Annex 5. Data Sheets a. Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) Anti-corruption Strategy OIOS, through independent, professional and timely audit, inspection, evaluation, monitoring and investigation activities, provides the United Nations management, the Secretary-General and the General Assembly with objective and useful information, advice and reports that support the achievement of organizational goals in the most cost-effective manner. As an agent of positive change, OIOS assists managers in promoting: 1. Accountability for the stewardship of resources 2. Efficiency and productivity 3. Cost-effective controls to ensure compliance with authority minimise waste and deter fraud and dishonesty. The Audit and Management Consulting Division (AMCD) is represented in Geneva and Nairobi. The Investigations Section is only represented in Nairobi. The other OIOS units, the Central Evaluation Unit and the Central Monitoring and Inspection Unit, do not have regional offices. Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Progress of the investigation and action 02 Feb thereon to Determine Responsibility for the 1995 theft of US$3.9 million in UNOSOM II Investigation of allegations of irregularities 05 Apr and mismanagement in MINURSO 1995 Audit of the UNPROFOR personnel pilot 06 Jun project 1995 Audit report on the United Nations Access 30 Control System project Nov 1995 Strengthening the role of evaluation 04 Apr findings in programme design, delivery and 1996 policy directives Audit of procurement handled by the 30 Apr Contracts and Procurement Service of the 1996 Department for Development Support and Management Services (DDSMS) Investigation of allegations of 19Jul misappropriations of United Nations assets 1996 at the United Nations Gift Centre Management audit of United Nations 22 Global Cargo and Motor Vehicle Insurance Aug Programmes 1996 Investigation of the United Nations Access 08 Oct Control System 1996 Inquiry into seminars of the Special 11 Oct Committee 1996 Audit and investigation of the International 06 Feb Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 1997

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Audit of headquarters catering operations 20 Feb 1997 Audit of the United Nations Logistics Base 20 Feb (UNLB) in Brindisi 1997 In-depth evaluation of the Department of 09 Apr Humanitarian Affairs 1997 Triennial review of the in-depth evaluation 21 Apr of the Social Development Programme 1997 Nairobi Investigation into the alleged conflict of 10 interest in the UNCHS (Habitat) Sept 1997 Audits of the Regional Commissions 27 Jan 1998 Follow-up on the audit and investigation of 6 Feb. the ICTR 1998 Audit of the use of consultants 5 Mar. 1998 Vienna In-depth evaluation of the United Nations 17 International Drug Control Programme Mar. 1998 Vienna In-depth evaluation of the United Nations 17 Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Mar. Division 1998 Nairobi Audit of the second United Nations 20 Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat Mar. II) 1998 Strengthening the role of evaluation 25 findings in programme design, delivery and Mar. policy directives 1998 Audit of the procurement process in 28 UNAVEM Apr. 1998 Audit of the Commercial Insurance 18 Programme Aug 1998 Audit of the United Nations Health 7 Oct Insurance Programme 1998 Audit of the Employment of Retirees 5 Nov 1998 Review of Procurement-related Arbitration 1 Mar Cases 1999

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners In-depth evaluation of the Disarmament 31 Mar Programme 1999 In-depth evaluation of Electoral Assistance 23 Mar 1999 Audit and Investigation of ICTY 3 Jun 1999 Investigation into the award of a fresh 13 Jul rations contract in a United Nations 1999 peacekeeping mission Audit of the management of service and 9 Sept ration contracts in peacekeeping missions 1999

Lebanon Investigation into the UNRWA field office 21 Sept in Lebanon 1999 Audit of the liquidation of peacekeeping 23 Sept missions 1999 Management audit of ECA and ESCAP 28 Sept conference centres 1999 Investigation into allegations concerning an 29 Sept electronic commerce project at UNCTAD 1999

Angola Investigation into $6.9 million procurement 16 Nov of quartering area goods in the UN Angola 1999 Verification Mission Bosnia Investigation into allegations of fraud in 20 Dec and travel at the United Nations Mission in 1999 Herzego- Bosnia and Herzegovina vina Audit of contingent-owned equipment 23 Feb procedures and payments to troop- 2000 contributing countries In-dept evaluation of the global 24 Mar development trends, issues and policies, and 2000 global approaches to social and micro- economic issues and policies, and the corresponding subprogrammes in the regional commissions In-dept evaluation of the Advancement of 29 Mar Women Programme 2000 Rwanda Audit of the Office of the United Nations 6 Apr High Commissioner for Human Rights 2000 Field Operation in Rwanda Strengthening the role of evaluation 4 Apr findings in programme design, delivery and 2000 policy directives Proactive investigation of the Education 10 Jun Grant entitlement 2000

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Investigation into the misdirection of 19 Oct contributions made by Member States to the 2000 United Nations Environment Programme Trust Fund account Investigation into the misdirection of 10 Jun contributions made by Member States to the 2000 United Nations Environment Programme Trust Fund account Follow-up audit of the recruitment process 19 Sep in the Office of Human Resources 2000 Management Rules and procedures to be applied for the 11 Oct investigation functions performed by the 2000 Office of Internal Oversight Services Follow-up audit on the implementation of 25 Jan procurement reform 2001 Inspection of the outcome of the 26 Jan consolidation of the three former economic 2001 and social departments into the Department of Economic and Social Affairs Investigation of possible fee-splitting 1 Feb arrangements at ICTR and ICT 2001 Inspection of the consolidation of technical 23 Feb support services in DGAACS 2001 Management audit of United Nations 1 Mar civilian police operations 2001 Enhancing the internal oversight 27 Mar mechanisms in operational funds and 2001 programmes, updated version Enhancing the internal oversight 8 Mar mechanisms in operational funds and 2001 programmes, updated version In-depth evaluation of sustainable 27 Mar development 2001 In-depth evaluation of the population 4 Apr programme. 2001 Triennial review of the implementation of 26 Apr the recommendations made by the CPC at 2001 its thirty-eighth session on the in-depth evaluation of the UN crime prevention and criminal justice

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Triennial review of the implementation of 4 May the recommendations made by the CPC at 2001 its thirty-eighth session on the in-depth evaluation of the UNDCP Vienna Inspection of programme management and 1 Jun administrative practices in the Office for 2001 Drug Control and Crime Prevention Audit of the policies and procedures of the 20 Jul DPKO for recruiting international civilian 2001 staff for field mission Report of the Office of Internal Oversight 19 Services for the period from 1 July 2000 to Sept 30 June 2001 2001 Nairobi Inspection of the administrative and 14 management practices of the UN Office at Nov Nairobi 2001 Nairobi Inspection of the administrative and 14 management practices of the UN Office at Nov Nairobi 2001 Audit of the establishment and management 26 of mission subsistence allowance rates Nov 2001 Vienna Investigation into allegation of misconduct 7 Dec and mismanagement of the "boat project" at 2001 the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners

Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners

Budget • 1998–1999: $26.5 million. – 2000-2001 : $29.2 million • Donors: UN budget + extrabudgetary resources (around $10 million)

Staff Place Number New York 132 staff: 94 professional and 38 General Service. Headquarter (USA) Nairobi (Kenya) Field Headquarters Geneva (Switzerland)

Contacts Name & function Address Headquarter Barbara Dixon United Nations Secretariat Chief, Investigations Office of Internal Oversight Services Section 1, UN Plaza New York, NY 10017, USA Phone: (212) 963-56-63 Fax: (212) 963-77-74 E-mail: [email protected]

