tuESDAY MARCH 30, 1999 e"en VOL. 105 No. 133 Happy birthday WSU! Burglaries plague campus fraternities

By Sean Vestal ed 1,200 CDs, two cameras, a'mini-disc Contributing writer player, a Sony Play Station and a watch. The Pullman Police Department Six WSU fraternities have had an esti- believes most of the thefts are planned' mated $35,000 of property stolen this and calculated. semester in a series of eight thefts and "If you take 1,200 CDs, you're not two attempted burglaries. doing it because you like music," According to Pullman Police reports, Umbright said. "You're either planning more than 1,600 compact discs have on selling them or you're out of clay been reported stolen, along with watches, pigeons and using them for target prac- cameras and cash. CDs and other small tice." items are often prime targets for thieves Umbright said thefts in fraternity because they are often left unattended. houses are not uncommon in Pullman, "CDs are a popular item to steal and fraternities can be easy targets for because they are easy to carry, and easy potential burglars. to change into money," said Pullman Fraternities have a greater risk of Police Officer Greg Umbright. being burglarized because of the sheer The thefts occurred in a three-block number of people that go in and out of radius along Linden, Colorado and them everyday, Umbright said. California streets. Most of the burglary victims agree with the police department but cite other The fraternities victimized include Pi reasons as to why a fraternity may be tar- Kappa Alpha, Alpha Kappa Lambda, geted for burglaries. Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigma, Alpha Tau 'There is a lot of money floating Omega and Delta Chi. around - fraternities," said victim Seth The largest theft occurred on Valdez a member of the Alpha Tau Valentine's Day weekend at the Delta Omega fraternity. "Just about everyone Chi fraternity, when nearly $20,000 of . property was stolen. Items taken includ- See Burglaries on page 12 Volunteers revive WSU summer camp By Denise Holley education areas and clearing trails. She The Daily Evergreen has enrolled students from special educa- tion classes in Eastern and WSU students and faculty will revive Idaho for a one-week session July 5-11. a camp for disabled people this July at Adults' with disabilities will attend the Camp Larson on the Wooded shore of camp at Camp Yaziu July 11-18. Lake Coer d'Alene. Owned by the university since 1950, In the tradition of Easter Seals camps, Camp Larson has been rented out to Camp Yazzu will give children and community and university groups, said adults a chance to explore the outdoors Geoff Woods, camp director. and develop confidence, said Jessica "Nothing has been done up there (by Wirth, a WSU student majoring in the university) since 1982;'-' he said. human development. Back in the I950s; WSU Professor "THEDAILYEVEAGREEN/HSllK:HU, CHUNG "We haven't run this camp in 25 Roger Woods and his colleagues bought Members of the Student Alumni Club celebrate the 109th birthday of WSU in the CUB on years," she said. the 40 acre-site on the lake for $2,000 Monday. Kelly Richmond, a sophomore majoring in machine engineering, cuts and pass- In preparation, Wirth and other stu- and donated it to the university, Woods es out cake for students in the CUB. dent volunteers are sprucing up the camp on weekends, developing environmental See Yazzu on page 12 I

By Mike Schubert active college students are a Although there are many undi- gets more power Contributing writer large target for the disease, she agnosed cases, this rate is com- said. parable to national statistics, she _ Chlamydia has become the There have been 12 reported said. By Jennifer Butcher as well as eliminate technical problems most commonly contracted sex- cases of chlamydia at WSU this Contributing writer that force KZUU to shut down for days "Within the United States, or weeks at a time. ually transmitted disease in the semester, said Mary Steed, almost 3 million people are United States, mostly because of KZUU-FM, one of two WSU campus "In the past, KZUU was just chicken nurse coordinator for WSU infected with this disease each a lack of knowledge. radio stations, had a new radio transmit- wire and bubble gum," said Dan Maher, Student Health. year," Leibritz said. Those are "If you're going to have ter installed over spring break that allows advisor for KZUU. "It was so alterna- 'These cases could be the just the people who know they them to broadcast at the maximum tive, no one really cared about the.quali- unprotected sex, chlamydia is . beginning of a chlamydia epi- are infected, she said: Many do not even know that they have power, 24 hours a day, seven days a ty of the station. They 'just played the SID you're most likely to demic on our campus," Steed week. music." . catch," said Dr. Gretal Leibritz, said. The rate of students diag- the disease. Chlamydia is known as the KZUU engineer Steve Franco Maher said KZUU will benefit most a physician from WSU Student nosed with the disease rose in "silent" disease, Steed said. installed the new digital transmitter for from the new transmitter in two ways. If Health and Wellness Services. the last year from I percent of Most people with. the disease the station, which is used to send infor- no one messes with the calibration, there Many people put themselves those tested, to over 6 percent, experience no obvious symp- mation on the control board to the anten- will ~ no drifts or distortion in the trans- at the risk of contracting she said. toms, so they do not realize they nae, where the signal is then transmitted mitted signal. The second advantage is chlani.ydia by being sexually In 1998, there were 44 docu- have become infected. to its destination. Beside its basic func- that since the new transmitter does not active, Leibritz said. The only mented cases of chlamydia in Because of this. chlamydia is tion, the transmitter-will allow the station way to get the disease is through Whitman County, 3~ of which to consistently broadcast at I ,000 watts, See Radio on page 12 sexual contact, so sexually were at WSU, Leibritz said. See Chlamydia on page 12 Weather 2 Calendar 2 SPOrts: Borderline: Rain or Borderline 3 Quarterback battle a: snow Doonesbury 4 Looking for a mate? w News View begins J: 5 try the I- Sports -c 7 Personals w Classifieds 10 ~ Crossword 11 Page 7 Page 3 41 30 A Student Publication of Washington State University. Since 1894 www.dailyevergreen.com PAGE 2 THE DAILY EvERGREEN TUESbAy,MARcH 30, 1999 1 Community Calendar I • The Indian Student's Association • The Advertising Club is sponsor- • Come and enjoy "A Thste of • For those interested in volunteer- • Fellowship for Christian welcomes anyone interested in ing ''Swing Night At The Cub" Culture," today in Stephenson ing to help those with disabilities, Graduate -Students will be held Indian culture and cinema to the box March 31 at '7 p.m. There will be a Down Under at 6 p.m. There will be Camp Yazzu will have an informa- each Thursday at 5:45 p.m. in the .office hit "Aa Ab Laut Chalen" on $3.50 charge at the door. Prizes will food from many different cultures tional meeting April 1in Smith Gym Koinonia House. All graduate stu- April 2 in Carpenter 102 at 7:30 p.m. be given periodically throughout the and performances, " 111 at 6 p.m. Contact Jessica WIrth dents are welcome. Pizza and refreshments will be night. There will also be a prize at 335-2407 for more information: served starting at 6:30 p.m. For more given to the best-dressed person. • Become a part of Student Alumni • Single Parent Student Group information call Shy at 338-0977 or Connection. Applications are avail- • A student intern position is avail- meets at the WSU Children's Center Simmi at 332-4374. • The Rho-Nu nursing aub and able at 3rd floor CUB or the Lewis able at International Students and . the first and third Thursdays of every INBC Blood Drive will be in the Alumni Centre. They are due April 2 Scholars, International Programs month from 6-8 p.m. There are • The International Student's CUB Ballroom April 5 from 9 am. by 4 p.m. for the 1999-2000 academic year. supervised activities for children. Chat Group meets Thursdays, in to 5 p.m. and April 6 from 9 a.m. to Applications are available in Bryan Call 332-5747 for more information. Todd 211 from 4:30-6 p.m, Come 4 p.m. • Fabrice Morvan of Milli Vanilli Hall 108. improve your communication skills fame will be giving lecture April 1 in • -WSU Psychology Clinic will and discuss issues such as cultural • The Fourth Annual Asian Pacific Beasley Colliseum.This event is free • The Christian Science College offer a social-skills group for chil- differences, study skills and things to American Awareness Month and open to the public. Organization meets every Thursday dren ages 6-12. Topics will include do around Pullman. Banquet, ''Recognizing Our Past, at 4 p.m. in CUB 109. All are wel- building and maintaining friend- come. ships, problem' solving, etc. The Moving Forward Together," will • The Country Dance Club meets group will meet Tuesdays until May • The Entrepreneurship Club will be held April 27. Thesdays at 8-10 p.m. in Smith Gym in Johnson Tower 362 from 5:30-7 meet April 1 inTodd 404 at 4 p.m. 21. Learn country swing, no partners • .There will be' an Agricultural Education meeting March 31 in p.m. The cost for seven sessions will • The WSU Marketing Club will are necessary. Smith Room 259 at 6 p.m. be $35. • The McEachern Thursday night meet today in CUB 222 at 5 p.m. discussion group will meet April 1 New members are welcome. • WSU Track needs volunteers for in the McEachern hall lobby at 7 the track meet April 3 against the p.m. The discussion will be same- • St. Thomas More Catholic Oregon Ducks. Please call William sex marriages and related issues. Newman _ Center is holding a Knight at 335-0392 for more infor- Reconciliation Service today at 7 . mation. Quote of the Day • The WSU International p.m. at NE 820 "B" St. "College ain't so much where you been as how you talk Folkdancers are selling Ukranian-· • Interested in addressing alcohol or when you get back." style Easter Eggs through April 2 at • The Sdenee, Engineering and sexuality issues on campus? Sexual the west entrance Of the CUB Math Advising Fair will be held Information and Referral Center -Ossie Davis between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. today in Gannon-Goldsworthy study & Cougars Encouraging Alcohol Call Jo Mark at 334-6138 (evenings) lounge from 6-7:30 p.m. For more Knowledge meet every Thursday in or Hedy Herrick at 332-5625 for information, call 335-3134, 335- CUB 112 at 5:30 p.m. For more TvE. WED. more information. 4549, or Jane at 335-6000. information, call 335-7472: Pullman H H 40 45 Weather L L 31 27 I () It ,/" I Jl l' ( \ I I ()' ",' d It I \ I \ J( (" «() \I \I l , I I \ Showers and snow Mostly cloudy

