
Outdated Publication, for historical use. CAUTION: Recommendations in this publication may be obsolete. 1 MF-2171 Safety Botulinum and microbiological hazard along hat is C. with steps to control this W Foodborne hazard. Fresh fish should not botulinum? be vacuum packaged unless it has been kept frozen before, is a bacterium that may Illness during and after packaging. cause , a severe foodborne illness. Strains of Revised by Fadi Aramouni, Ph.D. How serious is the C. botulinum can produce Professor, and eight distinct , five of Karen Blakeslee, M.S. illness? Extension Associate, Food Science which are capable of caus- Botulism symptoms may ing in humans. Originally authored by Karen Pesaresi Penner, Ph.D. develop anywhere between C. botulinum is an an- Professor Emeritus, Food Science eight hours and eight days after ingesting the , aerobic organism and, there- Animal Sciences and Industry fore, prefers environments most commonly within 12 to like those found in a sealed become vegetative. (Refer to K-State 48 hours. Symptoms consist jar or in a large container of thick food Research and Extension publication of , , double vision, in which the freely available oxygen Preserving Vegetables, MF-1181, for fatigue, dizziness, difficulty breathing, has been driven off through heating. more information on home canning of and headache; dryness of skin, mouth, often associated with botu- vegetables). and throat; and constipation, lack of lism are improperly processed, usu- Conditions favorable for botulism fever, and paralysis for one to ten days ally home canned, low-acid foods. may also occur in uncanned foods. or more. Examples are meats, , green Putting in oil creates anaerobic The mortality rate varies between , asparagus, peppers, corn, beets, conditions for the garlic, as does wrap- 30 and 65 percent. Early detection and spinach, and mushrooms. Other foods ping grilled or baked potatoes treatment is extremely important to are smoked, vacuum packed fish; garlic in foil. Holding these products at warm avoid or severe, long-term ef- products packed in oil; grilled onions; kitchen temperatures for long time pe- fects. Because the nervous system is af- baked potatoes; turkey loaf; and stew. riods encourages growth of vegetative fected, recovery for those who survive cells and the production of toxin. can take years. Conditions for growth and The toxin can enter the body Infant botulism is another type of through ingestion, inhalation, or ab- botulism. It may occur in infants under toxin production sorption through the eye or a cut in the fourteen months because their intes- Garden produce may contain soil- skin. The botulinum toxins are some of tinal tracts are not fully developed. It borne C. botulinum spores at the time the most toxic substances known; only can occur when infants ingest bacterial of harvest. These spores are inactive. a small amount of the toxin is needed spores which colonize and produce Spores can become vegetative and to cause illness and death. Animals can toxin in the intestinal tract. This illness produce deadly toxins under the right also develop botulism from eating the is mild in some infants; in others it may conditions. These conditions — high same contaminated food. be severe. moisture, no oxygen, low acidity (pH Food service establishments that The two most common foods to over 4.6), and room temperature — package foods in vacuum packag- cause infant botulism are corn syrup may be present in improperly canned ing must comply with Food and Drug and . Symptoms are constipation green beans, corn, peas, or other low- Administration (FDA) and Kansas followed by lethargy, poor feeding, acid products. Food Code rules. Botulism is a risk weakness, drooling, weak cry, and loss Low-acid foods require high tem- in some vacuum packaged foods, of head control. perature processing using a pressure such as precooked meat and poultry. canner if they are to be canned and safe These establishments must have a The history of botulism to eat. Pressure canning is necessary Hazard Analysis C. botulinum was first discovered in to achieve a high enough tempera- plan that identifies C. botulinum as a 1896. Botulism comes from the Latin ture to destroy spores before they can Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service Outdated Publication, for historical use. CAUTION: Recommendations in this publication may be obsolete. 2

