Mesa College Criterion

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Mesa College Criterion Sec. o62, Students Represent P. L. & R. the mesa college States; 31 Communities Ninety-two sophomores were graduated from M~sa col­ CRITERION lege this morning at the seventeenth annual graduation ex­ ercises. Dr. W. D. Armentrout of Colorado State College of VOL. IX GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1942 NO. 27 Education Greeley, was the principal speaker. Of t he 92 graduates, 48 gave Grand Junctio!1. as their home address. Forty-five were from other commumties. Four · istates, Missouri, Nebraaka, Utah Mesa and Colorado were represented. CPrSI .ctory Bonds Dr. Armentrout, Yice president Vl and professor of education, Colo- rado State College of Education, p is one or the oulstanding educators Make High resente d b Y in the United States. Ile has held • Th a number of important positions I eta S and has written 1ead1ng book.Ii i11 Ph education. Average 'l'he J\fesa college chapler of GR.\OUATE8 Nine Mesa college students, I Phi Theta Kappa presented an all members of the elementary group student assembly, Thursday, l\lay Carterville, l\lo.-Heeee Bolls. of th':' civilian pilot training­ H. McCook, Keb.-Lesta CarmonP:, Helper, Utah. - Flossie Mae conrse passed their ground school Gold. work with high honors, according to a report just received from Thompson, utah-Ruth Greaser Dem·er by Maurice Griffith, l\Ies.1 Aspen--.\lyron G. Quam, Eu­ college, local coordinator for the ward Actna Roberts. arm), navy and marine coq,;; Cedaredge-Alice Jean Hamon, pro!:rams. Phyllis Jean Phippeny. · Clifton-Charles Raymond De· The nine members of the class Quasie, Eileene ::-.lelson, Leona l\:[. took the regulation government Oberly, "\Vayne Williams. tetsl:1 in civil air regulation-,, Collbran - Margaret Claire meteorology, aerial navigation Skinner. and general service of airplanes Cortez-Carmen Kemper. and made a class average of 90 Crawford - Bruce Collins, per cent. According to Denver Thomas Keenan. CA.:\ oificials the high average i:1 I Ddta - Billie Louise, Carson, a distinct achievement for the El!Jert l\Iilne Dougan, John J. students and the instructors. Th•i ......_ Stark. tests were gi\·en b, Harley C. Cox ~ Eagle-Darrell G. Barnes. of Demer. I tt=:::L. Escalante Forks- Bernice N. 'l'luee Perfect Scol'es j · Hendrickson. ~ Three perfect scores were made. ,...... l•'ruita-Hoss C. Huntley. Bill Crutcher, Glenwood Springr, I: Fruit\'ak-A. Dean Matchett, made a lUO in meteorology, Roy W~ ta [son. Page !!, Col. 2 ~It" ~~"' Gypsum - Joyce Madelien1t~ ---- ~-.J~·· Borah. IPic~ic Tues. :Minturn--Richard HaYnf' Casio 1 J\lontrose-Derrell Albert l\la,.- Delt Formal ~. den, Halph Thomas "\\'oods. Given by Norwood-Frank J. Lorenzi. 1 Nul'ia ·-C.•rt 8kecs. Held Friday / Freshmen Oak Creek- George Callas. f'- 011,the - Lois Ruth Dahlin, The last event of the year for -.rz1,-. I Tuesday, May 19, the fresh­ l\larlha Almeda Dickerson. the Della Zeta Phi fraternity was Palisade - Kenneth L. Motz, a formal dance at the Country man clasi:. was host to the sopho­ more class at an all-school picnlc Lester J. Schlangen. club on Friday, May 22. This Paonia-Betty Jo Carter. dance was for Dells a nd t heir at the Echo canon shelter house. The picnic started at • p, m. anu Ri{le--George Ellery Broslua. oales only. Somerset-Tony Justin. A theme pertaining to spring dinner was served at 6. Transpor­ was carried out. Music for the Summer School to Be Held tation was taken care of by pri­ Turn to Page 6, Col. S. ' ate cars. occasion was furnished b:, nickle- From odeon. The committee which served to Refreshments were served dur- June 15 to August 21 make the picnic as much a suc­ New Program ing the evening. cess as they could were: General chairman for the dance Mesa college summer scheol will begin June 15 and con- P_u!Jlicity -:--- Hank Henderson, . chairman, Dick Pletka. was Bill Ela. Jim Shepherd and tinue for 10 weeks to .Aug. 21, according to an announce· I Transportation-Keith McFall Is Arranged Bob Johnson were in charge of ment made recently by President Horace J. Wubben. All chairman, Gene Welch, Wayn~ the decorations, and Dean Eble, Miss Rhoda Foss and President Bill Ela and Ted Treece were in classes will be h eld in t he coJJege building a nd will be sched· Baughman. "\Vubben discussed the home eco­ of the music. uled for morning hours. l~ood-Bet~y Jean Walton, nomics courses given at Mesa col­ Specially made corsages, with The courses will be open to an}'­ more than one course. The fee chairman, Elmor Reed. Irva Sly, lege where a nf'w program is now the Delta Zeta Phi emblem on one. College credit will be gh•en for one course for a