How to find INHOLLAND

All Schools of INHOLLAND Alkmaar are situated on one location. It’s very easy to reach whether by local transport, train, car or bicycle.

By public transport INHOLLAND Alkmaar is a 15-minutes’ walk from Alkmaar railway station. You can reach INHOLLAND Alkmaar from Alkmaar Central Station by taking bus 160 or 162. The bus stops in front of the B-building of INHolland Alkmaar. If you ask the bus driver to drop you off, he/she will let you know when you have arrived at the bus stop.

By car From the direction of /

Take the A9 motorway direction Alkmaar. At Alkmaar take the turn-off Heiloo/. On roundabout Kooimeer turn left into N9 direction Den Helder. Take the turn-off Bergen (to the left). After app. 100 meters turn right, after the bend turn right into the car park of INHolland Alkmaar.

For more detailed directions, visit our website at

On foot You can also walk in 20 minutes from Alkmaar Station to INHolland University. Take the back exit of the station (direction: Kruseman van Eltenweg) and cross the road in front of the railway station. Walk a few meters to the right, then turn left into the Kruseman van Eltenweg. This street changes in Jan van Scorelkade (water on your left). Walk on until you reach another big road (called Beethovensingel). Cross this road and and turn right. After a few meters turn left into a bicycle path (Johan Wagenaar kade). Follow this path that leads you through a small tunnel under the highway. Take the small bridge on your left and you see INHolland University Alkmaar in front of you.