
THE ALOHA SYSTEM—Another alternative for computer *

by NORMAN ABRAMSON University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii

INTRODUCTION WIRE COMMUNICATIONS AND RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FOR COMPUTERS In September 1968 the University of Hawaii began work on a research program to investigate the use of At the present time conventional methods of remote radio communications for computer-computer and access to a large processing system are console-computer links. In this report we describe a limited to wire communications—either leased lines or remote-access computer system—THE ALOHA SYS­ dial-up telephone connections. In some situations these TEM—under development as part of that research alternatives provide adequate capabilities for the de­ program1 and discuss some advantages of radio com­ signer of a computer- system. In other munications over conventional wire communications situations however the limitations imposed by wire for interactive users of a large computer system. Al­ communications restrict the usefulness of remote access 2 though THE ALOHA SYSTEM research program is computing. The goal of THE ALOHA SYSTEM is to composed of a large number of research , in provide another alternative for the system designer this report we shall be concerned primarily with a and to determine those situations where radio com­ novel form of random-access radio communications munications are preferable to conventional wire developed for use within THE ALOHA SYSTEM. communications. The University of Hawaii is composed of a main The for widespread use of wire communica­ campus in Manoa Valley near Honolulu, a four year tions in present day computer-communication systems college in Hilo, Hawaii and five two year community are not hard to see. Where dial-up telephones and leased colleges on the islands of Oahu, Kauai, Maui and lines are available they can provide inexpensive and Hawaii. In addition, the University operates a number moderately reliable communications using an existing of research institutes with operating units distributed and well developed .3,4 For short distances throughout the state within a radius of 200 miles from the expense of wire communications for most applica­ Honolulu. The computing center on the main campus tions is not great. operates an IBM 360/65 with a 750 K byte core memory Nevertheless there are a number of characteristics and several of the other University units operate smaller of wire communications which can serve as drawbacks machines. A time-sharing system UHTSS/2, written in the transmission of binary data. The connect time in XPL and developed as a joint of the Univer­ for dial-up lines may be too long for some applications; sity Computer Center and THE ALOHA SYSTEM data rates on such lines are fixed and limited. Leased under the direction of W. W. Peterson is now operating. lines may sometimes be obtained at a of data THE ALOHA SYSTEM plans to link interactive com­ rates, but at a premium cost. For communication links puter users and remote-access input-output devices over large distances (say 100 miles) the cost of com­ away from the main campus to the central computer munication for an interactive user on an alphanumeric via UHF radio communication channels. console can easily exceed the cost of computation.5 Finally we note that in many parts of the world a reliable high quality wire communication network is * THE ALOHA SYSTEM is supported by the Office of Aero­ not available and the use of radio communications for space Research (SRMA) under Contract Number F44620-69-C- data transmission is the only alternative. 0030, a Project THEMIS award. There are of course some fundamental differences

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between the data transmitted in an interactive time- shared computer system and the voice signals for which CONSOLE the telephone system is designed.6 First among these No. 1 differences is the burst nature of the communication from a user console to the computer and back. The TRANSMIT CONSOLE typical 110 baud console may be used at an average CENTRAL DATA No. 2 MODEM TRANSMnrTER data rate of from 1 to 10 baud over a dial-up or leased COMPUTER