county stu­ Bill Ela, and Jack J ones. Miss in effect so that home ec. grades then.., were given by all the men. to students who have been grad­ dent will be $10. The $15 fee Foss, the home ec teacher, also may be transferred to senior col­ uated from high school and suc­ will permit the student to take helped with the food. The food leges and upon graduation fro1u cessl ully complete the prescribed as many hours as he can carrr. was furnished by the freshman Mesa in home economics Jou will work. Out-of-county students will b,~ class and there was plenty for now be able to transfer as a eYerybody. New Kappa Courses to be offered include charged a tuition fee of $17.50, in Turn to Page 3, Col. 3 l>e1c:inning and advanced typewrit­ addition lo the course fee. An ========================c====c,-=:====----===- ing, and shorthand, bookkeeping, out-of-county sludent planning to Sigs Initiated accounting, business English and take se,eral courses would p:i.y chemistry. $32.50. The regular matuculation Library Gets Many Choice $ 5 Formal initiation for new A fee of $15 will be charged fee of will be charged high pledges of the Kappa Sigma Nu Mesa county students who take school graduates who wish to take fraternity was held Tuesday evt­ courses for credit and have the Books From Former Teacher ning, May 12, at the home of credit recorded. The Mesa college Iibrary has cal and curren l fiction. Her wish their sponsor, Mr. Lindesmith. !'resident Wubben said Mesa I Five new pledges and one ol<l recently been supple1nented by ,1 was that the college library Bye-Bye Hop college will do all it possibly cau large number of books- the gift sl1ould receive all of those book:1 member were initiated by impres­ in the war effort to help train of Marian A. Hinds, who died last were wanted aud could b~ ai ve candle-light services. people to take their places in the 'which The new members are John Was Success Decembe1·. used. Many valuable Yolun1es armed forces or in industry. l\liss Hinds, who was for year;; were already contained in the li­ Eliopulos, Bob Brinton, Ted Dwy­ "Anyone wanting information on er, Leo Zoellner, and Dick Pletka. One of the most important prlncipal of a junior high school brnry. About 350 books were the summer school program i~ in Grand Junction, was keenly Tu1 n to Page !?, Col l Ueece Bolls, an old member, took dances of the year took place Sat­ urged to call the college office, 2. It interested in education for young the formal initiation too because urday evening, May was the telephone 1805," he said. he was unable to attend a previ­ night when all students bade fare­ people and contributed generous­ ous initiation. well to the sophomores at the ly to the junior college loan fun,l Prtsiding officers for the initi­ "Bye-Bye·• dance sponsored by of a local organization. Homemaking ation were: Lavy ·wickman, presi­ the A. W. S. Laughing lads and Amazons Win Miss Hinds' personal library was dent; Howard Trabue, vice presi­ lassies danced to the music of the large and well-rounded, contain­ dent; Ralph .woods, treasurer; Mesa College Collegians. A big Prize For Best ing books on music, medicine, eco­ Classes Will Rodney Strain, chaplain. highlight of the evening was th<­ n.omics, lravel. religion, philoso­ Following the services, a short "mystery program.'' phy, history, i,sychology, poetry, Assembly and an abundance of both classi- business meeting was held. After Dorothy Ninneman was in Begin in June this, Mrs. Lindesmith served deli­ charge of the arrangements of At the last all-school assembly cious refreshments of apple pie, the dance witli the following com­ of the year last week, the winners New adult homemaking classes cheese and coffee. Turn to Page 2, Col. 6 of the $;; prize for the best as­ will start the first week in J une sembly of the year was announced Phi Theta at Mesa college, with Miss Rhoda to judges to be the Amazon club. Foss, home economics instructor, They were selected on reactions Closes Year in charge. The two courses to he Crisis Brings Opportunity of the audience, skill, time spent gi1·en are, famil)' problems, and on the program, and the effecti1·e­ Phi Theta Kappa closed its problems in clothing construc­ llliss Mary Rail, dean of wom­ 11lace to !ish wanted to remember ness of their theme. tion. en, presented the commencement year's activities with the annual the place and so the suggestion or The setting or the program was picnic at the shelter house in address to 3 7 graduating seniors TJ1e course, family food proh­ one was to mark the boat with an in the tent of a bor who had gone Echo canon Thursday, May 14, at Palisade high school, May 2 l.
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