Forty-Five Years in China : Reminiscences

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Forty-Five Years in China : Reminiscences Cibrarjp of Che theological ^tminaxy PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PURCHASED BY THE HAMILL MISSIONARY FUND BV 3415 .R52 1916 Richard, Timothy, 1845-1919. Forty-five years in China FORTY-FIVE fEARS IN CHINA Photo i;'] [Elliott Gr Fry. TIMOTHY RICHARD AT 6o. Frontispiece. FORTY-FIVE YEARS IN CHINA REMINISCENCES BY TIMOTHY "RICHARD, D.D., Litt.D. WITH 18 ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK FREDERICK A. STOKES COMPANY PUBLISHERS 1916 (All rights reserved) PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN DEDICATION To the Baptist Missionary Society, London, in whose service I have been since 1869 : To the Christian Literature Societies of Scotland, England, and China, under whose auspices I have engaged in special literary work since 1891 : To the many individual friends in England, America, and China who have generously aided me in all my life : This volume, which is mainly a record of efforts to establish the Kingdom of God among a fourth of the human race, is grate- fully and affectionately dedicated by THE AUTHOR. INTRODUCTION The problem before the missionary in China, a^ I found it forty -five years ago, was not only how to save the souls of a fourth of the human race, but also how to save their bodies from perishing at the rate of four millions per annum, and to free their minds, more crippled than the feet of their wom;en, from a philosophy and custom which had lasted for many centuries and left them at the mercy of any nation which might attack their country. But, if the nation were liberated from the bonds of ignorance and harmful custom, and were to receive the light of education— scientific, industrial, religious— it might become one of the most powerful nations on earth. It was glad tidings of great joy that the missionary brought to its political and religious leaders. Many of these, after some years of hesitation and doubt, believed his message, but the majority were too full of ignorance and prejudice to take action till it was too late. Thus one of the greatest nations of antiquity or of modern times has become involved in revolution and anarchy from which it will take a long time to recover. These reminiscences tell of sympathetic efforts made to guide the spiritual leaders of China to a vision of the Kingdom of God, with its promise of a hundredfold in this world, and in the world to come life everlasting. These efforts have meant the uplifting of China in various ways, through better religion, better science, better means of communication, better international commerce, the institution of modem schools and colleges, the found- ing of a modern Press, the establishment of new industries and manufactures over a country as large as the whole — 8 INTRODUCTION of Europe. In all these departments I have taken some share, as will be seen in these reminiscences. I should like to record my thanks to those who have given me so much help in this work : To my daughter Eleanor, for writing at my dictation, and putting the manuscript into shape for the Press ; to Miss Hilda C. Bowser, for the trouble she took to obtain some of the photographs, and for typing the whole ; and lastly to the Rev. W. Y. Fullerton, Home Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society, at whose request I have written these reminiscences, for revising the work for publication. TIMOTHY RICHARD. Shanghai, yanuary 1916. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ........ 7 CHAPTER I EARLY YEARS IN WALES. 1845-69 . • ^9 I. Birthplace and Family. 2. Accidents. 3. Baptism. 4. School- ing. 5. Teaching School. 6. Haverfordwest Theological College. 7. Starting of China Inland Mission. 8. Application to Baptist Missionary Society. CHAPTER H EARLY YEARS IN CHINA. STUDYING LANGUAGE AND CIVILIZATION . 30 I. Last Days in England. 2. Voyage. 3. Arrival in China. 4. Early Trials of B.M.S. in China. 5. Fellow-missionaries in Chefoo. 6. Tientsin Massacre. 7. Sterling Quality of First Converts. 8. Arrival of Dr. Brown. 9. Selling Gospels round Shantung Pro- montory. ID. Trip to Manchuria Selling Gospels : (a) Threatened Shipwreck [b) Sunstroke (c) Robbers (d) Sa Ur Hu (c) Ling ; ; ; ; Kai the old Manchu Capital Extraordinary ; (/) Lao Ch'eng, ; (g) {h) Some Features of Interest in Man- Confusion of Exchange ; churia (:') Adventure at Korean Gate Bad Government. ; ; (j) II. Street Preaching not Productive of Satisfactory Results. 12. Visit to Salt Manufacturer. 13. Fair at Hwui Lung San. 14. Attempt to Settle in Ninghai. 15. Visit to a Devout Seeker after Truth. 16. Striking Essay on Jesus Christ by a non-Christian. 17. First Visit to Chi-nan fu. 1873. 18. Baptism of Military Officer. 19. Moham- medans. 20. Mcllvaine, the first Protestant Missionary in Chi-nan fu. 21. Crossett, his Colleague. 