YOUTH-HALF PRICE (AGES 25 & UNDER) Gerry Tenney Kris A. J. Kathy Rahim Alhaj SENIOR-$2.00 OFF & the Hard w/ Issa Malluf (AGES 65 & OVER) Delmhorst Croce & Carol ^Z_Z^R]Zde ecf]jVT]VTeZT+ VibfZdZeVf_RSRdYVU]j :cRbZ`fUgZcef`d` MEMBERS-$2.00 OFF Times Orchestra ^R_U`]Z_Zde|d Re^`daYVcZT S``XZVh``XZV ]`gV]jYRc^`_ZVdWc`^ T`^a`dVc|decRUZeZ`_R] :_eVc_ReZ`_R]H`c\Vc d`_XdecVdd e`Wf_\e`WcVdY 4Rc`]>T4`^S :cRbZ^RbR^hZeY ALL SHOWS ARE GENERAL ADMISSION 5RjTV]VScReZ`_ Hayward Williams e`fTYZ_X`cZXZ_R]d Rj$ ## &!U``c May 4 #' &!U``c May 5

CE FLOOR DAN IS OP E EN TH Session Four Jazzschool Jazzschool Hawaiian Andre Thierry Institute Institute Slack Key & Zydeco Magic Americana w/ Bitchin’ Guitar Festival j`feYWf]RTT`cUZ`_ Gypsy Jazz and Vocal Concert hYZkUV]ZXYedUR_TVcd Laura Cortese, Babes defUV_eddZ_X Led Kaapana, R_U^fdZT]`gVcdR]Z\V Miracle Parade WRSf]`fd]jWf__j East Bay Funk deR_URcUde`SVS`a Dennis Kamakahi, WV^R]VW`]\VdecR Brother Noland, _`_ecRUZeZ`_R]ehZded Ensembles dZi^`cVaVcW`^Vcd `_ecRUZeZ`_R]ef_Vd

#! &! ## &! >Rj' #% &! #' &! >Rj) "! &! "# &! >Rj* "! &! "# &! May 10 #& &! #) &! May 11 #! &! ## &! May 12

Barbara Dane’s West Coast Freight Sam Rudin Bill Kirchen Evie Ladin 85th birthday Songwriters Open Mic Band & Too Much Fun Band concert pay your dues, aZR_`UcZgV_ }eZeR_`WeYV dZ_XZ_XUR_TZ_XSR_[` iconic Competition play and shmooze S``XZVS]fVd[Rkk EV]VTRdeVc|d~ a`]jcYjeY^ZTWf_\ [Rkk S]fVd ac`WVddZ`_R]]j[fUXVU Y`_\je`_\ 45CV]VRdVDY`h g`TR]Zde `cZXZ_R]d`_XdT`_eVde e`ecfT\de`ac`T\ 7:30 showtime

#% &! #' &! >Rj"$ ' &! ) &! May 14 % &! ' &! May 15 #! &! ## &! >Rj"( #' &! #) &! >Rj") #! &! ## &! >Rj"*

DR_7cR_TZdT`4YR^SVc Manuel @cTYVdecRacVdV_ed Toward the Fun: Noam Suzy Thompson Loudon Pierre Classical @ the Freight Wavy Gravy, host & Del Rey, Agujetas w/ Jonathan Richman, Pikelny Wainwright Bensusan ]VXV_URcjDaR_ZdY SFCO Barry Melton Band Af_TY3c`eYVcd| Johnny Nicholas 7cV_TY2]XVcZR_ 8jadjW]R^V_T`dZ_XVc gZcef`d`SR_[`a]RjVc III XfZeRcgZdZ`_Rcj RTT`^aR_ZVU All-Stars & Nick Gravenites w/ Aoife O’Donovan, & Hell Bent 8cR^^jRhRcU SjXfZeRcZde hZeYBen SimonY`de RSV_VWZeW`c4R^a Chris Eldridge, w/ Cindy Cashdollar hZ__Z_XV_XRXZ_X Manuel Valencia HZ__RcRZ_S`h Luke Bulla, dZ_XVc d`_XhcZeVc Dominick Leslie, S]fVddhZ_X and Sam Grisman R_UY`\f^ $# &! $' &! May 20 ) &! "! &! May 21 $! &! $# &! May 22 ## &! #% &! >Rj#$ #! &! ## &! May 24 $% &! $' &! May 25 #% &! #' &! >Rj#'

Abraham Lincoln Brigade Freight Freight Roots Revue Eliyahu J Austin Robin Flower Celebration Sunday, 2 pm Open Mic Swoon, & the Qadim U Lounge & Libby DaR_ZdY4ZgZ]HRcd`_XdR_UZ^RXVd pay your dues, Foggy Gulch, WVRefcZ_XdaVR\VcKate Doyle,^fdZTZR_d play and shmooze Ensemble N Lizards McLaren , Velina Brown, Randy Craig, R_TZV_ed`f]Wf]^fdZT dReZcZTR]W`]\ f_ZbfVWcVdY Tony Marcus, and Barrett Nelson Hop Head `WeYV?VRc6Rde T`f_ecj 4V]eZTR^VcZTR_R R_UaY`e`XcRaYVcRichard Bermack E

## &! #% &! Df_URj>Rj#( % &! ' &! >Rj#* "% &! "' &! >Rj$! #! &! ## &! >Rj$" #% &! #' &! ;f_V" ## &! #% &! ;f_V#

Dan Crary Danny Click David Gans, In the Steel The Freight of the Night: Goes British & Thunderation & the Americana Garrin Bobby Black Quartet, Revue#3 W]ReaZT\Z_XaZ`_VVc|d Orchestra Big Lou’s Dance Party, S]RkZ_XZ_decf^V_eR] Benfield The Raveups, 2^VcZTR_c``edecZ` ScZ]]ZR_eXfZeRcZde|d Joe Goldmark TYR^SVcT`f_ecjc`T\ WcVVdej]VRT`fdeZT Local Hero, c`T\XfZeRc and the Seducers Girl Named T, U`fS]VSZ]] deVV]XfZeRc ViecRgRXR_kR The Blondies #! &! ## &! >`_URj;f_V% #! &! ## &! ;f_V' #! &! ## &! ;f_V( #! &! ## &! ;f_V) #! &! ## &! ;f_V*

Workshops/Jams aRXV)June 10 & beyond aRXV( Ticketing Info aRXV( Kids’ Shows+>Rj"$Rj"*AReTYh`c\DVcZVdEYV9ZahRUVcd@Te`acVekV];f_V#;`dÆ=fZd@c`kT`dVVaRXV)

