HB 529, HDl, SDl Measure Title: RELATING TO CARE HOMES. Report Title: Care Home Operators; Liability Insurance Requires all operators of adult foster homes, assisted living facilities, expanded adult reSidential care homes, community care foster family Description: homes, and developmental disabilities domiciliary homes to hold a sufficient amount of liability insurance and automobile liability insurance. (SD1) Companion: Package: Filipino Current Referral: HMS, CPN Introducer(s): MIZUNO LORETTA J. FUDDY, A.C.S.W., M.P.H. DIRECTOR OF HEAL1H

STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH P.O. Box 3378 In reply, please refer to: File: HONOLULU, HAWAII 96801-3378

Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection

HB 0529, HD 1, SD 1, Relating to Care Homes

Comments of Loretta J. Fuddy, A.C.S.W., M.P.H. Director of Health March 28, 2013

Department's Position: The department supports the intent of this bill but wishes to provide additional

2 comments aimed at safeguarding clients with developmental disabilities (DD),

3 Fiscal Implications:. DOH would incur the costs of staff time and effort to revise the administrative

4 rules to include the requirement to obtain and maintain liability insurance.

5 Purpose and Justification: Senate Draft I of this bill increased the number of developmentally

6 disabled clients that can be served in a DD adult foster home.' An increase in the number ofDD beds in

7 an adult foster home diminishes the intent of the home and is unnecessary. Having 3 DD clients

8 changes the concept from a family home to a group home and diminishes the ability of a family to

9 provide the quality of relationships that make a foster home different from a higher-capacity facility-

10 based long term care setting. In addition, there is currently an excess amount of unfilled beds in the

11 department's DD adult foster homes on Oahu and the DD Division has not been doing any active

12 recruiting. The actual needs are for homes that are wheelchair accessible, more homes (not beds in a

13 home) on the neighbor islands, and homes that can manage individuals with challenging behaviors

14 rather than an increase in beds at all DD adult foster homes. HB 0529, HD 1, SD 1 Page 2 of2

The department has done a good job of creating family settings through the DD adult foster

2 home program as well as group home settings through DD domiciliary homes. Since the department

3 already licenses DD domiciliary homes for up to 5 DD clients, there is no need to increase the census in

4 DD adult foster homes.·

5 Thank you for the opportunity to comment. NEIL ABERCROMBIE PATRICIA McMANAMAN GOVERNOR DIRECTOR


STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES P. O. Box 339 Honolulu, Hawaii 96809-0339

March 28, 2013


TO: The Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection

FROM: Patricia McManaman, Director


Hearing: Thursday, March 28, 2013; 9:30 a.m. Conference Room 229, State Capitol

PURPOSE: The purpose of H.B. 529, H.D. 1, S.D. 1, is to require all operators of

adult foster homes, assisted living facilities, expanded adult residential care homes,

community care foster family homes, and developmental disabilities domiciliary homes to

hold a sufficient amount of liability insurance and automobile liability insurance.

DEPARTMENT'S POSITION: The Department of Human Services (DHS)

supports Section 2 of H.B. 529, H.D. 1, S.D. 1, which requires community care foster

family homes to obtain and maintain liability insurance and automobile liability


The DHS also supports Section 5 extending the repeal date for Act 221, Session

Laws of Hawaii to July 1, 2014. Pursuant to Act 221, SLH 2011, the DHS has continued

to evaluate the effectiveness of the substitute caregiver requirements as specified in this

Act. The DHS worked diligently with the community to develop a compromise in Act

221 which will sunset June 30, 2013 unless the repeal date is extended. Effective July

1, 2014, the community care foster family program will be transferred to the Department

AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AGENCY of Health (DOH). The DOH has already enacted legislation, effective July 1,2014, incorporating the caregiver requirements in Act 221.

The DHS defers to the Department of Health (DOH) regarding the provisions of

Sections 1, 3 and 4 that pertain to the facilities under DOH's jurisdiction.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on this bill.


The Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Senate Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection Twenty-Seventh Legislature State Capitol State of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Dear Senator Baker and Members of the Committee:


The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (DD) has the following comments regarding HB 529 HD1 SD1. The bill requires all operators of adult foster homes, assisted living facilities, expanded adult residential care homes, community care foster family homes, and DD domiciliary homes to hold a sufficient amount of liability insurance and automobile liability insurance, and increases the amount of adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities (DD or ID).

The Council supports the intent of the provisions that require all operators of the above mentioned homes and facilities to hold sufficient liability and automobile liability insurance.

However, we have concerns about the increase in the number adults with DD or ID that is noted in Section 3 on Page 3, lines 13-21. The intent of certifying adult foster homes for up to two adults with DD or ID was to provide a "family" home versus a "group" home. Increasing the number from two adults to three adults clearly moves away from that intent and in the direction of the group home model. Nationally, the group home model is moving toward smaller residential settings, such as adult foster homes and individualized supported living options. If operators of adult foster homes want to provide care and support for more than two individuals, then they should consider becoming licensed through the Department of Health as a DD domiciliary home provider, which would allow up to five individuals to live in that setting.

In light of the above, we respectfully ask for your consideration to amend the bill to its original language by deleting "three" and replacing it with "two" adults with DD or ID on Page 3, lines 14 and 20. We are aware that there may be individual specific situations that include, but are not limited to:

1) An individual may choose a home that already has two adults and the operator is capable and has the capacity to accommodate that individual. The Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker Page 2 March 28, 2013

2) The operator is the only one certified and available to provide specialized care and supports for that individual's particular needs.

For those above situations, an option to consider is to add a provision that "the Director of Health may waive the two adult limit for certification of that home, provided that the number of adults with DD or ID shall not exceed three adults with DD or ID." This provision is similar to the language on Page 3, lines 16-22, and Page 4, Iines1-3. This provision would not be an across-the-board increase in the number of adults with DD or ID that could reside in an adult foster home. There would be flexibility by allowing the Director of Health to waive the two adult restriction on an individual basis.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments regarding HB 529 HD1 SD1. We appreciate your consideration of our proposed amendments.

Sincerely, ~~- W Y ette K.Y. Cabral, MSW J. Curtis Tyler Executive Administrator Chair DISABILITY AND COMMUNICATION ACCESS BOARD

919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Rnom 101 • Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 Ph. (808) 586-8121 (V{rDD)' Fax (808) 586-8129

March 28, 2013


House Bill 529, HD1, SD1 - Relating to Adult Care Homes

The Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB) takes no position on House Bill 529, HD1, SD1 - Relating to Adult Care Homes but offers comments. This measure requires all operators of adult foster homes, assisted living facilities, expanded adult residential care homes, community foster family homes and developmental disabilities domiciliary homes to hold sufficient amounts of liability insurance.

DCAB agrees that there should be licensing requirements for adult care homes both for the protection of the home operator and people that are served in the homes. Perhaps part of the licensing procedures may be included in the administrative rules so that a range of necessary insurance can be provided depending on the type of home it is and which Department is responsible for the licensing of the home and services provided.

DCAB defers to the Departments of Human Services, Health, and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities regarding other amendments that may be necessary for this bill.

Thank you for the opportunity to testify.

Respect~alJbmitted, (}-~'+~~~q BARBARA FISCHLOWITZ·LEONG FRANCINE WAI Chairperson Executive Director ADULT FOSTER HOMES OF THE PACIFIC P.O. Box 971450 Waipahu, Hawaii 96797 Caring for the Needs of the Caregivers as well as the Elderly and Disabled

March 28, 2013 Conference Room 229 @ 9:30am State Capitol

TO: COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION Honorable Senator , Chair Honorable Brickwood Galuteria, Vice chair

My name is Margie Agliam former President of the Adult Foster Homes of the Pacific and representing 360 + caregivers in the community and I was a caregiver for over 13 years.

I am strongly support HB529,HD1,SDl RELATING TO CARE HOMES To requires all operators of adult foster homes, assisted living facilities, expanded adult residential care homes, community care foster family homes, and developmental disabilities domiciliary homes to maintain a sufficient amount of liability insurance: such as Professional Liability Insurance wlMalpractice and or error on omission, General Liability Insurance, Automobile Insurance and Home Insurance.

Based to our Hawaii Administrative Rules on CCFFH Section 17-1454-49 Liability Insurance has been mandated by the Department of Human Services since. this program was implemented with no amendment or changes in our Rules and in addition in order for us to be paid for our services and to admit client from OHANA and United Health Care they also requiring us to have Professional Liability Insurance with MALPRACTICE and or Error on Omisions, General Liability Insurance and Automobile Insurance. This is a State Law for we CAREGIVERS to be follow. Please review our contract from United Health Care Article IV, Section 4.7 under liability Insurance, and Ohana Article IV, Section 6.7 Facility Insurance. Stated that FACILITY shall maintain and shall require Health Care Providers and their respective employees, subcontractors or independent contractors to maintain: (a) such policies of Automobile, General and Professional Liability (Malpractice) insurance as necessary to insure Facility and Health Care Providers respectively, against claims of personal injury or death alleged or cause by performance under this agreement. Since I started 1999 I do not have any problems in obtaining this expensive coverage that will protect my business that includes my credentials, license, assets, and financial welfare for my family. The Automobile, General and Professional Liability (Malpractice) insurance will then set forth the protection of any unexpected death or personal injury to any clients in my home. MALPRACTICE means an improper or negligent treatment of a patient, as by any healthcare provider resulting damage, or loss. Like other professions that purchase professional liability insurance to protect themselves, medical malpractice insurance will financially protect a health care provider that may be sued by a patient for various reasons.

I also request the committee to make the following amendments to the bill: Under Section 346-334 of the Hawaii revised Statutes that all substitute caregivers for 3 clients should be 21 years and above and substitute caregivers should be NA Nurse Aid, instead of extending for 2 years please put it into LAW, remember we are underpaid we cannot afford to hire CNA paying them $10 /hours we only getting $41.06 per day from the state saving million dollars a year. Please I also request that all Primary Caregivers for 2 clients and 3 clients MUST be a CNA certified Nurse Aid.

The passage of this bill is for the protection of all caregivers in the community-base programs, as well as the clients, we are indirect contact with our clients 2417 giving the best quality care possible. And fully assist and monitor clients who physically and mentally disabled. We are deligated by an RN Registered Nurse and Case Managers in performing and providing care for diabetic clients that are insulin dependents, client with tube feeding, MS (multiple sclerosis), Stroke, and administering medication.

Committee members I urge you to please pass this bill because it is designed to protect our business, stakeholder and property.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to testify in strong support HB529, HD1, SD1.

Yours truly

Margie Agliam( Former President Adult foster Homes ofthe Pacific) 808677-2201 or 381-3629 HB529 Submitted on: 3/27/2013 Testimony for CPN on Mar 28,2013 09:30AM in Conference Room 229

Present at Submitted By Organization Testifier Position Hearing Maria Corazon E. Big Island Adult Foster Support No Cariaga Home Operators II

Comments: On behalf of the Big Island Adult Foster Home Operators, we are in support of the HB 529 for our protection. Because our duties as a caregiver is very risky, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to testify. Respectfully, Maia Corazon E. Cariaga, President HB529 Submitted on: 3/26/2013 Testimony for CPN on Mar 28,2013 09:30AM in Conference Room 229

Present at Submitted By Organization Testifier Position Hearing Rebecca D. Welch II Case Manager of CMP II Support II No

Comments: I'm in favor of HB529 with malpractice coverage for the protection of our caregivers. Thank you for giving me the chance to testify. Respectfully, Rebecca D. Welch, RN, MPH HB529 Submitted on: 3/26/2013 Testimony for CPN on Mar 28,2013 09:30AM in Conference Room 229

Present at Submitted By Organization Testifier Position Hearing Robert de la Cruz II CCFFH OPERATOR II Support II No

Comments: I'm supporting this HB529 with malpractice coverage Thank you for giving me the chance to testify. Respectfully, Robert de la Cruz,CCFFH , primary caregiver To: The Honorable Sen. Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Honorable Sen. Brickwood Galuteria, Vice Chair and Members of the CPN Committee HBS29-Relating to Care Homes (Liability Insurance)

Hearing on March 28, 2013 at 9:30AM Conference Room 229

I strongly support the intent ofHB529 HDI SDI

My name is Myriam Tabaniag, a Registered Nurse and the First Vice President of the Alliance of Residential Care Administrators (ARCA), the leader and most active of the care home organizations in the State of Hawaii. I am presently managing two care homes in Kaneohe, Hawaii. My employments include 16 years of working in different hospitals in Virginia and Hawaii; and the last 12 years managing the 2 care homes in Kaneohe.

