Pearls of Wisdom Cover Images Pearls of Wisdom Details of tiraz textile, Yemen or Egypt, 10th–12th centuries, cotton with resist-dyed warp (ikat), ink, and gold paint. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 22621 (cat. no. 3). Published by The Arts of Islam Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at the University of Michigan 434 South State Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1390 Distributed by ISD 70 Enterprise Drive, Suite 2 Bristol, CT 06010 USA phone: 860.584.6546 email:
[email protected] christiane gruber and ashley dimmig Exhibition Website © Kelsey Museum of Archaeology 2014 Kelsey Museum Publication 10 ISBN 978-0-9906623-0-3 Ann Arbor, Michigan 2014 Pearls of Wisdom The Arts of Islam at the University of Michigan christiane gruber and ashley dimmig Kelsey Museum Publication 10 Ann Arbor, Michigan 2014 Contents Catalogue Essay 1 Catalogue of Objects Introduction 27 Everyday Beauty Functional Beauty 32 Personal Adornment 40 Play and Protection Games and Toys 50 Amulets and Talismans 54 Surf and Turf 61 Media Metaphors Media Metaphors 70 Tiraz and Epigraphy 82 Coins and Measures 86 Illumination Lamps and Lighting 96 Illumination and Enlightenment 101 Bibliography 109 Acknowledgments 117 Accession Number/Catalogue Number Concordance 118 Subject Index 119 About the Authors 121 Handwriting is the necklace of wisdom. It serves to sort the pearls of wisdom, to bring its dispersed pieces into good order, to put its stray bits together.1 —Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi (d. after 1009–1010) n his treatise on penmanship, the medieval calligrapher Abu Hayyan Fig.