

Journal of Protection, Vol. 67, No. 10, 2004, Pages 2337±2341 Copyright ᮊ, International Association for Food Protection

Review Effects of Preparation Methods on the Microbiological Safety of Home-Dried


1Department of and Nutrition and 2Department of and Technology, University of Georgia; and 3Department of Food Science and Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/67/10/2337/1676182/0362-028x-67_10_2337.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 Human Nutrition, and 4Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University

MS 03-516: Received 14 November 2003/Accepted 6 April 2004


Historically, drying to produce jerky was considered to be a safe preservation process and the convenience and ¯avor of jerky has made it a popular food product for home food preservers. Recent outbreaks of foodborne illness related to both home-dried and commercially manufactured jerky have raised concerns about the safety of the product. Some traditional home recipes and drying processes were shown to be inadequate to destroy O157, , , and monocytogenes in both whole-muscle and ground-meat jerky. Several research studies have identi®ed processes such as precooking meats before drying, using acidic marinades, meats after drying, or some combination of these treatments that can destroy of concern to produce microbiologically safe and palatable meat jerky at home.

Drying meat for the purposes of no use Hazard Analysis -based proce- doubt began with the earliest civilizations. Meats were dures to ensure Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria mono- stripped or pulled, then dried with the help of the sun, wind, cytogenes, and Salmonella destruction (29). The dried jerky or ®re. Native Americans would dry , buffalo, and is cooled and packaged for distribution. Commercially elk meat as a portable, nutritious food. Pioneer American packaged jerky can be kept up to 12 months at room tem- settlers described this dried meat as jerky, derived from the perature (28). Spanish word ``charqui.'' American pioneers quickly The convenience and ¯avor of jerky has made it a pop- learned to dry meat in this manner for themselves in the ular food product for home food preservers. Home preserv- days before was available. ers use a variety of recipes and processes to make jerky. Today, jerky is more of a convenient snack food where Faith et al. (13) surveyed 26 home jerky processors. Most safe preservation, ¯avor, and texture are important. Jerky respondents made jerky between 1 to 8 times per year and can be made from almost any lean meat, including , made jerky from a variety of meats: venison, beef, , pork, , or . The simplest method to make jerky , and ®sh. Seventy-®ve percent prepared jerky from is to cut meat into strips and dry it. More typically, spices whole muscle and 25% said they would make jerky from or marinades are used to ¯avor the meat and curing or ground meats. The survey respondents all used home-style might be used in combination with drying to make dehydrators and some also used an oven or a smokehouse. jerky. A pound of meat or poultry is dried to approximately Drying-temperature settings varied from 51.7 to 71.1ЊC, 4 oz after being made into jerky. with drying time ranging from 2 to 24 h. Home drying of Jerky is classi®ed by the U.S. Department of Agricul- meat to produce jerky has been considered relatively safe; ture (USDA) as a heat-treated and shelf-stable ready-to-eat however, recent outbreaks of foodborne illness in these meat product (29). Products may be whole or molded meats food products have raised questions about this safety. cut into strips. They may also be chopped or ground meats that are formed into strips or stuffed into narrow casings. FOODBORNE ILLNESSES ATTRIBUTED TO Jerky must have a moisture-to-protein ratio of Յ0.75:1 and MEAT JERKY a (a )ofՅ0.85 (13). An a Ͻ 0.70 is rec- w w At least eight outbreaks occurred in New ommended to prevent mold growth (29). A typical com- Mexico between 1966 and 1995 from ingestion of meat mercial whole-meat jerky process starts with frozen meat jerky. Two outbreaks were due to contamination with that is thawed, sliced, and spiced (or marinated). The slices Staphylococcus aureus and six were due to contamination are racked, heated, and dried. The heating and drying steps with Salmonella (12). Over 250 illnesses were reported. are sometimes combined. Commercial manufacturers must Primarily implicated was local commercially produced jer- * Author for correspondence. Tel: 706-542-3773; Fax: 706-542-1979; ky made by soaking beef strips in a spicy marinade prior E-mail: [email protected]. to dehydrating them. In all of the investigations, processing 2338 NUMMER ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 