Field Headquarters

b. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Anti-corruption Strategy UNDP approaches the fight against corruption as part of its overall programme to build and strengthen democratic governance. UNDP’s policy focuses on interventions as: 1. capacity building; 2. policy dialogue and advocacy 3. partnership building and 4. Knowledge networking

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Legislation, Conferences March Geir.Sundet@ The World Law 1999 Bank, EU enforcement Awareness Working Groups, The Tanzania Raising anti-corruption campaigns Prevention of Corruption Bureau, Civil Society, the Media Public Sector Financial management and May Frederique.Kb management, governance mechanisms 2000 [email protected] Awareness- assessment. Burundi raising Training for government, members of parliament, CSOs, private sector and media. Law Elaboration of the anti- 2000 Torre.Rose@u Ministry of enforcement, corruption law. ; Justice Prevention, Seminar, draft of an Action Esther.Kananu Rwanda Plan for the National Anti- [email protected] Corruption Commission Awareness Conference 2000 Civil Society Raising Institution Supporting the capacity March Goerges.nzong The WB, Building building of the Independent 2001 [email protected] DFID, Corrupt Practices and Other USAID, U.S Related Offences Dept of State, Commission (ICPC), The European Nigeria Support project framework Commission for the ICPC. Law Technical workshop 11-12 Anti- Enforcement July corruption 2001 Bodies, civil society

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Institution Development of an National 2001 World Bank Building, Law Governance Programme, Institute, Uganda enforcement, Implementation of the Awareness national action plan, Raising strengthening the Inspector General’s Office Institution Governance and Public 3rd Office of the East Timor Building, Sector Management quarter Inspector Prevention, Programme, Staff training, of 2001 General Public Sector Workshops management Law Implementation of existing Since Tserendoy@u Media, NGO’s Mongolia enforcement law, national survey, 1998 Awareness workshop with MP’s, Raising National anti-corruption program FR of Institution Early Warning Systems, July Thomas.Kersc Yugoslavia Building Creation of a Supreme audit 2000 [email protected] institution, Kyrgyz- Awareness Public Opinion Poll Early stan Raising 2001 Institution Round Table with the 11 June Sergei.Sirotkin Building, National Anti-Corruption 2001 Ukraine Legislation Program Action Plan Late Government 2001 Jordan Financial Sector Financial management 1998 Firas.Ghavaibe assessment [email protected] Creation of the Office of Ombudsman Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Burkina Institution Coordination of the first 2002 Rikke.Damm Government Faso Building & National Ethics Forum. Reinforce-ment Foster collaboration and donors. Guinea Law Assessment Conakry enforcement Legislation Tanzania Law Project Document Geir.Sundet@ enforcement Mongolia Institution National Anti-corruption Tserendoy@u Building program

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Private Sector Preparing a Corporate Code Mauritius Management of Conduct Government Law Assisting the Select enforcement Committee on Fraud and Corruption Support to the early Henny.Matos Government Institution Decentralisation and 2002 Building Municipal Development Project (PDDM) Seminars, debates, training courses. Collaboration with Mozam- the local universities. bique Civic Training course for BMZ Trust Awareness journalists Fund Public Sector Assisting the Technical Unit Reform for Public Sector Reform (UTRESP). Seminars and training. Public Monitor accountability in Government Administra-tion public administration Civil society Legislation Project preparation and The World Bangladesh Public sector Implementation for a Bank Management Nationally-owned financial management reform program Governance Judicial Reform, civil service Oct World Bank, Reform reform, electoral system and 2000 ADB, WBI, management, legislative Media, Private Indonesia empowerment, civil Sector, society/media strengthening, and corporate governance. surveys, interviews, analytical work legal and institutional framework, national workshop

Nepal Awareness Access to Justice and Reform TI Raising, of the Judiciary project. Judiciary, Law enforcement

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Pakistan Prevention, Training Staff Paul.Oquist@u UNDP Asia Institution Establishment of an Governance Building, Independent Procurement Resource Law Authority, Facility enforcement Strengthening of the national Audit Institution Philippines Investigative Improve the role of Centre for investigative media, Investigative Audit project. journalism Ecuador Law Support of local governments Francesco.Nott enforcement anti-corruption practices [email protected] Public Sector National Integrity Plan, 10 year $70 M Christian.Jette WB, Sweden, Management, Civil service and police project , Awareness forces reform, Denmark, Bolivia Raising workshops Netherlands Awareness Civil society workshops TI la Paz Raising Project fund to support CSO anti-corruption initiatives

Panama Prevention, Civic education and national Elisabeth.Fong TI Awareness dialogue project Raising Information access, investigative journalism plans Uruguay Institution Preparatory Assistance Feb. Martian@undp Building, project to establish an 2000 .org Public Sector oversight anti-corruption Management, body Awareness Raising FR of Institution Workshop, 23-24 Thomas.Kersc European Yugoslavia Building, Training Feb [email protected] Movement in Legislation, Creation of a Supreme audit 2001 Serbia, Law institution and of an Inter-Agency enforcement, Independent National Audit Procurement Awareness Office in Serbia Services Raising Office Institution National Anti-Corruption Government, Building, Program Open Legislation, Society’s Awareness Georgian Raising Foundation

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Institution Development Program of a Sergei.Sirotkin Accounting Building, democratic system of Chamber, The Ukraine Law accountability National enforcement, Ombudsman Awareness Raising Romania Institution Training key personnel, Matteo.Bonfan UNCICP, US Building, Law New legislation, International [email protected] Dept of Enforcement, Cooperation, Establishment Justice, Legislation of a National Anti-Corruption , Greece Commission Jordan Law Supporting the Anti- Firas.ghanaibe Government Enforcement Corruption Unit [email protected] Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Burundi Governance Action Plans Ethiopia Awareness Seminars, Workshops Raising. Institution Interactive Training seminar March Georges.Nzon TI Nigeria Building for ICPC members 2002 [email protected] Prevention g Law Integrated in the Justice and Axel.Piers@un Ministry of Enforcement, Human Rights Project Justice, of Republic of Judiciary, Interior, Congo Awareness Ombudsman Raising, Office, civil Prevention. society, TI, UNHCHR. Institution Training and Exchange Early Bob.Boase@u Ministry of Building, Centre for Construction a 2002 supervision, Public sector Clean Government and Anti- China China management, Corruption Project. International Legislation, Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges Institution Support the establishment of 2002- Myrieme.Znib Government Building, the Course des Comptes 2006 [email protected] Morocco Law Regionales Enforcement, Strengthen the National 2002 TI, 50 other Awareness Observatory on corruption NGO’s Raising, Prevention

Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners St Vincent Institution Assistance to fulfil the & Building, requirements of the OAS Grena- Legislation, Convention Against dines Law Corruption Enforcement Support the Constitutional Reform Budget • 1999 budget: $1,027 M • Donors :country members

