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1978 -- 1980 Liberty University School Newspaper

Spring 1-26-1979

01-26-1979 (The Journal Champion Volume 1, Issue 19)

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1978 -- 1980 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Nm-Pr«ftt Opgonltaiit Thomas Road Baptist Church u. 1 r.uot. The Thomas Rood Family I PAID I.YNClllUiRG.VA 24514 Old Timi> Cosppl Hour journal • champion IV 26, 1979 Lyndibum, VA. 24514 for Truth HOW FAITH PARTNER PROGRAM WAS BORN Bv JERRY FALWELL The Thomas Road Baptist Church was evolve. I began asking the Lord to show me PaMor-Foundrr. Old-Timr (ttnprI Hour . how to underwrite this ministry. As a teenaged boy, 1 listened to Dr. born in June 1956. During that same month, I started a daily half-hour radio It was about that time that my associate Charles E. Fuller on the Old Fashioned pastor, Rev. Jim Soward, and I began Revival Hour radio broadcast out of Long broadcast on WBRG Radio in Lynchburg, Va. This was intended to be a local conducting rallies in cities and counties Beach, Calif., Municipal Auditorium. My around the eastern United States. Thomas mother would turn the radio on just before program for the purpose of helping this new local church. However, God had other Road Baptist Church had reached 2,000 in leaving for Sunday School. She was well Sunday School attendance for the very first aware that I would not get out of bed to ideas. This was actually the beginning of the time in 1967. Jim and I would perform our turn it off. pastoral duties in Lynchburg during the As a result of hearing that dear old man Old-Time Gospel Hour ministry, now heard daily on 300 stations across North morning and early afternoon and then we of God preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I would drive to churches and school increasingly became aware of my need of America and around the world. Six months later, I began conducting a 30-minute auditoriums within a 300-mile radius to the Lord. At age 18, a sophomore in conduct rallies for the purpose of raising college, I began looking for a church that television program over our local , Channel 13. That also became the funds to support the radio and television preached what I had been hearing Dr. ministries. Fuller preach on the radio. On Jan. 20, embryo of the Old-Time Gospel Hour 1952, Jim Moon and I attended the little television network. Today, 327 stations in Our first support program was called Park Avenue Baptist Church in our North America carry this telecast. "Doorkeepers." A Doorkeeper was a hometown, Lynchburg, Va. As Paul The Old-Time Gospel Hour radio and person who would contribute $1 each week Donnelson began to preach from the Bible television ministry is the largest such media to help support the television and radio that night, my lifelong buddy, Jim Moon , ministry in existance today. Literally ministry of the Old-Time Gospel Hour. and I responded to the invitation to receive millions of people hear the gospel everyday About that same time, we also started the Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Nothing over this radio and television outreach. Faith Partner ministry. A Faith Partner has been the same since. The radio and television network did was one who would give $10 or more each month. Jim and I would distribute pledge It should be no wonder to anyone that I not grow to its present size overnight. We have been growing gradually during these cards to people in the auditoriums at the have such an affinity for the use of radio end of the service. Usually, we would and television in propagating the Gospel to past 22'/2 years. Our greatest and most spectacular growth has occured since 1971. enroll 50 to 100 Doorkeepers and Faith the world. After completing my Partners in a average night's service. In the preparation for the Gospel ministry at In the mid-1960's I became aware that Thomas Road Baptist Church would never next several years, we were able to enroll Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Mo., I more than 5,000 persons who, as returned to Lynchburg, Va., to start the be able to support financially the vast media outreach that was beginning to Doorkeepers and Faith Partners, joined Thomas Road Baptist Church. hands with us to help get the Gospel out to the masses. It soon became evident that the Dr. Falwell points to the beginning of the Faith Partner Program in the late 1960s. Doorkeepers ministry would not work. With the increasing postage rates, $1 per week would not meet the need. So, we LARGEST AUDIENCE terminated our Doorkeeper program. At that time, Faith Partners became the backbone support of our ministry. They have continued so until this present hour. Now, we are making every effort to Commitment Day enroll-100,000 new Faith Partners this year - 1979 - to make it possible for us to preach the wonderful Word of God to every person in North America and in January 28 many of the islands of the sea. At the end of 1978, we had over 60,000 active Faith Partners. With inflationary problems By JERRY FALWELL spired and infallible Word of God. seizing upon us, plus the enlargement of Pastor and Founder uf The Old-1 imr (jospcl Hour • We believe in the Virgin Birth of the the network, we must greatly increase that The largest congregation ever to witness Lord Jesus Christ. number during 1979. We are making every an old-fashioned church service will do so possible effort to do that right now. • We believe in His Diety. on Sunday, January 28. This is certainly • We believe in His sinless life, His As I look back many years ago when our belief. vicarious death and His glorious bodily Jim Soward and I were driving over 50,000 On Jan. 28, the Old-Time Gospel Hour resurrection from the dead. miles each year to establish the Faith will be beaming the Sunday morning • We believe that a new birth experience Partner program, I realize now that God service of the Thomas Road Baptist church is necessary if a man is ever to see God. was laying the foundation stone on which into literally millions of homes in North • We believe that Jesus is coming again the Old-Time Gospel Hour is now built. America. some glorious day to catch away His Bride. These Faith Partners have prayed and Because of the massive promotion of • We believe in the Great Commission. given financially through these many years. this special Commitment Day service, we In a very real way, they are responsible for fully expect that the largest, single the more than 30,000 people who receive of people ever to witness an old- We are fundamentalist and separatists. Christ every year watching and listening to fashioned local church service will do so on We will be taking a firm stand on these the Old-Time Gospel Hour. Actually, there this special Sunday. cardinal issues during the television are probably many thousands more who Why are we having a Commitment program seen across this continent on Jan. Commitment Day is Jan. 28 and we need 100,000 partners. make decisions for Christ. However, more Day? than 30,000 write us each year to tell us of 28. I sincerely hope you will make every their new birth experience. effort to enlist your entire neighborhood in GOD GIVES OPPORTUNITY • First of all, we want all the world to this television audience. Old-Time Gospel Hour Ministry is Baptist Schools would be close by for the We thank God for every Faith Partner know the nature of our commitment here considering development of a Senior Saints purpose of ministering to the needs of these on the team. We must add another 100,000 at the Old-Time Gospel Hour. Faith Partners during these crucial times. We will also make an effort to commit community on Liberty Mountain. This dear saints. • We are committed to the faith of our thousands of persons to become Faith community would be developed near the At the same time, the Senior Saints Please pray with us, for a successful Fathers. campaign during these days. Partners on Jan. 28. We will be asking location of the Liberty Baptist Schools and could provide a parental ministry towards • We believe that the Bible is the in­ many thousands of our friends to call our the future site of the Thomas Road Baptist the young people. It is the opinion of the toll-free number 1-800-453-2400 and enlist Church. leaders of the Old-Time Gospel Hour as a Faith Partner. It is our conviction that A mammoth shopping mall is now minisry that this would be a very beautiful the coming of the Lord is imminent. being erected almost next door to the setting for such a development. Liberty Baptist College campus by private businessmen in Lynchburg, Va. Many For the purpose of determining interest If we are going to reach our generation other conveniences are in the immediate in such an undertaking, we are asking that for Christ, we must use the media. This vicinity. The location is a very convenient any and all persons interested at all in such costs the Old-Time Gospel Hour millions and a strategic one for Senior Saints a Senior Saints Community communicate of dollars every year. The costs are Most important, if a Senior Saints with us regarding this matter. spiralling upward every day. community is developed on Liberty Mountain, it will provide a wonderful All letters should be addressed to: For that reason, we must add 100,000 opportunity for fellowship with other Mr. Jimmy Thomas Faith Partners as early in 1979 as possible. Senior Saints who would be living in the Old-Time Gospel Hour On the Jan. 28 telecast, which we have same proximity. Students of the Liberty Lynchburg, VA., 24514 called the Commitment Day telecast, we are going to make an earnest effort to Two Million Jesus First Pins convince our friends everywhere of the urgency of enlisting as a Faith Partner Christians need to show the world that unprecedented. now. Jesus Christ is first in their lives. That's why, two years ago, the Jerry Some 1 million "Jesus First" pins were Falwell Ministries set the goal of giving mailed from the ministry during 1977, every Bible-believing Christian a "Jesus when they were first introduced. Another 2 First" lapel pin. million were mailed during 1978. During 1976, the ministries gave away People from all walks of life, all over hundreds of thousands of "Liberty Bell" the country and in foreign countries as FAITH PARTNERS' pins proclaiming the Scriptural truth, well, are wearing these pins. This is by far "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the most popular lapel pin in the world liberty." today. TOLL FREE The "Liberty Bell" pins met with such Those who become Old-Time Gospel response that they naturally led to the Hour Faith Partners, by supporting our "Jesus First" pins, which indicate the television and radio ministry with a gift of wearer believes in Matthew 6:33, "But seek $10 or more per month, will receive three TELEPHONE ye first the kingdom of God and Ins "Jesus First" pins, one of which is 24- righteousness, and all these things shall be kaiat gold-plated, along with other gilts as added unto you." our way of thanking you for your prayerful 1-800-453-2400 And the response to these new pins was and financial support. Two million Jesus First pins were given out last year. journal • champion GROWTH RATE IS PHENOMENAL editorial LBC: Evidence of God's JANUARY 26,1979 Tremendous Blessings By A. PIERRE GUILLERMIN Unlimited Fields To Plow Pruldtnt.»rl> RlptlM (nllrxt As a Christian educator, it is my privilege to serve words. It is more than just paying lip service to the as president of the fastest growing Christian liberal During the last 20 years of the 20th arts college in America. During a decade when Century, Christian America finds itself in the throes Master. The Great Commission requires time and talent and dedication. And, financial resources. college enrollment has decreased, we are having an of the greatest opportunity in the history of upsurge. mankind. God carries on His work through thousands of loving Christians who believe, as we do, that the only The question, perhaps, is why is Liberty Baptist God has given committed Christians unlimited College experiencing a phenomenal growth rate? fields to plow, in every direction, by using the hope of mankind is the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. I enjoy giving the answer to this question. I find it wonderful and magnificent advances of modern absolutely a joy to be in God's Will, to see His hands technology to perform the Great Commission. How often we use the words in our sermons and Sunday School classes, "Go and tell." It sounds easy "cutting a swath" across these beautiful mountains No time in the world's history has mankind been of Central Virginia known as the Blue Ridge. But, so prepared to reach the world for Christ as it is and simple. And, it is when the body of believers preach the word together, organize into prayer God is using this section of the United States as a today. But, who is taking up the gauntlet? Who cares showplace of young men and women who are for the lost world? Who will go? Who will take the groups, Sunday School classes who are witnessing to their neighbors and friends and business associates dedicated and called to Christian service. message? Who will use the message? Enrollment at Liberty Baptist College has jumped Modern man has seen the power of God displayed that we fulfill the Great Commission. At no time in history have we been able to reach 22 per cent for the 1978-79 school year and we an­ in the world. Modern man has seen God use men to ticipate 25 per cent in September. Again, I present learn the secrets of the universe and thereby open the the masses in such great numbers. Information and communication, every thought, every song, every the question, Why? Why had God allowed us to be a doors to the beauty and grandeur of a Heavenly part of this magnificent plan? Father who wants man to learn and grow and to love prayer is received quickly and clearly through the Him. television tube and radio set. And, the newspapers Who will take the message? and magazines. We believe God has given the Thomas Road We believe God has empowered and infilled this- Baptist Church, the Old-Time Gospel Hour and ministry to use every available means to reaching the Liberty Baptist College is not just a Liberty Baptist Schools a unique calling and design lost world. We will try to do it. college of students, faculty members, for the latter days of the 20th Century. • Dr. Jerry Falwell's radio and television ministry administrative leaders and staff workers. The prospect of God using us to preach the Word is the largest religious network operating in the world Liberty Baptist College is not just another of Truth to the lost world is a prospect that we gladly today. This takes financial resources. collegiate institution. accept. It is a privilege to be involved. It is also a duty • Dr. Jerry Falwell's newspaper ministry, the Paul's second epistle to Timothy is clear of committed Christians. Journal Champion, is reaching millions of to us. "Study to show thyself approved We are committed in the year 1979 and the Americans monthly with the Good News in the unto God, a workman that needeth not to remaining years before He comes again to preaching largest fundamental Christian newspaper in the be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of and teaching. We are committed to winning souls to United States and Canada. truth." the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. We are committed • Dr. Jerry Falwell's magazine ministry, Faith How often have we read this passage to serving the Saviour with academic excellence, Aflame, is one of the most acclaimed inspirational but failed to take the time to understand professional expertise and loving kindness to publications, read by more than two million. what it means. mankind. These ministries are just part of the gigantic work In this passage, the Lord is com­ But, how do we turn words into action? The headquartered in Lynchburg, Va., where God uses manding Christians to prepare themselves message and job is simple and direct. The Lord has the spoken word, the written word, the inspirational with knowledge. It is not just good for us provided us with the tools of preaching and teaching word. He uses the actions of His people in the as leaders and teachers to live in a sterile and educating. He has provided us with the op­ educational institutions, in the church ministry, Christian environment, but God wants us portunity to speak to the world. He has given us the youth, senior saints. In fact, the Thomas Road to be educated, learned if you please, in all technical knowledge to communicate through radio, Baptist Church ministry is diversified to reach all walks of life. television and the printed page. quarters of the world for Jesus Christ. In the Thomas Road Baptist Church and Related God has given one man the vision for the lost Ministries, we are boldly advancing to carry the world with the use of hundreds of men and women to message throughout the world. But, it is not just our carry out the plan. But, this work can't be ac­ job. It is the job of all Christians who want to join complished without loving, caring and giving people. As we launch out in 1979 in a bigger and At Liberty Baptist College, we are with us in doing the Job that the Master has em­ endeavoring to teach and prepare these Dr. Guillermin ployed us to complete. bolder step to reach the world, join us with your prayers and financial support. willing students for Christian service. But, How exciting it is to be a part of the unfolding of they need prayer, study and leadership. zealous in preparing for whatever field God the Master Plan of the Lord Jesus. But, carrying on And, the financial support of Christians has called them. the Great Commission is more than just saying the — HARRY COVERT everywhere. Training young men and As we plan for the future of LBC, we women is not the least bit inexpensive. are careful to seek Divine Guidance in our As an institution of higher learning, we every move. I know that without God's are proud that God has shown us the Hand at Liberty Baptist College and our discipline necessary for preparing our lives. other institutions (Liberty Baptist We are delighted that we are finding new Seminary, Liberty Bible Institute, Liberty The Great Responsibility Home Bible Institute and Lynchburg) ways of financing the education of many people in the forms of special scholarships Christian Academy) we would not be and grants. blessed with growth. The impact of television and radio on the world governments affect the vitality and very existence of However, the backbone for Liberty Growth also means hard work and today is unparalleled. Every quarter of human our churches and our Christian schools. sacrifice. Every member of the LBC family existence is affected in some way by the quickness Baptist College has been prayer. The The Journal-Champion will be actively reporting strength has been God's people providing ~ and that includes those who have given and/or instantaneous communications from the news in 1979. There will be major areas covered of their financial resources has sacrificed. . for the future of America and the world. that are excluded in the secular press. We believe in Annually, the 15,000 Club has displayed its And, God has blessed those who have given The world's youth, the nation's older citizens, the reporting on the issues and getting the facts straight. support from across the nation to raise and He will continue to bless. middle aged are all better informed, better en­ funds for the operation of Liberty Baptist I have found that without question God tertained and more quickly bored than ever before in honors His Word and those who are Christians ought to be interested enough in the College and toward scholarships and history. grants. faithful. Daily, I am reminded of the For a few moments on these pages of this special philosophies of their governmental leaders to become sacrifice of Christians throughout the edition of the Journal-Champion, glance at the informed of actions taken in their behalf. We believe world. But, here at Liberty Baptist College printed words to see how Christians plan to preach the Journal-Champion has been given the special I can see the evidence of God's design and and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and task of keeping Christian America informed as well the meaning of Luke 6:38: ''Give, and it needy world. as entertained. shall be given unto you; good measure, If anyone doubts the troubles and problems of Christians ought to be proud, and many pressed down, and shaken together, and the world, they need not look any farther than their The Journal-Champion is committed and obviously are proud, that God has enabled running over, shall men give into your television set or to turn on their radio. Radio. Think determined to be a newspaper for Christians. The them to financially support LBC. The size bosom, for with the same measure that ye about this word again. Radio. This is probably the pages of this newspaper will be filled with news that of the gift is not the important matter when mete withal it shall be measured to you most portable and useable of all communicating directly influence and enhance the lives of every it comes to supporting God's work. Each again." sources. Every home has a portable pocket-sized American Christian. donor to LBC is blessed in knowing that At Liberty Baptist College, we practice radio or a bedside clock radio. Thousands upon the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified through God's Word. We are preparing ourselves thousands of the small radios are in use around the We believe in the Free Press of Americans. We every phase of college life. and our student body for Christian service. world. Liberty Baptist College is not simply a There is hard work and diligence. And the Think about tapes and cassette tape recorders. If believe in the importance of telling and reporting and commenting on the news. For without the freedom of Virginia college. LBC is not just a religious reward? Simply the joy and privilege of you missed the news on radio and television, just the press, Christians in particular and Americans in institution of higher learning. LBC is serving the Lord Jesus Christ. record the messages and you can hear them later. general face a certain future of ignorance, lies, God's college for today and the last quarter hypocrisy and treachery. of the 20th century. Students representing But it's the written word that we are speaking every state in the union and journal •champion about today. God speaks to us through the pages of numerous foreign countries are diligently the Bible and we remember those words more clearly Thomas Road Baptist Church than when we hear them. seeking an education that prepares them Publisher for the highest calling of the ministry, business, education (public and private), Nelson Keener The days in which we are living are Associate Publisher Continually, we must encourage lost souls perilous times. These are not idle words to scientific, musical, medical and athletic. through the spoken word on television and radio, scare or to put fear into the lives of our I am humbled in my spirit when I think Elmer L. Towns .... Editor tapes and cassettes and keep them involved with the readers. These are facts that Christians of how God is using the entire Liberty Harry Covert .... Managing Editor study through the written pages. must face. But, it is the champion of truth, Baptist College ministry for preparation. I Charles R. Cade .... Business Manager the champion of the people and the am thanking God that He is allowing me Champion of Champions, for which we and every member of the faculty and staff Glenn Pizor . Local Advertising The Journal-Champion is committed to reporting will be proclaiming the news for Christians and student body to participate in this George Spriggel . National Advertising news important to, for and by Christians in America. and the Good News of Jesus Christ. exciting ministry. We must not be limited to the news of our churches Education is serious business. Serving Jon W. Cooper ... Mekeup and schools, at a time when politics and govern­ God is the greatest and most magnificent Susan Hayes . . . Typesetter mental processes of our national, state and local It is our desire to serve Him. It is our calling. We ought to educate our young desire to provide the very best in reporting men and women to the best of our abilities. Editorial Staff the news from the Christian's viewpoint. Robert Harris • The Thomos Kood Fomil|> | Our institutions ought to be the premier educational facilities. Christians need not Brenda Easterling Wanda Watson An informed America is a free be apologetic for wanting to provide their journal champion youngsters with the best education •saaBBBBBBBBBBHBBaaaMaaHaHaaaaBVaaiBBBBBBBBBVBV it* America. An informed Christian is a P.O. Box 1111 Lynchburg, VA 24505 JOURNAL CHAMPION SUBSCRIPTION RATES producing Christian. And what is the job possible. Christians ought to be fervent and Phone 18041 528-4112 National Advertising (8041 528-4126 Qlyr. $9.96 D2yrs. $15.96 U3ys $20.95 U5yfs. •$ 24.95 of every Christian? To preach Jesus Christ Q I h«vt tnclottd 4 check or money oiuV in th« amount ot $—•••••• to the world and you can't do that unless peyeble to Jouinai-Chempton. P1«*l« chatgt U Me»ie» Ch«(«« U BenkArnertcertl/Viia you know His Word and know the world in United Sines subscription rales: $9.95 per year, SIS.95 for two which you are living. JOIN AS years, $20.95 for three years, $24.95 for five yean. Single copy KT aDDDDtxinnnnDDn • price: 50 cents national, 25 cenls local. Expiration FAITH PARTNERS , Number Q[Z][Z!Cj tMrtlw Cruras onlyl In this special edition of The Journal- the JOURNAL-CHAMPION is published bi-weekly and application to mail ai second-class postage rates is pending at Siyfirftuiff - Champion, we will be reaching more than (rtquirtd il unny credit CKfdl TODAY Lynchburg, Va, 24505. 1.6 million homes. It is thrilling to be in the Please send all correspondence and address changes to: The Nimt. service of the Lord and to know His Word Toll Free Telephone Journal-Champion,. P.O. Box I III, Lynchburg, Va, 24505. Addret will be a blessing to thousands and fcxecuhve located at 701 Thomas Koad, Lynchburg. Crty_ ./'P. RflurnTo Joiond-Ctumjiion PO.6o.111l Lynchburg, VA 24b0b thousands of Christians and that some lost 1-800-453-2400 souls will find Him. Postmaster: Please send r'orm 3579 lo The Journal Chumpion.V.O. Box I III. Lynchburg, Va., 24505.