I would like to say that I would not even dare to start operation of a care home or foster care home without the proper or appropriate malpractice and professional liability insurance with sufficient coverage.

The reason is simple: Each health care provider is responsible for his or her own negligent acts, since malpractice is defined as "the negligent act of a person with specialized training and education." As a registered nurse, I have worked side by side with many highly skilled, professionally trained Certified Nurse Aides (CNAs) and Nurse Aides (NA) both in different health care settings and care homes. I understand very well what they do and how they strive to deliver quality care to patients or residents.

Unfortunately, mistakes, oversights, accidents, slips, mix-ups, errors, omissions or irresponsible acts do happen. These incidents usually occur when least expected and some of these unfortunate events may cause harm to the resident. Injured residents, either on their own, or encouraged by family members, friends or their attorneys, wind up taking their cases to the courts. As in any legal proceedings, when a medical malpractice law suit is filed as many people as possible will be named.

I strongly advocate that each health care provider should have a medical malpractice and professionalliabilitv insurance with sufficient coverage for "peace of mind" and most especially, the insurance is there, in case, it is needed.

Under Section 3 of this Bill, I also strongly support the addition of the third client to the two existing clients of the caregivers caring for the developmentally and intellectually disabled.

First and foremost, these clients are in loving and caring homes where they are nurtured and loved by these "special" caregivers. These residents are not only developmentally and intellectually disabled (OO/ID) but also have very challenging behaviors. Medical problems include autism, spastic and seizure disorders, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (AOHO), cerebral palsy, etc. Researchers have reported that DD/ID clients thrive better when they live with loving and caring families in the community instead of being institutionalized. It has shown significant improvement in their adaptive skills and behavior, including choice making, more active and involved lifestyles, leading to a higher quality of life.

Secondly, these caregivers are saving the State millions of dollars a year. If these clients were to be institutionalized, the State would be paying from $10,000-$12,000 a month for each resident. These caregivers are only being paid an average of $2500 a month.

Thirdly, because of the difficulty to care for these residents, these caregivers need a respite place so that they can also go on vacation or maybe take a day or two to unwind and recharge. Opening up a bed for each home could accommodate or give them the opportunity for a respite place.

The DD lID caregivers have the capacity and ability to care for the third client. Most of their family members are trained substitutes for them. They already have their trained substitutes in place ready to take on the 3,d client for those who want to expand right away.

Thank you for allowing me to testify in strong support of the intent HB529 HDl SDl f.w,,1 ..... dlllicua's 808-678-1524 p.e

...... :.,.,... !Io-...

ADUlT fU$l~R HOMES OF··'fP!~!~A(:lFIIC

.. ' .

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AnicJe JV; Liability ~ IWi! WeJ4cart.: HitoN'tJi Jjlllllia'.'K:C) {Obllnll Health Plan) Melle {V. Sec~l~.1 ~acility lDwrmce. FACility sbali 1DIil:r.-in lind shill. lCIjllln: 'Reallh em Pl'O',;,dm Illd ~Mirj !llpCCtive ImJIloyees. subconn4Ctol:s or iudependeQt CClIltraclors to n)r.i!lt~ir.I~ (~) 3l1tl-h pcItir.ieI ofpPel'lll md pro~OIIIIliability (MaIpnK:tice) iDsurucc.

lI~QI:~SU~ (>:. iJIsIft P.cruty_HI~ care'~ reapectiVe4y, '8 i 1St claims ofpmoml inJ u.."Y /';, 41l\1±l1 :tt#i!=C. \'It ~ hy.jI«;f~t.i,1t¥:!;!~;·,)t\dl)O; !hi,!; i~'S?:~~O!\t.it"!? IliOt S~ my p!OOJQtl5 iIIgbI·... ng'IiIi ... ~i'ol,\ eo\~I:11'lat wlU J)lotCCL 1n1' ~= th&!. in,';:!UOtS ;!!~ credentials, . " ' and fiMr_ ..,.-clfAife' tOr tll)' l~mil)'. The ~, aile!. pl'O&mall8l ,Iiabiltv ' will then ' to iIJ1Y~ cbuI: or ~j!lIiI~iury' lO'\ijnr4~'~ tmI~ of a ' o!JiOl' pr·:lf.'~,m:iot\S·1\1l~·jlN mllljJ~w;6:~ fur

h~!tH·~II'.Ieat ~$6.:J3.Uf tIIo ...u, ;;=;titatlt , Ia Hdill..- to) ~ iIM.~•• MIIoi acld-I_,' ' , ilti$ ."4'" .... prtlllll')' ~ver te be _.... t from ~"~M_niCy tlIn: h"~~r~,"~ flIa!l! f.~ IJ.4mrs ill , ~r'l'l'eek, 111m kll:7.~ elpt ~"pIimd~,,, tIM Nbdil:1a. ~cr. pramt ill. tile It'm1l'lr.l~JIf~· eIIre 1'r.>!it#'blJylfJt.lt. .mS,l~ .. pr.r.I~' .r;D~epv.nJ:'ll "b$_~' Xnmll tl,\t) aWUL"i. !(!;ate fui!' the t!li!dloa 346.. 334froa Jullt30, 2f13 to JOIle 3t lenS. '

IllTF t!r:: oommiltt:cml'mm fli p~. pass*J.$lltU,w...lI1_ it in de:!\g1ledto.~r:ct ~~It bU:riuet.S, stslmJ..CjderiUid.'pt6p:to/.' TMnt1UiliiOi"i6;riDt~ tt.e opj)Orfunity to t&Utr·

.,," Mar 27 13 10:11a 8086712398 80~71-2398 p.2


TO: comfui~'~~~omrriettf!i~;Consumer Prffi~ct1on' Senator Rt>saly" Baker, Chair Senator Bri<::!twood Galuteria, Vice Chajr MemberstcmmeCommittee· ,':~"':~-:bftff:':-:" .

Testimpny in Strong Snpport HB529 HDL§Dl Relating to Cat-e Homes

The oumose oews measurc is to rcquJr~ all operator of Adult Fosler Homes. Assisted J;..iving . Facilities. Expanded t\du.It Residential Care HQfflos ,Community Caxe Fo.'lter Family Homes and Deve!opmentall)isabi'ftMg., bOmiciliHO' Homes 10 obtain and maintain a sufficient amount of general and professionalli8bility insurance &swell as automobile illSUl'llIlce.

[ am Strongly Sl.i~~,'?9 HDl " SP1.~lIC.cording .l.Oourc~H~i Administrative Rules the ~t ofli~ seIvices mandlded thiS rwes as a re,qiu~m.e.ut Section 17-1454- 49. In addition based on our contract :fi:Qm. United Healthcarc Article IV, Scction 4.7 under Liability Insurance; and Wellcare Health Insurance (Ohana Health Plan) Article IV, Section 6.7 Facility mSUlance. Facility $hall maintain anc:lsball require Health Care Providers and their respective employees, .subcotJtraeton; or independent CQJltra.ctors to maintain: (ill) $uch policics of general and professional l1imlity (Malpractice) insurance as necess!U)' to insure Facility and Health Care ProviderSr~sJ,ectively, agailltltdaims of poI'SOnal injury or death alleged or caused by perfOlmance lmder t!ii's Agreement. I do not sec any problems in obtaining this e'XpenSive ¢overage that will protect my business thai includes my credentials, license, a'l.~S, and financiaJ welfare: for my family. The general and profe$ionalliability (malpractice) iDsurance will then set forth the protectiOfltO anyun~pected deatli or personal illjl.U)· tQ any of Illy clients in my hQ.lD.c. Malpractice means arl improper or negligent treatment of a patient, lIS by any healthcare provider resulting tn damage, CIT loss. Like other professions that puxcllase profi:ssionaiJiability insurance to proted ~~,,~ medical maIpral;tice insurance will financially protect a healthcare provider ~i.!DBY be sUed by ill patient fOf' various reasons.

, also request the committee to include an additional section amending Section 346-334 of the Hawaii Revise,tSlal11tes, mandating 1b.al the community care foster filmily homes, substitute caregivers shall be 21 ye"dI'S or older. In addition te this please include an additional amcodments to this section" alloWing the primary caregiver to be absent ftom the comnnmity care fOSIer fiunily homes for no more ihan forty hoUrs ina:calendar week, not to exceed eight hours per day; Printed Name, Signature, TItle, &. Date

.. "" ;,,;1 ~:.: ;~~tt~¥,j,;;,>" "

-- .- . - p.1

ADULT FOSTER HOMES OF THE PACIFIC March 28, 2013 Room 229 @9:3Dam State Capitol

TO; Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair Senator Brickwood Galuteria, Vice ChaIr Members of the Committee

TestimoIlV ill sa.DC SUPPOrt HB529 RDl,SDl Rel!!in! .. Care Homes

The p!!!'Ilose oftllis measure is to "'Quires all operator ofAdult Posts HmpFS As';-.bod Liying Facilities. Ex))8!lded Mult RWdential Care HDmes ,Cgmmll!!ity au.: Fo*r Family Homes aJld Develapmental Dipbiliti"", DomjciU""v Homes to obt!l:in and main!ain a sufficient ammmt of general and professiopa! liability insurance as well .. automobile insurance,

r_strongly SupportHBm HOI, 8Dl Be",,_ aceording to am HARlU.waii Administrative, 1I.JJles the DepartInont ofHurnan Setv.ices 1JJIUIdaIed 1bisrulcs as arequilUJl.... t Seotion 11·1454- 49, III addition based on our contnJct:from United H08Itbcare Article XV, Section 4.7 under Liability m$\lnlllOC:; and Wellcare HeaJth Insu~. (OhanaHeallh Plan) Article lV, Seclion 6.7 Facility lmuIaoce, Facility sball maiutain and shall require Health Can; P,rovid .... and theix respecD.\lIe I\ffi!llay=, snbcontral:tors 0)' independart con:tractors 10 1lUIin1ilill: (a) 311m policies of general and professioaa1liabi1lty (MaIp"",tic,,} insurance as nec""sary 10 insure Facility and Health CaJ:e ~ respectively .lIl¢nst claims oOfpelSOtllll:i$I!Y OJ dcalh alleged 01' cawed by pcrfurmancc under 1his Agnlement. I do !lot see any problems in ~ 1hi. ""Pensive coverage that wilt)Jnllect my business that il:\eludes my credeIJ.1ia1s, li<:en3e, assets, and fiIlImcial _lfln for my ramily, The general. ""d pro1\!siional Liabili1¥ (lIlIIlpnootic;e) insuraace wililhen sot fotlh the pfC\ej>!ion to ao,y 1inexpecmd. d .....h or pt;lSOD8l injury 10 my of my dienls.in my home. Ma\pIaclicemeans animproper orIlegligentlreatment oiapa1icnr,asby &11)' hea1thome provider r.esuJ.ling in damage, Dr loss. Like 0Ihe1: proli:ssiDllS tbat.~ pfOi:ssio.o.al1iabili.ly i.nsua'= to pJOtect themselves, m<:itieal ...alpractmo iIlsunm"" will ~aIly protect a heaIthcare provider ~ 11\~ be.sued by B patient fOJ' wrl""" n:esogs,

I also reqllcst the commitll:e /() ~ude an additioDlll sectioo wending ScctiOll346-334 of the Hawaii Revi""d Statu!es, m.aIl4ati1)g !bat the comm.mty care f.o&ler fiunily homes, Sllbstitute caregi...... shall be 21 yeats;>rolder. In addition 10 Ibis please include"" additiOlllll ameJldinCnts to 1bis section~ allowing the primaIY =si- to 'be abse.nt ftom the community care fosrer 1Om11y h<>"",.:tm: no DIDlC tbanfanyhouxsin ~calenw.."",,*, not 10 "".eedell!lrtho"",, pet day; p,3

pro\ided 1hatthe: SIl'IliStiiMe ~:gi\'l=r tsllm'sent mthe cammunity care ~ ~ iIoI!J= durillg dle SIIlIset date fur 1h,e JIlllC 30, :261310 lum,jO'(ZOiS _ are UIlI!Ier ,'*id,,"'

TxulyyOlli' ~fI; ~ llr--- ...:JUAf/ITA SA~OH 'Pc...<;,- (eN"") 3/2.7/1.3 PrlDlXld Name, SignaluEe, TatIc, 8< Date

..... ,'- •.. <',. .". ' " , -,,~,;; ;,.; -"',.'.