soles such a scheme will lead to the same sort of in­ ment for simple communication equipment at the con­ efficiencies found in a wire communication system. soles. The possibility of using the same code for error This problem may be partly alleviated by a system of correction at the MENEHUNE will be considered for a central control and channel assignment (such as in a later version of THE ALOHA SYSTEM. telephone switching net) or by a variety of polling The random access method employed by THE techniques. Any of these methods will tend to make ALOHA SYSTEM is based on the use of this error the communication equipment at the consoles more detecting code. Each user at a console transmits packets complex and will not solve the most important problem to the MENEHUNE over the same high data rate of the communication inefficiency caused by the burst channel in a completely unsynchronized (from one nature of the data from an active console. Since we user to another) manner. If and only if a packet is re­ expect to have many remote consoles it is important ceived without error it is acknowledged by the MENE­ to minimize the of the communication HUNE. After transmitting a packet the transmitting equipment at each console. In the next section we console waits a given amount of time for an acknowl­ describe a method of random access communications edgment; if none is received the packet is retransmitted. which allows each console in THE ALOHA SYSTEM This process is repeated until a successful transmission to use a common high speed data channel without the and acknowledgment occurs or until the process is necessity of central control or synchronization. terminated by the user's console. Information to and from the MENEHUNE in THE A transmitted packet can be received incorrectly ALOHA SYSTEM is transmitted in the form of because of two different types of errors; (1) random "packets," where each packet corresponds to a single noise errors and (2) errors caused by interference with message in the system.8 Packets will have a fixed length a packet transmitted by another console. The first of 80 8-bit characters plus 32 identification and type of error is not expected to be a serious problem. control bits and 32 parity bits; thus each packet will The second type of error, that caused by interference, consist of 704 bits and will last for 29 milliseconds at a will be of importance only when a large number of data rate of 24,000 baud. users are trying to use the channel at the same time. The parity bits in each packet will be used for a Interference errors will limit the number of users and cyclic error detecting code.9 Thus if we assume all the amount of data which can be transmitted over this error patterns are equally likely the probability that a random access channel. given error pattern will not be detected by the code is10 In Figure 2 we indicate a sequence of packets as 2~32^10-9. transmitted by k active consoles in the ALOHA random access communication system. Since error detection is a trivial operation to implement,10 We define T as the duration of a packet. In THE the use of such a code is consistent with the require- ALOHA SYSTEM r will be equal to about 34 milli­ seconds; of this total 29 milliseconds will be needed for transmission of the 704 bits and the remainder for re­ uMr I ceiver synchronization. Note the overlap of two packets 0_ n n from different consoles in Figure 2. For analysis pur­ poses we make the pessimistic assumption that when an overlap occurs neither packet is received without error and both packets are therefore retransmitted.* uHr 2 Clearly as the number of active consoles increases the a n number of interferences and hence the number of re­ transmissions increases until the channel clogs up with repeated packets.11 In the next section we compute the average number of active consoles which may be sup­ user k n nr ported by the transmission scheme described above. Note how the random access communication scheme of THE ALOHA SYSTEM takes advantage of the nature of the radio communication channels as opposed to wire communications. Using 'the radio channel as nnn nrin n n we have described each user may access the same interference time * In order that the retransmitted packets not continue to inter­ repetitions U^ fere with each other we must make sure the retransmission delays Figure 2—ALOHA communication multiplexing in the two consoles are different. 284 Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1970

channel even though the users are geographically dis­ because of the retransmissions, it is strictly speaking persed. The random access communication method not even mathematically consistent. If the retrans­ used in THE ALOHA SYSTEM may thus be thought mission delay is large compared to r, however, and the of as a form of data concentration for use with geo­ number of retransmissions is not too large this assump­ graphically scattered users. tion will be reasonably close to the true distribution. Moreover, computer simulations of this channel indi­ cate that the final results are not sensitive to this RANDOM ACCESS RADIO COMMUNICATIONS distribution. Under the exponential assumption the probability that there will be no events (starts of mes­ We may define a random point process for each of sage packets or retransmissions) in a time interval T the k active users by focusing our attention on the is exp(-RT). starting times of the packets sent by each user. We Using this assumption we can calculate the prob­ shall find it useful to make a distinction between those ability that a given message packet or retransmission packets transmitting a given message from a console will need to be retransmitted because of interference for the first time and those packets transmitted as with another message packet or retransmission. The repetitions of a message. We shall refer to packets of first packet will overlap with another packet if there the first type as message packets and to the second type exists at least one other start point T or less seconds as repetitions. Let X be the average rate of occurrence before or T or less seconds after the start of the given of message packets from a single active user and assume packet. Hence the probability that a given message this rate is identical from user to user. Then the random packet or retransmission will be repeated is point process consisting of the starting times of message packets from all the active users has an average rate [l-exp(-2#r)]. (1) of occurrence of Finally we use (1) to relate R, the average number r = k\ of message packets plus retransmissions per unit time to r, the average number of message packets per unit where r is the average number of message packets per time. Using (1) the average number of retransmissions unit time from the k active users. Let T be the duration per unit time is given by of each packet. Then if we were able to pack the mes­ fl[l-exp(-2flr)] sages into the available channel space perfectly with absolutely no space between messages we would have so that we have R=r+R[l- exp(-2#T)] rr = l. or iRT Accordingly we refer to rr as the channel utilization. rT = Rre~ . (2) Note that the channel utilization is proportional to k, Equation (2) is the relationship we seek between the the number of active users. Our objective in this section channel utilization rr and the channel traffic RT. In is to determine the maximum value of the channel Figure 3 we plot Rr versus rr. utilization, and thus the maximum value of k, which this random access data communication channel can support. Define R as the average number of message packets plus retransmissions per unit time from the k active users. Then if there are any retransmissions we must have R>r. We define Rr as the channel traffic since this quantity represents the average number of message packets plus retransmissions per uni ttime multiplied by the duration of each packet or retransmission. In this section we shall calculate RT as a function of the channel utilization, rr. Now assume the interarrival times of the point .05 .10 process denned by the start times of all the message channel utilization rr packets plus retransmissions are independent and expo­ nential. This assumption, of course, is only an approxi­ mation to the true arrival time distribution. Indeed, Figure 3—Channel utilization vs channel traffic THE ALOHA SYSTEM 285

