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Chapter 1 1-3 Lebrecht Music & Arts 1-5 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 1-8 Lebrecht 1-9 Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, Musikabteilung 1-12 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 1-13 © Arte & Immaginisrl/CORBISz

Chapter 2 2-2 Cliché Bibliotheque Nationale de France 2-3 © Gianni Dagli Orti/CORBIS 2-4 Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, , France/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library 2-7a Bridgeman Art Library 2-7b Bridgeman Art Library 2-9 Cliché Bibliotheque Nationale de France 2-10 Archivo de la Catedral de Santiago 2-11 akg-images/Catherine Bibollet 2-12b Reproduction from Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

Chapter 3 3-3 Cliché Bibliotheque Nationale de France 3-4 Snark/Art Resource, NY 3-5 Cliché Bibliotheque Nationale de France

Chapter 4 4-2 © British Library Board; All rights reserved 4-5 Bridgeman-Giraudon/Art Resource, NY 4-7 Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France/The Bridgeman Art Library 4-8 Kimbell Art , Fort Worth, Texas/Art Resource, NY

Chapter 5 5-1 Lebrecht Music & Arts 5-6 Scala/Art Resource, NY 5-7 Scala/Art Resource, NY 5-9 Scala/White Images/Art Resource, NY 5-11a Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Att ività culturali/Art Resource, NY

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Chapter 7 7-2 Lebrecht Music & Arts 7-3 Alinari/Art Resource, NY 7-4 Lebrecht Music & Arts 7-5 Library of Congress 7-7 Library of Congress 7-8 Leemage/Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 8 8-2 Lebrecht Music & Arts 8-5 Lebrecht Music & Arts 8-7 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 8-10 Lebrecht Music & Arts Photo Library 8-12 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

Chapter 9 9-2 Scala/Art Resource, NY 9-5 National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia/Felton Bequest/The Bridgeman Art Library

Chapter 10 10-3 Courtesy of William H. Scheide, Princeton, NJ. 10-4 Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 11 11-3 Lebrecht Music & Arts 11-7 Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 12 12-1 Lebrecht Music & Arts 12-2 Lebrecht Music & Arts 12-3 Lebrecht Music & Arts 12-5 Museo di Strumenti del Conservatorio, Naples, Italy/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library International 12-6 Lebrecht Music & Arts 12-9 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

Chapter 13 13-2 Lebrecht Music & Arts 13-4 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 13-5 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 13-6 Lebrecht Music & Arts 13-8 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

Chapter 14 14-1 Scala/Art Resource, NY 14-2 Lebrecht Music & Arts 14-5 Lebrecht/ColouriserAL 14-6 Lebrecht Music & Arts 14-8 Bibliotheque de l’Opera Garnier, Paris, France/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library International 14-10 Alfred Publications

Chapter 15 15-1 Johann Nepomuk della Croce, Mozarteum, Salzburg, © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 15-4 Lebrecht/ColouriserAL 15-5 A. Koch Interfoto/Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 16 16-2 J. Massey Stewart/Lebrecht Music & Arts 16-4 Lebrecht Music & Arts 16-5 Lebrecht Music & Arts 16-8 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 16-11 Lebrecht Music & Arts 16-12 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

Chapter 17 17-1 Museo Teatrale Alla Scala, Mailand© SuperStock/SuperStock 17-5 Scala/Art Resource, NY 17-8 Leemage/Lebrecht Music & Arts 17-10 Lebrecht Music & Arts 17-11 Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 18 18-2 akg-images 18-3 © SuperStock/SuperStock 18-4 © SuperStock/SuperStock 18-5 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 18-6 Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY

Chapter. 19 19-1 Royal Academy of Music/Lebrecht Music & Arts 19-5 Lebrecht Music & Arts 19-6 Academie Imperiale de Musique, Paris, c.1855 (colour litho), Arnout, Louis Jules (1814–68)/Musee de la Ville de Paris, Musee Carnavalet, Paris, France/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library International 19-9 Public Domain 19-10 Private Collection/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library International Chpt.

Chapter 20 20-2 Private Collection/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library International 20-4 Leemage/Lebrecht Music & Arts 20-5 Lebrecht Music & Arts 20-7 Lebrecht Music & Arts 20-8 Lebrecht/ColouriserAL 20-10 Lebrecht/ColouriserAL

Chapter 21 21-1 Lebrecht Music & Arts 21-2 Lebrecht Music & Arts 21-4 Lebrecht Music & Arts 21-7 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia/Th e Bridgeman Art Library International 21-8 Lebrecht Music & Arts 21-10 Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 22 22-6 Lebrecht Music & Arts 22-7 Royal Academy of Music/Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 23 23-1 Lebrecht Music & Arts 23-2 Lebrecht/ColouriserAL 23-3 Lebrecht 23-6 Lebrecht Music & Arts 23-8 Lebrecht 23-11 Lebrecht Music & Arts 23-12 Leemage/Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 24 24-5 Culture images/Lebrecht 24-6 Sammlung Rauch/Interfoto/Lebrecht Music & Arts 24-7 Lebrecht Music & Arts 24-8 Culture images/Lebrecht 24-9 Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 25 25-10 Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 26 26-1 Lebrecht Music & Arts 26-4 Leemage/Lebrecht Music & Arts 26-8 Leemage/Lebrecht

Chapter 27 27-1 A. Koch Interfoto/Lebrecht Music & Arts 27-3 Lebrecht Music & Arts 27-5 Lebrecht Music & Arts 27-6 Lebrecht Music & Arts 27-7 Lebrecht Authors 27-8 Culture images/Lebrecht 27-9 Arnold Schoenberg Institute/Lebrecht

Chapter 28 28-1 Musee National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France/© DACS/Giraudon/Th e Bridgeman Art Library 28-11 Lebrecht Music & Arts 28-2 The Bridgeman Art Library 28-5 The Bridgeman Art Library 28-6 Lebrecht Music & Arts

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Chapter 35 35-3 Gett y Images 35-6 Gett y Images 35-9 JazzSign/Lebrecht Music & Arts 35-13 Mirrorpix/Lebrecht Authors 35-15 Lelli & Masott i/Alinari/Lebrecht 35-16 Chris Christodoulou/Lebrecht Music & Arts

Chapter 36 36-1 Lebrecht Music & Arts 36-4 T. Martinot/Lebrecht 36-6 Bett y Freeman/Lebrecht Music & Arts 36-7 Victor Bazhenov/Lebrecht Music & Arts 36-8 Anne Purkiss/Lebrecht Music & Arts 36-10 Lebrecht Music & Arts 36-11 Lebrecht Music & Arts 36-13 Lebrecht Music & Arts