of the Peace University and its program for peace education and conflict resolution, having arrived at the conclusion that the world, if it is to prevent the impending global upheaval, needs urgently to inculcate love of peace and global "familism" in the minds of all people, thereby mitigating the mounting international tension and contributing towards lasting peace, and .

Resolved to .-,''," • .. ' •

Recommend 6 "i' to the Uni.ted Nations the proposal to establish through the General f Assembly "A Day of Peace," "A Month of Peace," and "A Year of Peace,"

Invi te All governments of the nations in the world to honor the U.N. Peace Day perhaps by holding commemorative ceremonies and supporting other . related activities in their respective countries, in which the r iportance of" peace, international friendship and transnational cooperation will be stressed, and 'i !,m:ouraqe

* \ Social institutions, business enterprises, religious groups, and . J| .D^Iiwwio «^T ^u^Ii iioLiun Lo UOUUUUL, on tiieii own initiatives, _ -fej ceremonies and activities on the U.N. 1'oace Day to generate inter- *. national goodwill so that, before long, the ideal of peace will be rooted in the minds of peoples throughout the world and that a Global Cooperation Society will be created with the spirit of goodwill, cooperation, and service. .* Having resolved the above, the participating members of the -'• f,' international Association of University Presidents cordially request ^ all the governments and the people of the world to join in ' '» establishing a Day of Peace. J

,ung Hee University .


ME7/1514 f~) •-r^. f .••» ,-v ..'--A ..<— _ __ '' cy / September 8, 1981 -. . ""cl..e...... f--*i~-'-----' —

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/ ^ — His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim IL>.-. ~-^...^f .±.\.s-Sf Secretary-General .< , ^> ^ , United Nations Headquarters nF / o-; <;/-/ New York, N.Y. 10017 . ^ /; ..- y Excellency: ., •/.-'—•.• :.^-'..t..-/-.-i^ Upon instructions from ray Government, I wish to bring to your most urgent attention the latest Israeli occupation's deep diggings and excavations beneath the Al- Aqsa Mosque within the Haram al-Shareef holy sanctuary, the first Qibla in Islam and the third of the three holy sanctuaries. These diggings and desecrations, in deep tunnels reaching fifteen meters and more below this 1300- year old place of worship to God and, a symbol of a great spiritual and historical legacy, have been a prime target of the Israeli occupation authorities' relentless and reprehensible efforts since the occupation of Arab in 1967, to fundamentally alter the landmarks, legacy and history of a large segment of mankind. Hundreds of millions of adherents to the Islamic faith look to Jeru- salem and the monumental Al-Aqsa sanctuary as its focal point and its center-piece. The collapse of this holy sanctuary would be nothing less than a cultural, political and spiritual genocide against this legacy and its innermost and immortal soul. So serious are these Israeli transgressions against hundred of millions of adherents of the Islamic faith that it poses a real and inevitable threat to world peace and security. The latest clandestine Israeli desecrations have reached a stage where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is presently in danger of total collapse. The religious Islamic insti- tutions in the occupied territories have condemned these rttost seriolts underground Israeli excavations and the claims of £inds announced on August 25, 1981. The Mufti of Jeru- 3

The Heads of all the Islamic Waqf (charitable) Foundations have described these persistent desecrations of the holiest Islamic site as a part of the Zionist effort to seize the holy sanctuary. The Jordan Mission finds itself duty-bound to alert the community of nations to the fact that a des- truction or collapse of the 1350-year old Al-Aqsa Mosque would not only constitute a crime against humanity and the historic landmarks whose preservation has been entrusted to UNESCO; it would also most certainly bring in its wake a serious threat to world peace and security.

The Government of Jordan reserves the right to submit this aggression before the Security Council unless the Israeli occupation authorities stop forthwith these acts of desecration before an irreversible damage is perpetrated. I request that this letter, and the attached map and documents be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly under item 64 of the provisional agenda, and of the Security Council.

lazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

Enclosures: 1. Communication from H.E. Mr. Marwan Kasim, Minister of Foreign Affairs 2. Map on El Haram Esharif - Israeli Excavations Around it and under Al-Aqsa Mosque 3. A Report 6Ti the Excavations Beneath the Holy Sanctuary by the Engineering Department of the High Islamic Council in Jerusalem

4. A memorandum from the Mayor of Jerusalem, Mr. Rouhi Al-Khatib on the Implications of Israeli Excavations JO



Born in 1929 Received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Rangoon From 1943 to 1945, he participated in the independence movement of Burma as an Officer in the Burma Defense Army and t:he Patriotic Burmese Forces Joined Burma Foreign Service in 1953 Served at Burmese Missions abroad in various capacities from Third Secretary up to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Also served at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in various capacities At present he is the Permanent Representative of Burma to the United Nations Office in Geneva He is a holder of Independence Mawgunwtn (first class) title He is married and has two daughters PERMANENT MISSION OF THE


ME7 /1508 August 19, 1981

Excellency: Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to bring' to your attention the latest Israeli assaults upon institutions of vocational and higher education in the occupied , flagrantly mani- fested in the Israeli occupied authorities' brutal assault and closure of the polytechnic institute in the Governorate of Hebraon, established by the Associa- tion of University Alumni — a charitable society — in the Governorate of . This dastardly action and its concommitant attack on teachers and students, as well as the destruc- tion of laboratory equipment which had caused the inha- bitants several million dollars, is but another link in a chain of the occupation authorities' all-out efforts to stifle the educational facilities in the occupied territories by all possible means. The Israelis had assidously made extensive and calculated efforts to deprive the who remained in Palestine in 1948 in a state of deprivation in the field of education. Any one knowledgeable with the situation would immediately find a vast disparity in education between the Palestinians presumed to be Israeli citizens and the Palestinian inhabitants of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, The Association of University Graduates for the Goverriorate of Hebron — the Amman branch — has -presented a memorandum to the Government of Jordan on July 27, 1981, which descriBe's in detail the latest Israeli disruption of the' polytechnic college in Hebron. lipoft instructions from my Government, I had been fe^uested to &&h Your Excellency, to take the necessary measures with a view to the cessation of these wanton acts by the Israeli military occupation authorities. More specifically, it is to be urged that the following steps be taken without delay; August 19, 1981 Page 2

One -- a cessation of these savage assaults and arbitrary measures which are being waged against members of the educational institutions, the premises of these institutions, and the charitable societies in the occupied territories. Two -- the release of those detained in the course of these assaults. Three — a re-opening of the building which had been subjected to the attack with a view to enabling the polytechnic institute to resume its educational mission without interference or hindrance. Four — permitting the Association of University Graduates to construct new premieses in accordance with the license granted to it by the municipality of Hebron.

