No. 5465. an Act to Introduce Adult Suffrage at Legislative Council
No. 5465. An Act to introduce Adult Suffrage at Legislative Council Elections, to amend the Law relating to Qualification for Membership of and Elections for the Legislative Council, to provide for the Re-definition of the Boundaries of Electoral Provinces for the Legislative Council, and for other purposes. [Uth October, 1950.] E it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty by B and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say) :— Short title 1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Legislative Council construction and citation. Reform Act 1950 and shall be read and construed as one Nog. 3000, 4278, 4305, with The Constitution Act Amendment Act 1928 (hereinafter 4334,4350, 4307, 4409, called the Principal Act) and any Act amending the same 4408, 4533, 45(53, 4584, all of which Acts and this Act may be cited together as 4091,4718, 4849, 4890, The Constitution Act Amendment Acts. 5014,5028, 5052, 5185, 5211, 5252, (2) This Act is divided into Parts as follows:— 5285, 5290, 5309, 53491, Part I.—Qualifications and Elections for Legislative 5380. Division Council. into Parts. Part 30 1950. Legislative Council Reform. No. 5465 Part II.—Ke-dennition of Boundaries of Electoral Provinces for Legislative Council. »«.«-.«*. (3) (a) Part I. of this Act shall come into-operation on the appointed day within the meaning of section niteen of this Act. (b) The remainder of this Act shall come into operation on the passing thereof.
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