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SPOKANE - In a ruling that Primary construction at the site 15 could affect future open pit mine pro- miles east of Oroville and 120 miles jects in the West, two federal agen- northwest of Spokane cannot start cies have rejected an operating plan until the Forest Service and BLM for a proposed Washington state gold approve operating plans. mine. The agencies also vacated a The proposed Crown Jewel Mine Forest Service Record of Decision would require more public land than approving a final 1997 environmen- is allowed under the Mining Law of tal impact study. Drop off your best 1872, the Interior and Agricultural Vandyke, Battle Mountain's spring break photos departments said in a joint letter sent director of investor relations, said the at the Daily Evergreen Friday to the mine's owners. agencies' decision does not necessar- I The agencies said the planned ily stop the project. office in Murrow 113 open-pit mine does not have the "That's what we're trying to before 5 p.m. on required number of mill site claims determine. There are a number of lHE DAILY EllERGREEN/JUNE CHMITARANAKARACH for the number oflode claims it filed, avenues that may be pursued, includ- Wednesday to enter Jeff James, a senior in general studies waits with patient for stu- Les Vandyke of Battle Mountain ing legal," he said. "The letter indi-- our spring break dents to vote on line for the GPSA General election at the CUB. Gold Corp. of Houston, the mine's cated there were still avenues that photo contest and principal owner, said Monday. might be explored. There are still "This section of the Mining Law ways for us to proceed with the exhibition. The top Does anybody need an of 1872 has never been applied to the development of the mine." three photographers industry in the past," Vandyke said. Opponents of the mine hailed the will each win two "It has not been the practice of either decision as a landmark interpretation unfinished nuclear plant? the industry or the agencies to adhere of the law that has governed mining The Associated Press default in history. to that interpretation." since President U.S. Grant signed it The proposed mine in Okanogan into law. WPPSS, a consortium of 13 utili- RICHLAND - Unless a power County, near the Canadian border, is ties in Oregon and Washington that "This is a tremendous victory for consortium can find a suitable use on U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of the rule of law," said David built the plants, still is looking for for a nuclear power plant that was Land Management lands on 5,602- ways to tum plant No.1 and its near- Kliegman of the Okanogan only two-thirds finished, it will have foot Buckhorn Mountain. If Highlands Alliance. by twin, No.4, into assets. to be tom down. "This is a ready-made industrial "I don't think a building like Palouse park," said WPPSS engineer Loren WNP-I has ever been demolished," personal ad said Dave Fraley, the Washington Oakes, standing in the imposing Public Power Supply System man- shadow of plant No. 1's concrete specifications ager of the four unfinished supply dome. rdio Kickboxing system plants. This month, WPPSS and four Only WPPSS' plant No.2 was other jurisdictions signed an agree- w: ve got a new class' o No TCs finished and produces electricity. ment that will begin the process of Tuffh 5:15-6:30 trying to lure heavy industry to the (tobacco A sign over the door to the reactor wI Lauren Huber $4~ ..,n'dn building at the unfinished plant No. sites. 1f}~ chewers) I proclaims: "Welcome to WNP-l. If WPPSS doesn't find uses for An Asset to the Northwest." the sites, it could be responsible for Sign up CUB$'337 o No FPs But since construction on plant restoring them, a process which Session ends May 7th ( facial No. I was halted in the early 1980s, could cost as much as $70. million when it was 67 percent finished, it - though no one really knows for piercings) has been anything but an asset - sure. OW] only costing millions a: year to maintain The agreement, also signed by while not producing a single kilo- the City of Richland, the Benton I (Wrangler Jeans) watt of electricity. County Public Utility District,' ONoKS In 1983, WPPSS defaulted on Benton County and the Port of $2.25 billion worth of bonds in the Benton, provides $25,000 in startup drinkers five-reactor project. At the time, it money to begin exploring potential (Keystone) was the largest municipal bond uses for the plants. r ------,-- ON02WDDs :Large 2- (Two-wheel-drive drivers) i Topping o AF or TH only :Pizza (Abercrombie and I Fitch or Tommy I Hillfiger) o No SPIs (Southpark 2 Large Impersonators)

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P.tGE4 THE DAILY ~IEEN TUESDAY, MARcH 30, 1999 ACROSS AMERICA Consumer may face electricity rate hikes The Associated Press as in some Great Lakes states, the report said. Stier said the report, though in draft form, is January 1999. It was done to analyze the rural States that would face increases include consistent with past studies that show lower- impact of the administration's proposal on 45 states with rural electric cooperatives. WASHINGTON - Electricity rates for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, cost power states such as Oregon and Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, Washington would not fare well under deregu- While the report does not dispute the admin- consumers would increase in 19 states - The report doesn't say how much rates lation. istration's view that it will save $20 billion, it including Western states from Oregon to would go up. But rural America would need a More than a dozen states have already found the savings will be concentrated in some Colorado - as a result of increased competi- "safety net" ranging from $1 billion in 2000 to moved toward opening up their electricity states, while consumers would face substantial tion in the electricity industry, according to a $2.4 billion in 2015 to offset the costs of com- markets. But efforts in Congress to enact costs in other states. report made public Monday. petitive pricing, the report said. deregulation legislation have bogged down in The report also found that economic growth Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., sent the report An Agriculture Department spokesman said recent years. will be reduced in rural states that face utility to all Oregon legislators and urged them to the report was leaked before it was finished The Clinton adrninistmtion announced a rate increases from more competition. resist a rush for electricity deregulation. and that people should not draw conclusions deregulation plan last year that it said would DeFazio said in his letter that if consumers The Department of Agriculture report found from it. Andrew Kauders said he wasn't sure save consumers $20 billion a year. It would are forced into deregulated electricity markets, that increased competition would lower rates when the report would be completed. call for open competition nationwide among their electric rates will increase while their for consumers in 26 states, mainly in the DeFazio wanted to release the report this electricity suppliers by 2003 but would also quality of service declines. Southwest, Northeast and southern Plains. week because an Oregon state Senate commit- allow states to "opt out" of the program. .~'The ongoing failures of cable television But competition would boost electric rates tee is expected to take up a bill that would The Department of Agriculture's office of and telephone deregulation are pretty good in the Pacific Northwest, Mountain states, advance deregulation, said Jeff Stier, a the chief economist prepared the report as a indicators of what we can expect from electric- Mid-South and in the northern Plains, as well DeFazio aide. briefing to senior departnient officials in ity deregulation," he added. Paint, hair link accused Washington conspirator to slain family . The Associated Press bery, the two killed Arkansas gun Ark., about what kinds of items could Lab testified that paint chips taken that the carpet and hair fibers were a dealer William Mueller, his wife not be displayed at gun shows. from the tape around the Muellers direct match. UTILE ROCK - Paint chips, Nancy and her daughter Sarah Powell Retrieved from the storage shed was similar to paint from Kehoe's She said the hair and carpet fibers hair and a letter to a U.S. senator link in January 1996. was a letter from an AfF agent to truck, though the match was incon- were "microscopically similar." a Washington man to theslayings of a Items belonging to the Muellers Hutchinson outlining that anti-gov- clusive. The carpet fibers were from a dis- gun dealer and his family, witnesses were found at an Old Town, Idaho, ernment material would be off-limits. Chantelle Bequette from the play case found at the Barrel Junction testified Monday in the trial of two mini-storage center and inside atrail- Prosecutors believe Kehoe and Crime Lab also said that carpet and trailer while a hair found on the case men accused of plotting to set up a er at Barrel Junction, Utah - both Lee took the items from Mueller and , hair fibers taken from display and was similar to Mueller's. Hair found whites-only nation. with ties to Kehoe, witnesses said. his family during a January 1996 rob- ammunition cases recovered from the on an ammunition case was .similar to Chevie Kehoe, 26, of Colville, Glen Jordan, an agent of the feder- bery. When taking the items, the pair Utah trailer were similar to fibers Mrs. Mueller's, Bequette testified. Wash., and Danny Lee, 26, of Yukon, al Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and killed Mueller and his family by tap- taken from the Muellers and their She said under cross-examination Okla., are charged with racketeering, Firearms, said he found a letter at the ing plastic over their heads, taping home at Tilly, Ark. that she did not compare the hair sam- conspiracy and murder and could storage shed that mentioned Mueller. rocks to them and pushing them into The tests were not as concise as ples to Kehoe's father, who has plead- face the death penalty if convicted. According to testimony, Mueller had the water, prosecutors say. testing on genetic material, she said, ed guilty in the case, or to another Prosecutors say that, during a rob- contacted Sen. Tun Hutchinson, R- A witness from the state Crime and she could not offer specific proof man mentioned in the indictment. Prosecutors say Kehoe and Lee wanted to set up a nation in the Pacific Northwest and bar people of Design Effects_ African, Asian, Hispanic or Jewish descent. They planned to build its "INTERIOR DESIGN population through polygamy, the "The place to find solutions" government says. According to their indictment, the pair used robberies and murders to forward their plot. They are accused of bombing City Hall at Spokane, Come check out Wash., and robbing banks through the our selection of 2" Midwest. Kehoe has pleaded guilty to engaging in a shootout with police at horizontal blinds Wilrnington, Ohio. The shootout was captured by a police car-mounted • Designer. Viriyl camera and a videotape of it was broadcast nationwide. Tuesday, M-arch 30 • Faux Wood Jordan listed a number of items Raptors of the Palouse .. Rehabilitation, Research, and Education that prosecutors believe are linked to Erik Stauber • Wood a long list of crimes, including: College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University -A 100round magazine for an AK-47 with a price sticker of a type Our prices are simply 2 good 2 be true! previously linked to the Muellers. -A bill of sale for property in Visit or Call: Bonner' County, Idaho, where agents

d mc d i a pai-nllnJ!:s uf birds and an im uf s by 340 E Main Pullman, WA 99163 (509) 332-8000 found a travel-trailer believed stolen c h 11 . April? 1999, M-F, IOAM·3PM in Arkansas.