I have the honour to enclose herewith the text of the memorandum addressed to the Government of Jordan by the Association of University Graduates for the Governorate of Hebron. I request that my letter and the enclosed memorandum in Arabic, be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly, under item 64 of the provisional agenda, and of the Security Council. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Hasem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

H.E. Dr, Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, N*¥« 10017

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ME7/1509 August 19, 1981

Excellency: w Upon instructions from my Government, I have ' the honour to bring to your attention that the Israeli occupation authorities have prohibited any assistance being given to the municipalities, charitable institu- tions and other societies, and without which all those vital institutions would face the prospect of cessation of essential services to the citizens of the occupied territories, and even bankruptcy. Having absorbed and seized most of the resources and the revenue-making enterprises which would enable the population of the occupied territories in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip to generate, local revenues and thus, continue to provide essential services within their respective areas and spheres of civilian activities, the Israelis, in an effort to choke these institutions, have now prohibited the donation of funds from various Arab sources and private contributions. This is a destructive act intended to further stifle any viable existence of the inhabitants already suffering the ordeal and massive disruption of 14 years of occupation. It is universally acknowledged that , with a present defisit of over $20 billion, and increasing annually by $4 billion, is in no position to provide any paeaningful assistance to these threatened institutions' services? * Infixed, in the municipalities and municipal councils of the Palestinians of 1948, and even though they7are by iafc', supposed to be Israeli citizens, these Ib'cai institutions have lately, been making collective protest againsfe the Government of Israel for its failure to provide assistance to sustain even the most elemental services in Arab towns such as Nazareth, In these areas, a state of non-growth and stagnation is the rule. August 19, 1981 Page 2

The Mayors and leaders of these local institutions have protested to the Israeli Government that the assistance provided to them is less than one-fourth of that which is being provided to the Jewish municipalities. It should be stressed, at this point, that the Israeli authorities had confiscated between 1948rl967, over 90% of the cultivable lands of the Palestinian inhabitants of these territories. Over the past two years, a relentless policy of additional confiscations is underway with a view to what the Israelis called "Judaization" of Galilee. The wanton behavior of the Israeli authorities, whether in the 1967 occupied territories or the 1948 occupied territories, can only be intended to squeeze, the Pales- tinian inhabitants out of their ancestral homeland.and to bringing about a further destabilization of the situation in the Middle East, I request Your Excellency, that my letter be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly, under item 65 of the provisional agenda, and of the Security Council.

, Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. ! /y. Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim SEcretary-Genefal United NatidnS Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 PERMANENT MISSION OF THE l ' 866 UNITED NATIONS PLAZA HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN


TELEPHONE! PL 2-0135-6 *•" '7


July 22, 1981 /OO/ His Excellency , Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General , 3T^^ United Nations Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 Excellency: I have the honour to convey to you the latest Israeli acts of confiscations, colonization and annexa- tion of Palestinian lands in the occupied West Bank of Jordan and Jerusalem during the month of June, 1981. This latest catalog of land confiscations is a part of ongoing and relentless process of devouring the remnants of the occupied territories as a prelude to their annexation and the expulsion on their inhabitants. The Government of Jordan views these acts of plunder and despoliation with deepest concern. They are further proof, if any is needed, that the occupation authorities' overall objective is the total seizure and annexation of the occupied territories in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and all norms of international law. Furthermore, these Israeli criminal activities are intended to abort any efforts by the United Nations to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East on the basis of United Nations resolutions and Palestinian redemption. It would be deeply appreciated if the enclosed information could be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly under Item 64 of the preliminary list, and of th@ Security Council. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest esteem and corisideiration.


July 14, 1981

Excellency: • I wish to enclose herewith an article by Mr. Amnon Kapilok, published in Al Hamishmar on June 5, 1981, entitled "The Occupied Territories After Fourteen Years of Occupation." The article is an awesome description of the fate which has befallen the Palestinian people and their occupied territories in all fields of existence. If the Jordan Mission or, for that matter, any other Mission had claimed that almost a quarter of a million inhabitants of the occupied territories had at one time or another during the past fourteen years, been given the "treat" at Israeli jails or detention camp, it would sound so incredible as to be dismissed as a product of wild exaggeration. And yet it is the stark fact as disclosed by an Israeli journalist and published in one of Israel's well-known papers. It means that one out of five inha- bitants has been "hosted" in Israeli jails. Proportionate to the population of the United States the imprisoned citizens would amount to forty-five millions! Incredible, yes, but it is the truth all the same. The magnitude of Israeli absorption and colo- nization of the occupied territories of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip is equally staggering. Thirty-five to forty percent had already been devoured; annexation has been substantially accomplished while depriving those annexed inhabitants of even the most ele- mental rights* It is aparthied and deprivation in their most inimical manifestations. In vie'w of the importance of the aforementioned article in £dftMying the situation presently existing in the dcetipied territories, in consequence of 14 years of Occupation and Ruthless Oppression, it would be deeply ap'greciate'd if this letter and the enclosed article could toe circulated as an official document of the General Assembly under item entitled "Report of the Committee to July 14 Page 2

Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories" and of the Security Council. Accept, Excellency, tjhe assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

'.r~i • Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 TEXT OF THE ARTICLE BY ISRAELI JOURNALIST MR. AMNON KAPILOK PUBLISHED IN AL-HAMISHMAR ON JUNE 5, 1981

Fourteen years have passed since Israeli military rule has been imposed on the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. In consequence of the policy of fait accomplis which these occupied territories have endured and continue to endure on a daily basis, these territories have become a part of "Greater Israel". Officially these territories are still regarded as occupied territories and even the Golan Heights in which every vestige or legacy of Syria have by systematic cal- culation been erased to a point where even the Israeli educational curriculum have been imposed in Druze Schools in the Golan Heights and a proclamation of Israel's independence has been hung on the walls of the schools. But the fact is that these occupied territories have been devoured within a framework of creeping annexation and in a manner which is nothing short of reckless occupation. Anyone who studies the situation in these terri- tories cannot escape the following conclusions, namely: That we are facing absorption and annexation of the first degree which serves only those who are responsible for carrying 6life this annexation. The inhabitants of the occupied territories do not enjoy the most elemental level of the' rights QE citizenship in the face of the unlimited power of Israeli military rule. We are witnessing now a gradual emergence of a South Africa situation inspite of our wills. For under the control of one government live, two peoples side by side; one of them enjoys all the rights; the second lives on crumbs. When a Palestinian youth hurls a stone on an Israeli car an entire village is subjected to the most ruthless punitive measures, while the who carry out acts of provocation against the Palestinian citizens receive no punishment whatsoever even when they are caught red-handed in committing their crimes. The best proof of this fact is what happened to the four settlers in the settlement of Bait el (B) who were arrested while committing their crime when they destroyed the windows of automobiles in the town of Ramallah in ,the month of April last year. During the first yearsfollowing the June war there were people who deluded themselves by the idea that it was possible to establish a liberal occupation. Today we do not find a single individual who can even mention this false claim. For the policy which is being pursued in the occupied territories is a policy of the iron fist which naturally is met with resistance then more resistance, then escalation in a spiral. The number of inhabitants of the occupied terri- tories who .have visited Israeli jails ranging from a deten- tion of 24 hours and up to long years of imprisonment is a staggering, number indeed. A survey has been conducted amongst f riendjS. and no,gne ever imagined that the number of those Ltti jarisbne5,. f r 6m. .aftlongst the occupied territories is about a q.u3Lrfcer....Qf a million who have been to Israeli prison and ^Mnti.bn^camt3^..durihjj_ 14 years of occupation. This amounts to one in every five of the inhabitants. Conversations with the inhabitants of the occupied territories reveal the dangerous daily existence which they must endure and which is represented by repression, insults and humiliation. (This later manifes- tation has developed in a most potent form recently during the Government of the Likud). But the greater danger in their views is their expulsion from their lands which has scored staggering records during the last three years. A little while ago correspondents who cover the news of the occupied territories met with the No. 1 man who is responsible for the management of the occupied territories and addressed to him the following question: "What is your policy in the occupied territories?" He replied candidly: "Concerned that tranquility prevails." Indeed, with his three words he underscored what Israeli policy in the occupied territories is. The policy which Israel is implementing is the cause of the instability. Such contradiction is inescapable in consequence of the occupation. This policy leaves other citizens no avenue what- soever to achieve their wish for self-determination and inde- pendence which all the people advocate without exception. The existing differences between the various factions in the occupied territories relate to methods and not to the objective. Arid fdr the sake of truth we have to state that the1 overwhelming majority of the people in the occupied territories support the establishment of a Palestinian Bfeato in thsa wsssst Sank and the Gaza Strip along side Israel while 3. small minority supports a solution based upon the - 4 -

establishment of a Palestinian democratic state with pluralistic communities.

