Allies Ready New Cambodian Assault SAIGON (AP) — a South Thousands of Vietnamese Liv- Er Areas of Cambodia
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Strike Action Continues in Local College% s• SEE STORIES BELOW Sunny and Cool Sunny and cool today. Clear MED/MY FINAL and cool tonight. Sunny, Ited Bank, Freehold warmer tomprrow, Long Branch EDITION »M D«U1U. F»(» 2) Monmouih County?H Home Newspaper tor 9*1 Years /OL, 93, NO. 220 RED BANK, N. J., THUttSDAY, MAY 7, 1970 36 PAGES 10 CENTS Illlllllll'PWIil111111!!!!!11111111111111111111111!111!1 Allies Ready New Cambodian Assault SAIGON (AP) — A South thousands of Vietnamese liv- er areas of Cambodia. Re- Vietnamese flotilla is prepar- ing in Phnom Penh and along ports today indicated they ing/or an imminent assault the Mekong and Bassac riv- were meeting only light re- up the Mekong River into ers. But other sources said a sistance. Cambodia to open a 60-mile military operation up the Me- Allied headquarters stretch of the waterway to kong was planned, with the claimed that the operations Phnom Penh, the Cambodian flotilla to include gunboats, in Cambodia, now in their capital, official sources said heavily armed high-speed pa- 8th day, have killed more today. Presumably American trol boats and landing craft ' than 3,000 North Vietnamese advisers will accompany the carrying marines. and Viet Cong and netted hun- Vietnamese. Seize Control dreds, of tons of war materi- It also was learned that the Viet Cong and North Viet- als and food stuffs used to South Vietnamese govern- namese troops have seized support North Vietnamese at- ment is considering an am- control of all the villages tacks in South Vietnam. phibious landing on the south along the Mekong from the The war materials seized coast of Cambodia to defend border north to the Neak or destroyed include nearly Cambodia's chief port, Kom- Luong ferry crossing 37 6,000 weapons, : fOO sup- pong Som, or Sihanoukville, miles southeast of Phnom ply trucks and ,788,tons of and the Cambodian navy Penh. The Cambodian army rice, the allied commands base of Ream against North is reported to have moved ^said. Vietnamese troops reported about 2,000 troops into posi- Although the U.S. and South 20 miles away. tion 10 miles north of Neak Vietnamese* forces were re- Adviser Is Aboard Luong, but there was no in- ported meeting little resis- The sources said usually a dication when an -attack tance, a Cambodian military U.S. naval adviser is aboard might be made. spokesman in Phnom Penh all Vietnamese Navy boats, Meanwhile, a 10,000 • man said the Viet Cong and North but they knew of no plans for South Vietnamese task force Vietnamese had launched U.S. craft to be used in the and its American advisers powerful new attacks CAMBODIAN DIALOGUE — A student speaker addresses a members.during yesterday's day-long "Cambodian dialogue." Wednesday against Cambodi- « Classes were in session and participation in tho dialogue was operations. were pulled out of Cambodia. group of 'Brookdale Community College students, and faculty The South Vietnamese For- But a fresh ground force pre- an forces and after-a day of officially encouraged. (Register Staff Photo 1 eign Ministry announced ear- pared to cross the border fighting captured Senmpnq- lier that the Saigon gov- against an untouched enemy rom, the largest city in'lion-~ ernment would soon begin base camp in the western dulkiri Province, In northeast regular road and river coitf Mekong delta, and some 40,- Cambodia, and Kratie, on the voys to carry food and other 000 other allied troops con- Mekong 75 miles northeast of supplies- to the -^hundreds of tinued their* drives in six oth- Phnom Penh. By DORIS KULMAN students said they want to dedicate the new will have to make individual arrangements with building as a memorial to the young people shot their instructors for making up missed work. UNCROFT — Students wiU be attending : classes at Brookdale Community College on a to death on the Kent State.campus. Brookdale's unconventional academic struc- Cahili Is Disappointed voluntary basis today, with some boycotting the The call for a boycott came at the end of a ture probably will make it easier for students to classroom as part of a continuing protest-against day-long "Cambodian" dialogue" on the campus. '•. 1 make up most of the work they miss, Dr. Har- -American involvement in Cambodia and the fatal -It was^ supported in. a voices vote J)y_a. majority__t_ ilacher explained.