A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANIZATION t About the Freight PERFORMER PROFILES: May 2012 5IF'SFJHIU4BMWBHF$PGGFFIPVTF #FSLFMFZ Society for the Preservation of Traditional Gerry Tenney & the Hard Times Orchestra Tuesday May 1 .VTJD JTBOPOQSPGJUDPNNVOJUZBSUTPSHB Singer, songwriter, guitarist, mandolinist, and longtime stalwart of the nization dedicated to promoting the under Bay Area music scene, Gerry Tenney honors International Worker Day with standing and appreciation of traditional an evening of musical commentary on economic downturns and labor strug music—music rooted in and expressive of gles. Gerry and his Hard Times Orchestra stitch together songs from Pete the great variety of regional, ethnic, and Seeger and the New Lost City Ramblers with related traditional and con social cultures of peoples throughout the temporary material, including a wide spectrum of blues, klezmer, bluegrass, world. We are supported by your atten rock and roll, and many of Gerry’s own songs. Gerry is joined by special dance, grants from the Alameda County guests the World Blues Trio. ARTSFUND, Berkeley Civic Arts Program, Longtime leader of one of the West Coasts’s leading klezmer bands, The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, California Klezmer, Gerry also heads the bluegrass/americana band The Lost the Kanbar Charitable Trust, the Walter & Tribe. The Hard Times Orchestra backs him tonight. &MJTF)BBT'VOE UIF&ENVOEBOE+FBOOJL Littlefield Foundation, National Endowment Kris Delmhorst, Hayward Williams opens Wednesday May 2 for the Arts, Bernard Osher Foundation, Wells Combining a warm, expressive voice, a superb poetic imagination, Fargo Foundation, musician’s benefit perfor and an alluring, rootsy mixture of folk, gospel, and country styles, mances, volunteer efforts, and your generous TJOHFSTPOHXSJUFS,SJT%FMNIPSTUQMBZTXIBUTIFEFTDSJCFTBTiTPOHT tax deductible donations. with pavement under their feet, dirt under their fingernails, and sometimes out of sight of land altogether.” In the decade since she began performing, Kris has made her presence felt on the acoustic Contact Info music scene, touring the country and winning first place at the 2001 Telluride Bluegrass Festival’s prestigious Troubadour Competition 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 and numerous Boston Music Award nominations. TELEPHONE:   8IFUIFSTIFTTJOHJOHEFMJDBUFCBMMBET CBDLQPSDIGPPUTUPNQFST  E-MAIL: [email protected] or midnight lullabies, Kris’s charm, intelligence, and adventurous approach illuminate her music. Tonight she mixes atmospheric originals with selections from her latest CD, an intriguing collection WEBSITE: PGUVOFTCZTOFXXBWFNBTUFST5IF$BSTSFJNBHJOFEXJUIBDPVTUJDJOTUSVNFOUBUJPOBOE,SJT luminescent, dreamy voice. A. J. Croce Thursday May 3 Board of Directors "TJOHFSTPOHXSJUFSCPBTUJOHUSVMZFDMFDUJDUBMFOUT "+$SPDFJTBT likely to pull an old boogie woogie piano jam out of his sleeve as he is John Bidwell Peter Glazer to offer up a swampy New Orleans funk groove or a fresh and touching Chair Barbara Higbie original. His first five CD releases each hit the radio charts in a differ Steve Meckfessel Clyde Leland ent genre—jazz, americana and blues, adult alternative, the American 7JDF$IBJS Ray Murray DPMMFHFSBEJPDIBSU BOEUIF64UPQ1SBJTJOH"+TNPTUSFDFOU Nancy Castille Kerry Parker album, Cage of Muses, David Wild of Rolling Stone magazine calls him Secretary Russ Pollock iPOFPGPVSHSFBUFTUZPVOHTPOHXSJUFSTw Bill Haggerty Sarah Robertson "GUFSMPTJOHIJTGBUIFS NVMUJQMBUJOVNSFDPSEJOHBSUJTU+JN$SPDF UP Treasurer Marci Rubin BUSBHJDQMBOFDSBTIBOEIJTFZFTJHIUUPBCSBJOUVNPS "+HSBEVBMMZ Polly Armstrong David Sawi regained sight in his left eye and came into possession of his father’s Dion Aroner Steve Sidney XFBUIFSFETPOHCPPLBOEHVJUBS#ZUIFBHFPG IFXBTBSFHVMBS Larry Chung Linda Tillery performer at local nightclubs in San Diego, and he hasn’t looked back since then. In addition to radio John Croizat Austin Willacy play and exposure through his exhaustive touring, his songs have traveled to the far reaches of our Robin Flower John Williamson HBMBYZPOUXPTQBDFTIVUUMFNJTTJPOT"+IJNTFMGSFHVMBSMZQFSGPSNTXJUIGPMLTMJLF"SFUIB'SBOLMJO  Suzanne Fox Willie Nelson, and Ray Charles, and his television appearances include The Tonight ShowXJUI+BZ New Home Committee Leno, Austin City Limits, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, and Entertainment Tonight.

$P$IBJST Kathy & Carol Friday May 4 Danny Carnahan Singers Carol McComb and Kathleen Larisch return to the Warren Hellman (1934-2011) Freight stage with their gorgeous interpretations of British and Appalachian ballads, country tunes, Carter Family songs, and Carol’s timeless originals. The duo’s unique sense of harmony is remarkable for its use of shifting intervals, haunting dissonances, Musicians Committee and counterpoint, and their a cappella songs send shivers down the spine. Darol Anger Tony Marcus Kathy and Carol began singing together in high school in Duck Baker Mike Marshall Southern California, and performed extensively on the folk circuit David Balakrishnan John McCutcheon JOUIFT TIBSJOHTUBHFTXJUIUIF/FX-PTU$JUZ3BNCMFST #JMM Greg Brown Libby McLaren Bill Evans Steve Seskin .POSPF 1IJM0DIT BOENBOZNPSF5IFEVPTTFMGOBNFE Kaila Flexer Richard Shindell Elektra album remains a timeless tribute to traditional British Isles and American folk music. After Mary Gibbons Mayne Smith decades of pursuing separate careers, the pair reunited their luminous voices in 2005, resumed tour Ronnie Gilbert Eric Thompson ing, and released a new CD, Keepsake. Sylvia Herold Suzy Thompson Patrick Landeza QBSUJBMMJTUJOH Rahim Alhaj w/ Issa Malluf Saturday May 5 5XJDF(SBNNZOPNJOBUFEoud virtuoso and composer, Rahim Staff Alhaj finds in his ancient instrument a unique voice that speaks pas sionately to contemporary listeners of every musical background. Steve Baker Heather Herrington Born in Baghdad, Rahim creates music that delicately combines tra Executive Director Associate Director ditional Iraqi maqamat NFMPEJDNPEFT XJUIDPOUFNQPSBSZTUZMJOHT and influences, translating into intensely lyrical music the suffering, Susan Lefkowich Lisa Manning Development Director Marketing Director joy, and determination that he has experienced in his life as an Iraqi, a political refugee, and today as an American citizen. His composi Keith Mineo Andrea Hirsig Concessions Manager House Manager UJPOTGMPXHSBDFGVMMZGSPNIJHITQJSJUFE WJSUVPTJDEJTQMBZTUPEFMJ cately nuanced pieces, establishing new concepts without altering Bob Whitfield Michael Sawi the foundation of traditional Iraqi oudNVTJD1BMFTUJOJBO"NFSJDBO Production Manager Webmaster percussionist, Issa Malluf, accompanies tonight’s performance. Celeste Kopel Renee Gaumond Rahim studied the oud TJYTUSJOHFEMVUF VOEFSGBNFENVTJDJBOT.VOJFS#BTIJSBOE4BMJN"CEVM Program Associate Program Associate Kareem at the Institute of Music in Baghdad. Rahim has released several recordings; most recently Clyde Crosswhite Tim McGraw Little Earth,BTFMFDUJPOPGEVFUTXJUIGBSGMVOHNVTJDJBOT‰GSPNHVJUBSNBTUFS#JMM'SJTFMMUP$BQF Facilities Director Volunteer Coordinator Verde vocalist Maria de Barros—united by his unique musical vision.