i JANUARY 26,1979 JOURNAL-CHAMPION 3 'Clean Up America' Campaign, Still Important

One of the most important happenings awareness of sin. The nation has become so joined hands during November 1978 to have become absolutely obscene and Falwell new to early in amoral that many people do not know sin of 1978 was the initiation of the "Clean Up October to speak at a conference for defeat by public referendum a parimutuel vulgar. Many of them are openly attacking America " campaign. Dr. Jerry Falwell pastors. While in , he appeared when they see it. Too few preachers are betting effort by professional gamblers. the integrity of the Bible. Humanism is the officially launched this effort during the cn T°m Snyder's NBC "Tomorrow calling sin by its right name and preaching This was very encouraging indeed. main thrust of the public school textbook. month of May. Show. The program was seen nationally clearly the judgement of God against sin. Dr. Falwell feels that the pastors and Darwinian evolution is taught from kin­ For that reason, God has led Dr. Falwell to dergarten age right through high school. The three main issues were: on Oct. 12. churches of America have a real op­ continue his efforts to save America during portunity at this time to turn the nation Four-letter words are interspersed in the • Homosexuality 1979. around. It will not be without great cost. textbooks of grades in the lower elementary • Abortion and Many major newspapers and magazines The Old-Time Gospel Hour will Dr. Falwell's life is threatened regularly. level. Very little is being said about this. • Pornography. are following suit at this moment. National continue to be the main platform for this He is attacked constantly by newspapers in Something will be said during 1979. Millions of people were contacted attention has been captured. The campaign. Major magazines and many parts of the country. Liberal Dr. Falwell is urging his Christian through display advertisements in major "Esquire" magazine article of Oct. 10, an newspapers will also be used. The mail will politicians take stabs at him. Nevertheless, friends across North America to join with magazines and newspapers. Ballots were eight-page feature story entitled, "The be used. Hopefully, thousands of preachers thejob must be done. him in prayer. He often expresses his printed in these periodicals asking three Next Billy Graham", also reached a dif­ will intensify their efforts in the same During the new year, Dr. Falwell also dependence on the prayers of God's people questions: ferent clientele. For the first time, it seems direction as many are already doing. feels that a new emphasis must be added to for strength and protection from ungodly obvious that the nation is awakening to the For example, 6,000 churches in Virginia the campaign. Public school textbooks men. (1) Do you approve of known, prac­ moral decadence that is ocurring in her ticing homosexuals teaching in public midst. schools] Yes D No D l91\g-[lfcpOOds MODERN MIRACLE OF THE FOOD Dr. Falwell has also been invited to (2) Do you approve of present laws participate in many debates with leading WORLD Delicious, Fresh-Tasting, Nutritious, Storable for Years! legalizing abortion on demand] gay activists on live television and radio Ways Yes D No D shows throughout the nation. One such FROM THIS . . . debate was televised on a live noon talk A Better ... TO THIS (3) Do you approve of present laws show throughout City called the FAST AND EASY! permtting the open display of por­ Dehydrated IO* mom-re 'oods r>av_ come a long *_y ,n quant.- eijoy- "Bill Boggs Show". On this particular mot convenience and economy Oneo' ihe secrets >s m the processing nographic material on newsstands, Christian siarung «itn me highest quality food By mode'" thermal gradient dehy program, Falwell debated homosexuality dration methods 96** ol ihe moisture u removed Nutrients are noi cooKed out as m canned goods and the flavor if not change-d wSpecial television and movie screens] with a gay Episcopal priest, Rev. Robert vacuum packing seals the food in coma-nets that are virtually free of oi- ygen and contain a positive charge of nitrogen to insure ihe food will taste garden fresh to­ Yes D No D Herrick, national administrator of the Education day or l*enty years from nonv' No refnge+aiion needed approved Dy Ihe U S Oept of National Gay Task Force. OVER 90 VARIETIES — ALL SUPERB! Millions of ballots were mailed to Dr. Later, Dr. Falwell debated the same Pensacola Christian College Hiflfi Prottin Macaroni Granules Slices Celery Com Onto A four-year liberal arts college, fundamental in theology, Eggs 10 scramble or whole QUICK Roned Oais Banana Slices Peas Potatoes Falwell's supporters. They were asked to Peanut Butter Powder Soybeans A Spagheiti Date Bits Salad Mil issue with a homosexual college history separated from worldliness and intent on honoring the Beef Chicken Ham TvP Dairy Fruit Cocktail & Mia Soup Mil Hamburger & Sausage TVP Butiermilk Powder Peach Slices Tomato Flakes circulate these ballots throughout their professor from Temple University in the Lord. Academic programs include education, nursing, Grain Products Butter Powder Pear Halves Snicki Oeiierli Pearl Barley Cheese Powder Fruii Flavored Drinks Cocoa Mil Peanuls aviation. Bible, business, accounting, speech, music, Fruit & Nut Cereal Sour & Sweei Cream Powder Orange Drink CuStard Puddings circle of friends where they live. The nation area. This was the "Joel Cherry Dessert art and secretarial training College now in fifth year, Com Meal & Cracked Milk Powders Vegefeblei Tapioca became involved. Things began to happen. Wheat Cereal fruit Baby Lima Beans Gelatins Walnut Halves Spivak Show", televised throughout enrolling 800 students from 40 states Flour while & Whole Wheat Apple Morsels Applesauce Beeis Cabbage Carrots MIIH Snake ••' • Philadelphia over Channel 10. In this live Correspondence Courses telecast, there was a studio audience, most USERS SAY "OK" The Wall Street Journal came to For missionaries, evangelists or parents teaching at John RUtton iCoach of Denver Btoncoi) My lamiiy nas a r#ai tense ot MCUM* Because of whom were professing homosexuals. home. A Beka Books day by day teaching plans plus THE NEW MARKETING OPPORTUNITY *• know lha' with our supply ot Long Li't Food Lynchburg for an interview. A major front <*e are protected Some of the persons present were from Christian books, tests and other materials Now used S'tW* _*K)9Wfif (vVit* _ Mothctl page article appeared in this popular Will You Share in the Vast Rewards? The cosi of food at the sup*fmar~eit puii a in 35 countries and throughout the USA All grade ittam on out budget So I supplement out r»g_ Professor Dennis Rubini's classes at the tar mean with Long -Life Foods newspaper for businessmen telling the full levels from kindergarten through grade 10 Will You Become One of the New (•*»'•) * Goers M O W> ate eittemeiy pleased wiin our long-Lite story of the Lynchburg miracle. This was University. Food n mm iuHtr as good as '<»*" iroian food A Beka Books ftano> Foutt iBusmest eaecutivei followed by Dr. Falwell's appearance on It is Dr. Falwell's conviction that A wide variety of Christian character building books FOOD MILLIONAIRES? I find tne taste and leiiu'e of Long-Life Food* the CBS evening news. Several Christian revival cannot come to America until there and curricula now used successfully by over 6.000 POWERFUL PROGRAMS magazines carried feature and cover stories is a genuine wave of Holy Spirit conviction. Christian schools around the world Materials and [oi\g-[ife poods TO HELP YOU SUCCEED supplies available for starting and operating your Our stall of experts m advertising, merchandising. on Dr. Falwell and these efforts to change But, he feels, there can be no real Holy Christian school. Books available for use at home or WHAT THEY ARE . . . sales promotion are dedicated to helping distributors succeed Methods include the moral fiber and fabric of this country. Spirit conviction until there is a national school — write for the A Beka Book catalog. HOW THEY CAN Professional Training Semma's Full Color television commercials 30 and 60 second radio Powerful MAKE YOU RICH newspaper and magazine ads Direct mail lists and There are new ways to get rich today Timely un­ mailers full color slide presentations Merchan­ common, that cater lo Ihe needs of millions of peo­ dising display systems Cassette sales motivation ple Here are products with incredibly powerful courses Colorful product promotion brochures . natural marketing forces behind them Created by Proven methods ot recruiting, training, motivating an e-perts with the trend of the times Time-saving the ground 'loor can be on their way to outstand organization Complete business and financial plan How To Build Now And high quality foods that can provide a bulwark for •ng rewards II you are interested in obtaining al Then, during the summer, both the families (hat seek safety security and enioyment the confidential tacts and feel you can qualify jn Manual of operations Program of recognition Save Up To 20% of life Foods for ihe schools and msiilutions ihe eluding ihe modesl mvesimeni in stock foi awards Field marketing consultants Customer ABC and CBS television networks sent food suppliers m a dozen heids The quality tnouiors and compensa* on for Sales Kits by prospecting system Complete sales demo kit with On Cost Of Construction Clip and Mail Today! answer IO millions who are upset by the rising cosi Representees a ^""•J^Ontoftnc* _.,__ .,d_ £_Jy ,Q use produc( and (asJef sampl9S <#• ot food with a corporaieeiecuiive will be arranged crews to Lynchburg to interview the pastor PLUS market research and new product develop­ Name ALL PURPOSES ment and learn more about the Thomas Road Long-Life Foods are packaged m quaniides lor m< Call or write today for the C.C.M. Address dividual and family and group needs They are Baptist Church. Subsequent features were available m small quantity packs for hikers camp­ r------i Brochure. C.C.M. Corporation, 7825 ers owners of recreational vehicles sailors | MAIL TO: FOOD INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION | City State Zip sportsmen Food so good inai usually a sample televised in August on the ABC World taste wins an unqualified OK Steady sales for I 6200 FORT AVE. Lynchburg, VA 24502 | Midlothian Pike, Richmond, VA 23235. daily use create good repeat volume Many feel I C Ptsass »tnd InfonTMtlon on your Long LIU Foodt. I News Tonight and on Nov. 19 on the thai a supply of these foods is the best insurance Requesting more information on: agamst want in unexpected times ol need . I'm Inlsrastsd In • posslbis distributorship In tnt Sunday night CBS "60 Minutes" program Phone: (804)320-6325 whether m unemployment disaster or scarcity FOOD stsis ot | D Pensacola Christian College I'm Intsrislod In working dlrsctly with your company In I GREAT OPPORTUNITY INVESTMENT islti In my city. I with Morley Safer. On the particular night Nationwide builders of churches and • Correspondence Courses Fortunes are made when mere is a basic need and the right people with the right answer Mis that ASSOCIATION of the "60 Minutes" program, this educational facilities. • A Beka Books need Food is Ihe most basic the one ihmq we 6200 Fort Ave. Mo salesman will call. must nave everyday regardless Those who television program enjoyed the largest recogmte ihe merits of this program and get m on Lynchburg, VA 24502 viewing audience of any program on the _M,,,,J._wr, 125 St. John Street • Pensacola. Florida 32503 HOME PMONE_ OFHCE PHONC. three networks during that week.

