Agenda Item 5

Questions to the Mayor Mayor's Question Time, 19 March 2020


Report No: 5 Subject: Questions to the Mayor Report of: Executive Director of Secretariat

Environment Bill Question No: 2020/1254 Leonie Cooper The Government’s Environment Bill is currently making its way through Parliament. Does it meet ’s needs?

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Question No: 2020/1445 David Kurten To what extent do you support equality, diversity and inclusion in London?

London Safety Question No: 2020/1130 Shaun Bailey Do you think Londoners feel more safe now, than when you first took office?

Live facial recognition in London Question No: 2020/1442 Siân Berry Are you satisfied with the use of facial recognition in London?

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Women’s Equality Question No: 2020/1383 Joanne McCartney With UN Secretary-General António Guterres, stating that the 21st century must be the century of women’s equality, what action have you taken to transform London by ensuring equal participation for all?

Future victims of crime Question No: 2020/1144 Susan Hall Do you stand by your comment that “I would rather invest in future Daves and Stormzys than future victims of crime”?

Health inequalities – a widening gap Question No: 2020/1393 Onkar Sahota What further action is needed in London to reverse the trend of increasingly unequal health outcomes between the rich and poor in society, as put so starkly in Sir Michael Marmot’s recent review?

Is London Open? Question No: 2020/1078 Andrew Boff Is London Open?

Crossrail Question No: 2020/1441 Caroline Pidgeon Are you confident that will open in Summer 2021?

Mayoral appointments Question No: 2020/1158 Tony Arbour Do you have any regrets regarding your decisions on Mayoral appointments?

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Anti-Social Behaviour Question No: 2020/1298 Unmesh Desai Understandably and rightly so, the MPS is currently focused upon reducing the levels of serious violence in the capital. However, as I and many other members can attest, there has been an increase in the level of anti-social behaviour (ASB) across many parts of the City. How will you be working differently moving forwards to reduce the levels of ASB residents currently put up with?

Food Insecurity Question No: 2020/1427 Fiona Twycross How have you worked with local authorities and national government to tackle food insecurity in London?

Broken promises Question No: 2020/1152 Susan Hall Do you regret the promises you’ve broken during your term as Mayor?

Rent Control Question No: 2020/1209 Tony Devenish Do you agree with Assar Lindbeck, Swedish Professor of Economics and former Chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee, who says that rent control, and I quote, “appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city”?

London Living Wage Question No: 2020/1253 Leonie Cooper Should all Londoners be paid the London Living Wage?

Setting climate targets Question No: 2020/1443 Caroline Russell How do you expect London to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 when your Mayoral strategies have 2050 targets?

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Public Trust and Confidence in the Police Question No: 2020/1446 Peter Whittle How does the Mayor propose to reverse the decline in public trust and confidence in the police?

TfL in Havering and Redbridge Question No: 2020/1088 Keith Prince Are you satisfied that all TfL’s areas of responsibility in Havering and Redbridge are being improved in a timely manner?

United Kingdom and European Union Negotiating Positions Question No: 2020/1327 Andrew Dismore What do the respective negotiating objectives from the United Kingdom and European Union mean for London?

Sprinkler Installations Question No: 2020/1414 Navin Shah There is proven evidence demonstrating that where sprinklers are fitted fire deaths (including firefighter deaths) have been almost eliminated and fire injuries have been reduced by 80 per cent. What have you done to promote installations of sprinklers in existing residential tall buildings and those occupied by vulnerable residents? And what actions have you taken to lobby mandatory requirements of sprinklers in new residential buildings?

Progress on London Fire Brigade (LFB) transformation Question No: 2020/1328 Andrew Dismore Are you satisfied with LFB’s transformation plan and does the Brigade have the means to deliver it?

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Child friendly development Question No: 2020/1373 Nicky Gavron I absolutely welcome the recent launch of the GLA’s “Making London Child-Friendly” report, which contains so many of the great ideas we have been pushing for since the GLA was established. One of the many things it highlights is just how beneficial it is for children and young people to have open spaces to play and interact close to where they live. Following on from my question to you in March 2019, can you tell us what progress you are making towards using the 10 square metres per under-18 policy to provide high-quality multi-functional sports and recreation space for young people on new and refurbished developments?

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Neurodiversity Question No: 2020/1212 Jennette Arnold OBE As it is Neurodiversity Celebration Week, what message do you have for young neurodiverse Londoners about the opportunities and life experiences available to them, and what progress have you made as Mayor to ensure all SEND Londoners can reach their full potential?

Croydon Westfield Question No: 2020/1131 Steve O’Connell What steps are you taking to ensure Croydon’s Westfield development goes ahead?

Grown-up politics Question No: 2020/1444 Siân Berry How can we in City Hall make political debate more grown up?

Questions not asked during Mayor’s Question time will be given a written response by 24 March, 2020.

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60+ London Oyster photocard Question No: 2020/0955 Caroline Pidgeon I understand that people who apply for a 60+ London Oyster photocard are given the option to tick a box for London Councils to get in touch with the person nearer the time they are eligible for a . Please state how many people in 2019 ticked this box and whether any consideration has been given to making it clearer of the benefits of allowing London Councils to get in contact with people to inform them of their eligibility for the Freedom Pass.

TfL accepting advertisements from Mayoral candidates Question No: 2020/0956 Caroline Pidgeon What is TfL’s policy for permitting advertising by Mayoral candidates on its network, including advertisements for commercial activities by Mayoral candidates such as promotions of books?

Toilets at Crossrail stations Question No: 2020/0957 Caroline Pidgeon Please state which Crossrail stations will have free toilets for passengers.

Crossrail frequency of service Question No: 2020/0958 Caroline Pidgeon I have been contacted by a constituent who wishes to raise the following question: current information from TfL suggests that the Elizabeth Line will run four trains per hour from Hanwell and West Ealing. This is significantly fewer than the Mayor has previously stated, where it was indicated that there would be six trains per hour at Hanwell and 10 per hour serving West Ealing. Please clarify the actual level of frequency of service at both peak and off-peak hours. Please also state what will be the time of the last services from Monday to Sunday.

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TfL target for bus speeds Question No: 2020/0959 Caroline Pidgeon I understand that TfL currently has a target of average speeds of buses of 9.2 mph. Will you take steps to ensure that a more ambitious target is set for 2020/2021?

Transport links in South East London Question No: 2020/0960 Caroline Pidgeon I have been contacted by a constituent who wishes you to address the following question: when will a night service for the be introduced?

Waterloo Underground station Question No: 2020/0961 Caroline Pidgeon It is now over three months since the newly built York Road entrance to Waterloo Underground station closed to allow safety inspections to be carried out on the building above. Please provide an update as to (1) the reasons for the closure, (2) the outcome of any engineering inspection, and (3) the expected date that this entrance will reopen.

Greenwich Peninsula Question No: 2020/0962 Caroline Pidgeon In Mayoral Decision 2574 on Greenwich Peninsula it is stated there were “significant planning issues” that held up the development of Greenwich Millennium Village (paragraph 1.6). Please set out in detail what were these significant planning issues.

Pay for bus drivers Question No: 2020/0963 Caroline Pidgeon What steps are you taking to ensure there is a long-term increase in wages for bus drivers through TfL’s contracts for London’s bus routes?

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Electric buses Question No: 2020/0964 Caroline Pidgeon In a TfL press release dated the 18 February 2020 it is stated that “In addition to the route 94, another 12 routes are expected to become fully electric over the course of this year.” Please set out the details of these routes and the starting dates of these routes becoming fully electric.

London and Partners Question No: 2020/0965 Caroline Pidgeon The most recent minutes for the London and Partners Board that are published online are from June 2019. Is this a level of accountability and transparency that you are satisfied with?

Seaside and Country Homes Question No: 2020/0966 Caroline Pidgeon What proportion of applications for a new property that were made through the Seaside and Country Homes scheme were successful in each year since 2013/2014?

Bus Network Safety Performance Index (1) Question No: 2020/0967 Caroline Pidgeon In your response to Question 2019/20678 you listed 76 key performance indicators that constitute the bus network safety performance index. Why are KPIs relating to bus driver fatigue and toilet provision not on these KPIs for this index?

TfL’s 2016 decision to stop conducting safety audits on its bus contractors Question No: 2020/0968 Caroline Pidgeon Given that the Met Police’s and TfL’s own bus safety performance data show a steady increase in KSIs per quarter since you became Mayor, how do you propose to ensure that TfL’s “collaboration” with bus companies as detailed in Question 2019/20681 is effective?

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International Bus Benchmarking Group Data Question No: 2020/0969 Caroline Pidgeon In your 10 January 2020 response to Question 2019/20676 you stated “TfL intends to publish a simplified synopsis of the 2018 IBBG data later this year.” How is the data to be simplified, who is to carry out this exercise and when will it be published for public scrutiny?

Statement contained in your 1 October Letter to London Assembly Chair Jennette Arnold rejecting the 4 July London Assembly Croydon Motion Question No: 2020/0970 Caroline Pidgeon In your letter of 1 October 2019 rejecting the London Assembly motion requesting an independent investigation to discover why TfL failed to provide IA 17780 to the Croydon Crash Investigation, you stated that the document IA 17780 was a “single report, which was commissioned following a separate incident on the tram network in May 2017”. In documents released under Question 2019/17339 a 8 June 2017 email from a Senior TfL HSE Manager to First Group Tram Operations Limited specifically states “It is perhaps worth pointing out that whilst this work is partly in response to the incident last period, it is not an investigation into that event and so we will not be asking for specific information about that Individual or sequence of events relating to the incident.” Will you accept that IA 17780 was an Internal Audit of First Group TOL’s entire fatigue management system and not a “single report relating to a single incident” as you have implied in your 1 October 2019 letter?

TfL not holding a copy of the Abstracked Solutions March 2014 Audit of TOL’s Safety Management System Question No: 2020/0971 Caroline Pidgeon In your delayed response to Question 2019/20157 you state that “ does not hold a copy of this [Abstracked Solutions] report” yet Point 4.0 (page 9) of the 2014 internal audit of Tram Operation Limited’s Croydon Tram (IA 13 744) clearly states that First Group TOL’s Safety Management System contained “seven weaknesses”. Is your confirmation that TfL does not hold a copy of this report an admission that, in 2014, (a) TfL never received a copy of the Abstracked Solutions Report? and (b) TfL did no work to ensure that Tram Operations Limited had corrected the seven weaknesses identified by First Group Tram Operations Limited’s independent audit?

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Police Complaint Changes (1) Question No: 2020/0972 Caroline Pidgeon How many additional staff will MOPAC be recruiting in order to take on its new responsibilities surrounding police complaints that have come from the Policing and Crime Act 2017?

Police Complaint Changes (2) Question No: 2020/0973 Caroline Pidgeon Following the announcement of additional responsibilities for MOPAC in the area of public complaints against the police it was stated “as the reforms take effect, MOPAC will also be reviewing the level of information about public complaints that is made available to the public, via both MPS and MOPAC channels.” Can you provide some more information on how this is going to be reviewed and who you will be consulting when undertaking such a review?

Met Police Officers and Banned Far-Right Groups (1) Question No: 2020/0974 Caroline Pidgeon Following the deeply concerning news that a Met police officer was arrested on suspicion of being a member of a banned organisation linked with right-wing terrorism, how will you be working with the Met to ensure that no other police officer or member of staff is part of any proscribed far-right group or organisation?

Met Police Officers and Banned Far-Right Groups (2) Question No: 2020/0975 Caroline Pidgeon With Sonnenkrieg Division being added to the list of proscribed neo-Nazi groups in the UK in recent weeks, and other groups such as the System Resistance Network being recognised as aliases of already banned far-right groups; what action and monitoring is being undertaken to ensure that no Met officers or staff are members of such groups or organisations?

National Taser Fund Application (1) Question No: 2020/0976 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide information on how much MOPAC has bid for under the National Taser Fund and approximately how many tasers this will fund should they receive the full bid?

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National Taser Fund Application (2) Question No: 2020/0977 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide details of how much you expect the associated costs to be should MOPAC be successful in receiving the full amount requested through the National Taser Fund?

Taser use by the Met in 2019 Question No: 2020/0978 Caroline Pidgeon For the year 2019 can you please provide data on how many times a taser was used by Met officers, broken down by type of use?

Unconscious Bias Question No: 2020/0979 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide details on how often Metropolitan Police officers undertake unconscious bias training and what the training involves?

Stop and Search Scrutiny Question No: 2020/0980 Caroline Pidgeon You mention in your answer to question no: 2019/20178 that you “regularly scrutinise stop and search performance with the Commissioner to ensure officers conduct ethical and proportionate searches.” Please provide more detail on how you undertake this monitoring with the Commissioner? What concerns have you raised?

Sexual Offences Trained Officers Question No: 2020/0981 Caroline Pidgeon How many sexual offences trained officers will be recruited as part of the planned officer uplift? And, how many of these will be placed in the Child Abuse and Sexual Offence command?

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Forensic Science Regulator Report Question No: 2020/0982 Caroline Pidgeon The Forensic Science Regulator’s report of 25 February stated that, nationally, over 1,100 DNA profiles on the National DNA Database have been contaminated by police officers and staff and are having to be removed. How are you working with the Met to ensure that contamination of evidence in the Met is minimised?

Forensic Science Regulator Report, Digital Forensics Question No: 2020/0983 Caroline Pidgeon Can you confirm that the organisations the Met uses for digital forensic services are all compliant with digital forensic standards?

Digital Forensic Services in the Met (1) Question No: 2020/0984 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide a detailed explanation of the commissioning process for digital forensic services in the Met.

Digital Forensic Services in the Met (2) Question No: 2020/0985 Caroline Pidgeon In the Met’s 2018-2025 Strategy it states, “Digital investigation and forensic awareness will be at the heart of training in the Met.” Please provide detailed information on how this priority is being implemented.

Sexual Relationships in Undercover Investigations (1) Question No: 2020/0986 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide an update on any disciplinary action that has been taken against Met police officers who previously engaged in, or sanctioned, undercover operations that included sexual relationships?

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Undercover Investigations Question No: 2020/0987 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide details of the processes currently in place for deploying officers in the Met into undercover operations?

Canada Water Masterplan Development Question No: 2020/0988 Caroline Pidgeon Why did you not decide to call in the Canada Water Masterplan proposals for further scrutiny, given the huge strain this will put on public transport in the area?

Zero Emission Cable vehicles for Driver Guides Question No: 2020/0989 Caroline Pidgeon Recognising the significant role that that Driver Guides provide for both London’s and the UK’s tourism industry will you ensure TfL provides greater support to this industry as it moves over to Zero Emission Capable vehicles, including provision of guidance on vehicles that members of this industry should adopt?

