Institute for National Security Strategy the JOURNAL of EAST ASIAN AFFAIRS
ISSN 1010-1608 Larry a. Niksch The The Journal of EAST ASIAN AFFAIRS When North korea Mounts Nuclear Warheads on its Missiles aNdrzej BoBer The last Twenty years of relations betweenthe republic of Poland and the democratic People’s republic of korea-selected aspects iNsoo kiM & MiN yoNg Lee has the Military superseded the Party under kim jong-il’s rule? edWard kWoN Managing a Financial crisis: a comparative Political economic analysis of the United states and south korea Volume 25 Number 2 Fall/Winter 2011 ki-sik hWaNg & hyUN-jUNg kiM an analysis on the Fdi determinant of clean development Mechanism(cdM) yeoNgMi yUN & kicheoL Park an analysis of korean Multiculturalism: Policies and Prospects o. yUL kWoN does culture Matter for economic development in korea? Vol. Vol. 25, No.2 2011 Institute for National Security Strategy THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN AFFAIRS Publisher : Sung Wook Nam, Ph.D Editor-in-Chief : In Ho Lee, Ph.D Editors : Gap-Ju Chae, Ph.D; Hyung-Seog Lee, Ph.D; Seung-Myung Lee, Ph.D Copy Editors : Mr. Kevin Sok Won Lee Assistant Editors : Hyun-Hee Kim The Journal of East Asian Affairs is published twice a year by Institute for National Security Strategy(INSS). Institute for National Security Strategy, which was restructured from the former Research Institute for International Affairs, is a nonprofit organization founded in 1977 in Seoul, Korea. The Institute is dedicated to the development of policy recommendations in international relations, economics policy, security, and inter-Korean relations. Currently, it has around 50 resident analysts, many of whom have been trained in the U.S., Europe, and East Asia.
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