To investigate the various impacts of Multiculturalism on the city of in particularly economic, social.


Year 11 Geography

Teacher: Mr Azzi

Date due: Thursday Week 7 Term 3 2014

Michael Bonnici


Contents Contents ...... 1 Aim ...... 3 Hypothesis...... 3 ...... 3 Methodology ...... 4 Research Findings ...... 6 Economically ...... 6 Socially ...... 7 Culturally ...... 9 Conclusion ...... 13 Evaluation ...... 17 Problems Encountered During Task ...... 18 Limitations...... 18 Successes...... 18 Acknowledgements ...... 18 Bibliography ...... 19 Appendices ...... 19


List of Tables and Figures

Figure 1 ...... 6 Figure 2 ...... 7 Figure 3 ...... 8 Figure 4 ...... 9 Figure 5 ...... 11 Figure 6 ...... 21 Figure 7 ...... 22

Picture 1 ...... 3 Picture 2 ...... 10 Picture 3 ...... 10 Picture 4 ...... 10 Picture 5 ...... 11 Picture 6 ...... 12

Table 1 ...... 12 Table 2 ...... 20


Senior Geography Project

Aim To investigate the economic, social and cultural impacts of multiculturalism on the City of Bankstown. Hypothesis The city of Bankstown will benefit from increased multiculturalism boosting the economy, bringing employment opportunities and business. Also, more of a community sense in terms of population growth (socially/culturally).

Picture 1

Map of Bankstown area representing the area studied divided into 4 regions North, South, East and West.


Methodology The questions that were asked were concerned with current issues in the region and predicted issues for the future, as well as enquiring about the perceived effects socially, culturally and economically.

These particular surveys were extremely useful in aiding the results of this investigation as they provided the thoughts, feelings and opinions of those people who lived in and around the area. They were important as they provided information from citizens of Bankstown who are subjected to certain issues surrounding multiculturalism in the area.

How you collected your data and why this method was selected?

 Observations  Background reading – Reports  Internet  Photos  Maps  Tables  Graphs  Surveys  Newspaper Articles

A variety of primary and secondary sources were used when conducting this investigation. A significant way of collecting data was extensive surveys conducted in the city of Bankstown. Numerous techniques were used when retrieving information on the topic, some included handing out physical survey forms and small pieces of paper to the link of the online survey depending on the availability of the respondent. This method of surveying was selected as it offers very accurate primary source that is directly affiliated with my investigation topic, this enables the most up to date information directly from the residents of the area.

In addition, another way I collected my data was a secondary source on ‘The City of Bankstown’s’ website in which some areas align with my investigation on Multiculturalism in the area. This information will be used alongside my survey results to increase accuracy and validity.

Another reason why this method was selected as it presents very current ideas/information in relation to older secondary sources that are less accurate.

What is the size of your sample?

The size of the sample in this survey was 58 people in the survey (first hand investigation); these people ranged from ages 14 to 60, both male and female and a variety of annual income. All surveyed participants were residents of Bankstown.


How the sample was selected?

The survey was a self-completion questionnaire, a copy of which is appended to this document. It must be noted that, due to the self-selection of respondents (this is people chose whether or not to participate in this survey largely on the basis of their interest in the topic) it is likely that the views expressed in the survey are not representative of a wider audience. In fact it is most likely that the survey will contain a variety of views and opinions, with those who hold strong views (positive or negative) about multicultural Bankstown much more likely to participate in the survey than those who do not feel so strongly about it as an issue.

What was the duration of the research?

The research began in week 3 of term 2 (12th of May) to week 1 of term 3 (14th of July) approx. 2 months of continuous in depth research which included primary and secondary source information.

How the data was processed?

The data was processed in a variety of different ways. Excel was used when producing different graphs. Also certain data trends were recognisable when final results were relieved. Certain secondary sources (websites) were processed by extracting certain information from council/government reports and findings.

