\ THE NEGRO WORLD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1928\ THE NEGRO WORLD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1928 ROYAL H WELLER "CHINA FOR CHINESE" How Hoover Managers PHILADELPHIA'S SURRENDER 5,000 CHEER CONGRESSMAN WEUER, Try to W'm Votes of DinER CAMPAIGN IN PORTO RICO; 1!Je1JenJoaa//cClndlddleJ BRITISH MHH~DS Nanking Government DIsmIssIng TOSMlTH Foreign Employees to Make .. Tennesseeans S A. HAYNES------' OLD FRIEND OF THE ASSOCIATION, Way for Natives ....------s.. NASHVILLE Oat a1- 'COOM are BREAK IN PARTY LINES EXPECTED IN INDIA C~lLED OeL ::!17th 1928-The exJtresslon clamor tor the preserv&­ t on those principles made sacred pa.-Altre4., E Smith. the mo.n whO' ot T[ENTSlN by Jefl'erson and LineD n They AN SEEKING RE-RECTION ON NOV. 6 now ma.king a desperate effort to quiet elose Result Forecast In Quadrennial Elecllon on Novem PURE DOMINATION he mob the la.dles lending II. band.. Mayas we I try to dry up the Pa.cIAo ber 6-Presldent of Senate Opposed by Coalition w th a bucket. They sJnB a.gatn At Hon E. B Knox Says Members Will Vote Democratic of Soclahsts and Republacans Mme Naldu, Feminist Leader, atl1. they ylel4 They are all !!Ieated Ticket FollOWing the Instructions of theHon Marcus Says India Will Yet Be Free­ now The man whom Herbert Hoover ea ed a Social at; has been tendtU'ed the Garvey-Speakers Laud Congressman for HIS Fight England Spends More on greatest ovat on Ph ada ph a bas evOl' for AppropraataollJ for Howard University Army Than on Education In given too any guest. , India . . ~EW YORK LIBERTY HALL Sunday N ght Oct 28-A p0- Mme SaraJlnl Nnldu Indtan l t cat flavor ;vas gwen to the weekly mass meet ng here ton ght v th the appearance of Hon Royal H Weller the popular Congressman of the 21st Assembly D stnct Ne, York C t} who'5 seek. g re­ elect on on November 6 A true {rlend of the Un versal Negro 1m provement Assoc atlon 31 d the Negro Mr \\ eller was cheered to the echo as he recalled h s inendsh p \ th the Han Marcus Garvey and the ass stance he had sought to render the orgiln zat on at var IOUS tnnes He got a great hand as h s splend d stand n the Can gress m behalf of a Federal appropr at on for Howard Un vcrs ty was me toned a d t '\ as ev dent Judgmg from the ShoutR of ap prov.1 from the fi e tho sand persons th.t pacl ed the hall that the BOJ( 47 Hl1rnlltJon GttIIlQe P 0- people of Harlem It return h n to Wash ngton by a s bstant al CITY majorIty Attorney George E Hall Pres dent of the Sm.th for Pres dent Colored League of New 'York C tv ~as also present and n an elo Leadmg Negro Newspapers I Negroes of West VlI'gDUa Democratic Record ArlIansas Negroes quent speech appealed for support of the Democrat c ticket Support Smith's CandIdacy Desert the Republicans Back n h s cha r at L berty Hall was the Hon E B Knox per sonal representat ve of the Pres dent General Just returned fro n a In Empire State Say Rob'usan Is Oct 81- v 5 t to the 1\1 ddle West '" nd ng up the speech mak ng of the even ng hIr Knox sa d no one need have any anx ety about 10 v Speaks for Itself Fr;endly to Race 0 the Negroes of the Un versal Negro In pro e ncnt Assoc at on vere NilE RIVER ~~M go ng to vote They had reee ved the r nstruct ons fran the Bon Marc 1S Garvev and h s w shes that they support the Democrat c cand dates would be compl ed w th mpl c t1y NOW TO BE M~DE Mr K lOX also n ade the Important announcement that Mrs Amy Jacques Garvey the v (e of the Pres dent General had arr ved that even ng In N e v York C ty She was some vhat t red from h<:r long WORlD'S BIGGEST voyage a d was unable to come to the hall but she had asked him to announce that she as lookmg fon ard \\ th keen pleasure to a Assuan Dam 10 Egypt to Be In­ grand reun on 11 the Commonwealth Cas no on Tuesda) n ght vI en creased 23 (;eet In Height, she would del ver a spec al message Br nglOg Capacity to Five Ano her spe ke of he even ng v,as;:.------­ Mrs A leo " Billion Tons of Water

ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCE nllbelleabTthe Juvenae Cadet Corps COMING! COMING' COMING! at Liberty Hall 120 West 13Bth 8t TUESDAY, EVENING, OCTOBER 30,1928

Red Cross Distribution of Lum On Saturday E"enurg, No" The Greatest Negro Woman of Our Race Doon Opened al 0 P )I Who has p eaented the Couoe of the B oak Womon tho Wo dOli to the Wh to Race n Eu ope n the perlon ber Now Be ng Rushed to Re fiood 3[01110 ID AttendnnCfl of the w fo of HON MARCUS GARVEY P 08 dent Gene n of the U N I A hal Juet retu ned from bUild 25000 Homes Allo the JUVEN LES w slage a ~ GARVEY S DAY P ogram at L 9: ERTY HALL on SUNDAY NOV 4 1928.t3PM All Member. and Fr ond. 8re In • y ted to attend Come out and en the Clh Idren n the,. good DRAKE! WALKER'S THEATRE 211 Welt 12Stb Street Phone Mon 4420