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E. 460 Main 307 W. 3rd Pullman Colfal< Moscow I----=-----~-----I: 332-5906 397-9000 883-3841...... --_.~~ NEWS VIEW The DailyEvergreen tuesday•.March 30, 1999 lIn Brief • Olympia Washington state doesn't kick people 9ft welfare roles Washington state doesn't vices say. kick people off welfare, but Of those, 5,380 had seen that doesn't mean everyone their cash benefits reduced - who quits asking for public but not cut completely - assistance has found work. because they weren't comply- At least 24,000 people ing with the program's have voluntarily left the wel- requirements to look for fare roles in Washington state work, go to school or other- since the WorkFirst program wise do something construc- started in November 1997, tive, according to WorkFirst officials with state social ser- director Mike Masten. • Tacoma Bomb injures one; sends N~\G. shrapnel flying half a block l)onf :Jt(W A pipe bomb rigged to a Firearms were working with car door seriously injured a local law enforcement agen- 30-yeru:-old Tacoma man and cies on the investigation. sent shrapnel flying as far as The man had no known half a block Monday morn- links to law enforcement, ing. Mattheis added. The man, who was not Police are occasionally immediately identified, was called to the east side neigh- NEW YORK TIMES PHOTO listed in critical condition at borhood but it is not a high- Protesters supporting the NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia demonstrate outside the Yugoslav Mission to Harborview Medical Center crime area, he said. the U.N. on Monday. in Seattle with wounds in his Mattheis gave the follow- thigh, abdomen and other ing account: parts of his body. The pipe bomb was placed No others were injured, in a plastic bag outside the NATO bombing escalates police officer Jim Mattheis man's late-model silver said. No one was arrested and Honda Civic at 31 st Street Russia continues to seek investigators were trying to and Portland Avenue and was negotiations establish a motive. Federal rigged to the door. The blast agents of the Bureau of occurred as the man prepared The Associated Press Alcohol, Tobacco and to enter the car about 8 a.m. • Vancouver, British Columbia BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - Ground- attack jets took off for Kosovo on '$pidennan' has Canadians Monday as part of NATO's expanded attacks on the Serb forces carrying out a locking balcony doors "scorched earth policy" in the separatist province. A series of high-rise bur- back on the street. While tens of thousands of ethnic glaries in recent weeks has The recent robberies have Albanian refugees flooded neighboring police warning people to keep all occurred between midnight countries, specialized A-IO "Warthog" . their balcony windows and and 6 a.m., police spokes- planes were spotted taking off from doors locked. woman Constable Anne Aviano Air Base in northern Italy. The A- The thief has scaled the Drennan said. 10 is a low- and slow-flying tank-killer outside of apartment buildings "He has hit suites from the 'aircraft that could be used to strike Serb before entering suites through fourth floor up to the seventh groundforces. open patio doors. There have floor," she said. NEW YORK TIMES PHOTO Air raid sirens blared Monday evening been eight such burglaries in In one incident, a victim An unidentified pilot waves a flag in support of his fellow pilots as they taxi in Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital, and the past two weeks .. was awakened and spotted the out in support of NATO operations over Kosovo last Friday. two detonations shook Pancevo, six Investigators are checking burglar on the balcony. miles to the horth. marking the beginning in atrocities in Kosovo, a province in to see whether the burglaries "When the suspect on the and that others had gone into hiding. of a sixth night of bombing. Serbia, themain republic in Yugoslavia. could be the work of the so- balcony realized the person Four other prominent ethnic Albanians As new atrocities were reported in "There are indications genocide is called Spiderman bandit who inside had spotted him, he were also reported executed in the Serbs' Kosovo, Russia's prime rrumster unfolding in Kosovo," said James P. committed similar crimes in immediately jumped over the "scorched earth policy," NATO said. announced he was going to the Yugoslav Rubin, the State Department spokesman, 1997. A suspect was arrested railing of the balcony and The Serbian Media Center in Pristina, capital of Belgrade on a peace deal, and citing reports of summary executions and in that case, but police were dropped onto the balcony the Kosovo capital, claimed later there rallies for and against the airstrikes took trying to determine if he is below," Drennan said. people being forced from their homes at was no evidence to' support the accusa- place in London. New York, Prague and gunpoint. tions. • Pierson, Fla. other cities . Wilby said NATO had received Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon, NATO spokesman Air Commodore reports that Fehmi Agani, an ethnic speaking in Washington, said more U.S. School changes decision; David Wilby said the latest air attacks tar- Albanian negotiator at recent peace talks aircraft, including five B-1 bombers, geted Serb and Yugoslav units involved in France, was "executed" on Sunday would soon join the mission. boy to wear dress to prom Charles Rice had on a per- felt he was being discriminat- fectly matched outfit for the ed against because of his sex- Rwandans cast first ballots since genocide Taylor High School senior ual orientation. He was in the Associated Press Rwandans are prepared and committed to citizens a voice in a country where prom: high-heeled shoes, a proces~ of hiring an attorney depart from old ways," Musoni said. unquestioned obedience to state authority rhinestone necklace and a when the school reversed its KIGALI, Rwanda -Despite torrents Candidates were forbidden to solicit was partly to blame for the speed and effi- floor-length gown in' red decision last week. of rain, millions of Rwandans voted for votes on political, ethnic or religious ciency of the 9O-day genocide. satin. Superintendent Bill Hall local leaders Monday in the country's first grounds. Tutsi-led rebels put an end to the The 6-foOt-plus Rice had said thedecision was changed free, nonpartisan elections since brutal Monday's elections mark the first time slaughter in July 1994, after at least worn women's clothing based on advice from school Rwandans are not legally obliged to vote. ethnic killings five years ago that left a 500,000 minority Tutsis and politically before, but this time he had to district attorneys who said Nonetheless, according to preliminary half-million people dead. moderate Hutus were hacked or blud- fight to wear a dress to the "we were not in a favorable reports; turnout was high, with more than geoned to death. Hutu soldiers, militia- The govemment hopes the vote will dance Saturday night. position legally." 80 percent of 3.5 million eligible voters men and ordinary people acted on the foster grassroots democracy and reconcil- The principal at Taylor Not all students were tuming out in rural areas and 75 percent in orders of an extremist Hutu government. iation among the majority Hutus and High School had said earlier happy with the decision. urban centers, Musoni said. . In the past, Rwandans were obliged to minority Tutsis, as well as shift attention in the month that Rice could "We won't look back and Monday was apublic holiday, and sol- vote in tightly controlled elections that from ethnicity toward rebuilding the notattend the dance in drag, talk about who went with diers, who were not permitted to cast bal- always' resulted in the majority Hutus country. citing concerns for the teen's whom," 'said senior Chris lots, were put on standby to beef up secu- controlling the country. Protease Musoni, secretary-general of safety and the potential for a Gregory. "It'll be, 'We went rity. The elections are meant to decentralize the Ministry of Local Government, called disruption of the prom. to prom and Charles wore a However, voting took place without state power in what authorities call a Rice, who is gay, said he dress. ", on voters to elect leaders capable of help- incident in most of Rwanda, where about "participatory democracy," not based on -From Evergreen News Services ing society erase the evils of the genocide. 7.2 million people live. candidates' political or ethnic allegiances "This is a moment to show that we The government says the vote will give but on their ability to perform.

News Editor: Setn Truscott Phone: 335-1140 .------. _.-.------PlGE6 THE DAILY EvERGREEN TuESDAY,MARCH 30, 1999

AROUND THE WORLD Rwandans vote in first Rescue workers search elections since 1994 Associated Press • French Prime Minister Lionel of Mont Blanc, connects Italy Jospin and his Italian counterpart and France and serves as a major Associated Press turnout was high, with more than Massimo D'Alema arrived trucking route. It is expected to 80 percent of 3.5 million eligible At least 40 dead in , Monday to pay tribute to the , be closed for weeks. KIGALI, Rwanda - Despite voters turning out in rural areas Alps tunnel fire, only dead. French judicial authorities torrents of rain, millions of and 75 percent in urban centers, "When I ponder certain immediately opened an investi- Rwandans voted for local leaders Musoni said. five have been identi- images that were shown to me, gation, and say criminal charges Monday in the country's first free, Monday was a public holiday, fied there are no words to describe may eventually be brought. nonpartisan elections since brutal , and soldiers, who were not permit- ethnic killings five years ago that CHAMONIX, France my immense compassion for the French and Italian officials ted to cast ballots, were put on victims and their families," will meet in Turin on Wednesday left a half-million people dead. standby to beef up security. Firefighters and police gingerly Jospin told reporters. to discuss initial findings, Jospin The government hopes the vote However, voting took place entered the Mont Blanc tunnel on Monday, searching through the Two bodies were taken from said. The French premier also will foster grassroots democracy without incident in most of and reconciliation among the wreckage of charred cars and the seven-mile tunnel on Sunday, said studies would be carried out Rwanda, where about 7.2 million majority Hutus and minority trucks to try to identify the but the evacuation process was on 20 tunnels in France to assess people live. Tutsis, as well as shift attention remains of dozens of victims. provi~g slow. , security standards. In Muslim neighborhoods of from ethnicity toward rebuilding At least 40 people died in the Firefighters say it is still possi- A recent report by the fire the capital, Kigali, authorities the country. ' blaze that broke out Wednesday. ble they will discover more bod- department of the Haute-Savoie postponed the exercise for a day Protease Musoni, secretary- Only five of them have been ies at the center of the tunnel, region where the tunnel is locat- after residents refused to consider ed has raised questions about the general of the Ministry of Local identified, and rescue workers where massive chunks of con- voting for non-Muslim candidates, feasibility of carrying out rescue Government, called on voters to say the death toll in the blaze crete litter the road. operations inside the tunnel in elect leaders capable of helping and the torrential rain forced some could still rise. The fire broke out on a case of a serious accident. society erase the evils of the geno- polling stations to close until Radio reports said small fires Belgian truck carrying flour and cide. - Tuesday. were still burning Monday, but margarine through the tunnel. It French officials have rejected "This is a moment to show that The government says the vote temperatures in the tunnel had raged for 50 hours until dozens criticism that security measures were inadequate. we Rwandans 'are prepared and will give citizens a voice in a dropped sufficiently for rescue of firefighters from France, Italy About 2,000 trucks pass committed to depart from old country where unquestioned obe- workers to go in. The workers and Switzerland managed to con- through the tunnel on an average ways," Musoni said. dience to state authority was part- had to be careful, however, trol the blaze. All but a few of the day. Local politicians are Candidates were forbidden to ly to blame for the speed and effi- because there were fears that victims died in their vehicles. demanding that the road to be solicitvotes on political, ethnic or ciency of the 90-day genocide. parts of the severely damaged The tunnel near Chamonix, a closed to truck traffic. religious grounds. . Tutsi-led rebels put an end to tunnel's ceiling could collapse. , french Alpine resort at the foot. Monday's elections mark the the slaughter in July 1994, after at first time Rwandans are not legal- least 500,000 minority Tutsis and ly obliged to vote. Nonetheless, politically moderate Hutus were according to preliminary reports, hacked or bludgeoned to death . Trip postponed over wine dispute Associated Press Iranian radio reported' earlier No alcohol was served during Monday that Iran had asked the Italian visit. .:~·~~r~ PARIS -' Wine has always France to observe "national and But in France, Foreign Ministry been serious business in France, Islamic standards and principles, 'sources said the protocol is clear ..John Elwood' ", ' and now it appears to be at the but no agreement has been when it Comes to visiting leaders .. , .... , .' .,' ' .. " .. ,; '. center of a serious diplomatic flap. reached on this issue." . from the Islamic world: pork is not , on th~'M.(Juo.t~in-Duleim~r.:' , Iran's President Mohammad Therefore, the visit "will not be .',.. served, but wine is, to those who 'Thli~.;Aprill 5:00'~7:30p..m.: Khatami has' put off an expected taking place on the scheduled desire it. visit to France next month because date," Tehran radio said, quoting a 'Mnn-"'r', "If they do not want to drink it, '11-8' :sats~urij~~i'.. ' the French refuse' to .cede to statement by Khatami's office. Ilihri" ..r ' '[email protected]~' ' we of course do not oblige them, Iranian demands that wine be The Iranian government insists but if we want to drink, we do," a ~P!_iw~ banned from the table, a source that women of host countries be ministry source said On condition familiar with the discussions said dressed modestly during visits by of anonymity. "That is our cus- Monday. Iranian officials and that no alco- tom." I hoi be served. Earlier this month, Khatami Officials point out there may be made a ground-breaking trip to other reasons for Iran to consider Italy, the first state visit to a postponing the trip, chief among Western country by an Iranian them the fear of protests. Iranian leader since the 1979 Islamic rev- opposition- groups already had olution. The upcoming French trip announced plans for demonstra- was seen as another step in Iran's tions against Khatami, despite the overall effort to improve ties with lack of an official date for the the European Union. visit. r------~- Cordially Invites you to The 1999 Murrow Symposium 'Monday April 5, 1999 7:30 p.m. Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum :Pullman, Washington "A RAP SESSION W/KEITHJACKSON" BREAD Glenn Johnson, Moderator TWIST,S Keith Jackson ,recently retired from ABC Sports after a long and distinguished career covering all the major sports, the Olympics, and sporting events In 31 countries. Baseball Gonzaga at WSU -SPORTS. 3 p.m., Bailey Aeld UConn shocks the NCAA world