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TO: Committee on Commerce andC6n'sumerprofE¥a:f61lr'.'. ,,' ....{-" Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair ,.. , Senator BrickW9pd G;:lluteria, \hce,,~hair .' Members ·ofthe·'tommittee ., ",'>1';i,6:!"J!\':

. "~ ... "

~ __ ~%=~(:~.::.i:}~~-~~;' ~~~'~:" -. " , I am Strongly support::lfBS;29i@1, SD.1.Bel~3ll$@~ Rules the Department of Human Services marldl1ti~):li~ .81;a.,,#iji~f~ ~$~()n 17-1454- 49. In addition based On;;i)\U',CQ1)tractfi'om Unit~i~~ClII,fl?,~~\;II~~ Liability Insurance;, an!iw~Ucare Helllth' ',JnsIUtalIQc;!( QbtIl\8,JB,:Cjl1tlt1'1.8 iilY,Scc:tion 6.7 Facility Insurance. Facility sha,llmaintain and slia!!liFlqQilreEk:al'thCl!iIi respective employees, subcontractors or indepc:ndcm~l~IlItn\(:tOl'S policies of general and professional liability (Malpractice) [email protected] as nec~s:1li"y ,to~DAA!1iF:acility and Health Care Providers ' against or caused by pe' rfoml8Jl~:£W)d~is'~Ii~~.ent..I

. to this section" aIlclwilnai family homes for no."",,",.',.'" '="",""'"" ";-.!..

" .-: . .-'.' ':'-'i;-,

"'.< .•-!

9T : 6 8TOZ-9.Z-80 ";,;'""';;C1r"; .•• 0<*'. provided that the substitute caregiver is prese.ntin'~-OOmmllllitycare~,jOi'fiunily home during the primary caregivm absenI.:e' Extend the JlDlC 30, 2013 to June 30 2015. .. or $lOlhour we are under paiJdW~:0II~Y1~~ng~i41.06;llCE~ ~:~~~=~I=;s~~~~ to include and adding the ~:uII!8~ tbatll!quiJ;es:Bl~~ 1) BE A (CNA) Certified Nurse ASSistant either certifiedl\f()ff;\V9

I urge the committee merilbet$to ple21SC~tasS·itM1 business, stakcholdcr:..nat~.-.' . ".:.-' . Thank you for giving me the opportunity to testiifYjnwrpport HB5~9'011 Truly your

Printed Name, Signature. ','e; &, Date

.. ,::.,

. j

'''- , f:lf: l'Id Tl.099BSBOB1. 03/Z8/13 05: ZZAJ![ ,HP"t.:A~I\JET fAX 8()868987()Z :p;OZ ~~q;~~ "~:~'f'~j'i~~;;

Thll putp<>se pfthls ~iI to requires all.opetalotg(Adu1t FQ!!!erHsps. Assisted Ljyini Facilities. E1IJ!8I!ded Adult R.§idetrtla! Care H2M .Commynity Qary FoskfrtmUv Homes !!lid Peyelopmen!l!j ))j""hili1i~I"'Ds»ni9!!iar:y HnttI!:!'W obtain and momllUufti&jsnt !!!MUlllQ,f gcnera1and~lia!illity insurance as wJJl Mautornobile ~

~'HDII, SDIB\III;l~~~dlngt()OlltHJ~fj_iiAdministrati,ve ; " .,.-- PliaiiSenicca"aM, ~,,~, ;~rnlell~'asa reqwirerncDtSc:ction 17·1454- 49. In addi+l-""...... ,...... m Umted,H11S1t1lC8l1: Al1icle lV, Section 4.7 under UaWity ~!tc,.~Jl~~b.~II!@l!~;~PhllllUl H:ea1t111 lV, SectiQll 6.7 Facility and thI:Iir: ',: :,t,t:,.;.;,~ po1i~es of H~~ ,~~ by cxpcmllive , C()v~e that ' 'find firutnqial molb for my will then l!et fo~ the protection to any death ~ pmonaI illjury to any of my c;licnt8 in my home. Malpractice meanun i1npropcr or ncgli~ili:umment of 1\ patient, as by My hcalthc8rc provider rcsultil!g in daIDase. Or ioss. Lib .pr~fesslons that purclwc professional liahiJity insurllllCe to protect thenl~lvC$. medical ~~ insurance will financially ~. healthcare provider that may be sued by Ii patient for variO\l$ reasons.

I al$Q l:eqll,m &: committee to include !Ill additional section amending SectIon 346-334 of the Hilwaii Revised Statutes,:maDdating that theeomrnllllity CI\l'O fOster filmily hOlnCII, BUbstitute caregivers shall be 21 yemor oldcr. InadditionlOthill please include an additional amendments to 'this section" allowlDg tbeptimary caregivOf tobub/lllnt from !bo commllllity ~ fo,tc;r iismily bomcs for no more 1bJIt fort}' houn uu:OI!lmdar week, not 10 exceed.t boutS per day;

T99SlSZ0S9T NY 80: 6 £,[OZ-92:-&0 ...... -...... ," ...... ,'. •••• • ..r _"

tasGt9to~l NY 90:6 €tO~-9Z-€O ~. . .: ';. ;:.~":.{;:':,:;:~:".:.~,:.,, .-.... ~,: ...... ------.

ADULT FOSTER HOMES OF THE PACIFIC March 28, 2013 Room 229 @9:30am State Capitol

TO: Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection Senator RDsalyn Baker, Chair Senator Bockwood Galuteria, Vice Chair Members of the Committee

The ~ oftbis measure;SID reguires aU operalpr ofMult Foate' Homes. M'i""" Liying fad!ities, P.lmmdedAdultResidemial Caleb•• pmrnm.jty Ca!eF!!S!cr Family Homes aM Pevelqpmelllll Di!,bjU. Do!niciliary Rpm" tg AA1Ijn apd mejp+pp •. sgfficient 8SIlO'l1IJt of geneml an4 prgii:ssiopallVilitv jma!'7UJ!¥ as well as 8'1fm)'tI'!bih i.1P'P\

ram S1rmg{y Su.PPortIJBS29 HOl, SOl fIecD'soliCllOldhlgto oucJlA1t.HaWaiiAdmlllistrative Rules '!lIe~O{H!mdnServlcesmgnd"edlhiSIulesua~CDtScc:tion 17-1454- 49. :In ad

I al$o ~~1lOIIJI'Iittee Co inehldc III wfditiow1 aectioo I!!!!a!C!i.ugSc!:lilm 346-334 ofthe Hawal.i~~ ..ndotj"'tbat~m..u,'IIity_fustci-tj:':.t;!;!liJi,s;.sabstituIe carcgi-..mn b021 yars aroldcr. Tucldilion to Ibi.please iDducIe.';;.j;,lai.! _n.1inri.ts to tbis ~oo" aIJowiDs theJllimory """giver to be abse:nt itoalll.u: ""'PAIlmily.IIn! n­ JBlilyllqmAfur*, man tlJa1bnybolllS ina caleodar ...... DOtID ~ciahtbOlllS pel:day; .. . . ~ i- -~ :,", .. -- -'

t • d 5851>-,1.£.9-808 dn",'t es e I ap(,j provided tbaI: tile Sllbslilllta ~er i$ present in the oommnn~ cme ils1a'imlily blsedurlDg the: primary caregivers absm:e' Extend the sunset dale ibo: the Section 346-334 fiom ,_30, 20}"3 to June 30 2015, orpulit intoHAR beolause_ C3IIIIQlaflOrd to hireCNAp8}'jng SlOlhour we are UDder paid we oDly ~ $41.06 po: day tom the SIale. JaJaol'eq1*tthe -ntcc to include 8IIIl addiDg tbe: Ianguaaes !bat requires 1111 PRIMARY CAREGlVERS MUST BE A (CNA) CeIcifiedNm:se ADi""'" either cmified !Or two dieuts or thr= c;lic:m in .. homes. l ur&e ~ <:ommittcc mcmhmt to plaM pus Ibis bill becallSe it .is desigaed 10 pl'OII=ct our business, stakcho~ SDd pilIperty.

Thank you !Or giYiug JDC the oppurlllllity to testi1Y in support BBS29JIDI, SD 1

Truly your,•. , ' A~~ ~, SA~ ...... ••. . .. ,;;;;:,;,j,'i! ." ,~ .'i(%~~ ~~". i+~11 ~ ~Ch)i,;:;·yr "

Printed Nanw. Siprure. TIfle. &; Dete

. .: ;


585v-l.l.9-808 dno.'l"S ",I;OPbI MRR-2?-2013 09:43 FROM: TO: 5866071 .-...... -----.-, " __ " _ .. _-_. ",-- p.2 p.e

".,...,W;". HOMES OF Tl'tE PACIFIC . ~.' "m 229 @9=30arrr'StateCap'

TO: Commli~~tlI~~ .... Senator ~1¥ni8aker, Chai Senator BiiCkWood Galutt! • ; Members Of tHe Committee .


18JI'l StttmglySU)lIJOIt HBS29 ltD.. S01 e -rditli t(l our BAR Hawaii lie Rules lbc [)cpQrtatc:m ofHurnJD Services ihiuoJeu. azoq hi' .... Sccti<;m 1'7-1454. 49. [nadditioli ~ Oiio1lfCQft~ 6wn U " 'Dtl'adcrsto ""';nWg· (a) such li.aie$. of general alii;) ~fi,!!,-:Uty ~ ClIi as DtCt:SSaiy 'to iNaIc :Pi •• md Health c.:PtcwidmJ" CI1lvmy•• nst.... s ot ..... 1IClI4I inj'uty or death aIkJcd eaused by per.fotm.aa<:e IJIIder 1biS~. 1 dO 'my probla.dl'l obtainill3 thiI: '-..e co"=ac !bat win protI:iC:I. ray buolnas ~ i ,.". tlIc:cbm.J5. I~ ~ .ad 6''''''''';0' wcl1Vc for my fiImily. Tho geIIem/ and liIIbility (malpl:1ldice} insun!Dc:e tmD setfutth!be prolmiclaloany ~ peIlI!mal i.qjwytoaIlyofmy cliClllS my home.. ~ IIIeaII$ aD impmpcr or m:x . """ent of a".mo:nt, .... by -., ~ pII1Yidcr rcsul'og in damagc:. or loss. Li.ko )l1'O&sion5 that ~ profeaiOJl;O,\ liabUity illS\lllllKlC IQ piI01cct ThRmRM.s. ~ "insurance wiIlfinmcWly ~ hcaltbc_ )ll'OVi.6e:r that may be SI.IICI. by a ftlr va,ioU$ teasons.

I abo IIlCI~ tbc I:ODlIlliUtz lID include lID add·~·q ~ $I:~ amaxIi:Dg Sc:ctionJ46.3 Hawaii Revbcod Statutes, mandatiag tl.t the "ty _:lO$tCr filmily homes, mbllIi1ut" can:glvet$ $ball be:n yeat:5 oro1der.lD addi . 11> this pl_ ~mi IIddItIoPti ~:nch>;~ 10 this seclion" a1Iowi.ng ~ prim.,- =esi be IIbscn1 £tom !be comn111t1i!;y call! family 00..-rot M JIIOI1: IhmI forty bour$ in fIIIIIat ~not 11> cxco:d eiabt MAR-27-2013 09:43 FROM: TO: 5866071

provided. that the substitl* Qilcgi Wei' is pmse$ In tile ilCiQIjQIiC.il) cere fo5IJ::t fenlly 110 4u.rinal the primary cmqi_ aItscIcc:' EldeiId the elate foI:t= seetiaa 346-3341iOG1 J 30, 2013 10J_30 lOIS. or pat it. iato HAR • WI: CIIIIIIOt .mmlt!) biro CNA pa' $lQiJIow we arc Im4er paid __ o.al)r FtiDg 141.06 pet" Ir fnIm the Sl'.B. I aI80 IIIIpSt 1:1:111 to iDcludo alI4..sctiDa tha ~ did I PlllMAR."Y CAJWGJVERS MOST (CNA) Q:r!jfled Nunc A,"ad eidlIC!l' tOr two c1icnb OJ' tlRc 4lIicItls in ..JIOI~

I • tile commi ...... !;IJCI.'Q\Ie!s to pIeue pus ~ lliI1 bcc::IaIse it is (esiped to (BItcct bI'$iMss, stabh.:dd,lluDll plupwt,. Tbaokyou tbrsMui_ tile opfOltlmity totl fYln SIIJIPmt HB52Il,HJ.)l, Stll

Truly yo..u'&

Prinred Name. Signature, Tille, &; DIatc Maridel 8883654 p.1

1". 1 .