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A book club designed with you in mind... pR^ The Christian Bookclub for today's woman EL-JC-A91 Now you can join a book club which provides today's women I ', Box 282 Chappaqua, New York 10514 with the latest and most significant Christian books at dis­ counts up to 40%! You will save money on those books you yGS{ Enroll me as a new member in The Christian Book Club tor I want to read and own for yourself and, as a member, partici­ | today's woman. Send me the 4 books indicated by numbers below I pate in the unique, free, Bonus Book Plan. • and bill me only 99* plus packaging/mailing costs. I understand Now you can read the books everyone is talking about - the I that about every 4 weeks I will receive new book announcements | best-selling books by leading Christian authors which are rele­ I recommended by the Advisory Board. I need accept only 4 of Living Wan-1 ttfKle vant, important and pertinent to your life. these recommendations in a year's time to complete my member- Covered Hridxc The Christian Book Club Advisory Board*, all noted evangeli­ | ship and participate in the Bonus Book Plan. cals, recommend books which will give you a Christian per­ spective to contemporary women's concerns. I MAI COLOR CHOICbS cream, hiowu, autumn >yiW, mustaril.oran>u\iuUarkiiluc, powder hlui\ pine green, moss urea. You can select any four of the best-selling books featured on these pages for just 990. I ORDfcR K)RM iplva-C print elearlvl I'rtnts SKI bach I'lease seiul me the following prints ORDERS MUST lit PREPAID Sundiirduraiulvhttck to QIY I'RINI MAI COLOR PRICE •The Christian Book Club for today't woman Advisory Board: Shir­ I Name. ley Boone, Ur. Henry Brandt, Joni Eareckson, Madalene Harris, I IONI I'll, Dipt IC U'.O IK)X >IK,SYKlSVIIlt,Ml)2l7K4 Janice Hearn, Beverly LaHaye, Gail Magruder, Dr. Kenneth L. 1 Wilson. | Address. Mums ,._ Aililriss __ Order by phone for faster service: 800-431-1916 Room JC-11 I City. State. Zip. Ciiy Mate 7i|i Mil lesulents _Jd i% sales tax 1 1 ilu QUI wish m unlet now but please semi me a i.italon TIHE ChRisriAN Book Club for todaysWOI113n 40 Overlook Drive. Chappaqua. New York 10514 lOlAL 4 JOURNAL-CHAMPION JANUARY 26,1979 MANAGEMENT POSITIONS The Thomas Road Baptist Church and All persons interested in more in­ Related Ministries have announced a formation about these positions should search for qualified personnel for key contact Dr. Guillermin, as chairman of the management positions for the ministry OTGH executive committee. All inquiries CHI^STIAI^HEI^LD headquartered in Lynchburg, Va. involving the educational institutions Openings for highly professional should be directed also to Dr. Guillermin. employees also include teaching positions "We have established a highly- for todays busy Christian in the growing Liberty Baptist Schools, organized administration for the overall which are comprised of Liberty Baptist ministry as we carry out the New College, Liberty Baptist Seminary, Liberty Testament Church philosophy," at a Special Introductory Offer Bible Institute and Lynchburg Christian Guillermin said. "We're looking for people Academy. qualified as managers and administrators, Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin, president of for outstanding teachers and professors Liberty Baptist Schools, also serves as who can fulfill academic excellence." chairman of the executive committee for The philosophy of the Thomas Road the Thomas Road Baptist Church Baptist Church and Related Ministries is to Ministries. reach the world for Jesus Christ. "We must "Dr. (Jerry) Falwell's vision has always do that with this budding and growing been to reach the world for Christ and we organization but we need talented and have the responsibility to carry out the dedicated Christians in every area," Dr. designs that God has laid on his heart," Guillermin said. "The Lord has blessed Dr. Guillermin said. this ministry in every way with the per­ sonnel already on the staff. It is a blessing Four areas involving the Thomas Road Baptist Church/Old-Time Gospel Hour to see the manner in which our workers require the addition of 16 key people, have carried out their tasks." Guillermin said. Dr. Guillermin announced the positions available for TRBC as the following: Over in the educational institutions, the Liberty Baptist Schools president em­ phasized the continuing need for faculty KEY MANAGEMENT POSITIONS positions at Liberty Baptist College, Liberty Baptist Seminary, Liberty Bible Management (1)- Executive Commit­ Institute and Lynchburg Christian tee Member with Academy. responsibility for administrative ope­ rations. Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin announces Finance and Accounting (3)- Financial Systems COLLEGE and Planning Ana­ lyst; Internal Audi­ FOR A tor; Accounting Manager (experience WEEKEND ' in college account­ s> ing). 1978-79 Marketing Three exciting weekends for prospective Administration (6)- Director, Corresp­ 11 issues students on the new campus of Liberty ondence Programs; Baptist College. Director, Deferred for only Giving; Director, November 2-5,1978; February 15-18,1979; (Regular price 11 issues $7.97) Direct Mail Giving; April 5-8, 1979 Director, Special See the development of Liberty Mountain, visit Donors; Creative Coordinator; and classes, attend chapel, participate in activities, Subscribe today—at this special rate! You'll like the Christian Herald Magazine A9A001 Market Research Box 371, Chappaqua. N.Y. 10514 and see the Flames football, basketball, or Analyst. new look in Christian Herald. The editors are plan­ baseball team in action. Live in our dorms for Operations/ ning month after month of exciting articles designed Yes, I want to take advantage of this Special three days and nights while you make your Administration (5)- Director, Direct just for you—the busy Christian. Articles that not decision about college. • Introductory Offer. Send me the next 11 issues Mail Systems only will, inform and encourage you, but will also of Christian Herald for only $5.97. For complete information and registration Operations*; EDP Systems Develop­ point the way to Jesus Christ as the true Son of God. • Bill me later • Payment enclosed forms write: College for a Weekend Each issue is sure to help you in your many roles. ment Specialist*; Liberty Baptist College Buyer - heavily • News section • Self-Help articles Name P.O. Box 1111 experienced in Lynchburg, Virginia 24505 • Inspirational features • Special issues Address printed material; • Directories • Bible study guides Please write early, reservations are limited. Director, Publica­ • Book, record reviews • Daily devotions City Over 500 High School Juniors and Seniors attended this past year. tions; Construction Project Manager; • Sunday school lessons • Woman's page State Zip. Journalistic Writer. * heavy emphasis on direct mail THIS CASSETTE JAPE RECORDING WILL HELP YOU TO

# put Jesus First I ,

in yourwhe neighborhood!n you join us in sharing Gods word with others. You can do this right in your own home, among your friends, your colleagues, your neighbors. These are people God has uniquely placed in your life—people I may never reach without your help, because many of them don't watch Christian TV or listen to gospel radio. Once a week, I'll provide the Bible study on tape. You simply push the < • button on your player and listen along with everybody else. "But, Jerry," you might say. "I'm not a speaker. I cant preach, lead a class, or pray in public." You don't have to. All you do is invite the people and I'll do the rest. America's Weekly Bible CI THE OLD TIME GOSPEL... it's yours to share • MNNMMVNM today—right where you live. There's high excitement in Lynchburg, because we feel this could be one oi'our WHAT THE BIBLE TELLS US ABOUT THESE AND HUNDREDS OF nation's most effective outreaches -and perhaps the OTHER SUBJECTS WILL BE COVERED IN OUR WEEKLY CLASSES: greatest ministry opportunity of your lifetime. What it means to be born again. What the Bible says about Heaven. Join with me as host of America's Weekly Bible p Is the Bible the true word ol God? What Jesus teaches us about giving. Class. And together let's share God's word with those i CLIP AND RETURN What is meant by the rapture? Do Angels really exist? around us -all across America. We'll be glad to send i TO: AMERICAS WEEKLY BIBLE CLASS Can Christians sin in God's eyes? Should we believe in miracles? you more information, with no obligation. i P.O. Box 1111, Dept. A, Lynchburg, VA 24505 Why does God allow evil to exist? What happens to our souls when we die? i Name Age. How to overcome temptation. Are all human being born sinful? i Old Jesus claim to be God? Can saved persons ever be lost? i Street