word “botulus,” which means . methods are described in the USDA Because of the potential hazards of Early cases of the illness often came Guide to Home Canning, 1994, and in improperly home-canned foods, it is from eating improperly cured sausage. various K-State Research and Exten- also against State of Kansas regulations Today in the United States, sausage sion publications. to serve these foods in food service is rarely the cause of botulism because Oven, microwave, and open-kettle establishments. nitrites are added to prevent bacte- canning are definitely out! If you do ■ Avoid using vacuum packag- rial growth. Plant products rather than not have a pressure canner, borrow one ing machines to enhance storage of animal products are more commonly or freeze the food instead. If C. botuli- leftovers. the source of organisms. Before 1963, num survive and grow inside ■ Store leftover foods and vacuum- most cases of botulism in the United a sealed jar of food, they can produce packaged meats in the refrigerator or States were traced to home-canned a poisonous toxin. Even a taste of food freezer. vegetables. containing this toxin can be fatal. Do ■ Do not feed corn syrup and honey Total cases rarely exceed 50 per not consume food suspected to contain to infants or use as a dip for pacifiers. year, with the highest 10-year period botulism, even if boiled. being from 1930 to 1939 when 384 Caution: To prevent the risk of References cases were reported from noncommer- botulism, low-acid and tomato foods Adams, M.R., and M.O. Moss. Food Micro- cial foods. Between 1899 and 1963, not canned according to the recom- biology. The Royal Society of Chemis- 1,561 cases were reported from non- mendations in the USDA Guide to try., 1995, pp. 168-177. commercial foods, while 219 were re- Home Canning or according to other Applied Sanitation, A Cer- tification Coursebook, 4th Ed. The ported from commercial foods between USDA-endorsed recommendations Educational Foundation of the National 1906 and 1963. In 2003, there were should be boiled as above, even if you Association, 1992, pp. 44-45. 20 cases of foodborne botulism and detect no sign of spoilage. All low-acid Jay, James M. Modern , 76 cases of infant botulism reported foods canned according to the approved An AVI Book. Van Norstrand Reinhold, in the United States to the Centers for recommendations may be eaten without 4th Ed., 1992, pp. 487-501. Disease Control and Prevention. boiling them when you are sure of all Kansas Food Code, Kansas Department Botulism last occurred in Kansas the following: of Health and Environment, Bureau of Consumer Health. 1999. Subpart in July 1995 when an older couple ■ Food was processed in a pressure 3-502.12 K.A.R. 28-36-101 through became ill from eating home-canned canner. K.A.R. 28-36-108 food. Infant botulism last occured in ■ Pressure canner gauge was tested Miller, Roger W. “How Onions and a Baked Kansas in 1996. and accurate. Potato Became Sources of Botulism Poi- ■ Up-to-date researched process soning.” FDA Consumer, October 1984. How can you prevent times and pressures were used for the Penner, Karen P. and size of the jar, the style of pack, and the Foods. Kansas State University North Central Regional Extension Publication botulism? kind of food being canned. The majority of outbreaks have No. 447, 1992. ■ The process time and pressure been caused by home-canned foods. Summary of Notifiable – United recommended for sterilizing the food at Because C. botulinum forms heat- States 2003 www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pre- your altitude was followed. view/mmwrhtml/mm5254al.htm Ac- resistant spores, home-canned meat, ■ The jar lid is firmly sealed and cessed 8/28/2005 poultry, fish, and vegetable products concave. Summary of Notifiable Diseases – United require pressure canning to achieve a ■ Nothing has leaked from the jar. States 1996 www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pre- high enough temperature (240 to 250 view/mmwrhtml/00050719.htm Ac- ■ No liquid spurts out when the jar degrees Fahrenheit) for a sufficient cessed 8/28/2005 is opened. time to destroy the spores. USDA Guide to Home Canning. USDA-ES ■ No unnatural or “off ” odors can It is important to use research-based, Information Bulletin No. be detected. 539, 1994. up-to-date processing methods. These

Brand names appearing in this publication are for product identification purposes only. No endorsement is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned. Publications from Kansas State University are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.oznet.ksu.edu Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. In each case, credit Fadi Aramouni, Karen Blakeslee and Karen P. Penner, Clostridium Botulinum and Foodborne Illness, Kansas State University, January 2006. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service MF-2171 January 2006 K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, as amended. Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating, Fred A. Cholick, Director.