Richard Hamilton;s 27 points leads suddenly Duke was playing a role it had very little experience Huskies in upset with against No.1 Duke UConn at this season - the chaser. William Avery's free throws with 54 seconds left got the Blue Associated Press Devils within 75-74. El-Amin, whose driving basket had given 77 Connecticut the 75-72 lead, missed on-a drive with 24 seconds Duke left and Duke had life. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Connecticut spoiled the Duke The crowd of 41,340 at Tropicana Field, the court where Invitational. Duke's season ended a year ago, was roaring as the Blue Devils The Huskies beat top-ranked Duke, the team no one thought 74 went for the final shot without calling a timeout. could be beaten in this NCAA tournament, for their first nation- 1999 National Champions Langdon, the fifth-year senior who made the Final Four in his al championship in their first Final Four appearance. last chance, triedto get by Ricky Moore, one of the game's best The 77-74 victory Monday night ended Duke's 32-game ing this season and defenders. Langdon.spun but Moore was there. Langdon took winning streak, kept the Blue Devils from an NCAA record for they played a final game worthy of the two best. an extra step and was called for traveling with 5.4 seconds· to go. wins in a season, and prevented them from ending the '90s with Connecticut was able to keep the game at a pace it liked even El-Amin made two free throws with 5.2 seconds left to get a third national championship. though most everyone thought the Huskies should try to slow the lead back to 3, and Langdon's last chance at tying the game Richard Hamilton led third-ranked Connecticut (34-2) with the tempo. The quick pace made for what seemed like constant ended when he fell near the 3-point line and lost control of the 27 points, but it was some tremendous team defense and a big lead changes, the last coming with 3:50 to play when ball. shot and free throws by Khalid El-Amin that won it all. Hamilton's free throws gave the Huskies a 70-68 lead. With that, Connecticut charged the court and had the title led Duke (37-2) with 25 points, but Duke's He hit a 3-pointer 21 seconds later for a five-point lead and See Huskies on page 9 SPRING FOOTBALL Quarterback quest begins Three-man race for starting position starts today with opening of spring drills

By Ryan Sadoski those three guys an equal oppor- The Daily Evergreen tunity," Price said. "We'd like to , , We'd like 'to have' have our starter heading into the our starter head- With nowhere to go but up, the summer." ing into the summer;" 1999 WSU football team will The Cougars return nine .open spring practices Tuesday offensive and eight defensive Mike Price with hopes of erasing memories starters, and 46 letter winners (22 WSU footbaJJ coach . of the 3-8, O-for-Pac-l 0 season of seniors, 13 juniors and 11 sopho- a year ago: mores). All eyes will be on the trio of "We're hoping to improve our Hawkins and Alex TInsley .: Steve Birnbaum (6-5, 216, whole football team and get us Thielbahr, a big back at 6-2, senior), Paul Mencke (6-5, 226, back to the level where we think. 231, is listed as the top backup.' junior) and Jason Gesser(6-I, we belong," Price said. "One of He was used in goal-line-situa- 200, redshirt freshman), who are the spots we're looking to fill is tions last year. competing for the starting quar- the quarterback position. We The Wide receiver corps have terback position. need to find a comer and a tight· perhaps the most depth of any "It's going to be a three-man end and we're looking for depth position on the WSU offense. race," Price said, at the running back position." Led by All-America candidate The inept play of that position Six-foot-eight junior right Nian Taylor, who was granted an was the obvious downfall of the tackle Reed Raymond and 64, extra year of eligibility by com- 1998 campaign. 274-pollnd senior center Lincoln pleting undergraduate studies in WSU quarterbacks combined Walden-Schulz return to the line four years under Prop48, every for 25 interceptions last season. along with left tackle Ryan regular receiver is back from last '''We're just going to have to Tujague (6-6, 294) and left guard year. take care of the ball better," Price Joe Criscione (6-03, 293). Ryan Leaford Hackett, who was a said. Raymond (6-7,306), Reed's twin bright spot on WSU's fledgling _ He said the coaching staff will brother, is listed No. 1 at the right passing game last year, lead the . be charting every pass thrown in guard spot on the pre-spring team in receptions in 1998. drills this spring. depth chart, but he will be pushed Adam Davis, Jason White and While Mencke and Birnbaum by 6-3, 294-pound senior Mark Jerry Roquemore will compete have the edge in size and experi- Schwartz. for WSU's third receiver spot. ence, do not count out Gesser, Also competing for playing Roquemore started there much of who may have the best arm time will be redshirt freshmen last year and is listed first on the . depth chart. strength of the three, despite his Phil Locker (6-5,' 290) and lack of size. Denick Roche (6-5,256). With Love Jefferson gone, a hole is left at tight end Corey Price said another player with In the backfield will be Scott, a 6-3, 25O-pound senior, is an outside shot at the quarterback Brown, a junior who broke the the favorite, followed by sopho- spot is Kjell Nessen, a freshman ·WSU record for yards by a more Jason Littleton (6-5, 256). from California who enrolled at sophomore last season with. The strength of the WSU WSU in January. 1047. Competing for the backup THE DAILY EllERGREEN/MICHALE lEE defense is once again the line- "Unless (Nessen is) just phe- job are sophomore Jeremy Paul Mencke got his shot last fall when then-starter Steve Birnbaum faultered. nomenal, we're going to give Thielbahr and juniors Adam See Football on page 9 Pre-spring ..Depth Chart Offense Defense SE: JERRY ROQUEMORE (5-11,180, Sr.) TE : COREY scorr (6-3, 250, #Sr.) WE: JESSE RATCLIFF (6-2, 258, #Sr.) SLB: BRAD PHILLEY (6-2, 208, #Jr.) Farwan Zubedi (5-10, 164, #Jr.) Jason Uttleton (6-5,256, #So.) Ebony Wilson (6-2, 260, #Sr.) Serign Ma(ong (6-2, 225, #So.) LT: RYAN TUJAGUE (6-6, 294, #Sr.) SB: LEAFORD HACKETI (5-9, 174,Sr.) T: ROB MEIER(6-6, 267, #Sr.) RCB: LeJUAN GIBBONS (5-10, 171,.#Sr.) Phil Locker (6-5,290, #Fr.) Jason White (5-11,171,#So.) Eric Boose (6-2, 261, #Fr.) Dante Minners (5-10,180, #Jr.) LG: JOE CRISCIONE (6-3, -293, #Sr) QB ; STEVE BIRNBAUM (6-5, 216, #Sr.) or T: JOEY HOLLENBECK (6-4, 265, So.) SS: EARL RILEY (6-2, 209, #Sr.) Derrick Roche (6-5,256, #Fr.) PAUL MENCKE (6-5,226, #Jr.) In.gA1eaga(6-2,297, So) Tory Hollimon (5-10, 198, #Sr.) C: L. WALDEN-SCHULZ (6-4, 274, #Sr.) RB: KEVIN BROWN (6-2, 218, #Jr) SE: MARK HEDEEN (6-6, 251, So.) FS: LAMONT THOMPSON (6-2, 214, Jr.) Tyler Hunt (6-3, 255, #Fr.) Jeremy Thielbahr (6-2,231, #So.) Austin Matson (6-3, 251, #Jr.) Billy Newman (5-11,200, #So.) RG: RYAN RAYMOND (6-7,306, #Jr.) FL: NIAN TAYLOR (6-2, 197,Sr.) WLB: STEVE GLEASON (5-11,210, #Sr.) LCB: CHRIS MARTIN (5-11,186, Sr.) Mike Schwarz (6-3, 295, #Sr.) Adam Davis (6-0, 166, Sor.) Grady Emmerson (6-0,200, #Sr.) A. Matthews (5-9,180, #So.) RT: REED RAYMOND (6-8, 301, #Jr.) PK: RIAN LINDELL (6-3, 242, #Sr.) MLB: TUPO TUUPO (6-2, 244, #So.) P: KAREEM ANDERSON (5-11,192, Sr.) Jason Hughes (6-6,275, #Fr.) Nick Lambert (5-10, 183, #So.) . Fred Shavies (6-1, 240, #Fr.) Rian Undell (6-3,242, #Sr.)