ADULT FOSTER HOMES OF THE PAQFIC March 28, 2013 Room 229 @9:30am State Capitol

TO; Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair Senator Brickwood Galuteria, Vice Chair Members of the Committee

T!lO!:i!!togy in Siron, Swoon 1IR'p9 Hln.sDlltelatiDgt. CiI,.., BO!l'"

!be purpose of Ibis mea,;um is to requires all operator of Adult Po,,,,,, Homos. Assiot<:d Living Fooilities. &ntndM Adult Residential Care Hom... ,Cpmrmmitv Care Foster Fsmily Hollies and Develgprnontal Disabilities. Dornicili"O' Hpmes 11) obtain 9II!i rnamtaio a sufficient amoll!lt of general and professional ];ability insurance as well as autQmObik1 iP5"'M=

I "'" strongly Support HB529 lID!. SDl Be""use accordiDg 10 our EAR Hawaii Administrative RlIles tile ~tofl:!umanSe1'llices mandated this roles as .. teqllirernem; Section {7-1454- 49. In addition based on our conttact from UPited Hcal1hcare Article IV. Section 4.7 under Liabilit,y m.oranoe; and Wellcare Health lnsunmee (OhlUlaHealth P~) Article IV, Secion 6.1 FaciUty Ins\IIlIJlce. Facility shallrnainlain and shaD require Health care Providers and their respective employ=, subcontract<>ts or independetlt contraClllrs to maintzin: (a) &1iCh policies of @..-.l and professiooa1liabilliy (Malpractice) insurance ... neccssaty to ins= Facility and Health Care ProvideJsrespectivcly, agoinstcJaimsofpCISODal iD,j1lI)'()r death alleged ""caused by performanee uncIc:r this Agreemer.t. I do no''''' any problems in oblainingthis expOllSivc coverage !bat will prolect my business that llll'ludes my credeotials. license. w;scts, and financial welfare fur my family. The I!IOD"f3l md profcssionallia'aility (ItlBlpmccicc) iuouranCe will then setforlh the protection to any \lnexpecteddeath or peiSOIllII jnjury toany ofmyclients. in my home. MsJpl'ldice_. anirnpropc:T ornegli,gent lIea1m<>1l ofapafumt, IS by anyhealth=e provider Jesulliag in damage, or loss. Like other professions that purcbsse IlrotessiollJl'liability insumnce to protect 1hemscl-. medic:al malp(~ ilISllIllllCe will mianciaUy protect a heahhcare provider lhat may be sued by a patient fur v..now t~.

1 also request the committee to include an addiOOnal section amending Section 346-J34 of the Hawaii Revised Sr.atllte'l, mandating tha1the commWlity care: fosler family haines, substitute caregivers shs1I be 21 years or older. In IIdditian to this plta5C includ" an iIIlditiooai amendments to dili sectioo~ allowing !be prinulry caregiver 10 be absent from the community csre :fostet lllmily hoJae$ fur no more tIum forty oours in 4 calendar week, ""t to ",",oed eight hours p'" day; Maridel 8883654 p.3

I -urge the commi1l= IIlCllJbcJS 10 please pass Ibis bill because it is designed 10 pro1CCt our business, s1akeboIdcrmd property.

TIumk you {or givimgme !fie opportunity to ~ in sllJ'PO'.1 HBS29,HD1., SD 1 l"rulyyour

MirV /i!si,f,tu.; - Pc G; - PriDl:cd Name, Sigmduno. Tille, &: Date

1"01 Clh:;.c; :;?n ~ 1 1.2 .JB&: ADULT FOSTER;aQMES;01!~/lfE~AClfJC Match 28, 2013 R()~·~19.@9:3e~m::~~~,teCapitol .-".,d:·jC.,,;d1:-·, ., .. ;'. ;'; ',_ 'r-,'; 1-, :.,:.(~,!$$~f~~~:~:~l.~~;hf.f ;~;,?"f~/~~~i{~tiB:;!1.~:-· -:'. .~c:·~;l~~:~;'·;;/:'l:. f.'::;~~;;:j~·~';;;;~,~;~;~~I~;{::·, CommitteeoriCC1!mmerce,.anQ~C;ti:\$umer;Pr:Ot4alb)i. TO: -, _ _ • ,_.', <, ,. - '. - ',", "-';' .;•• _.~."., .';- •• ," ..., <.-"~-_", _~--,,_, ··r.,-.""c, " Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair:.+" ' I.' ii,

~;::~!~~=::::~J~.f~~t ·',;:,:~.'.·.',;.,~,t..,i ...·~,:,t, ••,f.~,:.~.~.t.t,··.;.r,~.t,: ..t, •.. ·,·..,,·.;.'.;,~':· t;~.,:<~,,:· _.' :_:~;,:t~\:.'·.':· .,- . --"'.' .... '; , , _ '.:_','_:_;_\-,',.,I,:"',:",~,i,,.t::\-,~.:,:),-,_,,-•• '.-'-":'~-_::'<'i_:':_-- ;;?t~\;t:;:,; , -j ->'~~:~~~O,;,.; '- - ""~l~*~i~f~~i" -- provided that the substitutecarcgiveris prescnt~;tli~,f9~lI1unitye,~\.J~ilY horne during the: primary caregivers absence' ExtLllld the sunsc(~'ili for the Secti(in~~~~4'from June 30, 2013 to June 30 2015, or put it into HAR bccau,Sq;~,~not afford_tu:&~~kpayjng $lOlhour <'-"'-'t:'t'__ :~::"P.,",'" , : _ -: :.~ ,--';t~,~.L~,~·~("-~.;,,:,._: we are under paid we only getting $41.06 pe1' daY1l'OIii'ilie State. I ~~Ui;stihe committee to include and adding the languages that requireSalI;P~I\RY:CARr;G~~~SM(JST BE A (CNA) Certiticd Nurse As~istant eitm.'l' c.:rtilicd for'tw~ Cli,,-nts or tfn'cSglft)rts in a homes,

1 urge the committee members toplea.oce pass this,piU'Deeauscit isdesi~:toprotect our business, stakeholder and property. ,; ---- . -p-._ ,-.:~" .- Thank you for givil)g me the opportunity to testify,;@;~Ha~~;,~~M§Pt '

',' ."~.:

. .',. :;;"}p l' ~'-~ f~···· .

. ,. i~ :':~'rH~:.$~F~ ':>f .' ;):~:::·:·)~;~~~:<~~~~~·~{'r:; .

l79JS V9~B9B_' • ".:~,~~t-.:l',i,.;;'.:i.,:· "_.. ;,,~~J ~.1····· p.Z


Iiolicies of

homc. MillJpmc1:it:CllElC provider IeSUltin~ illSllnlIlCe 10

I al50 rcquesttbe c:olDlllittee to itdude /IO.11QQlj sectionameodiDg Section 34ti-334IoJfthe Hawaii Revised SIatuIcs;. inandebng that thc~Jm~lI1ity care foster tilmily homes, subs\illJ~e cmegiVCIS shall this please include anc.III:\di.~taI. 8JtDCjJ:odments to this secltiOJiT;,!iIl1fil

... ~;·t~: • '-':.'~ -::;- p.2 p.lI ""$' ar 28 13 as; 55.. ,


'Tbank wD'1h

Printed Name, Sij:.;lli~Mll~ .~~ ~"",,",~.r'1

"r~~::' ,.1,;,~:g-.-i .,,-.;';,i.'" .. ':,<' .

;.-2/,#~~~~~f-~;:r~!f;-j '... ,,<. 'f,_~~


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.,.., m..ur:fillllit,. boa-. sul>!lIit

. -' .. 03/26/2012 PAGE 02 13.3 p.;"

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·0&: Marilyn Basuel p, 002/002 I1!l003

,-: ,~., ,


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:: ~-. :~~fffi~f!: ~: ~'~1~ ;."

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.';;7f~it~tt~~~:!; ,';(;'0'.1'.0',

RECEIVE: NO. 39'19' 03/27/2,Oq/,WED lO:30AM Mar.ilyn :=a,su.el my ~:::;~ any healthcare providet IIDIIIgc,llr tike:illiiJ!!iproti:ss1om· tful~ 'piiifClliiis~,p..)fc"aiOlJ8l1iability insurance to . nU:diealfuill~ insurance wilLfioaDcially protect a hea1thcare inci;xk ~~section amendi~Section 346-334 ofthe Sl8tufi:$,. mandating that the community care fosler family homes, substitute older. In include . amendments llIl.lIDity C8ll: foster itci~ght hOurs per day; p.2

c:nti!:in a homes .

. ,,' : ,".; . ~~i ~-~i·~;:;:;:'f~-:;Y .~~.

~--;.> ;

~?£:OI £1 B2 ~vw JulietAcoba . (808)6l1'7173 p.3 .·.;~"o;~~t@.,c"Fc ..

ADULT '~~>HQM~Qr:~!~~~II~IC March28,2013'~Z.29·@e:~ii.~.capitol .-."

TO: Committee 00 Cominerce and':ConsumerP~~fl SenatorRQS3~n.Baker•. Chai.r. Senator 8ric;kwood GalutertCl, Vice Chair Members of the Committee

" .: " ~

I am StroDgly SuppOrtHBS29 IIDI, SDl ~~10 Administrative Rules thc~:O:f;~Serviccs'l).Ilt"'i'4tl:1iS . 17.1454- 49. Inadditi= basedoaourcontr:arlfrom'llilitedH:eaItb=e 4.7 UDder Liability Insu.ranco; and Wdlc;ue Health ~ (Ohalla Sccti0ll6.7 Facility l'llSlnllCe.FadJity sbaII. main1aiD ar!d.S!mll Rlqwrc . and their Iespective employees, su"!Jamtr.u:IDni· or j""rP"id!'Qt·CODIRcio~ 10: mai1Jl!!in- (&) sudJ pDlicies of general. and profesciewilliability~)~ as ac=5Iiry 10 iDsurc Facility and Health Care Providers .cspc:diYC!y. apinst eWms of pcrsoaal injury or.death alleged err awsed byperfoananceUDdel'1hisAgreemeilt.ldooot~anyprab1emsioo~ngtbiscxpeDSive coverage tbat wiU~f!eCt my b""iness that ~ . . and financial welfare for my W~_tbe general and liability will tben =~ m~ Juliet Acoba' : (~J67.1-7173 p.4 . .;iii,: .':',-.

provided that the ", dwillg ~ ~ 2013 to June 30 2015, or put itintoHAR ;dford,to hilC"CNA paying SlOlholll" we iR Ullder pIIid we ODly getIins $41.06 per day frQmtbe Slate. [also reqImSt the commillee to include and acIdiDg the lang\JIIp that n:quin:saU PRIMARY CAREGIVERS·MUST BE A (CNA) Certified Nurse AssistaDteiibercerdfiedfortwo clients or threec1iea.ts in a homes.

] urge the cMll1llittce members to please piSS this bin because it is tlcsigJw;d to protect our busiucss, stakeholdl:r and Plopcrty.

Thank: you fur giving me the opportunity to 10SIiiY inSllpjlOrt HBS29,HDI, SOl


" • ~ • • f

\: I

96699L969669L9809, . U!ISn6e 141 004

~ '--

"(.-:.: _ ~_ ',' _L...... ~

(8) llllChl policies of ia~iutO J~dit,y and '\8Ii.dOl' CMlM

I~nq~~.«m~~.·~D~~.~~~~:MC~~,~~~l~~3~334M~ Hawaii R.m-t substitute

';:'.'·,1:,.-. '": . -..',,":;!

-; .

