University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, January 10, 1963. Vol
i University ',of 'Cinoinnati '~ . • .r I ,'p"'N'~"'E',, W,;',,'..' ....', ,'S':"-'R,'" '.... E '0:'C0---=~ '. ~ .."R'' ....•.. ,..D". '.' Clncin~;ati, Ohio, Thvrsday, Januraryl D,J 963 '$ou;r..·.Rrep' 5', ,To '.D~wr ," " . '. ~.,SIIY Wilson High .School Show Started ·'4 Prep .' . -- , ~ On ,Road To' National ','Success DeLay by Veronica TY,i~,ich "by Kathy Goertmiller-UC Telephone D;ireeto~y,E(:Iitor'. ThirfY:five girls and-not a single' '- ...•, Since there have been many questions coneerning. the, boy showed up to tryout fora- tal- , distribution of the, DC Telephone Directory to' .students; I, ent show at Hollywood ·'·High have asked the. News~-Record,to publish this article. The, SchoolIn 1955. directories were received later than 'expected and, therefore' Int-o 'this crinoline, void stepped were distributed the, last -week before Christmas 'vacation.' four', young' II1en who .were to pe- " .After two .days it was brought come -nationally i.flmous as The , to our attention that the director- obtain- a copy, they are free. If Four Preps .. ' ies .were :n~t "up 'to, University any student has received a. defec- ' IIWe w~re terribJe,"re('aUed , standards. At once, .disirlbutton tive directory; he may, exchange ~Ien La,rsor,,'outspo~eri, spokes- it: ", ''Yan for The ..preps. hBut'we was discontinued. Faculty, mem- rw:~re the only !Joys}n school the ' , .bers. corinected with the directory f@~cVJtt~',c'ouldper,su'~de,to be 'o~ and the directory's adviser were the- sllow;so we were a smash. contacted. It was decided after :Mortcir B,oQ,rd,: From; then on we wer~ in de- talking with the printer, to reprint mand' ,foreveryc free entertain.:- menr," .
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