Staff Place Number Headquarter New York (USA) Field Headquarters

Contacts Name & function Address Institutional Development Group, Headquarter Pauline Tamesis Bureau for Development Policy Policy Specialist UNDP (Anti-Corruption, 304 East45th Street, Room FF 1262, Accountability and New York 10017, USA Transparency) Tel: +1 212 906 5349 Fax: +1 212 906 6471 E-mail: [email protected] 187 Field Offices Field Headquarters

c. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Anti-corruption Strategy DESA’s corruption prevention activities and other capacity-building activities are mandated by General Assembly Resolution 50/225: Public Administration and Development, which underlines the importance of transparent and accountable governance and administration in all public and private national and international institutions. Meetings of the Group of Experts on the United Nations Programme on Public Administration and Finance have made specific recommendations to continue activities to promote professionalism, ethics, accountability and transparency in the public sector. DESA’s Division for Public Economics and Public Administration (DPEPA) has responded to these challenges through strengthening public sector institutions. The idea is to remove those opportunities, set up a system to detect corrupt public officials and preserve honest ones, and enlist private sector and civil society organisations in a vigilant watch against corruption. Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Thailand Law Enforcement Strengthening local 01/11/ $150,000 governments and 95- communities 30/06/ 97 Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Public Sector Mayor’s Forum 1 Apr $360,000 Asia and Management 2000- the Pacific Capacity Building Policy development $350,000 Law Enforcement Support to Global & 1 Jan $223,750 Regional Activities 2000- Institution Building, Promoting gender 1 Jul $1,241,000 Inter- Public sector equality 2000- regional Management (Africa) Legislation, Global Forum 1 Jan $25,000 2000- Latin Public sector 1 Mar $307,565 America Management 2000- and the Caribbean Botswana Institution Building Capacity building for the 1 Dec $74,212 Office of the Clerk of 1998- National Assembly China Public Sector Global Forum 1 Jan $137,592 Management 1996 Indian Public Sector Management 31 May $1,129,434 Management Development of Senior 1993 Administrator Brazil Legislation Development policies 1 Jan $94,880 1997-

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Zambia Public sector Public Service 1 Dec $157,226 Management Management 1998- Swaziland Law Enforcement Strengthening good 10 Mar $70,000 governance 1997- Togo Law Enforcement Assist the governance 1 Feb $35,000 mission 1997- Papua New Financial Sector Technical assistance in 1 Dec $65,348 Guinea financial management 1998- Haiti Law Enforcement Strengthening the Public 9 Nov $56,871 function 1995- Uganda Legislation Governance PSD $197,999 formulation Tanzania Private Sector Economic Management 1 Aug $151,000 Management and development 1999- Private Sector Strengthening 1 Dec $4,947 Management Management in Public 1998- Sector Sub- Prevention Africa governance 1 Jan $500,000 Saharan inventory 1999- Africa Law Enforcement RBA governance support 1 Dec $24,522 facility 1998- Sudan Public sector Civil Service Reform $146,000 Management Law Enforcement Support to the general 1 Jul $34,000 Mozam- elections 1999- bique Law Enforcement Assistance to local 1 Jan $68,299 elections 1997- Namibia Law Enforcement Support to good 1 Nov $95,559 governance 1998- Pakistan Awareness Raising, Support the government 1 Aug $141,500 Law Enforcement information house 1998- Law Enforcement Increase the role of local 1 Jan $78,999 governance 2000- Benin Public Sector Strengthening the 1 Dec $111,375 Management management capacities 1997- Romania Prevention National preventive 1 Feb $21,400 action system 2000- Burkina Law enforcement Support to National 1 Jul $425,356 Faso Governance Plan 1999 Law Enforcement Assistance on 1 Mar $67,155 strengthening 1998 governance

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Burundi Awareness Raising, Support to good 1 Mar $1,608,451 Law enforcement governance promotion 1999 Cameroon Law enforcement Support to National 1 Nov $110,725 Governance Plan 1997 Cape Verde Public Sector Support the 16 Nov $32,956 Management administrative reform 1995 Chad Awareness Raising, Surveys on Governance $50,000 Prevention Ethiopia Civil Service Civil Service Reform 1 Aug $40,440 1999 Global Public Sector Public Administration 1 Jun $1,525,000 Management Network (UNPAN) 1999 Metropolitan 1 Oct $18,183 Management in Havana 1997 City Sub- Institution Building Capacity Building in 1 Dec $367,000 Saharan Conflict management 1999- Africa Ivory Cost Law Enforcement, Support the Financial 1 Aug $201,299 Financial Sector sector reform 1998- Ethiopia Public Sector Technical Support 1 Mar $35,000 Management 2000- Jordan Law Enforcement Strengthening the 1 Dec $352,848 Income Tax Department 1998 Libya Legislation Development Plan 15 Jul $937,683 Formulation 1997 Maurita- Public Sector Governance $288,000 nia Management Decentralisation, Reform Mozam- Public Sector Support to SIFAP 1 Apr $127,629 bique Management 1999 Judiciary Support to the justice 1 Mar $508,141 sector 1999 Namibia Law Enforcement Support to good 1 Nov $93,875 governance 1998 Romania Institution Building, Capacity Building for 1 Jan $128,050 Law Enforcement conflict analysis 2000 Senegal Public Sector Support decentralisation $161,849 Management

Sierra Law Enforcement Development of 1 Jan $200,000 Leone programme for capacity 2000

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Law Enforcement Development 1 Jan $34,000 South management and support 2000 Africa for policy Law Enforcement Capacity Building for 1 May $3,500,000 local governance 1999 Guinea- Law Enforcement Assist the national 1 Dec $300,000 Bissau governance program 1998 Haiti Public Sector Governance and $170,544 Management Decentralisation Coordination Operational Support $1,585,000 Institution Building Regional programme 1 Jan $462,850 Inter- framework for 1999 regional and CIS Institution Building, Human resources 1 Jan $318,000 Law Enforcement development 1999 Kenya Capacity Building Nairobi City Council 1 Jun $304,499 1998 Latin Legislation Capacity Building and $632,000 America institutional strengthen and the Carib-bean Liberia Law Enforcement Promotion of good 1 Jan $1,454,500 governance 1998 Netherland Financial Sector Modernisation 20 Sep $33,615 Antilles 1994 Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners


Donors :

Staff Place Number Headquarter New York (USA) Field Headquarters Contacts Name & function Address Elia YI Armstrong United Nations Headquarter Public sector ethics, Department of Publics Economics and Social Corruption and Affairs development 1, UN Plaza New York, NY 10017, YSA Phone: (212) 963-29-26 Fax: (212) 963-29-16 E-mail: [email protected] Field Headquarters

d. Centre for International Crime Prevention (CICP)

Anti-corruption Strategy The Global Program Against Corruption (GPAC) helps countries help themselves to deter and control corruption, with the following programmatic objectives: -Promoting integrity, efficiency, effectiveness of the criminal justice system, operations and -Procedures focussing on the judiciary; -Facilitating an evidence-based, transparent, inclusive, non-partisan, comprehensive and impact-oriented approach and a multi- disciplinary perspective to corruption reform; -Building and implementing national integrity strategies and broad-based anti-corruption action plans; -Comprehensive assessment of corruption and counter measures (types, level, costs, risks, impact, remedies), focusing on the criminal justice system and examining other sectors; and -Enhancing the capacity and upgrading the performance of criminal justice systems and personnel, across agencies. Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinators Partners - CICP Assessment in 2000 $580.000 Buscaglia UNDP, Colombia - Legislation three pilot (Fully USAID, World - Social Controls governments funded) Edgardo.Busca Bank, OAS, - Assessment - Local Governments [email protected] TI, Chamber and Judicial pilots .at of Commerce workshop to validate CICP Assessment - Implementation of reform program -Prevention - Assessment 1999 $50,000 Langseth USAID, US -Legislation - Awareness raising (Fully Office of Hungary -Institution - New Legislation funded) Petter.Langseth Ethics, US building Ministry of Justice, TI, Gallup Hungary - Prevention, -Approval of corruption 1999 $151,300 Langseth USAID, Lebanon - Awareness report (Fully UNICR, TI, Raising -define new phase of the funded) Petter.Langseth Univ. of Beirut - Assessment project Judiciary, -Comprehensive assessment 1999 $275,000 Petter.Langseth Institute of Criminal justice, -Round Table on “Who is (Fully Security South Law guarding the Guards?” funded) "Ugi Zvekic" Studies, TI Africa Enforcement Romania I Legislation, -6 seminars for staff from the 1999 $280.000 Langseth UNDP,EC,US Institution criminal justice system Petter.Langseth AID, World Building - Awareness raising Bank, TI, Pro - New Legislation Democracy Benin Institution -Appointment of National 2000 $44,000 Edgardo.Buscagl UNDP, World Building Integrity Commission, (Fully [email protected] Bank, France, -National Integrity meeting funded) TI - Judicial -Assessment in 3 pilot states Langseth / Integrity (9 courts) Abba Nigeria Law Enforce- -Action Planning meetings in $290,000 Mohamed DFID, TI, ment 3 pilot states, 2000- petter.langseth NIALS -Chief Justice leadership group meeting June 13-14