By BRENDA EASTERLING would just have to wait for the communists pletely to God in Guam and asked Him to refugee camp as a blessing. Missionaries It is her dream to see Christian radic Jo.miU himplnn Staff Wrlttr to take over. It was then the Ameircans always keep my family together. We are moved into the camp and worked with programs which will reach out to the needs said they would provide everything for us together here, but I believe God will Vietnamese pastors to evangelize the of the Vietnamese in America. Because of to leave," said Ngan who asked God to continue to answer my prayer and save my refugees. Two of Ngan's sisters and a the war, many families are scattered. Ngan Hoang. Twenty-five. A native of keep her family together. family so we will be together in heaven brother were saved and, after four months Several Vietnamese churches have begun in southeast Asia. In fact, her native land is At first, Ngan's mother wanted to stay too," Ngan said. at the camp, Ngan left to attend school at America in an attempt to unite the families Vietnam. She was one of the fortunate. She Eastern College in because in the Christian faith. escaped the onslaught of the communists in Vietnam and her father wanted to go. After Ngan's family left Guam, they Ngan did not know which would be best. were moved to Fort Chaffee Refugee Camp someone had sponsored her. The next from the north with her parents, seven month her family was sponsored and Ngan said it is no mistake her family brothers and sisters and an aunt. "We didn't know what we could do or how in Arkansas. Ten families lived together in we could live in a foreign country. I told military barracks where there was only one moved to Lynchburg. came to the United States. She knows God Ngan Hoang remembers April 29, 1975. the Lord that if we should leave to help us room per family. Ngan's family began to At LBC, she is majoring in accounting has a purpose for her life. That was the date for the loss of freedom leave together or if we should stay to let us wonder if they had made a mistake, if the and church ministries because she believes for Vietnam. But, the young Vietnamese, stay together. I didn't want my family to be new government in Vietnam might be the Lord will use this knowledge in the was able to leave her home knowing that divided like so many other families," Ngan better. future in some fulltime Christian service or She fears communism because of what God was with her because in 1973, she had said. Now, however, Ngan looks back to the Christian business. she has seen. heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On April 23, Ngan's mother was Today, Ngan Hoang lives in Lyn­ scheduled to leave Vietnam with only part chburg, Va., thanks to loving and kind of the family, but she missed the bus and missionaries who not only guided her to a they were rescheduled for April 29, the last Christian commitment but have continued day of freedom. KEY MANAGEMENT POSITIONS to aid and abet her in a new life in the United States. "We waited to be bused to the airport, but the bus never came because the NOW AVAILABLE IN She and her family settled in Lynchburg communists were bombing the airport. An and Ngan transferred to Liberty Baptist American supervisor told my father to take College in 1976 where she majors in ac­ us to the Saigon River. Everybody was THOMAS ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH counting and church ministries. When she scared and there were robberies. We first arrived in Lynchburg she became a wanted to pay a taxi to take us, but our AND RELATED MINISTRIES nurse's aide at Guggenheimer Hospital and money was no good. We parked our motor met Mrs. Betty Moore, a member of bicycles outside our father's office, and TOP QUALIFIED PEOPLE NEEDED Thomas Road Baptist Church. they were stolen. Finally, a rich In 1973, Ngan heard the Gospel of businessman let his driver take us to __ the Jesus Christ preached for the first time by riverbank," said Ngan whose family Management (1)- Executive Commit­ Donors; Creative Mennonite missionaries. "I couldn't accept escaped overnight into international waters tee Member with Coordinator; and myself as a sinner. Still, I didn't with thousands of other Vietnamese responsibility for Market Research accept Christ and I argued with them," aboard an American boat. administrative ope­ Analyst. said Ngan, whose mother worshiped her It was a long night to freedom. All guns rations. Operations/ ancestors had to be thrown overboard while a small Finance and Administration (5)-- Director, Direct - "I didn't believe what my mother armed boat followed beside the refugee Accounting (3)- Financial Systems Mail Systems believed, but I didn't think of myself as a boat. Ngan prayed without ceasing. She and Planning Ana­ Operations*; EDP sinner either. Then, the ship came saw planes fighting and watched as one got lyst; Internal Audi­ Systems Develop­ with missionaries and a chaplain's shot and dropped out to the night sky. She tor; Accounting ment Specialist*; daughter gave me a ticket and begged me to prayed for her family, their safety, their Manager (experience Buyer - heavily come to the theater where they were health, their lives. in college account­ experienced in preaching. At that meeting the Holy Spirit The next day everyone was hungry. In ing). printed material; explained to me clearly that I was a sinner, the rush the day before, Ngan's family had Marketing Director, Publica­ and that I needed Jesus Christ. I forgotten the food her mother had tions; Construction forward with two other girls." Administration (6)-- Director, Corresp­ prepared. A refugee lady on the ship gave ondence Programs; Project Manager; After Ngan realized Jesus Christ was some noodles to her two-year-old brother. Director, Deferred Journalistic Writer. the only God she could worship, Ngan Several rains fell, and there was no Giving; Director, witnessed to her mother. "But grandfather covering for their heads. The refugees were Direct Mail Giving; * heavy emphasis on overheard me and became really mad. He wet and cold as well as hungry. Director, Special direct mail believed in Confucius. So after that I was The American Navy's Seventh Fleet afraid to say anything about being a came to help out with food and shelter for Direct Inquiries To: Personnel Dept. TRBC and Related Ministries, Lynchburg, VA 24514 Christian," said Ngan who had school six 7,000 refugees and to take them to the days a week and often had homework or Philippines. After six days the over­ school meetings on Sundays rather than crowded vessel landed in the Phillippines church. where Ngan's family stayed overnight and Ngan's father retired after 25 years duty flew to Guam Island the next day. in the military in January 1975, and began Although Ngan was in Guam only three working for American diplomats. By days, it dawned on her there that God had March 10, 1975 most American troops had answered her prayer. Her family had Liberty Baptist College is now in the process of in­ left and financial aid to Vietnam was cut escaped together. It was a miracle, and it terviewing applicants for faculty positions for the off when sudden war broke out. "The proved to Ngan that her God was indeed communists were taking over provinces the true God. "I dedicated myself com­ 19/9-80 school year and needs people with doc­ and cities. On April 28 we were told no one was to be walking the streets for 24 hours. torates in the following areas: Everybody was scared. The city beside PASTORS AND BUILDING COMMITTEES Saigon was being bombed and we could hear it. A wagon went by our house filled > in tfciiM Wh«i i..u l\*i with dead bodies that were piled high. It C.C.M. Corporation. fU—J. B.M.., JCUU •«/ smelled terrible," Ngan told the Journal- CU.u. S.L& will show you how to save up to ENGLISH MUSIC BUSINESS 20% on construction cost. Call or write for Champion. brochure at address below. As communists infiltrated their SPEECH RELIGION TELEVISION-RADIO-FILM country, many Vietnamese fled their homes If you art • PASTOR. ASSOCIATE and encamped around Saigon. Because of PASTOR, or CHURCH STAFF MEMBER, you may be qualified to bra the fear of a mob, the city was shut off. On • C.C-M, Corporation reprsMnlativti, Earn extra income up lo S20O-S30O in one day. WILL NOT ttf lect your April 22, President Nguyen Van Thieu ministry dutie. or commitments No reportedly took alot of money and left the telling raquirad. * For information, call or wrilt: country. C.C.M. Corporation Direct Inquiries To: Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin, President, Liberty Baptist College, Lynchburg, VA 24514 7825 Midlothian Pike "When Thieu deserted us, we knew for Richmond. Virginia 23235 sure we had no leaders left and that we Ph: (6XM1320-6325 rLake of the Ozarks> Valuable Coupon Are you Alarmed Good for 30% discount off our regular rates. Have You Seen All Three by the TRENDS Water front Family Cottages Sandy Beach Marina Of Estus Pirkles of our Times? New Motel Store Camping $3.00 Fishing, boating Christian Films ? then See

Crows Nest Resort Rev. Estus Pirkle Rt. 1 Box 267 Don and Mary Roop and HEAR Sunrise Beach, Mo. Ph. (314) 374-7807 65079 Have you seen all three of Estus Pirkle's Christian films? Nearly 400,000 We also wish to rent to church people have been saved at the showings of these three films. groups year round. ^ J A number of people spend one day each week fasting ar\d praying that America - God's Hand will be on the showing of these films.

