Malcolm Pryce | 256 pages | 20 Feb 2009 | PLC | 9781408800676 | English | , United Kingdom Mon Amour PDF Book

On top of that, it's a really good story, with memorable characters, carefully crafted plot twists, Chekhov's What a wonderful find! Some people like this kind of thing, but I guess I don't. Apr 27, Trish rated it really liked it Shelves: crime-noir-noiresque. Reviewed by dtw42 dtw The legacy of this unpopular war was veterans who were traumatised by their actions there, and often unable to find work when they returned. The first, Aberystwyth Mon Amour, is probably the most 'Welsh' of the books, and culminates in a parody of the dambusters' raid over a Welsh reservoir. February 12, Hinterland brought scandi-noir to Aber, and Malcolm Pryce does a hilarious job trying to make Aberystwyth speak the hard-boiled language of Raymond Chandler. That part of it for me was disappointing. Dai Brainbocs is the evil scientific genius who Louie runs into. Jul 05, Rein rated it really liked it. Here at Walmart. Importantly, if you were a student at the local university then you MUST read the novel to relive the memories of the many landmarks featured. The plot is absolutely preposterous, but the vim and inventiveness of this book make it truly entertaining. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I thought it was very inventive and pretty funny. Amusing but a big saggy in the middle, this is a good book to while away the hours if you have nothing better to read. Llantrisant swabbed Louie's steps in Aberystwyth Mon Amour , but also led a double life, plotting to destroy the Aberystwyth dam. Malcolm Pryce veers between a bewildering variety of registers in this novel, encompassing schoolboy humour a girl with the surname Blojob , absurd comedy, ripe Chandeleresque metaphors, hard-boiled meditations on human nature and a mystery plot that is ridiculous to the point of burlesque, while still striving for some genuine emotional resonance. My book group couldn't even be bothered to finish the book. Another holiday read. I'm not sure why it seems to try to be two genres, fantasy and noir fiction, as these two did not marry well. Now this was a nice surprise. The mayor is corrupt and unfaithful to his wife, so the police have some leverage for their attempts; unfortunately so do the gangsters. In another sly nod to war films the ' Boys from the back room ' are Llanelli Technical College, who designed the homing beacon for Rio Ceiriog and the world's only microdot photobooth now stored at Aberystwyth's museum. First part in the hilarious spoof detective series featuring Louie Knight Schoolboys are disappearing all over Aberystwyth and nobody knows why. He has a squat but powerful physique, and a thin lipped smile that Louie believes looks more like a post box slot than a sign of affection. Aberystwyth Mon Amour Writer

Shop Our Brands. My favourite memory - The Milk Bar where I shared a cup of tea on many an occasion with Chris Samuel who, at that time, managed what was then the best wine outlet in Aberystwyth but which has now, unfortunately become a standard UK off licence. Malcolm Pryce is a British author, mostly known for his noir detective novels. While I may not have enjoyed this quite as much as The Day Aberystwyth Stood Still, this was still an absolute joy to read and completely embraced the dark satirical humour that I loved in the later book. A flood caused by the ' Dambusters ' style bombing attack on the Nant y Moch Dam above Aberystwyth wiped out much vital infrastructure, but was rebuilt quickly. Llantrisant, and there has never been mention of a Mr Llantrisant. Aug 04, Zappster rated it really liked it Shelves: read-in Louie Knight, principal of Knight Errant Investigations it seemed a good name at the time has his office above an orthopaedic boot shop in Canticle Street. Email address. He has as a 'thinking spot' an old police office in Aberystwyth that has been abandoned - it is here that he keeps the infant skulls discovered at the Waifery. Why are there no more Aberystwyth novels? Rained ALL day but was very enjoyable. I loved the horror of a realisation that someone was, wait for it The brash colours of this typically American looking 'Dime Thriller' even has printed on crease marks to make the book look well thumbed. Been on the "to do" list for a long time. They would often become scapegoats for crimes, as happened to Rimbaud in The Unbearable Lightness. What a wonderful find! Think I may need to reacquaint myself with the tow Been on the "to do" list for a long time. And just who was Gwenno Guevara. Related Pages :. Feb 12, Shonari rated it liked it Shelves: bookclub. Louie Knight is the PI who walks the mean streets of the Welsh town of Aberystwyth in this parody which also succeeds as a mystery. The atmosphere obviously isn't very Chandler-esque, and really it's just the whole idea of a private detective that links the two -- that and the references to all private detectives drinking whiskey, etc. Well worth a read. It's funny, but it's also true, in a way. To ensure we are able to help you as best we can, please include your reference number:. A light hearted spoof of the underworld of an alternative Aberystwyth. Elements of real Wales do exist however; Louie is particularly fond of cawl a Welsh stew , there are donkey rides on the promenade run by Louie's father , and Welsh is still spoken, although most people seem to use English for day to day usage. And the body count continues to mount with the victims being disposed of in ghastly ways - how about being dissolved in lactic acid at the cheese factory? Having originally gone over as a prostitute , she later became famous as a fighter during the Patagonian War where Lieutenant Llantrisant was more often known as Gwenno Guevara - a ruthless fighter and torturer. Shelves: comedy-pulpy-wicked-funny. See our disclaimer. View all 7 comments. Throw in some veterans, hidden identities and some really good ice cream and you have a story that can barely be believed and a biblical ending that while a little rushed although this may be the speed I was reading it , is still utterly gripping. Your question required. He has a long running hatred of Mrs. He is currently resident in Oxford. Myfanwy's cousin, Evans the Boot, has gone missing and she wants Louie to find him. Aberystwyth Mon Amour Reviews