A 286  2 Theme Session Americana w/ Laura Cortese, Miracle Parade Sunday May 6 Variations +PJOVTGPSBOFWFOJOHPGHSFBUTPOHTQMBZFECZ TVQFSMBUJWFNVTJDJBOTBT#PTUPOCBTFEBDPVTUJD AMERICANA music collective Session Americana takes the stage. .BZ 4FTTJPO"NFSJDBOB In this intimate yet highly theatrical show, a group w/ Laura Cortese, Miracle Parade PGUPQOPUDITJOHFSTPOHXSJUFSTDPNFUPHFUIFSUP swap songs and instruments, inviting the audience +VOF 3PCJO'MPXFS-JCCZ.D-BSFO to share in their warmth, joy, and camaraderie. With +VOF %BOOZ$MJDLBOE core SA members Ry Cavanaugh, Dinty Child, Billy the Americana Orchestra #FBSE BOE+JN'JUUJOHDPWFSJOHUIFJOTUSVNFOUBM BLUEGRASS/NEWGRASS/OLD-TIME front from banjo to guitar to harmonica to drums to May 23 Noam Pikelny & Friends pump organ, the show also features special guests BLUES/JAZZ/SWING Laura Cortese on fiddle and Miracle Parade on bass. May 13 Barbara Dane’s 85th Birthday Starting in 2005 with an impromptu jam at a tiny May 17 Sam Rudin Band bar in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Session Americana May 24 Suzy Thompson & Del Rey, quickly grew to an New England institution, playing gigs from coffee houses to international festival +PIOOZ/JDIPMBT)FMM#FOU tents, from Boston’s Club Passim to the Galway Arts Festival in Ireland. Along the way, they have w/ Cindy Cashdollar won numerous Boston Music Awards, including Best Live Residency in 2011 and Album of the Year CELTIC-AMERICANA for their 2009 release, Diving for Gold. Session Americana’s fabulously rich repertoire reflects the diverse backgrounds of its core mem +VOF 3PCJO'MPXFS-JCCZ.D-BSFO CFSTi*OBEEJUJPOUPOFXUBLFTPOUSBEJUJPOBMOVNCFST wTBZT%JOUZ iXFEPBGBJSOVNCFSPGPSJHJOBMT CLASSICAL and I still get a real kick out of playing unlikely covers with our instrumentation. We have a pretty May 21 Classical @ the Freight extensive batch of Prince songs as well as Flaming Lips, Liz Phair, the Beastie Boys, Radiohead, and 4'$0"MM4UBST a hundred more.” FLAMENCO .FMEJOHUIFQSPQVMTJWFHSBDFPGBODJFOUGJEEMFTUZMFTUPPQFOIFBSUFEPSJHJOBMQPQGMBWPSFETPOHT  May 20 Manuel Agujetis violinist and vocalist Laura is one of the most intriguing and versatile musicians in the bountiful New w/ Manuel Valencia England roots music scene. .JSBDMF1BSBEFJTUIFBMUFSFHPPGTJOHFSTPOHXSJUFSNVMUJJOTUSVNFOUBMJTU$ISJTUPQIFS1BQQBT  FOLK XIPTFNVTJDJTTUFFQFEJOMPXGJCSJMMJBODFBOEBNCJFODF May 1 Gerry Tenney & the Hard Times Orchestra May 4 Kathy & Carol Four Bitchin’ Babes Tuesday May 8 GUITAR, STEEL GUITAR Now how could you go wrong with a group that bills itself as a .BZ 1JFSSF#FOTVTBO i'BCVMPVT'FNBMF'PMLFTUSBw'PVSTJOHFSTPOHXSJUFSTXJUIBLOBDLGPS +VOF *OUIF4UFFMPGUIF/JHIU catchy hooks and an unerring eye for the absurd range freely across the Bobby Black Quartet, contemporary American landscape, leaving no icon untoppled. From mar Big Lou’s Dance Party, ried life to bad blind dates, from chocolate obsession to botox, no theme +PF(PMENBSLBOEUIF4FEVDFST that really matters is left unexplored as the Babes bring their witty patter, +VOF .FMPEZ.POTUFST%BWJE(SJTNBO IJQHJSMHSPVQIBSNPOJFT QJBOP HVJUBST BOEBOVOGPSHFUUBCMFXBSESPCF & Frank Vignola to bear. GENRE BENDING Spotlighting numbers from their recent CD, Diva Nation, Sally May 19 Evie Ladin Band Fingerett, Debi Smith, Deirdre Flint, and Nancy Moran are endlessly +VOF "VTUJO-PVOHF-J[BSET DIBSNJOH UVOFGVM BOEJOTJHIUGVM+PJOUIFNGPSBOFWFOJOHPGQPJHOBOU views and unbridled comedic commentary on the joys and dilemmas of HAWAIIAN FWFSZEBZMJGF TVSFUPFOUFSUBJOCBCFTBOEiNBOCBCFTwBMJLF May 11 Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival IRAQI, NEAR EAST Jazzschool Institute May 5 Rahim Alhaj w/ Issa Malluf May 31 Eliyahu & the Qadim Gypsy Jazz & East Bay Funk Ensembles Wednesday May 9 JAZZ 5XPGBOUBTUJDTUVEFOUHSPVQTGSPNUIF+B[[TDIPPM*OTUJUVUF‰UIF(ZQTZ .BZ +B[[TDIPPM(ZQTZ+B[[ +B[[&OTFNCMFBOE&BTU#BZ'VOL&OTFNCMF‰QSFTFOUFMFDUSJGZJOHFOEPG and East Bay Funk Ensembles semester performances! .BZ +B[[TDIPPM*OTUJUVUF7PDBM$PODFSU %JSFDUFECZHVJUBSJTU1BVM.FIMJOH )PU$MVCPG4BO'SBODJTDP UIF KIDS (ZQTZ+B[[&OTFNCMFQFSGPSNTKB[[JOUIFTUZMFPG%KBOHP3FJOIBSEUT May 13 Kathy Kallick and Stephane Grappelli’s Quintet of the Hot Club of France. Following May 19 Patchwork Series: in Stephane and Django’s footsteps, the student ensemble plays pumping, The Hipwaders, Octopretzel infectious rhythms combined with virtuosity, inventiveness, and soul, fea +VOF +PT¹-VJT0SP[DP turing Hande Erdem and Bobbi Nikles on violin, cellist Gael Alcock, Craig +VOF 'JEEMFLJET$PODFSU #SPXOJOHPOBDDPSEJPO )BSSJTPO(PME 5SJTUBO/PSUPO BOE+BNFT1JDLSFM ROOTS on guitar, and bassists Mike Sweetland and Rick McFarland. May 30 Freight Roots Revue: Swoon, Directed by bassist Marc van Wageningen, the East Bay Funk Ensemble focuses on the East Bay Foggy Gulch, Hop Head GVOLDBOPO QMBZJOHUIFEJTUJODUJWF SIZUINESJWFOHFOSFPGNVTJDUIBUFNFSHFEPVUPG#BZ"SFB +VOF %BO$SBSZ5IVOEFSBUJPO CBTFECBOETGSPNUIFMBUFTUPUIFQSFTFOU5IFTIPXJODMVEFTOVNCFSTGSPNUIFiHPEGBUIFSPG TPVM w+BNFT#SPXO QMVTSFQFSUPJSFCZOPUFE#BZ"SFBCBOETJODMVEJOH4MZBOEUIF'BNJMZ4UPOF  ROCKABILLY Cold Blood, Tower of Power, The Headhunters, Ray Obiedo, and The V.W. Brothers. The ensemble May 18 Bill Kirchen & Too Much Fun features Colin Di Grazia on sax, guitarists Rikki Gibson and Tony Owen, Christian Sullivan on piano/ SASSY SONGSTRESSES keys, bassist Bill Hager, and Aaron Hipschman on drums. May 8 Four Bitchin’ Babes SONGCRAFTERS Jazzschool Institute May 2 Kris Delmhorst Thursday May 10 .BZ "+$SPDF Vocal Concert May 25 Loudon Wainwright III +PJOVTGPSUIF+B[[TDIPPM*OTUJUVUFWPDBMEFQBSUNFOUTFOEPGTFNFTUFS +VOF %BWJE(BOT (BSSJO#FOGJFME performances. Under the direction of Laurie Antonioli, vocal performance SPECIAL EVENTS TUVEFOUTMFBSOBCSPBESBOHFPGTUZMFT GSPNiHSFBU"NFSJDBOTPOHCPPLw standards to bebop and beyond, developing a repertoire of 100 songs over May 12 BOTMC Spring Situation UIFFJHIUTFNFTUFSDPVSTF5POJHIUZPVMMIFBSUIFGSVJUTPGUIFJSTUVEJFT  Open House including improvisation, phrasing, close harmony, the development of a May 22 Toward the Fun: a Benefit for Camp Winnarainbow personal voice—and some great tunes! May 27 Abraham Lincoln Brigade 5IF+B[[TDIPPM*OTUJUVUFPGGFSTBDPOTFSWBUPSZQSPHSBNEFWPUFEUPUIF Celebration study and performance of jazz and related styles of music, fostering the artistic development of aspiring professional jazz musicians and building new audiences to sustain ZYDECO and promote the jazz art form. The institute integrates a comprehensive, progressive undergraduate May 12 Andre Thierry & Zydeco Magic FEVDBUJPOQSPHSBNUBVHIUCZXPSMEDMBTTNVTJDJBOTBOENVTJDFEVDBUPST