His first production "IF FOOTMEN TIRE YOU, WHAT WILL HORSES CHRISTIAN FAMILY DO?" was released in 1972. It shows the danger of Communism to our country Christ or Chaos? and what Christians can do about it. Over 50,000 have been saved at the Seeking middle aged couple for showing of this film; yet one of its greatest impacts has been on back-slidden interesting position in Philadelphia Christians. Tens of thousands of Christians have been made to see their need This beautifully illustrated message will present the Spiritual area. Duties include cooking, serving, of serving Christ through their local churches and have become active again approach to our civic needs. general housekeeping and some after seeing this shocking film. driving; no grounds work, no child care, From the Jamestown- no laundry. In addition to excellent "THE BURNING HELL", released in 1974, seeks to show the reality of Willimasburg area; the salary and full insurance benefits, you hell as much as it is possible to do so on film. This film is Biblical and has been used to reach hundreds of thousands. historical, cultural center of our will receive your own home, rent free. country, Dr. Jesse E. Bowman, This represents an excellent op­ will be challenging every portunity to be of service to a family American - actively engaged in an exciting, unique "THE BELIEVER'S HEAVEN" was released in 1977. Already thousands have been saved at its showings and many Christians encouraged by it. The For CHRIST ministry. owner and producer, Estus W. Pirkle, has sought to show on film what the For CHURCH If you have appropriate experience Bible teaches about Heaven. Some people feel this is his best production. For COUNTRY and good references, call (215)525- These films are not permitted to be shown in theaters or on television. 2946 or write the Journal-Champion, Have Dr. Bowman in your church in person or rent the Video 3 Dept. AD, P.O. Box 1111, Lynchburg, Either of these films can be had tor showing in your church for a Cassette in A inch or Vi inch Betamax for $12.50 per VA 24514. love offering (minimum of $50.00) to help pay the cost of production and showing. to enable new films to be made. It interested in showing either of these films in your church contact Estus W. Pirkle; P.O. Box 80; Myrtle, Write or call (804) 565-0476 Mississippi, 38650. PHONE: 601-988-2219. This is a ministry of THE TRUMPET EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION (Filmed by the Ormond Organization, Nashville, .) P.O. Box 9 Lightfoot.Va. 23090 6 JOURNAL-CHAMPION JANUARY 26, 1979 rPR5BLER571 The following practical, SMITE TEAMS BUSY IN MISSIONS Bible-centered materials by Dr. Clyde Liberty Baptist College students, Supreme Court. fundamental Baptist churches teaching the Memphis, Tenn.; Raymond Cot'fman of M. Narramore can members of the various SMITE teams, Leading the SMITE Singers in Costa Word of God. Hence, startling statistics Hillcrest Heights, Md.; Faith Donley of change your life! were on the move in at least three places Rica is Dave Stanford, team director. pop up, such as this: four out of five Myerstown, Pa.; Carla Long of Reister- All 12 large book­ around the world during the Christmas and Having graduated from Baptist University marriages in England end in divorce. stown, Md.; Verle Binkley of Honolulu, lets for a special of America in Decatur, Ga., Stanford just The Eurica team's efforts include Hawaii; Howard Erickson of L'Anse, Dr Clyde Narramore New Year's season. price of Oiily S5. psychologist and Members of the International team of joined the staff of SMITE this past year. evangelism, strengthening the local church Mich.; Bjob Lugar of Lynchburg, Va.; Jim (usually $6) Christian leader SMITE Singers left Dec. 16 for Thailand in The 18 Latin team members will work there, and helping them increase their Stewart of London, Ontario; Julie Smith 1 ANXIETY Tht nagging Emotion mission outreach. of Springfield, Mo.; and Hope McLatnb of 2 FIVE IMINOS ABOUT MEN THAT Southeast Asia. Their ministry was to with missionaries Fred Crowe, Jeff Adams, WOMEN SHOULD KNOW Bill Tabor, Bud McCord and Jeff Meek in Eurica will be in schools and univer­ Dunn, N.C. 3 HOW TO MOTIVATE PEOPLE (Chlldien distribute clothing, food, Bibles, tracts, IndAdulUI Costa Rica. sities, will sing for the U.S. Navy staff of Both the Latin and Eurica teams will be < HOW TO PREVENT DIVORCE blankets and toys in the "pocket of 5 HOW TO PREVENT YOUR SON OR Latin team members are Don Benson of 800 at the U.S. Embassy Theater, perform using music and multi-media, but the DAUOHTER FROM BEING A HOMOSEXUAL poverty" of refugee people from Com­ 6 SEVEN THINGS I WOULD DO IF I WERE Grand Rapids, Mich.; Jana Brewer of outdoor concerts in town precincts such as SMITE Children's Ministry, directed by A PASTOR " munist persecution in Laos, Cambodia and 7 SEX PROBLEMS IThtlr ceuaee and Lynchburg, Vj,.; Mike Burchette of a town square, appear on a television Jan Euliss and Verle Binkley, will be used tolullont) Vietnam. They are scheduled to return on • SIX THINOS YOU SHOULO KNOW Jan. 10. Knoxville, Tenn.; Ted Chaplick of North program across the government owned on the England campaign only. ABOUT REBELLIOUS CHILDREN 9 TEN WAYS YOU CAN SHAPE A CHILD'S Olmsted, Ohio; Len Chayka of Niles, British Broadcasting Corporation network, LIFE The Latin team of SMITE Singers left 10 THINGS THAT WORK AT OUR HOUSE N.Y.; Randy DeVaul of Lynchburg, Va.; and work the SMITE Children's Ministry. LBC Evangelistic Team INariamoie Family) Jan. 3 for the city San Jose, Costa Rica, and surrounding areas. Eighteen team James DuBois of Clearwater, Fla.; Mike The SMITE Children's Ministry allows Visits 16,000 Homes in 1978 All 10 BOOKLETS (Postage included) .. $5 members will stress missions involvememt Hall of Huntington, W.Va.; Beth Mellema team members a chance to break up and The Liberty Baptist College Evangelistic Team made of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Cheryl Moore execute a program called "Holiday Bible 1978 a busy and fruitful year. Through their LIFE-CHANGING CASSETTES and evangelism in local churches. They also will hold city-wide of Memphis, Tenn.; Vicki Mulkey of Times" in two different areas of England ministry, the team saw 269 people saved and 578 life- • MARRIAGE LOOKING BEFORE LEAPING $5 Denton, Tex.' Donna Smith of Madision for five days each. changing decisions for Jesus Christ. A total of C THE HEALINGOF YOUR MEMORIES $5 evangelistic meetings in civic auditoriums; 16,000 homes were visited by team members in 1978. • UNDERSTANDING WHY I FEEL AND ACT AS I DO $5 minister in colleges, universities, and high Heights, Va.; Eddie Nicholson of Tupelo, Eurica will be working with coor­ Miss.; Jeff Sapp of Parkersburg, W.Va.; The team travels on weekends throughout the TOTAI school assemblies; plus appear on 45- dinating missionaries John Tangle, Forrest school year, conducting soul-winning seminars and Ed Hoagland of Canton, Pa.; and Annita Tuter and Don Cavin. week-end evangelistic meetings. During the 1979 Please check boxes above and SEND TOD A V TO minute to one-hour-long television programs beamed nationwide. DeVilbiss of Mexico City, Mexico. Gil Vining is the director of the Eurica summer months, the team will be traveling Dr. Clyda M. Narramore team. He is a graduate of Liberty Baptist throughout the U.S., holding nightly evangelistic Narramora Christian Foundation The Latin team also is scheduled to The Convair 240 transporting the Latin services. The summer ministry will include Oapt. F have an audience with the president of team to Coast Rica will be manned by Tim College and joined the SMITE staff this preaching, gospel music, and youth seminars. Box 5000 year. Roaamaad, California 91770 Costa Rica, his cabinet and the Costa Rica Vaughan, pilot; Gary Swafford, co-pilot; The team consists of LBC students Harold and Jan Rowe, flight attendant. Vaughan, Mike Hopkins and Dave Early. Gil will be assisting Dale Peterson, who Vaughan will graduate from LBC in May 1979. Christian The Latin team is scheduled to return is director of SMITE. He is a student called to be an evangelist. His desire Businessmen Seeking on Jan.15. is to be used of God to call a world of lost men and The "Eurica" SMITE team left for women to Jesus Christ and to revive churches and Financing The Eurica team members are Lon ft PASTORS, England Dec. 29 to visit greater London, call them back to God. He is a soulwinner and has ASSOCIATE PASTORS (703)473-3277 Caterham, Coventry and Manchester. Barclay of Hampton, N.H.; Leonard been active in Christian service ministries in nursing wAN D CHURCH STAFF MEMBERS Call (703)366-7310 Some 33 SMITE team members are on this Bradford of Berlin, N.J.; Dale Brown of homes, jails, Word of Life Clubs, youth rallies, revivals, and evangelistic crusades. Earn Extra Income of trip. Altoona, Pa.,; Mike Carper of Quincy, 111.; Vicki Clemens of Pottstown, Pa.; Mike Hopkins is a junior majoring in sacred 0 Up to $200-$500 in One Day The England mission is perhaps the Debbie Curwin of Parma, Ohio; Joe music at LBC. Last year, Mike took a year off from "ONCE SAVED, his education to travel with the LBC Singers. This No selling required. CCM Corporation 9aves most challenging and yet the most Hagley of Huntington, W.Va.; Kim ALWAYS SAFE" depressing of the trips. Although Great summer he will be providing the special music for the churches on construction co9ts. Represen­ This book has 4 chapters "A Child of God Can Kunkle of Cumberland, Md.; Ruth LBC Evangelistic Team. After graduation he plans Ntrtr Bt loet," "A Child of God Should Liva Britain is the land of our forefathers - to travel and sing in a life-long ministry. tatives needed in many cities throughout the Holy." "Saved Paopla Do Sin." and "What Newton of Lorrain, Ohio; Kathy USA. If interested write or call CCM Cor­ Happana Whan a Savad Panon Sins?" Send a including such "spiritual" forefathers as Odend'hal of Lexington, Va.; Chris Dave Early is a sophomore at LBC studying dollar bill and rtcahra this booh, PLUS 4 oih youth work. He is an Ohio all-state wrestler and an poration, 7825 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, en: "Whtn a Naw World B«|ins." "Heaven, George Muller, George Whitefield and Sanders of Hollywood, Fla.; Dianne Hall and Salvation," The Biassed Hope o( amateur artist. He is experienced in the bus ministry VA 23235 Phone: (804)320-6325. Christ's Return." and "Do We Live After Charles Spurgeon - it is also a land which Scheetz of Woodstock, Va.; Eric Sims of Death'" full lenfth Bible messatasl ALL 9 and in children's work. He spent the summer of 1978 books for ontv $1.00! Send this ad and a dol­ woefully lacks leaders such as these today. Merritt Island, Fla.; Kevin Stephens of as an associate preacher on an evangelistic team in lar bill with your name and address to England. J- iAyent Jfn .\niif Six million people live in the heart of Kansas City, Mo.; Terrry Wallace of South John L. Bray Dept. JC London. On any given Sunday one quarter The LBC Evangelistic Team is presently P.O. Bo« 509 Bend, Ind.; Maria Wilson of Clinton, Lakeland. Flurida 33802 of one per cent of those six million attend Ohio; Jan Euliss of Lynchburg, Va.; Patty scheduling meetings for the spring and summer of any kind of church at all. There are few Balliet of Bonney Lake, Wash.; Jane 1979. These young men may be contacted at Liberty Baptist College, Christian Service Office, P.O. Box Stowell of Santa Rosa, Cal.; Phil Greer of 1111, Lynchburg, VA 24514.


Young people interested in enrolling at Liberty Baptist College for the school year 1979-80 should make application immediately. Without question, this will be our greatest year of growth. All inquiries should be addressed to: Director of Admissions LBC Lynchburg, VA 24514 LBC is a liberal arts school. Majors in many different areas are available. The school now has candidate's status for accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Liberty Baptist Seminary is a graduate school n theology. Applications are also now being accepted by the Liberty WEBSTER'S Baptist Seminary for all persons wishing to do graduate work in a fundamentalist seminary. Encyclopedia of Dictionaries The Thomas Road Bible Institute has changed its name. The new name is Liberty Bible Institute. Dr. Harold New American Edition 12 Dictionaries in One Willmington, dean, urges all prospective students to contact him as soon as possible.

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CHRISTIAN TRAVEL Liberty Mountain Miracle Continues BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY More than 1,000 students are now the second semester," Guillermin said. Christian Individuals needed for fast directly to Liberty. growing travel Industry. We are ex­ Liberty Mountain in Lynchburg, residing in the dormitories on Liberty The College basketball program, which panding this multl-mllllon dollar This is the miracle of Liberty Moun­ travel industry in your area. Learn Virginia is a virtual beehive of activity. Mountain campus. Several hundred others has been renting public school gymnasium how you can qualify to travel free tain. It is a continuing miracle. In January and earn good money. Travel to Liberty Baptist College is a center of are living in the downtown campus. No facilities for many years, will begin using Hawaii, Europe, Orient, Caribbean learning. Hundreds of students are learning 1979, two yars after the first spade of and around the world. 50% of our students are living on Treasure Island at the Liberty Mountain gym in February, Dr. escorts are women. Husband and God's Word and how to carry it out to the ground was moved on the 3,500 acres this time. Treasure Island, besides func­ Guillermin said. wife teams work great. world. Since LBC is a liberal arts college, called Liberty Mountain, nothing has been tioning as a children's camp for the The campus has taken on the ap­ Your cash Investment of $6,995 the same in the Christian world. Includes all expense paid seminars may of these young people will not be Thomas Road Baptist Church, ac­ pearance of a thriving city. The roadways in a major United States city and preachers dr missionaries. While our College enrollment has been training overseas or Hawaii, plus commodates the athletic requirements of have been paved with asphalt, curbs and Inventory and supplies. Applicants Some will be going into the field of booming, so has the construction and the the Liberty Baptist College football gutters have been installed and landscaping will be interviewed individually. Part- business. Others will eventually take their development of the Mountain project. At program. is to be completed during the next few time and full-time people needed. For complete details to see If you place in the educational field. Some will be this moment, 20 buildings are either The gigantic tent which was used by the months. qualify for this most rewarding op­ completed or under construction. portunity call WORLD TOURS, going into television, radio and film. college on the Mountain campus during the Liberty Baptist College students are INC., Toll Free — 1-800-824-78B8, Presently, there are over 20 majors which Fourteen dormitories have been first semester of the 1978-79 school year finding life on Liberty Mountain Operator 470. young people may pursue. This number is completed. Two additional two-story has been taken down. "We are happy with stimulating and the atmosphere is such that increasing every year. dormitories are under construction. As the construction of the gymnasium which the student body can study and enjoy • One day, the Liberty Bapitst School God provides the funds, we desperately will provide for our chapel program during collegiate life. system will be a Christian university. We need to finish those two buildings in the are asking God to help us develop an near future. We are asking our friends to educational institution where any Christian pray with us about this. boy or girl can attend, regardless his or her Two classrooms buildings have been vocational pursuits. completed. One is a science building. The Postet; • One day, a young man seeking to other is a general education building. Each Full Color-on "Christian Atti­ building has 28,800 square feet of floor tudes". Samples to Churches: AWANA become an attorney will be able to spend Bible Posters, P.O. Box 126-J his first four years at Liberty studying pre­ space. A third building of the exact size is Smyrna, TN 37167 law. A young doctor in the making will be under construction. This is a fine arts able to do the same. In other words, we are building. We also desperately need to CLUBS asking the Lord to help us develop such a complete this building. The supply of funds diversified program which would determines the pace at which this building Now you ultimately mean every young person who can be erected. ar*^ bring Christ to loves Christ could leave high school and go A gymnasium will be occupied on Feb. can hear 1. It will provide space for athletic events t " '*! boys and girls and will serve as an academic building for The New the physical education needs of Liberty At Liberty Baptist College, Dr. Baptist College. Testament... Centered in the Gospel of the Grace of God Guillermin is seeking applicants for faculty A fourth classrooms building is also positions for the 1979-80 school year. needed. Although construction has not The Bible-believing churches' most evangelistic Qualified faculty members are sought with begun on this edifice, much prayer is being outreach earned doctorates from accredited in­ offered in regards to the provision of funds 3?rlr stitutions in English, speech, music, for the beginning of this project. Likewise, >a Provides entrance into unsaved homes religion, business and television-radio-film. seven two-story dormitories are actually HA* v" Address all inquiries to Dr. A. Pierre needed before 1979 is history. The college l HlrneJ ii he that readetb, and Makes an ideal gift! Most effective outreach to build the Sunday School Guillermin, P.O. Box 1111, Lynchburg, is growing so rapidly that we find ourselves thev that bear the u-nrJi of this • Think of alt tha people besides prophecy and keep the tbin%t Va. 24514. facing a restriction of enrollment if these you'sell *ho would t'uly appreciate which are written therein. Hev.l 3 this popular album as a gift buildings are not provided. God madt tht world by the worth Geared to assist the local churches' ministry husbands, wives, that He spoke The Bible, the writ­ f The present enrollment of the four ten Word of God, comes alive in a parpnts, grandparents :h!ldren dynamic way when it it spoken relatives and friends Liberty Baptist Schools is 3,540. Dr. A Now1 Because o* cassette tape Six separate programs for grades kindergarten • For all those special occasions technology, you are able to hair buthdays. Mother's and Father's Pierre Guillermin, president, is expecting a the Words of Lift that Jesus spoke JOIN AS day. graduations, weddmqs. anm through high school and feel the creative power of the versai>es, Easter and of course large influx of new students in the fall of spoken Word of God. Chnstfuas Can you think o' a 1979. A total 2,229 of these students are 7 FAITH PARTNERS The King James Version of the finer gift SEND FOR FREE INQUIRY PACKET enrolled in the college. The remainder are entire New Testament is profession Important Price $ 1 Q95 ally recorded on 12 high quality, Breakthrough. 1 S in the Seminary, Bible Institute and low noise - high output cassette NAME TODAY tapes Thev are contained in a • Remember — even though we aie Academy. beautifully padded leatherette ottering thit deluxe set at a break ADDRESS album in rich Morrocan red, which through price, il is one of the finest on the market and is fully guar an has a graphic gold-stamped etching CITY STATE L ZIP. "We are pleased with the growth of our leed There's a 30 day money back enrollment," Guillermin said. "We an­ on the cover. guarantee if not completely satis NAME OF CHURCH 1 Hearing the ipokan Bible will in lied So mail the coupon below ADDRESS OF CHURCH ticipate an additional 25 per cent next year spire your devottonals and your today to place your order Allow 4 weeks for delivery Please pray with us for the enlistment and we are planning our construction to understanding of the scriptures "MAIL NO RISK COUPON TODAY- D PLEASE SEND ME THE INQtN of these 100,000 new Faith Partners. meet the rising needs of students." CKET BIBLE TAPES Dept. 7 • 5564 Rising Sun Ave . Philadelphia. Pa. 19120 AWANA YOUTH ASSOCIATION _Ait>umtW$t9 9S $_ International Headquarters Message from the Editor 3215 Algonquin Road Dear Readers: M«!«r Ch«fg* $_ If you have enjoyed your copy of ihe Journal-Champion, tell a friend about it. Give him or her one of the subscription Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008 f .0 Oil*

coupons and encourage them to become a part of the family. It will help you and us. rrfua Sir* /»« .HHU.HJ IVlJll :T