All in all, I guess that it tried to be too many things, and didn't really succeed in any of them. Author Blog. All Rights Reserved. Dec 22, Glen rated it it was ok Shelves: mystery , fantasy. I suspe Hmm. A flood caused by the ' Dambusters ' style bombing attack on the Nant y Moch Dam above Aberystwyth wiped out much vital infrastructure, but was rebuilt quickly. It's fun and easy enough to read, but the prose is hardly worthy of being compared to Raymond Chandler's yeah, I have a real thing about people being compared to Chandler; I have the same thing about all female singer-songwriters being compared to Joni Mitchell. He drinks Captain Morgan rum , preferring it to the stereotypical whisky because, despite a similar alcohol content, rum comes from sunny islands, while whisky comes from Scotland. Nothing falls so flat that I was rolling my eyes though. And just who was Gwenno Guevara. Rating details. It's funny, but it's also true, in a way. As regards the 'backstory', Louie never knew the love of a mother, as she died when he was only one year old - he has a picture of her on his desk. Little real description of the surroundings or environment to build a picture. The bare bones of Aberystwyth are there but it is overlaid with a rich and fanastic mythology of its own. The characters are pretty basic, which comes with the territory I suppose, though there are some standouts. No huddles of people gossiping in Welsh and breaking into English when a stranger enters the shop, with an obvious change of subject, which occurs frequently in fact. Highly recommended for fans of the genre looking for something lighter and set in an unusual location but still maintaining a strong well-plotted mystery. View all 7 comments. One day his cleaning lady, Mrs. On top of that, it's a really good story, with memorable characters, carefully crafted plot twists, Chekhov's What a wonderful find! It's a style I find quite entertaining but not compelling. Please note that ebooks are subject to tax and the final price may vary depending on your country of residence. I don't know. Get to Know Us. The style became dull after a couple of chapters, and the characters were such caricatures that you couldn't care about any of them. Some very funny moments - a great description of Rugby that made me chuckle.

Aberystwyth Mon Amour Read Online No copies in my local library, so an order from ebay was required. Aberystwyth Noir 1. BBC News. Really hilarious and I don't think you have to be Welsh to appreciate the humour. She investigated the old fire at Nanteos for a strange client, Gabriel Bassett, to gain her detectives licence. This leaves the story feeling disjointed in places. I'm not sure why it seems to try to be two genres, fantasy and noir fiction, as these two did not marry well. After working as a policeman in Swansea he became a PI and moved to Aberystwyth, although what made him leave regular policing is never explained. Cymraeg Edit links. Namespaces Article Talk. See more details at Online Price Match. While pretty much all of the tropes of Noir were present, the very modern setting was strange with technology and Vietnam references. I didn't manage to get an ice cream on the promenade, didn't manage to get a reader's ticket at the library and didn't see any donkeys A whole series? The characters are fun, there's some convoluted mystery and an amusing ending. A light hearted spoof of the underworld of an alternative Aberystwyth. Louie Knight, the town's private investigator, soon realizes that it is going to take more than a double ripple from Sospan, the philosopher cum ice-cream seller, to help find out what is happening to these boys and whether or not Lovespoon, the Welsh teacher, Grand Wizard of the Druids and controller of the town, is more than just a sinister bully. As regards the 'backstory', Louie never knew the love of a mother, as she died when he was only one year old - he has a picture of her on his desk. Love it or hate it? Write a review See all reviews Write a review. Mar 25, Ryan Boros rated it it was ok. My favourite memory - The Milk Bar where I shared a cup of tea on many an occasion with Chris Samuel who, at that time, managed what was then the best wine outlet in Aberystwyth but which has now, unfortunately become a standard UK off licence. Other books in the series. Jul 28, BrokenTune rated it it was ok Shelves: reviewed. Quotes from Aberystwyth Mon A Namespaces Article Talk. The other picture in Louie's office is that of Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca - symbolic of many a loner, and in tune with the " noir " feel of the series. Pubs in Sussex. The flood had been created to launch an ark being built on the school playing grounds to give the druids access to the semi-legendary actually real in this universe Cantref-y-Gwaelod Cantre'r Gwaelod. Reviewed by ChrisSterry ChrisSterry. The characters are pretty basic, which comes with the territory I suppose, though there are some standouts. Other editions. At the end of Last Tango she is missing, believed dead and in Don't Cry for Me she is in a travelling circus dying of some unknown illness potentially voodoo magic.

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