Type of Data Collection Analysis Primary/Secondary Photo 6 photos taken on Shows evidence of the Primary 20/6/14 impacts of Multiculturalism on the culture in Bankstown. Survey Survey conducted Provided the backbone Primary outside Centro for most research Bankstown and findings on the topic online between the 1/5/14-14/8/14 Maps Google maps were Shows many different Secondary used when sites used in the researching response. information.


Research Findings

Economically Figure 1

 Bankstown city has a lower proportion of households in the medium to high income category, compare .  Bankstown presents many job opportunities with 75 000 in the area. With high emphasis placed on manufactory and retail.  Multiculturalism in Bankstown has benefited the economy adding cultural enrichment, rejuvenating areas of economic decline, provide rate revenue to council, and create jobs for low skilled people and for people with low English proficiency.

Figure 1 identifies a large minority of people in the survey concluding that Multiculturalism has affected Bankstown economically. Some of the reasons can include: more people coming to Bankstown for work, to live or for the lifestyle boosts the economy as people by products in the area and support the local economy by contributing to it. The Bankstown council encourages refugees from outside countries to live in Bankstown, this results in a larger economy. Some would argue against this statement, Multiculturalism is not primarily responsible for the increasing economy in Bankstown, major contributing aspects include outside investors/business, the large manufacturing industry in Bankstown and the retail sector such as Centro Bankstown. Also the economy of Bankstown has contributed to


Multiculturalism, rejuvenating areas of economic decline, these areas where crime rates were high and now and well known for some of the best manufacturers in the metropolitan area. It also adds Cultural enrichment providing the funding needed for cultures to come together and celebrate their differences and similarities

Socially Figure 2

Figure 2 refers to most people voting that Multiculturalism has affected Bankstown socially. Some of the reasons for this may include positive or negative impacts. The term socially can be defined as “seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly; sociable; gregarious” or “living or disposed to live in companionship with others or in a community, rather than in isolation”. Bankstown’s ethnic communities contribute daily to the strengthening of identity and social cohesion within social groups. Ethno-specific organisations and clubs, sporting teams, schools, and ethnic newspaper contribute to the collective individual social wellbeing. These are some of the reasons the 10 people – 24% (Extremely/quite proud) are proud to live in Bankstown. In terms of the future of Bankstown socially, the area is only improving, Multicultural communities are reaching out more and more to the broader community with an increasing amount of festivals, arts and cultural performance.


Figure 3

Figure 3 represents almost 85% of people surveyed reflecting ideas that Multiculturalism has affected Bankstown socially.

 Positive impacts of multiculturalism in Bankstown includes o Great festivals. Community events o Educational workshops aimed at different cultures to bring people together o Exchanging culture similarities and differences o Social groups/organisation/sports  Negative impacts of multiculturalism in Bankstown include: o Anti-social behaviour o Young people believe they are above the law o Some individuals believe that Bankstown is predominantly Lebanese’s and Asians. o Drive by shootings/gang rapes and riots. o Language barrier

The city of Bankstown aims to improve social aspects amongst the community. This can be done by providing funding and creating social groups for the youth and also for adults.


Culturally Figure 4

The results illustrated in Figure 4 demonstrates majority of people that completed the survey to favour the statement that Multiculturalism has affected Bankstown citizens culturally.

In addition Table 2 refers to a question “Culture in Bankstown is strong” with 37 people agreeing with statement. This can be seen as positive and negative. Some people would say the culture is too strong creating a divide between the people however people would say it brings people together. Certain clubs such as the Bankstown Polish club (Picture 3), Bankstown Lithuanian club (Picture 2) and the Greek community club (Picture 4) represent different culture groups. These groups can be seen to protest for issues in their homeland, support their homeland sporting teams or celebrate cultural events such as Christmas. All these celebrations and get together are however specifically with the same culture therefore not ‘MULTI-cultural’, which leads back to the City of Bankstown aim to bring these cultures together. Some negative effects of Multiculturalism on cultures would be the interference between cultures which may result in conflict for example Muslims and Christians (rare minority).


Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4


Figure 5

Figure 5 exemplifies purchases of Bankstown citizens being made in other cultural cuisines. This idea that Multiculturalism is bringing cultures together through food and trading represents the true definition of ‘Multiculturalism’.

Picture 5

Islamic Mosque near Bankstown represents one of many different cultures in Bankstown. Muslims in Bankstown account for 26% of the population, the majority. Australia’s population only represents 2% of Muslims. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in Australia, Bankstown and the world.


Picture 6

Al Noori Islamic primary/high school boosts Naplan results of 95% of students achieving Bands 5 or 6’s.

 37.5% were born overseas (14.5% increase since 2006)  25% Islamic, 20% Roman Catholic, 10% Anglican, 7.3% Buddhism, 5% Greek Orthodox

Bankstown is home to people from many different countries and cultures. Do you think Bankstown City is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together?

Table 1

Choice No. % Always 14 14.1 Most of the time 42 42.4 Sometimes 23 23.2 Rarely 11 11.1 Never 6 6.1

Bankstown is an increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse community. The 2011 census represents that one in three residents were born in a non-English speaking country; also one in two speak a different language at home. This displays extremely high levels of multiculturalism with most common overseas residents from Lebanon, Vietnam and China.

Table 1 refers to people in Bankstown getting on well with each other. Mixed results were received. Some reasons that Multiculturalism has affected Bankstown positively may include: festivals such as Chinese New Year bring people together, peaceful culture promoted, safe environment and opportunity to be educated about different cultures. However some negative effects include young people thinking they are above the law, perception that Bankstown has been taken over by certain cultures, drive by shooting/riots display an image to outsiders that Bankstown is an unsafe place and that majority of the population are migrants play a significant role. When asked about how community harmony could be improved in Bankstown, some members of the public kindly answered both a variety of negative and positive comments. These include to celebrate what is similar between people, more festivals and to develop the plaza for more cafes and eating areas to


bring people together. Some negative responses include reducing immigration and making everyone more western; don’t let them keep their differences. These comments made reflect some of the conflict between cultures in Bankstown, also reflecting a very poor attitude towards other residents. Conclusion Refer to research findings for analysis of results.

Hypothesis 1 represents that the city of Bankstown will benefit from increased multiculturalism boosting the economy, bringing employment opportunities and business. Also, more of a community sense in terms of population growth (socially/culturally). The results illustrates that Multiculturalism has boosted Bankstown economically, whilst prompting employment opportunities and business.

The economy of Bankstown has been boosted due to a high amount of manufacturing businesses. There is also a large amount of administrative and service jobs. Some large businesses are located in Bankstown which includes printing presses Fairfax Media (The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sun-Herald) and Airtex aviation. also presents an economic boost as it encourages people to come to Bankstown of different cultural backgrounds. Approximately 61, 000 people work in Bankstown with over 65% of which come from outside Bankstown, and approximately 35% of workers live in the city itself.

The community sense in Bankstown in relation to Multiculturalism has exceeded expectations set in Hypothesis 1. More and more people are open to learning new aspects of different cultures with just under 70% (Table 1) agreeing that Bankstown is an increasingly Multicultural and linguist place, however only 35% agreeing that Multiculturalism in Bankstown brings cultures together was a surprise however an interesting finding.

Therefore, multicultural impacts such as economic, social and cultural have influenced the city of Bankstown both positively and negatively.

I expected that Multiculturalism would boost the economy and bring employment opportunities and business to Bankstown. The economy has definitely increased with a $150 million increase from 2012. However the community sense of Bankstown was predicted to improve in relation to social and cultural aspects. This however was not the result with citizens of Bankstown still unsure about the safety and wellbeing, cultural interaction, social activities or events that take place to bring cultures together and the integration of people and cultures has not improved.


Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Was this what I expected? Disagree Disagree Agree Nor Agree

Bankstown is 13.33% 20% 33.33% 33.33% 0% These results were not a socially 6 9 15 15 0 expected. Expectations stable concluded that Bankstown environment is not social environment due to high amounts of crime and conflict. Bankstown 8.89% 37.78% 33.33% 20% 0% Most people disagreed with does not 4 17 15 9 0 this statement which is display poor what was expected when equity conducting research. Citizens in 17.78% 44.4% 33.33% 2.22% 2.2% The results illustrate exactly Bankstown 8 20 15 1 1 what was expected, are of higher concluding a poor economic economic standard compared to other status then Sydney suburbs. surrounding Sydney suburbs Culture in 6.67% 2.22% 8.89% 46.67% 35.56% The results exemplify what Bankstown is 3 1 4 21 16 was expected and can be strong proven by many secondary sources about this statement. That 13.64% 40.91% 31.82% 13.64% 0% Many people disagreeing Multicultural 6 18 14 6 0 with this statement is ism in exactly what was expected, Bankstown is Multiculturalism presents a direct majority positive benefits impact of towards the economy, unemployme especially jobs and nt business. Bankstown is 9.09% 6.82% 15.91% 47.73% 20.45% Once again, this statement an 4 3 7 21 9 and results have achieved increasingly expectations in regards to culturally high emphasis of culture in and Bankstown. linguistically diverse community That 9.09% 9.09% 50% 29.55% 2.27% Half of results concluded multiculturali 4 4 22 13 1 illustrate people neither sm has agreeing nor disagreeing rejuvenated with this statement. This


the area of could reflect the Bankstown uncertainty of the citizens in terms of of Bankstown therefore the economy more needs to be done to rejuvenate the area of Bankstown in terms of there economy. Living in 11.63% 25.58% 25.58% 32.56% 4.65% The results reflected are an Bankstown 5 11 11 14 2 accurate representation of gives you a what was expected. sense of community Bankstown is 25% 25% 29.55% 15.91% 4.55% Mixed results for this safe 11 11 13 7 2 statement which was surprising. Expectations for this were not met as many people agreed with this comment. Local events 11.36% 18.18% 34.09% 34.09% 2.27% The following results were bring 5 8 15 15 1 expected just as they would Bankstown be in most other areas. cultures together Bankstown 11.36% 4.55% 20.45% 40.91% 22.73% No surprises in these results presents bad 5 2 9 18 10 here. stereotypes

Bankstown is 11.63% 18.6% 37.21% 27.91% 4.65% Didn’t know what to expect a place well 5 8 16 12 2 in the following results as known for personally have not worked the working in Bankstown nor been class exposed to particular classes.

Particular results were achieved as certain individuals can determine results based on personal opinions. It must be noted that, due to the self-selection of respondents (this is people chose whether or not to participate in this survey largely on the basis of their interest in the topic) it is likely that the views expressed in the survey are not representative of a wider audience. In fact it is most likely that the survey will contain a variety of views and opinions, with those who hold strong views (positive or negative) about multicultural Bankstown much more likely to participate in the survey than those who do not feel so strongly about it as an issue. Therefore the people that participated in the surveys ultimately determined the results of the primary source.


The specific results were achieved for numerous reasons. Bankstown is recognised as a Multicultural city, a place of ethnic diversity therefore selecting this area to study Multiculturalism would achieve particular results in regards to social, economic and cultural impacts on the area. For example “Bankstown is safe” with 50% disagreeing would be expected and could also be put down to stereotypes of the area, these common misconceptions are often the truth as stated by the residents themselves.

Some interesting or unexpected outcomes for this Senior Geography project included certain results.

Bankstown is 25% 25% 29.55% 15.91% 4.55% Mixed results for this safe 11 11 13 7 2 statement which was Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly surprising. Expectations for Disagree disagree nr agree this were not met as many agree people agreed with this comment.

