Name Harkness To
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Name Harkness to 'Look' All-America by Irv Roger make a pro team because I am Look magazine announced today that the National Asso too short to play forward and ciation of Sports Writers has made Loyola's Jerry Harkness can't shoot well .enough from a unanimous choice for the 1963 Look All-American team. the outside." Jerry said that he The Look Award, together with his selection as an AP, UPI, might try out for a pi-o team Sporting News, and Wheaties Foundation All -American i1 the offer were good enough, makes Harkness the first Loyola basketball player ever but the idea of playing in the named to every major All-American team. NBA does not figure strongly E\·ery year the Look panel ------------ in Harkness' future plans. selects ten men as the outstand· of a good forward. Harkness was given a chance to work out IN FOUR YEARS .AT Loyola, ing <'ollege basketball players on the front line; George Ire· Jerry has been impressed with in the nation and names them land liked his moves, and Hark his treatment at the university. f,ook All-Americans. Selected ness was on his way to star "I felt bad before bhe start of along with Harkness were Ron my last home game, but it Bonham and Tom Thacker of dom. wasn't until after the game that Cincinnati, Art Heyman of Harkness attributes his rapid I fully realized that I would Duke>, Cotton Nash of Kentucky, development to a fortunate never play in A 1 u m n i G y m Barry Cramer of NYU, Rod series of breaks started when again. The people and the fans Thorn of west Vit·ginia, Walt he was first shifted to forward. have been wonderful, and the Haaard of UCLA. Ken Charlton "At guArd I really didn't know spirit s hown at the last two ~f Colorado and Bill Green of what my capabilities were be l"olorado State. cause I spent most of my time games really impressed me." passing off to teammates," said When asked who the best man LOYOLA'. FIRST ALL· Harkness. "At forward I was he ever played against was, All A 'rnRICAN was Charlie <Feed) able to work in close to the American Harkne s thought a \forphy who played for Loyola's basket where my shot is most minute before naming Eddie great 1929·30 team. Marv Colen effective. I was also lucky to Miles of Seattle and Dave Stall JERRY HARKNESS, chosen overwhelmingly to all major recc•ived the honor in 1937, and come to Loyola a year before worth of W i ch i ta. The best All-American teams, receives the Sporting News award Mike Novak and "Wibs" Kautz the rest of our present starting team? Of course, last year's from Coach George Ireland at the end of last Saturday's wc•rc> first and second string se- five did because the coach was Ohio State team. Wichita game. It-cl ions In 1938 and 1939. Two able to give me special attention years later, Mickey Rottner was and help me overcome my weak named lo a berth on one of the ness and develop my potential." na1ion's "dream teams," and the JERRY ATTRIBUTES ms gnat Jack Kerrb wa; selected All-American selection to the in 1918 and 1949. other four members of the start- Aflc>r the departure of Kerris ing five who set up plays in in 1949, Interest in basketball such a way that Harkness is dt·<"li1wd at Loyola, and the cali- often able to drive toward the bc1· of the athlete:; in Rambler basket on a one-on-one situation. uniforms declined also Then in Jerry modestly overlooks the No\·<'mber of 1959, a six foot, fact that Vic Rouse, Les Hunter, two and one-half inch freshman Jack Egan, and Ron Miller were guard with only one year of still playing high school b a 11 high school basketball experi- when he averaged 23 points a en<'<' walked out on the floor of game as a freshman and tossed Vol. XLll - No. 17 Chicago, Illinois March 7, 1963 auci<'nt Alumni gymnasium and in 32 markers in one game b<•eamc an overnight sensation. against the Jamaco Saints. "I'll Jt•1Ty I-Iark11c•,,s had been a never forget that game," says, 11·ack sta1· In !ugh school, and Jerry. who also numbers his 28 Loyola to Host Debate Tourney; h1• 1li<l not even consid<•r going points output against Bowling out for ba•ketball u11til he was Green as a sophomore and hi u S<'nlor. Harkn•·~; ran cross- 34 point performance against t·ountry, and he wa~ an excellent Western Michigan earlier this 20 Colleges Enter Competition middle-distance man in the