'.. ·t.,., ...... " ,: ~005 " Rhoda Agliam 8086716487 p.2 nar c:u" J. ~ Utf: ~.ba p.2

ADUlT FO R HOMES OF THE PACIFIC ,March 28, 20g' m 229 @9:30am State Cap 01

TO: Committee of'lCommerce a .Consumer Protection Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chai Senator Brickwood Galuteri , Vice Chair Members,;()fthe Committee

Tes - G in s

The ofAdult Footer Assisted . 'I!g F ... . CareFo F . Hi mesand HomeS" obtain and main1ain a 'msuranceas automobile' I

I am StronglySilpport HB529 HDl, SDl B accordiDgto ow- BAR lfawaiiA 've Rules tile Oepartme:m af~ services' "edthls rules lIS Il. GOqUileulClR Scc!ion 7-] 454- 49. In addition based on our contract from U Healtb.eare Atticle IV. Seclion 4.7 Liability 1Dsumru:e; and Wellcare Healfu (Ohana Health Plan) Artiele IV, Facility llI$Ul'IlIlce.. Facility.shall maintain and I require Health C!u"e P.nwidoel's and respective emplo)'\'llS, subcontnKtors or i~ COIJtnwIors to maintain: Ulling in damage, Ol" loss. Like othe ressiocs that purchase professionall' illSW1Wce to protect thcmv:\ves, medical mal ' .ce insurance will finam:j~ly protect a healtbcare provider that.may be sued by a paIi~t ;

I also request: the committee 10 incJl.1de lin, addftl section am<:nding Section 346-334 HAwaii Revi:led Statutes. ma.nclaW1g that tbc 00 I ity care fuster fitroily homes, sub~~ caregivers shall be 2 I years or older. In addi~ this please inc;\Ude M additiOlllll. to this seciiOll" alllJ"\lUJg ~ priuwy ~*' ab$t;nt fi:om the community <:are :lllmily homes for no mote ibaD forty hmn in a·' endar week, not to cxcr;cd eigbt hours ! Rhoda Agliam 8086716487 p,3 ~ 'ar 28 -13 09: 55a p."

provided that the substitute eare:giver is the commllllity care foster tamily ho during the primazy ~w:rsab_' Extend the-~. L... da1ll furthc Sedion346-334 fu>m J 30, 2013 to June 3{) 2015;or}iut it iotoHAR """ _ot af&mI tom CNA paying $1 OJhour weare underpaid wcmly getting $41.06 per from "!be state. 1 also request1heco 'ttceto ineIudeandaddingtbelaDguagestbatrequilE! . PRlMAllYCAREGIVERS MUSTB A (CNA) Cm.ffiedNmsc.Assistant eiIIler .- l.r.. l't'WO clieDts ortbreecUents in a es.

t urge1be conmitlcc mem~to plca$epassilrlkbt11 because it is _good to protect business, stIIkelwlder II!Id pmpa:ly. Tbank you fur giving me the opportunity to te rr in SUppOlI HB529,HDI. SDl T;ulyyour

~rinted Name, Signature, Titl..". & Date \...

ADl.Jlt~ HOMESOFn-t~~~dFIC !Aan:h 28;· 2013,ROom 229·@l~:3oamStateCapltol

TbeJJPlRGlPpftbk ..... utQrequireeallgm. otAdu]tf'ORtI!r1fepS' ~Liyjng F.mIitjM ~A'+h 'eefdrrtf,l CceHpmM.Q'U"tAbloj'" CarCPn*rflimAy PAm" and DmtgpiiH'd,' -pI -Sm. !lc!!?iei1!!nr U. _ ir9b!Jig qA mrl ' . , !gffIsj_anopatpl fII!t!!!I?d ..t-g.' .'gwt tw,1itf iM ...... ita MIl. "domobiJp m t'!

~§§~§I~§~~§ii (NIp :1i:eli... ··ocwillU- : .00rl*1C\IIII'I iJ\ivI:y to'" fit" diIIIIIs in II!;Y ~ MlJplllllicc.-_iulptopt:t I)/;\~gl!ig !( 1I ...."1e"i Ilbpallear. •.br my";'l!bcart prorlder~.i•. c ;ot_.e!iit'gfiir,jitc& la'D ....piifp liIlfDl"'lllilibility ~ to ~ t:bemsems,.m.ec1ieal :moIpiacCLle lDsuranc:e will fiftanc! a1ty Prot=a ~ p.!09ida'tbdlll£1 be SIlr2l byapaliart tW't'IIri~ ~

llll.ac:! reIJIIIII!t the «amittte til malade III additiolIalllllCtiolllQlll'llM!ing SeetiOll346-334 of the: lIa¥MliRel'lsedS ilH,mapc!altn81b8t*~4!·""iil)i ClllC1i!sklrfhmi.lyhomes,.l!Ubstitute ~va:s sImII be21 )8IIl'$ «' ol&I:. In addiIIon to 'IIIis pIe8Ie ifte1ude III adc1itiOlllll_dinenIs to 1hIs sediDn" ~tbe primIIry can:giverto be ~1Imn til, ~_fbst>eI: llmIily homes ~no _1lra:I forI;Y lIoam in a ealelldat -weet. not to =-l eJshtlwms per day; PAGE 02/02

In loa ..leN p.l p.l:!

by perfo,nnancr; coverage thaJtWi and financial ',,;. L" , , .welm for ~v'.f",;i; iii:::[ti:~~:~=;::::"=''*''cl =ilnrlllCewiUthen clients in my home. Malpractice improper or negligent treatment ofa patierJt, as by any bealthcare provider resulting in:clin'ii9;or lOllS. Like othetprofessions that pUrcliase' professional liability insurance to proteCttJfGt~IriediCaJ.mBl~ceinsw:anCe will fiilmiCiillly protect a healthcare providertbatmay lie sued by a patient for wriOIlS reasons.

I also request the committee 11:> include an additiOllal section amending Section 346-334 of the Hawaii Revised S1atutes, mandating that the community care foster family homes, substitute -caregivers shallbe:2l;-~;Of: older. In additioil,w this plo::asc includc'an'additional amendments flJ this section" allowjngthe;primarycm;egiver 10 be absent from the COXIIlIl~ty care foster family homes foroo~tb,anf"orty hours ina~,endar week, not to~-c:ight hours per day;


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Printed Name, SjJII~~.• ~k, JYlt:1r~


';'; . ~'

;-. TO: Commitfi!'E! on Comm8ree anti;tdnSl.imerP~W~;';*' senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair'· ",::Cc.:;""""",,· Senator Bockwood Galuteria.Vit:eChair Members ()f die Committee 'i. -'-: ., ~ ,

To: Committee on CPN Honol'llhle Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair . Brickwood Galuteria, Vice Chair Clarence K. Nishihara Malama Solomon Brian T. Taniguchi SamSlom & Committee Members

Date: March 28, 2013 Time: q:~z.>~ Place; Conference RM 229 Topic; HB529

We are in support of the HB529. We need an insurance to run our foster homes businesses for our Pl'otection against unwanted and unexpected incidents towards our job because our duty as caregivers is very risky. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to testilY.

Respectfully, ~().a~ To: Committee on ePN HonorableRosalynH. Baker, Chair Brickwood Galuteria, Vice Chair Clarence K. Nishihara Malama Solomon Brian T. Taniguchi GlennWakai SatnSlom & Connnittee Members

Date: March 28. 2013 Time: ~q: nO IrH Place: Conference RM 229 Topic! HBS29

We are in support of the HBS29. We need an insurance to run our foster homes businesses for our protection against unwanted and unexpected incidents towards our job because our duty as caregivers is very risky. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to testify. To: CommitteeonCPN Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Brickwood G3luteria, Vice Chair Clarence K. Nishihata Malama Solomon Brian T. Taniguchi Glenn Wakai Sam Slom. & Committee Members

Date: March 28, 2013 Time: ;'q:;~6'A11 Place: Conference RM 229 Topic: HB529

We are in support of the HB529. We need an insurance to tun our foster homes businc;sses for our protection against unwanted and unexpected incidents towards our job because our duty as caregivers is very risky. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to testify.

Respectfully, To: Committee on ePN Hono:rable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Brickwood GUuteria, Vice Chair Clarence K. NIShihara MaIama Solomon Brian T. Taniguchi Glenn Wakai SamSlom & Committee Members

Date: March~8. 2013 Time: . ~i!X1 A'h- Place: Conference RM 229 Topic: HB529

We are in support of the HB529. We need an insurance to run our foster homes businesses for our protection against unwanted and unexpected incidents towards our job because our duty as caregiv~ is very risky. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to testify.

Respec!~T--_ To: Committee on CPN Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Brickwood Galuteria, Vice Chair C1&ence K. Nishihara Malama Solomon Brian T. Taniguchi Glenn Wakai SamSlom & Committee Members

Date: March 28, 2013 Time: q: 1) t) tf.. 11' Place: Conference RM 229 Topic: HB529

We are in support ofthe HB529. We need an insurance tD nut our foster homes businesses for our protection against unwanted and unexpected incidents tDwards ow: job because our duty as caregivers is very risky. Thank you for giving US the opportunity to testify. To: Committee on CPN Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Brickwood Galuteria, Vice Chair Clarence K. Nishihara Malama Solomon Brian T. Taniguchi Glenn Wakai SamSlom &, Committee Members

Date: March 28, 2013 Time: .(1' bV-hI Place: Conferenbe RM 229 Topic: HB529

We are in support of the HB529. We need an insurance to run our foster homes businesses for our protection against unwanted and unexpected incidents towards our job because our duty as caregivers is very risky. Thank you for giving us ilie opportunity to testify.

R.espectfuJ.ly, &~~r/~ To: Committee ()J;I. CPN Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Brickwood Galuteria, Vice Chair Clarence K. Nishihara Malama Solomon Brian T. Taniguchi Glenn Wakai SamSlom & Committee Members

Date: March 28, 2013 Time: q~DD A11 Place: Conference RM 229 Topic: HB529

We are in support of the HBS29. We need an insurance to run our foster homes businesses for our protection against unwanted and unexpected incidents towards our job because our duty as caregivers is very risky. Thank you for giving Us the opportunity to testify.

Respectfully, HB529 Submitted on: 3/25/2013 Testimony for CPN on Mar 28,2013 09:30AM in Conference Room 229

Present at Submitted By Organization Testifier Position Hearing

Victoria Baker II Individual II Support I LI_-----'--Nc:... 0 _--' HB529 Submitted on: 3/25/2013 Testimony for CPN on Mar 28,2013 09:30AM in Conference Room 229

Present at Submitted By Organization Testifier Position Hearing

'---_R_o---'m---'e--'o_S:....:a.:.:..lo:...:.m:..:...-_I,LI __---'I n.c..:d.:.:..iv:...:.id_u_a_1 _------'II Support II No TO' Committee on CPN ~lo RosalynH. &l:er. Chair . Bricl4 Solomon Brian T. TlIl!iguchi UJO!lnWab/ s_ mom &: Committee Mh=

Date: March 28. 2013 Thne: q;~.trr PIaoo: Canfer=:RM229 TOP;'" HBS29

We &em support of the BB529. W. need."inmnmwe '" "'" olXrfosblr ~ b~ea fur our pmrecti4tl agafuBt lttlWI!Illed ond llIK:Xjlg us 1he~tx) 1<;stjfy• . Roapeotfully. '.:'.

To; Commit1;oe an Cl'N JioDOmbl. !lQsolyn Ii. Bakar, Ch.m :aric:kwood GaIuteriII, Vioe Cl!air CIarenoe K. NiIiIlham MaIomA Solomon )lrl..., T. TaiIiguohi ·GIomt WoIiiil· &anSI"", &; CQmmitiee Mrmbors

Dale: M'atoh 28, 2013 'I'Imoo: ~. Pl:ice: ~;RM229 TopiIl::a:BS29, .

We ore moupportofb HB5:29. We -0: miDstmmce to nm oUr f""",, _ b"sj_..... far our~on ~ ~ and ~iI>¢ldGrrlstowards oorjob bocous<:_ duty as camgi""'" .. wry rlaky. ThBnk you for aMng us1hc oppoxttmity to teetIiY.

~y, CommItree an CP'N lIonI

Date: March28,20!3 :rime: . ql ~ It, f1 P]aoo: CoDfereo>oe;IU,{ 229 Topic: :Q'B52?

We are in suppoctoflOO HBS29. Wenoodan~ 10 =O'Orfod and ~ iIlcidoots 1vwanlo om job l>oooIuc ..... d!rty <0; """.give,";> VClYrlUy. 1lJankyQufol giVllIgua tl!eQppOIIm!ity t<>~.

, . '\;;;~f~P!":';'';'\ .' ".' :~- ":-. -

; '~ . To; Cnnun!n'M on cPN H.."".,,},le RooaIyn H. Baht, Chair l!tickwoo:rcl~., VJ.:., Chair CImeoce X. N"l

We -. in lIljlpu for ~D8 the opportunitytn meti:fy.


: : .'."

. """, ." To; Committee 00. em Hoywol.!e R.<>soIyn.H. s..m. Chair lli'lckwood Galub:ri&, Vice Choir Clzmmoe K. Nisblhora Mal""", Solomon :Brian T. Tanjgucbi GIaml Wakai 8-.SIom &;C'

D""" Mori:h28.2013 '!'llnc: 'lill/) It· h l'laoc: COnferenoe RM W T"l'io: llll5:l!>

Wearc:iI.>~oftlll!liB529. Weneedmw-tonmo"d;'.:ior,~~tin=re .. 1br ourpro;..otion~.mWOll1Cd.m~jnQjlerilSmWardsoUrjoti~OOrduty"" OBIegivers is Yay risky. lbrnkyouiilr giWlg 1I9111e oJ1P(l


,_., .