An Important Lesson to the Deluded The Israeli policy in the occupied territories and particularly the policy pursued since the Likud Party took over the Government of Israel is dedicated to depriving the Palestinians of realizing their legitimate wishes, by preventing them from conducting any political activity whatever be its form, and colonization in any and every location in the West Bank with a view to obliteration of any realistic options. The last of these Israeli measures has been the encirclement of the City of Jericho by a chain of settlements to abort the Allon Plan and to impose res- trictions in all fields of daily life. In the past, the military Governors resorted to deception and distortion when they claimed that they could establish a collaborative leadership and they lent their ears to the advice of civilians imbued with colonialist mentality. But today they have totally abandoned all these plans when the facts of the situation turned against them. For the City of Hebron- from this viewpoint, had.taught a lesson to the upholders of this policy of deception and distortion. For in order to thrive and ensure the election of Sheikh Muhammad Ali Al-Ja'bari in the municipal elections which were carried out in 1976,the Israeli authroities de- portfed on the £Ve of the elections the head of the opposition lisSt, Dr. Ahrneld Hamzeh al-Natshe. But this deportation did il3t assist theft in the elections and the national block which h'a^ prdclaiifi§Q its support for the Palestine Liberation Organization and which was led by the Agricultural Engineer, Mr. Fahd al-Qawasmeh, who subsequently became one of the most prominent leaders in the occupied territories in - 5 -

consequence of the great challenges which confronted him in his city. Notwithstanding his moderation and his realism he was deported last year in a moment of anger and a loss of consciousness. He was succeeded to the post of Mayor, provisionally wo hope,by his Deputy Mayor, Mr. Mustafa Abd Al-Nabi Al-Natshe who belongs to the same Natshe family but follows a different political course. And here he is as a result of the bitter conditions which exist in his City and which is symbolized by the expulsion of the Palestinian citizens of the City of Hebron, the con- fiscation of their lands to enable Jewish colonizers from the Camp of Rabi Livinger, Deputy Mayor Natshe has followed the policy of his deported predecessor and has protested against the provocations of the Jewish settlers against the inhabitants of al-Khalil (Hebron). At this point the military administration repeated its threats to the Deputy Mayor: "If you conduct any political activity your fate will be like that of your predecessor Fahd/ al-Qawasmeh."

But Deputy Mayor Natshe responds: "Suppose that they deport me what will they gain? I will be succeeded by another person and he will do exactly what I am doing. Has any other option been left open to us?"

Violation of International Conventions We shall not here repeat the talk about the catalog of violations of conventions and rules of international law in the territories under Israeli military rule. For this has been asserted by Israeli jurists one after the other, namely. / -6 -

that the Geneva Convention and the Hague Convention are being violated by deliberate calculation. Those ingenius amongst them have presented various proposals with a view to circumventing these conventions and treaties. They proposed, for .example that houses be sealed instead of being blown up; that instead of deportation to the Lebanon it would be preferable, to deport them to Jordan since the West Bank from the perspective of international law is a part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and deportations in such cases would not be a deportation to a foreign country. But even if the military rulers were to listen to the advise of the inegenius experts,there remains a clear and irrefutable fact. It is that human rights in the occupied territories are being violated every day and we do not mean only the acts of torture perpetrated against individuals here but we mean the official policy. The economy of the occupied territories has become inestricably linked with the Israeli economy and from this aspect, annexation and absorption have become an accomplished fact. The Arab areas have become a captive market to Israeli commodities and a source of cheap labor. The inability of the Arab inhabitants of the occupied territories in the face of the policy of repression which Israeli military rule has imposed to perpetuate the occupation,has compelled the Arab youth to concentrate all their efforts on education while schools and universities have become hotbeds of political rebellioh. More thari one Israeli official has admitted that t1

deepened schisms between them. Many of them fear that the fifteenth year of occupation will be more intractable and difficult/ for the Palestinians in these territories declared with determination that "no matter how prolonged your occupation of our lands, you will be compelled at the end to forego your attempts at our enslavement." i Where is wi-sdom? Why all this stupidity?I » r;_

•• i.1''" '• i f




REFERENCKi le 15 Juillet 1981 a

Monsieur le Secretaire ge"n£ral, Je suis charge's Par le Comit6 pour 1'exercice des droits inalienables du peuple palestinien, d'exprimer sa profonde ?•' A, preoccupation devant le'me'pris total que professe Israel a l'6gard des droits du peuple palestinien, et dont la presse israelienne offre presque chaque jour des exemples. Selon ces informations, les autorit6s d'occupation militaires continuent a s'ingerer dans 1'enseignement dispens6 dans les territoires occupes et ferment des Ijcoles et des universites sous le moindre pretext e. Parallelement , les autorit^s israeliennes continuent a saisir des terres et a proceder a 1'itablissement de nouvelles colonies au mepris des resolutions de I1 Organisation des Nations Uaies et de 1' opinion publique mondiale. Le Comit6 est 6galement pr^occupe par des rumeurs selon lesquelles le Dr Abdul Shafi, directeur de la Croix-Rougo palestinienne a Gaza, n'a pas ete autorise a quitter Gaza et sa Iibert6 de mouvement dans la region a ete" limit^e. Le Comite n'est pas moins scandalise d'apprendre la profanation du cimetiere musulman Istiqlal qui se trouve dans le centre d1 Half a; quelque 3 000 corps auraient et6 exhumes en vue de liberer du terrain pour la construction de locaux administratifs et de centres commerciaux. Le Comit^ estime que 1' Organisation des Nations Unies, et notamment le Conseil d@ S^curite", doivent prendre d'urgence des mesures propres a appeler 1'atteiation d' Israel sur les dangers que comportent de telles politiques, pouS'suivies au mepris de 1 'opinion publique mondiale. Je vous serais 6blig€ de bien vouloir f aire distribuer le texts de la prgsente lettre comme document de 1'Assemblge gene"rale au titre du point 31 de 1'ords-e du jour prdvisoire, et du Conseil de securite. Veuille?. agrSerj Monsieur le Secrfitaire g6n6ral, les assurances ma plus haUt@ ebnsideration. Le President du Comite pour 1'exercice des droits inalienables du peuple palestinien

Mas samba Sar/e Monsieur Kurt Waldheim Secretaire g4n6ral de I'Organisati.-r. des Nations Unies Lf-'Jt C





July 10, 1981 Aft Excellency: I wish to bring to your attention a further example of the Israeli occupation authorities' accelerated settlement time-table on Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank which over the past three years has reached truly epidemic and massive proprotions. Needless to bring to the attention of the esteemed Secretary-General that the magnitude of the colonization in Jerusalem, its environs and throughout the West Bank lias already reached a point of no return and has rendered any discussion within the framework of United Nations resolutions an exercise in futility.