Brownhill Road/Torridon Road junction Question No: 2020/0990 Caroline Pidgeon Does TfL have any plans to make this junction fully accessible for pedestrians with pedestrian controlled lights on each of the four sides of this junction?

Proposed ferry service between Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf Question No: 2020/0991 Caroline Pidgeon Will this new ferry service use either hybrid or fully electric powered ferries?

Bus Network Safety Performance Index (2) Question No: 2020/0992 Caroline Pidgeon Will you undertake to respond to Questions 2019/20679 and 2019/20680 before the pre- election period?

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TfL Internal Audit IA 17780 Question No: 2020/0993 Caroline Pidgeon The documents released under Question 2019/17339 have an 8 June 2017 email from a senior TfL health and safety manager to First Group Tram Operations Limited which states: “It might be prudent to arrange a short pre-start meeting between [TfL] [TOL] and the auditors to agree that and establish the evidence which all parties think would be necessary to achieve a successful outcome.” Do you think it is acceptable for a TfL health and safety officer leading a safety audit of a contractor to suggest such a meeting and do you have confidence in the findings of IA 17780?

Sexual Relationships in Undercover Investigations (2) Question No: 2020/0994 Caroline Pidgeon Has the Met changed its practices regarding undercover operations and sexual relationships and can you assure Londoners that there are no current undercover operations that include sexual relationships?

Borough breakdown of cold, damp and mouldy homes in London Question No: 2020/0995 Caroline Russell There are more than 146,000 cold, damp and mouldy homes in our city. Can you provide a borough by borough breakdown of London’s cold, damp and mouldy homes?

Better Boilers Scheme and replacement boilers Question No: 2020/0996 Caroline Russell How many better boilers were provided under the Better Boilers Scheme?

Warmer Homes and replacement boilers Question No: 2020/0997 Caroline Russell How many better boilers have been provided under your Warmer Homes programme since the programme began?

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Retrofit accelerator Question No: 2020/0998 Caroline Russell What are the targets for the retrofit accelerator that has succeeded RE:NEW?

Energy efficiency in homes Question No: 2020/0999 Caroline Russell Research from the London Assembly Research Unit shows that at least £22 billion is needed just to bring our homes up to EPC level C. Is this figure in line with your own calculations and, if not, can you detail the research or analysis you have done to work out this cost?

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) enforcement Question No: 2020/1000 Caroline Russell As of April 2019, no measures have been taken by local authorities to enforce the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) in the first year of this new regulation. What work are you doing to help increase enforcement activity in every London borough?

Wall insulation for carbon neutral homes Question No: 2020/1001 Caroline Russell According to your internal analysis, revealed under a Freedom of Information request on 19 Feb 2020, 160,000 homes a year need to be retrofitted with measures like wall insulation to meet our carbon neutrality targets. How will you take steps to achieve this? (…)

Third phase of Solar Together London Question No: 2020/1002 Caroline Russell Mayoral Decision (MD) 2503 states that the third phase of Solar Together London was due to take place in November 2019. Has this happened?

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Solar potential on the Transport for London estate Question No: 2020/1003 Caroline Russell Transport for London (TfL) has carried out detailed studies of the total solar potential across its estate, including mapping the total potential across all TfL-owned rooftops, and studies on larger land holdings and trackside areas. When will these studies be made publicly available?

Potential for Solar PV within the M25 Question No: 2020/1004 Caroline Russell In January 2019, University College London was awarded the contract to produce an online map of annual solar radiation on all roofs and areas of open land within the ( project-develop-london-solar-opportunity-map). This would allow for the potential for solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal installations at every building and suitable site to be estimated. When will this map finally be made public?

Solar and RE:NEW Question No: 2020/1005 Caroline Russell As part of RE:NEW, how much solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity has been installed since the launch of the Solar Action Plan in 2018?

Heat pumps in London homes (1) Question No: 2020/1006 Caroline Russell How many homes in London currently have heat pumps installed?

Heat pumps in London homes (2) Question No: 2020/1007 Caroline Russell According to your internal analysis, revealed under a Freedom of Information request on 19 Feb 2020, 145,000 heat pumps are needed a year in our city to make the 2050 government target, and 300,000 a year to meet our carbon neutrality targets. What steps are you taking to achieve this goal? ( _foi_response_redacted.pdf)

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Zero waste to landfill Question No: 2020/1008 Caroline Russell In December 2018 you published Zero Carbon London: A 1.5C compatible plan, which identified sending zero waste to landfill by 2026 as a London-wide target. What progress have you made towards this?

Decision on Phase 2 of Warmer Homes Question No: 2020/1009 Caroline Russell A constituent has told me that Phase 2 of your Warmer Homes Programme was tendered in August 2019, with a decision expected in October 2019. What was the outcome of this decision?

Lessons from the 2019 ULEZ rollout Question No: 2020/1010 Caroline Russell How will lessons learned from the rollout and implementation of the ULEZ in 2019 be applied to the extension of the ULEZ in 2021?

Carbon emissions by sector in 2019 Question No: 2020/1011 Caroline Russell In 2019, what percentage of London’s total carbon emissions came from the domestic sector, the commercial sector and the transport sector, and what proportion of these are from the activities of GLA functional bodies?

Modernisation of pelican crossings Question No: 2020/1012 Caroline Russell A constituent has written to me concerned about the safety of pelican crossings. Two pedestrians in London have been killed crossing these during the flashing green crossing phase in the past three years. I understand that there are 847 of these in London, with 167 on the Transport for London road network (TLRN). How will you make these crossings safer?

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Central London ULEZ traffic data Question No: 2020/1013 Caroline Russell In figure 9.2 of the data spreadsheet for Travel in London 12, traffic volume was reported for central, inner, outer and greater London by year and period since the year 2000. Can you supply equivalent data, in the same style, for the change in traffic volume in the current central London area covered by the (ULEZ)?

ULEZ expansion traffic data Question No: 2020/1014 Caroline Russell In figure 9.2 of the data spreadsheet for Travel in London 12, traffic volume was reported for central, inner, outer and greater London by year and period since the year 2000. Can you supply equivalent data, over the same time period, for the change in traffic volume in the area to be covered by the ULEZ expansion bounded by the North and South Circular Roads?

Wheelchair accessible private hire vehicles Question No: 2020/1015 Caroline Russell How many private hire vehicles (PHVs) currently licensed in London are wheelchair accessible, and what proportion of the fleet do they represent?

Zero emission capable private hire vehicles Question No: 2020/1016 Caroline Russell How many private hire vehicles (PHVs) currently licensed in London are Zero Emission Capable (ZEC), and what proportion of the fleet do they represent?

Mayor’s record on Vision Zero Question No: 2020/1017 Caroline Russell Are you confident that London is on track to reduce the number of people who are killed or seriously injured by 65 per cent compared with 2005-2009 levels by 2022?

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Walking and cycling improvements Question No: 2020/1018 Caroline Russell What progress have you made to build new walking and cycling connections across the Thames?

20 mph speed limits on London’s roads (3) Question No: 2020/1019 Caroline Russell What percentage, and how many kilometres of London’s total road network had a 20 mph speed limit when you entered office, and what percentage will have this limit by May 2020?

20 mph speed limits on London’s roads (4) Question No: 2020/1020 Caroline Russell What percentage, and how many kilometres of the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) had a 20 mph speed limit when you entered office, and what percentage will have this limit by May 2020?

Piecemeal delivery of Quietways Question No: 2020/1021 Caroline Russell A constituent reports that cycling enhancements to three crossings of the planned Quietway 21 (Q21) in Ham, between Richmond Park and Teddington Lock, were carried out in 2019, but no further infrastructure improvements have happened. Sections of Q21 are now shown on the Transport for London Cycle map as a disconnected route. When will a safe Quietway route that links these sections into a complete route be delivered?

London City Airport and the Good Work Standard Question No: 2020/1022 Caroline Russell On 25 Feb 2020, an Early Day Motion called for the end of harassment to trade unionists at . London City Airport is currently listed on the GLA website as an accredited Good Work Standard employer. Will you review this accreditation in light of the Early Day Motion?

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New 20 mph speed limits (2) Question No: 2020/1023 Caroline Russell Thank you for your response to my question 2018/5192. You said you have no expectation for the police to provide additional enforcement beyond their routine activity to achieve compliance. However, it seems police have taken proactive efforts to support your new central London 20 mph speed limits. This is welcome, so will you encourage the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to extend this approach wherever 20 mph limits apply?

London’s housing crisis Question No: 2020/1024 Siân Berry Have you left London’s housing situation in a better state than when you first took office in 2016?

The cost of living for nurses in London (1) Question No: 2020/1025 Siân Berry What is the current status of the work to take forward the review on the impact of the cost of living for nurses committed to in the Our Vision for London NHS plan, when do you expect to publish the findings from the review, and will the conclusions come with new funding commitments to implement the review’s recommendations?

The cost of living for nurses in London (2) Question No: 2020/1026 Siân Berry Will the review on the impact of the cost of living for nurses committed to in the Our Vision for London NHS plan include a cost-benefit analysis of providing free travel passes for nurses?

The cost of living for nurses in London (3) Question No: 2020/1027 Siân Berry What engagement with nursing staff, employers and health unions is being conducted as part of the review on the impact of the cost of living for nurses committed to in the Our Vision for London NHS plan?

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The cost of living for nurses in London (4) Question No: 2020/1028 Siân Berry Will the review on the impact of the cost of living for nurses committed to in the Our Vision for London NHS plan include an inventory of NHS accommodation currently available for nurses, and will it include information about the total number of nurses currently living in accommodation designated for nurses?

The cost of living for nurses in London (5) Question No: 2020/1029 Siân Berry Alongside the review on the impact of the cost of living for nurses committed to in the Our Vision for London NHS plan, will you publish detailed information on surplus NHS land, including that currently for sale?

The cost of living for nurses in London (6) Question No: 2020/1030 Siân Berry Will the review on the impact of the cost of living for nurses committed to in the Our Vision for London NHS plan include workforce modelling to identify the required nurse staffing levels required in London to provide safe and effective patient care for the next ten years? The cost of living for nurses in London (7) Question No: 2020/1031 Siân Berry What workforce modelling have you done through the London Health Board to determine the supply of registered nurses needed to reduce London’s nursing vacancy rate to five per cent by 2028, as set out in the Our Vision for London NHS plan?

Metropolitan Police Service Traffic Law Enforcement Annual Report (3) Question No: 2020/1032 Siân Berry Thank you for your response to my question 2017/2215. The most recently published Metropolitan Police Service/Transport for London Traffic Law Enforcement Annual Report is for 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. When will reports for the following two years be published?

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Restoring the Roads and Transport Policing Command (2) Question No: 2020/1033 Siân Berry Thank you for your response to my question 2020/0072. I understand that there is presently a six per cent vacancy rate in the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Roads and Transport Policing Command (RTPC), which is an effective 11 per cent vacancy rate, taking into account officers redeployed into the violent crime taskforce. When will the effective vacancy rate reduce, and by how much with the recruitment of new members into this unit and the MPS?

Police use of live facial recognition (6) Question No: 2020/1034 Siân Berry Following the deployment of live facial recognition (LFR) technology at Stratford and Oxford Circus during February 2020 by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), can you provide me with the following data from each of the deployments: a) how many people were scanned by the LFR, b) how many people were on each watchlist, c) how many individual identifications were made by the LFR system, and d) how many individual identifications were correct compared with how many were false?

Police use of live facial recognition (7) Question No: 2020/1035 Siân Berry During operational deployment of live facial recognition (LFR) technology by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), the MPS has told a constituent: “where a match is made but no prosecution follows and there is no legitimate policing purpose for retention, biometric data and CCTV will only be retained for up to 31 days.” Can you tell me where and how the data is stored by the MPS?

Legal basis of police use of live facial recognition Question No: 2020/1036 Siân Berry During operation deployment of live facial recognition (LFR) technology by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), the MPS has told a constituent: “each deployment will have its own legitimate purpose, legal basis.” What was the legal basis for each of the LFR deployments during February 2020 at Stratford and Oxford Circus?

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Utility expenditure for MOPAC Question No: 2020/1037 Siân Berry The budgeted utility expenditure for MOPAC and the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) in 2020-2021 is £19.4 million. Can you provide a breakdown of what this £19.4 million is budgeted to be spent on, including how much will be spent on data infrastructure, e.g. running data servers?

Accessible housing Question No: 2020/1038 Siân Berry Your Annual Monitoring Report 15 for 2017-18 found that only seven per cent of new developments built were suitable for wheelchair users; while just 66 per cent of remaining new builds were built to be accessible and adaptable. This is well below the required 10 per cent of homes reaching the standard M4(3) and 90 per cent for M4(2). What are you doing to improve these figures for the 1.3 million disabled adults in London?

Cost of carbon neutral homes in London Question No: 2020/1039 Caroline Russell How much money do you need from Government to bring all London homes up to standards fit for your 2030 carbon neutral target?

Fare Evasion on the Tube Question No: 2020/1040 David Kurten How many commuters have been caught fare-dodging on the over the last three years?

Fare Evasion on the Buses Question No: 2020/1041 David Kurten How many commuters have been caught fare-dodging on London’s buses over the last three years?

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Elizabeth Line Question No: 2020/1042 David Kurten Currently, TfL suggests that the new Elizabeth line will run four trains per hour from Hanwell and West Ealing stations. This is significantly fewer than you have previously stated (six per hour at Hanwell; ten per hour at West Ealing) which was set out in your response to MQ 2017/3713. Could you please clarify this situation for me?

Facial Recognition Database (1) Question No: 2020/1043 Peter Whittle How many images are in the Metropolitan Police Facial Recognition Database and for what purpose is this data being held?

Facial Recognition Database (2) Question No: 2020/1044 Peter Whittle Has the Metropolitan Police provided facial recognition data to the Prüm network and if so, how much and for what purposes?

London Motor Cab Proprietor’s Association (LMCPA) Question No: 2020/1045 David Kurten How many times have you or anyone from TfL met with the London Motor Cab Proprietor’s Association in the last four years, and will you undertake to meet with them regularly in the future?

Cycle Superhighways Question No: 2020/1046 David Kurten What do you plan to spend on constructing and installing cycle superhighways, cycle quiet- ways and other cycle routes in the financial year 2020/21?

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LED Street Lighting (1) Question No: 2020/1047 David Kurten In your budget (section 6.2) you stated that you would be retrofitting lighting to ‘energy efficient LEDs’. What will be the total cost of this and what do envisage will be the annual cost saving?