Current activities

Place Sectors Components Starting Budget Coordinators Partners Date Prevention, -Approval of corruption 1999 $151,300 Langseth USAID, Lebanon Awareness report, Petter.Langseth UNICR, TI, Raising -define new phase of the Univ. of Beirut project Prevention, -National Integrity meeting, 1999 $50,000 Langseth USAID, US Cooperation -Best practise sharing with Petter.Langseth Office of Hungary EU Ethics, US Ministry of Justice, TI, Gallup Hungary

Romania II -Legislation, -Approval of new Project, 2002 Unfun- Stolpe UNDP , EC, Institution -Identify funding for phase II ded Oliver.Stolpe@ USAID, World Building Bank, TI, Pro -Judicial Democracy integrity - Legislation -Municipal pilot 2001 $580.000 Buscaglia UNDP, - Social Workshop to process Edgardo.Busca USAQID, Colombia Control assessment, [email protected] World Bank, -Implementation of reform .at OAS, TI, program Chamber of Commerce Judiciary, -Comprehensive assessment, 2001 $290,000 Zwekic Institute of Criminal -Workshop for prosecutors Ugi Zvekic" Security justice, and investigators, Africa ment investigators, -Establish impact indicators for the Batho Pele programme

Appraisal Mission (Mar) Iran Judiciary - Role of Van Dijk UNDCP prosecutors/judges 2002 $ 300,000 Buscaglia - Self Assessment Seminar Langseth - Code of Conduct

Indonesia Judiciary Appraisal Mission (Mar) 2002 Unfunded Van Dijk UNDCP Langseth

Judiciary Appraisal Mission (Mar) Langseth Afghanista Legal Sector 2002 Stolpe UNDCP n Buscaglia

Appraisal Mission (Feb) Buscaglia Guatemala Organized Institution Building of 2002 Funded by Gonzalez-Ruiz UNDCP Central Crime Prosecutors and Investiators US US State Dept America Drugs

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Starting Budget Coordinators Partners Date -Building Judicial integrity in Langseth / DFID, Uganda, Stolpe Common- Judicial -3rd chief justice leadership group wealth Integrity meeting in Nigeria (June 12-13), US$ Petter.Langseth@ Secretariat Promotion -Building judicial integrity in Sri 2000 100,000 , TI Project Lanka, Oliver.Stolpe@cic -Building Judicial integrity in South Africa Technical -Dissemination meeting in Riyadh 2002 Al-Mulla Material, (May 25-29) Publication -Policy manual: Prosecutors and series Investigators (South Africa), -Toll kit, regional dissemination Global - Data ready for analysis Feb 02 Buscaglia Trends - Analytical Framework complete Feb 02 Van Dijk - Benchmarking analysis May 02 - Policy Analysis and Recomd. Oct 02 Global - Final Draft of Global Trends Nov 02 Programm - Publication in Forum Dec 03 es Workshops 2002- -Romania, -Ukraine, Edgardo.Buscagli -Macedonia, [email protected]. -Mauritius, Organised -Bosnia-Herzegovina, Crime And -Guinea-Bissau Corruption Workshop Langseth - South Africa, 2002 Bucaglia -Nigeria Zweckic

Tool Kit Global Dissemination - Africa 2002 Langseth - Arab World 2002 Al-Mulla - Latin America 2003 Buscaglia

Judicial Judicial Integrity Langseth Global Integrity - Common Law 2001 Stolpe - Civil Law Buscaglia

Co-ordination meetings: Langseth/ Global Co-ordination 1st meeting Feb 4-5/02, 2002 Goddard and Out reach 2nd meeting July 2002, 2002 Langseth/L4 3rd meeting Oct 2002, 2002 Langseth/L4 -Reform initiatives, Consultation Langseth/L4

Current Activities

Place Sectors Components Starting Budget Coordinators Partners Date Global Publications -UN Manual on Anti-Corruption Programmes Policy -Anti-Corruption Tool Kit -Forum on Crime and Society, Gen -Forum on Corruption -Forum on Global Trends Internet Web Page: Suzanne Kunnen Judiciary, Law -Assessment in 3 pilot states, 2002 $ Langseth / Stolpe/ DFID, TI Enforce-ment -Action planning meetings in 3 300.000 Buscaglia Nigeria pilot states, -Federal Integrity Meeting Edgardo.Buscaglia - Judicial Capacity building Petter.Langseth@ci Oliver.Stolpe@cic Future Plans Place Sectors Components Starting Budget Coordinators Partners Date Awareness UN Manual for AC Ram US MOJ, US State Global raising Policy Langseth Dept. France, Capacity OECD, EC building Awareness Anti Corruption Tool US MOJ, France, raising Kit Dissemination Langseth NORAD, OECD, Global Capacity - Regional 2001 EC, OAS, Interpol, Building - National Metropolitan Police - Sub National level London, New York Police, TI, Chamber of Commerce Bogota Global Global Trends Causes of Corruption Bucaglia UNICRI, TI, Gallup in Crime and Evidence based best 2002 International Corruption Practice for curbing corruption Indonesia Judiciary - Judicial integrity 2002 Jan van Dijk Dutch &capacity building Langseth UNDP Bucaglia Iran Judiciary - Judicial integrity and 2002 Jan van Dijk Dutch capacity building Buscaglia UNDPC Langseth Guatemala Law 2002 Gonzales-Ruiz UNDCP enforcement Bucaglia US Afghanistan Drugs and Drugs and Crime 2002 Buscaglia UNDCP Crime Stolpe Capacity building

Budget • 2002 Budget: $1,720,633 • Donors: USA, France, Netherlands, and Norway.