The magnitude of the colonization is presently estimated to have reached to 35-40% of the total occupied areas. The principal victim of this blatant and relent- less annexation and colonization is the City of Jerusalem, its environs and contiguous areas which cut deeply into what is referred to as the occupied West Bank. These ongoing acts of illegality and plunder are delineating on the ground, what should legally and normally be done under the auspices of the United Nations decisions. It: is in the light of the above that I deem it necessary to enclose herewith excerpts from an article entitled "Jerusalem Approves Vast Housing Plan" by Abraham Rabindvich, Jerusalem Post Reporter, and published in on June 22, 1981.

Any one familiar with the area cannot fail to rectignize' that the approved housing plan on almost totally Arab lands will result in a fundamental trans- formation of the geographic, demographic and historical landscape of these areas in the heartland of the occupied West Banks '^hu nature of the transformation is so far- reaching in it's dimensions that it is well-nigh irreversible July 10, 1981 Page 2

under any conceivable means of a peaceful resolution to the conflict; a meaningful redemption of the Palestinian people and, their right of return and self-determination, including nationhood. It is yet another stark violation of inter- national law, the Hague and Geneva Conventions, govern- ing the rights of the civilian population who have fallen victim to aggression and occupation. I wish to point out that even though it includes housing units for the legitimate inhabitants of the land, it unlawfully takes away substantial portions of those lands for additional Israeli colonization in violation of the norms of international law. It would be greatly appreciate if this letter could be circulated as an official document of the General, Assembly under the item entitled "Report of the Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Terri- tories" and of the Security Council. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

H.E. Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 "JERUSALEM APPROVES VAST HOUSING PLAN By: Abraham Rabinovich The Jerusalem Post Monday, June 22, 1981

An outline plan for northern Jerusalem envisaging construction of 13,000 housing units for Jews and 20,000 for Arabs was approved last night by the City Council, The plan, wh Lcli covers the bulk of municipal territory north o'f , is one of the most far reaching proposals put forward by the planning authorities since the city's reunification. ^ Included is the 4,400 dunams expropriated last year between French Hill and Neve Ya acov on which the housing development of South Neve Ya acov is to be built. The Housing Ministry is planning to begin clearing land for tliis development -- which will be the largest in Jerusalem -- wiithin two months.

Most of the 13,000 dunams in the plan is Arab-owned land which lias been frozen for development since 1967 because of the absence of any legal outline plan for the area. Yesterday's plan will release this land for development, mostly at prevailing densities. Some sections, sucli as the Nusseibeh Houses in , will have higher densities than are normal in the Arab sector. The plan will next be considered by the District Planning Commission, which will present it fdr public objections. A major' element of the plan is a transport- ation network which includes four north- soutli roads in the northern panhandle of Jerusalem. The easternmost, just below the watershed, is to be an urban boulevard which will serve the Jewish population between Neve Y a * a c o v and French Hill. As proposed by City Engineer Amnon Niv, the tree-lined road will be fronted by apartments, offices, shops, and hotels. v Slightly to the west will be Highway Number One linking the Damascus Gate area of the with the northern part of the city a,nd a new road link to Tel Aviv via Beit Horon. To its west the existing Ramallah Road which will be reduced in function to a local road. A new road is to be built to its west to link the Arab areas between Shuafat and .

The area is to be cut by two major east-west roads. One will run from Ramot through to the village of Hizme east of Jerusalem. The other will run from through Shuafat to Ma^ale Adumin*.

A large shopping centre is tobe built at the intersection of the Rarnot-Hizme road and the north-south "boulevard" at a point northeast of Tel el-Foul. The Housing Ministry has objected to Niv's proposal to allocate land in South Neve Ya'ucov for workshops and light industry to provide local employment. The nrgur.ients is thus fur unresolved and that section has been left for future p 1 a 11 h i n ^ . " PERMANENT**




ME1/1460 May IE 7, 1981

Dear Mr. Secretary - General,

I wish to acknowledge with deep satisfaction your letter dated 18 May 1981 in reply to my letter of 7 April 1981 and in which upon instructions from my Government I had drawn your Excellency's attention to a number of considerations relating to the action contemplated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in view of its serious financial situation.

I wish to express on behalf of my Government its gratitude for your untiring efforts to overcome the financial difficulties which have during the past several years plagued the Agency's operations in assisting the Palestine refugees and which had even imperilled a continuation of its education programs.

I was also deeply satisfied to learn of the positive talks which the Commissioner - General had had in Jordan on 20 April with His Majesty King Hussein, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Occupied Territories' Affairs

The decision to keep open all the schools until the end of September is a great relief to all those familiar with the situation in the area.

I was equally happy to learn that the question for securing adequate funding for 1982 had been addressed at length and that my Government had agreed to intensify its support for the efforts to place the Agency's financing on a sounder basis.

Please accept, Mr. Secretary - General renewed expressions of my highest esteem.

Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary - General United Nations Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 PERMANENT MISSION OF THE


May 19, 1981 .-if-

Excellency, Upon instruction from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith, the resolution adopted by the National Consultative Assembly of Jordan, at its thirty-third session convened in Amman, Jordan on April 20, 1981 concerning the current and impending substantial reductions, in the services which the United Nations Relief and Works Agency had been providing for the Palestinian refugees ,

Inasmuch as the resolution of the Jordanian National Consultative Assembly is addressed to the United Nations in its entirety through Your Excellency, it would be deeply appreciated if the enclosed message were circulated to all member- states as an official document of the General Assembly under the Provisional Agenda of the forthcoming session pertaining to the question of Palestine. Accept, Mr. Secretary - General, renewed expires s itjrts of my highest esteem.

//- Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

His Exee'liehcy Dr. KUrt tValdheim Secretary - General United Nations Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 PERMANENT MISSION DF THE



The National Consultative Assembly, having closely studied the measures which the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine.refugees, pertaining to the reduction of its services in the various host countries and in the occupied territories of Palestine, and, in particular in the field of education and, the intended termination of the services of those working for UNRWA such as teachers and others, this coming in the wake of UNRWA's reduction of its health services, Having heard the statements of the Government outlining its basic position in this regard, wish tojnake the following declaration: 1. The Consultative Assembly rejects the plans and policies of the Agency aimed at relinquishing the obligations and duties for the fulfillment of which it had been established, on behalf of the international community as an expression of the international community's responsibilities and obligations which have arisen from its resolutions which had resulted in the establishment of the Zionist state in Palestine on the ruins of its people and their uprooting from their lands and homes. These obligations and responsibilities devolve most particularly upon the major powers which were behind the creation of that state. 2. The National Consultative Assembly realizes fully that the plan to reduce services which the Agency has embarked upon is but a plan to renege from the international commitment towards the Palestine refugees, the victims of United Nations resolutions. 3. The National Consultative Assembly expresses its tbtal solidarity with all segments of the Palestine refugees in their rejection of these plans and, their insistence that the United Nations fulfill its obligations and dutie^ towards them. May 19 1981 Page 2