Note from Figure 3 that the channel utilization REFERENCES reaches a maximum value of l/2e=0.186. For this 1 N ABRAMSON et al value of rr the channel traffic is equal to 0.5. The 1969 annual report THE ALOHA SYSTEM traffic on the channel becomes unstable at rr =l/2e University of Hawaii Honolulu Hawaii January 1970 and the average number of retransmissions becomes 2 M M GOLD L L SELWYN unbounded. Thus we may speak of this value of time computer communications and the public interest Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference channel utilization as the capacity of this random access pp 1473-1478 AFIPS Press 1968 data channel. Because of the random access feature 3 R M FANO the channel capacity is reduced to roughly one sixth The MAC system: The computer utility approach of its value if we were able to fill the channel with a IEEE Spectrum Vol 2 No 1 January 1965 continuous stream of uninterrupted data. 4 L G ROBERTS Multiple computer networks and computer communication For THE ALOHA SYSTEM we may use this result ARPA report Washington D C June 1967 to calculate the maximum number of interactive users 5 J G KEMENY T E KURTZ the system can support. Dartmouth time-sharing Setting Science Vol 162 No 3850 p 223 October 1968 6 P E JACKSON C D STUBBS A study of multiaccess computer communications TT = kXr = l/2e Proceedings of the Spring Joint Computer Conference pp 491-504 AFIPS Press 1969 we solve for the maximum number of active users 7 Initial design for interface message processors for the ARPA computer network &max=(2eXT)-1. Report No 1763 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc January 1969 A conservative estimate of X would be 1/60 (seconds)-1, 8 R BINDER Multiplexing in THE ALOHA SYSTEM: corresponding to each active user sending a message MENEHUNE-KEIKI design considerations packet at an average rate of one every 60 seconds. ALOHA SYSTEM Technical Report B69-3 University of With T equal to 34 milliseconds we get Hawaii Honolulu Hawaii November 1969 9 W W PETERSON E J WELDON JR Error-correcting codes—Second edition &max = 324. (3) John Wiley & Sons New York New York 1970 10 D T BROWN W W PETERSON Note that this value includes only the number of Cyclic codes for error detection Proceedings IRE Vol 49 pp 228-235 1961 active users who can use the communication channel 11 H H J LIAO simultaneously. In contrast to usual frequency or time Random access discrete address multiplexing communications multiplexing methods while a user is not active he con­ for THE ALOHA SYSTEM sumes no channel capacity so that the total number of ALOHA SYSTEM Technical Note 69-8 University of users of the system can be considerably greater than Hawaii Honolulu Hawaii August 1969 indicated by (3). 12 W H BORTELS Simulation of interference of packets in THE ALOHA The analysis of the operation of THE ALOHA SYSTEM SYSTEM random access scheme provided above has ALOHA SYSTEM Technical Report B70-2 University of been checked by two separate simulations of the sys­ Hawaii Honolulu Hawaii March 1970 tem.12-13 Agreement with the analysis is excellent for 13 P TRIPATHI values of the channel utilization less than 0.15. For Simulation of a random access discrete address communication system larger values the system tends to become unstable as ALOHA SYSTEM Technical Note 70-1 University of one would expect from Figure 3. Hawaii Honolulu Hawaii April 1970