PROVED SAFE CQUMBNCINO MONDAY NOVEMllER 8th H DRAKE Pre.ent. Take without Fear as Told "GO GET 'EM" ID Bayer Package I MEAN THAT'S COT 'EM BRITISH WEST INOlES PLAN UNIFORM TARIFFS 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY MRS. AMY JACQUES GARVEY 3 PERFORMANCES SUNDAY Conlerence at Barbados Next WILL SPEAK IN NEW YORK C TV AT A January May Pave Way for Honows In checks-ho lows tn the BIG MIDNIGHT SHOW THURSDAY NIGHT 12 P M dE'S of n cI fln no 9 n chAR -why Muoh Talked Of Federation MONSTER MASS MEETING don t yo do aome h ng to make your COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROQRAM EVERY MONDAY selt look 1 ke a real man? TO BE HELD AT THE M Coy R Tnblets put on weight HAMILTON Berm da 'W heBe [t has been very clearly a.nd per \1ib re "'e ght e ne ded-not on y that mudn. s not a pa COMMONWEALTH CAS INO, 2 E 135TH STREET but they bu Id up your general health sland g au cae B an s be r p slstently staled that Mr Hoover has and yo grow R ronger more euer resented y a gave nment delegation gone tor and gotten the back ng and get C Rnd gilt plen y of amb t on TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOB::R 30, 1928, AT 8 O'CLOCK HAUOWE'EN PARTY DANCE at the West Ind es Conference to be nese NnUonal sts has propose 1 to ap support or thIs notorious organ zaUon One At antic C tY' maR gained. 28 pounds in two mon hs AUlpic" STUDENTS and FRIENDS held In January at Barbadoes point the Pnn~hen Lama spiritual bead [n the face of a 1 that Mr Hoover has Abo HON E B KNOX, Personal Re presentative of the Pre.. dent Ceneral McCoy takCls ell the I'lsk-Rea..d this The most tmpo tant action to be of Tibetan Buddhlem as a member of f1 remained sl1f1nt. We moat slneerely Ironclad guarnntae If aftar taking .. taken w II be the es ab leh ng of a HON M L T DeMENA EBIMBER, Amstant International Organizer gove nlng committee has aroused much hol!le tha.t Xr Hoovcr will neither by R X Y cent hOXI'!R of McCnya Tnblet8 or unlfoMJl CUl!Iloms tllrlte for the Carib J H MILLER, V.ce Pres.dent 9 Jenee nor expression endorse tile 2 One Dollar boxes any th n under NEW YORK ACADEMY OF BUSINESS Interest here bean colonies of Great B tn. n The Tibetans haV'& hea.rd reports that Klan,8 support. tor we cannot go to weight mafl or woman doesn t gain at Imperial Elk.' Auditorium L McCARTNEY, Lady PreSIdent E M COLLINS, Lady V.ce Pl'eOld"at tbe polla arm In arm with tbe Ku KIn least 6 pounda nnd feel completel? question bas been IIlscussed for years membEirs of the Kuomlntn.ng nre plan satisfied with tho marked improvement Bla Muelul PrCtgram by Liberty H.1I Chotr Mr. Ven e Col "8 Soloist Klan !2Ith 8t and a.venth An. Suveral years ago a West Ind es eus ntng to J)aalty Tibet by reoognlrlllug the ~n~=lth-YOUr money will be re- M.... Ulrlo H ....II Soloist Frank Rhodes, B.rltoneJ Q L Parker Eloculonl.t Dr: Rhetta I. president of the How t ms conference was held at Port of hlel'll1'cby The Punchen Lama. 8 chlet Spain where there were round table ard Alumni Asaocfatlon, president of Just asle tor MCCoy's Tabl¢g at D.IIJ' Wednesday Evening, October 31, 1928 BIQ MILITARY DEMONSTRATIONS BAND CONCERTS DON'T MISS THIS EVENT of ataft ecenU)' ta.lked wlU General talk&. but no deRnlte action Pal Chung hat depu y commander of Ute tl"Ust()e board or the Washington drug store Dlstrlbuted by It:eCo~. HARMONICA ORCHESTRA Conference of the Methollhlt Jilp seopa Laboratories Inc also dlatrlbutora ot The coming conference Is exPfleted the tourth Rrea In Peking and waR re McCoy s Cod Liver Oil-there is nane DONATION Church and twice endorsed tor mem SUBSCR,,,,,ON-7f1 CENTS to pnve th& way for a tedero.ted. British quested by tho Jatt~ to aid In further better West IDOlea. 11..~'=;=''':':::''=::!::::::::;;=::...J In.. co operation bet.ween Tibd and. - 01 McC07'I Lobotato,a.", Inc.... 8! W t4llt CIIIIu. Stroot, Now yopk ,,1111 3.1928

and the Negro wIll find that he has all to lose and nothing to galD MRS. ROSE W. HUNT DIES AFRICA, MY MOTHERI.AND from a victory by Hoover B. E. A. VAN AOSSUM Hoover Is for the Power Trust, "an octopus with s11my fingers Will Be Remembered- A. 8lav, Girl Girl Whom Dr. Blecher Sold In 0, Africa, my Motherland, that levies tribute upon every fireside," as Senator Norna, Progres­ Pulpit In 186D During Downtrodden though thou art, 'A Presb)'teriau, White, Tella How He Encountered the sive Republican, so aptly described It In a speech supportlng Smith, Hr. Fight Aga.nat Slave Traffio Yet shalt thou rsse, by God's command, Dragon of Prejudice in a New York City Subway Smith has denounced thts gigantic economic threat to the poor man To play again thy part WASHINGTON,-- Od 27 -Relatives Though by th,ne own thou'rt belDg betrayed Car and Had Hie Duty on Election Day Made Clear In terms which nonelma .. misunderstand are planning a. quiet funeral Monday And bartered, all for greed, for Mrs ROBe Wn.rd Hunt the slave girl Him Hoover IS far ProhibItIOn, which, In an alarmmg degree today, IS Ltve on, 10 hope, be not dismayed, to "Pinky." who was "sold for treedom" For all was so decreed. MARCPS GARVEY ...... Ma.naging Editor vitIating the home hfe of Negroes, Smith has set his face dead by the Rev Henry Ward Beecher from ~ORTON G G THOMAS Acting Managing Editor '1'0 the Editor ot The Negro World' an a.ccldent of birth and apa.rt trom _ Associate EdItor his pulpJt In Plymouth Church Brook· SMASH REPUBLICAN DEAL FEROL V RF.:EVES agalllst It and all the eVils ,\ hleh It breeds Iyn sixty years ago I;'he died at her Thou shalt WIth joy "stretch forth thine hand" Until a. tew days ago I was an"1nde­ this and soaring far above It Is the WALTER WEIR Business Manager Hoo\er does nut even hold out a promise of faIT and decent deal­ home here late Thursday night after Beyond the world's surprise r .,endent In politics and 1 am going to glorious soul. wblch has neither skin slve ;yuu an 11lustratlon of how the nor eolor SUBSCRIPTION RATES TO TilE NEGRO WORLD a. brief Illness She was seventy seven Thy glOriousness throughout the land, wg to the farmer, Sn11th has promised the farmer speedy and eon­ years old. Resplendent yet shall rise vote of a red-blooded maD ma.y be Pardon me for Intruding 1:0 e:den­ DomeaUo Foreign I lnHuenced In lL particular direction far slvely on your space but my tndlgna~ ASfPuiii AS MONEY CAN BUY • • •••••••• '260 structIve rehef Sold When • Small Child TIme, too, shall elevate thy name ...... 