10 times and temperatures never reached a level to destroy the strip jerky 10 h at 62.8ЊC. Other researchers found a mar- pathogens. Based on this series of outbreaks and investi- inated whole beef strip jerky recipe inadequate to destroy gations, the New Mexico Environment Department devel- E. coli O157:H7 after drying strips 8 h at 62.5 or 68.3ЊC oped regulations for the production of jerky in 1989. In- (1, 23). These studies indicated that more research was re- cluded were regulations to cook and dry jerky within 3 h quired to develop safe home-dried jerky processes. Dis- to an internal temperature of 63ЊC for beef, lamb, and ®sh, crepancies may have been attributed to differences in the Њ and 74 C for poultry. The ®nished jerky should have an aw heat resistance of strains. Յ 0.85 (12). In 1995, an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 occurred in Effects of time-temperature on pathogen reduction Oregon involving jerky made in a home from deer meat in ground-meat jerky recipes. Home-style drying proce- (21). As many as 11 persons were infected. The home pro- dures for jerky made from ground meats may be insuf®cient cessor dried the venison in a home-style dehydrator set be- to eliminate bacterial pathogens due to possible distribution Њ of pathogens throughout the product. In 1997, Harrison et tween 51.7 and 57.2 C for 12 to 14 h. E. coli O157:H7 Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/67/10/2337/1676182/0362-028x-67_10_2337.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 was recovered from the deer jerky, deer meat, and the deer al. published research on the fate of ®ve strains of L. mono- carcass. Nine percent of sampled deer fecal pellets taken cytogenes and ®ve species of Salmonella in ground-beef from the area where the deer was harvested also tested pos- jerky (17). There was less than a 4-log reduction of the itive for E. coli O157:H7. In laboratory experiments, a sin- populations in the pathogens for ground-meat jerky dried Њ gle strain of E. coli O157:H7 was inoculated onto jerky at 60 C after 8 h. In control studies, ground-beef jerky that Њ strips and dried at temperatures up to 62.8ЊC for 10 h. Vi- was ®rst oven heated to 71 C, then dried, reduced the path- able organisms were recovered under all conditions tested. ogen populations to undetectable levels. This study indi- This report indicated that deer can be a reservoir for E. coli cated that the traditional drying process for whole-meat Њ O157:H7. They concluded that some traditional home-dry- strip jerky (10 h at 60 C) was insuf®cient for destruction ing processes for jerky were insuf®cient for killing E. coli of pathogens in jerky made from ground meats. The authors O157:H7 and recommended precooking deer meat to 74ЊC concluded that ground-meat jerky should be oven heated to Њ before drying. 71 C prior to drying to ensure microbiological safety. E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks of foodborne illness due to STUDIES ON THE MICROBIOLOGICAL SAFETY ground dried-meat products during the mid 1990s under- OF HOME-DRIED MEAT JERKY PROCESSES scored these products as likely vehicles for this pathogen Effects of time-temperature on pathogen reduction (13). Faith et al. (13) studied the viability of E. coli O157: in whole-meat jerky recipes. Recommendations from sci- H7 in ground-beef jerky dried in home-style dehydrators. ence-based sources for home drying meat to produce jerky Ground and formed beef jerky prepared at levels of 5 and have been quite general and have included drying in the 20% fat and dried at 52, 57, 63, or 68ЊC were assayed (13). sun, oven, or dehydrator. Sun drying is no longer recom- Higher drying temperatures produced greater lethality of a mended due to a lack of a steady heat source and the - ®ve-strain mix of E. coli O157:H7. Higher fat content of tential for contamination from animals, insects, dust, and meats reduced the lethality of the drying process. The re- (22). One of the ®rst studies on pathogen reduction searchers concluded that jerky should be prepared from in home processing of jerky was done by Holley in 1985 leaner cuts of meat and dried at temperatures of 63ЊCor (20). Holley studied the fate of a strain of S. aureus in greater for at least 8 h. An important fact discovered was whole-strip beef jerky dried4hat68.3ЊC, then 4 h at 60ЊC that the temperature on the home-style dehydrator control in a home-style dehydrator. After8hofdrying, 15% of the dial and the actual empirical measurement was signi®cantly inoculated S. aureus was recovered and this was reduced a different, by 3 to 22ЊC, and that a reliable food further 5% after 7 days of 2.5ЊC storage. Despite recovering should be used to