$ports Editor: Ryan Sa~oskF

- -_._ ------PAGE 8 THE DAILY EtERaREEN TUESDAY, MARett 30,1999 SPORTS Seattle relievers hoping to live down last year

Associated Press pened this spring." him and swallow his $1.8 million salary. All have pitched well in Arizona. Mesa had Gone from a relief corps that blew 21 saves Ayala is not having a good spring. In two a 1.29 ERA and two saves in 14 spring PEORIA, Ariz. - Lou Piniella is hoping. last season - and ruined the magnificent innings against San Diego here Sunday in a innings, Paniagua a 2. 16ERA in eight games That's all he can do. years of All-Stars Ken Griffey Jr. and Alex game the Mariners held on to win 4-2, Ayala and Halama a 2.81 ERA in 16 innings. If new closer Jose Mesa, setup man Jose Rodriguez - are Mike TImlin, Heathcliff gave up two runs on eight hits. "I think a lot of fans and a lot of press have Paniagua and left-hander John Halama can . Slocumb and Bob Wells. "If we stay healthy, we should score runs," our bullpen in the grave before the season pitch as well in April as they've pitched in Still with the Manners is onetime closer general manager Woody Woodward said. "I even starts," said Butch Henry, a left-hander Bobby Ayala, who had nine blown saves last March, PinielIa might be able to erase the think we should score enough." who will be Seattle's No.4 starter. season when he had a 1-10 record and a 7.29 It all depends on how effective the flashbacks of the Seattle Mariners' belea- The key to Seattle's bullpen success will be ERA. Mariners' pitching, particularly its relievers, Mesa, 32, who has 104 career saves. guered bullpen of last season. Unless general manager Woody is going to be. He was the Mariners' main free. agent "Let's· not talk about last year," the Woodward can pull off a trade in the final And with veteran Mark Leiter to start the addition during the winter. Woodward Mariners manager said, preferring to talk week of spring training, Ayala will be on season on the disabled list because of tendini- signed the former Cleveland Indians relief about his team's 18-8 spring record. "Let's Seatle's Opening Night roster next Monday. tis in his right shoulder, the pressure will be ace after the team decided to let Timlin go as talk about the positive things that have hap- The Mariners don't want to have to release on Mesa, Paniagua and Halama. a free agent. Monson not hired at N.D. What's on deck for Cuba? Associated Press Associated Press stand the mystique of Cuba, it was near him waiting for a charter flight . SOmH BEND, Ind- Notre Dame finally filled its basketball coaching vacan- worth it," Montreal GM Jim Beattie to Miami, Engle was hesitant to cy Monday, reportedly hiring Kansas assistant Matt Doherty as its new coach. HAVANA - Baseball people of said. "Having done it once, the next identify the Cubans he liked. But Notre Dame officials scheduled a 4 p.m. EST Thesday news conference to all sorts were buzzing Monday in time you won't have that fear or asked whether he thought some of name the new coach, but declined to say Monday who it is. the waiting area at Jose Marti awe." them had big league potential, he Both Fox Sports Netand television station WNDU reported Monday night International Airport. The No.1' Almost all 30 major league firmly said yes. that Doherty had been hired. topic? Trying to set up more games teams sent a representative or two Jose Contreras pitched eight Doherty, 37, considered playing at Notre Dame but was recruited to play at between major league teams and to see the Orioles beat a Cuban all- scoreless innings, allowed only two by then-Tar Heels assistant Roy Wtlliams. The 6-foot-8 Doherty the Cubans. star team 3-2 in 11 innings Sunday. hits and struck out 10. Third base- played forward on the 1982 national championship team with League presidents, owners, gen- . Tampa Bay Devil Rays owner man Omar Linares, considered the and James Worthy. eral managers, scouts and union Vince Naimoli hopes the trip helps island's best player at 32, hit a tying Aftef graduation, he worked as a government bond salesmen in New York executives all seemed to agree, for him understand more about star single in the eighth inning that City and later was a part-time analyst on the Davidson College basketball radio once: The Baltimore Orioles' week- pitcher Rolando Arrojo, a Cuban made Cuban President Fidel Castro network. end trip to Havana worked so well defector. grin-from a front-row seat behind Doherty was hired as an assistant coach at Davidson before the 1989-90 sea- that more clubs should follow. "I'll have a conversation with the plate. . son, serving there three years before coming to Kansas. "We will start talking soon about him," Naimoli said. "I'm a great Several top Cubans did not face doing it. again next year," said for- student of learning by walking Baltimore because they are playing mer infielder Tony Bemazard, now around, and I'll talk about the things in the .current series between the at the players' union. Isaw." Havana Industriales and Santiago Cuban sports officials also AL president Gene Budig and for the country's league champi- seemed satisfied with the first visit NL president Len C-Oleman liked onship. by a major league team in 40 years. what they saw. So did Toronto Blue Industriales shortstop German They appear willing to make this an Jays scout Bob Engle. Mesa, whose talent kept Rey annual event and no doubt would "I think any time you get to see Ordonez on the bench before the love to have the New York Yankees, guys who don't have a lot of expo- future Gold Glover defected and a popular team among fans on the sure, it's good," Engle said. "You joined the New York Mets, may Communist island. got to see a lot of pitching. It gives Itij play when the Cubans visit • Hot & Sour Soup iii "To come down here and experi- you a good measure." Baltimore's Camden Yards on • Moo-Shu Pork *jJi Ji] ence it, just to get to see and under- With several rival scouts sitting May 3. • Hot & Spicy Chicken~~. • Asparagus Beef ilj-t- jtJ .. -~~ ... • Expert Collision Repair & Painting • Tofu Shrimp "~A. • Front & Rear Wheel Alignment Pecl<'s stay • Modem Precise Frame Repair • Combination Dinners • PPG Certified Collision Repair Center • ICAR TRAINED· ASE Certified at Purdue • Written Guarantee· Glass Replaced 833 21st Street, FREE Lewiston ESTIMATES spectacular Locally Owned & Operated Since 1974 Quality Craftsmanship Is Our Product Associated Press

Greene's Body & Paint Service SAN JOSE, Calif. - . Carolyn 435 E. Palouse River Drive Moscow 882·8535 Peck's coaching resume at Purdue shows two Big Ten tournament championships, one regular-season title and now, a national champi- onship. Not bad for two years' work. 11 Y(J(JUIIED IN /I And two years is all it will be because Peck is leaving the nation's _____1DENtE NIIU ••• No. I-ranked team to become coach and general manager of a WNBA expansion team, the Orlando Miracle. Purdue's 62-45 victory over Duke in Sunday night's NCAA championship game was her last appearance with the Boilermakers. Peck was named to the Orlando job last summer, but wanted to stay at Purdue in part because the team's two stars, Stephanie White-McCarty and Ukari Figgs, already had played for three different coaches. in three years. She was not about to have them play for a fourth as seniors. They paid her back by putting her into an elite group. Peck, still full of youthful exuberance at 33, is just the 11th different coach - and the first black - to win an NCAA women's lie mo,e championship. "It's an accomplishment, but PDR/( 0' 8EEFl there are several other African- Tofind oul why "this hall's for you~' call 335-4577 American women that have allowed or arop by Housing Services in llreil-Perham the opportunity. for me, a lot of women in general," Peck said. "I didn't win a national championship because of the color of my skin." TUESDA.Y,MARcH 30, 1999 n.DAlLv_ PAGE 9 SPORTS Jordan breaks silence on possible Hornets purchase

Associated Press finn that I have been contacted by Monday about Jordan's remarks, Fennebresque did not immediately very good insight into things that he George Shinn and (NBA commission- Jordan, who grew up in return messages left at his Charlotte focuses on. So, I'm sure he would be CHARLOTIE, N.C. - Michael er) David Stem regarding co-owner- Wilmington and starred at the office on Monday. a plus." Jordan went on record Monday that he ship of the ," Jordan University of North Carolina,· said The Chicago Sun-TImes, quoting Hornets officials said that no firm has had preliminary talks about co- said in the statement issued Monday staying involved in the NBA "would unidentified sources in an article dates had been set for the two sides to owning the Charlotte Hornets, but will through agent David Falk's office in be a fulfilling personal and business Sunday, said Jordan and Falk were in meet again but that both parties had his presence bring back the fans? Washington. challenge. " the Bahamas, discussing the move agreed to stay in touch over the com- And could it even breath new life Jordan spoke with Shinn earlier this "In addition, as a North Carolina from retired player to part-time ingweeks. into the uphill battle to build a new month about buying a 50 percent native, I would welcome the opportu- owner. Shinn was granted an expansion downtoWn NBA arena? share of the NBA franchise, according nity to be involved in growing the "If this is something Michael franchise for $32.5 million and was Lofty expectations for just one to officials with the Hornets and the Hornets into an elite NBA team," wants to do, I'm all for it because he's revered in Charlotte when the Hornets man. league. Jordan said "It would be premature to earned the right to do whatever he made their debut in 1988. Now, he is But this is Michael Jordan, after all. "At this stage, however, the discus- comment any further." wants to do," Bulls chairman Jeny gotten the reputation for refusing to Jordan was not saying very much sions are very preliminary and I am Jordan also has met with John Reinsdorf told the newspaper over the play the big money to keep top players about his plans, although he did con- unsure whether 1will be able to make Fennebresque, chairman of a commit- weekend. "I also believe he would - the Hornets lost stars Alonzo firm Monday that he has been in touch an investment on terms that are tee that is trying to developing a new make a good owner. He is good at Mourning and Larry Johnson from a with Hornets and NBA officials. acceptable to me," Jordan said. downtown arena, The Charlotte everything he does. team that once appeared on its way to "In response to reports, I can con- Hornets officials were not talking Observer reported. "Michael is very bright and has the top.

HUSKIES: First title for a Big East team since Villanova beat Georqetown in 1985 Continued from Page 7 pionship games, the titles coming in 1991 and when he was fouled. After a basket by Chris including 5-for-1O from 3-point range, and everyone thought Duke would claim. 1992. Carrawell brought the Blue Devils within 65- Avery had 11 points and five assists. It was Duke's eighth Final Four under Mike This title was the first for the Big East since 63, Brand blocked a 3-point attempt by El- Duke's only other loss was by one point to Krzyzewski, who was trying to become the Villanova pulled off another huge upset in Amin and Langdon made one of two free Cincinnati in November and only four times fourth coach' to win a third national champi- 1985, beating Georgetown. throws on that possession to make it 65-64. did a team come within 10 points of the Blue onship. A jumper by Hamilton gave the Huskies a Hamilton, a first-team All-American who Devils, who led the nation in scoring (92.3) It was Connecticut's first and Jim Calhoun, 65-59 lead with 8:57 left. Elton Brand, the was IO-for-22 from the field and had seven and margin of victory (25.4). labeled one of the best coaches never to reach national player of the year who finished with rebounds, finished as the tournament's leading Krzyzewski, who will have hip replacement a Final Four, finally did, and left the court with 15 points and 13 rebounds, got Duke right scorer with 145 points in the six games, a 24.1 surgery next week, is second on the NCAA a national title in his 27th season, the last 13 at back in it. average. He was the tournament's Most tournament career victory list with 49. Connecticut. Brand blocked a shot by Hamilton then Outstanding Player. One of those was in the 1990 regional final Duke finishes tied with the 1986 Duke team went down and scored on a fast break. He then Moore scored all 13 of his points in the first when Christian Laettner's buzzer beater on an and UNLV in 1987 with 37 victories. The loss stole the ball from Edmund Saunders 30 feet half and El-Amin had 12. inbounds play gave the Blue Devils a 79-78 also gives Duke a 2-6 record in national cham- from the basket, but missed the free throw. Langdon was 7-for-15 from the field, overtime win over Connecticut.

