Daniel Lysons the Environs of London London 1796
Daniel Lysons The environs of London London 1796 i THE ENVIRONS of LONDON: BEING AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE TOWNS, VILLAGES, and HAMLETS, Within Twelve Miles of that Capital: INTERSPERSED WITH BIOGRAPHICAL ANECDOTES, By the Rev. DANIEL LYSONS, A.M. F.A.S. Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of ORFORD. VOLUME THE FOURTH. COUNTIES OF HERTS, ESSEX & KENT. <vignette – “View of Greenwich.”> LONDON: PRINTED FOR T. CADELL, JUN. AND W. DAVIES (SUCCESSORS TO MR. CADELL IN THE STRAND. MDCCXCVI. ii <blank> iii ADVERTISEMENT. THIS Volume (being the conclusion of the Work) treats of thirty-one Parishes in Hertfordshire, Essex, and Kent, which have been already described by preceding writers. Where the Author has availed him- self of the labours of his predecessors, their authority is quoted. Having been indulged with such liberal access to the public offices, he has, in all matters of record, con- sulted and referred to the originals, whence he has ob- tained many particulars hitherto unpublished. The descent of property, through the liberality of the pre- sent owners, has been continued. The church notes and extracts from parochial registers are, for the most part, now published for the first time. To this Volume is annexed a General Appendix, in which are contained such Additions to the account of each Parish as have been procured since the publication of the former Volumes. All changes in existing circum- iv stances, as far as they have come to the Author’s know- ledge, are noted; all errors likewise, which have been discovered or pointed out, are corrected, either in the Appendix, or in a general Table of Errata at the end of the Volume.
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