measure temperature rather than relying viable S. aureus, Holley concluded that the home jerky pro- on dehydrator thermostats. cess studied was safe as long as wholesome meat was rap- Harrison et al. (18) also analyzed ground-beef jerky idly dried (20). inoculated with a ®ve-strain mix of E. coli O157:H7 before In 1996, researchers studied the fate of single strains processing. Lean (90%) ground beef was mixed with a of E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi- commercial spice mix (dextrose, , spices, hickory ¯avor, murium, and L. monocytogenes in the home preparation and powder, powder, , hy- storage of whole beef strip jerky using a Cooperative Ex- drolyzed vegetable protein, and imitation maple ¯avor) and tension System recommended recipe (15). Meat strips (900 extruded into strips. Ground-meat strips were dried in a g) were placed in a marinade (60 ml soy sauce, 15 ml home-style dehydrator for 8 h at 60ЊC. After drying, there Worcestershire sauce, 0.6 g ground black pepper, 1.25 g was only a 2.5- to 4-log reduction of the pathogen popu- ground garlic powder, 1.5 g ground onion powder, and 4.35 lations. They concluded that, for ground-beef jerky pre- g hickory±smoke-¯avored salt) for1hat4ЊC and then pared at home, safety concerns related to E. coli O157:H7 dried at 60ЊC in a home-style dehydrator. Populations of all are minimized if the meat is precooked to 71ЊC prior to three pathogens were reduced by at least 5 log to unde- drying. Citing research from Harrison (15, 17), Holley (20), tectable levels after drying 10 h at 60ЊC. This however, and Keene et al. (21), the USDA recommended that whole- con¯icted with the report by Keene et al. (21), where viable muscle or ground jerky meats be ®rst heated to 71.1ЊC and E. coli O157:H7 were recovered after drying whole venison then dried in a 54.4 to 60ЊC dehydrator (28). J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 10 HOME DRYING MEAT JERKY 2339

Effects of salt, , and sodium nitrite on patho- hold acidulants might be bene®cial to enhance pathogen gen reduction in ground-meat jerky. Harrison et al. (18) destruction in home jerky processes. analyzed ground-beef jerky made with a commercial spice Effects of multihurdle treatments on pathogen re- mixture with and without a curing mix containing salt and duction in whole-meat jerky. Many consumers objected sodium nitrite. Ground beef was inoculated with a ®ve- to the cooked ¯avor of meat jerky where the meat was ®rst strain mix of E. coli O157:H7 before processing. The au- cooked to 71.1ЊC and then dried as recommended by the thors found that ground-beef jerky made with a curing mix USDA-FSIS (28). In an effort to bridge the gap between had greater destruction of bacteria than jerky made without safety and quality, studies were conducted to examine the it. Jerky made with the curing mix and heated to 71ЊC be- effects of predrying treatments on the destruction of path- fore dehydrating had the highest rate of destruction of E. ogens in the jerky process. Albright et al. (2) evaluated the coli O157:H7. survival of inoculated E. coli O157:H7 populations in Because there is continuing interest in low-sodium whole-strip beef jerky prepared using four multihurdle, food products, Rose investigated the fates of E. coli O157: Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/67/10/2337/1676182/0362-028x-67_10_2337.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 predrying treatments. The four treatments were (i) immers- H7, L. monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. in reduced so- ing in boiling water (94ЊC, 15 s), then marinating (4ЊC, 24 dium home-style beef jerky (27). Ground or whole beef h); (ii) seasoning (4ЊC, 24 h), then immersing in a hot pick- strips with different salt levels were inoculated with the ling brine (78ЊC, 90 s); (iii) immersing in a vinegar-water pathogens. Samples were either dried in a 60ЊC dehydrator (1:1) solution (57.5ЊC, 20 s), then marinating (4ЊC, 24 h); or heated to an internal temperature of 71.1ЊC prior to dry- and (iv) marinating (4ЊC, 24 h), then immersing in a vin- ing in a 60ЊC dehydrator. Population reductions of the path- egar-water (1:1) solution (57.5ЊC, 20 s). All samples were ogens were greater in ground-beef jerky with nonreduced dried in home-style dehydrators 10 h at 62.5ЊC and then salt levels compared with those from products with reduced stored at 21ЊC for up to 90 d (2). Treatment 2, using a hot salt levels. In most cases, greater pathogen reduction (1.0 pickle brine, resulted in the greatest population reduction to 1.5 log) was observed for ground-beef strips heated prior (5.7 to 5.8 log) of bacteria during drying. The remaining to drying. There may be greater risk associated with