MEN AND WOMEN, HERE'S HOW TO MAKE MONEY.- AND TRAVEL FREE! ISRAEL • HAWAII • EUROPE • SPAIN • BIBLE LANDS THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY THE TOUR HOST CONCEPT Growing at the rate of 15 per cent yearly, the dynamic Travel Industry has barely Until now, the Tour Host Concept has generally been a well-kept secret by the touched the surface of its potential. Soaring at this level of expansion, industry travel industry with only three professional groups being invited to host tours. experts are predicting it will soon move from its Number 2 position and become These three groups were ministers, educators, and officers of civic, social and the Number 1 industry in America. fraternal organizations. During the last several years Genesis Tours and their Travel Sales Represen­ People are travel-happy! It's exciting to be connected and working in this tatives have used this innovative concept to enlist thousands of people to travel booming field. Look at these figures: Over 30 per cent of this year's tourist worldwide. As our Travel Sales Consultant the direct marketing of passengers flying overseas have rarely been more than 500 mles from home. The dollar will be a bright new world offering you the opportunity to earn a substantial volume in travel is doubling every five years. yearly commission and the opportunity for FREE travel to Hawaii, Holy Land, Orient, Caribbean, Europe Central and South America. As a Travel Sales Representative you are not selling just a product. You are Ministries in your area will welcome an opportunity to lead a group of providing adventure, excitement, fun and memorable experiences! Year after passengers to the Holy Land. When you show them how easy it is to earn a year, good years and bad, leisure time is increasing -- incomes get hgher, FREE tour enrolling only five passengers they will agree to become a Tour Host. vacations longer, work weeks shorter, retirements earlier. Teachers, especially from local high schools, will be thrilled to take a group of All this adds up to opportunity for you. And opportunity doesn't always knock students to Europe during Spring break or Summer vacation. As a Tour Host twice. they earn a FREE tour enlisting only ten students. WHY WE NEED YOU Most major U.S. automobile makers have the resources and know how to TO: GENESIS TOURS, INC. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY establish their own dealerships on a national basis. Yet, in every case, they totally 717-8th STREET S.E. depend on independent dealers to market their new cars and provide services to the CAPITOL HILL OFFICE "HOW TO MAKE MONEY... consumer. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20003 Genesis Tours, Inc. operates on the same philosophy. We use the same ap­ 1-800-446-7831 ANDTRAVELFREE!" proach of establishing an independent Travel Sales Representative network in order to create national representation for our tours, serviced by people who have a vested interest in their own business. We know YOU will perform far more ef­ Gentlemen: fectively when vou have an investment in your own business. And your total in­ Yes, I would be interested in being a Travel Sales Representative in vestment as a Genesis Tours Travel Sales Representative is only $6,950. Not only my area. Please send me your Confidential Interview Application does your investment of $6,950 give you all the materials you need to open your own Tour business but it also includes an accelerated Training Seminar at one of our immediately to see if I qualify. regional locations and an 11-day, 9-night Executive Luxury Training Seminar and Tour of Israel. Genesis Tours needs you to begin a Travel Sales Representative business in your area immediately.


