Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd and Red Deer River Valley Ecotone Study: Final Report
Fall 08 2011 0 Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd and Red Deer River Valley Ecotone Study: Final Report Lindsay Glines, Antje Bohm, Holger Spaedtke, and Evelyn Merrill Department of Biological Sciences University of Alberta and Scott Eggeman, Alexander Deedy, and Mark Hebblewhite Wildlife Biology Program, College of Forestry and Conservation University of Montana 1 November 2011 2 Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd and Red Deer River Valley Ecotone Study: Final Report ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank past Ya Ha Tinda researchers with their help in establishing protocols for the long- term study and sampling, particularly Holger Spaedtke and Barry Robinson. For their never- ending help, patience and understanding, especially during a year of transition in personnel and prescribed burning, we thank the ranch staff: Rick and Jean Smith, Rob Jennings, and Tom McKenzie. We thank Parks Canada staff Cliff White, Blair Fyten, Mark Cherewick, Ian Pengelly, and Cathy Hourigan for providing logistical, financial, and academic support. Thanks to Ali Pons, Lisa Gjisen, and Elyse Howat for carrying on with the long-term monitoring at the ranch, and Andrew Geary for his help in data collection for the ecotone study. FUNDING Current funding by: Parks Canada, Alberta Conservation Association, University of Alberta, University of Montana, and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Long-term funders include: Alberta Cooperative Conservation Research Unit, Alberta Enhanced Career Development, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Centre for Mathematical Biology, Canon National Parks Science Scholarship for the Americas, Foothills Model Forest, Foundation for North American Wild Sheep, Marmot, Mountain Equipment Co-op Environment Fund, Parks Canada, Patagonia, Red Deer River Naturalists, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Sundre Forest Products Limited, University of Calgary, Weyerhauser Company-Alberta Forestlands Division, and the Y2Y Science grants program.
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