LED Street Lighting (2) Question No: 2020/1048 David Kurten Given that there is much evidence that blue light from LEDs has a detrimental effect on sleep as it supresses melatonin and interferes with human circadian rhythms, will you re- consider your plan to install LEDs across TfL’s road network to avoid the potential adverse health effects that are likely to ensue to residents? 12 1 2 cancer-risk-new-research-warns/

Missing Furniture Question No: 2020/1049 Peter Whittle How is the Metropolitan Police’s search for furniture missing from the House of Commons progressing? 3 3 mark-duffy-home-raided-by-police-over-stolen-furniture

Protecting Londoners from ‘thought crime’ policing (1) Question No: 2020/1050 David Kurten On the 14 February 2020, the High Court ruled that the Humberside Police decision to record a non-crime hate incident against Harry Miller for alleged transphobic tweets was unlawful. The Judge, Mr Justice Julian Knowles concluded that Mr Miller’s tweets were: “lawful and that there was not the slightest risk that he would commit a criminal offence by continuing to tweet”. He described the police actions as: “disproportionate interference with the Claimant’s [Mr Miller’s] right to freedom of expression because of their potential chilling effect”. 4

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Similar to the nature of Mr Miller’s tweets, how many Londoners have ‘transgender’ and/or ‘transphobic’ non-crime hate incidents recorded against them by the Metropolitan Police Service and made in the context of the ongoing debate on the reform of the Gender Recognition Act, which the Government consulted in 2018, to allow people to self-identify as the opposite sex? Can you break the number down by year to date, since 2018? 4 High Court press summary, 14 February 2020 content/uploads/2020/02/miller-v-college-of-police-summary.pdf

Protecting Londoners from ‘thought crime’ policing (2) Question No: 2020/1051 David Kurten On the 14 February 2020, the High Court ruled that the Humberside Police decision to record a non-crime hate incident against Harry Miller for alleged transphobic tweets was unlawful. In the judgment, Mr Justice Julian Knowles stated: “The effect of the police turning up at the claimant’s [Mr Miller’s] place of work because of his political opinions must not be underestimated. To do so would be to undervalue a cardinal democratic freedom. In this country we have never had a Cheka, a Gestapo or a Stasi. We have never lived in an Orwellian society.” 5 What is the Metropolitan Police’s and/or the Met’s Online Hate Crime Hub doing to review the implications of this judgement on its non-crime hate incident decisions and the Judge, Mr Justice Julian Knowles’ broader comments on this approach to policing? 5 High Court press summary, 14 February 2020 content/uploads/2020/02/miller-v-college-of-police-summary.pdf

Protecting Londoners from ‘thought crime’ policing (3) Question No: 2020/1052 David Kurten How many people accused of non-crime hate incidents have their details kept on record by the Metropolitan Police?

Protecting Londoners from ‘thought crime’ policing (4) Question No: 2020/1053 David Kurten How many times have the Metropolitan Police disclosed details of non-crime hate incidents on DBS criminal record checks?

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Advertising on the Underground Question No: 2020/1054 David Kurten In February 2020, you awarded £500,000 worth of free advertising on the London Underground to hosiery brand ‘Nubian Skin’. Their campaign features men and women in nude-toned underwear. What is the difference between this campaign and the Protein World’s ‘beach body ready’ adverts, which featured a fitness model in a bikini, which you banned in June 2016?

Taxi and Private Hire Trade (1) Question No: 2020/1055 David Kurten Since your mayoralty journey times in taxis have increased significantly, this is attributed to the fact that so many roads are now inaccessible to taxis. Do you acknowledge that taxi drivers are at the coal face and passengers are taking their frustration out on drivers for increased journey times and this is causing poor mental health for London’s taxi drivers?

Taxi and Private Hire Trade (2) Question No: 2020/1056 David Kurten Since your mayoralty, journey times in taxis have increased significantly, this is attributed to the fact that so many roads are now inaccessible to taxis. Do you acknowledge that passengers are disputing the cost of the fares due to increased journey times and in an attempt to defuse any hostility, many taxi drivers are charging much less than what is shown on the taximeter? However, by trying to defuse these conflicts, taxi drivers are putting themselves in financial hardship when charging less than the metered fare - what advice can you offer?

Taxi and Private Hire Trade (3) Question No: 2020/1057 David Kurten Do you accept that your taxi policy has caused a deterioration in the overall mental health of taxi drivers?

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Taxi and Private Hire Trade (4) Question No: 2020/1058 David Kurten Do you accept the more roads that are inaccessible to taxis, the less people will use taxis, therefore, the taxi trade will continue to reduce in size?

Taxi and Private Hire Trade (5) Question No: 2020/1059 David Kurten In my experience from talking to taxi drivers, most of the taxi trade agree that your taxi & private hire action plan has failed. Do you agree and understand the frustration of taxi drivers?

Taxi and Private Hire Trade (6) Question No: 2020/1060 David Kurten What type of taxi service is your preferred choice in the future, is it a service where taxis are hailed directly from the street, or is it a service where taxis are booked on demand via an App?

Taxi and Private Hire Trade (7) Question No: 2020/1061 David Kurten Do you believe that app companies are operating on the wrong side of the employment laws, and if so, how are you going ensure that app companies who TfL licence are compliant with all laws?

Diesel Question No: 2020/1062 David Kurten In the last Plenary meeting of the London Assembly, Commissioner Mike Brown stated that there were three sub-standards within Euro 6 standard for diesel vehicles, some of which were not clean. What are the implications of this for your policies on the bus fleet, private hire vehicle licencing, ULEZ, LEZ, and Via Van and other on-demand bus services which use Euro 6 diesel vehicles?

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King’s College Question No: 2020/1063 David Kurten How much has TfL paid in total to King’s College with regard to research on air quality since you took office on 8th May 2016?

The Past Four Years Question No: 2020/1064 Peter Whittle What do you consider to be this Assembly’s greatest achievement over the past four years and why?

Water only schools Question No: 2020/1065 Andrew Boff What research has been undertaken to identify and quantify possible benefits and risks of your water only schools recommendation?

Housing Question No: 2020/1066 Andrew Boff Are you meeting your housing commitments to Londoners?

Silvertown Tunnel (1) Question No: 2020/1067 Andrew Boff You’ve declared a climate emergency and committed to an ambitious target of making London carbon neutral by 2030. TfL’s own figures, in their energy and carbon statement show that building the Silvertown Tunnel will increase net carbon emissions, over doing nothing. How does spending a billion pounds on a project that will increase greenhouse gas emissions contribute to ‘tackling the climate emergency’?

Silvertown Tunnel (2) Question No: 2020/1068 Andrew Boff Newham has the worst air quality in the UK - and some of the poorest communities in London. The Silvertown Tunnel will make already polluted air worse for thousands of

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Newham residents. How can you justify imposing this scheme on them, without their consent - and then making them pay for it through a new toll to cross the river?

Silvertown Tunnel (3) Question No: 2020/1069 Andrew Boff The Silvertown Tunnel will cost a billion pounds, raised from tolling Blackwall and Silvertown. Have you and TfL ever sat down and worked out what you could achieve, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and air quality improvements, if you tolled the Blackwall Tunnel enough to remove congestion, and invested the money in cycling, walking and public transport instead?

Silvertown Tunnel (4) Question No: 2020/1070 Andrew Boff The Centre for London, in their recent report on Building for a New Urban Mobility claims that: “ set an objective to increase the share of public transport, walking & cycling from 65% today to 80% in 2041. Based on the rate of progress in the last 5 years, our forecast indicates that London will only reach the 80 per cent target in 2070.” Clearly with your new 2030 carbon neutrality target you’re going to have to move even faster to reduce driving and increase that share for walking, cycling, and public transport. What new policies are you going to bring in to make sure that you hit your target?

Silvertown Tunnel (5) Question No: 2020/1071 Andrew Boff In a letter to the Stop the Silvertown Tunnel Coalition, you wrote: “I am committed to reducing car dominance, improving air quality and addressing climate change. The current situation at the Blackwall Tunnel cannot continue, as it fundamentally undermines these goals.” Why do you think the solution is a project that increases motor traffic capacity in that part of London, makes air quality worse for thousands of local residents, and increases CO2 emissions?

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Silvertown Tunnel (6) Question No: 2020/1072 Andrew Boff You claim that the Silvertown Tunnel scheme leads to an improvement in overall air quality. However your carbon and energy statement shows an increase of 0.4% in CO2 emissions across all of Greater London with the tunnel built, over doing nothing, Presumably this increase is a result of increased fuel burn. How does more fuel burnt produce better air, overall?

Silvertown Tunnel (7) Question No: 2020/1073 Andrew Boff You claim an overall improvement in air quality after Silvertown, even though air gets worse in many places. Have you looked at the interaction of this new pollution distribution with population distribution, to understand whether Silvertown will lead to better or worse health outcomes?

Lambeth/Southwark healthy Streets Cycling Scheme (1) Question No: 2020/1074 Andrew Boff Lambeth has completed its consultation on its side of the joint Lambeth/Southwark Healthy Streets Cycling Scheme, whilst Southwark’s consultation is ongoing. What consideration was given to TfL holding a single consultation to cover the whole scheme?

Lambeth/Southwark Healthy Streets Cycling Scheme (2) Question No: 2020/1075 Andrew Boff Does the Mayor recognise the inherent problem of holding two consultations on the Lambeth/Southwark Healthy Streets Cycling Scheme as if the schemes are separate, given that the schemes are intrinsically linked and will have a collective massive impact across the wider community that straddles both boroughs?

Lambeth/Southwark Heathy Streets Cycling Scheme (3) Question No: 2020/1076 Andrew Boff Will the Mayor intervene to put the ongoing Southwark consultation on hold and ensure that work such as air quality impact assessment studies, traffic modelling including bus journey time impacts and an Equalities Impact Assessment are completed across the wider area?

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Lambeth/Southwark Healthy Streets Cycling Scheme (4) Question No: 2020/1077 Andrew Boff Once an impact assessment on the whole Lambeth/Southwark Healthy Streets Cycling Scheme is complete, will the Mayor commit to carrying out a cross-borough consultation on the whole scheme?

Amy Lamé Question No: 2020/1079 Andrew Boff On 24th February 2020, you said you didn’t appoint Amy Lamé , the information in the link below says you did, which is it?…

Service Delay Refund Claims Question No: 2020/1080 Keith Prince Please can you provide the number of service delay refund claims received by TfL, their total refund value and the average refund value for each year since 2015?

High streets in Havering and Redbridge (1) Question No: 2020/1081 Keith Prince What specific action are you taking to support high streets in Havering and Redbridge, which are such a vital part of our community?

High Streets in Havering and Redbridge (2) Question No: 2020/1082 Keith Prince Have you or your senior team had any engagement with businesses in Havering and Redbridge to discuss concerns about the high street and business rate reform? If so, what were the outcomes of these discussions?

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Crossrail (1) Question No: 2020/1083 Keith Prince My constituents in Havering and Redbridge remain concerned about the ongoing delays to Crossrail – can you provide them with reassurance that there will be no further delays to this vital infrastructure project?

Crossrail (2) Question No: 2020/1084 Keith Prince What are the projected costs for any further delay to the opening of the full Crossrail line?

Transport connectivity in boroughs Question No: 2020/1085 Keith Prince What work are you undertaking with London boroughs to address any concerns about transport connectivity within individual boroughs?

Employment Regulations Act (1) Question No: 2020/1086 Keith Prince Does the Mayor acknowledge that Uber drivers have been classified as workers under the Employment Regulations Act?

Employment Regulations Act (2) Question No: 2020/1087 Keith Prince Does the Mayor agree that a private hire operator whose drivers have been classified as workers under the Employment Regulations Act have a responsibility to ensure that an employee workplace risk assessment is in place to be classified as compliant with the law and therefore subsequently be classed as fit and proper by TfL to hold an Operators’ licence?

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Unsuitable Break Facilities on TfL Bus Routes Question No: 2020/1089 Keith Prince In your response to Question 2020/0745, you stated “Transport for London (TfL) is aware of a small number of locations where facilities for drivers to take breaks are not suitable.” Please identify the Bus Route involved and the reasons why these locations are designated “not suitable”.

Details of Consultations between TfL and TOL about IA 13744 Question No: 2020/1090 Keith Prince Thank you for finally sending me the documentation I requested in October 2019 for Question 2019/19749 in February 2020. When can we expect to see a link to this documentation posted on the GLA website?

Erroneous Statement contained in your 1 October Letter to London Assembly Chair Jennette Arnold rejecting the 4 July London Assembly Croydon Tram Motion Question No: 2020/1091 Keith Prince In your 1 October letter rejecting the London Assembly Motion requesting an Independent Investigation to discover why TfL failed to provide IA 17780 to the Croydon Crash Investigation, you stated that IA 17780 was a “single report, which was commissioned following a separate incident on the tram network in May 2017”. In documents released under Question 2019/17339, a 8 June 2017 email from a Senior TfL HSE Manager to First Group TOL specifically states “It is perhaps worth pointing out that whilst this work is partly in response to the incident last period, it is not an investigation into that event and so we will not be asking for specific information about that Individual or sequence of events relating to the incident.” Will you accept that IA 17780 was the first Internal Audit of First Group TOL’s entire Fatigue Management System since July 2014 and not a “single report relating to a separate incident” (i.e, a significant downgrading of IA 17780’s importance) as you have implied in your 1 October 2019 letter?

Retention Bonus for Bus Drivers Question No: 2020/1092 Keith Prince In what way does your 14 February 2020 announcement of a retention bonus for TfL Bus Drivers reduce Driver Fatigue, which, as you know, is the issue on which Unite the Union is currently balloting its London Bus Driver members for possible strike action?

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Announcement of Retention Bonus for London Bus Drivers Question No: 2020/1093 Keith Prince Please provide me with all the communication and documentation between City Hall, TfL and Unite the Union pertaining to your 14 February 2020 announcement to give TfL Bus Drivers a retention bonus.

Go Look See Question No: 2020/1094 Keith Prince From your response to Question 2020/0739, it appears that actions are taken as a result of Go Look See reports. If so, why are these documents not published on TfL’s Bus Safety Data page for public scrutiny? Will you undertake to ensure that these reports are posted immediately on the TfL Bus Safety Data Page?

Terms of Reference/Contract Specifications and Tender Notification for Coaching and Mentoring Services for TfL Executives Question No: 2020/1095 Keith Prince When do you intend to answer Question 2019/21054?