125 From 'neath the burnmg sod­ from that dictated by his natural In· tion Is ot a character that must have WITH THE KU KLUX KLAN Mrs Rose was born In • ••••••• ••••• .15 \Vhlle Smith was pa\lIlg' tribute to the memory of Abraham Lm cl1nations [ am white and Presby­ an outlet when I think of this oocur­ PUt l ToLacuo, liitl llud Wad k/lUWJI as U phfl thee on the WlDgs of Fame, rence and those miserable specimens of The largest sellin~ 'jO~ coln signer or the EmanCipatIOn Dcclarahon by hangmg a wreath a chJld ot Sally Marla Diggs " hen So help my hVlDg God 1 terian On the 10th of this month I was mankind aspirin in the wor1clfor I she was seven years old her mother Thanking you In advance for giving In the cabm where th,s great American once hved, Hoover \\as and t\\O brothers were sold to a trader aboard a l'4Iubway train returning to Throughout thy" Ide and vast domain my home In company with a. friend ot thIs space In your publication 1 sub 4 ptOl1llSlIlg the preJudlccd of the South that appomtments would be In AlexnndriA Va and she never True Freedom's home I see­ ecrlbe myself Persian Reforms Start Coal Seam in Alaskan VOTE RIGHT THIS YEAR mine, a young light colored ma.n whom heard of them again Not long after· Freedom. that thou shalt e'er sustain, Yours Indignantly dC11Icd !\ egroes ward she and hi'll' grandmother and I have known trom boyhood, a unl· Town Burna 140 Years EDWARD PAYSON l\IcDE'ITT Rebellion Against Shah flve cousins were sold to a slave dealer With consCience true and free. versity graduate highly Intellectual CONSTANTINOPLE Oct .. 3- EAGLE A1aska-The to\\n of X'or B') illelY frlcud.r YOll .r/mll k}Jo,v them The Ku Klux Klan, VICIOUS nO'l 50th 8t Brooklyn N Y One confederatIOn, vast, I see, and a perfect gentleman whom any Alarming reports of open revolt In man has a big fire. but no firemen ot Baltimore October 23 1925 ~cgro hating organnmtlOl1, IS the open all) of the Hoover forces 'I ho chl1d a grandmother had sa, ed Stretch'd In unbroken hne, one might be proud to call a friend a Persia agalnst the refOln1.S of Rem or fire extlngulshe19 For 140 years a man who ","ould Hterally ghe you the ---- IMPERIAL PALACE \111 eel E SmIth \\cnt II1to their stronghold 111 Oklahoma and flayed money however and bought hel self One language, though unknown to me, Khan Pehlevi the Shah are being re gre-at coal seam there has been aflame SOME POLITICAL HISTORY The Negro World does not ImowlDgIy accept questionable free after whJch she rcleagcd her One people to be thlDe I shirt off' his back He will 1II00n recetve celved dally by Pelslan residents ot Normans on the han\(A of the Macken· INVISIBLE EMPIRE ] the Ku Klux Klan \ otancs of blgotr) and II1tolerance encnlles of g-rn.nrld:tughter and the lnttm s five cou­ bi~ diploma. as a pln Blclan 1 had met MIKADO TO GIVE CUPS Constantinople- many of ~ 10m expect ?ie Rhmot"ratic earnestly requested to Jnvlte our attentlor. to any f 81 ure on \~hlch IIenry Wnrd BeechCl of Ply Shalt more nghts secure, gOVl'rnmf!nt to tl ke up arMS (Incorporated) I no sho) U:o.: after we entered the car atnlted TO AU AGED JAPANESE o[ th J)(lill t1(n or In- the part of an adveUlser to adhere to any representatIon Hoc \ cr belIeves 10 111111tn1lR f)1 the fcv>, ami crumLs for the mIl- rl I' UUlt 1 of tho ll~' 01 t~d trouble Is And cruelties of lIve-long days a polltical conver" dlon Onf' of them ATLANTA, GA. at Tabtlz whCle disolCler wns I:lO Be I cantamed 111 a Nefro World adverttsement .1 J OilS Smith hellevcs that a eompetcllce IS the nght of the humblest No more shalt thou endure; snld Did you kno" thl!'l fellow Smith The souls of all the murdered slaves, Octogenarians to Drmk Health OliS that mnst ot thc shops werl! closed REALM OF' l\IISl-'llS~IPI'1 hus a. nigger for his flecretary? 011. and the poIluI' c lIled to their SUPllOI t om (' of of the Nation S Citizens That did for vengeance call, "".~ ~rt'd th." other and he spends a of Hlrohlto in Sake GUA:-'D 1 ft \1 ON ~~~~~~==~~~===~;;:~;::==~======;~ the Entire;; arn bcarin:; popul tt on ISH SL CI u lil>i ~t Vot. XXIV. NEW YORK. NOVEMBER 3, 1928 No 39 Un the tantt and 1I11l111gratlOn there IS Itttlc dlftcrence between Shall rIse, triumphant, from their gravel lot of his time danein" \\Sth nll;~l;r Phone 1090 • l~ 0 BOlL 111 .:..:..:....:.:....:------tlte pO~ltl )I1S taken b) the t\,.o camhdates \\ hat dlflerence there And crown thee queen of all. wenches In Harlem cabarets • Well ' TOKIO -Nearly half a mUlIon sub- Shah Crowned," 1925 grO\es ot dend trees protrude In lians JncI\fI m Mlsslfl='llpll! Ulat gave / aaid the first • \\ e II cook his goose and jects of the Emperor at Japan who ThCt tn01t I I eHt relu I te(l In Persia declare the blaze "as stnrted by n. July Mil i!.IMlt TO THE POLLS FOR SMITH! IS concerns n cthml .1Ild not prmclpJe "hen he s licked we 11 put the nlggers pl('u{'htr nnd su~g(t;t~d Methmk, J hear the bells of TIlDe, w1l1 have renched thi'l :lpe age of 80 "ns tn ApI I of tllls \('ur "lIen the native caml,Ore }MrS before thi'l white rlOd the Papists where they belong s THE most hectIC most remarkable pohtlcal C3.1111"lgn 1Il And so \\e June lIco"er Icvealed as the alch enemy U~echer buy Sally 1.1 lrla, whom ahe On that CoronatIon Day, All this time they were glancing side years on ~Dvember 10 the day of the l\finhter of I'uhllc "011 ~ ,\ rts killed in ;",:":n=":":h:":d='o======::::, ('lI11~rl Ph,kS a.nd f!