4. The National Consultative Assembly requests the Secretariat of the United Nations to exercise all its jurisdiction and powers to ensure that the powers responsible for the dispersal of the people of Palestine should shoulder their financial responsibilities towards the Agency and continiously so long as the Palestinian Arab homeland is occupied. •"\.C." <( '" t c-




April 9, 1981

Excellency: '_ : Upon instructions from my Government, I have Lhe. honour to convey to you r. the very profound concern of the - Government of Jordan, iii consequence of the Israeli Government's decision adopted on 29 March 1981, to give : the "green light" to its Minister of Energy, Mr. Yitzhak Modai, to proceed forthwith with the implementation of the final plan for the construction of 67 miles long canal to link the and the Dead Sea in the Jordan Valley. r ' ;; • The plan adopted in its final form envisages the:. digging of the canal from Kateef in the occupied Gaza Strip across and beneath the mountainous terrain in the Southern part of the occupied West Bank and up to a point known as Mas' ada (Masada.) overlooking the Southwest corner of the Dead Sea. The announced objective of the canal includes a hydroelectric plant near Masada to generate enough electric power to provide 7% of 'Israeli's energy requirements for the year 2000. The canal is also intended to bring enough water to a scattering of sites for five nuclear energy plants for cooling purposes as well as electricity generation.- '•-'• Jewish fund raisers in the United States have already pledged $100 million annually for the next several years to finance the project, the cost of which is estimated at $800 million. Similar fund-raising is presently under- way in the United Kingdom by a specially-formed company, : under the Chairmanship of Sir Isaac Walfston, the owner of a wellknown chain stores in London and other European countries. .; His Excellency, Mr. Mudar Badran, Prime Minister of Jordan gave a statement before the National Consultative Council immediately upon the adoption by the Israeli occupying authorities of this project denouncing it in the strongest terms and describing its far-reaching political, economic, ' April 9, 1981 Page 2

ecological, agricultural and military dimensions with far-reaching impact not o;nly upon the occupied Gaza Strip, the West Bank, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the inalienable rights of the- Palestinian people, but also on the entire region. The Israeli authorities are already determined to proceed forthwith with the implementation : of this multi-purpose act of aggression which poses grave ~ dangers to all countries£and peoples concerned and, not least, the people of Jordan and the people of Palestine. -' -i The Government of Jordan which views the Israeli "_- project with utmost gravity has already raised the issuo at the 75th session of the Council of the League of Arab > States during its meeting on March 23, 1981. The Council of the League'of Arab States, while : deploring this aggressive move against the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, in flagrant violation of international law and-the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, adopted the following statement: "The Council, while bringing to the attention of world public opinion the gravity of this project, which Israel attempts to cover-up as a purely economic proposi- tion, wishes to affirm that the proposed project is intended to bring about fundamental, geographical, demographical, ecological, environmental and economic transformations, with the most deleterious impact upon the entire region and in particular the inalienable rights of the Arab people in Palestine and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The statement adds that the project has the capability to desolate e;xtensive areas of agricultural lands in the East and West Banks of the River Jordan and the Gaza Strip which are- presently the principal and only sources of livelihood to the owners of those lands as well as to destroy the precious minerals which lie below them. The project will also inundate ancient ; Christian, monasteries and holy places along the banks ; of the River Jordan, in ;addition to inundating at whim • the entire region of the Jordan Valley by raising the water level of the Dead Sea to a height which would breach its banks and inundate the irrigated areas in the Jordan Valley, the tourist resorts, as well as the vast industrial chemical projects which are 'Hearing completion . . •-• ... along the southern tip of the Dead Sea. It is totally incredible that such a devastating price would be in- flicted upon the occupied territories as well as upon April 9, '1981 Page 3

Jordan as a whole, .to satisfy a small 7% of Israel's energy needs." ' The Council of -the League of Arab States, there- fore, cannot but inescapably come to the conclusion that -" the project envisions amongst its top priorities., military, as well as colonization-.plans which threatened the entirer region and imposes a further fait accompli in the chain of the on-going Zionizafion of the holy land and the total and irrevocable annexation of the occupied Arab territories. Fully cognizant of its far-reaching implications! the Council of the League of Arab States calls upon all countries in the world to oppose with unwavering vigor this grave and aggressive act. The Council of"the League of Arab States, likewise calls upon all states and peoples to refrain from providing any assistance or support, financial or technical in the process of its implementation; it .declares that failing to heed this call would be '.'regarded as a hostile act against the rights "of the Arab nation and would be countered by all effective measures to safeguard those rights. The Council of'the League of Arab States, likewise regards the I-sraeli fiendish plan as an aggression against international legitimacy and a violation of all the rules and conventions embodied;, in international law, governing the relations amongst nations. The Government of Jordan regards the Israeli decision to proceed forthwith with implementation of this project which starts in the occupied territories of the Gaza Strip and traverses the breadth of the occupied West Bank and would take". 8-10 years to implement as a definitive additional evidence that Israel has no intention to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian and Arab lands in accordance^ with the numerous General Assembly and Security Council resolutions. While the Government of Jordan deserves its right to bring up the matter for consideration in the Security Council, it would be deeply appreciated if this communication to Your Excellency could be circulated as an official document of .the General Assembly, under the : item entitled "Report of- the Special Committee to Inves- .- tigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories", and of the Security Council. ft/"' i *^ April 8, 1981 G.:'"*'. Page 4 !t>'

Please accept, Your Excellency, renewed assurances of my highest 'esteem and consideration.

Hazem Nuseibeh *- Ambassador 2 Permanent Representative

His Excellency :! Dr. Kurt Waldheim ; Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 : ~£ -J "N



TELEPHONE: PL 2.D135.S . ' *J

..t ' " ME7/1446 April 1, 1981

^a L" i"-\ ( Excellency:

I have the honour to enclose herewith the text of a memorandum, in Arabic, communicated to the Director- General of the International Labour Organization fILO) in Geneva, concerning the decisions of the Israeli occupation authorities and of the Israeli Supreme Court, pertaining to the takeover of the concession of the electric corpora- tion of the Governorate of Jerusalem, granted by the Government of Jordan during the unity of the two banks of the Jordan and before the Israeli occupation.

The memorandum emphasizes the flagrant violation of international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 in grabbing one of the biggest public service cor- porations which has been providing electric power not only to Jerusalem but to numerous Arab town's and villages throughout the area.