Panthea Leadership Question No: 2020/1096 Keith Prince In your response to 2019/21055 you state “Panthea Leadership’s mentoring services and their capability and experience are assessed and procured in an open and competitive tender process” yet a November 2017 report by Mayorwatch (…) revealed that TfL “defended the repeated extension of a consultancy contract worth almost £2m over a seven year period without asking rivals to tender for the work.” Please provide documentary evidence that Panthea Leadership’s contract for work after November 2017 was contracted on an “open and competitive tender process”.

Coaching and Mentoring Services for TfL Executives Question No: 2020/1097 Keith Prince In Question 2019/21053, I asked you specifically, “What are the specific job titles of the TfL Executives to whom these services are being provided?” Please answer my question.

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2014 Report from CIRAS about Fatigue from TOL Croydon Tram Drivers Question No: 2020/1098 Keith Prince Further to your response to Question 2019/21047, do you guarantee (1) that no one at TfL had any information before IA 13744 was initiated about the March 2014 report to CIRAS from First Group TOL drivers relating to fatigue and (2) that no one at TfL received a copy of the 2014 Abstracked Safety Audit before IA 13744 was initiated? If the answer to these questions is that you do so guarantee, do you agree that it is an extraordinary lapse for TOL not to have provided TfL with information about serious safety breaches and concerns among their drivers, and that TfL giving the operation a “Well Controlled” rating in July 2014 in IA 13744 now looks like tragic mistake?

November 2017 Request from TfL to CIRAS about a copy of the 2014 CIRAS Report about the Fatigue Concerns of First Group TOL Tram Drivers. Question No: 2020/1099 Keith Prince In your response to Question 2019/21047, you attached a 11 November 2019 letter from the Head of CIRAS to TfL’s Legal Department which states, “The Sandilands accident took place in November 2016 and a year later in November 2017 following a request from Jill Collis at TfL, the report was shared with them.” Please provide me with a copy of that November 2017 Request from Jill Collis.

2014 Report from CIRAS about Fatigue from TOL Croydon Tram Drivers (1) Question No: 2020/1100 Keith Prince Why was First Group TOL not contractually obliged to alert TfL of the Report from TOL Croydon Tram Drivers published by CIRAS in March 2014?

2014 Report from CIRAS about Fatigue from TOL Croydon Tram Drivers (2) Question No: 2020/1101 Keith Prince In your response to Question 2019/21047, despite your confirmation of the Director of CIRAS’s 11 November 2019 letter which asserts ‘TfL would not have necessarily known to look for it or been aware it existed” until Jill Collis requested in November 2017, based on

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documents released by you in Question 2019/17339 there is (1) an email from 16 June 2017 to First Group TOL’s Head Safety from the TfL Audit specifically asking for “Copies of issues raised through CIRAS/FirstGroup reporting system. I wrote down that you have had two from each system. (Particularly the CIRAS one that related to fatigue” and (2) mention of the 2014 CIRAS report section 4.1 of IA 17780 published on 15 September 2017 ( ie., “Confidential reports have been received twice on First Group’s system and twice on CIRAS. It was evidenced that only one of these reports, received via CIRAS in 2014, referred to fatigue. This related to fatigue caused by shift rotations and included a response by TOL.” Accordingly, neither your response to Question 2019/21047 or the Head of CIRAS’s 11 November 2019 letter to TfL Legal can be considered correct especially since Jill Collis was copied to IA 17780 on 15 September 2017 on a Restricted and Confidential Basis. Don’t you agree that this seemingly unending pattern of untransparent behaviour from TfL executives about what they knew (or didn’t know) about the Fatigue Management problems at First Group TOL’s Croydon Tram operation from 2014 onward merits an Independent Investigation?

March 2014 CIRAS Report about Fatigue and TOL Croydon Tram Drivers Question No: 2020/1102 Keith Prince Further to Question 2019/21047, please send me a copy of the March 2014 CIRAS report and First Group TOL’s response to it.

Communication between CIRAS and TfL in 2013 and 2014 Question No: 2020/1103 Keith Prince Please send me copies of all communications (including handwritten notes, emails and any other documentation) between CIRAS and TfL during 2013 and 2014.

Tower Bridge Flooding Question No: 2020/1104 Keith Prince Is there more you can do to stop the flooding north of Tower Bridge?

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Dial-a-Ride (1) Question No: 2020/1105 Keith Prince In 2004/05 Dial-a-Ride completed 1,260,669 trips and there were 99,821 refusals. In 2018/19 Dial-a-Ride completed 1,000,525 trips and there were 135,296 refusals. This means the number of completed trips across London has fallen by 260,144 (20.6%) while refusals have increased by 35,475 (35.5%). Do you think this is acceptable?

Dial-a-Ride (2) Question No: 2020/1106 Keith Prince What is TfL doing to address Dial-a-Ride’s problems and reverse the situation?

Dial-a-Ride (3) Question No: 2020/1107 Keith Prince Dial-a-Ride’s service would be much improved if users were guaranteed a round trip. Will you make those users that guarantee?

Use of technology Question No: 2020/1108 Shaun Bailey Has MOPAC undertaken any exploratory work to investigate the potential opportunities of using technology more effectively to help fight crime? If so, what were the conclusions?

Bleed control kits Question No: 2020/1109 Shaun Bailey Following question 2019/21058, when do you expect to hear back from the MPS Health and Safety Clinical Review panel on their consideration of bleed control kits?

Acid attacks Question No: 2020/1110 Shaun Bailey What specific action are you taking to tackle offences involving acid and corrosive substances?

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ATM crime Question No: 2020/1111 Shaun Bailey Please provide a breakdown of ATM cash point muggings in London over the past five years (year-by-year).

Economic Crime Victim Care Unit Question No: 2020/1112 Shaun Bailey How many victims of crime is the Economic Crime Victim Care Unit currently supporting?

Crossrail (1) Question No: 2020/1113 Shaun Bailey How often do you meet with TfL and Crossrail Ltd to discuss the ongoing work on the Elizabeth Line and what meetings have you had in 2020?

Crossrail (2) Question No: 2020/1114 Shaun Bailey What lessons have you learned about the ongoing delays to the Elizabeth Line and how will they be applied to the planning of ?

Crossrail (3) Question No: 2020/1115 Shaun Bailey Further to question 2019/19780, will you consider commissioning specific research on the impact on London’s regional economic growth if there are further delays to the Elizabeth Line?

Second home landlords (1) Question No: 2020/1116 Shaun Bailey Have you conducted, or do you intend to conduct, any research on the impact on London’s housing market of landlords with second homes?

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Second home landlords (2) Question No: 2020/1117 Shaun Bailey Are you aware of any evidence that landlords with second homes have a negative impact on your ability to address London’s housing crisis? If so, what is it?

London Needs You Alive campaign (1) Question No: 2020/1118 Shaun Bailey How much has been spent to date on the London Needs You Alive campaign?

London Needs You Alive campaign (2) Question No: 2020/1119 Shaun Bailey What engagement has been made with councils, schools and colleges to promote and reinforce the messaging of the London Needs You Alive campaign?

London Needs You Alive campaign (3) Question No: 2020/1120 Shaun Bailey In 2017, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the London Needs You Alive campaign were “to raise awareness of the dangers and consequence of carrying a knife among young people in London, measured via campaign reach, social listening and MOPAC Youth Survey results” and “to reduce the levels of concern around knife crime within adults and youth measured via the MOPAC Public attitude survey and a MOPAC youth Survey alongside the campaign results”. Please outline the evidence that you have achieved the primary KPIs of the London Needs You Alive campaign.

London Needs You Alive campaign (4) Question No: 2020/1121 Shaun Bailey Two years on from your knife crime strategy, how have you measured the attitude change since the end of the London Needs You Alive campaign?

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Knife crime strategy (1) Question No: 2020/1122 Shaun Bailey MOPAC’s map data compares all MPS boroughs over a 12 month period, noting high crime volume boroughs in red and low crime volume boroughs in green. What efforts has the Mayor made to reduce the volume of weapon-enabled crime in London boroughs?

Knife crime strategy (2) Question No: 2020/1123 Shaun Bailey The knife crime strategy notes that “we will take a trauma-informed and culturally competent approach”. What actions have been taken to reflect this in practice?

Safer schools officers Question No: 2020/1124 Shaun Bailey What formula/methodology is used to designate a safer schools officer and how many schools in London have safer schools officer?

Young people in the criminal justice system Question No: 2020/1125 Shaun Bailey At the end of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, how many young people entered the criminal justice system for the first time?

Young people as victims of crime Question No: 2020/1126 Shaun Bailey What efforts have been taken and what programmes have been implemented to reduce the chance of a young person becoming a victim of crime? What have been the outcomes of these efforts and programmes?

Young Londoners Fund Question No: 2020/1127 Shaun Bailey Following the recent £25 million investment in the Young Londoners Fund, do you have any plans for the projects and programmes that you will provide and what Key Performance

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Indicators will you put in place to ensure that they provide positive opportunities for disadvantaged young people and help steer them away from crime?

County lines Question No: 2020/1128 Shaun Bailey According to your 40th Mayor’s report, you are ‘increasing investment in programmes to tackle “county lines” and to disrupt the drugs market in the capital.’ What are these programmes, how are you going to ensure that that they make a difference, and how will you judge success?

Unstable employment Question No: 2020/1129 Shaun Bailey Recent research showed that young ethnic minority workers are more likely to be in unstable employment. What specific action are you taking to address this problem for young Londoners?

H1 Bus Route (1) Question No: 2020/1132 Steve O’Connell What consideration has TfL given to introducing a stop for the H1 bus route at Sutton Station?

H1 Bus Route (2) Question No: 2020/1133 Steve O’Connell What consideration has TfL given to extending the H1 bus route either northwards or southwards?

Business Partnerships Question No: 2020/1134 Susan Hall What are the total number of businesses you partner with and of these, how many are female-led (CEO) and BAME led?

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London Living Wage Small Businesses Question No: 2020/1135 Susan Hall How many small and micro businesses are there in London and of these how have signed up to the London Living Wage?

Fuel Poverty Action Plan Question No: 2020/1136 Susan Hall How many London boroughs have implemented the Fuel Poverty Action Plan?

Economic Development Strategy Question No: 2020/1137 Susan Hall What have you done to “influence business behaviour in line with this [economic development, 2017] strategy”?

Economic Benefit of the London Borough of Culture Question No: 2020/1138 Susan Hall Please quantify and give examples of the economic benefit of London Borough of Culture for Waltham Forest?

London Talent Question No: 2020/1139 Susan Hall What steps have you taken to reduce the ‘wasteful and ineffective’ use of talent in London mentioned in your Economic Development Strategy?

Training provision for disabled people Question No: 2020/1140 Susan Hall How have you partnered with London boroughs, skills providers and trade unions to promote training provisions that support and meet the needs of disabled people?

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Higher Education Research Question No: 2020/1141 Susan Hall In the economic development strategy (2017) it states that you will partner to “conduct research into London’s high rate of non-continuation into higher education”, what were the conclusions and recommendations from that research?

Financial Exclusion and Literacy Question No: 2020/1142 Susan Hall What steps have you taken to “address some of the key causes of financial exclusion and increase financial literacy”, how are you measuring your progress and which groups have you targeted in particular, and why?

Car Free Days Question No: 2020/1143 Susan Hall What work has been undertaken to assess the impact of your planned car free days on London’s economy and its potential cost to London’s businesses?

Day’ celebrations Question No: 2020/1145 Susan Hall Can you list how many national or international awareness/celebration ‘days’ were acknowledged or marked via GLA communication channels in 2019?

Gangs Matrix Question No: 2020/1146 Susan Hall Since 21st December 2018 how many individuals who were removed from the Gangs Matrix have gone onto be charged with a crime broken down by minor crime type? If this is too much data to extract, please just provide the figures for Violence Against the Person, Knife Crime, and Homicide. Also please note, this only refers to those removed from the Matrix after 21st December 2018.

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Bail and RUI Question No: 2020/1147 Susan Hall Please provide the following for each of the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019: • The number of homicides excluding domestic abuse • The number of these homicides where a suspect was charged • The number of those charged who were on already bail or released under investigation when the alleged offence was committed (Please provide separate figures for bail and RUI)

Facial Recognition 1 Question No: 2020/1148 Susan Hall Since the approval of Facial Recognition for the Met, please of provide the following breakdowns for those who have been uploaded to the system: • Age • Ethnicity • Gender Further to this, for those who are currently wanted by the Met, please provide the following breakdowns: • Age • Ethnicity • Gender

Facial Recognition 2 Question No: 2020/1149 Susan Hall Since the approval of Facial Recognition for the Met, please provide the minor crime types for which those who have been uploaded to the system are wanted for.

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Facial Recognition 3 Question No: 2020/1150 Susan Hall Is the Met considering an expansion to Facial Recognition, if so what? E.g. integration with CCTV?

Met cases dropped due to time limit expiration Question No: 2020/1151 Susan Hall For each of the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, how many police suspects have had proceedings against them dropped, because the period set in law to bring proceedings to expire has passed? Please breakdown by minor crime type.

Vehicle Scrappage Schemes Question No: 2020/1153 Tony Arbour Could the Mayor confirm how much of the £23m van scrappage fund for microbusinesses and charities launched in February 2019 has been spent?

Trees Question No: 2020/1154 Tony Arbour Could the Mayor provide the number of trees that have been planted by the Mayor per borough from May 2016 to date?

Air Quality Screening Question No: 2020/1155 Tony Arbour Could the Mayor provide details of all the boroughs who received funding or provision for air quality screens?

Air quality (1) Question No: 2020/1156 Tony Arbour Could the Mayor confirm how many businesses have benefited from the van scrappage scheme launched in February 2019?

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Air quality (2) Question No: 2020/1157 Tony Arbour Could the Mayor provide London Average Air Quality Levels data between February 2018- February 2020?

Kings College London 2030 and Beyond Question No: 2020/1159 Tony Devenish What recommendations from the comprehensive March 2018 Kings College London report “London 2030 and beyond” have you taken forward and how?

Reform Report Question No: 2020/1160 Tony Devenish Following the report from Reform, what steps are you taking to drive innovation and long- term growth in the life sciences sector in London?

London Chamber of Commerce & Industry manifesto, Question No: 2020/1161 Tony Devenish Following the recommendations within the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) manifesto, how will you collaborate with boroughs to achieve swifter roll-out of the 5G network?

PMI New Business Index Question No: 2020/1162 Tony Devenish With the PMI New Business Index increasing in January 2020, how will you be making the most of the positive opportunities for business that Brexit will bring?

Brompton Hospital Question No: 2020/1163 Tony Devenish Will you be following the example of the Leader of RBKC Council, writing to the Government and Secretary of State to outline the concerns of Londoners and RBKC Council on the issue of the Brompton hospital closure?