A 286  3 Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festival Friday May 11 Barbara Dane’s 85th Birthday Concert Sunday May 13 Barbara Dane is a true institu tion in the uni v e r s e o f j a z z , blues, and folk music. Barbara first came to wide The Freight brims with amazing music and heaps of aloha tonight when we present the Hawaiian public attention Slack Key Guitar Festival, spotlighting ki ho’alu, the guitar style that Hawaiian cowboys developed performing with JOUIFUIDFOUVSZXIFOUIFZMPPTFOFEUIFJSHVJUBSTUSJOHT PSiTMBDLFEwUIFN UPDSFBUFBEFFQ  UIFMJLFTPG+BDL resonant sound. The show’s producer, Milton Lau, is the genius who organized the first slack key Teagarden, Louis guitar festivals, starting in Honolulu in 1982, as a way to honor the late, legendary guitarist Gabby A r m s t r o n g , 1BIJOVJ5POJHIUTBMMTUBSMJOFVQJODMVEFT)BXBJJBONVTJDMFHFOET Ledward Kaapana and Dennis Memphis Slim, Kamakahi, BXBSEXJOOJOHTMBDLLFZHVJUBSJTUTKawika and Palolo Steve, guitarists and vocalists a n d M u d d y Brother Noland and LT Smooth, and special guest Patrick Landeza. Waters in the late One of Hawaii’s most beloved traditional artists for over four decades, slack key guitar master Led TBOEFBSMZAT XIFOTime magazine said Kaapana is also accomplished on ukulele, autoharp, bass, and steel guitar, as well as being an extraor TIFIBEiBWPJDFBTQVSF SJDI BOESBSFBTB dinary baritone and falsetto singer. Perhaps most importantly, the man known affectionately as lima karat diamond.” wela iIPUIBOEw CMFOETIJTFGGPSUMFTTWJSUVPTJUZXJUIBOJOGFDUJPVTKPZJOQFSGPSNJOH BHFOFSPVT Barbara never wavered in her commitment to spirit, and a rascally sense of humor. work in the movements for peace and justice, The Reverend Dennis Kamakahi is one of Hawai’i’s most prolific and popular songwriters. A mul taking her songs to gatherings of people every UJQMF(SBNNZXJOOFSBOEBMPOHUJNFNFNCFSPGUIFMFHFOEBSZNVTJDHSPVQ 4POTPG)BXBJJ %FOOJT where from the Mississippi Freedom Schools IBTTFFONBOZPGIJTWJWJE SPNBOUJDDPNQPTJUJPOT MJLFi1VB)POFwBOEi8BIJOFA*MJLFB wCFDPNF to the GI movement against the Vietnam War, Hawaiian classics. and to Cuba as the first U.S. singer to tour there Brother Noland has been an innovative force in Hawaii’s music scene for the past several decades. after the revolution. Barbara puts it all in per "QPQVMBSQSPQPOFOUPGi+BXBJJBOwNVTJD‰)BXBJJBOTUZMFSFHHBF‰IFSFDFOUMZUVSOFEUPXBSEBNPSF spective when she talks about the roots of her traditional sound. NVTJDBOEBDUJWJTNi 5IFTFTPOHT XFSFHJWFO 3PVOEJOHPVUUIFGFTUJWBMTBNB[JOHSPTUFSBSF,BXJLB %BWJE,BJVQJMFPLBMBOJ,BXJLB UIF to the world in the spirit of turning madness Na Hoku Hanohano Slack Key Artist of the year, Kailua resident Leon T spotlighting his velvety into sanity, pain into joy, bondage into freedom, WPDBMTBOEMJHIUOJOHGBTUHVJUBSMJDLT 1BMPMP4UFWF ","4UFQIFO*OHMJT XIPTFi3FEXPPE4MBDL,FZw and enmity into unity. ” was featured on the Grammy nominated album, Hawaiian Slack Key Kings Volume 2 in 2009, and +PJO#BSCBSBUPOJHIUBTTIFDFMFCSBUFTIFS Berkeley’s own slack key guru and Hawaiian music impresario Patrick. 85th birthday with a memorable performance Berkeley Old-Time Music’s Spring Situation ranging through her lifetime of work. Community Open House Saturday, May 12th noon—4 pm West Coast 5IF'SFJHIUKPJOTGPSDFTXJUI#FSLFMFZ0ME5JNF.VTJDUPIPTUUIFJSSpring Situation community PQFOIPVTF BGSFFBGUFSOPPOPGPMEUJNFTUSJOHCBOEQJDLJOH TJOHJOHBOEEBODJOH JODMVEJOHB Songwriters Competition GBNJMZEBODF JODMVEFTJOTUSVDUJPOGPSBMMEBODFT DBCBSFUTUZMFDPODFSUTFUT KBNTFTTJPOTBOEXPSL Monday May 14, 7:30 pm shops galore on all manner of making music with people. Check out the future when the West Coast Songwriters presents its monthly Songwriter Competition, where members take the stage Andre Thierry & Zydeco Magic Saturday May 12 and perform their material. Performers sign up When Andre Thierry was three years old, the King of Zydeco—the from 7:00 to 7:20, and at 7:30 the show’s on! late great Clifton Chenier—grabbed him by the arms and declared (VFTUKVEHFTBXBSEBi#FTU4POHwBOEi#FTU him a future accordion player. Today, Andre is a virtuoso on all types Performance.” The most active songwriting PGBDDPSEJPO BTPVMGVMTJOHFS BOEBOFYDFQUJPOBMNVMUJEJNFOTJPOBM organization in the United States, WCS is dedi musician who seamlessly blends old and new. Backed by his smokin cated to providing opportunities, and tools to band, Zydeco Magic, Andre sets the Freight on fire with an enthralling nurture and promote songwriters. CMFOEPGUSBEJUJPOBM[ZEFDPNVTJDXJUIIJQIPQ CMVFT KB[[BOESPDL‰ you bet the dance floor will be open! Andre grew up in the East Bay deeply immersed in his French Sam Rudin Band Creole heritage, mastering the traditional music of his forebears at the Thursday May 17 'SFODI$SFPMF -B-B EBODFTIJTHSBOEQBSFOUTIFMEBUUIFJSDIVSDI A n e x c i t i n g , parish, St. Mark’s Catholic Church, which featured the best zydeco musicians Louisiana had to offer, IJHIFOFSHZQFS including Mr. Chenier. By the age of 12, Andre formed his own band, Zydeco Magic, and started per f o r m e r , S a m forming all over northern California . . . and the rest is history! Rudin attacks and 5IFTFEBZT ;ZEFDP.BHJDJODMVEFT&SJDi,FOZBw#BLFSPOHVJUBS +BIPO1SJEFPOCBTT 3VCFO caresses the key Moreno on rubboard, and Tawan Bradford on drums, as featured on Andre’s most recent release, board with great Andre Thierry and Zydeco Magic LIVE! rhythmic intensity, .JDIBFM5JTTFSBOE BVUIPSPGEFGJOJUJWFIJTUPSZ5IF,JOHEPNPG;ZEFDP XSPUF i/PXUIF$BMJGPSOJB romping through scenes rival anything back home in Louisiana, and that’s due to players like Andre Thierry, a standard a b r o a d r a n g e bearer for the new generation. Thierry is among the best of both the West Coast and the Gulf Coast, of 20th century and he combines youthful vigor with a mature appreciation for his inherited tradition.” American music. "DPNQFMMJOHWPDBMJTUXIPTFSPVHIIFXOWPJDF Kathy Kallick Sunday May 13, 1 pm brims with drama and humor, he can evoke the spirit of Fats Waller, Oscar Peterson, Mose ,BUIZ,BMMJDLT.PUIFST%BZDPODFSU B OFBSMZ BOOVBMUSBEJUJPOGPS "MJTPO BOE+FSSZ-FF-FXJT‰TPNFUJNFTBMM more than 20 years, will put a song in your heart and a smile on your BUUIFTBNFUJNF-FF)JMEFCSBOE East Bay face, with a flower for every mother and a grand finale extravaganza Express EFTDSJCFT4BNBTi"NBTUFSPGNVTJDBM where Kathy invites all the kids on stage to dance and sing along! americana whose his scope is near limitless”. The performance spotlights wonderful original songs from Kathy’s Sam brings with him a band featuring some UXPBXBSEXJOOJOHBMCVNTPGNVTJDGPSDIJMESFOBOEGBNJMJFT‰Use A of California’s most gifted musicians. Danny /BQLJO /PU:PVS.PN and What Do You Dream About?—as well as $BSPO HVJUBS (FPSHF#SPPLT TBY 4UFWF some new songs developed for this event. &WBOT CBTT BOE+JNNZ)PCTPO ESVNT BMM *OBEEJUJPOUPCFJOHBOBXBSEXJOOJOHTPOHXSJUFS WPDBMJTU BOE have extensive careers working with national band leader, Kathy is the mother of two girls, and today she’s backed and international names in blues, jazz, and CZBOBMMQBSFOU BMMTUBSCBOE,FJUI-JUUMF CBOKP 5PN#FLFOZ NBO world music, and all of them played on Sam’s EPMJO 4V[Z5IPNQTPO GJEEMF BDDPSEJPO BOE4UFWF1PUUJFS BDPVTUJDCBTT 5IFZMMQFSGPSNIJMBSJPVT new CD, Once or Twice a Week. songs about smelly feet and old time fast foods, garbage men and other heroes. Don’t miss it!