~11 ~r a.t nuctlon 1Iethmks I see, from every cllme, t.uristan whIle on 11 tour of tn"pectlon the Nation's hIstory draws to a close, It IS ","ell th It !\egroe::. under dog, the \\ t:'ak and the oppressed ways at my friend 'I hen I took a. hand enthronement have been listed by the The Shah" ns reI (It t"rl to hn'o'f> led In in his church to lml ress llPon his PrInces In brtght array A I said 'I would advise YOU both to Imperia.l household to be honored by be remmded of exactly what IS at stake on Nmcmber 6 lIe shn\\Cd hIS true colors \\hen In what \\as acclauned by 1115 hoarllls that human Lelngs lenlly ~ore In per!".on a punlthc 'utllltlU~ expedition LIke Sheba. thy pomp and pnde, cut that Une of talk out right now' of the State of helng twIn jWit that WilY 11 c chill gIfts ot lacquer wine cups agnll1t;t the I urs We are not the least blt douhtful or how the members of the hell( Innen I~ hIS all1< 5t cmnp ug I "pcco..:h he hurled at SmIth the Thou'lt wear a golden crown j They told me to mInd my own busi­ .... as bought for $900 ond Dr.... Beochbr A ~un ey of ail the police registers In the Pll'\ 101 !'I Jan lary thl' e "as Il Thy narne shaII tra,.l lar and WIde ness The controversy got heated and Improvement ASSOCiation \'W11l cast theIr ballots epithet HSocmllst" Lee lti"e In the State of New York Smith conducted the auction in his chm cll of the empire has re'iealed "82048 men pensant upllslng at l\.huzlstan In Umversal Negro As queen of great renown finally one ot them-they proved to be and women 80 or over IncludIng :lSI sOlltlm est J ('rl'!13 1 ut this v. as I:lI (!(>dlh It'" In :Matl~Ilchul:letts7 Go\Crllor \HlttCII all Klansmen-grossly inlluitea me for next week ThelT duty has heen clearly outlined to them by the has effectIve pretlcrlptlOn for some of the ills centenallmns In Japan proper are traveI1lng with a colored man I Btruck Hon Marcus Garvey, PreSident General of the Umversal 1\eglO Sweet Music, Sciences and Art, llsted 391534 persons of 80 or more I Shall leap to fame once more, thhl tellow In the nH :.tth and a!I his Ilnd =:61 centenarlans The larger to I ",ht to \ ote In Nf!w Improvement ASSOCiation He has adVised them ,,\ tth all the earnest Humer' EthIOpIa then shaII play her part, friend prepared to step In I landed tals include the venerables of KorNI on him I then punched both of them As In the da) s of yore Formosa and other posses~lons and ness at hIS command. to support the Democratic Party alld espe Happy \Vdrnor.' the truckman':;, son' [0 do othen\lse on In lIuccesslon and cnlled them curs FlOll1 thee the Dunbars shall arise, dependencies of Jnpan cially the candidacy of Governor Smith for PreSident, In tillS cam bel 6 IS to t Ike lea, e of common sense adding I guess you fellows belong In Japan as In all other Oriental And Booker Washmgtons, to the pillow slip and night gown brl· At the time of the sale Pink} 'Was lands exhaordlllory honor Is nccordoo palgn And thiS IS enough for them On Tuesday next they \\ III Tanners and Can ers, great and Wise, gade They admitted this and as nine years old In later yeltrs ehe at­ fullness of }ea.rs and each ot the!'Ce !:ihall hve 10 Afnc's sons. they made threats I Invited thcm to "s (lit' I ght to go to the polls, whether an Callforma. Kentucky. illinOiS or New A WORD TO FIRST VOTERS tended Howard University and 'HIS a,l;ed subjects will recehe a t('d 1nc~ get ott at the next station and I would the t.; Ilstillulun of married to James Hunt a. Negro at­ quered cup for drinkIng sake the nn York, In their tens of thollsands, and \\ Ithout heSItation or quc5tlOn From frozen North to gIowl11g South I1ck both of them They did but as I torn-ey In Washington Th~ rlrrtmrttlCl tlonnl beverage m:trked with the 1m· startM to leaHl the tra.ln th~y run Ing. vote the Democratic ticket trom top to bottom incIdent of her childhood "'RS all but Great ships wtth steam and salls, It that Is ",hat my cololl~d and nomlln forgotten even by hClsclf and ",as Shall enter through Zambesl's mouth, JllluiUn a Democrlt1 The members of the Umversal Negro ImprO\ (ment CllthoUc trlends are to put up with kno\\ n to lew of Iwr friends Vv Ith melchandlse and malls. AI ng the anclcnt NIle shall flow because ot Smith s candidacy 1 can Attended Church AnnrverBary • only a.rrlve at one conclusion-to vote Corn sacks In caravan. rn the spring of 1927 Plymouth tor Smith. and my friend wlU do the Church celehtnted Ita eightieth arml And foreign nat lOllS then shall knoW\. same verlllllry The Rev Dr J Stnnlev Dur­ The Brotherhood of Mall. IncIdentally. before the trouble rOHe kee v.ho had he",n Its pastor for about I heard one or theae fellows tell the FOR PRESIDENT a :\ ear had been pre~ld(>nt or Howard 0, Aftlca my Motherland, other that the Klan had millions or I;nivcrl'!ity v.htn Mrs Hunt" lS tl fltu­ Hard pre."~cd by Inany a foe dolllllE' to deteat Smith and his J()" spect for hlS farslghtedness. and they know, \\hen he ad\Jses them dE nt there and knew of her connect\(n Thv chlldrcn shall thy tlghls dcmand Negt 0 and Papist frlcndR with one of the m08t sth ring Incidents I did not believe any alleged Chris T~o persons. cOllshlNed hopf>lf!lull~ not only to vote for Go\ernor SmIth, hut to go out mto the h} '.