FOOTBALL: Defensive backfield full offamiliar faces continued from Page 7 cornerback LeJuan Gibbons (5-10, duties and senior Rian Lindell doing 171, senior), who started much of the the place kicking. backing corps. Lead by three-year the Rose Bowl season two years ago. "We just need to get better at all the starting weakside backer, Steve He will be joined by Chris Martin (5- positions," Price said. "We're pretty Gleason (5-11, 210), eight letterwin- 11, 186, senior) at left comer, Earl good at offensive line, tight end is ners return at that position. Riley (6-2, 209, senior) at strong safe- going to be a question mark: and we Tupo Tuupo, a 6-2, 244-pound ty and All-America candidate Lamont have good depth on the defensive line." sophomore, is back from injury and is Thompson (6-2, 214, junior) at free Practices will be every Tuesday, listed as the starting middle line- safety. Wednesday and Friday (with the * New Management * New AHitude * backer, ahead of redshirt freshman Torry Hollimon (5-10, 198, senior) exception of April 23) and Saturday, * Quality Home * Excellent Amenities * Fred Shavies, James Price (5-11, 214) and Billy Newman (5-11, 200, sopho- beginning March 30. Spring practices and Raonall Smith (6-2, 238). more) each saw playing time last sea- will end with the annual Crimson- * Incredible Values * Brad Philley, a junior, (6-2, 208) is son. Hollimon started two games two Grey game April 24. listed as the starting strong side line- years ago at free safety. Weekday practices begin at 4 p.m. backer, ahead of Sereign Marong (6-2, The special teams will look the on the practice field or at 3:30 p.m. at 225, sophomore). same as last season, with senior Karim Martin Stadium, depending on the Gleason and Philley will be used Anderson providing the punting weather. sparingly in spring drills because they are outfielders on the WSU baseball team. James Price is out with a broken A~~I..ICATIONS NOW AVAI1..A61..5FOF< wrist. WSU STUDENT OMBUDSMAN "This allows guys like Tupo Tuupo, Sereign Marong, Grady Qualifications: Undergraduate: Jr. or Sr. at time of Emmerson and Curtis Holden to have a great opportunity to step up," Mike appointment. Full-time status and minimum QUALITY HOMES Price said. cumulative GPA: 3.25 if Jr.; 3.0 if Sr. *Indoor heated Jr Olympic * Furnished or Unfurnished Sized Pool Units Available The defensive line should enjoy Graduate student: minimum cumulative GPA: 3.0 *Men's & Women's Saunas * Washer and Dryer Units some stability after eight interior play- and 10 credits a semester. Knowledge of university * Two Wolff System Tanning Available in Many Units ers either left the team, were removed Beds * ETHERNET PORTS in operations. * Fireplace in Lounge Area EVERY BEDROOM from the team or were injured at the * Full Kitchen in Dining Area * Hotpoint Appliances Include start of last season. Duties: Assist with student concerns 114time (10 * Privacy Tables in our Study Dishwashers and Microwaves Room * Air conditioning in Many Gone are run-stopper Gary Holmes hours/week); paid position, academic year (August * New Fitness Equipment Units and pass rushing specialist Jonathon 16, 1999 to August 15,2000). 5/1/99! Nance, but four experienced defensive Applications: Ombudsman's Office, Wilson Hall, linemen remain and several newcom- * Call for Details ers are expected to have an immediate Room 2. Deadline: 5:00 pm Monday, April 12, 1999. impact. 509-332-6814 Jesse Ratcliffe (6-2, 258, senior) is For- further- i,.,for-ma-rio,.,call 335-1195 1920 NE Terre View Drive. slated to start at the weak end, fol- lowed by injury-riddled Ebony Wilson (6-2,.260, senior). Three-year letterwinner Rob Meier (6-6, 267, senior) and sophomore Joey Hollenbeck (64, 265) are listed as starters at the defensive tackle posi- tionse They will be pushed by redshirt freshmen Eric Boose (6-2, 261) and GPSA General Elections sophomore Ing Aleaga (6-2, 297). GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION Aleaga was ruled ineligible last season after corning to WSU from Hawaii. Mark Hedeen (6-6, 251, sopho- rnore) will compete with junior Austin Matson (6-3, 251) for the strongside job. Vote On-line March 29 - April 2 "We don't have the huge Bender-, f{olmes-type," Price said, "but we have a lot of depth." http://www.wsu.edu/-gpsa/elections/elections99.htm.l In the defensive backfield will be a ~ miX of familiar faces. Expected to \ return to the starting lineup is right I~_======~======~ 335-4573 'CLASSIFIEDS THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1999 PAGE 10

101 Roommates 105 Apts. For Rent 105 Apts. For Rent 115 Unfurnished Apts Large 1 bdrm. apts. now leasing for lindex 1-2 F N/S Jr./Sr. rmmt for 3 bdrm. Boulder Creek, Meadowbrook, Sum- We've shopped our competition I 1999-2000 season. Begin your lease Chinook townhouse. Cable/phone in mer Hill, Cedar Ridge & Stadium Ter- Now your don't have to\ Why pay anytime between 4/1 and 8/1. Five 100 RENTALS bdrms, DW. Fall sem. 332-FROG race are now taking applications for 2 more for a one bedroom apartment & 3 bdrm apts for the next academic locations, affordable for 1, large 2 N/S, friendly rrnrnts, 3 bdrm. new when you can have a two bedroom school year. No pets. Pick up your enough for 2. On Pullman bus rt. townhouse. Must see. WID, OW, big for less than $400? Our remodeled 200 REAL ESTATE applications NOW at 1535 NE Mer- $360-$385.9 am-B pm. 332-7704. rooms. Summer & fall '99. 334-7712. places feature easy access to cam- man Dr. Office. 334-6408 pus, spacious rooms and closets, on- EMPLOYMENT 1 rmmt (male pre!.) needed for tall. site laundry, and off-street parking. 300 435 NW Parr Dr. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 120 Rooms Quiet top floor apt at CCN. $179/mo. We have a variety of complexes for $850/mo. A/C, O/W, WID, micro- + 1/4 uti!. Call Nick at 334-5991. you to choose from, so come on FOR SALE wave, sgl car garage, no pets. Call M/F, 1 room in 3 bdrm, 2 bath house. 400 down and check us out! Call 332- 1 or 2 roomates wanted to share 334-7444. Avail 1-1-99. WID, OW, pets neg. Avail. summer. 8622 today, or stop by 1325 NE Val- $250/mo. + 1/3 uti I. 332-6294 TRANSPORT brand new 4 bedroom apartment 500 close to WSU. Be one of the first to Now leasing 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apart- ley Rd. #25 for our latest deal. share a new appartment home at ments. 334-2848, after 3. 125 Mobile Homes SERVICES Cougar Crest. For details, please call Hate walking in the Palouse weather? 600 2 bdrm, 1 bath mobile home 3 mi. out 334-6028 Our 1 bedroom apts. feature covered storage shed, WID hkup. Call 332- NOTICES parking, extra storage, quiet locales, 700 2 F rmmts for CCN 3rd Fir. Fall flexible leases, and are pet friendly. 6983. $21O/mo. Fully furnished. Leave All are on the Pullman bus route, too. Nice 3 bdr, wId, fncd yd, pets okay. message. Chris 332-3658. Call us now at 332-8622 for amazing REN'TALS Available now or in May. $600/mo. Great 5 bdr, 2 bath home w/ fenced deals and professional service, or Lot rent included. Call 332-0174. come and see us at 1325 NE Valley DIVISION' backyard, nice deck, on Military Hill. 509~334-4663 Nice 4 bdr, 2 bath, WID D/W, Rd. #25. oot.. $225. Looking tor Sum. & next year. NOWRENTING yard. 2 mi. from campus, on bus rt., Sarah @ 332-6531, leave message. avail. May, rent neg Rachel 332-5481 ollupll:la 0 ~ 0 '1l-ipbfs

