Malcolm Pryce | 256 pages | 02 Aug 2012 | PLC | 9781408821954 | English | , United Kingdom The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still - Malcolm Pryce - Google книги

Never heard of this series before but you've totally sold me on it. I'm tossing away my Jack Reacher book too gory anyways right now! Happy New Year! I just discovered this series last summer. I've only read the first one so far, but it was certainly intriguingly The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still though lacking in classical references that I noticed. The town itself was very much a character in that one and it probably would have helped to have some familiarity with Aberystwyth. It's all very strange, what with the druids and the Patagonian War and the sexual connotations of tea cosies. I can't imagine that Price will give up on the series, so I'm sure we'll see Louie taking on official corruption from the inside and probably losing his job in the next one. Yeah, there aren't any Classical references until Book 6. I probably miss quite a lot of the references, especially since I've never read any Raymond Chandler, or even seen the movies! As one of the parents mentioned a couple of times above I agree wholeheartedly about the delights of the Coliseum now moved round the corner from its location in what is now the Museum. The Louie Knight books are a delightful combination of the familiar and the very strange. I recommend the books and the town to anyone. That's how come there's a museum and a cinema! I was trying to work that out - I thought I remembered it was a museum, but Google proved it was still a cinema I've never heard of the series, but anything with a character named Calamity There are peaceful and soothing places to see in Aberystwyth. Take a walk to your self catering aberystwyth every after a stressful riding tour. You'll appreciate the scenery more if you walk. This made me smile. I originally bought the first couple of books in the series for my Dad who coincidentally met my mother at university in Aber but accidentally got hooked myself. Am now looking forward to reading this installment even more. On a related note do The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still read Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next novels? I've read one, I think it was First Among Sequels, and really enjoyed it, so keep meaning to read more! I met Jaspar Fforde at a conference last year, he was lovely :. Post a comment. January 05, Private Eye Louie Knight takes on cases from a collection of weird and wonderful characters with the help of his young assistant Calamity, his father Eeyore a retired policeman who now leads the donkeys on the beach and his friend Sospan the philosophical ice cream seller. Sometimes Pryce moves things around a bit we think he moved the railway bridge from The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still to Aberdovey at one point but for the most part these stories are set in towns and lakes we know well, The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still with a twist. Aberystwyth is overrun with shady Druids who manipulate the naive girls who pose for the pictures on the Welsh fudge boxes, haunted by the ghosts of the long ago The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still war and The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still the students at Aberystwyth university are peculiar enough, nearby Lampeter is full of gloomy student undertakers. The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still is the sixth book in the series, and probably the The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still out there genre-wise, dipping its toe into science fiction The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still a little, as well as detective noir Last Tango in Aberystwyth came close, but ended in a more Scooby-Doo style twist. It's also the first to have a distinctly Classical theme running through the novel. It's still going. Beyond the smaller references though, the whole story takes on some of the structure of an epic poem. Spoilers follow. The most obvious link to Classical myth is, of course, Hercules, and that's the reference Pryce really expects his readers to know. Ercwleff's link to Hercules is his physical strength. The character himself, who accidentally kills rabbits by hugging them too hard, is more like the big guy from Of Mice and Men I think - I've never read Of Mice and Menit sounded miserablebut a bit more dangerous and nastier. The other major Classical link is more significant and brings in the epic poem structure that crops up every now and again throughout the book. There is, of course, only one way this is going to end. First we have the prophecy. Regardless of whether a given work is genre fiction or not this is something I'm doing some work on at the moment! And sure enough, a little later an old friend of The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still asks him to consider running for mayor and although he declines, when he interrupts the fist fight between rival candidates Herod and Ercwleff, Louie ends up acclaimed as mayor The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still the crowd. I suppose I should reassure everyone that this is not, in fact, how the mayor of Aberystwyth is chosen, but I think that's obvious. I don't know who the current mayor is but they're properly elected - a few years ago it was Judith from Monty Python's Life of Brian. The katabasis eventually occurs near the end of the story, and you really have to love a book with lines like:. Doc Digwyl pressed his lips together Having been administered with the hallucinogenic ice cream, Louie goes on a journey in which he is swallowed by a giant Herod Jenkins and ends up The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still its innards, before having