A A282866 4 4 Bill Kirchen and Too Much Fun Friday May 18 Classical @ the Freight $PNFIJUDIBSJEFUPIPOLZUPOLIFBWFOXJUI#JMM,JSDIFO BTUIFi5JUBO Monday May 21 of the Telecaster” and his band Too Much Fun perform old favorites and SFCO All-Stars newly penned originals, including selections from Word to the Wise, his Classical at BMMTUBSEVFU$%8JUIIJTTDPSDIJOHHVJUBSSVOTBOEFMFHBOUUXBOH  the Freight Bill celebrates an American tradition where country music draws upon c e l e b r a t e s its origins in blues and bluegrass, and in the western swing of and N a t i o n a l $BMJGPSOJBIPOLZUPOLT JOGVTJOHSPDLBCJMMZNVTJDXJUIBOJSSFTJTUJCMFCMFOE C h a m b e r PGIBSEDPSFEFWPUJPOBOEGMBUPVUGVO"HSFBUTIPXNBOBTXFMMBTPOFPG Music Month UIFIPUUFTUHVJUBSTMJOHFSTFWFSUPCMPXUIFSPPGPGGUIF'SFJHIU IFJTTPNF by present one you definitely should not miss. ing four out Bill first gained renown as lead guitarist for Commander Cody & his Lost standing San 1MBOFU"JSNFO UIFSFOFHBEFDPVOUSZSPDLCBOEUIBUUVOFEJOBXIPMFHFO F r a n c i s c o eration to the joys of unvarnished rockabilly music. It was Bill’s Telecaster $IBNCFS0SDIFTUSB"MM4UBSTJOBWJSUVPTJDQSP HVJUBSUIBUESPWFi)PU3PE-JODPMOwPOUPUIF5PQ5FOTJOHMFSFDPSEJOHDIBSUTJO gram of chamber music favorites by Mozart, Bill’s band, Too Much Fun, plus special guest keyboardist Austin de Lone, join Bill as he continues Beethoven, and others. The concert features UPQPMJTIIJTSFQVUBUJPOBTPOFPG"NFSJDBTQSFNJFSSPPUTSPDLNVTJDJBOT SPVTJOHUIBUSFCFMSPDLB 5PE#SPEZ GMVUF &MJ[BCFUI$IPJ WJPMJO  billy trucker that slumbers deep inside us all. "MFYBOESB-FFN WJPMB BOE)BOOBI"EEBSJP #FSSZ DFMMP  Patchwork Series Classical at the Freight brings the Bay Area’s best classical musicians to the Freight for an the Hipwaders, Octopretzel Saturday May 19, 11 am IPVSPGUPQGMJHIUDIBNCFSNVTJDJOBOJOGPSNBM  Melita Doostan and Rudy Trubitt host this friendly atmosphere. San Francisco Chamber morning’s edition of the Patchwork Series of Orchestra music director Benjamin Simon is LJETTIPXT GFBUVSJOHSPDLJOIJQTIBLFSTGSPN ZPVSIPTUIJTHPBMJTUPVOTUVGGJGZBOEEFNZT the Hipwaders and irresistibly hummable tunes tify classical music for the general music lover, from Octopretzel. sharing the joys and rewards of this timeless art "$BMJGPSOJBUSJPTQFDJBMJ[JOHJOLJEQMFBTJOH with new audiences young and old. power pop anthems full of catchy tunes and beautiful vocal harmonies, the Hipwaders are Toward the Fun: POFPGUIFDPPMFTUiLJOEJFSPDLwCBOETJOUPXO a Benefit for Camp Winnarainbow 5JUP6RVJMMBT HVJUBS LFZCPBSET %+,JOWJMMF CBTT BOE/JDL#BDB ESVNT IPOFEUIFJSDIPQTQFSGPSNJOHBUUIF+FMMZ#FMMZ$BOEZ'BDUPSZJO Wavy Gravy, MC, Jonathan Richman, Fairfield before going on to play other venues and release a succession of albums, winning throngs the Barry Melton Band PGBEPSJOHGBOT ZPVOHBOEPME BOEOVNFSPVT1BSFOUT$IPJDF $IJMESFOT.VTJD8FC BOE/BUJPOBM w/ Nick Gravenites Parenting Publications awards—they were even invited to perform at Chicago’s Lollapalooza Festival in 2007. Tuesday May 22 In a show as exuberant as their whimsical name, Octopretzel returns to the Freight stage to share exciting new material! The band creates engaging music, inspiring curiosity, wonder, and apprecia tion for the world we live in. Their skilled musicianship and magical way with children guarantees a EBODFBCMF TJOHBCMFBOETVQFSGVOFYQFSJFODFGPSUIFXIPMFGBNJMZ Evie Ladin Band Saturday May 19 Make sure you join the party when the Evie Ladin Band opens UIFCPYPOUIFUPFUBQQJOHNBUFSJBMGSPNUIFJSOFX$%Tenacious, JOOPWBUJWFTUSJOHNVTJDJBOTEBODFSTXJUIBRVJSLZOFPUSBETPVM UIF Evie Ladin Band throw down music with an