Are you graduating next December & www.kipdev.com o Single Family Hano:s 0 Apartmmts need a roommate for fall? Call Kristy 130 Houses at 332-3764. ALSUE APARTMENTS Nice 3 & 4 br special brick house near 2 bdrms., newly remodeled, cats OK 105 Apts. For Rent campus, quiet prvt area, Indry rm, otl- w/extra dep. Call PER, 334-4663. st prkng. Avail June/July. 334-4407. Older, quiet apts in South Grand For Lease: Exceptional 5 bdrm. building. Studio,l & 2 bdrms avail im- house, close to campus. Available mediately, flexible leases. 332-4208 August. Call 332-3638. Five bdr, 2 bath, spacious, really t_WIJl\DMlDB nice, $1300. Two bdr, both have 3 Bedroom Apartments large yes/decks/on bus line, $550. ' Furnished, newly remodeled 332-5180 washer/dryer in unit, 3 bdrm house close to campus, ga- plenty of parking rage, WID, OW. Quiet neighborhood 1 800-791-7979 WcleRlBcdr.skparatclY Call 332-8435. Pullman. Quiet 4-plex, 2 Ig. bdrms., aslawas$21/218 alanlb!f 135 Condos walk-in closet, WID, DW, W/G/S •Each room has its own sink pd., parking. No pets. 882-5390. and exterior door 2 bdr condo, Terre View village, avail. June 1, $560 + uti I., w/s/g pd., N/S, Nice I.Q 2 bdrm, in Quiet 4i>lex, some •Already Fumished NIP, cov. pkg1-800-928-8240 yard, parking by door, WID hook-up, lots of storage, well maintained, on ·Ask about our summer specials bus route, close to Dissmores, '10 or 12 monlh leases S500/mo. Call 332-8791. '3 & 4bedroom apartments Colleg .. Cres~ 332-6777 Anthony Hall Apts. lor 2 bdrm .. newly Specialty IMng: Houses, duplexes, remodeled, 1 block from Dissmores & studio. If these sound like your idea bus. Palouse Empire Rntls 334-4663 of comfort, visit us today. Renovated properties with wid and other fea- 115 Unfurnished Apts RENTALS tures. Call 332-8622 for details, or stop in at 1325 NE Valley Rd. #25. $100 secures 2 SR - 405 SE Jordan $335 summer $445 fall, on bus route 101 Roommates 545 NE Kamiaken. 2+study, $560- deck, pets OK - no dogs. 882-5327 615/mo. A/C, D/W, WD hkup, cov- F rmmt. Friendly, NS, for 3. bdrm. ered pkg, no pets, close to campus. Boulder Creek apt. for '99 school yr. Call 334-7444. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE $244/mo. Lisa or Lexi. 333-3119. Very nice 3 bdrm, 2 bath duplex, 1 Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin 1 N/S rmmt needed to share 2 bdrm. block from campus. At 1525 Gain- ACROSS. DOWN 36 Break down 54 .Vigilant duplex for next school year. scourt. $735 mo., 12 mo. lease, start- Macaroni 1 London "local" grammatically 58 Soaks hemp ing 6/1/99. Serious students only. $250/mo. 332-4009 ,ask for Daniel. 6 NW French port 2 Jackie's 38 Unearthly . 60 "Goodness," Please call 332-8155 1 rmmt needed for Fall. Nice 3 bdrm 11 Uke a fiddle second 39 Overact once house on 'C' St. Great location, close Houses, apts, duplexes, QUIET, 14 Noted 3 Base address 42 Japanese mat 63 Stretch a point to WSU. Ashley or Tara 338-0798. www.pullman-wa.com/anita. archangel 4 Koppel and .45 Texastopper 64 Math class abbr. Cats OK. Anita's Rentals, 332-4002. 2 rmmts. for 5 bdrm. house on "A" St. 15 Ms. Lenya Tumer 49 Syrian city 65 Clear tables, $314/mo. Lease from 8/99-8/00. Very nice, quiet 2 bdrm apt. 1 blk 16 Three-match 5 Irving Bertin 51 Syracuse, perhaps Call 334-9353. from campus at 960 B St. $510/mo. connection tune colorw!se 66 Psych subject 12 mo. lease starting 6/1/99. Seri- 2 M/F rmmts to share 4 bdrm house 17 Larry's fan? 6 Short order 53 "I don't 67 After dark. ous students only, no pets. Please on C St., close to campus, starting 19 Mineo 7 Fabled bird believe ill· poetically call 332-8155. June. Contact Mike 334-0463. 20 Noodlehead 8 OEleHers 2 rmmts needed for 4 bdrm house. Now leasing, 1 bedroom apartment in 21 Hebrew or 9 Guides ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: NS, no pets, $260/mo. Mostly fum., Colfax, $250, 334-2848, after 3. Phoenician, e.g. 10 Home wrecker close to bus rt, avail. 6/1. 332-3287. Quiet, nice studio apts by eng bldg, 3 23 RainbOw 11 Jodie's tot? I LET LAS 0 SOC L U E Midway Property is now showing stu- ...'I" "I·'" & 4 br houses near campus, many 26 Babbles 12 Hovering M U R P H Y S L A~ HAL E dio, 1 & 2 bdrm apts. for leases start- F needed to share nice 2 bdrm on features. Summer & fall. 334-4407. 29 Kitchen tools 13 Soapstones EEG.OLEO.ERASER ing June 1st. 3 blks west of Sloan Hall Military Hill, WID, $350/mo includes R E S S E R o R AL_ on Maiden Ln. Call 332-2151 btwn 8- 30 -e-' mater 18 Parisian o elect. & cable, avail. 6/1, call Margie' ISO E A L T 335-2532 days, 332-8032 evenings. 5 for an appt. We show btwn 1-5 prn, 31 Dundee native gangster ~ S HOT. F E E M-F. After hours call 332-2279. 32 Young follower 22' Vanishing 100-~' S, •• PESTS ~ re ONICE F roommate for summer and/or fall 33 Teen connection deliverer ~ '99. Close to campus, $270/mo. -·'IiEASEL ~ OS.ASKS Several nice 1 bdr., near campus, 35 NBA target 23 Split ~ OBO. Call 334-1102. . C L A R I N E T NEV_ designated parking spot. some utiI., 37 Manwith 24 Hardship _S CAR B E L Y I N G $330-$385, 332-5180. 2 F rmmts for CCN 3rd Fir. Summer a mike 25 Sid's order? MUMME..!!..ARAL.NOR $50/mo. Fall $210/mo. Fully furnish- WII-Ru apts., the quiet complex, is 40 Shade of red 27 Poundling? ed. Leave message. Chris 332-3658. renting 1 & 2 bdrm apts for the new 41- Showy display 28 Entered like AC·'I"·",K'C.",CELL OPINEI·ISLE Rmmt needed to share 3 bdrm, 2bath school semester. Don't wait too long 43 AHentiongeHer a thief H EEL W ATE ROE E 0 home, WID, OW $285/mo,1I3 utilit- to reserve one, or you'll end up at an- 44 Corners 34 Meal 3/30/99 ies, Dawn, 332-8213 other "less quiet" complex. Check us 46 Zeus's wife out at www.paJouse.net/allamerican 47 Robert De - or call 332-5631. 1 rmmt., N/S, for Boulder Creek apt. 48 Pro- for '99 school year. $250/mo., avail. 50 "That - say...• May. Call Corey, 332-0998. 100 & 150 NW Terre View. 3bdrm $665/mo. A/C, WID hkup, D/W, 52 BloHo F rmmt for 3 bdrm. Boulder Creek . playground, picnic tables, grills, cov- 53 Lots and lots apt. Friendly, N/S, for 99 school ered pkg, no pets, quiet complex, 55 -East year. $242/mo. Heather 333-4353. close to bus rt. Call 334-7444. 56 Low grade 57 Anti-pest device 59 Westof Hollywood 61 W.S. prince 62 Tori's social group? 68 Alias 69 Kind of nerve 70 Measure. 71 Joined 72 - out: just beat 73 Pele's first 1 and 2 bdrm apts avail. for lease name starting June tst, Please call 332- ByW_Kay. o 1!199LosA...,.tcs...... Sy__ 3/30199 2279 for an appt to view. T~Y. MARcH so. 1999 PAGE 11 . Classifieds Continued

140 Duplexes 515 Autos 725 Announcements

3 bdr house; quick walk to campus, Sorority cook needed for approx. 50 80 Honda Prelude. Black, auto, sun- .Ii WID, new remodeling, $900/mo. members. 8-5 Mon.-Fri. Sa.lary DOE. roof, newer paint, new battery, good call 332-2358. References and health card required. cond/runs well. $13750bo. 333-2737 Mostly scratch cooking, neat appear- Lg 2 bdr, quiet, on bus rt, by park, ance, no history of drugs or drinking, '86 Mitsubishi Mirage, 97K, AC, AM/ carport, D/W, WID hkup, yard, N/S, cass., 4-spd, snow tires, service smoking allowed off premises only. FM N/P, $550/mo. 332-6269. . Contact Sharon 332-2839. records. $1800 OBO. 334-0579. 4 bdr house, 1 min. walk to campus, '85 Honda Civic, AT. 140k, new muf- WID, very nice! $1,200/mo call 332- Anchor Point Fishing Lodge in Ju- fler, cv boat, battery & therm, Snow 2358. neau hiring for '99 season. House- tires & chains. well maintained, runs keeper & cook positions avail. $900- great. $1,500/obo 333-1513 Iv. mess 145·Subleases 1500/mo. + room/board, transport, . & tips. Send resumes to 500 NE '95 Neon, 66,000 miles, 5 spd, AC, power locks, power steering, dual air- 2 bdrm, 2 bath, WID hkup, .oW, new Campus Ave. Attn: Anchor Point or e- bags, tinted windows, AM/FM, snow carpet. Quiet, close to .bus rt. mail [email protected] tires, looks & runs excellent, $550/mo, call to view. 332-5715. Manager/front desk/housekeeper $5,400/obo, 334-6124. 2 bdr, D/W, WID hkup. Sublease 4 position. Full or part-time. Start imme- Sum, and/or take over lease. Avail diately. Pick up application at Nen- 91 Chev Cavalier, 2 door, auto, AG, CD, dark green, snow tires $3500 5/10, $500/mo. 332-6395. del's Inn, 915 SE Main. 332-2646. obo Katie 332-3281 Room in 4 bdr apt. for sublease, SUMMER JOBS avail. 5-1, 332~520. Anthony's Restaurants, Puget 525 Motorcycles Sound's premier seafood restaurants, Large 3 bdrm. 2 bth, avail. NOW, 1st . offer fun summer jobs in beautiful wa- mo. rent free, WID, deck, near bus '93 Honda Nighthawk 250. Like new, terfront restaurants in Seattle, Ed- route & Dissmores. Susan, 332-6771. w/ only 3K mi. $1600, obo. 332: monds, Everett, Des Moines, Kirk- 4743. land, Tacoma and Olympia. We offer REAL ESTATE flexible schedules, fabulous food and SE-R-Vl-ces---- beautiful views. For information on openings and interview times, call 205 Houses (206) 654-F1SH. EOE. 625 Professional By owner: Well-kept, heritage Col- Looking for a good summer job? GODS ARE CREATED lege Hill home in quiet neighborhood. Want to live in a beautiful place? West Byappt. 332-3638. Pat Reeves. Big, buff, bronze, Beach Resort on Orcas Island in the male bodybuilder. Nude, xxx. San Juan Islands is hiring for summer Entertainment for women. 332-7189. 210 Mobile Homes employment. Positions include reser- vations/front desk, espresso baristas, Albion. 12x70 3 bdrm., woodstove, grocery store clerks, housekeeping, NOTIces new roof & deck, storage shed, large maintenance, and recreational oppor- 401 Stuff that·s gotta tunities. Housing possibilities for the 715 Found E~;~~;';;~4-4207 right person(s). Please send resume go to: 16" Chrome neper syncro rims w/ ZR The following items were found on West Beach Resort rated toyo tires, bolt pattern, 4 on Pullman Transit: Dissmores bag full of Rt. 1 Box 510 301 General 100, like new, less than 1k mi. 4-1486 gym clothes, vinyl alligator bag Eastsound, WA 98245 w/makeup, charcoal hair band, grey (360) 376-2240 410 Computers Cougar stocking cap, book (Market- Zig Zag River Runners is looking for email [email protected] rafting guides. No expo nec! Have a ing-Real People, Real Choices)" blast & make $$. Call wkngts. 7-10. Gateway, P-133, 32MB, 2 hard men's reading glasses w/dark red 332-3766. or [email protected]. drives-l.5 'and 8.4 GB, CD- Rom, case, womens' watch, many gloves. 33.6K fax- modem. 15 in. Vivatron Items can be claimed at Pullman display, Altecspeekers. HP Desk Jet Transit, NW 775 Guy S1. (332-6535) Tennis, waterski and sailing counse- color printer. Win a 95/NT /Unux. Of- until 3/30/99. After 3/30/99 claim lors needed at children's sports fice, photoshop InterDev, Visual ba- items at Pullman Police Dept. or call camps in Massachusetts. If you en- sic. $600 334-5973 334-0802. joy tennis. skiing or sailing and love kids then check us out! We offer sal- ary, complete travel, room, board. We are in need of: 495 Miscellaneous 725 Announcements Call 800-494-6238 or e-mail Part-time to Full-time jobs@greatcampjobs,com - CNA's SUMMER WORK IN ALASKA - NA's Ocean Beauty Seafoods needs hard- -IV RN's working, dependable people for on- in our Moscow Office shore work in Alaska. $6/hour + Flexible hours overtime. Term approx. 6/20-7/31, with possible extensions until 9/1. Call (2081 882-6463 for more information On-campus interviews April 5. Addi- . Co-Rec has replaced Hip-Hop & Jam tional information or applications at Work Wanted w/ C8rdio Kickboxing by lauren Hut; Career Services Center or call Jeff 335 er, Tue. & Thu. 5:15-6:30 p.m, Sign Lane at (206)285-6800, ext. 359. Bookkeeper/receptionist. Exp. with up in CUB 33T. quickbooks req.. efficient with A/R, UFEGUARD OPENINGS Travel A/P, payroll, quarterly taxes, custom- Bacon lenuce 760 Aoplications are being accepted. for er service, and phone skills a must, the FT seasonal position of senior life- must be effective at moving between Tomato BE FLEXIBLE ... guard and·FT and PT seasonal posi- several tasks and organization. Fast served on white toast and side of regular Europe $448 r/t plus taxes tions of lifeguard at the Palouse City pace office and req. a team player. TRAVEL ANYTIME IN 1999! Pool from approx. June 7, 1999 Salary DOE. Resume to E. 340 Main. Hawaii $119 o/w through Sept. 6, 1999. Current certi- Mexico/Caribbean $189 r/t + taxes fied lifesaving and WSI, first aid de- CHEAP FARES WORLDWIDE!!! scription available at Palouse City ... Seasoned fries: add $0.39 CALL: 800-834-9192 Hall, (509) 878-1811, P.O. Box 248, Soup or Salad: add $1.25 www.airhitch.org Palouse, WA 99161. Deadline: April TRANSPORT Specials are offered 6a.m. to 10p.m. 9,1999. ••• Sorry no substitutions 795 Miscellaneous SEASONAL PUBUC WORKS 515 Autos Wanted: Guitar Player to fill the pos. ASSISTANT of Kirk Hammett in Metallica tribute. 92 Subaru Loy wagon, excellent Applications are being accepted for Must have own equip., trans, commit- cond., SWD, AC, auto, power, the FT seasonal public works assis- ment & dedication. No drugs, attitude $5800 332-3240. tant for the City of Palouse from ap- or ego. 334>-2236, leave message.' prox. May 1,1999 through Sept. 30, 1999. Experience with lawn mainte- '88 Pontiac Fiero GT. "NON-STOP LAUGHTER!" nance and manual labor helpful. Sal- V6, power everything,$800/0BO. - - c.uo.u. NATlONoOI. N ..... SVOOCATE ary range DOE. Application available 338-9022, leave message. at Palouse City Hall, (509) 878-1811, P.O. Box 248, Palouse, WA 99161, 76 BMW 530i, runs great, vg interior, Deadline: April 9, 1999. 5 speed, AM/FM cassette, snows. EDtv moving 332-3240 ~ 7:00 & 9:30 NIGH1l.Y Seasonal Groundskeeper for Earth- tone Properties, expo w/sprinklers, mowing, fertilizing, trimming .& main. of grounds .equip. PT now, Full time ·"':·I·~/.~./,~../ liiiiiiil' i > \:i , when weather turns nice, call Kay or ''''_i''~ Shan 332-6333 to pick up app.

