GOLDSBOROUGH POST OFFICE Unfortunately, the price of a litre of oil is The Post Office at Yew Tree Cottage, very volatile. Are you sure you are Station Road opens on Monday, Tuesday purchasing your oil at the LOWEST Goldsborough and Flaxby and Thursday from 9.00am to 1.00pm. possible price? If you are not already a The usual Post Office services are member of the G&F Oil Purchasing Co- Parish Newsletter available including parcels, stamps, home operative your heating costs are higher shopping returns and, more importantly, than they need to be. Join the banking which, with recent bank closures Goldsborough & Flaxby Oil Purchasing Co- Spring 2020 Edition in Knaresborough, is extremely useful. operative and reduce your heating costs. The Co-operative is open to all oil users GOLDSBOROUGH NEIGHBOURHOOD and all correspondence is confidential. To WATCH start enjoying the financial benefits simply We have now set up a new email
[email protected] Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in Goldsborough. The GNW re-launch has GOLDSBOROUGH & FLAXBY been set up to inform residents in the WALKING GROUP village of current crime notices issued by We are currently planning our walking the police that are relevant to us. In turn, schedule for the next few months. If you residents will be encouraged to contact enjoy walking in the beautiful Yorkshire CORONAVIRUS UPDATE INSIDE the co-ordinator/s should an issue arise in countryside, please join us. We are a the village that is deemed to be of concern friendly group and you can be assured of a to the rest of the village.