unusually creative and surprising live show. A superb banjo player and a clever songwriter +PJOVTGPSUIJTGBCVMPVTBOEGFTUJWF NVMUJ XJUIBOFOUISBMMJOHWPJDF &WJFJTKPJOFECZ,FJUI5FSSZ GPVOEFSPG faceted concert, with proceeds benefiting the UIF*OUFSOBUJPOBM#PEZ.VTJD'FTUJWBM POCBTT CPEZNVTJD WPDBMT  beloved circus and performing arts camp, BOEQFSDVTTJPO %JOB.BDDBCFF 3FBM7PDBM4USJOH2VBSUFU POWJP Camp Winnarainbow. With His Eminence MJO BOE&SJL1FBSTPO $SPPLFE+BEFT POHVJUBSBOECBOKP of Clowndom, camp founder Wavy Gravy as Roots music enthusiasts from the Bay Area and beyond know IPTU UIFTIPXGFBUVSFT+POBUIBO3JDINBO  &WJFGSPNIFS ZFBSTXJUIUIFHSFBUBMMHBMPMEUJNFCBOE 5IF and the Barry Melton Band with special guest Stairwell Sisters, from appearances on A Prairie Home Companion Nick Gravenites. and stages from Celtic Connections to Lincoln Center, or from any Wavy Gravy inspires both laughter and reflec of the her numerous intriguing side projects as well as the banjo tion in his multifaceted roles as clown, prank BOETJOHJOHDMBTTFTTIFUFBDIFTBUUIF'SFJHIU%VCCFEiBOBUVSBM ster, and activist for peace. The founder of entertainer with a gift for infusing folk practices with contemporary verve” by The San Francisco Camp Winnarainbow, the Seva Foundation, and Chronicle &WJFCBSSFMTGVMMTUFBNPVUPGUSBEPMEUJNFJOUPUIFVSCBOFOWJSPOTPG0BLMBOE"MMXFDBO the Hog Farm, an activist commune, Wavy was say is, hop on board! also the official clown of the . +POBUIBO3JDINBO GPVOEFSPGUIFQSPUPQVOL Sunday May 20 band the Modern Lovers, has built a remarkably Manuel Agujetas loyal international audience through his tireless Spanish Gypsy flamenco legend Manuel Agujetas is an touring. His deceptively straightforward songs outstanding, controversial singer, anarchic and unpredict embody timeless qualities of humanity, emo able, with a vocal style that a Village Voice writer memorably tional insight and a boundless sense of humor, EFTDSJCFEBTiBXFMMNPEVMBUFEQSJNBMTDSFBN‰BOFYRVJTJUFMZ untainted by cynicism or transient hipness. controlled shriek of anguish and despair . . . it does have a $PGPVOEFSPG$PVOUSZ+PFBOEUIF'JTI  sheer animal quality to it”. HVJUBSJTU TJOHFS BOETPOHXSJUFS#BSSZi5IF #PSO.BOVFMEFMPT4BOUPT1BTUPSJO+FSF[EFMB'SPOUFSB Fish” Melton is also a founding member of The in 1939, Agujetas is one of the most important figures in , a Bay Area psychedelic supergroup history of flamenco. Heir to the Spanish Gypsy tradition of PGTNVTJDBMWFUFSBOT)JTCBOEGFBUVSFT singing blacksmiths, Agujetas worked in his father’s forge CBTTJTU1FUFS"MCJO #JH#SPUIFSBOEUIF)PMEJOH until 1970, when he made his first recording. He has achieved $PNQBOZ HVJUBSJTU.JDIBFM)JOUPO .FSM international recognition for his singing of the stunningly 4BVOEFST#BOE ESVNNFS3PZ#MVNFOGFME 5IF intense form of flamenco, cante jondo EFFQTPOH XIJDIJODMVEFTGMBNFODPTQVSFTU BODJFOUTUZMFT #MVFT1SPKFDU BOE#BOBOB :PVOHCMPPET PO such as martinetes and siguiriyas. He appears in Carlos Saura’s film Flamenco and in Dominique keyboards and vocals. Abel’s documentary Agujetas, Cantaor. $IJDBHPCPSO/JDL(SBWFOJUFTBQQFBSTPO In this fundraiser for the Bay Area Flamenco Festival, the superb young Gypsy guitarist Manuel some 40 albums as singer, songwriter, guitarist, 7BMFODJBPG+FSF[EFMB'SPOUFSBBDDPNQBOJFT"HVKFUBTDBOUF"TUVEFOUPGCPUINBFTUSP.BOVFM BOEQSPEVDFS XPSLJOHXJUI+BOJT+PQMJO 1VSF Morao and Gerardo Núñez, Valencia is the nephew of the legendary late flamenco cantaor, Terremoto. Prairie League, and blues giants Howlin’ Wolf, Tonight’s show also features flamenco dancer Ikeda Kanako 0UJT3VTI BOE+BNFT$PUUPO