'. :,( '.. -;~~-;;,: .. : .... ;"<:~~~jft~:;,;,:.;;;"(.:V1:~Wi~j~:t;L ',. To; CrnmnI ..... "" Cl'N ~R

Dale: MaIdt:2g,2013 rUlle:q:~h( ~ C

Wo _ in SIIPJIO'l of1he Hl3S29. We need on~tn run Ollr~lxoaoo: blls! "00 fur onr~o;aiMtlllIWll!Jl;oiaDClooe:tpOCiedi»cideatsIil)~_jobbeMoole_dot!r"" ~I$ ,"~. Thantyouu.r gNillgns1he<@Otlwitymi

~, '~'(?~

, ... ~ : .', .\:. ,-< ; (:.'

,',) ": ..'.~~- ':.

T<>, CQIItI!IliU:o on em &DOJMI.: Rosaly,. li. Ilak.,.. O>air . .Bri£bw>od Galuoorla, Vi... Cb.n . Cl#ctlce K. Nisbihata Malama Solomoc Brion T. TanlQUCbi GkMWal;ai SmnBlom & C<>mtoi11>oe M

DaII:: March 28, 2013 T""e: q:iI>~ p~ Cat:!fomDce RM m Toplo:~ .. w. =in !OlJ'PCI1'<>i'1hc B'B52l1. Weneed lID iDaInmce mruJ1 ",'db•• hooias "'R-..... fur our~ogaiIlItllll:Wllllled aDd ~inci4eDfo ~_job iIeoonfe ourdllly .. """'lIi-v~" veryiiBl

" . Yo: Commia:ee <>Ii CPN HorumIhIe~)'llH. Bab:r. ClmIr :Btiekwood GabIhwia, VICe Clmi:r CIm;m;c K. Nlohihom Malama SolomDn Blian T. T~bi GI"",WakBI S81nSlmn &: CommiJtoo Membarg

Dare: MM:h28.. 2013 l!lne: '~~ ~O". I'i PIacc; COnf_:RM~ Top;.,: HB529 w. are in SIIPJ'O<1: of1hc HB529. We IIOEIdOl1 ~1Q __bIor ~b ' • " .... fur ourpro!c:Qlion ogaiDlIt",,~4Ild ~~ 1uwaIifs oUr.i<>lf~ onrcloty .. cm:egivars Is ve.yrl$ky. Thank Y<>llfur.gIvine tIS tile ,,~tyto~.


., ."~ TQ: Ca!nm1tTN ~R-.I~H. Bokor, Chair Bdekwood Golnli:Zis, V..., ChiIr CIoRJICe K. Nisb!ha= MaIJoma Sol<>mon Bl:iail T. Tanigoobi rn..m Walla! S-Slom &Cmnmittoe~ b#I>:: M.rch 28. 2013 r""", 'I: 5t; ;,.. M • Place: ~RM229 Topi.,H!I529

We ""'lnrupportofthe HB529. W. oood"" in"...... to:nm .... ~~ busjnooS"" fut our~agoiDst ""~and UIIClIJlOCI<'d j...!dtms lOwaoja aorjGli __ duly .. ~i$YClYrl*y.lbmky

RJ::a.pectfiilly, f7 ~...v G· Prrtk~

! :

1- : 'I"

To: CQwm;uee on CPN Eimonible R<>oaIyn:a Baker. Chair ~ GaIu!ma, V"", Choir CI8:rcnce.K. Niablbam Malama S<>IomoIt a.ianT;T~ GIonnW_ SamSl.Dl & CommittEe M_

We"", inwppoot of1he HBS29. We noed~ in&unI!>c<> ID Inn Q..-n-lIom<&bo j fur out ~sgoinotllll:We!edand ~jvcj

.- .~ . ,~ •• ~ -," .; ; .".: ~'~'

. \:"-:

To: ~""CPN Ifonomllle R<>saIyn H. Boker, ChaIr Briokwood Galutcria, Vioe Chair ClaraB:o K. Nishihara M&I'mlIa Sol"",on BrlmI T. T"'liguchl OI=!.Wobi s.." Slom &: CoJnmittoo MiD: llB~

We"", In support of the HBS29. We nocd an"'""'-" to _our ~ Iwmils bnS;n", to.: outprotoction~ UIlWlIIIlcd and."""'l"""" 1Mc!enn: towa booauoe (llD: duty as ~ __ ls vay rloty. tl!aDk y& flO the

""::" '. To; Cmim>o on em 1l"M onol>l. Rooo!yn H. Baket, Chair Briod o.Juteria, Vice Chait CJmoooce K.. N"JShibara MaIama·Solom.on Brian T. Thnigucld rn...,Wakil Som.Sl"", &~Mem"-

Dauo: Mar,",28. 2013 Tune: q:~O J\-.H· Place: ~ RM229 Topic: IlB529

We"", in oopporto1'lbe HIl5:>.9. Wo_an_to_oor~homes_for om ~ agoltJst 1DI.wantcd and unexpi!Cl


" .,' To, C'""""""",,,,,CPN ~~:a:ilai:«, Chair ~~V_<&ir 0arcD:eK.~ MaIllmIbi ScnSloo> &Cnm_~

Dan>: Mat.;h 28. 2013 TIme: q:~AH l'l~~~22S TOp;..: lIBSZ9

~, >T~G~cl--ryf

,;,' , .. .--. '

~ ;. To, COO!p)!tt~ "" Cl'N ~ RnsaIynH. Bam; CIJoir lIdckwoO0c~ n..t.e: M8ooh28, lOiS 1'""= q :ilJ'*t Place: ~RM229 Topic: HBS29

-", ;. '':':i;~~i,};~,jt,;;,,: .. ' :~\l~:;?rt~-~~~~~~%i~~_~i'_:t,;. ,c, -~ ~ -:- "-, ..

To: CooImItrfIEI 00. Cl'N ~~H.~.a.ir . Bd:ckwood nehrtcrla, ViOG eMir a-K..NlobIbor.. MolaTGaS<>l-m . l!aIanT.T~ OkanWObi SIomSlom &QnumittM~

VaS: Maich28. 2013 Thne: q: fl>.fH Pl..., ~ll.M229 TapI6' lIBSl9

We_in :qJpto.iIiIY. .

RespootfuIIy, . "~~~

.. '.

. .', .. -. .. '. ~.=.:.;:. ',,:

To; CoInInlttM "" Cl'.N ~ Roooly.nH.:Baker, Chair . Brim '" CommltI;ae MeInbor. Dale; March 28. 2013 1!me: q:~A1-t Phocco: Omfnerrc RM 229 TopIo:~ .

We_in~of1heIlB529. Wel!oedani=nml:y .. mle8lifY.

i· : "\ .. TQ; Commit'.'''''' C'PN HoonooI>Ie RtIoaI)'n Ii. &Ira', Cb8ir . Bri<:bmod Go""..... V_ a.or Clm'eI>oe ~ NidJih;n MIiIo&Qa Soblum BtiaD T. TmtigIlclo! .. ', Oif>ln Wokol Smnsr.m. & Cmnmiliea M'<:m&m

!)me: ldarch28. 2013 1'hno; q:~.i?t Place: C...... r_RM 229 'J:"!'I'" !lB529

We _In -"ot'dle IIl!S29. We need ... iasuraDc;o It> nm our f_ ~ t-vir'psses!to- """~~ UIiWIIIIiad ODd n.. nl ..... rd jnojdoml! tIrwBrdI_job bocauso <>Or duty as ~ls ~ml:;y. ThaDkyou ibr#iriDgUS tlleopPtClUllitj *,lesD1Y.

~,¥. (~~ .th.. ~ ~CU

.' ~.

:-.-.. Th: C...... """ ... C!'N B"m &~~

OGre! Mao<:h 2¥, 2013 Timo: q:~h1 ~; OR,W.a.. i:eRM229 Topi<>:~

We....,m~Gf1hellBS29. W~ncedao; w=to_OlIl'bic:rI':!'l,.,;;;· a h QIJ£ protocMn apinot wwautcd und unoxpooIod iooidrntg Wwmds oorjob beciIa.e _duly." ~:is v~rl!iIly. Thaak Y

.~, .~~)~ Ftttrees IMrie '6 - Cati~q

->" .

" To: ~~feCl'N .:;~:;:::-N~;(:_:_. -.-.

.~~:0:~~i< . ~: ~X:Nliibibaa '.' ';t:t;~~~~~1~m(; MiII.oaiol SoIoo.on :.:i" v.' BrlanT. Taoiiuchi GIaomWdai SamSlOO» &C' W..,M_

Wc""'lnwpportot~:aBS29. Wonood""iI>omnI><:emmn~m...~"· . fur _~apimtl4lw&Btdd ... OJ tec!mn""~ __ jolj~'oat

'~y, "'.~.~ {).fuQ,o

... ' To, CcomDitteo 00. CPN Hilnorable lIooal)'D. 'it &lo:r. Chair llrickvrood Galu!eria, Viea Chair Clmeoce K Nlsbihom MillBms. Solomon arum T. Tanigncbl OJ,,,,,, WBkoi SamSlom. &0 CommitOOe Member.

Date: Mueh 2&, 2013 Time: Cf!·60fr. H' Place: ~RMZ19 '

W• ...., in IlIlJ'l'Od oflhe HBS19. We need an imnn:m<:e to!Wl our fom homo. lm.u-es for ourJ>I01ecrl=agoIlUt~and ~~ tawardIJ our job becanse our duty .. CO%egiv...... 'W:l:y ri

RBspecdillly, ~ f~LfH,fC4 To: Committee on CPN Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Brickwood Galutetia, Vice Chair Clarence 1(. Nishihara Malama Solomon Brian T. Tal\igucbi GlennWakai SamSlom & Committee Members

Date: March 28. 2013 Time:qibO 'A, n ~ Place: Conference RM 229 Topic: HB529

We are in sUpport of the 00529. We need an insurance to run our foster homes businesses for our protection against unwanted and unexpected incidents towards our job because our duty as caregiv,?!s is very risky. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to testify. To: CommItte< on em Honorable ~ H. Baker, Cbak ~kwrod Galumrl/l. Vice Choir CIsnlnce K. Nisblhara Mal=a SoIOIl!foronO"e'RM 229 TopIo: HB529

W¢ arc:in gupport offue HBS29. We nmi an i:nsnranoa to _ O1I1'fooIorhmn"" bo$ines... fot <1UI protoction!lS'd= UI1Wa!Itod and ~ incldcnIs 1o'9l'lllds our joh because our dilly gg """'gi...... very risk;y. Thank you to. I!Ivini u.1hc opporttmi'Y to~. Respee\fully, To: Committee on CPN Honorable Rosalyn H. Baker, Chair Brickwood Galuteria,. Vice Chair Clarence K. Nisbihara Malama Solomon Brian T. Taniguchi. Gle:nn Wakai SamSlom & Committee Members bate: March 28, 2013 Time: :q: ~O *'"1' :Place: Conference RM 229 Topic: HB529

. :',' We are in support ofthe 00529. We need an insurance to run our f()stqllODlCS bU$inesses for om protection against unwanted and unexpected incidents towards OIltjobbecanse our duty as caregivers is very risky. Thank: you for giving us the opportunity to testify.