Staff Place Number Headquarter Vienna () 7 in the Headquarter

Field Headquarters Nigeria, Colombia, 4 in the Field Lebanon Contacts Name & function Address Global Programme against Corruption Headquarter Petter Langseth Centre for International Crime Prevention Programme Manager Vienna International Centre P.O. Box 500, Room E1272 A-1400 Vienna - Austria Fax:+43(1) 26060-5898 Phone:+43(1) 26060-4406 Web: Field Headquarters

e. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Anti-corruption Strategy The OECD Anti-Corruption Division's work programme falls into four main areas: Ensuring effective implementation of the OECD Convention Examining specific issues relating to bribery and corruption in international business transactions Associating non-members with the OECD work on corruption Building partnerships and facilitating co-ordination and policy dialogue Promoting the efficient functioning of markets and enterprises in a globalising economy is the prime objective of the Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs (DAF). The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is the principal body through which the OECD deals with issues related to co-operation with developing countries. The Centre for Co-operation with Non-Members (CCNM) fosters and manages the OECD's dialogue with transition and emerging market economies and some developing countries, sharing institutional and policy options and promoting participation in OECD Committees and adherence to OECD standards and instruments. The Corporate Affairs Division works on company law reform, corporate governance, insolvency, financial disclosure and accounting reform, and privatisation and governance of state-owned assets. As an integral part of its mission, the OECD assists governments in building and strengthening effective, efficient and transparent government structures through its Public Management Programme (PUMA). SIGMA, a joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union, supports good governance in thirteen countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The initiative advises countries on improving administrative efficiency and promoting adherence of public sector staff to democratic values, ethics and respect for the rule of law. SIGMA also helps to build up indigenous capacities at the central government level to face the challenges of internationalisation and of EU integration

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Paris Law OECD Convention on 21/11/ 29 Enforcement Combating Bribery of Foreign 97 signatories + Public Officials in International Argentina, Business Transactions Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Slovak Republic Legislation Workshop on combating 1998 USAID corruption in Transition Economies (Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS) Legislation Conference on National and 1998 OSCE International Approaches to improve Integrity and Transparency in Government (Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Asia) Legislation, Workshop on Combating 1998 OAS Law Bribery in International Business Enforcement Transactions in Latin American

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Washington Symposium on Fighting Feb Corruption in Developing 1999 Countries and Emerging Economies :The role of the Private Sector Law Conference on combating 11-13 TI, Pacific Enforcement corruption in Asian and Pacific Dec Basin Seoul Economies 2000 Economic Council, ADB Law Anti-Corruption Symposium 30-31 ADB Enforcement Dec 2001 Manila Law ADB/OECD Workshop on 29-1 ADB Enforcement combating corruption in Asian Oct and Pacific Economies 1999 Tokyo Law Third Annual Conference of the 28-30 ADB Enforcement ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Nov Initiative for Asia-Pacific 2001 Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Argentina Financial Sector CCNM Armenia Financial/ Private sectors CCNM Management, Legislation Azerbaijan Financial/Private Sector CCNM Management Albania Financial/Private/Public sector CCNM, SIGMA, 1996- Bob Bonwitt COE, EU Management, Legislation PUMA

Belarus Financial/Private Sectors CCNM Management, Legislation Bosnia Financial/Public Sectors CCNM, SIGMA, Bob Bonwitt EU Herzegovin Management, Legislation PUMA a Brazil Financial Sector CCNM 1993- Bulgaria Financial/Private/ CCNM, SIGMA 1995- EU Public Sectors management Chile Financial Sector CCNM 1989- China Financial/Private Sector CCNM 1996- Management Colombia Financial Sector Management CCNM 1996- Financial/ Private/Public Sector CCNM, SIGMA, Bob Bonwitt EU Management, Legislation PUMA

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Egypt Financial Sector CCNM 1996-

Estonia Financial Sector, Private/Public CCNM, SIGMA 1998- Sector Management FYR of Financial Sector, Private Sector CCNM, SIGMA, Bob Bonwitt EU Macedonia Management, Legislation PUMA

Georgia Financial Sector, Private Sector CCNM Management, Legislation Hong-Kong Financial Sector CCNM, FATF India Financial Sector Management CCNM 1995- Israel Financial Sector Management CCNM 1996-

Kazakhstan Private Sector Management, CCNM Legislation Kosovo Public Procurement SIGMA Nicolas Dubois EU Kyrgyz Private Sector Management, CCNM Republic Legislation Latvia Financial Sector, Private/Public CCNM, SIGMA 03/98- EU sector Management, Legislation Lithuania Financial Sector, Private Sector CCNM, SIGMA 03/98- EU Management Malaysia Financial Sector Management CCNM 1989-

Moldova Financial Sector, Private Sector CCNM, PUMA Bob Bonwitt Management, Legislation Mongolia Financial Sector, CCNM Private sector Management Morocco Financial Sector Management CCNM 1996 Peru Financial Sector Management CCNM 1996- Romania Financial Sector, Private Sector CCNM, SIGMA, Bob Bonwitt EU Management, Legislation PUMA Russia All Sectors CCNM 8/06/94 Singapore Financial Sector Management CCNM 1989- Slovak Legislation, Public Sector CCNM, SIGMA 1991 EU Republic Management, Law Enforcement

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Slovenia Private/Financial Sector CCNM Management, Law Enforcement South Financial Sector Management CCNM 1996- Africa Tajikistan Private Sector Management, CCNM Legislation Thailand Multi-country programmes CCNM 1989- Turkmeni- Private Sector Management, CCNM stan Legislation Ukraine Legislation CCNM, 1997 Uzbekistan Law Enforcement, Legislation CCNM, 1997 Venezuela Financial Sector Management CCNM 1996 Vietnam Law Enforcement, Financial CCNM 1997 Sector Estonia, Law Enforcement, Judicial Baltic Anti- 03/00- USAID, Latvia, Reform Corruption 12/02 Norway Lithuania Initiative Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners


Donors : Staff Place Number Headquarter Paris (France)

Field Headquarters Contacts Name & function Address Bob Bonwitt OECD Headquarters Headquarter Head of Programme PUMA 2, rue André-Pascal Nicola BONUCCI 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 Directorate for Legal Affairs Tel.: 33 (0) 1 45 24 81 81 Enery QUINONES Fax: 33 (0) 1 45 24 19 50 Head Anti-corruption Division, E-mail: [email protected] Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Internet: Enterprise Affairs OECD BERLIN Centre GERMANY Albrechtstrasse 9/10 D-10117 BERLIN Tel.: (49-30) 2888353 Fax: (49-30) 28883545 Web:


JAPAN Landic Akasaka Bldg Field Headquarters 2-3-4 Akasaka, Minato-Ku


Tel.: (81-3) 3586 2016 Fax: (81-3) 3584 7929 Internet: OECD MEXICO Centre MEXICO Av. Presidente Mazaryk 526 Colonia: Polanco C.P. 11560 Mexico, D.F Tel.: (00.52.5) 281 3810 Fax: (00.52.5) 280 0480 Internet:

OECD WASHINGTON Centre UNITED STATES 2001 L Street N.W. Suite 650 WASHINGTON D.C. 20036-4922 Tel.: (1-202) 785 6323 Fax: (1-202) 785 0350 Internet:

f. The Council of Europe Anti-corruption Strategy Multidisciplinary approaches through: Standards setting activities, Technical Cooperation (GMC: conventions, recommendations, resolutions) Technical cooperation (programme activities – Octopus and PACO –, conference of specialised services in the fight against corruption) Monitoring (GRECO for corruption, PC-R-EV for money laundering) Basic action Plan is the Programme of action against corruption of 1996 Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Strasbourg Law Enforce- Anti Corruption Conference 24-25 CoE ment Apr 1996 Strasbourg Monitoring GRECO: 1,18 M € CoE mutual evaluation of anti- corruption measures (33 countries in January 2002). First round 2000-2002 devoted to examining 1) the institutional capacity of members to prevent, detect, investigate, prosecute and adjudicate corruption-related offences; 2) possible obstacles due to the systems of immunities Tallinn Public Anti Corruption Conference 27-29 CoE Procurement Oct 1997 Madrid Trading/ Anti Corruption Conference 28-30 CoE Illegal Oct financing of 1998 Political parties Limassol International Anti Corruption Conference 20-22 CoE (Cyprus) Cooperation Oct 1999 Istanbul Judiciary Anti Corruption Conference 15-18 CoE Nov 2000 Portoroz Prevention Anti Corruption Conference 26-28 CoE Sept 2001 France, Law Set of study visits 1V for May- CoE Governmenta Ireland, enforcement specialised police officers, June l author-ties , prosecutors, judges, 1999 of the host Sweden legislation/policy-makers country juvenile delinquency and prevention of organised crime