Musicians Original Rock Band (2 gui- tars, bass, drums) looking for other Tacos & a Beer For $2, dedicated musicians, ie vocal, sax, keyboard, ect. Call Steve 332-4374. Wiley Refills. $6, SO The Spokesman-Review newspaper has early morning car delivery routes opening now and for' summer, in Happy Hour Monday - pullman. $300-400+ gross per month. Call 334-1223. 6:30 and All

1 ,,-- .PAGE12 TN. DAILYEvaGRDN TUESDAY; MARcH 30, 1999 NEWS. Japanese unemployment hits record highs The Associated Press spend. 770,000 from a year earlier to 63.34 million. the end of World War II. "The unemployment situation is still harsh, agency said. It was the largest-ever decrease in To fight the recession, the government has TOKYO - Japan's unemployment rate but the most important thing for the improve- the number of jobholders and marked the 13th earmarked a mammoth $682.5 billion dollars in soared to a record high of 4.6 percent in ment of that situation is to put the economy consecutive month of declines. the budget for the next fiscal year, starting April February and the number of people looking for back on track," said Chief Cabinet Secretary The new jobless rate is the latest in a long 1, for public works spending, tax cuts and other work in the struggling economy hit a historic 3 Hiromu Nonaka. string of dour economic announcements in stimulus measures. . million, the government said Thesday. The total number of people without jobs rose Japan . Officials are also spending $62.5 billion to .The jobless rate rose sharply from the previ- by 670,000 from a year earlier to 3.13 million The government said earlier this month that bailout the country's troubled banks, which are ous month's figure of 4.4 percent, which had - the most since the agency began recording the economy shrank 0.8 percent in the last three saddled with loads of bad debt from the col- stood as a record for three straight months, the the data in 1953. months of 1998 - the fifth quarter in a row that lapse of the a speculative bubble in the early Management and Coordination Agency said. Rising joblessness comes as many compa- the economy has failed to grow. I990s. The sour figures come as Japan is battling its nies fighting to regain competitiveness are That figure put Japan's economy on track to Despite the disheartening numbers, many in deepest recession in 50 years. The government restructuring by trimming staffs, selling off sub- shrink 3.2 percent in the 1998-99 fiscal year if Japan are saying the economy has hit bottom has pumped billions of dollars into the econo- sidiaries and closing offices. the pace continues - the first time it would and should be on the mend over the next cou- my in an all-out campaign to prod consumers to The total number of jobholders shrank by have shrunk two fiscal years in a row since the ple of years.

"Marking valuable items with a serial number or your ing in physical education or recre- BURGLED initials, locking your doors, lighting the exterior of your YAzzu ation and computer technicians. Continued from front Page home and owing a deadbolt lock are all good things to do Continued from Front Page WIrth is also looking for counselors to prevent burglaries," Umbright said. age 15 and older to act as "buddies" in here has a nice stereo. I think the money plays a large said. With fund raising by the for the campers, part in it. . Delta Chi Public Relations Chair, Mark Schweitzer, Pullman community and buildings Fraternities are not the only Greek houses to be tar- said his fraternity is following the advice of the police prefabricated on campus, WSU Tuition for Camp Yazzu is $300 ·geted for burglaries. The Alpha Chi Omega 'sorority department to improve their security: Schweitzer said opened the camp. for the week, but scholarships are reported a burglary in progress last month. According to every night a designated fraternity member has the The new camp will include a available through the Camp Larson the police report, their house mother was awakened in responsibility of making sure every lock is latched tight. technology lab, Woods said. office at WSu. the middle of the night by the sound of a stereo speaker He also said his fraternity plans on starting a neighbor- He envisions sending hikers to "Our long-term goal is to have a crashing to the floor. She sat up to see two males enter- free camp," WIrth said. hood watch next semester. the nearby St. Joe Mountains to map ing through the glass door which leads into her room. natural resources and relay the infor- People interested in volunteering "We hope to get to know the people around us," The burglars reportedly fled the scene on foot and were mation to the Internet. at Camp Yazzu are invited to a meet- never found. Schweitzer said. "We are planning a big barbecue and Wirth hopes to recruit special ing on April I at 6 p.m. in Smith To prevent burglaries, the Pullman Police Department inviting our neighbors. Hopefully we can all come to an· , education teachers, students major- Gym. recommends citizens start a neighborhood watch and fol- agreement on watching each others backs, to prevent any Iowa number of basic crime prevention techniques. of us from being burglarized in the future." itching and burning, irregular vagi- CHLAMYDIA nal discharge, dull pelvic pain, "I'm excited about the new trans- activities fees. The money used to Continued from Front Page painful intercourse and bleeding POWER mitter because more lives are going between periods, Steed said. Men pay for the installation was funded often left untreated and passed on to Continued from Front Page to become enriched by our diverse rnight notice symptoms such as radio station," said Senalt Mengstab, by ASWSU. partners -during sexual intercourse, painful urination and watery dis- have any tubes, there should not be KZUU disc jockey. . Along with the transmitter, Steed said. charge from the penis, she said . any internal transmitter problems. Chlamydia is an unusual form of Besides eliminating internal prob- KZUU has added other pieces of "Luckily, chlamydia is a fairly Internal problems with the previ- lems, the new transmitter will keep bacteria, which grows within cells, easy SID to treat when caught early equipment thanks in part to student ous 35-year-old vacuum tube trans- the wattage of the station from fluc- Leibritz said. If it is not treated, it enough," Steed said. There are a mitter were the biggest setbacks for tuating. In past years, KZUU,would and activities fees. Some of their can infect the cervix and Fallopian number of commonly used antibi- .the station. Because the new trans- tubes of women and the urethra of occasionally be broadcasting at new equipment includes two control otics that are effective in treating it, .miner is digital, it will eliminate the men. 1,000 watts one week, and then at she said. boards, two digital audio tape play- "More serious complications will problem of parts blowing up and five watts the next. It is important both partners are burning out like they did in the old ers and two mini-disc players for occur if these areas are infected," KZUU will now be able to broad- treated at the same time. Otherwise, transmitter. Leibritz said. Possible results of this cast at full power all of the time, and both their production and on-air stu- the disease wilt spread back and Due to the age of the transmitter, include tubal scarring or risk of tubal thus reach all of Pullman, Moscow forth between them, she said. when parts would blowout, KZUU dios. The station has also added pregnancy for women and infertility and ColfaX. • Abstaining from sexual inter- management would have to spend a computerized card sensors that in both men and women. The money to buy the transmitter, course is the best way to prevent the great deal of time locating needed along with a number of other new allow studio access only to those Some of the symptoms infected replacement parts. women might notice are vaginal contraction of chlamydia, Steed equipment, came from student and with proper identification. said. But practicing safe sex is the r------~------_.

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I Please join us on Sunday, April 18 for our 1stannual "Reach the Summit" Fun Run! "Tuesdav, April6,h The Run begins at 9:00 a.m. and starts off at PMH Summit Therapy.The 6+ mile course includes 2.5 miles on the . Brought to you by Bill Chipman Palouse Trail, loops around and ends at PMH Summit Therapy.

Registration: Early registration fee is $10.00, before Monday, AprilS. After April 5, the fee is $15.00. Deadline for fee and forms is 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 9 to ensure you receive a t-shirt on the day of the Run.

There will be prizes donated by local businesses and given by 8:00pOl @ CUBAldhlrilOl a drawing of registered participants. Participant classes are: Elite, Intermediate, and Novice for runners and open class for walkers. Freepasses lvallable IIthe

All proceeds will be d~nated to United Way of Pullman. CUB10'Ir.alil0 Desk.

For more information or to register, please call PMH Passes required. Seating is limited Summit Therapy at (509) 332-5106. and not guaranteed. Pleasearrive .early. NETWORK COMPTON UNION BUILDING EVENT IPMHSummit Therapy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY THEATER" .,.... 14 At the Peak of Rehabilitation In Theaters Everywhere April 9th