\3) 5 And gam through \\ calor \\ oe \ of the church !:I history He pre ... alled Though enemIes on e\ ery SIde tlun mon could be so biller agaInst Insane "'ere awakened from theIr and hedges and work hard for Ius eicctlOll, that he knows whereof upon her to return tor the ccleblllUon their fellows, but under the clrcum­ stupors tor sevlllal minutcs by Dr W Mra. Hunt sat upon the plattorm Do rule \\ lth Iron rod, Thou'lt be redecmed, whate'er behde, stlln~e8 I ref"1 compelled to adopt the F Lorenz and Dr A S Leennhllrt he speaks during the sen Ices and spoke bllefly only COUI se open to a ro.ir..Jnlnded man After Inhaling a. prescribe 1 g!l~ the pa concerning her sale ot that S tme spot So help my hVlIIg God I But the Marcus Gal knows that the -align myseIr a.gn.lnst such skunks on llents were able to ttllk I'ltl n"l1~ nn ALFRED E. SMITH because Hon vey mcmber for ,000 St.e could rem em her little of election day and use every errort to ship of the Universal Negro Improvement ASSOCIatIOn embraces 9wer qucstlons tntelllr;entl) and move It she said except that her hall' was nullify the dirty work which the~ hnV9 nnt'l nct normony men and \\omen of every polItical creed. some of them With strong drawn straight back and conti ned h) a in huml Jrsua ChrlHt dirt! for all men A drug t1cvelol e I h'" Dr 1 o('\enl FOR VICE-PRESIDENT rubl er comb which Dr Beechpr gf'ntly THE NON-ZIONIST CONFERENCE and the coil r or Ii "u~ found equally efrel.:tiv(! prcJudlces agam<:t one party or the other, becau .. e he removed when he P(,I ceiv('cl It telling I-______By w. A GASKINI------J her to wear nothing In her hair thnt Is HI erly pohtlcs play~ the UnIted States. how de\ God had not put thrre The Non Zionist Conference Is not only an Inspiration but it ought to be pohtlclans of .epectal signlflcance to the nH!mbers of the Negro race Altbougb there t. not absolute unnnlmity among the Jnws In this Xatlonal rno\'ement. yet there their own selfish ends he has hcclI at g-rc It pams to f'Xpb.111 to hI:'> PARIS LAWYER COMPLETES Is not lhnt heedless hostility thnt Ch3Hl tm IZC8 thi'l Negroes In their Redemp .. folJowers \\ hy they should not permit themc:.ehes to be cajoled mto BOOK TO TEACH B LANGUAGES Hall of Af icn. 8 It lIle Tht':l {'\es of the Jewish world will be upon our de­ liberation says Louis Marshall At long hl!:lt the Jews hlt\e redeemed their JOSEPH ROBINSON voting ror Hoover and the candIdates of the Repuhl1can P~rtv He I' \IUS Oct 27 -Despite the alleged 1. We use tIlls '\\orc1 rf'rIccmed In a bron.d sense Hundreds of has exposed and condemned Hoover's connectIOn as Secretary of waar anil tf'nl of II orI n IIff! e"elY one has time enough to lCltrn eight years ago the Jews had promised that this lund would ho theirs agnln For Commerce, With the SIUI"ter Firestone deal III the black rcpubllc of languages at one time M s Dr E P hundreds ot ytWlII they lmd promJ!;ed tha.t they would rebuild the ancient FOR GOVERNOR Liberia., thereby makmg a vote for Hoover by any member of the Samsonovlci n l'urisfrtn law,}er who TotllY the land Is theirs by the Dnltour Declaration And it hns just completed a volume Which would not be long before the Temple" 1II be rebuilt.: Untversal 1\cgro Improvement Assoc1atlon practically a fell(HV pro[(l'"sors nrtmlt If! comlncJng" GRA Comm In lIhl \liN' queflUons gram Tht'!l~ are ahout three distinct exprc!;sion!'l on the National questlon ot the lion of lo)alty to the prmclples of the UIlI"crsal Negro mntlcal rul{s ~hort conver8At! ns are JCl'; s Some regnrd the effort ID that dIrection purel:!i from a phUanthroplo FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT nrrnnged In PRI Illel c ,hlmns-French ment Assol:latlon. viewllolnt they look upon Palestine as a h lven for the Je\\iI \\hQ eeek to bet­ Ii n~hsh Spnnlsh Gcrmrm llflllnn But the Hon Marcus Ganey, 10 the course uf hIS ad\ocac) of Dutch Roumanl m and even Esper tllr th.lr economic and political status Others have a sentlmentaJ attachment Smith's election, has made an IrreSIstible appeal to aIt the Negroes anto for Zion for the ~l()rlous past of Israel they tervently beUe .. e In the restora­ FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR "Ithout the aid of (I profes!'lor the tion of a Je"lsh cultule in Pa.lestlne, for the wOlld s ad .. antage etc., eto. of Ameflca From hiS international pomt of vantage he has sur­ Pnl hd In !In\lll1t hellc\( ~ that n vocnh ThI'H~ arE! othl?r!; again -and muny of them have ne\er been touched with the MASS MEETING veyed the world Situation, and he warns the Negro of Amenca that fire of any entllu8iasm for Palestine-who take the view that tbe Balfour i)ccilr Itlon Is n. ch lIlenge to the Jewish people of the world to show Its met­ every vote cast for Hoover is a vote cast agalllst himself Black tle to demonstrate its ability to produce as well as to adapt and their fallure HERBERT H. LEHMAN lIIen and women should no longer be deluded by musty rallyll\g to do this will redound to tho eternal dishonor of the Jewish people, whereat Wednesday Evening, Oct. 31st spondcnce fluccess w1l1. at one and the Mlme time, Increase the world s respect for the FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL cries, such 35, "The Republican Party IS the shIp, an else 18 the I'OR UNITED STATES SENATOR Jew aud the Jew s respi'lct for himself AT 8 P. M. lea," but should he says, In the spirit of the changed times, With an King Amanullah Build. ROY AL S. COPELAND ALBERT CONWAY eye slngJe to theIr race welfare, do all In their power to place Alfred Modern Afghan Capital TI ele IA nothing in these rliff'el cnt flI~ntiments to v.:hleh ADY one ean rea­ sonably 01 jed Thple is much In fact In these \arlous sentiments that should FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE OF THI!: E. Smith III the \Vl11te House next March And thus he reasons, to UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE FOR CONTROLLER COURT OF APPEALS recommend them to Us And It stands out In dll ect contradiction to the quote a few excerpts from hiS messages whIch have appeared 111 The p~ychologl of those Negroes ~ ho IgnornnUy adopt p,. hostile a.ttltude to the MORRIS TREMAINE LEONARD C. CROUCH Negro World. EDITORIAL OPINION OF THE NEGRO PRESS Gan <'y movement. They clulm that the redemption ot Atrlca w1ll not, It ever. n('",~pnpers reflchlll!! I rre lake pi lice for tim next hundred lears' Let ua agree for the eake ot argu­ 44lsn't thlS the Mr Hoover who supported Firestone so as to Thc clt~ Is the Inspiration or 1\lns ment But we I lace this beside it In the 8th decade of the present era. the CHICOPEE DEMOCRATIC CLUB Amanullrth \\ ho recentl} visited EUro Ruman s )ldlery buttered down the walls of J6[usa.lem and deseerated the hoI, corner Ltberla and take away her mdependence, the mdepend­ Theil'! me It lut uf full s ,,10 WlllllletiOl' complex of con IC8ceIHlion for poon countrIes and Is ambitious of tell ~ou ho\\ to mal c a fll c[!e:\!:-; In the 01 IInary mo t tis the kind that Temple On account of this Invnslon the Jews were scattered But tor nearl, 21st ASSEMBLY DISTRICT ence that was given to her by fonner white PreSidents and trnnsplanting western ideas culture any endell\Or bllt thofje "ho hl\vt. hoi Is service to mankind as its high t\\iO thou);and ye ~rs the Jews hoped and prayed. and preached a redeemS« mnd methodg of living to his mountn n made the gn te1-ll flllC('Sfi usn lly say o~t Ideal In tolmance and blgotlY are Jerusulem' 'roday tht"se hopes have be(!n fulfllled With the Negro, but Dot Amencan phIlanthropIsts as an experIment ID Negro self help? kingdom little about Jt -In Hanni (11.'1 HecoHier the hnndmalden of IgnOlance-(:ul! with the Jew time Is of the very essence ot hls desires Evemhlng that the $lll'flft thfl brnnd"flt ll'll" After other white men in Amencan publIC hfe helped to estai>­ The nuelp.ufl of the new city Is the Cornia Voice Negro wants must come rIght away He has no patience MiDJona of Jeft .. l(>~~~t 1'1J~~lhle elll)sldeMl~ \ish Llbena and made it a free Republic, thIS Mr Hoover In Falthfulne"'s to n f(',\ thIngs renrlers omclal quarter rhls will cOl'1RIst of a. modern pnla~e, equipped with the bave dlcd without seeing the Restoration but millions of Jews are l1v1n8 todat' AT LIBERTY HALL III master or m my thllu;8 -Hhrcve Good Fortune who are seetng It thiS our present century has come upon the scene to assist big port Sun qunlHy and lIber of n mnn are latellt faC'llltles an 1 R number of hugo government bulhllngs which wl1l house AmerIcan Interests ta reduce Liberia to slavery, the slavery te!'lted both by bId fortune nnd good • 120 WEST 138th STREET WeUre Under the I'!trc!;s(J1'! ot mi!;hall difHI.p all state delNlllmenLIi lIats oft to these people who want to 8stablblh a national home. 80 as to from whIch Abraham LlDcom freed us ID America In 1865 polntlllrmt and prlvatlon hill COUla!;e restore a Je\\lsh culture Negroes should take especial notice af this. Tbe "Mr Hoover represents a capltahstlc group that has no con­ Is flollmlE'd hh'l nl lerminnUon fs sharp Hongkong Island Near. Je\'is cnn rest a81'1ured, for they have laid more than one mUestone along the f'ned and he m:ty learn the hopeful road of progress and ot clvlllzaUon And yet they are not satisfied Rome SCience, no soul, 10 Its dealing with the oppressed and weaker habit nnd the men~ure of hiA own 1,000,000 in Population ga .. e to the world Ia.w, Greece beauty. and Jerusalem religion. Jews bave POWCI ~ SPEAKERS peoples of the world To elect Mr Hoover as PreSIdent of the In timC9 of favOling rortune SHANGHAI -The population been outstanding flgures In mam walks ot lite Spinozo. would have been great think nHl net on our level If he mUAt meet new enomies less ob "'e Hongkong [sla.nd British colony '1ft In any age Ja.mes Thompson railed Hlene the greatest Jew since Jesus Eng­ our level Is high f r low our thoughts \flous but more danp;erous to his spirit UnIted States of America, a Republic WIth universal powers for the south China. coast Is Rnnouncet~ land stili botlste of one BenJa.mln Dil'lraell Lord Reading Is still with us, Mul and D.cts a.re hlj:;h or low "e can ual growth and Integllty Good for to be slightly less than 1000000 Of good or for Ill, i. to place in the hands of a dangerous man a not think n.nd act above tune tends to Cl-ncelt and arrogance Albrrt Einstein enn take his place beside the Immortal Newton And yet~ HON. JAMES J. WALKER tI Is number but 15 000 are non Chinese teel that they have not given the world their aiL With Palestine 88 Na­ weapon WIth whIch he can further afflict all oppressed hu­ Star of ZIon though le'iel thinking can reveal how civil populaUon, the remainder being a mUch the favors of circumstance and tional home they can do more manity.••• enti~ely Chinese We prefer to deal with pOlitics ns a accIdent berrl('md us Good fortune The city of Victoria commonly • • HON. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT brings the illUsion that we are nec­ means to beUer govel nmcnt not as ft. kno,\n DS Hongkong Is announced to Contrast the behav!or of the Negro with that ot the Jew on the NaUonal Liberty "Cast your vote for Smith, not so much for the party, but mud sllm~'lng contcst We even reel eSfOal Jly right becnuse we are succeAS have Q populntlon of half a million question and the Negro doe8 not only look IIIte a. lesser man. but be appeanl for the man. W. can better trust OUr destiny for the next four rul which talBe QBsur-ance ma.y blind HO~ROYALS.COPELAND HON. ROYAL H. WELLER superior to the polttlclnns who get off the others living In outlying districts to be a. distinct being These Negroes do not want a home, becaude they feel the Issue nnd go to mnlting faccs us to many btt2t\rds that may ship· years to Alfred Smith, a man of klndly sympathy and broad ot the territory The foreign popula­ that they have nothing to give the world Or (UJ some think we don t know wreck our too confident course Good to We strongly urge (l~r voters to keep Uon halt Increased 3 OOC In ten years F£LD HON. ALBERT GROSSMAN blUll8llity, a man from the people, than trust it to a plutocrat eool under these tr)lng c1reumBtances fortune mal" steal trom us the things the white man's secl"8ta. Knowledge Is not a thing that anyone race can keel) HON. A. SPENCER to Itself all the time. The Ba.me as the white race baa learnt by Iron laws af like Mr. Hoover, who can only see the world from the capital- Lot othC>11C rave we must kepp snne we love and send us seoklng after thtl AND OTHERS -t.et white peoplB throw I ud e'ien things we desire whIch may prove REST,BEAUTIFIER neeepsity. place any otheJ;' race In a similar posltton a.nd the results would be Prosperity Istic and imperialistic point of VIew. The world needs as lead­ ,t 'Ii We can be sensible e\en In dead sea fruit and void of happiness similar Many e1rcumstanC!es combined to nmke England the great tradlnl' Good fortune may draw us away from ---+- - en. not selfish men, not men who represent only a certain DoUtlcs -Kansns City Call nation that IIIhe Ss Emeraon summed It up this way. He said. "To use a friends who ask no ra.vors and give Re.t i. a good heautifier ehopman's eXPrBlIIslon. Engla.nd hM a go~d spot.' And In like manner. plac. crouP, but men with broad b1llllllllitiea, broad sympathies, who It Is evident that the lack of proper us only: the c~mpa.ny of those whose and an aid to health. Do the Negro.. Sn a fa.\' orabJ~ poalt1on and h(, wJU develop along all URea. The education of the hand and heart causes favors bring no friendship -ColifomJo white race doell not possess anything Inherenily Its own tbat haa Placed It 011 VOTE EVERY STAR love mankIncI not because they are of any one calor, but because mllllJ of the IUs. that effect our body Engle you "eep from. eisht to the top. Let the eCDnomlc pendulum of the 'Worltt BWJng & UUl. In the iI1rea­ they are an oIIlldren of God. Sueh a man, I think, America poUUc. When thc mmJSca bccomo edp tea houra every mgAt? VOTE EVERY STAR D8.Wd, rac1al antlpathles wIll fade away Taka your health q,uostlone to your Uon of AsIa or Africa, And a. areat change wJn take plaoe In the elVUblDB' In_ ALL ARE INVITED COME EARLY &rule In AIfre4 SmIth, Governor of New Yarla," In the light af mutua.l understanding famB,. pb)lsfclan or to the Harlem DUence. At present the BOCIIll JIl'Stem Is compeUUva a.nd capltaHstto. AlOJII Take the national issue. of the campaign into conslderallon, or Education, the real not tho half· Tuberculosis and Health Committe.. cerUUn 1Ines ~he Negro 4rumot enter tbe compeUUon, and a.long no line he baa baked egotistic prodUct that Is coming 202 West lS0th Street, New York..,.Clt8 the capJtaL He either must (have bl, own bome, (II> awatt & ..t 80Cfll ~DnaJ tltedilectiODs of the man Hoover under ScrutlO)" from .ome of OW' 001lesu, with 8U.'I'.-.;.....;;.;;:;..... if-.;;;;;;;;'O:.::=~;:;::;;::;.JJ Telepbone .. Bl'adhurat a08L U»heav...... * * * * ., THE NEGRO WORLD. SATURD"-Y. NOVEJVlBER 3.1928 THE NEGRO WORLD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1928 .truoture with hqp doorwa". and a catral court leadlq to chamber. It _ ON mOlt wltb uound It. RHEUMATISM, SClA'l' '['be etty derenael were repalred 'In leA., LUMBAGO. LAMB R Span.ish Section. that period and these "fe tracoable In BACK. OOUT It ,011 are ~THE lutrerlns ,,1 t h DA.CK NEWS AN:l VIEWS OF U. N. I. A. DIVISIONS JJDRUSALEt4 tho blgher level where they .tood upon O~L~,::~::t.~~~ Sohn. Oantans the ha.s Ithe prevloua Canaanite rampart. ACHE. STIFF MUSCl.EIII, The city apparentlJ' wu 4estrO)'ec1 SORE LIMBS PAINFUL H CINCINNATI, ~mo ST. ANN'S BAY, JA. Juet arrived In .teroulem. brtnsinIJ In about 700 B. C. There 111 no trace JOINTS. ACHINO NOTICE TO ALL PRESIDENTS OF DIVISIONS IN MONTREAL, CANADA SECCI6N EN ESPAROL lEi problema de desarme presentase BONES It ,.our BODY .. TORONTO, CANADA NEWARK, N J. lerelUns dtecovBrlea from Hazar lit oonttnuous ocC!upa.tioa thet"eaner Pro full or URIC ACID POlS KANSAS MISSOURI AND ILLINOJS On Sunday October 21 the true na.te.! tn northern Palestine aloftll' the feslilor Onretang sa7& He bel eves the ON If Four BONE) MAR main highway to Damascue The e:zaa. Acropolls:.a much older than the camp now II dl')"ing up 10 that E 8plr t of Garvey1sm was to be seen 'OU elln t WORK. CAN or Por La AsoClaClon Umversal para el Adelanto de Ia dramaticamente ante la Liga de Naciones w.tlons there patronized by Btr ChQl'lea enclosure and probably dates to the DtoERT your tood prap ManttJn were Mrl'led out by Profesaor t me of the patr at'Ch& .ri)"-'LOSE NO TIMID. Raga Negra GlU'stans under th. auspices of the uGt the wonderful Liverpool institute of A.rchaeology u A1emama est3 resentida porque Be duda de I!U smeeridad, 142 West 130th St Razor t. known blstorlcally from JOYZONI! declara el conde Von Bemstorff, au delegado en Ginebra reference. to it tn Egyptian ILfId BOOK REVIEW RHEUMATISM CIUdad de Nueva York, N.Y. BibUea} history Ita ca.ptnre by Joshua MEDICINE A Blbbography of the