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Strasbourg Standard Drafting of: 1994 – e.g. in CoE European setting -Programme of action against 2001 2001: Committee Legislation, corruption (adopted 1996) 245.000€ for Judicial Judiciary, -Resolution on 20 Guiding Cooperation Law Principles for the fight against (CoE- CDCJ) Enforcement, Corruption (1997) -European -Resolution authorising the Committee setting-up of the Group of States on Crime against corruption –GRECO Problems (1998) (CoE-CDPC) -Criminal law Convention on -Council of Corruption (1999) the EU. -Civil Law Convention on 10 Observer Corruption (1999) countries, -Recommendation on Codes of 7 Agencies conduct for public officials and, appended, Model Code of Conduct for public officials (2000) -Recommendation on Common Rules against corruption in the financing of political parties (finalised 2001 for discussion/adoption 2002) -Protocol to the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, on corruption of arbitrators and jurors (finalised 2001 for discussion / adoption 2002)

Italy, Law Set of study visits 2Va for June- CoE Governmenta France, enforcement prosecutors July l authorities Austria, Investigative means used to 1999 of the host Denmark fight corruption and organised country crime Strasbourg Law Multilateral seminar 2S for 21-23 CoE enforcement practitioners April Enhancement of investigative 1999 means against corruption and organised crime , Law Set of study visits 2Vb for police Sept- CoE Governmenta France, Enforcement officers Oct l authorities Germany, investigative means and 1999 of the host Netherlands specialised units used to fight country corruption

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Albania, Law OCTOPUS I/ PACO Jun 2,4 M Ludovic European Bulgaria, Enforcement, Programme against Corruption 96- Euros Aigrot Commission Croatia, Prevention, and Organised Crime in 1998 Crime for the entire Czech Cooperation countries in transition Seminars And problems Programme Republic, Awareness and study visits for practitioners, 1999- Division CoE Estonia, Raising, training, networking 2000 Hungary, Legislation, Latvia, Institutions Lithuania, Building, Moldova, Prevention Poland, Standards Romania, Improvement Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, “the FYR of Macedonia”, Ukraine

France, Law Set of study visits 2Vc for police Oct- CoE Governmenta Germany, Enforcement officers investigative means and Nov l authorities , specialised units used to fight 1999 of the host Netherlands organised crime country

Tallinn Law Multilateral seminar 3S for 14-16 CoE Governmenta (Estonia) Enforcement practitioners June l authorities Seminar on the enhancement of 1999 of the host interagency cooperation and the country setting up of specialised units France, Law Set of Study visits 3V for judges, Jan CoE Governmenta Sweden, Enforcement prosecutors, police officers and 2000 l authorities Belgium, legislation/policy-makers of the host Germany Methods of conducting country corruption, organised crime, drug and tax evasion cases, inter-agency co-operation and functioning of specialised units Bratislava Law Multilateral seminar 4S for 28 CoE Governmenta (Slovakia) Enforcement practitioners Sept. - l authorities cooperation with criminal justice 1 Oct of the host agencies and protection of 1999 country vulnerable targets including witnesses

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Germany, Law Set of study visits 4V for judges, Feb- CoE Governmenta Ireland, Enforcement prosecutors, police officers and Mar l authorities Italy, legislation/policy-makers ways 2000 of the host Austria for encouraging informants to country cooperate with criminal justice and develop means of ensuring protection of witnesses and victims Sinaïa Law Multilateral seminar 5S for 1-3 CoE Governmenta (Romania) Enforcement practitioners Corporate criminal Mar l authorities liability 2000 of the host country Borovetz Law Multilateral seminar 6S for 1-3 CoE Governmenta (Bulgaria) Enforcement practitioners Dec l authorities Criminalisation of corruption 1999 of the host and organised crime country Budapest Law Multilateral seminar 7S for 29-31 CoE Governmenta Enforcement practitioners May l authorities Enhancement of bilateral and 2000 of the host multilateral co-operation in the country fight against corruption and organised crime Bled Law Multilateral seminar 8S for 10-12 CoE Governmenta (Slovenia) Enforcement practitioners May l authorities Seminar on the investigation, 2000 of the host prosecution and sanction of country economic crimes United Law Set of study visits 8Va for police Sept CoE Kingdom, Enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges and 2000 France, legislation/policy-makers Sweden, examine how economic crimes Denmark, (credit cards, electronic Spain payments) are dealt with in the hosting countries Belgium, Law Set of study visits 8Vb for Oct CoE Governmenta , Enforcement officials from Ministries of 2000 l authorities France, Finance and National Banks of the host Ireland to examine the implementation country of financial law to combat corruption and organised crime in the hosting countries

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Dubrovnik Multilateral seminar 9S for 19-21 CoE Governmenta (Croatia) practitioners June l authorities Seminar on the enhancement of 2000 of the host international sharing of country information Armenia Legislation Legal assistance in the CoE development of legal instruments against corruption, organised crime and money laundering Azerbaijan Law Follow-up assistance in the fight May CoE Enforcement against organised crime, 2001 corruption and money laundering Georgia Legislation Codes of conducts for public CoE officials Russia Legislation Expert assistance in the drafting CoE and implementation of legal texts relating to the fight against corruption (preparation for the ratification of the Criminal law convention on corruption) Russia Legislation Expert assistance in the drafting CoE of the law related to the protection of witnesses Russia / Law Seminar on the fight against CoE North Enforcement corruption as a condition to the Caucasus Awareness observance of the Rule of Law Raising Russia / Awareness Seminar on organised crime and CoE Siberia Raising, Law corruption in the Siberian region Enforcement Bratislava Law Multilateral seminar for CoE (Slovakia) Enforcement practitioners Strengthening of training capacities for the prevention of corruption (10 EU candidate countries)

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Bosnia and Law Planning workshop on 16-17 CoE Stability Pact Herzegovina Enforcement corruption, organised crime and Dec. partners money laundering 1999 (OECD, USA etc), Kosovo Awareness Planning and assessment mission 1-4 CoE Stability Pact Raising on corruption, organised crime Feb partners and money laundering 2000 (OECD, USA etc),

Albania Legislation Review mission on corruption, 21-23 CoE Stability Pact organised crime and money Mar partners laundering 2000 (OECD, USA etc)

Albania Law Technical assistance mission 5-15 CoE Enforcement, (setting up of Albanian anti- Sept. Institution corruption monitoring group 2000 Building etc.). Bulgaria Legislation Regional seminar on the 19-21 CoE effectiveness of anti-corruption Oct legislation 2000 Bulgaria Judiciary Regional Meeting of Prosecutor 26-27 CoE Generals on transnational Oct organised crime: creation of a 2000 judicial network, adoption of a Declaration Albania Law PACO Albania − Strengthening Dec. CoE Sweden Enforcement, of the Albanian Anti-corruption 2000 – Legislation Monitoring Group attached to Dec the Prime Minister’s office. 2001

Regional Law PACO Proceeds − Confiscation June CoE project Enforcement, of proceeds from crime: 2001- (South- Legislation Training programmes for judges, Dec eastern prosecutors, police and other law 2001 Europe) enforcement officers elaborated. 2 regional workshops and 2 study visits