three methods resulted in bacterial population reductions of ground-beef jerky with reduced salt levels because the low- 4.3 to 5.2 log. Bacterial populations continued to decline er salt level did not reduce the pathogen population as much during storage and were not detectable by direct plating as the regular salt marinade. For dried whole jerky strips, (Ͻ1.0 log CFU/cm2) on any treatment after 30 d storage at there generally were no signi®cant differences in pathogen ambient temperature (2). A consumer panel (n ϭ 120) rated populations between the nonreduced and reduced salt treat- the four jerky products as being moderately acceptable (3.7 ments. In similar studies, sugar addition also increased the to 3.9 on a seven-point scale with 7 ϭ extremely accept- lethality of the drying process on inactivation of E. coli able) (3). The authors concluded that these predrying treat- O157:H7, L. monocytogenes, and Salmonella (27). These ments had signi®cant effects on the destruction of E. coli studies indicate that salt, sugar, and sodium nitrite can in- O157:H7 in home-dried whole-muscle beef jerky processes. crease pathogen destruction in meat jerky processes, but that none alone were suf®cient to achieve the necessary Effect of postdrying heat on pathogen reduction in lethalities. whole-meat jerky. Researchers evaluated four jerky meth- ods for effectiveness in inactivating L. monocytogenes, Sal- Effect of marinade on destruction of E. coli O157: monella, and E. coli O157:H7 and the resulting palatability H7 in whole-meat jerky. Albright et al. (1) inoculated (19). They compared drying marinated whole beef strips at whole beef slices with four strains of E. coli O157:H7 and 60ЊC, boiling strips in marinade at 71ЊC, heating strips in compared the effects of on pathogen destruction. an oven at 71ЊC before drying, and heating strips to 71ЊC Whole beef slices were either marinated (4ЊC, 24 h) or not, in an oven postdrying. They concluded that both a safe and then dried at 62.5ЊC for 10 h. Marination alone did not consumer-acceptable whole-meat jerky can be made by result in signi®cant reduction of the pathogen compared oven heating jerky strips to 71ЊC after drying. with whole beef slices that were not marinated. STUDIES ON COMMERCIALLY DRIED±MEAT Effect of acidic marinades on destruction of E. coli JERKY PROCESSES O157:H7 in whole-meat jerky. Researchers investigated In 2001, Levine et al. reported that the cumulative marinade recipes modi®ed with acids for their effectiveness from 1990 to 1999 of Salmonella and L. mono- in enhancing destruction of E. coli O157:H7 during drying cytogenes in jerky produced in federally inspected plants of jerky (11). Beef slices were inoculated with a three-strain was 0.31 and 0.52%, respectively (25). These data suggest mixture of E. coli O157:H7, marinated for 1 h (4ЊC) in a that these pathogens can survive the more moderate drying nonacid marinade, or in the same marinade with added as- temperatures (approx. 60ЊC) used by commercial jerky corbic acid (7.7% by weight) or citric acid (3.7% by manufacturers despite good manufacturing practices and weight), then dried 10 h at 62.5ЊC. The acidi®ed marinades Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point plans. generally promoted greater inactivation of bacteria during drying than was seen using the nonacid marinade. The au- Effects of multiple stress factors and moderate dry- thors concluded that the use of an acidi®ed marinade may ing temperatures on pathogen survival in whole-meat enhance bacterial destruction during drying and that house- jerky. Researchers conducted a set of studies designed to 2340 NUMMER ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 10 investigate the effectiveness of multiple stress factors that pecially in high-altitude areas of the country where relative could destroy pathogens using moderate (60ЊC) drying tem- humidity is low. Both wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometer peratures. Four chemically-based predrying treatments temperatures must be taken and a difference of 1.67ЊC (modi®ed marinades) were examined for the inactivation of shows the needed humidity is not being maintained (29). E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes, and Salmonella inoc- ulated on beef jerky prior to marinating and after drying. SCIENCE-BASED RECOMMENDATION FOR The predrying treatments included (i) no treatment, (ii) tra- HOME DRYING MEAT JERKY ditional marinade (pH 4.3), (iii) double-strength traditional Precooking method for home-dried meat jerky. marinade modi®ed with added 1.2% sodium lactate, 9% Based on several studies into drying jerky at home, the acetic acid, and 68% soy sauce containing 5% ethanol (pH USDA recommends cooking beef, pork, venison, and poul- 3.0), (iv) dipping meat slices in 5% acetic acid (pH 2.5) tryto71ЊC followed by drying at 54 to 60ЊC in a standard for 10 min followed by traditional marinade, and (v) dip- home-style dehydrator (21, 28). Accurate

