May CALENDAR 2012 @7 EVENTS "EEJTPO4USFFUt#FSLFMFZ $BMJGPSOJBt tXXXGSFJHIUBOETBMWBHFPSH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY TICKET DISCOUNTS: YOUTH-HALF PRICE (AGES 25 & UNDER) Gerry Tenney Kris A. J. Kathy Rahim Alhaj SENIOR-$2.00 OFF & the Hard w/ Issa Malluf (AGES 65 & OVER) Delmhorst Croce & Carol ^Z_Z^R]Zde ecf]jVT]VTeZT+ VibfZdZeVf_RSRdYVU]j :cRbZ`fUgZcef`d` MEMBERS-$2.00 OFF Times Orchestra ^R_U`]Z_Zde|d Re^`daYVcZT S``XZVh``XZV ]`gV]jYRc^`_ZVdWc`^ T`^a`dVc|decRUZeZ`_R] :_eVc_ReZ`_R]H`c\Vc d`_XdecVdd e`Wf_\e`WcVdY 4Rc`]>T4`^S :cRbZ^RbR^hZeY ALL SHOWS ARE GENERAL ADMISSION 5RjTV]VScReZ`_ Hayward Williams e`fTYZ_X`cZXZ_R]d <ReYj=RcZTY T`_eV^a`cRcjdej]Z_X DOORS AT 7 PM, MUSIC AT 8 PM opens (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) "'&!RUg #%&!RUg #!&!RUg #!&!RUg #%&!RUg ")&!U``c May 1 #'&!U``c May 2 ##&!U``c >Rj$ ##&!U``c May 4 #'&!U``c May 5 CE FLOOR DAN IS OP E EN TH Session Four Jazzschool Jazzschool Hawaiian Andre Thierry Institute Institute Slack Key & Zydeco Magic Americana w/ Bitchin’ Guitar Festival j`feYWf]RTT`cUZ`_ Gypsy Jazz and Vocal Concert hYZkUV]ZXYedUR_TVcd Laura Cortese, Babes defUV_eddZ_X Led Kaapana, R_U^fdZT]`gVcdR]Z\V Miracle Parade WRSf]`fd]jWf__j East Bay Funk deR_URcUde`SVS`a Dennis Kamakahi, WV^R]VW`]\VdecR Brother Noland, _`_ecRUZeZ`_R]ehZded Ensembles dZi^`cVaVcW`^Vcd `_ecRUZeZ`_R]ef_Vd #!&! ##&! >Rj' #%&! #'&! >Rj) "!&! "#&! >Rj* "!&! "#&! May 10 #&&! #)&! May 11 #!&! ##&! May 12 Barbara Dane’s West Coast Freight Sam Rudin Bill Kirchen Evie Ladin 85th birthday Songwriters Open Mic Band & Too Much Fun Band concert pay your dues, aZR_`UcZgV_ }eZeR_`WeYV dZ_XZ_XUR_TZ_XSR_[` iconic Competition play and shmooze S``XZVS]fVd[Rkk EV]VTRdeVc|d~ a`]jcYjeY^ZTWf_\ [Rkk S]fVd ac`WVddZ`_R]]j[fUXVU Y`_\je`_\ 45CV]VRdVDY`h g`TR]Zde `cZXZ_R]d`_XdT`_eVde e`ecfT\de`ac`T\ 7:30 showtime #%&! #'&! >Rj"$ '&! )&! May 14 %&! '&! May 15 #!&! ##&! >Rj"( #'&! #)&! >Rj") #!&! ##&! >Rj"* DR_7cR_TZdT`4YR^SVc Manuel @cTYVdecRacVdV_ed Toward the Fun: Noam Suzy Thompson Loudon Pierre Classical @ the Freight Wavy Gravy, host & Del Rey, Agujetas w/ Jonathan Richman, Pikelny Wainwright Bensusan ]VXV_URcjDaR_ZdY SFCO Barry Melton Band Af_TY3c`eYVcd| Johnny Nicholas 7cV_TY2]XVcZR_ 8jadjW]R^V_T`dZ_XVc gZcef`d`SR_[`a]RjVc III XfZeRcgZdZ`_Rcj RTT`^aR_ZVU All-Stars & Nick Gravenites w/ Aoife O’Donovan, & Hell Bent 8cR^^jRhRcU SjXfZeRcZde hZeYBen SimonY`de RSV_VWZeW`c4R^a Chris Eldridge, w/ Cindy Cashdollar hZ__Z_XV_XRXZ_X Manuel Valencia HZ__RcRZ_S`h Luke Bulla, dZ_XVc d`_XhcZeVc Dominick Leslie, S]fVddhZ_X and Sam Grisman R_UY`\f^ $#&! $'&! May 20 )&! "!&! May 21 $!&! $#&! May 22 ##&! #%&! >Rj#$ #!&! ##&! May 24 $%&! $'&! May 25 #%&! #'&! >Rj#' Abraham Lincoln Brigade Freight Freight Roots Revue Eliyahu J Austin Robin Flower Celebration Sunday, 2 pm Open Mic Swoon, & the Qadim U Lounge & Libby DaR_ZdY4ZgZ]HRcd`_XdR_UZ^RXVd pay your dues, Foggy Gulch, WVRefcZ_XdaVR\VcKate Doyle,^fdZTZR_d play and shmooze Ensemble N Lizards McLaren Bruce Barthol, Velina Brown, Randy Craig, R_TZV_ed`f]Wf]^fdZT dReZcZTR]W`]\ f_ZbfVWcVdY Tony Marcus, and Barrett Nelson Hop Head `WeYV?VRc6Rde T`f_ecj 4V]eZTR^VcZTR_R R_UaY`e`XcRaYVcRichard Bermack E ##&! #%&! Df_URj>Rj#( %&! '&! >Rj#* "%&! "'&! >Rj$! #!