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Regional Law PACO Network June- CoE Romanian project Enforcement, Meeting of prosecutors general Dec authorities (South- Legislation of central and eastern Europe 2001 eastern held in Sofia in October 2000. In Europe) May 2001, the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Romanian authorities held the 2nd Pan-European Conference of Prosecutors General of Europe in Bucharest with regional seminar held in Bulgaria from 25 to 27 June 2001 Kosovo Legislation Support to the reform of the Feb- CoE UNMIK criminal legislation: 4 missions Dec. to Kosovo 2001

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Albania, Legislation, PACO 27 Jan Manuel Bosnia- Law Criminal Law Convention, 1999- Lezuerta Herzegovina, Enforcement Head of Crime Bulgaria, Problem Croatia, Division Macedonia, Republic of Montenegro, Romania, Armenia, Legislation, OCTOPUS II Technical 2001- EU Azerbaijan, Criminal Law, Cooperation Georgia, Law Russia Enforcement Kosovo Legislation & Ulrich Boher Judiciary reforms

Armenia Legal reform Follow-up assistance on the 2002 CoE development of legal instruments against corruption and organised crime

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Armenia Training, Training seminars on issues 2002 CoE EC (to be Prevention related to the prevention of confirmed) corruption, for judges, prosecutors and investigators (training trainers) Armenia Practices Assistance on the 2002 CoE EC (to be implementation of new legal confirmed) norm and criminal policies in the fields of corruption Azerbaijan Legal reform Follow-up assistance on the 2002 CoE development of legal instruments to fight against corruption and organised crime Azerbaijan Training, Training seminars on issues 2002 CoE EC (to be Prevention related to the prevention of confirmed) corruption, for judges, prosecutors and investigators (training the trainers) Azerbaijan Practices Assistance on the 2002 CoE European implementation of new legal Commission norm and criminal policies in (to be the fields of corruption. confirmed) Georgia Legal reform, Assistance to develop the 2002 CoE EC (to be advice national instruments for confirmed) combating economic crimes according to European standards and to accede to international instruments and mechanisms. Georgia Training, Seminar (training the trainers) 2002 CoE EC (to be Prevention on the issue of prevention of confirmed) corruption Hungary Training, Training seminars for bankers 2002 CoE Rick Seaman practices on the reporting of suspicious (to be transactions confirmed) Russia Training, Seminar on the role of public 2002 CoE EC (to be practices prosecution service in the fight confirmed) against organised crime and corruption

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Russia Training, 1 multidisciplinary training 2002 CoE awareness course on the Convention on raising, Laundering, Search, Seizure practices and Confiscation of Proceeds from Crime Russia Training, 1 multidisciplinary training 2002 CoE awareness course on the raising, Recommendation practices Rec.(2000)11 against trafficking in human beings Russia Training, Seminar on witness protection 2002 CoE EC (to be standard confirmed) setting, institutions building, practices Russia Training, 2 seminars on transparency in April CoE practices, legal public administration in the 2002 reform Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk), St.-Petersburg Russia Awareness Seminar on the prevention of Feb CoE European raising, reform corruption 2002 Commission of institutions (to be confirmed) Russia Awareness 1 multidisciplinary training CoE raising, reform course on the Criminal and of institutions Civil Law Conventions on Corruption Russia Awareness Seminar on crime prevention CoE EC (to be raising, and fight against criminality in confirmed) training, the Siberian Region reform of institutions Ukraine Legal reform, Expert assistance in the fight March CoE standards, against money laundering 2002 practices (objective: meet the recommendations of PC-R-EV report on Ukraine).

Ukraine Legal reform Round tables, workshops and CoE EC (to be written expertise to support confirmed) review and drafting of legislation and regulations in view of requirements of European conventions

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Ukraine Reform of Multi-disciplinary workshops, CoE European institutions expertise, study visits and pilot Commission training courses in order to: (to be analyse training needs, study confirmed) best practice and share experience to elaborate detailed training proposals, carry out pilot training activities to test proposals, analyse institutional set up, study best practice and elaborate proposals for institutional reform.

Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Armenia, Law OCTOPUS II Seminars, 2002 EU Azerbaijan, Enforcement, Workshops, Training courses. Hungary, Awareness Georgia, Raising, Russia 10 countries Law PACO Proceeds II Jan- 410.000 CoE of South- Enforcement Strengthening of capacities to Dec € eastern investigate, and to confiscate 2002 Europe proceeds of crime. 10 countries Judiciary PACO Networking II Jan- 420.000 CoE of South- Support to judicial Dec € eastern networking against corruption 2002 Europe and organised crime 10 countries Project on Special Jan- 320.000 CoE of South- Investigative Means (PACO Dec € eastern SIMS) 2002 Europe Enhancing the capacity to investigate and prosecute corruption and organised crime. Strategy based on 3 outputs

Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Croatia Criminal Law PACO II 2002 Manuel Albania Criminal Law Convention, Lezuerta Bosnia- Head of Crime Herzegovina Problem Republic of Division Montenegro Macedonia Romania Budget • COE 2002 ordinary budget is approximately 169 million Euros GMC: 245.000 Euro – GRECO: 1.58 M Euro – OCTOPUS: 600.000 Euro (EU contribution) – SPAI/PACO: 1 M Euro • Donors : Member States (43)

Note: the Council of Europe is an intergovernmental organisation with a general competence (human rights, legal affairs, social and economic affairs, political affairs etc.) Staff Place Number Strasbourg - 1215 permanent staff and 560 temporary Headquarter (France) staff - 17 (Economic crime Division dealing with corruption, organised crime, money laundering, cyber-crime etc.) Field Headquarters Kosovo Less 10 (120 staff outside Strasbourg)

Chechenya Less 10

Contacts Name & function Address Headquarter Manuel LEZERTUA Department of Crime Problems Head of Economic Crime Council of Europe Division F - 67075 Strasbourg Cedex FRANCE M. Alexander SEGER Tel: + 33 (0) 3 88 41 20 00 Responsible for OCTOPUS Fax: + 33 (0) 3 88 41 27 81 and PACO Programmes Internet: [email protected] Field Headquarters

g. INTERPOL Anti-corruption Strategy The main objectives of Interpol are : 1. To ensure that the police forces/services of each Member State of Interpol have high standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour in connection with the performance of their policing functions. 2. To promote and strengthen the development by each Member State of Interpol of measures needed to prevent, detect, punish and eradicate corruption in the police forces/services within its national boundaries and to bring to justice police officers and other employees of police forces/services who are corrupt. 3. To make corruption within police forces/services a high-risk crime. 4. To promote and maintain a high standard of honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour within the police forces/services of each Member. 5. To foster the recruitment and training as police officers of persons of high levels of integrity, honesty, ethical standards and expertise. Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Seoul Law Enforcement Interpol General Assembly 8-12 - 68th Session /Nov 1999

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners

Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners

Budget • Overall Budget : $26 M • Donors : Member States (179)

Staff Place Number Headquarter Lyon Overall: 384 (France) Field Headquarters Contacts Name & function Address Headquarter Rainer-Diethardt Buhrer Interpol Headquarters Assistant Director 200, quai Charles de Gaulle Financial and High-Tech Crime 69006 Lyon - France Sub Directorate Tel : +33 4 72 44 73 23 Fax : +33 4 72 44 72 21 E-mail : [email protected] Field Headquarters

h. Transparency International (TI)

Anti-corruption Strategy Transparency International is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to increasing government accountability and curbing both international and national corruption. Our movement has multiple concerns: • humanitarian, as corruption undermines and distorts development and leads to increasing levels of human rights abuse; • democratic, as corruption undermines democracies and in particular the achievements of many developing countries and countries in transition; • ethical, as corruption undermines a society's integrity; and • practical, as corruption distorts the operations of markets and deprives ordinary people of the benefits which should flow from them. Combating corruption sustainably is only possible with the involvement of all the stakeholders, which include the state, civil society and the private sector.