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London Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2020 manifesto Question No: 2020/1164 Tony Devenish How will you be taking forward the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (LCCI) skills recommendations from their 2020 manifesto?

London Skills Audit Question No: 2020/1165 Tony Devenish What work have you undertaken to establish an annual London Skills Audit as recommended in the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (LCCI) 2020 manifesto?

Apprenticeship Levy system in London Question No: 2020/1166 Tony Devenish What steps have you taken to review and improve the Apprenticeship Levy system in London?

Planning Call-ins Question No: 2020/1167 Tony Devenish Having overruled the local council on three occasions to impose unwanted skyscrapers in Kensington and Chelsea – at Newcombe House, Kensington Fourm Hotel and 100 West Cromwell Road – how does your approach meet your commitment to respect the character of existing neighbourhoods?

BYD (1) Question No: 2020/1168 Tony Devenish TfL is buying 80% of their electric buses from BYD. Based on the evidence of BYD’s electric buses’ performance so far in London and – where they are in use – around the world, how confident are you that relying so heavily on one provider is the right choice?

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BYD (2) Question No: 2020/1169 Tony Devenish Will you provide me with comprehensive reliability data of BYD buses’ performance in comparison to the TfL average?

TfL as a landlord Question No: 2020/1170 Tony Devenish Is it reasonable that a small business in West Kensington, the landlord of which is TfL, has been waiting a year for TfL to decide by how much they plan to increase his rent and to send him a backdated bill?

Old Oak Common Question No: 2020/1171 Tony Devenish What in-depth work has been done to allay fears that 250,000 passengers a day at the Old Oak Common HS2 super-hub will not overwhelm surrounding urban village streetscapes, including both roads and pavements?

Traffic Lights Question No: 2020/1172 Tony Devenish In order to reduce air pollution, mitigate noise pollution and keep London moving, will you commit to investigating whether some traffic lights in London should be switched to amber overnight?

Don’t Be Idle (1) Question No: 2020/1173 Tony Devenish On 2nd March Westminster Council held a ‘Don’t Be Idle’ action day around with and the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association (LTDA). At times the idling taxis traffic tailed back 250 metres all the way down Harewood Avenue and around the corner along Rossmore Road. What is TfL doing to control the chaos caused by very long lines of idling taxis at this location?

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Don’t Be Idle (2) Question No: 2020/1174 Tony Devenish When will Marylebone get its first Electric Vehicle-only taxi rank?

Don’t Be Idle (3) Question No: 2020/1175 Tony Devenish Who should Westminster Councillors contact to work together to address this problem?

PLA (1) Question No: 2020/1176 Tony Devenish Are you aware of a recent consultation by the Authority (PLA) to change its powers by means of a Harbour Regulation Order rather than Act of Parliament?

PLA (2) Question No: 2020/1177 Tony Devenish Do you share my concern that the changes the (PLA) is seeking seem quite far reaching and potentially detrimental to houseboat owners? Will you urge full public consultation?

PLA (3) Question No: 2020/1178 Tony Devenish If you do share my concerns regarding these changes, what action have you taken or are you planning to take to push back against them?

Routemaster Boarding Question No: 2020/1179 Tony Devenish By banning entry on middle and back doors of new Routemasters, are you hitting people with disabilities, senior citizens and those with toddlers? Why has there been no public consultation on this blunt measure?

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Bond Street Station Building Work Question No: 2020/1180 Tony Devenish Extremely loud work on Bond Street Western Ticket Hall continued until 12:40am on 26th February and unacceptable noise levels in the middle of the night seem to have become the norm. When operators were challenged on this, they stated that they had received permission for these works. Will you investigate this as a matter of urgency and intervene to ensure everything possible is being done to keep noise levels to a minimum?

Tube Delays Question No: 2020/1181 Tony Devenish Why do you think the number of Tube delays caused by faulty trains increased by almost a third in two years of your Mayoralty?

Frequency of the Number 9 bus Question No: 2020/1182 Tony Devenish A constituent of mine wrote to TfL over two months ago, and at the time of tabling this question had not received a response, regarding frequent overcrowding on the number 9 bus. What consideration has been given to increasing the frequency of the number 9 bus route?

London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Manifesto Question No: 2020/1183 Tony Devenish The LCCI has published its manifesto, calling for the appointment of “a Freight Commissioner to deliver a long-term holistic strategy to accommodate a sustained increase in demand”. Do you agree that such an appointment would be beneficial?

Appointing the next TfL Commissioner Question No: 2020/1184 Tony Devenish Having had a chance to reflect on my suggestion at the Assembly Plenary meeting of 5th March 2020 , do you agree that the it would make sense to involve the current Chair and Deputy Chair of the Assembly in the appointment of the next TfL Commissioner to assist in transforming TfL’s “tin ear on customer service”?

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District and Piccadilly Lines Maintenance Question No: 2020/1185 Tony Devenish Both District and Piccadilly Lines were closed for maintenance on the weekend of the 15th/16th February. Rail replacement buses stopped at Wimbledon, with those who wanted to head into South Kensington advised to take the irregular, single deck C1 bus. In retrospect, do you consider this was acceptable? What would you do differently in the future?

Cycleway 10 Question No: 2020/1186 Tony Devenish On 6th February TfL told key stakeholders, including the Holland Park Residents’ Association, in the proposed Cycleway 10 that there would be a number of negative consequences to the proposal. These include worse air quality at a number of parts of the route, more rat runs including 200-400 additional cars an hour through certain residential streets, longer bus journeys along the route and many more issues. Given this, will you scrap this proposal and go back to the drawing board?

Temporary Hammersmith Bridge (1) Question No: 2020/1187 Tony Devenish When will the Pell Frischmann proposed temporary Hammersmith Bridge be open to scrutiny as an option?

Temporary Hammersmith Bridge (2) Question No: 2020/1188 Tony Devenish What will this bespoke temporary pedestrian bridge cost the taxpayer?

Major incidents Question No: 2020/1189 Tony Devenish Following on from the number of major incidents of a national magnitude the Met Police has dealt with during this Mayoral term, have you personally taken the time to investigate along with your Deputy Mayor the complex needs of the Police Family Liaison Officers and wrap around co-ordinated bereavement services across our public services?

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Low Priority Crimes Question No: 2020/1190 Tony Devenish What priorities have you set the Police and which crimes have you told them are low priority?

CPS criticisms Question No: 2020/1191 Tony Devenish Do you agree with lawyers who have criticised the Crown Prosecution Service for pursuing the tv personality Caroline Flack, allegedly ignoring the CPS’s own mental health guidance? How can you exert pressure to ensure this does not happen again?

Business crime Question No: 2020/1192 Tony Devenish Westminster has been identified as the most dangerous place to own a business, and Kensington and Chelsea as the third, what are you going to do about this?

Organised crime flytipping Question No: 2020/1193 Tony Devenish Have you read the Spectator article by Alasdair Palmer “What is organised crime doing disposing of rubbish”? Please investigate with London Councils and the Met if the allegations in this article are accurate. If so what is being done to stop such large scale dumping by organised crime?

Police covenant Question No: 2020/1194 Tony Devenish Do you support the government introducing a police covenant, and what more can you do in London to support police officers?

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Temporary Hammersmith Road Bridge Question No: 2020/1195 Tony Devenish Will TfL please now seriously consider the latest (revised) robust Beckett Rankine proposal for the speedy installation of a cost-effective temporary road bridge in order to relieve the air-polluting traffic gridlock in SW London?

BCU commanders Question No: 2020/1196 Tony Devenish Please provide a table of all BCU commanders and how many different individuals have been in each post since May 2016.

Police living in London Question No: 2020/1197 Tony Devenish What percentage of serving police constables and sergeants live in Greater London?

Borough funded police Question No: 2020/1198 Tony Devenish Please can you provide the current number of borough funded police officers, broken down by borough?

MPS property portfolio Question No: 2020/1199 Tony Devenish What progress has been made to ensure that the Metropolitan Police Service’s property portfolio is fit for purpose, and how will you measure this?

Roadside Greening Question No: 2020/1200 Tony Devenish As a publicly funded body in a London-wide democratic system, TfL are supposed to be accountable to the and the London Assembly. Why then are they able to ignore the Mayor’s own policy on “Roadside Greening” (“Using green infrastructure to protect people from air pollution” (April 2019)) for heavily polluted roads like the A3220

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Earl’s Court Road and Warwick Road, as well as the numerous representations made in this regard by local Councillors and residents?

FNOs Question No: 2020/1201 Tony Devenish From May 2016, please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of arrests and the number of these where the person arrested was a foreign national, please break this down to EU and non-EU nationals.

Special Constables Question No: 2020/1202 Tony Devenish In relation to MQ 2020/0122, what recent polices have been implemented by the Internal Strategic Review Board to support, encourage and effectively utilise Special Constables?

Building on Tube Stations in Kensington and Chelsea Question No: 2020/1203 Tony Devenish Given TfL’s plans to redevelop the area around South Kensington station, will the Mayor direct TfL to conduct feasibility studies on brownfield sites above other Tube and rail stations in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, in particular Earl’s Court station, to determine their suitability for redevelopment?

Action Fraud Question No: 2020/1204 Tony Devenish For each of the years, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, please provide the number of Fraud referrals made to the Met by Action Fraud, and the Sanction Detection Rates.

Green Infrastructure Projects Question No: 2020/1205 Tony Devenish Could the Mayor provide a list of how many green infrastructure projects have been completed, or scheduled to start in 2020, and on which roads?

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NPCC Aviation review Question No: 2020/1206 Tony Devenish In reference to MQ 2019/12364, have you received a copy of the NPCC Aviation Review, if so, what is your assessment and will you share a copy with me?

Helicopter Noise Question No: 2020/1207 Tony Devenish In reference to MQ 2018/5506, what success have you had in lobbying the Civil Aviation Authority and Government to review and amend the noise regime to ensure reduced noise exposure from helicopters?

COP26 Question No: 2020/1208 Tony Devenish Is the Mayor participating in COP26 Glasgow (9th -19th November)? Please give details.

Carbon neutral by 2030 Question No: 2020/1210 Tony Devenish Will the Mayor comment on the Sunday Telegraph article on 8th March that states that his target of making London a carbon neutral city by 2030 is unachievable?

London’s Landscape Question No: 2020/1211 Tony Devenish What are you doing to ensure any new on-shore wind turbines are in keeping with London’s landscape?

Girls in STEM (1) Question No: 2020/1213 Jennette Arnold OBE At our recent meeting, the Education Panel heard that interventions to improve representation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) need to happen far before GCSEs, in primary school. What more could you do to promote STEM with this age group?

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Girls in STEM (2) Question No: 2020/1214 Jennette Arnold OBE At our recent meeting, the Education Panel heard that interventions to improve representation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) need to happen far before GCSEs, in primary school. We also heard about the importance of young women and girls going on trips to see women in STEM in action. Would you consider bringing forward a programme of educational trips to STEM workplaces for young women and girls in London?

Girls in STEM (3) Question No: 2020/1215 Jennette Arnold OBE How can you help raise the profile of women in STEM to act as role models for young Londoners?

Girls in STEM (4) Question No: 2020/1216 Jennette Arnold OBE At our recent meeting, the Education Panel heard that interventions to improve representation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) need to happen far before GCSEs, in primary school. Panellists also raised the importance of creativity and arts in STEM subjects. How do your programmes help young Londoners to develop creative problem-solving skills?

Girls in STEM (5) Question No: 2020/1217 Jennette Arnold OBE What investment and support do you provide for extra-curricular activities for young women and girls to get involved in STEM?

Girls in STEM (6) Question No: 2020/1218 Jennette Arnold OBE What opportunities are there within the GLA Group for young women Londoners to start their careers in STEM?

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Girls in STEM (7) Question No: 2020/1219 Jennette Arnold OBE Does your Good Work Standard contain provisions for gender parity in STEM organisations?

Girls in STEM (8) Question No: 2020/1220 Jennette Arnold OBE How do you work with employers to increase their outreach to women seeking work in STEM?

Girls in STEM (9) Question No: 2020/1221 Jennette Arnold OBE How will the Adult Education Budget increase women Londoners’ skills and confidence in STEM?

Girls in STEM (10) Question No: 2020/1222 Jennette Arnold OBE How will the Mayor use the Adult Education Budget to ensure girls and students from BAME backgrounds have appropriate access to training and education in STEM subjects?

Fair conditions in higher education Question No: 2020/1223 Jennette Arnold OBE You will no doubt be aware of recent University and College Union strikes affecting a number of universities in London. Will you raise the issue of fair pay and conditions for staff in higher education with the Department for Education?

Widening participation for BAME young people (1) Question No: 2020/1224 Jennette Arnold OBE How will your Budget increase education opportunities for young BAME Londoners, and widen participation in adult education and the jobs market for BAME graduates?

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Widening participation for BAME young people (2) Question No: 2020/1225 Jennette Arnold OBE The Adult Education Budget (AEB) has as two of its key aims supporting English for Speakers of Other Languages and support for disadvantaged learners. Although you have not yet made sweeping policy changes to the AEB, what initial work has been undertaken in this area?

Widening participation for BAME young people (3) Question No: 2020/1226 Jennette Arnold OBE The Education Panel recommended as part of our work on exclusions that you should work to increase the proportion of BAME teachers and school leaders in London. What progress have you made?

Widening participation for BAME young people (4) Question No: 2020/1227 Jennette Arnold OBE You know I have followed your work diversifying London Fashion Week and our fashion industry with great interest. How are you ensuring that these programmes reach BAME Londoners outside of the major fashion schools?

Access to culture for young people (1) Question No: 2020/1228 Jennette Arnold OBE Research, including last year from the House of Commons Digital, Culture Media and Sport Committee, has found that schools are being forced to cut their cultural and arts programmes. What discussions have you had with the Secretary of State for Education on this, and what are you doing from within City Hall to support London’s schools to continue this vital activity?

Access to culture for young people (2) Question No: 2020/1229 Jennette Arnold OBE Wealthier families are often able to provide extra-curricular access to cultural experiences for their children, but with UNISON estimating that, between April 2010 and April 2016, £387m was cut from youth service spending across the UK, children from less well off backgrounds are increasingly unable to access the same opportunities. How will your Borough of Culture help to create opportunities for young people where they live?

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Access to culture for young people (3) Question No: 2020/1230 Jennette Arnold OBE There are excellent examples of grassroots projects in London, such as the Black Ticket Project which provides free or discounted tickets to young black Londoners to attend a diverse range of plays and shows, including but not just the West End. Part of their mission is supporting these young people to feel confident and welcome in these spaces where they may not have been before. How do your projects reach out to young people who may not immediately think that this kind of thing is ‘for them’?