ping meat slices in 1% Tween 20 solution (pH 6.6) for 15 should be used to monitor temperature of both the meat and Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/67/10/2337/1676182/0362-028x-67_10_2337.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 min, then in 5% acetic acid 10 min, followed by traditional the dehydrator. marinating. After treatments, slices were held 24 h at 4ЊC Marination methods for home drying whole-meat and then dried at 60ЊC in home-style dehydrators for 10 h. jerky. Research results have shown that several methods For jerky products inoculated with E. coli O157:H7, bac- using marinades can be recommended for the safe drying terial population reductions after treatments and drying of meat jerky. The hot pickle-cure method (2, 23) dips dry- ranged from 2.8 to 6.7 log. The authors concluded that the spiced whole-meat slices in hot (76.7 to 79.5ЊC) brine con- use of chemicals or in jerky taining salt, sugar, and black pepper for 1½ to 2 min. The marination improved the effectiveness of drying at mod- boiling-water method immerses the meat strips into boiling erate (60ЊC) temperatures in inactivating E. coli O157:H7 water (94ЊC, 15 s), which is followed by marinating at 4ЊC (7). Similar trends were seen with whole-beef slices inoc- for 24 h (2, 23). The vinegar-water method immerses the ulated with Salmonella (9) and L. monocytogenes (8). meat strips into a vinegar-water (1:1) solution (57.5ЊC, 20 Effects of antimicrobial hurdles on acid-adapted s) followed by marinating at 4ЊC for 24 h (2, 23). The acid- pathogen survival in whole-meat jerky. Researchers stud- marinade method involves marinating the meat strips in an ied the potential that acid-adapted pathogens might be more acid marinade containing soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, resistant to the antimicrobial hurdles employed. Acid-adapt- black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, hickory smoked ed inoculated and non±acid-adapted inoculated bacterial pop- salt, and ascorbic or citric acid for 1 h at 4ЊC (24). Another ulations were added to whole-beef strips prior to marinating option involves dipping meat slices into 5% acetic acid in ®ve different marinades. The results indicated that acid (vinegar) for 10 min followed by traditional marination at adaptation may not increase survival of E. coli O157:H7 (7), 4ЊC for 24 h (7). For all methods, the meat is dried in a Salmonella (9), or L. monocytogenes (8) to the treatments preheated 60 to 65ЊC home-style dehydrator for 8 to 12 h. studied. Additional studies were also done to examine the Of these, two of the easiest and most effective methods for survival of acid-adapted pathogens inoculated postdrying to enhancing reduction of bacterial populations during drying simulate postprocessing contamination. The results indicated are the hot pickle-cure method and dipping beef slices in that using predrying marinades together with drying to a low vinegar for 10 min, followed by traditional marination. aw provided antimicrobial effects against possible postcon- tamination of E. coli O157:H7 (5), Salmonella (10), or L. Postdrying oven-heating method for home-dried monocytogenes (6). Acid adaptation did not increase survival whole- or ground-meat jerky. Either ground- or whole- of the pathogens and may have enhanced their inactivation meat jerky strips can be heated after drying in a home oven. during storage (5, 6, 10). The strips are placed in a preheated 135ЊC oven and heated for 10 min so that the meat strips reach an internal tem- Effects of humidity on the time-temperature de- perature Ն71.1ЊC. Strips thicker than ¼ in. may require struction of pathogens in commercially produced meat longer heating to reach 71.1ЊC. This method is safe, pro- jerky. In 2003, there was a reported outbreak of salmonel- duces a palatable product, and is easy to follow for home losis related to commercially produced beef jerky made in preservers (16). The postdrying oven-heating method may New Mexico that was contaminated with Salmonella Kiam- not be recommende for high altitudes or very dry climates. bu (26). At least 22 individuals were affected in this out- Յ break. The plant dried the jerky to a crumbling state (aw General consumer recommendations for home dry- 0.3) in a dry 82ЊC oven. Twenty percent of the jerky lots ing jerky. Detailed recipes and processes together with ad- tested positive for Salmonella. The 82ЊC oven measured ditional topics of concern for the safe and