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Germany, All sectors Establish close co-operation Malawi, with anti-corruption Malaysia, institutions Tanzania, Uganda, All sectors Establish close co-operation Forum for Indonesia with anti-corruption Corruption- institutions Free Indonesia Tanzania, Awareness Campaigns for Anti- Papua New Raising Corruption Platforms Guinea Malawi, Awareness Integrity Workshops Tanzania, Raising Uganda, Malaysia, Denmark, Pakistan Argentina Financial Sector Monitor parties’ funding Papua New Law Development of codes of Guinea, South Enforcement, ethics Africa,Tanza Legislation nia, USA, Indonesia Uganda, Law Source book National Latin Enforcement Integrity Systems America United Awareness Case Study Publication Kingdom Raisin

Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Germany, Law Competition and India Enforcement, exchanging the experiences Legislation, Prevention Panama, Private Sector Monitor privatisation Bulgaria Management projects The Americas Awareness Lobbying governments OECD, OAS Raising Australia, Legislation Presentations to MP’ s Germany India Law Presentation to government Enforcement Switzerland Financial Sector Contacts with banks Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Germany, All sectors Establish close co-operation Malawi, with anti-corruption Malaysia, institutions Tanzania, Uganda, Indonesia All sectors Establish close co-operation Forum for with anti-corruption Corruption- institutions Free Indonesia Tanzania, Awareness Campaigns for Anti- Papua New Raising Corruption Platforms Guinea Malawi, Awareness Integrity Workshops Tanzania, Raising Uganda, Malaysia, Denmark, Pakistan Argentina Financial Sector Monitor parties’ funding Papua New Law Development of codes of Guinea, South Enforcement, ethics Africa, Legislation Tanzania, USA, Indonesia Uganda, Law Source book National Latin Enforcement Integrity Systems America

Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners United Awareness Case Study Publication Kingdom Raisin Germany, Law Competition and India Enforcement, exchanging the experiences Legislation, Prevention Panama, Private Sector Monitor privatisation Bulgaria Management projects The Americas Awareness Lobbying governments OECD, OAS Raising Australia, Legislation Presentations to MP’s Germany India Law Presentation to government Enforcement Switzerland Financial Sector Contacts with banks Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners

Budget • The budget for 2001 was $5.5 Million. • Donors: the public sector, foundations and the private sector.

Staff Place Number Headquarter Berlin 46 + volunteer professionals (Germany) London (UK) 3 + volunteer professionals Santiago (Chile) 2 + volunteer professionals Field Headquarters National Chapters in 87 countries Contacts Name & function Address Headquarter Peter Eigen Berlin, Germany Chairman

Field Headquarters

Annex 5. Data Sheets a. Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) Anti-corruption Strategy OIOS, through independent, professional and timely audit, inspection, evaluation, monitoring and investigation activities, provides the United Nations management, the Secretary-General and the General Assembly with objective and useful information, advice and reports that support the achievement of organizational goals in the most cost-effective manner. As an agent of positive change, OIOS assists managers in promoting: 1. Accountability for the stewardship of resources 2. Efficiency and productivity 3. Cost-effective controls to ensure compliance with UN rules, regulations and professional standards 4. Deterrence and prevention of mismanagement, misconduct, waste of resources and abuse of authority. The Internal Audit Division (IAD) and Investigations Division (ID) are represented in Geneva and Nairobi. The other OIOS unit, the Monitoring, Evaluation and Consulting Division (MECD), does not have regional offices. Activities in the past Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Investigation into the award of 13 Jul a fresh rations contract in a 1999 United Nations peacekeeping mission Audit of the management of 9 service and ration contracts in Sept peacekeeping missions 1999 Lebanon Investigation into the UNRWA 21 field office in Lebanon Sept 1999 Audit of the liquidation of 23 peacekeeping missions Sept 1999 Investigation into allegations 29 concerning an electronic Sept commerce project at UNCTAD 1999 Angola Investigation into $6.9 million 16 procurement of quartering Nov area goods in the UN Angola 1999 Verification Mission Bosnia Investigation into allegations of 20 and fraud in travel at the United Dec Herzego Nations Mission in Bosnia and 1999 vina Herzegovina Investigation into the 1 misdirection of contributions Sept made by Member States to the 2000 United Nations Environment Programme Trust Fund account Follow-up audit on the 25 implementation of Jan procurement reform 2001 Investigation of possible fee- 1 splitting arrangements at ICTR Feb and ICTY 2001 Vienna Investigation into allegation of 7 misconduct and Dec mismanagement of the "boat 2001 project" at the UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention New 1st and 2nd Conferences of 1999 York, International Investigators 2000 Rome initiated by ID to better coordinate the activities of investigators in UN agencies and multilateral institutions. Current Activities Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Researching the tools to build 2002 integrity systems and to diagnose fraud and corruption: study visits to World Bank, Transparency International and the Ethics Resource Center. Improving the coordination 4-5 and collaboration of UN Feb agencies in the fight against and corruption through ongoing 1-2 consultative meetings and July working groups. 2002 Exchanging ideas and best 2002 practices including meeting with representatives of the USAID Americas Accountability Anti-Corruption Project, Office of the Inspector-General in the US State Department, and the Donor Consultative Group on Accountability/Anti-Corruption in Latin American and the Caribbean. Follow-up investigation into 26 possible fee-splitting Feb arrangements between defence 2002 counsel and indigent detainees at the ICTR and ICTY. Washing 3rd Conference of International 7-8 ton DC Investigators attended by 70 Mar participants. Uniform 2002 standards for investigations proposed. “Ethical Fitness” training for Apr OIOS staff conducted by the 2002 Institute for Global Ethics. Under-Secretary-General May presented a paper on “Fraud & 2002 Corruption and the UN” to the Senior Management Group advocating an Organizational Integrity System. Future Plans Place Sectors Components Date Budget Coordinator Partners Brisbane Increasing the Organization’s Oct voice in international fora on 2002 governance through keynote speech and panel on integrity systems in multinational organizations at the International Institute for Public Ethics Conference in Brisbane, Australia. Brussels Attendance and participation Apr in 4th Conference of 2003 International Investigators to be hosted by OLAF. Uniform standards to be ratified. Seoul Attendance and participation 25- in the 11th International Anti- 28 Corruption Conference May (IACC). 2003

Budget • 1998–1999: $26.5 million. – 2000-2001 : $29.2 million • Donors: UN budget + extrabudgetary resources (around $10 million)

Staff Place Number New York Approximately 90 Headquarter (USA) Nairobi Approximately 15 (Kenya) Field Headquarters Geneva Approximately 25 (Switzerland) Contacts Name & function Address Headquarter Mr. Tay Keong Tan United Nations Chief of the Office of Office of Internal Oversight Services the Under-Secretary- Room S-3527B General for Internal Oversight Services New York, NY 10017, USA and Special Assistant Phone: (212) 963-4446 to the Under- Fax: (212) 963-7010 Secretary-General E-mail: [email protected] Headquarter Mr. Mark Gough United Nations (alternate focal point) Senior Investigator, Office of Internal Oversight Services Field Operations 1 UN Plaza Management Unit, Investigations Division Room: DC1-736 New York, NY 10017, USA Phone: (212) 963-8783 Fax: (212) 963-7774 E-mail: [email protected]

Field Headquarters