West Orange 4:30 PM NEW YORK I Mil Idling 590 WI.VA-AM 7:00 PM Wauchula dues.) HOPE-CBL-7 7:IKI PM W I VG-68 Babylon II In WNVC-AM 7:00 AM (.Sunday Only) West Palm Beach WPEC-12 6:30 AM NEW MEXICO DAILY RADIO LOG Buffalo JK).5 WDCX-FM I 30 PM I tuihbuig inn 1 WWOD-FM 8:00 AM GEORGIA Farmingliiu klVA-12 8 00 AM Syracuse I Mo WYRD-AM 11:00 AM Lynchburg 100.1 WWOD-FM 0:00 PM Atlanta WANX-Iti 8:IHI AM Roswell KBIM-10 9:00 AM (Monday Thru Friday) Troy 1330 WHAZ-AM 9:00 AM Petersburg 1290 WPVA-AM 18:00 PM Atlanta WSB-2 7:00 AM NEW YORK Portsmouth 1010 WPMH-AM 9:00 AM Augusta 9:30 AM WA I U-20 Albany WAS I 13 6:311 AM Richmond l4lo WGGM-AM 8:30 AM Augusta W)BF-6 8:00 AM Albemarle 1010 WABZ-AM 10:45 AM Biiighaiulon WRNG-12 7:30 AM Roanoke 1550 WKBA-AM 10:00 AM Columbus WTVM-9 10:30 AM Albemarle 100.9 WABZ-FM 10:45 AM Buffalo WGR-2 8:30 AM ALABAMA Wini hester 102.5 WEFG-FM 4:30 PM Columbus WYEA-38 9:30 AM 9:IHI AM Beaufort WBMA-AM 11:30 AM llinii.i WENV-SH H nn AM Abbeville WXLF.-FM Macon WCWB-41 8:30 AM (Sun) Chapel Hill 1530 WKBX-AM 9:00 AM WASHINGTON New York (Sal.) WPIX-II 10:00 AM Macon WMAZ-13 9:00 AM Birmingham 93.7 WI)JC-FM 1 mi PM Charlotte 1310 WHVN-AM 0:45 AM llellingham 1550 KOQI-AM 12:30 PM Plallshurg WPIZ-5 7:30 AM Quint y 1370 Savannah WSAV-3 H on AM Birmingham 1480 WLPH-AM 7:00 AM Gastonia 1420 WGAS-AM 12:30 PM KWNC-AM 7:00 AM RIM hester WOKR-IS 7:30 AM Seattle 93 3 Hunisville 95.1 WNDA-FM 12:30 PM Greensboro 950 WPET-AM 10 30 AM KBLE-FM 12:15 PM HAWAII Si hettet lady Cable-11 8:IHI PM Mobile 1550 Seattle 800 WM(X)-AM 1:30 PM Greenville 1550 WBZQ-AM 7:30 AM kOJN-AM 8:00 AM Honolulu WHON-2 8:00 AM (Moo.) Montgomery 800 7:15 AM Spokane 98.9 WMOV-AM High Point I07n WGOS-AM 9:00 AM KICN-FM 12:30 PM S\ 1 at use WIX I -9 9:30 AM Tuscaloosa 105.5 6:50 PM WACI-FM WE1.SAM 9:00 AM Spokane 98.9 KICN-FM 10:00 PM IDAHO I) ilia Wk I V-2 Him AM Tuscumhia 106.3 12:05 PM Kinston 1010 Sumner Boise-Nampa KTVI-6 10:00 AM WRIG-FM WSIS-FM 7:00 PM kl)FL-FM 8:30 AM Walerlown WWNY-7 10:00 AM Laurinburg 9H.5 Yakima 1390 BoiseNampi (Wed.) KIVI-6 •T2:(HI AM ALASKA WLXN-FM 11:30 AM KBBO-AM 2:00 PM 9:30 PM Lexington 94.1 Pocatello KPVI^i 9:00 AM NORTH CAROLINA Fairbanks 970 KIAk-AM WPAQ-AM 2:00 PM Nome 850 KICY-AM 9:30 PM Mt. Airy 740 Pocatello KPVI-6 •12:00 AM Charlotte WCCBI8 |0:(HI PM North Pole 1170 KINP-AM 10:30 AM Raleigh 1000 WKBU-AM 1030 AM Beckley 99.5 WBKW-FM 11:30 AM (Wed.) Charlotte WSOC-9 6:30 AM WWMO-FM 12:00 AM North Pole 100.3 kJNP-FM 10:30 AM Reidsville 102.1 Charleston 1410 WSCW-AM 9:30 AM I win Falls KMVT-ll 7:00 AM Durham (Sat.) WP I F-28 10:30 AM Reidsville 102.1 WWMO-FM 7:45 AM Charleston linn ARIZONA WVRC-AM 11:30 AM Greenville WNCI-9 8:00 AM Rose Hill 710 WKGG-AM I 1:30 AM ILLINOIS Flagstaff 93.9 KCIB-FM 9:00 AM Huntington 107.9 WFMM-FM 10:00 AM Hickory WHkY-14 8:00 AM 11:30 AM Champaign 9:00 AM Phoenix 1010 KXEG-AM 1 1 nn AM (Saturday) Ravfiiswood l:lnn WMOV-AM 12:30 PM WCIA-3 High Point WGHP-8 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Phoenix 1010 KXEG-AM 9:30 PM (Sunday Only) 11:00 AM Richwood BOO WVAR-AM 11:00 AM WC1U-26 New Bern WCII-12 I0:(HI AM Chicago 8:00 PM (Sunday Only) 5:30 PM Wilson 1350 WI.LY-AM 9:00 AM St. Albans I'tun Wkl.C-AM 12:00 PM WCFC-38 Wilmington WWAY-3 10:30 AM 8:00 AM (Sunday Only) 2:00 AM Winston-Salem 1550 WPGD-AM 11 30 AM Welch 1340 WXEE-AM 9:25 AM Chicago WSNS-44 Tucson Oil.5 KFMM-FM 11:30 AM Chicago WSNS-44 0:00 PM NORTH DAKOTA NORTH DAKOTA WISCONSIN Harrisburg WSI1.-3 9:00 AM Bismarck KFYR-5 7:(MI AM ARKANSAS KDI.R-FM 7:00 PM Devils Lake 96.7 Relnil I inn WGEZ-AM 6:30 PM Peoria WMBD-31 9:00 AM Bismarck kXMB-12 9:30 AM De Witt 1470 KUEW-AM 1:00 PM KLTC-AM 7:00 PM Hot Springs 1063 1:00 PM Dickinson 1460 Manitowat 1240 WOMT-AM 6:30 PM Quim \ . WGEM-10 7:30 AM Devils Lake (Sal.) WDAZ-8 12:00 Noon KXOW-FM KNDR-FM 9:30 PM Jacksonville 100.3 8:30 AM Mandan 104 M' II,,nn,mi 92.1 WMFM-FM 9:30 AM WIVO-17 7:00 AM Dickinson kDIX-2 9:30 AM KCMR-FM KEYZ-AM 7:00 PM Little Rixk IIKNI KAAY-AM 4:30 AM Williiton 1360 Milwaukee 540 WYLO-AM 11:00 AM Rockford WQRF-39 9:30 PM Fargo (Sal.) WDAY-6 12:00 Noon Little KiKk 1050 kSOH-AM 12:00 PM Wausau 1230 WXCO-AM 6:30 PM Fargo-Grand Forks klHIll X nn AM Little Rock 1050 KSOH-AM 4:30 PM INDIANA Minot kXMC-13 9:30 AM Magnolia 107.9 WYOMING Evansville 9:00 AM KFMV-FM 8:30 AM OHIO W EH 1-25 Williiton MOII, ii. I5ti0 Cheyenne 1370 KXMD-ll 9:30 AM KBIB-AM 8:30 AM Canton 98.1 WIOF-FM 12:3(1 AM KSHY-AM 8:00 AM Evansville WTVW-7 • 11:30 PM Nashville 1260 10:05 AM OHIO KBHC-AM Castalia 97.7 WGGN-AM 8:30 PM WEST INDIES Fori Wayne WANE-15 H:(MI AM Pine Bluff 1590 10:30 AM Akron WAKR-23 7:00 AM KYOE-AM WCKY-AM 5:00 AM Roseau Dominica 1060 ZGBC-AM 7:15 PM Indianapolis WHMB^O 12:00 PM Cincinnati 1530 Akron CALIFORNIA Cincinnati 1050 WZIP-AM 8:00 AM Indianapolis WHMB-40 9:30 PM WAKR-23 11:00 AM Canton (I hurs.) Alturas 570 KCNO-AM 5:30 PM Fairfield 1560 WCNW-AM 11:00 AM Indianapolis (Sat.) WTTV-4 8:00 AM WJAN-17 8:00 PM Fremont 104.0 KFMR-FM 8:30 AM Miamisburg 93.7 WFCJ-FM 7:30 PM 1 ..l.l'v. II, WLFI-18 9:00 AM Cincinnati WXIX-19 8:00 AM Fresno 1510 KIRV-AM 8:45 AM South Bend WHMK-46 4:00 PM Cincinnati WXIX-19 1 I ;00 PM (Dayton) Modesto ''.'ii KLOC-AM 10:30 AM OLD-TIME GOSPEL HOUR South Bend WHME-46 9:00 PM Cleveland-Parma WUAB-13 7:30 AM Oxnard 98.3 11 nn AM Parma 1000 WSUM-AM 1:30 PM KDAR-FM South Bend 8:00 AM Columbus WBNS-10 7:30 AM Oxnard 98.3 11:00 PM Portsmouth 104.1 WPAY-FM 9:00 AM TELEVISION LOG WSBT-22 KDAR-FM Dayton Pasadena 107.1 10:00 AM Portsmouth 104.1 WPAY-FM 9:00 PM (Beginning 4-29-79 WHIO-7 7:00 AM KMAX-FM Pomona 1220 mm AM WGOR-AM 10:00 AM (Sunday - Unless Otherwise Noted) Until 10-21-79 7:00 AM Lima WLIO-35 7:00 AM K LIT-AM Toledo 1520 Sacramento 10:30 PM I erre Haute WTWO-2 7:00 AM Steubenvillc WSTV-9 7:00 AM kRAk-AM Toledo 1520 WGOR-AM 6:30 PM San Diego Hon 5:30 AM Youngstown WYTV-SS in nn AM XEMO-AM Xenia 1500 WGIC-AM 3:30 PM IOWA San Diego 800 4:00 PM Ynungstown WY'TV-33 7:00 AM San Francisco 1100 XEMO-AM 8:00 PM OKLAHOMA Cedar Rapids KCRG-9 8:00 AM KFAX-AM ALABAMA Ardmore 92.1 KRRO-FM 7:00 PM Dubuque KDUB-40 8:00 AM OKLAHOMA COLORADO Anniston (Sat.) WHMA-40 11:00 PM kVYI.-AM 1:00 PM Oitumwa KTVO-3 11:00 AM Ardmore kXII-12 7:30 AM Arvada 1550 KQXI-AM 1:30 PM Holdeuville 1370 Birmingham WAPI-13 8:110 AM KQCV-AM 4:30 PM Sioux City KTIV-4 10:00 AM Tulsa KOTV-6 7:00 AM Brighton 8IKI KBRN-AM 7:30 AM Oklahoma City 800 Dothan WTVY-4 9:30 AM KCFO-FM I 1:30 AM Colorado Springs 105 KWYD-FM 12:15 PM Tulsa 98.5 Florence WOWL-15 8:30 AM KANSAS OREGON 9:00 PM Colorado Springs 105 KWYD-FM •10:30 PM Ensign k I VC-6 9:30 AM Bend KTVZ-21 7:30 AM 9:30 AM OREGON Huntsville WAAY-31 Denver 10(10 K A AT-AM Ashland 1350 kl)OV-AM 8:05 AM Mobile WALA-10 9:00 AM < -<„ ,,11,111,1 KLOE-10 8 00 AM Eugene KEZI-9 7:00 AM DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Eugene 94.5 KBMC-FM 9:00 PM Montgomery WCOV-20 10:30 PM Hays KAYS-7 8:00 AM (1-7-79 10 8-26-79) Washington 1220 WFAX-AM 1:00 PM Portland 93.7 KPIXJ-FM 10:1X1 PM Selma WSLA-8 10:15 PM Hutchinson KTVH-12 8:00 AM 6:00 AM 7:00 PM Washington 1220 WFAX-AM Tuscaloosa (Sat.) WCFI-33 in nn PM Topeka WIBW-13 I I no AM (9-2-79 to 12-30-79) FLORIDA Mcdford KTVL-10 7:00 AM Coral Gables 98.3 WCLY-FM 8:30 AM Portland KPTV-12 7:00 AM Crcstview 1010 WCNU-AM 10:30 AM Crystal River 98.5 WRYO-FM 9:30 AM PENNSYLVANIA De Funiak Springs 1280 WGTX-AM 12:00 PM Allentown WFMZ-69 8:00 PM Dc Funiak Springs 103.1 WQUH-FM 12:00 PM Altoona WTAJ-10 8:00 AM Ft. I .in11,iil.iI, 1520 WEXY-AM 12:00 PM Erie WICU 12 7:(MI AM Ft. I ..m11niI.ill- 1190 WAUS-AM 12:15 PM Harrisburg WHP-21 •11:30 PM Ft. Myers 95.3 WSOR-FM 8:30 AM Johnstown WJAC-6 8:00 AM Jacksonville 1530 WCRJ-AM 11:30 AM Johnstown WJNL-19 11:00 AM Largo 800 4:00 PM WSST-A.M Johnstown WJNL-19 10:00 PM Orlando 1520 WTLN-AM 11 nn AM Lebanon WLYH-15 9:00 AM Orlando 95.3 WTLN-FM 11 nn AM Pensacola oil) WHYM-AM 6:30 AM Philadelphia WTAF-29 9:30 PM St. Petersburg 1110 WTIS-AM 9:30 AM Pittsborgh (Sal.) WPGH-53 8:00 AM Tallahassee 1330 6:30 AM Pittsburgh WPIT-22 10:00 PM Tampa 1300 WCVC-AM WSOL-AM 11 Mill AM Scranton WNEP-16 7:30 AM GEORGIA York WSBA^IS 9:00 AM Atlanta 1550 WYNX-AM 11:00 AM SOUTH CAROLINA (See Smyrna) Charleston WCSC-5 9:00 AM Augusta 1050 WAUG-AM 11:00 AM Columbus 1270 WHYD-AM 12:30 PM Columbia WLIX-19 8:00 AM Dawson 92.1 WDWD-FM 8:00 AM Florence WBTW-tS 10:00 A.M, Dawson 92.1 WDWD-FM 9:00 AM Greenville WGGS-16 8:30 PM (Sunday Only) Myrtle Beach Cable 12 6:00 PM Decatur 1010 WGUN-AM 9:00 AM Spartanburg WSPA-7 10:00 AM Forsyth 100.1 WFNE-Fv* r ,^c-i M S nn AM Jesup 98.3 WSO|-FM 10:30 AM SOUTH DAKOTA WSOJ-F Florence KDLO-3 10:0(1 AM lesup 98.3 WSOJ-J-FF M 9:30 PM on 1240 8:30 AM Lead KHSD-ll 7:00 AM Mace WBMLTL-A- M Smyrna 1550 WYNX-AM 11:00 AM Rapid City KOTA-3 7:00 AM Sylvester 1540 WOGA-AM 9:15 AM Reliance KPLO-6 10:00 AM ftaldost a 101.1 WAFT-FM 11 'In AM Sioux Falls KF.LO-11 10:00 AM HAWAII TENNESSEE Honolulu 870 KAIM-AM 1:00 PM Chattanooga (Sal.) WRIP-61 8:00 PM IDAHO Chattanooga WRIP-61 8:00 PM Boise 790 KSPD-AM 8:30 AM Chattanooga WTVC-9 10:00 AM ILLINOIS Crossville WCPT-55 9:00 PM Evanslon 1330 WEAW-AM 10:00 AM Johnson City WJHL-11 7:30 AM Highland Park 103.1 WVVX-FM 12:00 PM Knuxville WBIR-IO 10:30 AM Rockford 100.9 WQFL-FWQF M 11 :00 PM Knoxville WTVK-26 7:30 AM Springfield 104.5 IB-FM 8:05 PM WF\ Nashville- WTVF-5 7:00 AM (Sunday Only) 8:05 PM Nashville WZTV-17 9:00 PM INDIANA Evansville 105.3 WVHI-FM 4:30 PM TEXAS Hammond 99.3 WYCA-FM 1:30 PM Abilene klXS-12 8:(HI AM Indianapolis 1500 WBRI-AM 2:30 PM Amarillo kAMR-» 10:00 AM New Albany WOBS 2:30 PM Baytown (Sat.) CBL-3 I0:(H) PM Plainfteld 98.3 WARI-FM 8:30 AM Beaumont kBMT-12 9:00 AM Plainftcld 98.3 6:30 PM WAR I -FM Dallas kXI\-39 9:00 AM South Bend 103 10:00 AM WHME-FM Dallas KXIX-39 7:(HI PM W. Terre Haute 105.5 WWVR-FM 5:30 AM Houston kRIV-26 7:0(1 PM W. Terre Haute 105.5 WWVR-FM 3:00 PM KENTUCKY PENNSYLVANIA ALASKA Lubbock KLBK-IS 9:00 AM Hazard WKYH-57 12:0(1 PM Allentowu 92.1 WALN-FM 5:00 PM Anchorage KENI-2 2:(KI PM Odessa k<)SA-7 7:30 AM Lexington WLEX-18 7:00 AM IOWA Alttxma 103.9 WHGM-FM 11 1111 AM Fairbanks KFAR-2 1:30 PM Plainview ( Thurs.) kMWP-CBL-8 7:(HI PM Louisville WDRB-41 9:00 PM Cedar Rapids 104.5 klOF-AM 9:30 AM Boyeriowu 107.5 WBYO-FM 7:30 PM Haines Cable-4 I :(MI PM San Angelo kCTV-8 7:30 AM I i.l.n Rapids 104.5 klOF-FM 9:30 PM Butler 680 WISR-AM 10:00 AM Juneau KINY-8 8:00 AM LOUISIANA Waeo- I euiplc- kCEN-6 9:30 AM Centerville 98.7 KMGO-FM 10:45 