palatable prep- only 30ЊC with a wet-bulb thermometer. In this instance, aration of beef, pork, and venison jerky are included in Salmonella was able to shed moisture during the slow dry- individual Cooperative Extension and USDA publications ing and become very resistant to the dry heat. In response (4, 14, 16, 22±24, 28). Concerns include Trichinella, spe- to this issue, the USDA FSIS issued a compliance guideline cial handling of game meat, and advice on cuts and types for manufacturers in March 2004 (29). Manufacturers using of meats that make the best and safest jerky. time±temperature guidelines for the destruction of patho- Without a research-based process or recipe, jerky made gens must take into account the humidity of the oven, es- from poultry should be cooked ®rst to an internal temper- J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 10 HOME DRYING MEAT JERKY 2341 ature of 71.1ЊC and then dried. The hot pickle-cure method 11. Derrickson-Tharrington, E. L. 2001. Evaluation of common acidu- (detailed above) or another cooking method would suf®ce. lants for enhancement of destruction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 during drying of Gala apple slices and whole muscle beef jerky. M.S. Most consumers do not like the quality of jerky made from thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins. raw poultry. Properly made poultry jerky will retain quality 12. Eidson, M., C. M. Sewell, G. Graves, and R. Olson. 2000. Beef jerky for 1 to 3 weeks at room temperature and should be refrig- gastroenteritis outbreaks. J. Environ. Health 62:9±13. erated or frozen to prolong its . 13. Faith, N. G., N. S. Le Coutour, M. B. Alvarenga, M. Calicioglu, D. Jerky can be made from any nonoily ®sh. Consumers R. Buege, and J. B. Luchansky. 1998. Viability of Escherichia coli have reported that shark, , salmon, and other species O157:H7 in ground and formed beef jerky prepared at levels of 5 and 20% fat and dried at 52, 57, 63 or 68 degrees C in a home-style produce acceptable jerky. Because no speci®c research has dehydrator. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 41:213±221. validated home drying ®sh for jerky, consumers should pre- 14. Field, R. A., and C. A. Raab. 1984. You and your wild game. Uni- or postcook the ®sh to 71ЊC for 1.5 min to destroy pathogens versity of Wyoming Agricultural Extension Service, B-613R, p. 58. (30). Oil rancidity reduces ®sh jerky shelf life and it would 15. Harrison, J. A., and M. A. Harrison. 1996. Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7, , and Salmonella Typhimurium dur-

be best to store it in the refrigerator or freezer. Careful at- Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/jfp/article-pdf/67/10/2337/1676182/0362-028x-67_10_2337.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 ing preparation and storage of beef jerky. J. Food Prot. 59:1336±1338. tention to proper drying is required to minimize any risks 16. Harrison, J. A. and M. A. Harrison. 2003. Drying jerky. University posed by nonproteolytic botulinum spores. of Georgia, FACS Cooperative Extension Service, Athens. Available Home preservers should always wash their hands and at: http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/publications/uga/prep࿞safe࿞jerky.html. sanitize utensils and work surfaces before and after pro- Accessed 1 March 2004. cessing. Keep all types of meats cold (Յ4.45ЊC) before pro- 17. Harrison, J. A., M. A. Harrison, and R. A. Rose. 1997. Fate of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella species in ground beef jerky. cessing and during marination. Do not reuse marinades. J. Food Prot. 60:1139±1141. Properly dried jerky can be stored 1 to 2 months at room 18. Harrison, J. A., M. A. Harrison, and R. A. Rose. 1998. Survival of temperature (28). Refrigeration or freezing can be used to Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef jerky assessed by two plat- prolong the quality of home-dried jerky. ing media. J. Food Prot. 61:11±13. 19. Harrison, J. A., M. A. Harrison, R. A. Rose-Morrow, and R. L. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Shewfelt. 2001. Home-style beef jerky: effect of four preparation This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State methods on consumer acceptability and pathogen inactivation. J. Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agri- Food Prot. 64:1194±1198. culture, under Agreement No. 00-51110-9762. 20. Holley, R. A. 1985. Beef jerky: fate of Staphylococcus aureus in marinated and during jerky manufacture and 2.5ЊC stor- REFERENCES age. J. Food Prot. 48:107±111. 21. Keene, W. E., E. Sazie, J. Kok, D. H. Rice, D. D. Hancock, V. K. 1. Albright, S. 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