A 286  5 Freight Roots Revue Noam Pikelny & friends Wednesday May 23 Banjo whiz Noam Pikelny takes his instrument to new levels of inten Swoon, Foggy Gulch, Hop Head TJUZ JODPSQPSBUJOHDPOUFNQPSBSZFMFNFOUTXJUIBDMBTTJDPMEUJNFESJWF Wednesday May 30 )JTFYUSBPSEJOBSZQMBZJOHIBTNPTUSFDFOUMZNBEFXBWFTJOFOWFMPQF pushing americana chamber group the Punch Brothers, as well as on his + P J O  U I S F F  S P P U T solo projects like the recent CD, Beat the Devil & Carry a Rail. bands— Swoon, Foggy "GUFSTUJOUTXJUI-FGUPWFS4BMNPOBOEUIF+PIO$PXFO#BOE JO Gulch, Hop Head—for IFKPJOFE$ISJT5IJMFPG/JDLFM$SFFLJOGPSNJOHUIFGPSXBSEUIJOLJOH an evening of amazing string quintet the Punch Brothers. In 2010 Noam won the inaugural music traveling from Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Banjo and Bluegrass, and he made a pop sensibilities to memorable appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman, playing rockabilly to Kate Wolf BDPNFEJDWFSTJPOPGi%VFMJOH#BOKPTwBMPOHTJEF.BSUJO tunes! *OUIFXPSETPGMFHFOEBSZCBOKPQMBZFS#FMB'MFDL i)FTBMSFBEZCFU S w o o n f e a t u r e s ter than most banjo payers on the planet, but where he could go is what becomes very interesting.” Stephanie Harwood 'JOEPVUUPOJHIU XIFO/PBNNBLFTIJT'SFJHIUEFCVUBCMZBDDPNQBOJFECZ"PJGF0%POPWBO WPDBMT  WPDBMT +VMJBO'JMM $ISJT&MESJEHF HVJUBS -VLF#VMMB GJEEMF %PNJOJDL-FTMJF NBOEPMJO BOE4BN(SJTNBO CBTT  HVJUBS ,BUFS.VSDI DFMMP BOE NBOEP MJO 5PEE4OZEFSNBO Suzy Thompson & Del Rey, ESVNT  +PFZ /VOF[ HVJUBS  BOE 4DPUU Johnny Nicholas & Hell Bent w/ Cindy Cashdollar %VOCBS CBTT  Thursday May 24 Foggy Gulch fea UVSFT&SJD)VHIFT HVJ All fans of blues, swing, and all man UBS +FOOZ3PCJOTPO ner of hokum should make tracks to the WPDBMT 4UFWF-PXFSZ Freight for tonight’s show! CBOKP +PIO.JMUPO Blueswomen Suzy Thompson and EPVCMFCBTT #FDLZ Del Rey, musical friends for nearly two # B S U  G J E E M F  B O E decades, rock out on blues, swing, novelty WPDBMT BOE,JN$BSFZ numbers, and more. A vital member of WPDBMT  the Bay Area acoustic music scene, Suzy’s Eclectic acoustic trio exuberant fiddling and vocals have graced )PQ)FBEJTDPNQSJTFEPG,JN3JDIBSET WPDBMT  CBOETMJLFUIF$BMJGPSOJB$BKVO0SDIFTUSBBOEUIF#MVFHSBTT*OUFOUJPOT"GJSTUSBUFNVTJDJBOBOE HVJUBS CBTT QFSDVTTJPO +BNFT5FQQFSNBO WPDBMJTU 4FBUUMFCBTFE%FMEFMJWFSTDPNQMFYHVJUBSHSPPWFTPOIFSSFTPOBUPSQBSMPSHVJUBS QMVTTMZ NBOEPMJO HVJUBS XPPEXJOET WPDBMT BOE humor and some really fabulous outfits. 1FUFS5SBDZ HVJUBS EPCSP NBOEPMJO IBSNPO 'PSPWFSGPVSEFDBEFT +PIOOZ/JDIPMBTDPOTVNNBUFNVTJDJBOTIJQBOEWPDBMTLJMMTIBWFHSBDFE JDB WPDBMT  recordings and performances with blues, americana, and roots legends including Mississippi Fred .D%PXFMM 3PCFSU-PDLXPPE+S #JH8BMUFS)PSUPO BOE3PPTFWFMU4ZLFT)FXBTBMFBEWPDBMJTUBOE NVMUJJOTUSVNFOUBMJTUXJUI"TMFFQBUUIF8IFFMXIFOUIFZXPOUIFJSGJSTU(SBNNZBXBSE Eliyahu & the Qadim Ensemble +PIOOZTCBOE )FMM#FOU GFBUVSFT#SVDF)VHIFT 4DSBQQZ+VE/FXDPNC BOE+PIO$IJQNBO XJUI Thursday May 31 MFBEJOH"VTUJOCBTFEEPCSPBOETUFFMHVJUBSJTU$JOEZ$BTIEPMMBS BNBTUFSPGCMVFHSBTT HVUCVDLFU blues, swampy R&B, and honky tonk. Returning to the Freight stage after a rousing Loudon Wainwright III Friday May 25 set at last year’s One of this country’s most astute commentators in any medium, Loudon Po m e g r a n a t e s Wainwright III has been sharing his beautifully crafted songs with us since & Figs s h o w, UIFMBUFT"TVQFSCMZSJDJTUXIPCBMBODFTUIFVOGMJODIJOHIPOFTUZ Eliyahu & The and powerful emotions of his autobiographical musings with a knack for Qadim Ensemble QVMMJOHUIFSVHPVUGSPNVOEFSIJTPXOQSFUFOTJPOT -PVEPOiXSJOHTNPSF perform a diz human truth out of his contradiction than any other songwriter of his gen zying range of eration,” in the words of Times music critic Stephen Holden. The beautiful, passionate music. With repertoire WFUFSBOTJOHFSTPOHXSJUFST$% High Wide & Handsome: The Charlie GSPNUIF"SBCJD +FXJTI 5VSLJTI4VGJ )FCSFX Poole Project, won the Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Album. Yemenite, Armenian, Ladino, and Moroccan His most recent release is Older Than My Old Man Now. traditions, the group celebrates the common In addition to his music, you probably know Loudon’s face from the air musical and spiritual heritage of the region’s waves—he’s acted on numerous television programs, from MASH to Parks & Recreation—or from the cultures while honoring the great diversity silver screen, where he appeared in Big Fish, The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up, and others. found within them. Led by Eliyahu on the ney GMVUF UIF4BO 'SBODJTDPCBTFEFOTFNCMFCSJOHTUPHFUIFS Pierre Bensusan Saturday May 26 accomplished musicians Rachel Valfer Sills 4JODFUIFNJET1JFSSF#FOTVTBOTOBNFIBTCFFOTZOPOZ on oud MVUF BOEFBSUIZMFBEWPDBMT 'BJTBM mous with contemporary acoustic guitar genius. Working in open Zedan on Arabic percussion including the dar UVOJOHXJUIIJTTUFFMTUSJOHTUVOFEUPUIFNPEBM NZTUJDBMTPVOEJOH bukkah IBOEESVN riqq UBNCPVSJOF daf DADGAD, Pierre is a composer, singer, and acoustic guitar visionary GSBNFESVN BOE(BSJ)FHFEVTPO5VSLJTI saz of passionate intensity with an extraordinarily tender, joyful touch. MPOHOFDLFEMVUF BOEoud. Their most recent His unique musical sensibility combines ethnic folk themes and clas CD, Eastern Wind, reached number seven on sical melodies as well as free and fusion styles with Latin and North Billboard’s World Music charts. African rhythms and vocals in the world jazz scat tradition that evoke The group also recently guested on NPR’s All comparisons to Brazilian maestro, Milton Nascimento. Things Considered, with the following glowing Born in Algeria and raised in Paris, Pierre won the Grand Prix JOUSPEVDUJPOi#FBVUJGVMMZQSFTFOUFE UIFQMBZ BUUIF.POUSFVY'FTUJWBMXIFOIFXBTZFBSTPMEXJUIIJT ers bring superb musicianship and palpable first recording, Pres de Paris. Since then, he has toured throughout enthusiasm to each performance. Eliyahu’s ney the world and released numerous albums, including his recent CD, Vividly showcasing his rich and along with Rachel’s succulent vocals are stars NVMUJDVMUVSBMXPSME creating a sense of human communication with the divine.” Abraham Lincoln Brigade Celebration Sunday May 27, 2 pm *OUIJTTQFDJBMBGUFSOPPOQFSGPSNBODFUIF"CSBIBN-JODPMO#SJHBEF"SDIJWFT "-#" DFMFCSBUFTUIF UISFVOJPOPGUIF-JODPMO#SJHBEF "NFSJDBOTXIPWPMVOUFFSFEUPGJHIUBHBJOTU'SBODPTGBTDJTUTJOUIF4QBOJTI$JWJM8BS(VFTU speaker Kate Doyle, 2012 recipient of the ALBA/Puffin Human Rights Award, discusses genocide and justice in Guatemala. The program also includes an update on former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón, an outspoken champion of human rights. Musicians Bruce Barthol, Velina Brown, Randy Craig, Tony Marcus, and Barrett Nelson perform songs of the Spanish Civil War, with images of courage and resistance from Richard Bermack, documentary photographer and author of The Front Lines of Social Change: Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.