Exclusions (1) Question No: 2020/1231 Jennette Arnold OBE The Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson CBE MP, has stated that he will prioritise Alternative Provision (AP) schools when assessing free school applications. There is no doubt that APs do essential work, but is increasing their numbers through free schools the right approach for London?

Exclusions (2) Question No: 2020/1232 Jennette Arnold OBE Gavin Williamson CBE MP (Education Secretary) has also recently stated that school discipline will be the Government’s highest education priority and set out some severe and punitive measures such as silent corridors. Do you agree with me that, given London’s disproportionate rate of exclusions, a far more inclusive approach to school discipline is required?

Maintained nurseries Question No: 2020/1233 Jennette Arnold OBE The National Education Union and others have recently handed a petition to Downing Street calling on the Prime Minister to make a funding commitment in the Spring Budget on 11 March 2020 that secures the long-term future of maintained nursery schools. What assessment have you made of the financial health of London’s maintained nurseries, and will you support the petition?

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School admissions Question No: 2020/1234 Jennette Arnold OBE Recent Sutton Trust research on school admissions found that unequal admissions lead to social segregation, which has lasting effects and is letting down pupils and communities. Will you lobby the Department for Education for a fairer and more strategic admissions scheme for London?

A new home for the Migration Museum Question No: 2020/1235 Jennette Arnold OBE The lauded Migration Museum requires a new venue as its previous temporary home at London Fire Brigade’s old HQ on Albert Embankment is being redeveloped. Will you ask your officers to meet the operators of the Migration Museum to inform its search for a new site?

Improving TfL Customer Service Question No: 2020/1236 Jennette Arnold OBE What measures is TfL putting in place to improve its customer service to ensure that it is a listening organisation that responds professionally to issues raised when things go wrong?

Signposting Customers to London Travelwatch Question No: 2020/1245 Jennette Arnold OBE How will TfL be improving its processes so that complainants are signposted to other agencies (such as London Travelwatch) when TfL are unable to provide a solution which satisfies the complainant?

Wrongful Prosecutions by TfL Question No: 2020/1246 Jennette Arnold OBE How many TfL users have been wrongfully prosecuted by TfL, if any, as a result of TfL mishandling passenger data?

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Data Management and TfL Question No: 2020/1247 Jennette Arnold OBE How have TfL processes changed to ensure that there is robust oversight of data management?

TfL’s Communication Model Question No: 2020/1248 Jennette Arnold OBE How are TfL working to move away from their current model of communication in order to provide those looking for support with open and honest communication that Londoners trust?

Engineer Noise Readings in Islington Question No: 2020/1249 Jennette Arnold OBE In response to Question 2019/20787 you provided TfL data on noise readings taken from residential properties in Islington. This shows that noise readings from both north and southbound have risen by at least 10 decibels since 2017. What has changed since 2017 to cause this rise?

Numbers of Engineer Assessments of Tube Noise Question No: 2020/1250 Jennette Arnold OBE Please provide the number of engineer visits that have taken place to assess levels of tube noise in residential buildings between Highbury and Islington and King’s Cross stations. Please breakdown the response year by year for the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Independent Audit of TfL Response to Complaints Question No: 2020/1251 Jennette Arnold OBE In 2015 TfL committed to an independent audit of its response to complaints which was due to be reported on to the Assembly. Please provide details of this audit including the date when it was presented to the Assembly.

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Delivery of New Trains to Chingford to Liverpool St Line Question No: 2020/1252 Jennette Arnold OBE Please provide an update on when residents can expect delivery of these trains. It is now three months after TfL promised that delivery would be completed.

Decentralised Energy Enabling Project (DEEP) Question No: 2020/1255 Leonie Cooper In your answer to my question 2020/0502 on Decentralised Energy Enabling Project (DEEP), you stated that you have helped Boroughs and partners secure £25m of Government funding. Which Boroughs have benefited and how much have they secured?

Carbon offset price Question No: 2020/1256 Leonie Cooper What analysis was conducted of the expected carbon reductions associated with different offset price levels?

Low Emission Zone (1) Question No: 2020/1257 Leonie Cooper How many Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) and coach owners/drivers have been reached by your communications to raise awareness of the strengthened Low Emission Zone standards?

Low Emission Zone (2) Question No: 2020/1258 Leonie Cooper What level of compliance are you anticipating in the first year of the strengthened Low Emission Zone?

Retrofit Accelerator - Homes Question No: 2020/1259 Leonie Cooper Will the Retrofit Accelerator for homes prioritise vulnerable Londoners, those living in fuel poverty and the least energy efficient properties?

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Retrofit Accelerator - Workplaces Question No: 2020/1260 Leonie Cooper What targets do you have for bringing new organisations into the Retrofit Accelerator for workplaces scheme?

Consumption emissions (1) Question No: 2020/1261 Leonie Cooper Your recent report into London’s climate impacts showed that consumption-based emissions are nearly triple the level of emissions occurring in London and for our energy. Since 2001, consumption emissions have also fallen significantly less than emissions occurring in London. How are you reducing London’s consumption emissions?

Consumption emissions (2) Question No: 2020/1262 Leonie Cooper Reducing consumption emissions requires international cooperation. How are you pursuing this with partners through C40 Cities and other networks?

Consumption emissions (3) Question No: 2020/1263 Leonie Cooper New housing is one of the largest sources of consumption emissions. What tangible steps are you taking to bring down embodied carbon in new homes?

Consumption emissions (4) Question No: 2020/1264 Leonie Cooper In your work with fashion institutions and London Fashion Week, how are you raising awareness of and campaigning for an end to carbon-intensive and labour-exploiting fast fashion?

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Green New Deal (1) Question No: 2020/1265 Leonie Cooper I welcome your commitment to invest £50m in a Green New Deal (GND) for London. Over how many years will this money be spent?

Green New Deal (2) Question No: 2020/1266 Leonie Cooper When do you expect to be able to commission programmes under the £50m London GND fund?

Green New Deal (3) Question No: 2020/1267 Leonie Cooper What targets and deliverables will you set to ensure the £50m London GND fund is spent most effectively?

Green New Deal (4) Question No: 2020/1268 Leonie Cooper If this is a success, could we see more funding allocated to a London GND in the future?

Green New Deal (5) Question No: 2020/1269 Leonie Cooper Will some of the Adult Education Budget be used to develop the skills base needed to make your London GND a success?

Resilience to extreme weather Question No: 2020/1270 Leonie Cooper London has been spared the worst of recent flooding but is likely to bear the brunt of any heatwaves this summer. What steps have you taken in the last year to ensure the GLA is prepared and are you also working with NHS colleagues on their preparations?

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Access to parks (1) Question No: 2020/1271 Leonie Cooper Data from Natural England shows just 56% of London’s children from BAME backgrounds spend time outside once a week, compared to 70% of white children. How do your environment programmes address this inequality?

Access to parks (2) Question No: 2020/1272 Leonie Cooper How do you work with schools to promote the benefits of and enable outdoor education?

Deposit Return Scheme Question No: 2020/1273 Leonie Cooper What discussions have you had with Government to make progress on London becoming a trial location for their Deposit Return Scheme, as the Assembly called for in July 2019 and the Environment Committee called for in its April 2017 report on single-use plastic water bottles?

Reduction and Recycling Plans Question No: 2020/1274 Leonie Cooper Can you provide an update on the publication of Borough Reduction and Recycling Plans? How many are yet to be received?

Air Quality Fund Question No: 2020/1275 Leonie Cooper Please provide a breakdown of Air Quality Fund spending by Borough since 2016.

Young Londoners Fund Projects in Wandsworth Question No: 2020/1276 Leonie Cooper Please provide a list of projects that have received funding in Wandsworth as part of the Young Londoners Fund since its inception.

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Young Londoners Fund Projects in Merton Question No: 2020/1277 Leonie Cooper Please provide a list of projects that have received funding in Merton as part of the Young Londoners Fund since its inception.

Borough of Culture (1) Question No: 2020/1278 Leonie Cooper Following the announcement of Lewisham and Croydon as the winners of the Borough of Culture awards for 2021 and 2023 respectively, how are you ensuring these boroughs learn from the best practice of Waltham Forest and Brent?

Borough of Culture (2) Question No: 2020/1279 Leonie Cooper Why has the Borough of Culture award been changed to operate on a two-yearly basis?

Apprenticeships in London Question No: 2020/1280 Leonie Cooper The Government has missed its target to begin 3million apprenticeships by 2020. How are you working with the Government to improve the apprenticeship system in London?

London Living Wage Question No: 2020/1281 Leonie Cooper How many employers in London are London Living Wage accredited?

Migration salary Impact in London (1) Question No: 2020/1282 Leonie Cooper Does City Hall have data on the number of Londoners paid below the Government’s proposed £25,600 salary threshold for its points-based migration system?

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Migration salary Impact in London (2) Question No: 2020/1283 Leonie Cooper Does City Hall have data on the number of EU Londoners paid below the Government’s proposed £25,600 salary threshold for its points based migration system?

Migration salary Impact in London (3) Question No: 2020/1284 Leonie Cooper What impact would the Government’s proposed £25,600 salary threshold have on the social care sector in London?

Migration salary Impact in London (4) Question No: 2020/1285 Leonie Cooper What impact would the Government’s proposed £25,600 salary threshold have on the construction sector in London?

Migration salary Impact in London (5) Question No: 2020/1286 Leonie Cooper What impact would the Government’s proposed £25,600 salary threshold have on the hospitality sector in London?

Consultation with Businesses over UK negotiating position with the European Union Question No: 2020/1287 Leonie Cooper The UK’s negotiating mandate with the European Union, released on the 27th February 2020, states that ‘the Government intends to invite contributions about the economic implications of the future relationship from a wide range of stakeholders via a public consultation’. How will you ensure the voices of London’s businesses are heard during this consultation?

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Potential Customs Checks on food imported from the European Union after December 2020 Question No: 2020/1288 Leonie Cooper The European Union’s negotiating objectives for the future relationship with the United Kingdom states: ‘all imports will need to comply with the rules of the importing party and will be subject to regulatory checks and controls for safety, health and other public policy purposes.’ ( Do you share my concerns that the price of food imported from the European Union in London may rise due to non-tariff barriers such as customs checks?

Coronavirus advice for Homeless People Question No: 2020/1289 Leonie Cooper Advice for the coronavirus suggests people with a confirmed diagnosis, symptoms, or contact with people with the virus or symptoms, should self-isolate indoors to reduce the risk of spreading the infection. What advice is available for homeless Londoners who are unlikely to be able to follow this advice?

Hammersmith Bridge (1) Question No: 2020/1290 Leonie Cooper Can you update me on the current status of funding for the works on Hammersmith Bridge?

Hammersmith Bridge (2) Question No: 2020/1291 Leonie Cooper Can you update me on when the temporary bridge might be installed at Hammersmith Bridge?

Hammersmith Bridge (3) Question No: 2020/1292 Leonie Cooper Many constituents have complained that the additional bus services, put in to deal with the consequences of the closure of Hammersmith Bridge, are inadequate. What plans does TfL have to improve these bus services, especially during the rush hours?

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Water Fountains Question No: 2020/1293 Leonie Cooper You recently announced the installation of water fountains in parts of Merton & Wandsworth. What further plans do you have to increase the number of fountains in Merton and Wandsworth?

Cycle Hire Question No: 2020/1294 Leonie Cooper Many residents in my constituency would like to use cycle hire schemes to travel around, especially those that aren’t served well by the bus or train network. Can you tell me what further plans TfL has to extend the network of bicycles for hire and how local people might apply to get docking stations in their area?

Air Quality Question No: 2020/1295 Leonie Cooper What further improvements to air quality in Wandsworth do you expect, when the ULEZ is expanded to the north and south circulars in 2021?

Sutton Tram Extension Question No: 2020/1296 Leonie Cooper TfL have now confirmed which scheme they prefer for the tram extension to Sutton. Is a funding package now in place, with contributions from TfL, Merton, Sutton and central government, for this much-needed, long-awaited scheme?

2020 European Football Championship Question No: 2020/1297 Leonie Cooper How are you working to ensure the 2020 European Football Championship will benefit Londoners?

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Royalty and Specialist Protection Unit Funding Question No: 2020/1299 Unmesh Desai Please can you advise whether the funding for the Royalty and Specialist protection unit is provided in the form of a specific grant from central government, or whether this is paid for through the core police funding grant allocated to the Met?

Protected principals Question No: 2020/1300 Unmesh Desai Does the Royalty and Specialist Command unit continue to provide support for protected principals if they leave their duties as part of the Royal Family?

Officer retirement Question No: 2020/1301 Unmesh Desai How many Met Police officers retired from the MPS in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019? Please also provide how many new police officers (not joining from other forces) were sworn in and provided with their warrant cards in each of these years.

Gang flagged crime Question No: 2020/1302 Unmesh Desai Why have the number of gang flagged crimes been decreasing since 2016?

Live Facial recognition monitoring groups Question No: 2020/1303 Unmesh Desai Will community monitoring groups, such as those who review the MPS’s use of stop and search, be able to review the Met’s use of Live Facial Recognition technology?

Unexplained wealth orders Question No: 2020/1304 Unmesh Desai How many unexplained wealth orders were obtained in London in 2018 and 2019?

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Money laundering arrests Question No: 2020/1305 Unmesh Desai How many people were arrested in London for money laundering offences in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019?

Leasehold ground rents Question No: 2020/1306 Unmesh Desai Following the Competition and Markets Authority’s report into the miss-selling of leasehold properties, which finds that there is no legal or commercial justification for ground rents, will you commit to ensuring that no new leasehold properties – be they shared ownership or private sale – that receive grant or loan funding from the GLA, or are part of projects that do, have ground rents above £0?

Affordable housing programme (1) Question No: 2020/1307 Unmesh Desai Of the total £4.82 billion affordable housing budget secured by the GLA until 2022, could you state how much money: 1. Has been allocated by the GLA to an affordable housing provider? 2. Has been received by the GLA from the Government? 3. Has been spent by the GLA to affordable housing providers? 4. Is currently in GLA accounts ahead of spending?

Affordable housing programme (2) Question No: 2020/1308 Unmesh Desai Could you set out what number of allocations made under your affordable housing programme have been through a) the Approved Provider Route b) Developer-led route and c) Negotiated Grant rates?

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Affordable housing programme (3) Question No: 2020/1309 Unmesh Desai In how many cases has the Developer-led route allowed grant to be applied to all affordable homes in a scheme after initial grant has lifted the proportion of affordable homes above the 40% threshold?