",.", To: ~tr:m:mitbcc 011 CPN ~ Rcsal)'llH. BaJo,r. ChaIr Blfuk:wood Galutetla. Vice Chair Clatence K. N"lShihara MaIama SOlomotl Brlmi T. Taniguchi Gk:anWakai SamSlom k Committee Mombe

Dahl: Ml!ICh28,2013 'I'InIe: :·q;)6.~ l'l=: Confor= RM 229 Topic: HBS29

Wo are in SlJ!IllM of1hc HB5Z9. W.need an~to ruQ our fu8terhcm<:sb,.mesees fo, Out plOtccIIon against UD.WI!!ltfrl an4 ~ inclck$ tuwmds our j wry risky. '!'hBcli: you fur aI'Yfug til; the opportnnlty to tesilijr. To, CommiUeeonCPN Homrable lWMl;l'll R. Bilk.. , Chair Brickwood Galutmi>, Vice Chair Claren

Dt!l:e: Mlorcll28.2013 Throe: CjI3o!;.. n· Placo: Cimi'ereme RM 229 Topic: Im529

We ore 111 ""I'P"I"Qfthc HB529. W."..d "" ~ tXJ ron Dorro_ homes """""SSe<; fur our pgivers is very risli;y. Thank you for giving US 'the oppol"lUnity m testifY. To: CQInmittoc on CPN HonotaI;IIe Rosalyn H. Baka. Chair aric~ Golutod., Vioe ChaIt Clarence K. NW>ibom Ml!Iomo. SOlomon Brlan T. Tanigucbi GknnWabi SawSlom &~Memba-s

Dare, Ma-oh28.2I>13 1'lmo: Gj;~o.ti1, l'la

W• ...., in 8U)l!lOrt of1bo HB529. W. ueed 'Itt iJJJman<:elQ _our fo_~ b~ 1hr ourprotcoti

!>alE: Morel> 28. 2013 TIm.>! ~;::~H. l'l-= RM229. Topic: HBS29

W.. "",in SUjlpOttoflbo HB529. We moed ..;...m...r.. ", __footaolwnos '""'" fu< our pootcotiQnagBinst un'l'lmllOil and ~ ioo:idooIs towBrds _ job ~oor duty .. an:gi... " iii v~ ri*)t. 1book :you:fu< aMng "" 1IIs "W""'miIy 10 1csIii1-

" TO: ~""CPN HonarabIeR<>sol)nIL ~ Chair l

We"", iII SlIJ!PO'I of1he HB529. W. JlJ!ed III """""'-to =_i>ca lIDmes N t' tw oor~asoi>Ist1DlW!l!lte4.m '*"JiI'Ciedind! .. ~ """job ~-duty "" """'IIivas" vrq nsty. 'l:1I.oM:yoo.fur giving us 1he"PP«~. To: ~onCPN ~:R.osoIynH. Bob!; Cbtir .Imolmittoo MemI>ots

We _m~ ot'ti>c liB529. WeJlOOCl ... ~to "",oor"'-~l>n';T 'S fur aur~agaimit an~ II!d""""P""'od iDoidcom mWOl'ds _job ""-se _ditty os ~;,; vay!/sky. Iha;,k:roll fur aMns",,1Ile ~1n-ny.


'.' , To: ~oncm ~R.osIlyn:a:&tot, Cbair llricl

W~=in SIIp!lQrtoi'1il<> HB5'l9. We'-! .. "-"""" *' ftII). _ ~ homos)O,,; os toT out ~aeattmt~-t IlDIIXJlIlCIaukyou furgivins os the ".PIJOrUmilytl) 1I!OIIt'y. -' .

R ...... ny. ~f=~

.. To; ~QIICPN Il'ooo=

Wu.ein~oftbeHB529. We_""~tt"un_t<$:r~bo"" fur om- proteoIion against UIIWaIIII>d and """"pcotod iDcl.ltnto __ ""'" j<>I> ~ our duly os camgi't... is verytillky. 'Ilw!k you fur ~ ... lhcupptw:txaDty 10 1eotif,y. To: Committee on CPN ~R<>I8IynH. Bokilr. Chair ~ Oa!uredtt" V"'" Cbmr ~x. Nhibll>ooa MaIsmB. Solomoil BriaQ. T. TlIIIiguobl Glom! Waioli SmnSl_ k C . ,,-, •• Mam!>eto

We"'" In SIlJ'I>O!I oflbc HllS29. We noodan lBsm..-It> "'" 00< fi>otMr ht:moo Wi" os m.­ oot~ agaiDO!:~...! ""'"'l""'" ine1d;r'sto-m. ourjob ~ _duly" cawgi"o..,,'" vet!! Jioli:;y. "I"IiiDl< you fur a/viDg usll!e ~ to teotilY. l>«p.od"Wly, To: c.:.mmtIee "" CPN ~RCoItlynH. Bala!r, Choh lltl'okw.,,,.!GoInrtm. v=

Dote: Match28.2013 1'ime: Pb:>::; ~~~:M'• ~ 229. Topic: HBS29

We are In 5Upp(Irt offtlc H8529. We lIOOd on inow...., 10 "'" ourm.r..,:&om.. bmri...... fur our PtotwDon"l!lliMl UilW4lltdllDd """!I!t ,!:I,d inci",,"," -.It ...... jOO -..6m duty .. """'tIi ..,.. i!l va:y mty. T.boilk youiQr ~ ..."IfIB 'W"""W!yJo~.

.' To: Coram_ on CPN Hooo_~:a. Bake<, Choir ~~ V"",CIWr Cla=K.W'- MaIoma S<>Jnmm. BrIan T. 'I'auigucIJi GIconWakai StonSIom &~MoombErs

We "",in suppartat'1bc RB529. We~ ..... lb .lOeb .... _~_ bt,.... '" aur~.. """auItd Qd _4- ljijit'i:Ilts~QllfJob~ ourdlily .. ~ "''MY mq.'IbarIk:roo filr~"'lIIic _1DiIlIY "'....utY. - .


: T", 0m>mitIJ00 ""-CPN ~lI!>ooI:jD.H. a.k

W¢ "'" in""f'l'(lrl <>till<> HB529. Weneed..,;...... ,e m mn _"""" _ I,,,.j ... " be _~~UIllJOllO:ledllDd ~flriden!s1oWllldoourjM booome_duty .. """'l!I..... ;. wry rumy. Thank y<>Il fur gMng us1l>o "PPMbJDlty 1»~. :r<>: =-onCPN Hooar.mIe Rasa!:Ynlt Babr. Chair ~ GoMc.:iu, Vice Cbair a-K.W_ MaIimm SoJoowt Brion T. Tanlguchi.

WeareinlllpJlHB52!I. Wenocd.ni!munmoe1D __ iboIor_b".! com. O¥il ~Iioo~ llDWOI!Iod;md ~ too14cut- tow.:ds oor.l<>b b=oosc """ ilDI)r" c:ateQi, .." is ve!Y rioky. "fhonl: yw fur gim.; lIS 1IIt opptttuDil;l' IG 1e$Ilfy. - . To: C-om>"'h=onCPN ~Roosaly.nH. B""", Chair Brlckwood OM>tetfu, Vi~ C.bair C1"M"":rt. Niobibom ~&:JInmon Brian T. TclBigo.:m Gl..t=W~ s.... 51am &~M

We =in""l'l'<'rtoflbeHB529. W"need ... _1oIlmOOt_.""....""w cafur our~ag.aill$I~ml~inoidmrtstllWM~. .


VLeroK r'PC- ' G·

" To; C

Date: Match 28, 2013 11D!oe: q:~.f1.r Place:: ~RM2Z9 Tapw. RBS29

We~in~oftheHB$29. W~nccdanimnDW'cetotQDOUl'fo*,homesbn'lli! t iW _~ aga!nstlln~ml ~;"cj"",,*1uwmIs_jobbocon:oo _cIoty .. .,..",;.... is ""'Ylfsky. ThonlcYQnt/lt givmsUl"owwf:tmitym~.

Rooptctfully. !N~®. Viun~ 1454-

~~11aIrc Healthl~~ (Ohima.:Hea:1$.J:~) Al1i'~Ie IV, Section 6.7 ~j~ts andtbeir

. ,"_ ,__ ... _.. ' ,~:2.r2:~L~-:.~l~:._'" _," _"," .. ~ __ '''_ ._, .... _:.:;.. _.':L~L, .. _.... .0". _. " _._," "" ._ .... :. . Jalso request the comminee to incl.udean additional section amending section 346-334 of the Hawaii Revised Sflitutes, mandating that the community care fomr family homes, substitute caregivers shall be21yr:arsor Ql~ In adflit,ion,to ;his please include an.additional amendments ;=~;:~~~~\~~I~a:~}1~::~~!:l~::a::;daY; - - .,- .,', , ",.' -

, .';

": 1 • ' •• ;'. C;."· ',~, . "'~' p,2 :;. ": ·'>::M>:!·':::-~ ,:.' p.4- , "." .. ·';·"';',.~~"~;:;iM,::>'·


'.-.... "

I Strongly SUPPORTHB398,HDl,sDl with Amendm!:nt&,;", ':::.,..; " ;",:,i' :i, ': Please ma~ th~'~I\~~~~~ndiile\,tit6;~i~'sm, , please add as;part2'tti~dtide a TaskForCe to assist 1n the transition of the Department of '" Health,wI1ereas:iilf home & Community- BaSed Facilities and Case Managers will be affected by this combining ofdepartments,

"'" n,A,iT,~ r~kJ9.~tl!;ii;!~!!,'~me~~rqfi~~:~a~ ~~P'C1in.te,ct;bV·t~Srnate President; one '; •• ";:' ;~rnbef9ftHE'HW$e'QftR~/'eSentatives.iam»mtel!'bvthe;Sp&ker.bHIie:'House two case maiiagers. four tepr~iltatiVl!$ fromthe,Adu'tt'Res1dentlal Care Homes,four representatives from the CommunitY'&re' Foster Family Homes, four rept'esentatives from Adult Dav Care Centen;. one representatives from the Department of Human Services and one Representatives from ~rtmeat#l1\~l\Wil:M!!mbers."b';il!;~:whhoi!t'CDmPtllllii!~~. 'The Task Fol'C1! is , ;effective up'o~,a~~,~~I:!c!~~; ma~~TI1mendatioristothe regjsl~res on the Transition pertaining to, the$e:~rsr!l9,late.r,thilfl~Pi9,ays.prior to the conV:~/1lng of,the 2014 legislature" ~~'~_)'~'" ",,' ':,' " ' The Task Fort:esha\i"c~as~tO eiclst Julie 3D, 20~4,

" .._~, "'.' 'r' ,:, '- Thank you for ali~inlime the opponiilllty to Testify IN SUPPORT OF HB 398 HD1,SOl." ','"'I

.. -: . ",.

'(.{.' .

'. :,,·,:~<::;f:"~·id~.- . >:·"~~~';!~~~~.~~ifS;~1; : , .. ,']'

ATM (808)744-2465 p,3 l'Ia~ 28 13 OS: 4Ba p.3

..'Thankyouroi·~~l~;.~;~portuniity toteStify in supportHBS29,HD1, SOl

:~. ::{.-~~:~,.:t;+:~.• ,.My yoUr: ,;,.~.-:~ -~h~,..•.;'.}¥~t~1,~2~~:~;~/.~ 'f : '", " :,',., '-:'; ,;-',~ ,

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lo~ sectioIl" ~a.epMoary~to beabsentftom the _"'IDly care foster family m-s form _ thin Cony llDUr:S~.. calcaclor -C. Mtto....-1 cisht b""", per day;

(~~I~t ,'," '. ,:-:.. -·i;· ',f":!':} ~~i"475 p.2 ,', i 'c·' :;;~ . t ':' ;:;: ..

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existing 2cli~.ofthe Adult Foster Home Illy m:f'm,itU~:WIy disal:,ledr(D'P!J:o),Iesiide:lrts, under Section 3 of

~ vrould also give the~~ ~~ moDthly;incpme to help pay some oftbe expenses incurred in lUIlIling and providing quality. C!lII:?to.. ourdevelopmentany. and intellectually disabled residents.

Lastly, 1he extra. bed spliCe ishlldly:needed.by us forIeS]pne CIIIe. Sometimes, we would like to go on vacation or m,arbe,1llke a cULy-o:ff'olr tWo~to;lest:or 1IlD.win¢Wavoi<1.bunH:,ul .'. 'r._ ADULT FOSTeR HOMES OF THEPACtf1c March 28, 2013 Room 229 @,:30am Stat~Capltol

TO: COmmittee on Commerc:e anti COnsumer ProteCtion . Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair Senator Bric:kwood Galuteria, Vice Chair Members of the Committee .