22. Chinese Philanthropist In- troducing Vaccination. 23. Medical Tour with Dr. Brown. 24. Demon Possession. 25. Black and White Sheep. 26. Second Visit to Chi-nan fu. 27. Roads and Modes of Travel in North China. CHAPTER III PIONEERING AMONG SHANTUNG FARMERS. 1875-6 . .76 I. First Connection with Li Hung-chang. 2. Journey to Ch'ing- chow fu. 3. Medical Work. 4. Prefectural Treasurer. 5. Change into Chinese Dress. 6. Acting as Master of Fengshui. 7. How I 9 10 CONTENTS Got a House. 8. Anti-foreign ex-Magistrate. 9. Study of Native Religious Book. 10. Intercourse with Mohammedans. 11. Visit to Leader of Religious Sect. 12. Kindness of Country People. 13. Midnight Gathering of Women at Taoist Temple. 14. Visit to Hermit. 15. First Converts in Ch'ing-chow fu. CHAPTER IV PAGE FAMINE RELIEF IN SHANTUNG. 1876-7 . -97 I. Failure of Crops. 2. Posters Exhorting People to Pray to God. 3. Disturbances owing to F'amine. 4. Asked to Head a Rebellion. 5. Methods of Distributing Money. 6. Second Request to Head Rebellion. 7. Proposals to Governor Ting Pao Chun to Avert Future Famines. 8. Donations from Chefoo. 9. Increase of In- V quirers. 10. My Mission Policy Adopted by Dr. Nevius. 11. Inci- dents in Famine Relief. 12. Subscriptions from Ports. 13. Serious Riot at Ch'ang Lo. 14. Interview with Official. 15. Pur- suit and Rescue. 16. Dishonest Official Threatened by Women. 17. Distress during Winter. 18. Distribution of Relief with Officials and Gentry, ig. Arrival of A. G. Jones. 20. Proposals to Local Officials to Avert Famine. 21. Church Work. 22. Letter to Baptist Missionary Society. CHAPTER V FAMINE RELIEF IN SHANSI. 1877-81 ..... I25 I. Decision to Distribute Relief in Shansi. 2. Journey to T'ai-yuan fu. 3. Interview with Governor Tseng. 4. Questions to Roman Catholic Priests through their Bishop. 5. Extracts from Diary on Trip South of T'ai-yuan fu. 6. Difficulties of Grain Transport. 7. Arrival of C.I.M. Missionaries, James and Turner. 8. Co-operation with Chinese Officials in Famine Relief. 9. Proposals to Governor to Avert future Famines. 10. Suggestion to B.M.S. to Show Atten- tion to new Chinese Ambassador. 11. Letter to Protestant Mis- sions Proposing Organization and Co-operation. 12. Arrival of Hill, Turner, and Whiting, and Death of latter. 13. Distribution of Mansion House Relief Fund. 14. Arrival of C.I.M. Ladies. 15. Marriage with Miss Martin. 16. Gratitude of Chinese for Foreign Relief. 17. Famine Relief at Ping Yang Fu during Winter. 18. Roman Catholic Books in Chinese. 19. Lack of Organization in Protestant Mission Work. 20. Missionary Tracts Alienating Non- Christians. 21. Lost Christians Found in Ping Yang Fu. 22. Lu Tung Pin, Founder of the Sect of the Pill of Immortality. 23. Dis- tribution of Tracts and Gospels throughout Province. 24. Prizes for Religious Essays at Triennial Examination. 25. Pastor Hsi. 26. Visit to Peking. Interview with Li Hung-chang. 27. Arrival of Dr. Schofield and other C.I.M. Workers. 28. A Regrettable Severance. 29. Biographies of Christians. 30. Unusual Measures to help the Shansi People. CONTENTS 11 CHAPTER VI PAGE WORK AMONGST OFFICIALS AND SCHOLARS. 1881-4 . • I56 I. Attitude of Officials to Foreigners. 2. Better Equipment for Mission Work. 3. Lectures to Officials. 4. Visit of Prefect Wang. 5. Best Scholar in the Province residing in Compound. 6. Inter- view with Viceroy Tso Tsung T'ang. 7. Friendly Intercourse of Official with Missionaries. 8. Chinese Music. 9. Intercourse with Buddhist. 10. Visit to Wu Tai San—a P'amous Mountain. 11. New Governor—Chang Chih-tung. 12. Intercourse with Roman Catholics. 13. Journey to Shantung. 14. Dysentery at Chi-nan fu. 15. Harvest Thanksgiving. 16. New Churches in Shantung. 17. Fellow-missionaries—Mr. and Mrs. Kitts and J. S. Whitewright. 18. Difficulty with Anti-foreign Magistrate, ig. Robbery on Return to Shansi. 20. Death of Dr. Schofield. 21. Effect of Taiping Rebellion. 22. Hostile Attitude of Government and Persecution of Christians. 23. Visit to Peking with Mr. James. 24. Establishment of Evangelical Alliance. 25. Remarkable Korean Proclamation against Christianity. 26. Sir Robert Hart's Scheme. 27. My , Various Reform S<;h^;nes_ 28. Interview with Sir Harry Parkes. 29. Proposals to Shansi Missionaries. CHAPTER VII FIRST FURLOUGH. 1885-6 ...... I94 I. Journey to Coast. 2. Visit to Nanking with Hill. 3. Finding of "The Awakening of Faith." 4. Storm on Voyage Home. 5. B.M.S. Annual Meeting. 6. Appeal for more Workers. 7. Edu- cational Scheme Proposed to B.M.S. 8. Rejection of Scheme. 9. Suggestions for improved Mission Methods. 10. Special Course on Electrical Engineering at Home. 11. Interview with Minister of Education in Berlin. CHAPTER VIII YEARS OF TRIAL AND SUSPENSE. 1886-9I . 20I I. Talks with Pere Simon on s.s. Oxns. 2. Wife's Illness and Re- covery from Sprue. 3. Criticism from Colleagues.
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