AM Chester 740 WVCH-AM 1:00 PM Ketchikan KATV-C 10:30 AM Baton Rouge WAFB-9 10:45 PM Wiehila Falls kAUZ-li 7:30 AM Des Moines 97.3 KDMI-FM 9:30 PM Freehold 103.1 WACM-FM 8:00 AM Sitka KSA-C I :(KI PM Baton Rouge WRBI-33 7:30 \M Sioux City 103.3 KIFC-FM 11 :S0 AM Grecncastle 94.3 WKSL-FM 6:00 PM UTAH ARIZONA Monroe k LA A-14 I0:(HI PM Sioux City 103.3 KIFC-FM 7:00 PM Harrisburg 580 WHP-AM 8:30 PM Sail Take City kUIV-2 8:IMI AM Flagstaff KOAI-2 10:30 PM Monroe KNOE-8 10:00 AM Jenkiiilowu 103.9 WIBF-FM 2:00 PM KANSAS Phoenix KPAZ-21 7:00 AM Monroe KTVE-10 7:30 AM VERMONT Lancaster 94.5 WDAC-FM 2:00 AM Leavenworth 1410 KCLO-AM 3:00 PM Tucson KZAZ-ll 8:00 AM New Orleans WDSU-li 7:30 AM Builiiiglnn WEZF-22 7:(HI AM Lancaster 94.5 WDAC-FM 8:00 PM lopeka 1250 WREN-AM 11:00 PM Yuma kYEL-13 8:30 AM Shreveport KIAL-6 11:30 PM VIRGINIA Montrose 96.5 WPEL-F.M 9:30 PM Wichita 900 KSGL-AM 10:30 AM WVIR-29 9:00 AM Pittsburgh 730 WPIT-AM 3:15 PM ARKANSAS MAINE Charlottesville WHSV-3 7:00 AM KENTUCKY Red Lion 1440 WGCB-AM 6:00 AM El Dorado KTVE-10 7:30 AM Bangor WAB1-5 10:00 AM Harrisonburg W I kk-lki H nn AM Beattyvillc 102.3 WLJC-FM 1:05 PM Red Lion 90.1 WGCB-FM 6:00 AM Ft. Smith KFPW-40 9:00 AM Poriland-Poland Sp. WMTW-8 10:30 AM Manassas W lkk-t»i 9:(H) PM Bowling Green 930 WKCI-AM 7:00 PM Red Lion WINB-SW 2:30 PM Jooesboru KA1T-8 10:00 AM Presqoe Isle WAGM-8 10:00 AM Manassas Mechanic svillc Cablc-32 9:30 PM Erlanger 100.9 WHKK-FM 10:00 AM Scraniou 1320 WSCR-AM 9:30 AM Little Rock KATV-7 7:30 AM MARYLAND Norfolk WVEC-IS 8:IMI AM Hazard 101 1 WSGS-FM 11:00 AM Sharon 95.9 WFAR-FM 7:30 AM Baliimure WBFF-45 9:00 PM Portsmouth WYAH-27 5:30 PM Lexington 100.9 WJMM-FM 5:30 PM Yardlcy 94.5 WCHR-FM 11 1111 AM Hagerstown (Fri.) CBL-4 10:00 PM Richmond WIVR-6 7:00 AM Madisonville 89.9 WSOF-FM 10:00 AM Hagerstown WHAG-25 9:30 AM Roanoke WSLS-10 H nn AM Russell Springs lOtiO WJKY-AM 2:30 PM Salisbury WBOC-16 7:00 AM CALIFORNIA Roanoke (Fri.) Cable-2 8:00 PM Winchester 100.1 WKDJ-FM 10:30 AM Bakersfteltl KPWR-17 8:30 AM MASSACHUSETTS WASHINGTON LOUISIANA RHODE ISLAND (Formerly kj TV) Boston (Sat.) WLVI-56 9:30 AM Bellingham KVOS-12 12:00 Columbia 1540 KCIO-AM 1:00 PM Warwick 1590 WARV-AM 10:00 AM Chico KHSL-12 7:30 AM Boston WXNE-25 9:00 PM Midnight Junesboro 920 KICXi-AM 8:05 AM SOUTH CAROUNA El Centro kECC-9 6:00 PM Worcester WSMW-27 8:30 AM Keunewick KVEW-42 8:00 AM Lake Providence 1050 KLPL-AM 12:30 PM Eureka Belton WHPB-AM 10:30 AM klEM-3 7:30 AM MICHIGAN Spokane (Sat.) CBL-9 10:00 PM Lake Providence 92.7 KBED-FM 12:30 PM Fresno kIRV-CBL-ll 10:00 PM Columbia 1470 WyXL-AM 6:30 AM Alpena WBkB-ll 10:30 AM Spokane KXLY-4 9:30 AM Monroe 106.1 KREB-FM 11:00 AM Fresno (Wed.) Fountain Inn 1600 WFIS-AM 11:00 AM kIRV-CBL-ll 9:00 PM WUHQ-41 8:00 AM Tacoma KSTW-ll 7:00 AM New Orleans 870 WWL-AM 10:00 PM Battle Creek Greenwood 1090 WMTY-AM 10:30 AM (-1.< KHOF-30 11:00 PM Yakima KAPP-3S 8:00 AM Shreveport 980 KCIJ-AM 1:35 PM Cadillac WMIV-9 10:00 AM Greer 1300 WCKI-AM 12:00 PM IAIS Angeles k COP-13 9:30 AM Shreveport 1300 Detroit WGPR-62 9:00 PM WEST VIRGINIA K FLO-AM 6:45 AM Orangeburg 107 1 us Angeles kCOP-13 10:00 PM WPJS-FM 12:00 PM Detroit (Sal ) WkBl>-50 8:30 AM 7:00 AM Modesto kl.OC-19 8:00 AM Bridgeport WDIV-5 MAINE Detroit WXON-20 7:00 AM 7:30 AM SOUTH DAKOTA Oakland CBL-M 11 1 in AM Charleston WCHS-8 Portland 97.9 WDCS-FM 12:30 PM Leinmon 1400 Detroit WXON-20 7:00 PM 7:00 AM KBJM-AM 6:00 PM Oakland CBL-M 11:00 PM Oak Hill WOAY-4 MARYLAND Rapid City 97.9 Grand Rapids WZZM-13 11:00 A.M Wheeling WTRF-7 9:30 AM KVSR-FM 11:00 AM Oakland (Fri.) CBL-M 1:00 PM Cumberland 103 WJSE-FM 12:00 PM Rapid City 97.9 Lansing W1LX-I0 9:30 AM KVSR-FM 9:30 PM Oakland (Sal.) CBL-M 11:00 AM WISCONSIN I lllllh, ll.lll,l |03 WJSE-FM 12:00 AM Lansing CBL-27 9:00 PM TENNESSEE Oakland (Sat.) CBL-M 11:00 PM Eau Claire WEAU-13 10:00 AM 1 owson 1570 WIOW-AM 11:30 AM Marquette WLUC-6 8:00 AM Chattanooga 1450 WM(X:-AM 11:00 AM Palm Springs kMIR 3d 9:00 AM Green Bay WLUK-II 9:30 AM I owson 1570 WIOW-AM 7:00 PM Saginaw WEYI-25 7:00 AM Chattanooga 980 WR1P-AM 9:30 AM Sacramento k.MUV-31 8:(HI AM Ma,lis,,11 WMTV-15 10:00 AM (Baltimore) Sauli Ste. Marie- WWUP-IO 10:00 AM Chattanooga 105.5 WOWE-FM 7:00 PM Sacramento KMUV-31 10:0(1 PM Milwaukee WVTV-18 7:00 PM (Summer Months Onlv) Traverse Cii> WG TU-29 12:30 PM Colliersville WMSO-AM 10:30 AM Sacramento kXTV-10 7:30 AM Khun, 1 WAEO-12 9:00 AM MASSACHUSETTS Daisy 1550 WCHU-AM Salinas kSBW-8 8:00 AM MINNESOTA 1:05 PM WYOMING Boston 1200 WEZEAM 10:30 AM (Sunday Only) San Diegu KGTV.10 8:00 AM Alexandria kCMI-7 7:30 AM ( 12:00 PM Casper KTWO-2 7:00 AM Springfield 730 WACE-AM 12:30 PM Knoxville 1580 10:30 AM San Francisco KEMO-20 8:00 AM Duluth kBJR-d 9:IMI AM WSKT-AM Cheyenne KYCU-5 6:30 AM Knoxville 1490 8:15 AM San Francisco KVOF-38 11:00 PM Maukato kEYt:-l2 7:IM) AM MICHIGAN WKVQ-AM kWKB-10 knoxville 1490 7:15 PM San Francisco CBL-21 11:00 AM Minneapolis kMSP-9 7:30 AM I III 'I III,.pollS 11:00 PM Battle Creek 95.3 WDFPFM 8:00 AM WkVQ-AM Memphis 990 10:00 AM San Francisco CBL-21 11 no PM Roc hesler klTC-10 8:30 AM Detroit 103.5 WMUZ-FM 6:00 PM kWAM-AM Memphis 101.1 7:30 PM San Francisco (Fri.) CBL-21 1:00 PM Walker KNMT-12 7:30 AM Dowagiat 92.1 WDOW-FM 6:30 PM KWAM-FM Sau Juan WIVV-TV 3:00 PM Millington 1380 San Francisco (Sat.) CBL-21 11:00 AM Flint 1570 WlAJB-A.M 9:30 AM WINN-AM 9:00 AM MISSISSIPPI BAHAMAS Nashville I5B0 San Francisco (Sat.) CBL-21 11:00 PM Grand Rapids 1370 WFUK-AM 11:00 AM WWCM-AM 10:00 AM Biloxi WLOX-13 9:30 AM Nassau ZNS-13 2:00 PM Oneida 105.5 12:30 PM San Jose KNTV-II 7:00 AM Holland 94.5 WJBL-FM 1:30 PM WBN I -FM Greenwood WABti-li 9:00 AM Shelby villi- 102.9 11:00 AM San 1. .in.11 • 1 CB1.-16 11 (HI AM BERMUDA Kalainasuo 1420 WKPK-AM 2:30 PM WTCV-FM Hani, slung WDAM-7 7:30 AM TEXAS San 1 CB1.-I6 I I 00 PM II.,11,Mi..,, ZBM-8 10:00 AM Muskegon 101 7 WKJK-FM 9:00 AM Jackson WAP I-10 7:30 AM Sail Leaudro (Sal.) CBL-16 II IKI AM Royal Oak 1340 Abilene 1560 kCADAM 9:00 AM Meridian WH I V-24 8:45 AM HAITI WEXL-AM 6:30 AM San Leaudro (Sal.) CBLI6 Amarillo 101.9 kWAS-FM 5:84 PM 11 (HI PM 1 upelo WIMV-9 10:00 AM Telehaiii CBL-4 11:00 AM MINNESOTA Austin 970 klXL-AM 10:30 AM San Luis Obispo kSBY-0 8:(MI AM 10:30 PM MISSOURI Telehaili CBL-4 Duluth 850 WWJC-AM 10:00 AM Cm pus Clinsn 1030 KCTA-AM 4:30 PM Santa Clara IBI.-II 11:00 AM kKCG-13 Minneapolis 1570 KUXI.AM 8:00 AM Crane kBSN-AM 1:00 PM Santa Clara CBUI 11 IHI PM Jefferson City 9:00 AM BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS KODE 12 9:(HI AM ZB I V-5 10:00 AM El Paso 1150 11:15 PM Santa Clara (Sal ) (Bl.-ll 11:00 AM Joplin Toriola MISSISSIPPI k ISO- AM kVFC-50 Gihiiet 1060 KHYM-AM 11:30 AM Santa Clara (Sal) CBL-II 11 (HI PM kansas Cil) 11:00 AM CANADIAN STATIONS Bay Spiings 1570 WHII AM 10:30 AM KYFC-50 10:30 PM Houston 97.9 kFMK-FM 12:30 PM Santa Maria kCOY-12 7:00 AM kansas City Bat Spiings 93.5 WX1Y-FM 10:30 AM kVFC-50 0:30 PM ALBERTA Houston 107 kMCV-FM 10:30 AM Santa Maria KCOY 12 8:30 AM Kansas City Brandon 97 7 WKJH-FM M nn AM Calgary CFAC-2 11 ;00 AM LubbiK k 92 kJAk-FM 11 -in AM Vis.11 l.i kMPH 20 H IHI AM ( I ues ) Clarkulale IUI.7 W|BI-FM 9:00 AM WDAF-4 Edmonton CI1VI3 12:00 AM Mckiiiuey kXVI AM 10:00 AM Visalia kMPH'Jti In in, PM kansas (.in 8:00 AM Jackson 98 7 WJFR-FM 1:00 PM kMOS-ii Medicine Hal CHAT-6 7:30 AM Muleshue 1380 KMUI.-AM 8:15 AM Sedalia 9:(HI AM Moss Point 104.9 WCISFM 11:00 AM K IS \U COLORADO kMIC27 Red Dee 1 CkRD-6 3:00 PM Mulethoe 103.1 kML'LFM Springfield •10:30 PM (Pastagnula) 9:00 AM Colorado Springs kR!X)-l3 9:00 AM kV IV-3 Odeua 99 kkkk-FM Springfield 10:00 AM BRITISH COLUMBIA Uteau Spiings 103 l V.OSM-FM 12:15 PM 8:00 AM Denver kBIV-9 8:(H) AM k(JIV-2 Palestine 98.3 KHIM-FM St. Joseph 11 (HI AM kamlnops CFJC-4 10:30 AM Vuksbuig 98 7 WQMVFM 9.00 AM 11 :S0 PM Dutangu kREZ-0 6:30 AM kl)M30 kPAC-AM Si l.nuis 7IMI PM kelowna CHBC-2 10:30 AM Pun Anhui 1250 Grand Junction kRl-X-5 (1 50 AM MISSOURI 9:00 AM Si l.nuis kPl.K II 7:(HI AM P.n i Nethei I ISO k DIE-AM MxnlH.s, kKTY-10 Printt- (ie-nige tkP<;-2 10:00 AM I s.i lsi.,i Spiings 1090 klXS-AM 9:15 AM 11:30 AM 6:30 AM CJII.III.III 1150 kOLJ AM Sterling k 1 VS-3 MONTANA Ic-naee CFIK 3 10:00 AM Jnpllii 102 5 11:30 AM 6:30 AM KPCG-FM 11:30 AM Ralls 1530 kCTR-AM Billings klHK-8 K no AM Vunnla (Sal.) CHEK-6 11:30 AM 4:311 PM CONNECTICUT Kansas Cil) 1510 k(( V \M 1 111 I'M San Auliiiiio 1110 kl)R\ AM Bum klVM li 9:30 AM Maul,11,1 WHCI-18 III 00 AM MANITOBA (hi I -31 -79) (Alaiiin Heights) (.ic-ai Falls kFBB 5 8:30 AM Hartford (Sat.) UIICI-18 '1 00 PM Brandon ( KX-5 8:00 AM 5:15 PM AIIUIIIHI Qp.| kMFMFM 10:00 AM kalispell kl.FW-9 9 50 AM (2-1-79) Scvlnnui 1230 KSEY AM 5 30 PM D1S1K1CI OF COLUMBIA Missoula kECII3 'l 111 \M NEW BRUNSWICK Spiingfield 97 3 KWFC-FM In nn PM Si Johns ( HSJ-4 8:00 AM UTAH Washington WUCA-20 7:3(1 PM (Foiuiclly k(,V()-l!l) Si Louis lot) 5 Wl.M HI 9:00 AM Hiigluiii (lit 800 KBUH-AM 9:00 AM FLORIDA NEBRASKA ONTARIO NEBRASKA Brigham < it) 107.1 KBUH-FM 9:00 AM Ft Mi. is WBBH-20 10.(HI A.M Albion klNA-8 10 IHI AM Bat 1 it- CKVR3 9:00 AM I in,,,In n, t klllll.FM 10.15 AM CKWS-II 8:00 AM Sail lake ( in ItiOO kBBX AM 12:30 PM Ft Pieue W I VX-34 10:30 AM Hays Ceulel kWNB-ti 10:00 AM Kingston Omaha i,i,n 12:00 PM (HEX 12 9:30 AM KOWH AM Sah Take (in Itiixi KBBX-AM 12:30 PM Jacksonville WII.V-12 7:00 AM Hd^, Spiings kl)UIM 7(H) AM Peterboruugb (Sat.) (Suinlav t>nh) 12:00 PM I liuii,In Bay CKPR2 9:00 AM NEW JERSEY W( IX ii 7 50 \M keaincv klK.I-13 10.IHI AM Rio Claude 1112 3 VvKIO-FM 10:00 AM VIRGINIA Miami WHFI-45 10:00 AM Omaha WOW I li (i:30 AM SASKATCHEWAN Ailiiigtou 780 Miami WHKI -45 9:00 PM S»,,ns Blull KSIF lo (1 30 AM 2:30 PM NEW MEXICO WABS-AM 11:00 AM lluuliiunisle-i ( 1IL-4 Ashland lllll I Naples WEVU-26 9(H) AM Supclinl kS\B-4 I0:(HI AM 8:00 AM \ll„„|,i, i,,,„ , in KDAZ-AM 'i 01 AM WIVTFM 7:00 AM Pi in.1 Albert CKB1 5 Bla.ksl.uig 1430 (Ft Mu is 11,,11.1.1 Spiings) 101 kloll 9:00 AM \ll,u,|u, i,|u. IUU0 kklM-AM 11:00 AM WkEXAM 11:30 AM NEVADA ( kOS-3 Fairfax 1220 1 .00 PM Panama (in WMBB 13 In no \M Carlsbad 92 I kBAI> I'M 8:30 AM WFAX-AM las Vegas kOKk ) 7:30 AM 1 HE YUKON Fail lax 1220 7:0(1 PM Satasou WXl.i-40 9:00 AM Clovis98(l kit.A-AM , U PM WFAX-AM Kenn kOl.OB 'I IHI AM Whuehoisc WHIV-7 4 SO PM Hauipioii 1270 8:00 AM St Pcccisburg lampa WISP-10 9:IMI AM liuihm Cuuutsjueniei Hon k(.MS AM K nil AM W()k I AM l.uia) 1330 9:00 AM I allallassee •VI IV 1, 7 30 AM WRAA-AM NEW JERSEY 1 ale I ll neni.ilk lulls OVei