Negro M at the cloee ot hIe campa. gn was his (Doubl. etrength) cu.ndo haya pO'lbihdades d. lIegar Il1.8t ,great achievement berore 8et liD8' In Africa and America PR6XIMO A VOLVER PAR! EL NUEVO MUNDO a la reace on de una convenClon de the tand of Cannan J'I2l1t b.kl:l • (!alul It I. vM'f' desarme pleasant Ins !Utt'l that A ...ID etop, The b Dod be. EL PRESIDENTE GENERAL DE UN loA RACE Jo.eph Paul Boneour delegado comes purer no m 0 r. frances se manl festo de 1a optn16n SORE STIFF ACHINO UN"'RESUMEN DE SUS IMPRESIONES que la pnmera conferenc1B sabre el JOINTS no more eCLAT leA LUMBAGO NEU T EUROPAS desarme sena una mera Hamada pa NTIS - a1l tbe RHElU ra que se h c ese un alto en la cons MATICPA)NS.one TakI • • ep awa,! from the tr cc 6n de armamentos pero de jfJ'&ve Don t walt unUI It Todo Imembro de la Raza debe estar en guardHl, debe cbro que este era un paso v tal I. too late Why eutrer I SI las competenclas que henen lugar any langert Bere" }'our eXlstlr un sentido cabal de Ia responsibibdad mdlVldual oppor un y to get WQ 1 entre las nac16nes en 1& construe Q.ulck Don t "8 t untU -Esta t'S Ia hora para una agreslva aeclon unida-EI c on de arn amentos no term nan you get wane Write an4 ma tho caeb with It. s corazon del mundo polItaco esta muerto y debe ser m· es as conduc ran a nuevas guerras YOUR NAME aDd AD DRESS on the COUPOQ a.nd vectado de nueva Vida poria actltud detennmada de ma 1 tho coupon rllbt Dowl AC'l' QUICK DO IT TO parte de la Raza Negra DAY M

{;ompanero. de la Raza Negra salud Confia que m VISlta a Europa hays Impreslonado a cada uno de vosotros con la ser edad de la actual situac 6n mund al en 10 que afecta :I, la raza negra as he eser to muchos mensaJcs desde que lIegue aq 5 gest vas de n uel as deas que probablemente no las hub esemos ten do s no a costa de 1a exper ene a ganada en m estad a en Europa. Estad en guardia Reasum endo m 5 Imprc ones en unas pocas palabras la raza negra o solamente como una un dad 5 no como un todo debe estar en guard a Cada n dad de la raza debe seT un soldado man en enda su puesto asU mlendo comple a responsab I dad de su leber de manera q e las fuerzas 'f nem gas que ope n contra nuestros ntere es comunes no pasen estra Imea duran e la oscur dad de la noche Con 0 el sent nela nosot as debe mos gua. dar nuestro puesto con co dadosa v gtlanc a Asthma Left-No EI cor.zon dCl I. po t Oft estill muerto El coraz6n del mundo pol t co estil. m lerto Sola mente pue Ie er Sign of It Now nyeetado de n eva v da por la u on conee t va de un pueblo determ G ven Up Hope But Found 1 ado que no perm ta que sus ntercses sean frustrados 6 su causa sea Qu ck and Last ng Re (If abusada S. el negro a loptara la a ud de una agres va detcrn nae 6n cn dem:mde de sus de echo! e 0 sera una cucstlOn de poco tempo euando debamos arrancar nue ras 1 bertades(de los pode es ego stas y lalg as q e exsan EI negro forma una de tas ram al p esente s nembargo no to sabe cor uptas q e Ie roclean po iue )3 ,. a DOT 13 d v s on elias pueden muy I don ar Vote for ExplOItation orno la raza negra Esto es 10 que yo he desc 1 Europa That Baby You've Longed For z Fiebres anos You tOO,can Ealan as SlOOaWeelt I Will Sholll You HOIII. Without InfJe.'menl Experience 0' Tralftlll8, You Can Make $800 1ft 30 00". and Be On the Wa" to a BII/ Sa"",," Yoa Get You, Mone" at Once


Muchol am gCI en Europa Hemos hecho muchas am gos en Europa pero vosotros debe 5 real 7.a.t' que Ia pol tlea de Europa es fr a y s n alma Nosotros tenemos q e unlrnos para nuestra prop a protecc on y salvar a5 nuestra poster dau La Insolenc a de otros pud los hac a nosotras por razon Ie nuestros color BRAITHWAITE BUSINESS SCnOOL Is una cosa ya entend d. y pa ada Son muy poeos 10. que m ran al New Classes Startrng October 1st negro como un hombre a otro hombre s no que 10 cons deran como a un gorda 6 cualqu er otro an mnl de escala zoolog ca nfenor que no t ene 51er ography (P Iman or Grellll) Typen>rlltng lesponsab hdad en los asu tos de I. v da Esto puede que fuer. s.ti,fac tono at negro de pasadas epocas pero no es sat sfactar 0 para el negro Bool(~eep ng BUSiness EnglISh Anlhmehe actual de manera que yo l1amo la atene on de los negro. del mundo a que DAY and EVENING CLASSES .se organ cen asl m smos y se declaren defensores de sus derechos de BOCAS DEL TORO manera que padamos contmuar la cant nuaClOn de nuestra eXlstencla y CALL OR WBlTX FOB CATALOG HOIII Much Can You Make? Ia VIda de .quellos que tengan que gar.nt .ar nuestra postendad Audubon 9971 That depends on how much t me you devote 2376 Seventh Ave to I a proposlt on You can mnke anywhere Con los mCJores deseos tengo el honor de queclar from $100 to $200 n. week E A Swee of M ch gnn made' 200 for one month II wo It. nnd A Vuestro hum Ide serv dor B Spencer earned $626 in one month s spare t me W J McCrary jumped h iii eRrn ngs from MARCOS GARVEY $2 n day to $16 800 in the In~t three yea a--nnd PreSident General Un versal Negro Improvement Assoc atlOn I co d go on and on telUng au about my rep resen o.t YeS who have met w th equa success 57 Ca,tIetown Road West Kenstngton, London I mnke It easy for you to mal e an enorn OU8 income [not only turnlsh you with II I the October 8 1928. Informal on you need but [ tell you where to go what to slLf and how to make money

SPECIAL NOTICE The Comer Mnntlfncturlng Company Is the largest bU8iness or ItB kind In the world Any man who becomes n representnUv0 Is usurOO. of toJr square honeat treatment.. and wtll be proud of his connection with the company Print or write pln.lnl:v