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Presidential Documents Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, April 18, 1994 Volume 30ÐNumber 15 Pages 745±820 1 VerDate 09-APR-98 12:45 Apr 16, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 C:\TERRI\P15AP4.000 INET03 Contents Addresses and Remarks Appointments and NominationsÐContinued American helicopter tragedy in IraqÐ809, U.S. Attorneys 815 AlabamaÐ791 American Society of Newspaper EditorsÐ794 DelawareÐ792 BosniaÐ771 New JerseyÐ792 Law enforcement officersÐ775 Communications to Congress Legislative agendaÐ783 Mayors and law enforcement officialsÐ810 Angola, messageÐ790 Minnesota Evacuations from Rwanda and Burundi, Health care rally in MinneapolisÐ746 letterÐ792 Japan and RwandaÐ752 Panama Canal Commission, messageÐ791 Town meeting in MinneapolisÐ754 Protection of United Nations personnel in Missouri, arrival in Kansas CityÐ745 Bosnia-Herzegovina, letterÐ793 Nonprofit organizationsÐ784 Rhinoceros and tiger trade, letterÐ781 Public housing, telephone conversationÐ773 Executive Orders Radio addressÐ769 Amending Executive Order No. 12882Ð813 Radio and television correspondents dinnerÐ Coordinating Geographic Data Acquisition 786 and Access: The National Spatial Data Thomas Jefferson dinnerÐ778 InfrastructureÐ779 United States Winter Olympic athletesÐ804, 806 Interviews With the News Media Appointments and Nominations Exchanges with reporters Cabinet RoomÐ772, 783 Export-Import Bank, member, Board of Briefing RoomÐ809 DirectorsÐ809 Minneapolis, MNÐ752 National Science Foundation, Deputy Roosevelt RoomÐ815 DirectorÐ791 South PorticoÐ771 Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Associate JudgeÐ791 Meetings With Foreign Leaders Treasury Department, Under SecretaryÐ814 Turkey, Prime Minister CillerÐ815 (Continued on the inside back cover.) WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. 2 VerDate 09-APR-98 12:45 Apr 16, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 C:\TERRI\P15AP4.000 INET03 ContentsÐContinued Proclamations Statements by the PresidentÐContinued Death of Those Aboard American Helicopters Disaster assistance for CaliforniaÐ817 in IraqÐ814 Nonprofit liaison networkÐ786 Jewish Heritage WeekÐ768 Trade sanctions against TaiwanÐ783 National Day of PrayerÐ794 Statements Other Than Presidential National Park WeekÐ813 See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders National Public Safety Telecommunicators President's telephone call to Prime Minister WeekÐ789 Rabin of IsraelÐ808 Pan American Day and Pan American Resignation of Prime Minister Hosokawa of WeekÐ768 JapanÐ754 251st Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Supplementary Materials JeffersonÐ807 Acts approved by the PresidentÐ820 Checklist of White House press releasesÐ820 Statements by the President Digest of other White House See also Appointments and Nominations announcementsÐ817 Bombing in Hadera, IsraelÐ808 Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ818 3 VerDate 09-APR-98 12:45 Apr 16, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 C:\TERRI\P15AP4.000 INET03 Week Ending Friday, April 15, 1994 Remarks on Arrival in Kansas City, lot. And I felt that if we could pull this coun- Missouri try together and face our problems, we could April 7, 1994 go into the next century with the American dream alive and well. That's what we're try- Thank you very much, Governor ing to do, and we've made a good beginning Carnahan, Mayor and Mrs. Cleaver, Mr. on it. Holden, Speaker Griffin, and all of you. I just want to point out that in the 15 Thank you for coming out today. I didn't months that I've been President, since we know there would be such a good crowd got our economic plan in place, trying to here. I'd like to stay with you longer, but drive down interest rates and drive up invest- I'm afraid I'll be late to the meeting if I stay ment, our economy has produced 2.5 million too long. jobs, 90 percent of them in the private sector, I do want to say a word or two if I might. more than were produced in the previous 4- First of all, I thank you for your sentiments, year period. After 12 years of talking about and I thank the Mayor and the Governor for the deficit while the national debt tripled, what they said. I've had the opportunity to if the Congress adopts the budget I have come to Missouri quite a lot since I've been given them now, we'll eliminate 100 Federal President, mostly because of the terrible rav- programs, cut over 200 more; have the first ages of the floods that gripped your State. decrease in discretionary domestic spending I'm proud of the work that we were able to since 1969; and we'll have 3 years of declin- do together and proud of the response of my ing Government deficits for the first time administration to the problems of people since Harry Truman of Independence, Mis- during that flood. souri, was President of the United States of Frankly, the one thing that bothers me is America. that we can't have our National Government One of the things that bothers me is that function all the time the way it did during sometimes I think that out here in the coun- that flood. Why does there have to be an try, folks are worried that nothing's getting emergency before people will stop using all done in Washington because of what they the hot air and rhetoric that seems to grip read about in the papers. Let me tell you, Washington, put aside the special interests, we are moving more rapidly to do more talk to one another, ask what the problem things than we did even last year. The Con- is, and try to get it solved? I ran for President gress is moving forward at a record pace on because that's what I wanted to do. the budget. The Congress will take up a When I was the Governor of your neigh- crime bill as soon as it comes back on Mon- boring State to the south, it never occurred day, which will put 100,000 police officers to me that I could get by day-in and day- on the street, take assault weapons off the out just on hot air. It never occurred to me street; it will stiffen penalties and reduce pa- that the purpose of politics was to try to take role for seriously dangerous repeat violent of- words and push people to the furthest ex- fenders; and it will give our children the treme, to the left or the right. And I ran for means to have recreational facilities, alter- President because I got tired of all the rhet- natives to imprisonment for first offenses, oric, people saying Government couldn't do and other things that will give them a chance anything or Government could do every- to avoid the trouble that has come to so many thing, people saying everybody out there is people in the high crime areas of our country. on their own or people saying that people We can do better, and we're going to with had no responsibility to improve their own that crime bill. 745 VerDate 09-APR-98 13:23 Apr 16, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 C:\TERRI\P15AP4.011 INET03 746 Apr. 7 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 We have an education bill that we just So all of my adversaries on this health care passed that, for the first time in the history thing, I wish everybody would just tone the of the country, provides world class standards rhetoric down and talk about the real exist- for all of our schools and encourages grass- ence of real problems and how we can solve roots reforms to achieve them. Soon after the them. The truth is I don't want the Govern- Congress comes back we're going to pass the ment to run the health care system. It's a school-to-work bill, which says to all the kids private system; it ought to stay private. What that don't go on to 4-year colleges, ``We care I want is guaranteed private insurance for ev- about you, too; your education, your training, erybody. I want all of you to be able to choose and your future's important. We want you your doctor or your health care plan, not just to be able to get at least 2 years of further once but every year. More and more workers training after you leave high school.'' and their families are losing the right to These are the kinds of things that we're choose their health care plan. I want to guar- doing up there. And I came here tonight also antee it for all Americans. And I want people to talk about this health care issue. Let me to be guaranteed those benefits in the work- remind you, my fellow Americans, that place, just like most of us are today.
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