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Snap vs Flatpak vs AppImage: Know The Differences | Which is Better

By Rianne Schestowitz Created 08/12/2020 - 8:29pm Submitted by Rianne Schestowitz on Tuesday 8th of December 2020 08:29:48 PM Filed under [1]

Every distribution has its own tool or command-line based repository system to update, install, remove, and manage packages on the system. Despite having a native package manager, sometimes you may need to use a third-party package manager on your Linux system to get the latest version of a package to avoid repository errors and server errors. In the entire post, we have seen the comparison between Snap, AppImage, and Flatpak.

Snap, Flatpak, and AppImage; all have their pros and cons. In my opinion, I will always prefer the Flatpak package manager in the first place. If I can?t find any packages on Flatpak, then I?ll go for the AppImage. And finally, Snap is an excellent store of applications, but it still requires some development. I would go to the Snap store for proprietary or semi-proprietary applications than main applications.

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