Geographical implications include:

 Social-Social changes have affected the area positively and negatively. Bankstown’s ethnic communities contribute daily to the strengthening of identity and social cohesion within social groups. Ethno-specific organisations and clubs, sporting teams, schools, and ethnic newspaper contribute to the collective individual social wellbeing. These are some of the reasons the 10 people – 24% (Extremely/quite proud) are proud to live in Bankstown. Negative social changes have brought people in Bankstown into conflict resulting in numerous crimes and offences.  Economic- Economic changes have affected the area positively and negatively. Some positive economic changes include more employment and business opportunities in Bankstown as a result of Multiculturalism and no real negative economic changes in Bankstown have resulted from Multiculturalism.  Cultural- Cultural changes have affected the area positively and negatively. Positive changes include numerous ethnic clubs bringing people together to celebrate their heritage and culture. On the other hand some negative changes may include conflicts between certain cultures. War in other of parts of the world such as Europe influence the Ethnic cohesion in Bankstown on a daily basis. This has caused many migrants to seek refuge to places like Bankstown. Second generation migrants may still have these arguments or disagreements in their new area in this investigation Bankstown. Croatians and Serbians are an example of this, the Yugoslavian war can still be seen in Bankstown with numerous conflicts occurring, and clubs specifically designed for their country of origin causes negative interactions between unique cultures. These historical differences have positive effects also, Vietnamese culture


in Bankstown Is very strong, this causes many people of different culture to experience Vietnamese cuisine and purchase goods.

Therefore the evidence in this investigation can determine the social, cultural and economic effects of Multiculturalism on Bankstown while providing a profound insight on the future of Bankstown.

A key point of the investigation in this project was to identify effects of Multiculturalism, socially, culturally and economically. The impacts were successfully discussed while utilising the surveys, other primary sources and secondary sources expressed in the Research Findings.

It can be concluded from the primary and secondary research that Multiculturalism in Bankstown plays a significant role affecting everything socially, culturally and economically. As a result of these factors council have created a 5 year Multicultural plan in which will encourage cultures to come together and to create a better environment socially whilst creating a prosperous and sustainable economy for future generations. This meets the original criteria of the hypothesis and aim of the investigation and thus is reasonable to say this project has been a success. Evaluation I found that the Methodology could be improved in certain ways. I believe that a variety of information could also be included; I should have researched a lot of different types of sources including books, consulted schools and council. Next time I would visit Bankstown Library and review information there for more conclusive results. Also, numerous people decided to skip certain questions in the survey, this could be improved next time by surveying more people. In addition, actually following the action plan on the set fortnightly basis would have resulted in better time management.

I found that this project taught me to work to plan and learn how to organise and prepare such long term projects. This SGP taught me improved skills for presenting this type of data. I have accomplished this task with a great sense of achievement and by successfully completed all stages; it was not too difficult to prepare for stage 6.

In addition, the table was not included in the research findings as enough information is already present in the research needed to answer to question. Therefore the table of the remaining survey results can be found in the appendix.

This investigation is successful in addressing the aim and a number of benefits in which have been derived from it. These include:

 An enhanced understanding of geographical concepts and terminology. This includes a good understanding of how research is properly done


 Greater self-confidence in the subject, for example at first I was a bit hesitant of interviewing and emailing strangers but now I think I am more confident in that area also resulting in better communication skills  Sense of achievement – in total this SGP took me 14 weeks to fully complete. It was one of the biggest projects I have ever done and at the end it is very rewarding knowing the hard work has paid off

Problems Encountered During Task

Limitations The collection of primary data was the hardest part of the SGP for me personally. I found it difficult to find time to travel to Bankstown. I also believe that in choosing the area of Bankstown, I was limiting myself from obtaining better data. This is because I was not familiar with the surroundings.

Other limitations include; weekend sport, making it more difficult to conduct research, work during the week once again making it more difficult to conduct research. Not being able to conduct a survey that represents the whole population of Bankstown was a limitation as the results received could have been more accurate.

Certain issues arose while researching my aims and hypotheses. There was lack of appropriate resources available in the form of primary sources. This was mainly due to the broadness of my question. The question focussed on too large an audience and I was not able to find primary sources that would be appropriate to cover it all. There was however one source of collecting primary data, although there were not enough methodologies to collect that data (i.e. only surveys).