&! ##&! >Rj$" #%&! #'&! ;f_V" ##&! #%&! ;f_V# Dan Crary Danny Click David Gans, In the Steel The Freight of the Night: Goes British & Thunderation & the Americana Garrin Bobby Black Quartet, Revue#3 W]ReaZT\Z_XaZ`_VVc|d Orchestra Big Lou’s Dance Party, S]RkZ_XZ_decf^V_eR] Benfield The Raveups, 2^VcZTR_c``edecZ` ScZ]]ZR_eXfZeRcZde|d Joe Goldmark TYR^SVcT`f_ecjc`T\ WcVVdej]VRT`fdeZT Local Hero, c`T\XfZeRc and the Seducers Girl Named T, U`fS]VSZ]] deVV]XfZeRc ViecRgRXR_kR The Blondies #!&! ##&! >`_URj;f_V% #!&! ##&! ;f_V' #!&! ##&! ;f_V( #!&! ##&! ;f_V) #!&! ##&! ;f_V* Workshops/Jams aRXV)June 10 & beyond aRXV( Ticketing Info aRXV( Kids’ Shows+>Rj"$<ReYj<R]]ZT\>Rj"*AReTYh`c\DVcZVdEYV9ZahRUVcd@Te`acVekV];f_V#;`dÆ=fZd@c`kT`dVVaRXV) A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANIZATION t www.freightandsalvage.org About the Freight PERFORMER PROFILES: May 2012 5IF'SFJHIU4BMWBHF$PGGFFIPVTF #FSLFMFZ Society for the Preservation of Traditional Gerry Tenney & the Hard Times Orchestra Tuesday May 1 .VTJD JTBOPOQSPGJUDPNNVOJUZBSUTPSHB Singer, songwriter, guitarist, mandolinist, and longtime stalwart of the nization dedicated to promoting the under Bay Area music scene, Gerry Tenney honors International Worker Day with standing and appreciation of traditional an evening of musical commentary on economic downturns and labor strug music—music rooted in and expressive of gles. Gerry and his Hard Times Orchestra stitch together songs from Pete the great variety of regional, ethnic, and Seeger and the New Lost City Ramblers with related traditional and con social cultures of peoples throughout the temporary material, including a wide spectrum of blues, klezmer, bluegrass, world. We are supported by your atten rock and roll, and many of Gerry’s own songs. Gerry is joined by special dance, grants from the Alameda County guests the World Blues Trio. ARTSFUND, Berkeley Civic Arts Program, Longtime leader of one of the West Coasts’s leading klezmer bands, The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, California Klezmer, Gerry also heads the bluegrass/americana band The Lost the Kanbar Charitable Trust, the Walter & Tribe. The Hard Times Orchestra backs him tonight. &MJTF)BBT'VOE UIF&ENVOEBOE+FBOOJL Littlefield Foundation, National Endowment Kris Delmhorst, Hayward Williams opens Wednesday May 2 for the Arts, Bernard Osher Foundation, Wells Combining a warm, expressive voice, a superb poetic imagination, Fargo Foundation, musician’s benefit perfor and an alluring, rootsy mixture of folk, gospel, and country styles, mances, volunteer efforts, and your generous TJOHFSTPOHXSJUFS,SJT%FMNIPSTUQMBZTXIBUTIFEFTDSJCFTBTiTPOHT tax deductible donations. with pavement under their feet, dirt under their fingernails, and sometimes out of sight of land altogether.” In the decade since she began performing, Kris has made her presence felt on the acoustic Contact Info music scene, touring the country and winning first place at the 2001 Telluride Bluegrass Festival’s prestigious Troubadour Competition 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 and numerous Boston Music Award nominations. TELEPHONE: 8IFUIFSTIFTTJOHJOHEFMJDBUFCBMMBET CBDLQPSDIGPPUTUPNQFST E-MAIL: [email protected] or midnight