I have the honour to request that this letter be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly, under the item entitled "Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Terri- tories", and of the Security Council. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative His Exceilenc'y Dr: Kur't feiah Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 i&fcsaw RECEIVED ,c^M*e— UNITED NATIONS Mw$ NATIONS UNIES ,,. . *-• ,j-iJ



Le 7 avril 1981

Monsieur le Secretaire general, En ma qualite de President par interim du Comite pour 1'exercice des droits inalienables du peuple palestinien, J'ai 1'honneur de porter a votre attention des informations recemment publiees dans la presse qui montrent, une fois de plus, que le Gouvernement israelien est determine a poursuivre une politique qui ne peut qu'exacerber les tensions au Moyen-Orient. La plus recente de ces informations a trait a 1'intention qu'a manifesto"© le Gouvernement israelien de construire un canal qui, traversant la Bande de Gaza, relierait la mer Morte a la Mediterrane'e. Ce projet, qui est lourd de consequences pour 1'avenir et le statut de la Bande de Gaza constitue une violation des resolutions de I1 Organisation des Nations Unies et un de"fi flagrant & 1'opinion publique mondiale. II n'est peut-Stre pas inutile d'ajouter que cette foie-ci, Israel ne pretend mime pas, comme il 1'a souvent fait auparavant, entreprendre ce projet pour des raisons de se'curitS. Non moins troublante est I1information selon laquelle il ne pourra pas y avoir d'elections sur la Rive occidentale, sans doute parce que les resultats en seraient defavorables a Israel. II est clair qu1Israel entend poursuivre une politique de colonisation fondee sur des notions depassees et en violation du droit international et des resolutions de 1'Organisation des Nations Unies. L'obstination d'Israel a suivre pareille politique ne peut que faire obstacle a une solution Juste et durable des problSmes du Moyen-Orient et mettre en danger la paix et la securite internationales. C'est la une source de grave preoccupation pour le Comite" pour 1'exercice des droits inalienables du peuple palestinien, qui estime qu'il convient de prendre d'urgence des raesures en vue de mettre fin a 1'occupation illSgale dee territoires arabes et palestiniens, y cOmpl'is de Jerusalem. Je vous serais oblig*S de bien vouloir faire distribuer le texte de la pre"sente lettre comme document de 1'Assemblee generale au titre du point 31 de 1'ordre du Jour provisoire, et du doaseil de securite". Veuillez agreer, Mon£5ieur le Secretaire general, les assurances de ma tre"s haute consid^retiion.

Massamba Priaident par interim du Comite pour 1'exercice des droits inalienables du peuple palestinien Son Excellence M. Kurt Waldheim Secretaire general v E D PERMANENT MISSION or THE: ••




1 April 1981

Excellency: I have the honour to refer to the letter from the Permanent Representative of Israel, dated 24 March 1981 (A/36/137 - S/14416), and addressed to Your Excellency. In that letter he has, as he is constantly prone to do, diverted attention from my sincere intercession on behalf of true believers in Judaism, at their request, in their hour of need. Heavy-handed and brutal police action against unarmed orthodox Jews in Me 'ah She'arim quarter and its environs, for observing their millinia-old rituals, is hardly synonymous with what Mr. Blum calls "responsible police force against law-breakers!" But his denigration of real Jews is but a continuum of a pattern of political suppression and violence which has indiscriminately meted out and continues to inflict upon the indigenous Palestinians of all faiths in occupied Palestine. A letter signed by twenty-nine New York Jewish leaders and published in tne New York Times on 2 December 1949 testifies to the heinous terrorism committed by the same Mr. Menachem Begin and his Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern gang. The letter, protesting a then visit by Mr. Begin to the United States, includes amongst its eminent personages, the signature of no less a world celebrity than Albert Einstein. The opening paragraph of the letter states and I quote: "Among the most disturbing political phenomenon of our time, is the emergence in the he^ly-created state of Israel of the 1 £f sdct&m Party'" (Tnuat Haherut) , a political peirty t?losely akin in its organization, me'theiSsi; political philosophy and social apjpeai t© the Nazi and fascist parties. It w^« Jf^ifmod out of the membership and follow- ing of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terro- rist, right-wing chauvinist organization in Palestine. " 1 April 1981 Page 2

The letter adds inter alia: "It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions, we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future. A shocking example was their behaviour in the Arab village of Deir Yassin when they killed 240 men, women and children and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem." Mr. Blum is entitled to throw aspersions on my Government's concern for the real Jews of Jerusalem and their safety. But in so doing he is totally oblivious of 1400 years of recorded history, during which, the Sephardic Jews, throughout the sprawling Arab and Islamic domains stretching from Baghdad to Andalucia in Spain, enjoyed their finest intellectual and spiritual flowering and security from persecution elsewhere. In light of such monumental and honourable record, it is either ignorance or willful distortion to draw parallels between our genuine concern and what he terms "evocative of certain European regimes in the 1930's and 1940's." The comparison, to say the least, is unseemly. Distorted cogni- tion and recognition is what sp'ells the watershed between spiritual Judaism and power-hungry Zionism. Even more glaring is the outright distortion of the record of Jordan from 1948-1967. I have refuted Mr. Blum's atrocious allegations on numerous occasions and would have refrained from doing so again but for the fact that Mr. Blum believes that a lie, repeated often enough, would even- tually gain it credibility, if left unanswered. Mf. Blum must know that Jordan did not commit an aggression against Israel in the period referred to in his letter. it isa incontrovertibly recognized that the Jordanian army had been stationed throughout Palestine and, in, the most strategic locations in the whole of Jeru- salem throughout WarId War. II, as part of the allied war eff6rt. Not ai single Jew was ever harmed. in deference to the United Nations resolution which would have established a Palestinian Arab State, i.»ii state, without a single Palestinian being displaced and, an international corpus separatum for Jeruslam, the 1 April 1981 Page 3

Jordan Army withdrew totally from Palestine by May 14, 1948, a day before termination of the British Mandate.

The Jordan Army returned to Jerusalem only on the dawn of May 18, 1948, at the urgent pleadings of the civilian population of Old and New Jerusalem, who were huddled in the Old City, having been forcibly expelled from their homes in . There were 100,000 Jerusalem citizens in Jerusalem, largely unarmed. They were subjected to three days of all- out invasion by a massive deployment of Israeli troops, including the Palmach, the armoured striking force. When the citizens valiantly defended the city until they had spent their last round of ammunition, their appeals to Jordan were answered and, a six-hundred men battalion came to Jerusalem's rescue and, in cooperation with the citizens, defeated the attacks, both from within the Walled City and from without. The street to street fighting in the Jewish sector of the Arab Magharba quarter resulted in extensive damage to both Arab and Jewish property, including holy places belonging to all faiths. But the real culprit in this tragedy was neither the inhabitants of the Jewish quarter — akin to the citizens of Me'ah She'arim — nor the Jordan Army. Prior to the termi- nation of the British Mandate, the Zionist military establish- ment, and against the strongly expressed wishes of the Jewish community in the Old City, planted one thousand armed troops, ostensibly to defend the Jewish community but, as it subse- quently unfolded to participate in a two-pronged onslaught upon the 100,000 Palestinian Arab inhabitants of the city. The close to 1^000 Israeli force was overwhelmed and taken to a P.O.W. camp in Zerka where they were treated with full dignity and, repatriated through the Red Cross to their homes, upon the signing of the ceasefire and truce and a year before ths Armistice Agreement was signed in 1949. Coinpare? this to the caging and torture being inflicted, Qvei? the past 14 years, upon tens of thousands of PalestirhT-.ans i;i the occupied territories, even for the sligHtest g'esfciire' of resistance to foreign occupation a right arid duty, universally r&cognized.