Affordable housing programme (4) Question No: 2020/1310 Unmesh Desai How do you monitor the proportion of housing starts that are affordable for Approved Providers in London? Could you provide a list of Approved Providers and the proportion of the homes they have started in London since April 2015 that are affordable?

Affordable housing programme (5) Question No: 2020/1311 Unmesh Desai When you provide the next quarterly update to the GLA affordable housing statistics in May, and from then on, could you provide within or alongside those statistics a breakdown of provider, in particular so that we can monitor the number of new council homes being supported and the effectiveness of the Council Homes for Londoners programme?

Affordable housing programme (6) Question No: 2020/1312 Unmesh Desai Could you provide an updated spreadsheet setting out all funding allocations made to date under your Affordable Housing Programme, both for organisations, and by borough, with the number of homes and amount allocated to each?

Affordable housing programme (7) Question No: 2020/1313 Unmesh Desai What proportion of new homes supported by the GLA are wheelchair user dwellings (per Building Regulation M4(3))?

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Right to Buy Ring-Fence Offer (1) Question No: 2020/1314 Unmesh Desai How many local authorities have signed up to your Right to Buy receipts ring-fence offer and how much funding has been a) allocated to each borough and b) drawn down by each borough?

Right to Buy Ring-Fence Offer (2) Question No: 2020/1315 Unmesh Desai Do you, or will you, monitor the use of funding used by local authorities through the Right to Buy Ring-Fence Offer to monitor the number of new affordable homes started and completed through this funding?

Building Council Homes for Londoners Question No: 2020/1316 Unmesh Desai Other than capital funding for grant, what support has the GLA provided to councils to increase the number of homes they are building. For example, how many (if any) GLA staff have been placed with councils, and has revenue funding been provided in any cases?

Short term lettings Question No: 2020/1317 Unmesh Desai Following the GLA’s excellent “Short-term and holiday letting in London” report, how will you work with boroughs to better monitor the impact of short-term lettings in London, and what progress is being made with Government towards a statutory regulatory system?

Private rented sector Question No: 2020/1318 Unmesh Desai Could you summarise what the focus of the London Borough Private Rented Sector Partnership has been since its establishment and how it has improved the Private Rented Sector for Londoners?

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Housing moves (1) Question No: 2020/1319 Unmesh Desai How many new London Affordable Rent homes have been a) made available through the Housing Moves scheme and b) let through the Housing Moves scheme?

Housing moves (2) Question No: 2020/1320 Unmesh Desai How many lettings have been made through the Housing Moves scheme in each of the past 5 years?

Housing moves (3) Question No: 2020/1321 Unmesh Desai Do you have a breakdown of lettings made through the Housing Moves scheme by tenure moved from and tenure moved to?

TfL Performance Award Matrices Question No: 2020/1322 Unmesh Desai Please share the matrices TfL uses for the allocation of performance awards for (i) directors and (ii) managing directors.

Union Communication with Staff at TfL Question No: 2020/1323 Unmesh Desai Please can you confirm whether TfL gives its recognised trade unions the facility to display information on staff intranet, internal social media and electronic notice boards (resources that are already used by internal and external organisations and advertisers) and if not, when this will be made available?

Bus Stops Cowbridge Lane and Cowbridge Lane (SB) in Barking Question No: 2020/1324 Unmesh Desai Please can you confirm whether there are any planned works by TfL to provide seating and rain cover at these two bus stops (Cowbridge Lane and Cowbridge Lane (SB)), which are

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used by a number of older attendees of Gurdwara Singh Sabha London East, or if not, whether such works can be undertaken and when?

Winter Programme Fund for rough sleepers Question No: 2020/1325 Unmesh Desai When will the Mayor report on the delivery outcomes from his 2019/20 Winter Programme Fund for rough sleepers?

A Shared Endeavour’ report recommendations Question No: 2020/1326 Unmesh Desai Can the Mayor provide a progress report on the responses to the recommendations addressed to City Hall set out in the ‘A Shared Endeavour’ report on his Countering Violent Extremism programme?

Brent Cross station Question No: 2020/1329 Andrew Dismore Do you agree with the renaming of Brent Cross station as Brent Cross East in view of the forthcoming creation of Brent Cross West station; and will you facilitate the change?

Coronavirus inspired racism Question No: 2020/1330 Andrew Dismore East Asian restaurant and other businesses are suffering because of Coronavirus inspired racism and racist comments have been directed at Chinese children. Will you support the #iwilleatwithyou campaign to stand up to and reject this racist behaviour?

Coronavirus impact [1] Question No: 2020/1331 Andrew Dismore Has any assessment been made about the impact of a Coronavirus pandemic on London’s hosting of the 2020 Euro finals?

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Coronavirus impact [2] Question No: 2020/1332 Andrew Dismore Has any assessment been made about the impact of a Coronavirus pandemic on London’s emergency service staffing levels and ability to respond to an emergency?

Fire Cadets Question No: 2020/1333 Andrew Dismore Will you meet your commitment to ensure there is a fire cadet scheme in every borough by the end of the current financial year?

Victoria Coach Station fire hazards Question No: 2020/1334 Andrew Dismore Reports state that fire safety experts have uncovered a catalogue of major fire risks at which could have put thousands of passengers at risk and cause a potentially deadly ‘disaster’. What are you doing to address this concern urgently?

Tube noise Question No: 2020/1335 Andrew Dismore The increased level of tube noise and vibration from Northern line underground trains between Golders Green and Hampstead stations are causing real issues for residents from loss of sleep at night times. This complaint has been registered before but the noise levels have now increased extraordinarily over the last two months. What will you do to address this problem urgently?

Non-ACM cladding data collection Question No: 2020/1336 Andrew Dismore Further to your answer to Question No: 2020/0579, ‘ When do you expect MHCLG to publish information on buildings with forms of unsafe cladding other than ACM?’ Your answer being: The Government has set a deadline of March 2020 for local authorities to return data on the external walls of all high-rise buildings. I am not aware of any plans of the Government’s to publish this information.

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will you lobby the Government to publish this data so residents will know what hazards they face?

Appropriate adult funding [1] Question No: 2020/1337 Andrew Dismore Please advise which local authorities are the ‘lead commissioners’ of appropriate adult provision in each of the 12 BCU’s?

Appropriate adult funding [2] Question No: 2020/1338 Andrew Dismore Please advise how much has been spent, by BCU and by Borough, on appropriate adult provision in each of the 12 BCU’s since April 2019.

TfL fire hazards (1) Question No: 2020/1339 Andrew Dismore For each station on the London Underground and networks, how many a) notices of deficiency and b) enforcement notices have been received from London Fire Brigade in each year from 2010 to the present?

TfL fire hazards (2) Question No: 2020/1340 Andrew Dismore For each bus depot operating TfL services in London, how many a) notices of deficiency and b) enforcement notices have been received from London Fire Brigade in each year from 2010 to the present?

Capita performance (1) Question No: 2020/1341 Andrew Dismore How many times in each year since the introduction of London Fire Brigade’s Capita mobilising system has it crashed for a) less than one hour and b) longer than one hour?

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Capita performance (2) Question No: 2020/1342 Andrew Dismore How many hours in total has the Capita mobilising system used by the London Fire Brigade been non-functional since its introduction?

Capita performance (3) Question No: 2020/1343 Andrew Dismore How many times has an engineer been required to attend London Fire Brigade’s control rooms to deal with a problem with the Capita mobilising system?

Capita performance (4) Question No: 2020/1344 Andrew Dismore What is the average a) inner London and b) outer London attendance times for first and second appliances when London Fire Brigade Control Rooms are mobilising by hand due to a problem with the Capita mobilising system?

LFB policy note review completion Question No: 2020/1345 Andrew Dismore Please provide the expected publication date for London Fire Brigade updated policy notes 790, 633, and 539.

Visits to buildings with stay put suspended (1) Question No: 2020/1346 Andrew Dismore How often do London Fire Brigade crews visit buildings where stay put is suspended?

Visits to buildings with stay put suspended (2) Question No: 2020/1347 Andrew Dismore How many buildings is each London Fire Brigade station responsible for visiting owing to the suspension of stay put at those sites?

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Stay put suspension (1) Question No: 2020/1348 Andrew Dismore How many buildings in each borough have Stay Put suspended for reasons of ACM cladding? Please break this down by social and private sector.

Stay put suspension (2) Question No: 2020/1349 Andrew Dismore How many buildings in each borough have Stay Put suspended for reasons other than ACM cladding? Please break this down by social and private sector.

Duration of stay put suspension Question No: 2020/1350 Andrew Dismore London Fire Brigade (LFB) and National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) have called out the extremely lengthy periods of time that buildings have required interim fire safety measures to address the suspension of stay put advice. Yet in response to question 2019/20477 you stated that LFB does not collect information on how long a building has had stay put suspended, depriving LFB and others of a useful source of information. Will you take steps to rectify this and record the data?

Numbers of state aid forms for cladding remediation Question No: 2020/1351 Andrew Dismore What is the a) modal average, b) highest and c) lowest number of state aid forms that have needed to be collected to progress remediation in private high-rise residential buildings accessing the GLA-administered fund?

Operational risk database (ORD) review Question No: 2020/1352 Andrew Dismore How many ORD entries for high rise premises have been reviewed since June 2017, and how many have been found to require further information?

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London Fire Brigade (LFB) command unit recommissioning Question No: 2020/1353 Andrew Dismore How many command units are being procured for LFB and where will they be based?

London Fire Brigade (LFB) Control room relocation Question No: 2020/1354 Andrew Dismore What is the average time taken from the decision being made to relocate from Merton Control to Stratford Control, and the fallback centre being fully operational?

London Fire Brigade (LFB) Control to incident commander communication Question No: 2020/1355 Andrew Dismore What progress has been made on providing a direct communication link between Control and the Incident Commander?

Multiple fire survival guidance (FSG) calls Question No: 2020/1356 Andrew Dismore Does the London Fire Brigade have a procedure for dealing with more FSG calls than it has Control operators on duty at any one time?

Resilience to coronavirus of emergency services Question No: 2020/1357 Andrew Dismore How will blue light staff get to work in the event of restrictions on travel owing to coronavirus?

Government review of stay put Question No: 2020/1358 Andrew Dismore What participation does the London Fire Brigade have in the Government’s review of stay put and mass rescue operations and when is this project expected to produce a report and / or recommendations?

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Grenfell Tower Inquiry recommendations for building owners (1) Question No: 2020/1359 Andrew Dismore How many buildings have implemented the steps, insofar as possible within the current legal and regulatory framework, recommended in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry?

Grenfell Tower Inquiry recommendations for building owners (2) Question No: 2020/1360 Andrew Dismore What steps are the London Fire Brigade and the GLA taking to get building managers to implement the reforms in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry ahead of new legislation?

Cladding remediation funds March update Question No: 2020/1361 Andrew Dismore Please state how much money has been a) allocated and b) disbursed and to how many buildings for the GLA-administered social and private sector ACM cladding remediation funds.

Dangerous Cladding Question No: 2020/1362 Andrew Dismore It is becoming increasingly clear that the Government remedial fund, limited solely to ACM cladding on tall buildings is too restrictive and inadequate in quantum. Other types of cladding are often equally dangerous but are excluded; and residents are facing huge bills for ‘waking watch’ and other fire prevention works. Will you lobby the Government to extend and improve the scheme in London to allow other high fire risk buildings to be included?

Lark Court fire safety certification (1) Question No: 2020/1363 Andrew Dismore Notting Hill Genesis have failed to ensure an intrusive fire safety inspection has been carried out, resulting in my constituents being unable to remortgage, sell, or move. Do you agree that building management companies should address fire safety certification as a matter of urgency?

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Lark Court fire safety certification (2) Question No: 2020/1364 Andrew Dismore What more can you do to encourage building owners, like Notting Hill Genesis, to prioritise getting fire safety certificates for their buildings so that residents are not trapped in homes of unassessed safety?

240 bus Question No: 2020/1365 Andrew Dismore The 240 bus route runs through town centres, residential areas and passes many schools in Mill Hill, Edgware and Hendon. It still uses polluting Euro IV diesel buses, increasing the risk of respiratory disease (especially in younger children). A local resident in Barnet contacted TfL customer services, who seem to think that the company in charge of running this service, , has been using contractually compliant Euro VI buses. This is unfortunately not the case according to the resident and harmful pollutants continue to be emitted on a daily basis by these buses. Will you look into this and ensure these buses are up to standard?

School exclusions Question No: 2020/1366 Len Duvall OBE If children expelled from school are more likely to be involved in crime, when can we expect the Violence Reduction Unit to set some objectives and metrics for how it plans to improve the way exclusions are managed in the future in London?

Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) work with Pupil referral units Question No: 2020/1367 Len Duvall OBE How is the VRU working with Pupil Referral Units?

Targets for school exclusions Question No: 2020/1368 Len Duvall OBE How many fewer pupils does the Violence Reduction Unit and its partners hope to have been expelled from secondary schools in London by the end of 2020 compared with 2019?

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Schools engaged with through the Violence Reduction Unit Question No: 2020/1369 Len Duvall OBE How many secondary schools is the Violence Reduction Unit actively working with in London as part of its work to reduce school exclusions? Please provide this information by borough.

Free burglar alarm Question No: 2020/1370 Len Duvall OBE How many households in London contain a resident over the age of 65? And therefore, how much would it cost over four years to give each household a free burglar alarm, including the cost of each alarm, installation and service after one year?

Domain Awareness System Question No: 2020/1371 Len Duvall OBE How much would implementing the NYPD style database, Domain Awareness System, in London cost?

Police stations Question No: 2020/1372 Len Duvall OBE What would be the impact to the Metropolitan Police Service, particularly on police officer numbers, if you were to re-open 38 police stations in London?

Support for communities in areas of Strategic Regeneration? Question No: 2020/1374 Nicky Gavron Policies SD1 and SD10 of your new London Plan state that you will provide support and leadership to “Strategic Areas for Regeneration”, which are within the 20% most deprived areas of England, with initiatives undertaken in collaboration with local communities. What funding and resources does the 2020/21 Budget make available to these communities, to empower them to shape their area’s future?

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GLA Funded Family Homes Question No: 2020/1375 Nicky Gavron Following your response to my question 2020/0599, will you ensure that information related to the bedroom breakdown of homes becomes mandatory as part of GLA funded programmes, so that delivery can be effectively monitored and scrutinised by the Assembly, and so that the Mayor’s funding matches the need identified in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment and other evidence? The Affordable Homes Programmes funding guidance states that “Providers are expected to build homes that match local and pan- London needs, in terms of size and typology” so it is important that this is monitored.