lullabies, Kris’s charm, intelligence, and adventurous approach illuminate her music. Tonight she mixes atmospheric originals with selections from her latest CD, an intriguing collection WEBSITE: www.freightandsalvage.org PGUVOFTCZTOFXXBWFNBTUFST5IF$BSTSFJNBHJOFEXJUIBDPVTUJDJOTUSVNFOUBUJPOBOE,SJT luminescent, dreamy voice. A. J. Croce Thursday May 3 Board of Directors "TJOHFSTPOHXSJUFSCPBTUJOHUSVMZFDMFDUJDUBMFOUT "+$SPDFJTBT likely to pull an old boogie woogie piano jam out of his sleeve as he is John Bidwell Peter Glazer to offer up a swampy New Orleans funk groove or a fresh and touching Chair Barbara Higbie original. His first five CD releases each hit the radio charts in a differ Steve Meckfessel Clyde Leland ent genre—jazz, americana and blues, adult alternative, the American 7JDF$IBJS Ray Murray DPMMFHFSBEJPDIBSU BOEUIF64UPQ1SBJTJOH"+TNPTUSFDFOU Nancy Castille Kerry Parker album, Cage of Muses, David Wild of Rolling Stone magazine calls him Secretary Russ Pollock iPOFPGPVSHSFBUFTUZPVOHTPOHXSJUFSTw Bill Haggerty Sarah Robertson "GUFSMPTJOHIJTGBUIFS NVMUJQMBUJOVNSFDPSEJOHBSUJTU+JN$SPDF UP Treasurer Marci Rubin BUSBHJDQMBOFDSBTIBOEIJTFZFTJHIUUPBCSBJOUVNPS "+HSBEVBMMZ Polly Armstrong David Sawi regained sight in his left eye and came into possession of his father’s Dion Aroner Steve Sidney XFBUIFSFETPOHCPPLBOEHVJUBS#ZUIFBHFPG IFXBTBSFHVMBS Larry Chung Linda Tillery performer at local nightclubs in San Diego, and he hasn’t looked back since then. In addition to radio John Croizat Austin Willacy play and exposure through his exhaustive touring, his songs have traveled to the far reaches of our Robin Flower John Williamson HBMBYZPOUXPTQBDFTIVUUMFNJTTJPOT"+IJNTFMGSFHVMBSMZQFSGPSNTXJUIGPMLTMJLF"SFUIB'SBOLMJO Suzanne Fox Willie Nelson, and Ray Charles, and his television appearances include The Tonight ShowXJUI+BZ New Home Committee Leno, Austin City Limits, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, and Entertainment Tonight. $P$IBJST Kathy & Carol Friday May 4 Danny Carnahan Singers Carol McComb and Kathleen Larisch return to the Warren Hellman (1934-2011) Freight stage with their gorgeous interpretations of British and Appalachian ballads, country tunes, Carter Family songs, and Carol’s timeless originals. The duo’s unique sense of harmony is remarkable for its use of shifting intervals, haunting dissonances, Musicians Committee and counterpoint, and their a cappella songs send shivers down the spine. Darol Anger Tony Marcus Kathy and Carol began singing together in high school in Duck Baker Mike Marshall Southern California, and performed extensively on the folk circuit David Balakrishnan John McCutcheon JOUIFT TIBSJOHTUBHFTXJUIUIF/FX-PTU$JUZ3BNCMFST #JMM Greg Brown Libby McLaren Bill Evans Steve Seskin .POSPF 1IJM0DIT BOENBOZNPSF5IFEVPTTFMGOBNFE Kaila Flexer Richard Shindell Elektra album remains a timeless tribute to traditional British Isles and American folk music. After Mary Gibbons Mayne Smith decades of pursuing separate careers, the pair reunited their luminous voices in 2005, resumed tour Ronnie Gilbert Eric Thompson ing, and released a new CD, Keepsake. Sylvia Herold Suzy Thompson Patrick Landeza QBSUJBMMJTUJOH Rahim
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