Tade` Adepoyibi www.ttade.com Australian Agent: Gilchrist: +61 266218062 USA Management (NYC/LA): [email protected] Height: 5”10 Weight: 143lbs

FILM Rainbow Bay Trish Billet Vision Films Australia Zona Mary Dir. Michael Poetschko Christmas Reeve Josephine Dir. Mateusz Subieta The Hydra Teisha Dir. Mateusz Subieta George of the Jungle 2 Featured Dir. David Grossman  2 Featured Dir. Alex Zamm Blurred Featured Dir. Evan Clarry In the Sack Hopper Dir: Dominic Rees-Roberts The Scientist Mrs Brendon Dir: Dominic Rees-Roberts

TELEVISION Wonderland ESL student (guest) Channel Ten The Roast Myself ABC2 Gotye/The Basics Myself MTV Deadly Women Series 6 (USA) Kim Beyond Productions Deadly Women Series 5 (USA) Frances Newton Beyond Productions Deadly Women Series 5 (USA) Shanee Beyond Productions Mermaids Featured Viacom Productions The Liberators Foxy Brown Don’t Look Back Pictures The Whitlams Featured The Whitlams

THEATRE Oneness Voice without Form Kali/Maharaja Sydney Opera House La Ronde Aphrodite Tap Gallery (Sydney) WATDIT Julie Sidetrack Theatre (Sydney) Harry Potter the Exhibition Sorting Hat Wizard Warner Bros. Powerhouse The Rift Sam Sydney Fringe Festival Ben Hur w Russell Crowe Aeorila Stade De France

PRESENTING Community TV Journalism Degree University Radio

TVCs Nandos Perimedic (Lead) MTV Cool girl (Lead) Nokia (India) Temi (Lead) William Shoes Featured Pepsi Featured Gold Lotto Featured

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International: . Larry Moss [from USA] – Acting craft Intensive Masterclass  . Tamara Hunter [Paramount Pictures from LA] – Audition Intensive . Actors Studio [London UK]: ‘Acting for film and television’ (1 year) . Sweet Entertainers’ [London UK]: Acting – Stanislavsky technique (1 year)

Australian: . Alison Telford – Masterclass . Audition workshop Marianne Jade & Lisa Shaunessy . Peter Andrikidis Masterclass . Thea Mcleod Masterclass x2 . Tim Littleton Masterclass . Ultimate Screentest short course TAFTA (2 months) . Faith Martin ‘Heart of Drama’ workshop . Tom McSweeney Masterclass x 2 . Christine King casting workshop . American Accent private tuition: Prof John Higgins (1 year) . Maura Fay Casting Workshop . Ben Parkinson’s-Screen Acting’ Intensive short course . Screen Intensive short Course, Blue Heelers . NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Arts) intensive short course: Commedia dell’arte, improvisation, script, theatre (6months) . Journalism Degree (Television) . Local drama school theatre club for 10+ years

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