-He said the-proposed boycott shooting of four Kent State University students of the approximately 250 students at the outdoor activities could be an educational experience ' by the Ohio National Guard. rally site at the time. bolstering class work. ctioii In a three-hourmeeting with college, adminis- MEETING IS PLANNED WON'T JOIN OTHERS TRENTON (AP): 4- Gov. William T. Grayson did not mention1 the governor's • trators yesterday, representatives of the student Representatives of the student boycott com- Cahili, tyijd received President Nixon's help position or. Cambodia and discussed instead boycott committee told'college administrators mittee will meet with the faculty this afternoon. - , - During the three-hour meeting, Dr. Har- Cahifl's contention' that students should that they wajit: 'tfmp o(f>;|rom classes to work The students will outline the aims of the boycott lacher told the students planning the boycott in last fall's" catop'aigrirsays the President's that Brookdale won't join in what is becoming decision ;to'send; troops into Cambodia dis- take thetir protests to their legislators and on commimi^Vaatti$B«#ftms for peace. and will explain that they don't want acadejhic appoints him.-,' ••'•':" Congressmen. Grayson was cheered spo-' PROJECTS DISCUSSED credit for work/they miss but are asking an .op- a nation-wide college shut down. He said the But'the governor also says that students radically when he;? said the. governor fav- Among the projects the student boycotters portunity, to make it up. school has as much of an obligation to students ored "dissent .but booed at the end, when "l^iti^iMt's reasonable," Dr. Ervin L. who want & attend class as to those supporting shouldn't strike to protest that decision, are discussing Js*$ie raising of funds to replace much to the dismay of about 1,500 Rider he said student strikes interfered with an uncompleted college building destroyed" by Harlacher, Brookdale president, said. the boycott. the educational process. fire of undetermined cause early yesterday. Thd He said that students who plan to boycott (See Classes, Fg. 3) and Trenton State College students who showed up at- the State,House yesterday. Cahill's statement on Cambodia" was The governor; who in his inaugural tempered by bis admission that only'the address last January called lor' a quick president has all the facts in the situation. end to the Vietnam war, made his com- ments in a,mimeographed statement re- EXPRESSES FEELINGS leased to the press. Previously, he had de- . "With the limited facts at my com- Strike clined to answer questions on the Cambo- mand," he said,'"I am not in a position dian situation on the grounds that his prime personally to make a real judgment, ex- By RICHARD McMANUS compiled a "blacklist" of mitmentto the "the . concern is with state issues'. cept to express, personal disappointment at WEST LONG BRANCH - those teachers who will try spirit of a total'religious con- STATEMENT NOT READ the escalation Of the war.", ;. As hundreds of students sat to give classes as usual, and viction," and asked all facul* The statement was not read, however, In another statement, wliich. appeared in silent vigil yesterday out- plans peaceful pickets outside ty approach their individual to the students who came to protest the in articles in the Camden Courier'Post and side a Monmouth College lec- their classrooms today. classroom relationships re? war and the shooting.of four students at Plainfield Courier News based, on an In- ture hall,. faculty members Many students on,the cam- garding attendance or ab- Kent State earlier this week. terview with John O. Davies of the Gannett assembled inside voted to sup- ' pus assumed that all classes sences, in the same .manner Just as they began arriving, Cahili left News Service, Cahili disagreed with Rut- port - a • one-day old student' would be called off. yesterday they wouldjdeal.with special circumstances arising from the State House by a rear entrance for a gers University president Mason W. Gross. strike In protest to the widen- after college president Dr. previous commitment, and Ira Grayson, Gross told a rally at the state university ing war in Southeast Asia and William, G. Van Note's strong the observation of religious conviction's ',on' the, part of. his administrative assistant, addressed the earlier this week that he Would ask the the killing of four statement in support. of the gathering. ..•-'-. _ • L^..._i_ .. .... • faculty to support a student strike there.' strike. Many classes were their students. • . '.' Kent State University. • • lie sM, "li. is beyond my. In separate votes, Jioivever, canceled,, and attendance was power to legislate the faculty- the faculty voted against go- extremely light at) those that .' student relationship £nd rap- ing on strike as a group them- were held. port," but he urged the facul- selves and defeated resolu- Students are expected to , ty "to treat this entire mat- Guards' Order to Fire tions denouncing the war and work out their particular situ- • ter with maximum compas- expressing no confidence In ations with respect to final ex- sion." • : • ' President Nixon. aminations and grade individ-. • After Dr. Van Note con- * Classes Continue ually with their respective cluded his statement, the fac- The decision will permit teachers.