The survey was too small for the question although a proper audience would be too big for time allocated. Therefore I was unable to find a balance between quantitive and qualitive data collected from the survey. This too was a result of the broadness of the question. Certain questions in the survey were poorly constructed questions that failed to obtain the information required.

Successes Being given numerous lessons in class plus free periods at school enabled me to complete my SGP. The survey in my opinion was a success; I was able to survey 59 people to produce some accurate results. Also, the action plan acted as an essential part to this investigation as it acted as a guide. The action plan already presented majority of the information that was needed, further sources (websites), time plan and hypothesis/aims. Acknowledgements  Mr Azzi  My parents for taking me to Bankstown out of their time to undertake my fieldwork.


 Bankstown City Council Bibliography  Bankstown City Council - Multicultural Services. 2014. Bankstown City Council - Multicultural Services. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2014].  Multiculturalism in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. 2014. Multiculturalism in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2014].  Fact Sheet 2 – Key Facts about Immigration. 2014. Fact Sheet 2 – Key Facts about Immigration. [ONLINE] Available at: sheets/02key.htm#c. [Accessed 25 August 2014].  Data & analysis. 2014. Data & analysis. [ONLINE] Available at: 00. [Accessed 25 August 2014].  People & the Planet: Homepage. 2014. People & the Planet: Homepage. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2014].  The Australia Institute. 2014. The Australia Institute. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2014].  About the profile areas | Bankstown City | 2014. About the profile areas | Bankstown City | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2014].  . 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2014].  . 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2014].  Survey Monkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool. 2014. SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 August 2014].  . 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: pters&sei- redir=1& 3Dmulticultural%2520impacts%2520on%2520the%2520social%2520well%2520being%26sou rce%3Dweb%26cd%3D1%26ved%3D0CCEQFjAA%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fresearch 3Dnursing_chapters%26ei%3DP9TrU63KIITn8AXy_YDwCw%26usg%3DAFQjCNHhtMqCSDcGt SNyUGqJtY6RdpFGew%26sig2%3D7uMS8572z5fzd_x1jjH3_A#search=%22multicultural%20i mpacts%20social%20well%20being%22. [Accessed 25 August 2014]. 



Table 2

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Nor Agree Agree

Bankstown is a socially 13.33% 20% 33.33% 33.33% 0% stable environment 6 9 15 15 0

Bankstown does not 8.89% 37.78% 33.33% 20% 0% display poor equity 4 17 15 9 0

Citizens in Bankstown 17.78% 44.4% 33.33% 2.22% 2.2% are of higher 8 20 15 1 1 economic status then surrounding Sydney suburbs Culture in Bankstown 6.67% 2.22% 8.89% 46.67% 35.56% is strong 3 1 4 21 16

That Multiculturalism 13.64% 40.91% 31.82% 13.64% 0% in Bankstown is a 6 18 14 6 0 direct impact of unemployment Bankstown is an 9.09% 6.82% 15.91% 47.73% 20.45% increasingly culturally 4 3 7 21 9 and linguistically diverse community That multiculturalism 9.09% 9.09% 50% 29.55% 2.27% has rejuvenated the 4 4 22 13 1 area of Bankstown in terms of the economy Living in Bankstown 11.63% 25.58% 25.58% 32.56% 4.65% gives you a sense of 5 11 11 14 2 community

Bankstown is safe 25% 25% 29.55% 15.91% 4.55% 11 11 13 7 2

Local events bring 11.36% 18.18% 34.09% 34.09% 2.27% Bankstown cultures 5 8 15 15 1 together

Bankstown presents 11.36% 4.55% 20.45% 40.91% 22.73% bad stereotypes 5 2 9 18 10


Bankstown is a place 11.63% 18.6% 37.21% 27.91% 4.65% well known for the 5 8 16 12 2 working class

Figure 6


Figure 7