Connington Road Lewisham Appeal Question No: 2020/1376 Nicky Gavron How much was spent by the GLA for the planning appeal and public inquiry for the Connington Road, Lewisham, site (GLA case number: 3409b) that was held in May 2019? Unlike other similar appeals where the GLA has directed refusal, there does not appear to be a formal decision associated with this case – could you explain why that is?

Call-ins Question No: 2020/1377 Nicky Gavron Could you provide an updated table to the response you gave to my question 2019/9265, providing breakdown of the total number of units by bedroom-size and tenure, and the changes to each that have been secured following the call-in on applications you have called-in since coming to office?

PRISM app Question No: 2020/1378 Nicky Gavron Since its launch last summer, could you provide an update on how you have worked with housebuilders to roll-out the PRISM app and could you provide any examples of where it is being used by GLA partners, and will it feature in the housing design guidance being published later this year?

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Precision Manufactured Homes Question No: 2020/1379 Nicky Gavron What proportion of successful bids to the GLA for affordable housing funding involve an element of precision-manufactured homes?

Car free cities (1) Question No: 2020/1380 Nicky Gavron With another car free day on the horizon in London, how are you embedding pro- pedestrian and cycling policies into new developments in London?

Car free cities (2) Question No: 2020/1381 Nicky Gavron How far will the new London Plan go to making London a “fifteen-minute city”, which your Parisian counterpart Anne Hidalgo has set out to mean a city where “you can find everything you need within 15 minutes from home”?

GLA Funded Family Homes (2) Question No: 2020/1382 Nicky Gavron Following your response to my question 2020/0599, you provided a spreadsheet with the project breakdown of homes for Q3 in 2019/20. Can you provide equivalent spreadsheets for all previous quarters were this information is available, and share them through the GLA website, rather than just provide a single spreadsheet which only includes the most recent quarter?

Devolution on crime matters? Question No: 2020/1384 Joanne McCartney What further areas of crime prevention and victims’ services do you want to see devolved to London government?

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Royal Collage of Nursing Report Question No: 2020/1385 Joanne McCartney The Royal College of Nursing have recently published a report titled, “Living in the Red: the cost of living crisis for London’s nursing workforce”. What steps are you taking to address the concerns raised in the report?

Edmonton incinerator (1) Question No: 2020/1386 Joanne McCartney Given the Government’s commitment to meeting net zero-carbon by 2050, do you expect them to review the decision to press ahead with the rebuild of Edmonton incinerator?

Edmonton incinerator (2) Question No: 2020/1387 Joanne McCartney My constituents will be particularly affected by pollution from the new incinerator. Will you reduce the carbon intensity floor of 400g/kWh of electricity generated to meet or better the carbon intensity of National Grid electricity?

Edmonton incinerator (3) Question No: 2020/1388 Joanne McCartney What progress have you made in securing the powers to ensure that incinerators in London employ the best available air pollution reduction technologies, and can you guarantee that a rebuilt Edmonton incinerator will use these technologies?

Camden-Tottenham Cycleway Question No: 2020/1389 Joanne McCartney Can you update me on the progress being made on the proposed Cycleway between Camden and Tottenham?

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Drinking Fountains in Haringey Question No: 2020/1390 Joanne McCartney Do you have any plans to install drinking fountains in Haringey? Residents have asked if you would consider installing one in Highgate.

Drinking Fountains in Enfield Question No: 2020/1391 Joanne McCartney Are there any plans to install more drinking fountains in Enfield, in addition to the one in Enfield Town?

British Gas Meters Question No: 2020/1392 Joanne McCartney British Gas have recently raised their minimum charge on their pay-as-you-go meters from £1 to £5, which is increasing hardship for some on low and insecure incomes in London. Will you raise this issue with British Gas and urge them to lower the minimum charge?

Expanding the reach of the Good Work Standard (1) Question No: 2020/1394 Onkar Sahota What is the target number of firms to be accredited with the Good Work Standard according to the relevant GLA team’s objectives?

Expanding the reach of the Good Work Standard (2) Question No: 2020/1395 Onkar Sahota What sectors are priorities for your officers to engage in the Good Work Standard and what actions are being taken to support this?

Expanding the reach of the Good Work Standard (3) Question No: 2020/1396 Onkar Sahota What efforts have your officers made to get trade unions to include the Good Work Standard in their negotiating priorities at an employer and sectoral / regional level?

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Expanding the reach of the Good Work Standard (4) Question No: 2020/1397 Onkar Sahota Greater Manchester will be tying public procurement to a good employment charter. How far do the social value procurement policies of the GLA family encourage participating employers to meet the Good Work Standard?

Expanding the reach of the Good Work Standard (5) Question No: 2020/1398 Onkar Sahota The NHS is the largest employer in London, but according to your answer to question 2020/0306, only two health sector organisations have signed up to the Good Work Standard. What are you doing to improve this?

London Ambulance Service (LAS) performance winter 2019-20 Question No: 2020/1399 Onkar Sahota At your regular meetings with the chiefs of LAS, what explanation have they given for the historically high numbers of ambulances stuck outside hospital A&E departments, unable to hand over their patient, this winter?

Public health lab capacity to address coronavirus Question No: 2020/1400 Onkar Sahota Are you concerned that the move of the public health laboratory out of London has affected our ability to react to the coronavirus outbreak?

NHS readiness for coronovirus Question No: 2020/1401 Onkar Sahota What discussions have you had with London and national NHS partners about responding to coronavirus?

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Transport for London in the event of worsening coronavirus Question No: 2020/1402 Onkar Sahota At what point in the increasing severity of the coronavirus outbreak would TfL restrict services into and around London, and what assessment have you made of the impact of this on NHS staff getting to work?

High bed occupancy before coronavirus Question No: 2020/1403 Onkar Sahota What discussions have you had with the NHS about reducing bed occupancy, which is above safe levels in many hospitals, in readiness for a potential influx of coronavirus patients?

Self testing for coronavirus Question No: 2020/1404 Onkar Sahota What discussions have you had with NHS partners about enabling self-testing for coronavirus along the lines of the Sexual Health London service now offered?

Responsible procurement Question No: 2020/1405 Onkar Sahota When will the “themes, outcomes and measures” you referred to in answer 2019/0290 be finalised and included in GLA procurement decisions?

NHS employment good practice Question No: 2020/1406 Onkar Sahota Can an NHS employer really be serious about reducing health inequalities if it has outsourced or directly employed workers paid less than the London Living Wage?

Free public transport in Luxembourg Question No: 2020/1407 Onkar Sahota Luxembourg recently became the first country to provide free public transport. As you know London has high levels of air pollution which have a devastating effect on health,

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especially children and the infirm, many of which come from vehicles. What lessons are there for improving population health in London and the UK from Luxembourg’s bold leadership in this field?

Cost of living for NHS staff review (1) Question No: 2020/1408 Onkar Sahota Who is responsible, and what is the timeframe, for taking forward the commitment for a cost of living review for nursing staff as set out in the London Health Vision?

Cost of living for NHS staff review (2) Question No: 2020/1409 Onkar Sahota Where will funding come from to support the recommendations that come from the cost of living review for nursing staff as set out in the London Health Vision?

Cost of Met Police travel concession Question No: 2020/1410 Onkar Sahota How much did it cost Transport for London to provide the Free Travel Concession for Metropolitan Special Constabulary in each year 2017, 2018 and 2019?

Cost of living for NHS staff review (3) Question No: 2020/1411 Onkar Sahota What evidence is being used to inform the focus of the costing of living review for nursing staff as set out in the London Health Vision? How are stakeholders being involved in the process?

Health and Care Vision’s staffing ambitions (1) Question No: 2020/1412 Onkar Sahota What action is being taken to grow London’s nursing workforce by more than 8,000 by 2024, and to reduce the capital’s nurse vacancy rate by 5% 2028, as set out in the London Health Vision?

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Health and Care Vision’s staffing ambitions (2) Question No: 2020/1413 Onkar Sahota Can you confirm that future nursing workforce requirements have been modelled against future population health needs in London?

London’s Underground cleaners Question No: 2020/1415 Navin Shah Can you outline the differences in terms and conditions between those people employed to clean the London Underground by ABM and those employed directly by London Underground? Specifically, the differences relating to travel facilities, sick pay and an occupational pension scheme.

Free Travel for Nurses Question No: 2020/1416 Navin Shah Following the Royal College of Nursing’s cost of living report, what plans, if any, do you have to offer free travel to nurses in the same way there is free travel for police officers?

Potholes (TfL) Question No: 2020/1417 Navin Shah Blackpool Council has saved £1m and filled in more than 5,000 potholes by using artificial intelligence technology to detect road damage. What plans if any does TfL have to use similar technology in London?

Fare Evasion Question No: 2020/1418 Navin Shah Further to MQ 2016/2153 and MQ 2017/4488, please provide an updated table containing figures for 2017, 2018 & 2019. Please provide the data in excel format.

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Sutton Link (1) Question No: 2020/1419 Navin Shah TfL have said that “some of the funding to deliver the project is currently in place”. Can you outline how much this funding amounts to and who has provided it?

Sutton Link (2) Question No: 2020/1420 Navin Shah TfL have said that “other sources of funding need to be confirmed if the project is to move forward. We are continuing to work with the London Boroughs of Sutton and Merton to explore options for obtaining the remaining funding needed.” Can you update me on what discussions are being held with those boroughs and what types of funding solutions you are considering?

Sutton Link (3) Question No: 2020/1421 Navin Shah TfL have said that, “We are also considering how we can collectively access national sources of funding”. Can you update me on what sources of funding you are trying to access and how much each funding source will provide?

Sutton Link (4) Question No: 2020/1422 Navin Shah In July 2018 you published a report Prepared by Greenwood Strategic Advisors entitled “Mind the Gap: Funding and Financing City Investments in the 21st Century”. In the report they suggested the Sutton Tram Extension would have a budget of £350m, of which £175m would be funded by TfL and the boroughs. In October 2018 TfL suggested the project cost was £425m. Can you explain the difference between those figures?

Average bus speeds Question No: 2020/1423 Navin Shah The 27th March 2019 TfL Board papers say, “Weighted bus customer journey time is an accumulation of all the elements of a customer’s journey experience measured in minutes, meaning each element can be tracked over time. This new measure replaces average bus speeds, which will remain as a measure on the scorecard of the Director of Bus Operations.”

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Will you still be publishing average bus speeds information? Do you have a target for this metric? If so, what is it?

Monopole Planning Applications Question No: 2020/1424 Navin Shah A recent planning application to build a monopole in Harrow was rejected by the Council’s planning committee, due to the fact it would be visually and physically intrusive to local residents. It has been suggested by residents that a possible solution to mitigate impact on local residents for future applications, is to build these monopoles on TfL land. As Government policy on telecommunications infrastructure recommends site sharing, can this suggestion of using TfL land be looked into?

Step-free access Question No: 2020/1425 Navin Shah The Mayor’s Transport Strategy has a target to provide step-free access to 40% of the Tube network by 2022. Will this target be met, and what else is being done to improve the accessibility of London’s transport network?

Zero-tailpipe emission bus fleet Question No: 2020/1426 Navin Shah What progress has been made on TfL’s electrification plan for London to support the introduction of a zero-tailpipe emission bus fleet as soon as possible?

Young Londoners Fund Projects in Croydon Question No: 2020/1428 Fiona Twycross Please provide a list of projects that have received funding in Croydon as part of the Young Londoners Fund since its inception.

Young Londoners Fund Projects in Sutton Question No: 2020/1429 Fiona Twycross Please provide a list of projects that have received funding in Sutton as part of the Young Londoners Fund since its inception.

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Investment from City Hall in Policing Question No: 2020/1430 Fiona Twycross What has the level of City Hall investment been to MOPAC in each year since 2010? (by City Hall investment I refer to the total contribution raised by the Mayor which is allocated to MOPAC including the police precept, other council tax contributions and business rates allocated to the MOPAC and any other Mayoral funding which is allocated to MOPAC).

Food Insecurity Survey Question No: 2020/1431 Fiona Twycross What plans do you have to continue the food insecurity survey for London?

Independent Food Banks Operating in London Question No: 2020/1432 Fiona Twycross Does the Economic Development Unit hold an estimate of the number of non-Trussell Trust food banks operating in London (and if so please provide the number)?

Associate Citizenship for Londoners Question No: 2020/1433 Fiona Twycross What would it mean for Londoners if the United Kingdom and European Union were able to agree on a form of associative citizenship?

Migration Salary Impact in Outer London Question No: 2020/1434 Fiona Twycross Do you share my concerns that the Government’s proposed £25,600 salary threshold for its points-based migration system may disproportionately harm Outer London boroughs where employers typically pay lower salaries than their inner London counterparts?

Access to Arts and Culture Question No: 2020/1435 Fiona Twycross Just 15% of workers in London’s national portfolio organisations are from black and ethnic minority backgrounds compared to 40% of London’s working population. How can you and

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the Deputy Mayor for Culture and the Creative Industries tackle this inequality and ensure culture and the arts are open to all Londoners?

Civic Innovation Challenge Question No: 2020/1436 Fiona Twycross Please provide an update on the Civic Innovation Challenge Fund (for example how many organisations applied for funding and how many have been shortlisted for support).

Officers joining other forces Question No: 2020/1437 Unmesh Desai How many MPS officers joined other forces in each of the following years: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019? Please also provide how many officers joined the MPS from other forces in each year.

Average length of time spent in Pupil Referral Units Question No: 2020/1438 Len Duvall OBE Please advise what is the average length of time a pupil spends in a Pupil Referral Unit in London before re-entering mainstream education? Please also advise of the target amount of time pupils are intended to spend in Pupil Referral Units in London.

Signing off sick for coronavirus (1) Question No: 2020/1439 Onkar Sahota NHS workers on outsourced contracts are often not able to claim sick pay for the first three days of illness, which presents them with a choice between self-isolation and paying the bills. Will you raise this with NHS partners? Will you raise this with NHS partners and ask them to assure you that all staff, whether directly or indirectly employed, will be able to follow public health guidance without impacting their personal finances and to ensure the continued resilience of NHS services? And will you ask them to assure you that all staff in London, whether directly or indirectly employed, will be able to follow public health guidance without impacting their personal finances and to ensure the continued resilience of NHS services’?

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Signing off sick for coronavirus (2) Question No: 2020/1440 Onkar Sahota Gig economy, self employed people, and the very low paid are often not able to claim sick pay, which presents them with a choice between self-isolation and paying the bills. Will you raise this with the Government and employers and ask them to assure you that all staff in London will be able to follow public health guidance without impacting their personal finances?

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