to climb once again to daylight, out through the ear. The purpose of a katabasis in ancient epic poetry, other than gothic imagery, is to remind the hero of the past and reunite him with a dead colleague or two, and to provide a more specific and useful prophecy of the future than the one that got him to the underworld in the first place. And so Louie encounters the witches from Macbeth who address him as 'Mayor of Aberystwyth,' sees his current girlfriend leave in the manner she plans to, and sees Ercwleff turn the other cheek in the fist fight having been told several times already that Ercwleff will take a dive in The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still fifth round. What this means for the series I don't know, but I hope Pryce plans to write more about Louie in his new role - and if he could throw in some more Classical references in the next book, that would be even better! Ancient literature Books Mythology. Caroline Lawrence 5 January at Juliette 5 January at The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still DemetriosX 6 January at Juliette 6 January at The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still 6 January at Arthur 6 January at William Kendall 11 January at Anonymous 18 January at Unknown 24 January at Juliette 24 January at Review - The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still by Malcolm Pryce Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Twenty-five years ago Iestyn Probert was hanged for the notorious raid on the Coliseum cinema, but shortly afterwards he was seen boarding a bus to Aberaeron. Or is it possible that he was resuscitated by aliens? Now, as strange lights appear in the sky above Aberystwyth, Probert has been sighted once again. But what does Raspiwtin want with him? This is the sixth book in the Louie Knight series. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Aberystwyth Noir 6. Aberystwyth, Wales United Kingdom. Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Men in Black. Hallucinogenic icecream. Absurdity; triple scoop. Aberyswyth's only PI bashed over the head? Must be a Louie Knight novel mystery! Yes, another in the spoof noir detective series where the mean streets of Aber are over run with iniquity and sin and Louie Knight takes the most preposterous cases The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still. In this case, finding a man hung for murder last seen catching a bus to Aberaeron It's silly and it's equal parts in love with Philip Marlowe a Aliens. It's silly and it's equal parts in love with Philip Marlowe and West Wales seaside towns and maudlin philosophising. What's not to like? View 2 comments. Sep 19, Gary rated it really liked it. Pryce's usual high standard of philosophical crime noir all set in a time warped Aberystwyth. I'd advise anyone new to the series to start at the beginning and you've got a lovely series of books to wend your way through, armed with a cup of tea not necessarily laced with Jack Daniels and a slice The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still battenburg. One of a kind and one of the best. All of the usual characters, with the exception of Myfanwy, are involved somewhere in this tale. Once again the book is mainly set in the alternate Aberystwyth, with a side trip to the escalators of Shrewsbury. Louie Knight being the only PI in Aberystwyth, has a knack for bizarre cases. This was no exception, he was tasked with finding a missing man, Iestyn Probert. The only problem is that he was hung for murder, but was subsequently seen getting on a bus for Aberaeron. How could such a thing happen, and could it be linked to supposed visitations by aliens? There is plenty of philosophising, and at times the storyline dips into absurdity, but maybe that it what kept me turning the pages. Okay, I think the first question that needs to be asked is 'Why have I not read any of Pryce's books before? It is funny, dark, satirical, over the top, silly, surreal and tense and reminds me of the Dick The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still movie with its combination of Hitchcock style detective and humour that you find yourself laughing at even though you're not entirely sure you should be. Pryce has thrown his detecti Okay, I think the first question that needs to be asked is 'Why have I not read any of Pryce's books before? Pryce has thrown his detective, Louie Knight, into the world of aliens possibly and Men in Black maybe with a healthy does of local legend and hallucinogenic ice-cream as you dofollowing the not subtle destruction of his desk by the town Mayor. I absolutely loved this and can't wait to try the rest in the series. May 07, Rob Kitchin rated it really liked it. Pryce has really hit his stride with the series now. The principal characters - Knight, Calamity, Sospan, Eyeore - are all well established and the slightly surrealist rendering The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still Aberystwyth and its surrounds is fully realised. I thought The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still first half of this book was excellent and I was sure it was going to be a five star review. The story grabs one's attention, there is a hefty dose of humour which made me laugh o The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still is the sixth book in the Louie Knight series. The story grabs one's attention, there is a hefty dose of humour which made me laugh out loud, and the prose is vivid and engaging. Throughout the book, Pryce weaves in a fair bit of philosophical rhetoric which elevated the story beyond a parody of both PI novels and Welsh culture. The second half of the story wanders off course a little. The plot, I felt, becomes over-complicated with its various threads and subplots, and I found myself often turning back a few pages to re-read passages to try and get a clearer