•The Jc^Mari Army, it will be seen did not engage iil ah aggressive invasion on 18 May 1948, but had no alter- native tout to eome to the rescue of the beleaguered Arab \\ 1 April 1981 Page 4

citizens, mercilessly pounded in the historic Walled City for three days and nights between May 15-18 and, to spare them the fate, still very much fresh in everybody's memory similar to the Deir Yassin. . Indeed, the whole international community would hot have countenanced or tolerated such frightful prospect. Mr. Blum's out of context quotation" from two statements at the Security Council and the General Assembly were quotations of a fact of life mostly excerpted from U.S. national magazines and newspapers. They were not derogatory but simply a rational interpretation of why Israel has defied the United Nations resolutions, on the achievement of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Only the very influential have the capability to engage in the luxury of ignoring the injunctions of international law and elemental justice. Contrary-wise, Mr. Blum made a sweeping and vicious attack, in December 1980 at the General Assembly against the Arab World and particularly the oil-producing countries accusing them of having destroyed the economies of "both the developed and developing countries". This is anti- Semitism in its most reckless form. I had rebutted such calculated incitements by an economic analysis. An American analyst, subsequently writing in the New York Times, calculated that the rise in fuel prices had contributed a mere half of one percent to the phenomenal inflation in the United States and presumably elsewhere. It is telling that a mere few days ago the New York Times reported that Saudi Arabia alone had contributed 4.9 billion dollars,out of the needed 7 to 8 billion dollars to the International Monetary Fund, for lending on easy long-term to the developing world. This amounts to roughly two-thirds of the.sums needed by the developing countries through the machinery of the IMF. Does this constitute destroying' the economies of the developing world, as Mr. Blum charged? The alleged willful desecration of Jewish holy shrines doriferadicts fundamental Islamic and Christian articles of fdifch and cannot, therefore, ever be an instru- ment of jpurpos'Sful policy* But since Zionism does not recognize Islamic and Christian concepts of the monotheistic faithj it had £figaged in one of the most massive desecrations 6t Islamic aM Christian shrines since their forcible grab ©£ i*aifcatim; in 1948. The catalogue is long and saddening, but the longevity of this letter, for which an apology is in order, prevents me from pursuing it any further. 1 April 1981 Page 5

I have the honour to request that this letter be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly, under items 33 and 75 of the preliminary list, and of the Security Council. Please accept, Excellency the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, New York 10017 The Secretary-General deeply regrets th& jp&ious incident that occurred early in the morning of 1 April/yySr^ in the village of Tulinr and the events which led to the death of a soldier of the Lebanese army. He once again appeals to all concerned to co-operate fully with the Force and not to undertake actions contrary to its mandate. : t * (The communique issuedjon the Tulin incident, by UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoara, is being issued separately). \/'-y

: 2 April 1981

» The Secretary-General is deeply concerned at the renewed violence in Beirut and Z'ahle and earnestly hopes that means will be found to put an end to-the fighting at the earliest possible time. PERMANENT MISSION OF THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN 866 UNITED NATIONS PLAZA NEW YORK, N. Y. 1DD17 TO THE UNITED NATIONS TELEPHONE: PL 2-D13S-6 RECEIVED MAK •; : 1081 ME7/1425

March 11, 1981

Excellency: Upon instructions from ray Government, and as a follow-up to my message (A/36/89 - S/14356) dated 3 February 1981 and, the message of the Permanent Representative of Israel (A/36/105 - S/14376) dated 19 February 1981, in which he alleged that my information was without foundation, I have the honour to convey the following information from my Government, pertaining to the persecution of Islamic religious dignitaries, in the occupied West Bank. The Government's message reads and I quote:

"The Israeli occupation authorities have latterly launched a ruthless campaign against Islamic 'Ulemas (religious leaders) in the occupied territories. The occupation authori- ties had detained: 1. His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Fuad Abu Zeid, Inspector of religious instruction in the northern region of the West Bank; 2. Sheikh Yousef Abu 'Assallah, Preacbsr at the Shari ' a Institute in Jerusalem

3. Sheikh Sa'eed Ahmad Belal, the inspector of Mosques in Nablus;

4. Sheikh Jaraal 'Attiyya, the Islamic Instructor in the Nablus region; and

5. SHeikli Tawf iq-al-Kurd, Chairman of the Reform Society in Gasa Th9s£ innd others detained have been subjected tb this most brutal foirms of persecution and torture They _ are being held ex-communicado and no one is permitted to see them or inquire about their fate. March 11, 1981 Page 2

The practices of the Israeli occupation forces against those Islamic 'Ulemas can only be construed as yet a further chain in the Israeli policy of intellectual terrorism and religious persecution, in addition to the many other terrorist acts which Israeli occupation is perpetrating in other parts of the occupied territories. In the light of the above, we request you to submit a message to the esteemed Secretary-General, in the hope that it may lighten the agony of per- secution and torture to which they are being sub- jected and to dissuade the occupying enemy from continuance of these tyrannical practices. Await- ing the results of your intercession." (unquote) The Government's message is dated February 2, 1981.

One of the latest incidents, though ostensibly insignificant, was the burning-down of the car of His Eminence Sheikh Sa'dudeen Al-alami, the Mufti of Jeru- salem and Chief of the Shari'a Courts in Jerusalem, as it was parked at night in front of his house at Bab a^~ Sahira quarter. But this act of arson and hooliganism is significant in that it Is designed as an act of terror to intimidate religious dignitaries. It is the earnest hope of my Government that an investigation be carried out in the occupied territories with a view to eliciting further information on these ominous developments as a prelude to remedial action. I kindly request Your Excellency to circulate this message as an official document of the General Assembly, under the item entitled "Report ot the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights Of the Population of the Occupied Territories", and of the Security Council. Accept•-, Excellency, the assurances of my highest esteem arid consideration.

Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative H.E. Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, New York 10017 PERMANENT MISSION OF THE


NEW YORK, N. Y. IDQW <• t <- jf TDTHEUNITEDNAT1DI TELEPHONE: PL 2-ai35-6 jrj.' jfECE!VED ?MR : C1381 ME7/1424

March 10, 1981

Excellency: I have the honour to convey, at the request of His Eminence Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, in his letter to me dated March 8, 1981, the enclosed message addressed to Your Excellency, on behalf of of Jerusalem on the brutal and sacrilegious manner by which the Zionist security forces, on 7 March 1981 committed an unprovoked and grave assault against hundreds of defenseless Orthodox Jews within the sanctity of their Synagogue and Jeshiva , in the ancient - quarter, a fraternal quarter adjacent to several Arab quarters. Many citizens of Jersualem, including myself, have always had the affinity, esteem and respect which rightfully belongs to the genuine adherents of Judaism and their un- swerving dedication to their great religion, and traditions, by words and deeds. They are and have always been for countless generations the residuary legatee of the true Judaic tradition. Having frequently walked the roads and alleys of this venerable quarter, shopped at its market-place as a youth and kindled Sabbath lights whenever requested because religious ritual prevented the inhabitants from doing so, and offered their Matza bread, it is in deep sadness and disriiay that I find myself impelled to convey to Your Excellency, the complaint, the harrassment and the desecration of the Holy Synagogue of true believers in God and humanityj The tragedy which has befallen Jerusalem and the Holy Land Stems directly from a relentless process of po'iitifiiziri'tf religious faith, according to one's conscience bsf a pbwer-huhgl:^ and ruthless Zionisation of Judaism, whose bcinse th'ey clairti to' espouse aiid defend. There are numerous Sotile'v&rd's in fcfi.8 tobr'ldbut > there are few Mea Shearims in whic'h ab'dtihds a priceless legacy of true faith. March 10, 1981 Page 2

