The Properties and Utilization of Soilin the Greening Project for the Ninecritical Districts of the Arid Zone of Central Myanmar ( Part II )
Leaflet No. 3/1997 Government of theUnion of Myanmar Ministry of Forestry Forest Department The Properties and Utilization of Soilin the Greening Project for the NineCritical Districts of the Arid Zone of Central Myanmar ( Part II ) U Sann Lwin (2), Deputy Director, U Htin Kyaw, Research Assistant and Daw Cho Cho Win, Research Assistant, Forest Research Institute August, 1997 i Acknowledgements Technical discussion sections were held with U Soe Myint, Director of the regreening of the nine districts in the central dryzone of Myanmar, his extensive knowledge of the dryzone together with his general support proved most useful. At the field level, Assistant Directors (District Forest Officers) and Staff Officers (Township Forest Officers), made available all essential support and facilities. Their contributions and support are most appreciated and made it possible to complete this paper. Thanks are due to the laboratory technicians, Forest Soil Laboratory, Forest Research Institute, for their service to finish this paper in time. ii tyllyddkkiff;a'o ( 9 ) c&ddkkiffpddkkuffciff;ajrrsm;\*kkPffowååddESSiffhh toHHkk;csrSSKuddkk pll;prff;avhhvmjciff; ('kkwdd,yddkkiff; ) OD;pef;vGif? B.Sc.(For.) (Ygn.), M.S. ( CESF, SUNY ) 'kwd,nTefMum;a&;rSL; OD;xifausmf? B.Sc. ( I.C. ) ( Ygn. ) okawoevufaxmuf ESifh a':csdKcsdK0if;? B.Sc.(Chem.) ( Mdy.) okawoevufaxmuf opfawmokawoe? a&qif;/ pmwrff;tusOff;csKyff tylydkif; a'o(9)c&dkif pdkufcif;ajrrsm;\ "gwkESifh&ly *kPof wååddrsm;tm; pl;l prff;avhhvmrSSK ( 'kkwdd,yddkkiff; ) jzpffygonff/ pddkkuffciff;ajrrsm;\ *kPfowådESifh qufEG,fvsuf&Sddaom taMumif;jcif;&m rsm;tm; uGif;qif; avhvmrSKtay: tajccHí wifjyxm;ygonf/ yxrydkif;ESifh 'kwd,ydkif; aygif;pnf;í tylydkif; a'o pdkufcif;rsm; wnfaxmif&mwGif tudk;tum;jyK toHk;csEdkifrnf jzpfygonf/ a&Tbdkc&dkifudkyg wdk;csJ.
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