sense of what was going on. I'm still not sure I really understood all of it. This was a shame as the book is inventive, clever and genuinely funny in places. Oct 11, Jackie rated it really liked it. The further adventures of Louie Knight, Abertswtwyth's only private detective, and his sidekick The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still continues with a search for Iestyn Probert. A man who was hanged for his part in the Great Coliseum robbery, caught because he was a soft- hearted getaway car driver who stopped his escape in The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still to take an injured pedestrian to the doctor. Or was The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still in fact hanged? Add to this, aliens, men in black, human cannonballs, giant gingerbread aliens and the boxing contest to find the next Mayor o The further adventures of Louie Knight, Abertswtwyth's only private detective, and his sidekick Calamity continues with a search for Iestyn Probert. Add to this, aliens, men in black, human The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still, giant gingerbread aliens and the boxing contest to find the The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still Mayor of Aberystwyth and you have the latest and funniest offering from Malcom Pryce ; an author who can sculpt with words as Michaelangelo could with marble. This is the sixth book in the series and the funniest yet, so many laugh-out-loud lines to be treasured. For example; "Our organisation is a secret sub-section of the Welsh Office known as the Aviary" "Which branch? But even if you aren't Welsh you will still get an enormous amount of fun out of this book and although reading the first five books is recommendedeach book can stand very well alone and you will soon catch on to what is happening in this surreal slice of small town Welsh life. And don't forget to try the ice cream! May 02, Hermien rated it liked it Shelves: crime-thrillerebooksseries. The first four books in the series were definitely the best. Read this. Pryce's wonderfully-rich, satirical humour elevates his whole canon into something, for me, quite unique in comic- crime writing; laugh-out-loud moments are as common as serious reflections on the human condition with Pryce's splendid grasp of punchy dialogue extracting the juices from every relationship that drive the narrative on to its grandstand climax. A brilliant read for all fans of detective noir! Nov 20, Dan Johnson rated it really liked it. Do you watch those UFO mystery shows on obscure digital channels? Me neither. Pryce takes this as the premise for another funny, insightful, and enjoyable romp through his own mythical Aberystwyth. Louie Knight is more hard-boiled, and quicker with the smart retorts, than ever, taking the Scully role as the arch sceptic. No spoilers The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still, but, as ever with Louie, the Truth is out there. Jan 14, Richard rated it it was ok Shelves: given-upscience-fiction. No, I'm never going to finish this. The premise was interesting and sounded fun, but the characters soon sucked all life from it, and not a lot happened. It might be quite fun, I don't know, but to do The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still, it would have to improve markedly. Jul 03, David Crespin rated it really liked it. The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still one of the Aberystwyth noir series: Chandler in small-town Wales with a tongue very firmly in his cheek, these novels are written to enjoy, to chuckle at, to delight at outlandish - outrageous even - and far-fetched plots. And this one is more far-fetched than ever. You'll either enjoy or hate. I'm definitely in the former camp when I'm in need of an easy read. The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still (by Malcolm Pryce)

Please note that this product is not available for purchase from Bloomsbury. It is May in Aberystwyth, and the mayoral election campaign - culminating in the traditional boxing match between candidates - is underway. Sospan the ice-cream seller waits in his hut for souls brave enough to try his latest mind-expanding new flavour, and Louie Knight, Aberystwyth's only Private Detective, receives a visit from a mysterious stranger called Raspiwtin asking him to track down a dead man. Twenty-five years The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still Iestyn Probert was hanged for his part in the notorious raid on the Coliseum cinema, but shortly afterwards he was seen, apparently alive and well, boarding a bus to Aberaeron. Did he miraculously evade the hangman's noose? Or could there really be substance to the rumours that he was resuscitated by aliens? Now, as strange lights are spotted in the sky above Aberystwyth and a farmer claims to have had a close encounter with a lustful extraterrestrial, Iestyn Probert has been sighted once again. But what does Raspiwtin want with him? And why does Louie's investigation arouse unwelcome interest from a shadowy government body and a dark-suited man in a black Buick? It's impossibly weird and, in parts, beautifully lyrical. Malcolm Pryce has taken this blameless town and turned it into a nightmarish world You can unsubscribe from newsletters at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any newsletter. For information on how we The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still your The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still, read our Privacy Policy. This website uses cookies to improve user experience. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It looks like you are located in Australia or New Zealand Close. Visit the Australia site Continue on UK site. The Aberystwyth Mysteries. Visit the The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still site. Continue on UK site.