TC3tbnm in Strog S!ppart HB519 BDl.t ~r'·." Cere H~~ :- The 1!P!P.95e ofthjsl!J!!!!Ig!'e is!Q.fC9\Iirns ~U ~ "fAdultF9!!!eTB""'S' A,psnia1 LiVing Facilities. fmJn!f

'(am SlJOIISly SUJlPC)d~9.BDl.Sm~,~1O outlwl,~~vl; RulC$ tbeDepartmillltof~ Semces numc!etrdlbit I\llcs lISa.~ SecIioo. 17-1454- 49. liuddilicm boao:o;l MOur~:&o!n UnitedH .... 1tbcm; AlIideIV,Scction4.7lJD1W Liability~; 6IId Wdlcare Health lbsuraneo (OhlilldlClQ/lb l'w:a)~ Iv. SeeD"" 6.1 ~\lity ~ l?aclIity shall maintain aIII1 sball n:qIIiRI:tloalth Cote l'rovidcrS axr;l tlleit respective employee$, SI.1bo::oMaCh'lrs or ~~:B to mobgojo- (a) IIUC:h pulli;i~ a! s..-.I. and ~ IiaI>IUty ()falpracr;ico)~ as Ql!O:SSIllYIO 1usutef8.:ilm' and Headth c-:&c.vidoltsrcq:=~ve!y. apitIst claims ofpt:rSOmll illiury or dealhalleaed 0: GaUScd by perfomiance IlDdcl'IIl,b ~ 1(10 !l<)t._1IDY problems in oWMeinc1h!s expeasive aovcragc1hat will ~ TJlY ~ !bat incIJJtl= my =~a1'1, »-. Bc.t..1IId financ!:al weIfqrc:fur my family_ The gmClld IIIIiI profl!ssionalliability (~) m.-..:e will thes1 ..forth thc~ 1D IIflY ~ deIIh t1r persooal illiurY II) ~·offfl!! etientI: In my hom... Malpmccice -ma IIl&lmptope:r or noe&gmrt Ueatmeat of *' PI_ ~bylD)i btaHhcate provider ~ Indamav. Ot ross. ~ O1iIe&'p:ofessiOllS 1iabili.i,y 1n81lhDOO'IO~.~11U:dfca1 ~~ ... bIaltbcare prot>illatit may be Mdby a pa!ii;otiOr >'8rio1is rt:aIC~,

~~.. I ..~~~~~m.~~~;:::;:~~~

:: .. '

\. -,

,!" providecl thai the SIlbstitute carcgiwr 1$ p!*Dt .in the COJNIl1lDity care fu&ter family hoDlo ~1.U'in$' tblI primazy caregivers ahsen.oe' EXImI:I.lhc ~ clIdic fur the section 346·334:ftom June 30, 2013 to JUllC 30 2015, or pm it inf,o BAR beQuse we cllllDDt aflOnl to hi:re CNA payillg $I01hour we ate uadctpaicl We 0Dly g.,umg $41.06 pet day m.1IIIStd'e. I:aIso requcst*'cammittee to include and adding *' I!1!1g1Mges tim require.,. all PRIMARY'CAREGIVERS 'M:tJST BE A (CNA) Cel:ti.tWNmscAssislaotdbrc:erti&dhM'CJicmsorth:ee'elbitSma'Acmes.

I m-gc lhc committee _bars to pl_pua this bill bc== it is designcd to ~ our busilIess. sIIIkd:Iohb 8Dd pmpc:rty.

Thlmkyou.1brgivlJlgmothl:,~1Q'~!'ti:f>,\~~,~:~29~~"~h:,<,': ' ~~~/e ~/tAOl ~C~. ';:;#(~:C~g~:'3gtfO

r~7!?f)/J I,' .

' ..-,.",

, " :"'

" .

. :t

1.1.0998£ : Dl \ \", . : ;.> ADULT FOSTER HOMES OFTHJ: PACIFIC March 28, 2013 Room 229 @!;l:30am State Capitol .

TO: Committee on Commerce aod Consumer Protection Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chajr Senator Brlekwood Galuteria, Vice Chair Members of the Committee

T!otiI!IMY ill StraM Soppart 111m' plat RWUpg" CInB•• 1II The!l!lmose oitbis mW'W;, to rcquirM all operAtor "'Mu!t F?"'(p' HIlmA Assisted LivIfII fMililie\ I\mnyj..! Adult Rail1ent;!!!l Care Hsmes pmmnmity Care FoW F.... .-bt 'f!tw!I!!e and Develnnmenql P'yhW.tj, QrnnJgI'im Home! tg ghtpin and trtaiptaip • ;;uffi_t trmrnmt 9f genfm!\ and P1'P'rmfnn"l liabllity inpJJ'Mt'e as well as wrtm.nbUc insymnge.

I am S~y Support HB529 HOI, SOl :e-nse ItCCOrding to our BAA Hawaii Admjnittrative RnJej; tIi$ DeparQ:ntm of Human 'Semc:es ",.nde!ed this tule6l1S 3, ~1lOt SecliOI!. 17.14$4- 49, lXl additiEly, against cbri1n6 ofpe1I!QI1;III.l'limY Ot deadt aUcaed O! o:IIDSed by pmfllllll!U1l:O under tru. Agl'eerneut I do !lOt see a11If ptobleIIuIm obtaini:ug this ~ COlletBjje thai: ..nIl pmtect lilY l7I1sIness 1hat u.aludes my~. !i.o=nse. -.and lI ...... ciel woJfav:e t'« my fiImiJy. The ~ m1 pro,ftIssionolllability (~) loaumnce will then • furth the protection to any UlICxpected dath Of pemonal injmy 10 lIllY otmy clleJliJl in my mao Ma~ means an iIll~ crnegijgent. treaIIIIeM ofa paderlr, as by tary }!ea1tbcal» provider mulling III damage, or.loss. Li1ce ofuer ~00ll1bat pna-o professioulliabiUty . ~ To p;oteat~.... ml'di1l8l ~ lnsun\Il;ewill ~alIr p{Otl:C:l a heaItboate provider Ibat may be $UCd. by • patient fur various-.

I also reqtte$t ibe colll1llitlw 10 include lID. addiWad sectil1ll ammdlpg Sectionl46-334 ofthe Hawaii Revisecl Statu1lls, mandl!1jng tim thI:: 1ilOIWllUIIitj' ~ fo5t$o family ho\IJes, subsl1t1tt.. tl8I'e¢vers IhalI be 21 }'1m Ol: older. In ad!;liuon 'II:) tbil; pl_lDcIude an IIddiIional amendinmta to t\lis section" allowing the primary caregiver to ~ .b8l!!tt 110m me COIDImlIIiV o:are:futrtcr filmily Mil fur no _ than tllrty Iwurs in a cal.mdar weelr,. not to eJOeee.i eight bour$ ~ day; ~ thaUbuubstitnte caregiver is preIeI)t.i.n 1he c:nmmDhiLy WIll fi:I6fIer itrciIf home ~ the JII'ima17 caregivat """"-' F.:.;tead the swset date fbr tile Section 346-334 :fi'

1tqe Ihe ~ lnem\)en to pl_ p!IlIS tbis bin bcoause it I. cJesigIled UI JrOIICt OIl!' oo"""s, lItakel!oJcler IIIId properly.

Tbauk yOllfor aivfugmC> the opportunity to U:stify inSU,PllOltHB529,HDl, 8»1

.I p.l


March 281 2013 Room 229 .~3oam State capitol

TO: Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protec&tiOn Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair Senator BriCkwood Galuterla~ VIce Chair Members of the COmmittee

Iff" nil- !Ore rt!ll53!BPUpt,3" .CuB~ lbelNlJKllloftbil==r=isiDaI'P,uQP d"pf"''''J!tf'=Bpng ArizHU!W F!"!1h &wW' I'dWtR=id=t!:o! On HeM!I'!mnr!!niI.YOn "'* FprilylrmpMd J)mmh",w ... ,htl Pi• b9hie f!se»ieitim Homes tonb'Jdpagi' 'eI",." SJ"kiTtlFM!l!tof

PSP'R'W II!Id @;t 'f 'w! 'iehi!i" in.WE""; !o!il., '1lW"YW''''''''''''

I 'lIP SIxcqJy Sl4Ji!6otHBS29lIDl. Wi ao-.lIIlOlUlIiuIto ourSAllHawllii~dmjn_ladve RuJea 1be~ofHmllllServk:e8 mud" d 1lIi.$mlIIII .. a~ 8ecIio41""1454- 49, Jp. addidcIn t.ed GIl ova: '1OII_.iM!tUom UniIIld e "h_ AdIaII IV, SIcI!on 4.71111der ~ bll' we; IQIJ W..uc-Jka/lh~ (OlIIuaHealth P'IaIl)~ lV, ~6.7 l'aollIty r--.. fMililt *-11 awintajn -l WltIllqlliJ:e HeaIIh ORl'I.'ovidIn d.1bIiIr NIJIlgQ"'~ ImbcnetJa:totsGl'~ ...... ,~tIJ JIlIIiot.Ua' (a) J1IIlh poIiciao of ga1eIlIllI'IId p;v~ll.l.lbili\y (MalpI1ICIiee) ~. DIIIl 1 to kIIme FIICllity and HNIIh ~PmIide.oI~=Iy, ~"alf*.Qn.I"'otclea!b.allegedor __ hy~'Ulldca:8IiI~ J dtJ 1lOt,.. JD.7~ln oIDinius1bia61<~ co-ae tbIIt wilt pWlctDQ' b.' !bat 1Mbldfw ~ ac:dwIiab. ~ -.8Ild finmsia! 'II'OIfiI:e b: mylllllril1. '(bl; 1!II'l1II'I1.ud ~0DDl1ia1!iliq (m.qnm...) u--will then _:IlcIh1bDpro1ICdjoa to any ~death M pIDllIlIll qmylO..,. ofrrt1 eli.. inmy lJooI-. ~_ ..~or.ptllAIIIIeDI:of.pIIiaI. _byantlnlt",­ p!lJliidar ii2 khI8 i:a.4ag .... (ll'M.. Lilt: ..pi ( iawilbatpndlllsr.; Illlliolliomll1illbi1ity .m.. -,,>/: 10 (ll'OIect /he,,. ,1Ihw, m,.,IioeI_Ip"'IC1b lQaaraacewiJl fizi.u,m.I'iY~. ~ p.'OV/da'_maybe:lUl!d. by a ~iI,r wrio_1f>IIIIBS.

I also ~tbeC>UiiiBii_1o bllndc 811 tdditiolllal-ac.a ~ Sdao.346-334 of1b/l Hawooii IteYiKQ SIatuIN, mandsricg that1he ~ tmI fuMerfllmil)' n.-, IIIIbIIiQI1e f.lIII"eIiva ..... 0021 ~~aIdet. InUlitioo til tbiI P-inoIDdellll...tcft&uwl ~ to 1hi.t seetioD" aUowi.tI& thft ~ ~ to be abitItt from 1IIt COIIIIIlIIIIlt7 eas.'6 ~ &Duly bcmea futDO more tb8II. b\V bDcniu a caIcocfar ....DOt» IIIIII1ecd cialrt~ pet dar, Mar 27 13 01:20p Jaine B. Lacuesta 18086220442 p.1

Honorable Senator Rosalyn Baker, Chair Honorable Senator Brickwood Galuteria, Vice Chair and Membe'rs cit· the CPN Committee

HB529-RelatingJo Care Hclmes - Uability Insurance Hearing i)tlMa~~ih2~;2013 at9:3tJAM'" .• . Gonferenl:e·Room 229

I strongly support the ~H'fHB529 H01 S01.

My name is Jaine Lacuesta, a Certified Nurse Aide, taking care of developmentally and intellectually disabled for 23 years now. I am a member of a foster home organization that is 600 - members strong.

I strongly believe that every caregiver working with residents should obtain and maintain malpractice and prOfessional liability insurance with sufficient coverage.

It is very Important that we have the coverage because there could be situations invoMng injuries or damages that generations ago would have been ignored by the injured person or hislher family and are now the basis for lawsuitS. Uability has become a major risk for the Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) ()r NUrSe Aide (NA) or anybody in the allied health care professions.

I also strongly support the addition of the 3Jd client to the existing 2 clients of the AduH Foster home care givers taking care of the developmentally and intellectually disabled (00/10)

residents, under Section 3 of this Bill.

Chair, Vice-Chair and Committee members, adding a 3" client to the existing 2 clients that we

already have: First, will provide another resident with a loving and nurturing environment in a

family setting in the community where he or she can enjoy life instead of being in an institution.

These residents have severe behavioral problems that only special trained and qualified

caregivers are able to care for them. (My family members have been trained and are qualified to

care for these residents.) Mar 27 13 01 :22p Jaine B. Lacuesta 18086220442 p.l

Secondly, this would save the State millions of dollars a year as we are only paid an average of $2500 a month instea

,This would alsogi~'~{c8;~ an extra rnonthly income to help pay sOme of the expenses "irlcunnad in runnirin~a'~ing qualitycana to' Our developmentallylll1d irTtellectually disabled

".,' i·

Thank you for a!lOwing.~o testify in support of HB529 H01 501. J·~~C~ , ;(. ou.-pt;. '/J.. la~)?~ 3 . ~fu 1.J0000sfru 'I,' ~1~,}l1-~e:>t_.


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