I request Your Excellency to initiate an investigation of the heedless acts committed against Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem. I also request Your Excellency to circulate this message as an official document of the General Assembly, under the item entitled "Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories", and of the Security Council and under item entitled "Question of Palestine." i Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, New York 10017 -2-

seeks to close ritual slaughterhouses with the excuse that It distracts the beautiflcation of the Holy City, refused for an entire month to collect the garbage in Meah-Shearlm - Bate! Ungarin causing disease and near epidemia. Forty-one people Including Rabbi UrI Blau were hauled off to Zionist dungeons. The prisoners are not allowed food, nor the use of toilet facilities; they are forced to sleep on bare floors. These latest actions leave no doubt as to the Intentions of the Zionist regime: to stifle tha cries of defenseless Jews who have never recognized the Zionist occupation of the Holy Land and especially Jerusalem. The Zionist state has clearly demonstrated their determination to abrogate the civil liberties and religious rights of the Orthodox Jews. We fear that this Is but the beginning of a reign of terror that the Zionists mean to implement against all those who reject their claim to the land and oame of Israel, as demonstrated by the recent wanton destruction of the Yeshlva and Synagogues. We therefore beg Your Excellency to: a) declare immediate United Nations sovereignty over Jerusalem — holy to all mankind. b) appoint a responsible person or persons from among the members of the United Nations whose duty it will be to protect the rights and Interests of Orthodox Jews, Arabs, and all other inhabitants of our Holy City. We would appreciate if Your Excellency brought this appeal to the attention of the members of the Security Council, and the General Assembly. Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of our highest esteem.

Rabbi Moshe Hlrsch

for Neturei Karta of Jerusalem METUREI KARTA OF U. S. A. (Guardians of the City)

P. C. B. 2143 BPOOKIYM, M. Y. 11202

March 8, 1981

His Excellency, Ambassador Nuseibah Mission of Jordan 866 United Nations Plaza New York, New York Your Excellency,

We would greatly appreciate if you would circulate the attached letter of Rabbi Hirsch from Neurei Karta of Jerusalem asffi nofficia l document of the Security Council and the General Assembly. Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of our highest esteem.

Rabbi hETUREI KARTA OF U. S. A. (Guardians of the City)

G. P. C. B. 2143 BROOKLYN, PI Y. 11202

March 8, 1981 His Excellency, The Secretary of General Dr. Kurt Waldheim United Nations, N.Y. Your Excellency,

On behalf of thousands of Orthodox Jews in Jerwsalea^ we fea£ Ycur Excellency, to please come to our rescue and save us from the Zionist regime that would want to destroy through their lawless police ell and any peaceful opposition to their sacrilegious state. We besaech Your Excellency to please note the following: This past Saturday evening March 7, 1981 hundreds of zionist police forces surrounded the Synagogue and Yeshlva Toldos Aharon •while the Sabbath eve prayers were being recited. Police loudspeakers then demanded everyone in the building come out with hands raised. Close to one thousand men and children were in the Synagogue at the time. Within minutes after the police announcement, twelve (12) tear gas bombs were shot through the windows of the Synagogue causing many children and old men to faint and lose consciousness and when ambulances arrived to render first aid and take those children., and elderly in need to hospitals, the zionist police did not permit the first aid crews entry, nor did they allow anyone be carried out of the synagogue.

Suddenly, at a prearranged signal three hundred helweted police stormed the and Synagogue, broke every window, door, table and bench in the four story edifice; tore Bibles, prayer hooks and other religious texts trampling them with their feet and then throwing them out the windows.

This unprovoked cowpl&fcely prearranged attack continued until one o'clock in the morning. This was t«Jt an act by Palestinian "terrorists" but by a "state" that calls itself the only democracy in the ISiddle Bast. Saturday nights $6gr«JtiS in' Jerusalem against hundreds of defenseless Orthodox Jews is but the £f$J6ch of VaarH&s 0f harassment, jailings and the hospitalization of many victims injured fcf SHe club wielding hooligans of Jerusalem Zionist Mayor Teddy Kolleti. The past fe^r monfeha h»*e sees the water supply of thousands of men, women and children in Meah Shearim cut off. Teddy Kollek's municipality that continuously PERMANENT MISSION OF THE



ME7/1405 February 2, 1981

Excellency: I have the honour to convey a message which I received from the General Islamic Congress for Beitul- Maqdis (Jerusalem) at its latest meeting in Amman. This very ominous message is a further proof, if any is needed, of the occupying powers' unbridled and shameless transgressions against Islamic sanctuaries and leaders in the occupied West Bank including Jerusalem. The message reads as follows: "The General Islamic Congress for Beitul-Maqdis (Jerusalem) in Amman condemns the Zionist aggressions against the citizens of the occupied West Bank. Fur- ther to the deportation of the religious leader of Hebron and the two mayors of Hebron and Halhhoul, the Zionist occupying authorities arrested three Muslim religious preachers in Nablus and Toulkarm, accusing them of violating laws of Zionism in their own homeland. These acts were intensified lately to include the arrest of twenty (20) religious leaders and preachers of Muslims throughout the West Bank, including the Islamic Higher Council in Jerusalem. There is no explanation for these aggressions except deep-rooted hatred and racism practiced by Zionism and Zionist authorities against other faiths, peoples, humanity as a whole, as well as the curtail- ment of the religious freedom of other faiths. The Islamic Congress urges Your Excellency to use your good offices to stop the racial Zionist aggression against the Muslim religious leaders and to take appropriate steps with a view to ensuring their immediate release. Thank you for your positive cooperation and • concern. (SIGNED)' THE GENERAL ISLAMIC CONGRESS FOR BEITUL- MAQDIS (JERUSALEM) AMMAN" February 2, 1981 Page 2

I request Your Excellency to initiate prompt measures to redeem this untenable and totally unjustified actions by the Israeli occupying power in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the norms of descent civilize behavior. I also request Your Excellency to circulate this message as an official document of the General Assembly under item 57 of the Provisional Agenda and of the Security Council. Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest esteem and consideration.

Hazem Nuseibeh Ambassador Permanent Representative

His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, New York 10017 PERMANENT MISSION DF THE





The Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and has the honour to inform him of the continuation of some United Nations agencies and organs, in the pursuit of conducting the affairs of their offices, to address the office of His Excellency, the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of Jordan. This exercise defies the organizational structure of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan whereby all foreign agencies, organizations and institutions accre- dited or licensed to operate in Jordan are responsible to direct all their communications on every matter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To avoid such future irregularities and dupli- cation of efforts, the Permanent Mission would appreciate the serious efforts of the Secretary-General to issue strict instructions to all United Nations agencies, organs and organizations operating in Jordan to communicate directly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and not to address, in any way, the office of His Excellency, the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence. The Permanent Mission of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Secretary-General of the United Nations the assurances of its highest consideration.

New York, 8 January 1981

His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations Headquarters New York, N.Y. 10017 EE/akb ccs EH R& chron

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