A 286  6 CONTACT INFORMATION VISIT THE FREIGHT 2020 Addison Street Berkeley, CA 94704 BART: The Downtown Berkeley station on   Shattuck Avenue is around the corner. 2dVcZVd`W^fdZTR]cZTYVdcVacV- [email protected] AC Transit routes F, 7, 9, 15, 19, 40, 43, dV_eZ_XcVXZ`_R]VeY_ZTecRUZeZ`_d     TUPQOFBSCZ Wc`^R]]`gVceYVh`c]U^RUVa`d- dZS]VhZeYeYVXV_Vc`fddfaa`ce`W Advance Tickets Parking in Downtown Berkeley eYVHR]eVc6]ZdV9RRd7f_UeYV



Melody David Nesmith Rodney Crowell Rachel Efron, Scoop The Folk Monsters: & Mary Karr Alexis Harte’s Benefit Show w/ Steuart Smith Nisker Collection Maria Muldaur, T`d^ZTT`^ZTR_U dZ_XZ_XeYVT]RddZT David Grisman Laurie Lewis, 8cR^^jRhRcUhZ__Vc The Lemon 3fUUYZdeeVRTYVc|d d`_Xd`W Midnite Ramblers SVdedV]]Z_XRfeY`c|d d`]`dY`h eYV{'!dW`]\VcR & Frank Vignola

PATCHWORK SERIES-11 AM Duck Baker, West Coast Freight Party for the Planet Steve Seskin, Freight Fundraiser Joe Miller Songwriters Open Mic The Rock Liz Longley, Barbara Higbie, host, ^RdeVcWf] Shelley Doty, WZ_XVcdej]VXfZeRcZded Competition an adventure Collection Julia Sinclair Linda Tillery, `cZXZ_R]d`_XdT`_eVde every time SV_VWZeW`c6RceY dZ_XVcd`_XhcZeVcd Austin Willacy 7:30 showtime :d]R_U:_deZefeV Z_eYVc`f_U #! &! ## &! ;f_V"( ' &! ) &! ;f_V") % &! ' &! ;f_V"* '% &! ') &! ;f_V#" ## &! #% &! ;f_V## ## &! #% &! ;f_V#$

live streaming Freight Paul McCandless Golden Legends of Waikiki access Open Mic & Antonio Marlene Sai, Bough Gary Aiko, to our Bay Area’s premier Calogero f_ZbfVRT`fdeZT Nina Kealiiwahamana open mic event Z__`gReZgVh`c]U 4V]eZTecZ` great ^fdZTUf` & special guests shows % &! ' &! ;f_V#' ## &! #% &! ;f_V#) #% &! #' &! ;f_V#* $! &! $# &! ;f_V$!

J U LY AUGUST 3 Mike Marshall, Caterina Lichtenberg, 1 Brittany Haas & Lauren Rioux—$20.50 4JMLB-JTLP‰ 2 Paul Thorn—$22.50 5 The Blackberry Bushes, 3 Rory Block—$22.50 Windy Hill—$20.50 5 Gillette Brothers—$20.50   )PVTF+BDLT‰ 9 Akira Tana & the Secret Agent Men— 7 Marley’s Ghost—$24.50 $20.50 27 Charged Particles—$20.50  /FMM3PCJOTPO+JN/VOBMMZ‰ 28 Vnote Ensemble, 14 Alex DeGrassi, Walter Strauss, Falso Baiano—$20.50 Franco Morone—$22.50 29 Ed Gerhard—$20.50  5PN.D%FSNPUU‰  'SFJHIU'JEEMF4VNNJU‰ 30 Freight Roots Revue: Clyde Leland, Kress Cole, Max Newton—$14.50 %FTJHO%BO%4IBGFSXXXEBOEZEFTJHODPN

A 286  7 Berkeley Society for the ?@? AC@7:E Preservation of Traditional Music =62C?E@ 2020 Addison Street F D A@D E286 Berkeley, CA 94704 Play 2EE96 PAID Freight @2 <=2?542 SPRING I SERIES CLASSES BEGIN THE WEEK OF APRIL 30 A6C>:E GUITARtBANJOtUKULELEtHARMONY SINGING ? @ $(#* SEE WEBSITE FOR SCHEDULE

G@=F>6%&?F>36C& May 2012 If you are a friend of the Freight and its music join us. Make a tax deductible contribution or become a life member. For your convenience use this mailing panel.

$50 – priority mailing of Freight calendar $100 – discount card S $300 – discount card; two tickets $500 – discount card; two tickets, donor concert L 9E $1000 – discount card; two tickets, $6000 – life membership for one

8 donor concert, Freight 40th Anniversary poster by David Lance Goines

Make checks payable to the Freight & Salvage. Send label or fill in name and address below.

C6: Call 510.859.1120 to give your credit card number by phone. Moving? Send your new address to the Freight today! 7 >6>36C LEVE

Robin Flower & Libby McLaren unique, fresh Celtic-americana gems Saturday June 2

Learn to Play: Classes, Jams, Workshops, Music Camp SPRING I SERIES CLASSES BEGIN THE WEEK OF APRIL 30 Children’s Shows

the premier fiddle day camp for kids June 18-22, 2012 performance June 23 FACULTY: John Blasquez Julian Smedley Caroline McCaskey Karen Celia Heil May 13—Kathy Kallick BERKELEY OLD TIME @ 1 pm ($8.00/$9.00) MUSIC CONVENTIONS’ Erik Hoffman Deanne Burke >`eYVc|d5RjDY`hh 2]]DeRc3R_U REGISTRATION FEE: $520 May 19—Patchwork Series: SPRING SITUATION: The Hipwaders, Octopretzel $480 if paid in full by April 13, 2012 @ 11 am ($8.00/$9.00) FREE OPEN HOUSE BfZc\j[R_X]Va`aT``]V_`fXYW`c=`]]RaR]``kR SATURDAY, MAY 12 details at June 2—José-Luis Orozco email questions: [email protected] @ 10:30 am ($8.50/$10.50) NOON- 4 PM SZ]Z_XfR]TYZ]UcV_|d^fdZTZR_Z_RSV_VWZeW`c DANCE, PERFORMANCE, WORKSHOPS, 329:2Z_T AND JAM SESSIONS. COME MAKE AND June 23—Fiddlekids Camp Performance JAMS @ 11:30 am (free) HEAR MUSIC. DETAILS ONLINE. (drop-in prices per session) Z_TcVUZS]VdY`h`Wj`f_XWZUU]Vcd Beyond Bluegrass Slow Jam h CR_3fdY 7ZcdeR_UEYZcUDf_URjd Df_URj>Rj'#!#+!!&+!!a^"% Bluegrass Slow Jam h CR_3fdY WORKSHOPS WE THANK IFSHIN VIOLINS DVT`_UR_U7`fceYDf_URjd Instant Chorus w/ Betty Blakeslee OF EL CERRITO, CA. FOR Df_URj>Rj"$#(#+!!&+!!a^"% DRefcURj>Rj&$+!!&+!!a^"' #! THEIR GENEROUS DONATION Buzzy’s Juke Joint Blues Jam h AVeV>RUdV_ Old Time Harmony Singing w/ Evie Ladin OF A HAN DCRAFTED JAY EhZTVRHVV\ Df_URj>Rj#!"+!!#+$!a^#! HAIDE UPRIGHT BASS. HVU_VdURjd"#+$!#+!!a^"! Instant Chorus w/ Betty Blakeslee DRefcURjd"#+$!"+$!a^"# DRefcURj;f_V#$+!!&+!!a^"' #!