year a · the hig h points of his spring playing career. l\IR. DONALD J. STINSON, chairman of the Department attempt to capture top stat e TU s AT Fm~T. b:i.,,ketball llAltKNES IS PRESENTLY of Speech and Drama and president of the Illinois Intercol honors. They will alternate af. waq merely a way ot staying majoring in sociology, but he is legiate Debate league, announced last week that Loyola Uni firmative and negative stands in shape through the long win- undecided about future plans. versity will host the 28th annual Illinois State Championship 11·1 months for the coming track He is considering a career in throughout the six preliminarr sPason. Jerry was employed as the insurance field, but he mig ht Debate tournament this Friday and Saturday. rounds. More than twenty colleges and a t'uarcl and pla,>maker on the change his mind if an oppor· That the non-communist nations On Saturday, there will be a l>PWl!t Clinton tarting five, tunity presents itself. universities will send some sev of the world should form an final round between the two and though he scored 10urteen Harkness was aJso a s k e d enty of the state's ,best college economic community." highest scoring teams; the win points a game, he showed about a career in pro-basketball debaters to the competition, to LOYOLA WILL HAVE TWO ner will be the next state cham Pnough promise to be given a since he was drafted last year be held in the Lewis Towers teams entered in the meet, Stin pion, and the recipient of the scholarship to Loyola. At that by Syracuse and seems a cinch University Center. The topic for son said. Mi s Nancy Prete and Iir t-place trophy. Thi · debate timc Rambler coach George Ire- to be drafted again this year. the debates will be the national Warren Bracy will join Jim will be held in the Georgetown lai<d was desperately in need "I don't really think I could college proposition, "Resolved: Fletcher and Bob Earley in an room of the Univer ity Center. 'America on Revue' Opens Tomorrow! IS PATRIOTISL\I GOING out of style? Not on your life, For those who would like to ob cle mocks its own dramatic read day. The final performance of say Michael Kutza and John Van Bramer, director and pro tain this unique remembrance of ings with a performance of Ham the show will be climaxed by the ducer of the twelfth annual Loyola Variety show, which the show they have just seen, or· Spade, Private Orb; Sigma Delta awarding of th~ Audience FavoJ.'o opens a three-night iun tomorrow evening. ders for the album will be taken Phi does a spoof of Christopher ite trophy. Tabulation of votes The show, centering around the theme "America on at all performances. Columbus; Alpha Kappa P i of for this award, new this year, Revue," has engaged the talents of over 200 persons in pre The eight groups and three in fers comments on the President's will l>IJ made by collecting the senting some of the many facets of American life. It is so dividual acts which comprise the Amrrlcan, In fact, that one might cabinet; the N u r s i n g cotmcil ballots cast on all three nights expect Uncle Sam and the Statue and blue smoke. body of the show cover a full takes a dim view of a modem and computing them with the oi Liberty to come walking hand range of topics. The C u r t a i n Sodom and Gomorrah, Las Ve help of a nearby IBM machine. Tickets- for this unusual enter Guild presents "Hyperbole" em in hand down the runway and tainment package are going fast. Ballots for this award. by the ploying a little-known art form gas; and Theta Phi Alpha recre way, will be found inside the into the audjence at the Loyola Available in the Unions today 20- called the "dramatica gramma ates the hard times of the depres· page, picture-filled Showbook. Community The at re. Almost and tomorrow and at the theater tica"; Wasmann Biological pro sion era. everything else happens: several itself, reserved seats are $2.00 CLASSIFIED AS individual LAST MINUTE CHANGES great all-time losers are hon and general admission is $1.50. vides some reflections on poli are still being made--a new act ticians a la Fiorello; Delaware acts are the Society Three, a folk ored, nouns engage ve1·bs in mor CURTAIN TIME at the Com singing group, and singers Bar and two new songs were added tal combat, and the finale ex hall honors the great Losers in to the program this week-and munity theatre, 1320 W.