Northeast Historical Archaeology

Volume 35 Article 21

2006 Bricks and an Evolving Industrial Landscape: The West Point Foundry and 's Valley Timothy James Scarlett

Jeremy Rahn

Daniel Scott

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Recommended Citation Scarlett, Timothy James; Rahn, Jeremy; and Scott, Daniel (2006) "Bricks and an Evolving Industrial Landscape: The eW st Point Foundry and New York's Hudson River Valley," Northeast Historical Archaeology: Vol. 35 35, Article 21. Available at:

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Cover Page Footnote We owe thanks to each of Michigan Technological University’s graduate students that have worked diligently as an area supervisor during our summer research program. The cS enic Hudson Land Trust, and particularly Rita Shaheen, have been excellent partners in our study at the preserve site. We appreciate their enthusiastic support. This article was prepared following collaborative research during two different semesters of Timothy Scarlett’s Archaeological Laboratory Sciences course. The ext t of this article was improved by conversations and comments from Rich Veit, Sarah Neale Fayen, Wendy Harris, Karl Gurcke, and two anonymous reviewers. Any remaining errors are entirely our own.

This article is available in Northeast Historical Archaeology: Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 29

Bricks and an Evolving Industrial Landscape: The West Point Foundry and New York’s Hudson River Valley

Timothy James Scarlett, Jeremy Rahn, and Daniel Scott Ongoing archaeological research at Scenic Hudson’s West Point Foundry Preserve in Cold Spring, New York, has permitted systematic collection of data related to fire and common brick brands that appear throughout the foundry’s campus. Archaeologists have begun to correlate the varied ceramic building mate- rial with periods in the evolution of this 19th-century industrial landscape. Hudson River Valley brick making provides an interesting comparison to the foundry’s history since both industries were tied to the overall development of ’s urban fabric. Des recherches archéologiques en cours dans l’aire de conservation de la fonderie de West Point (West Point Foundry Preserve) de la société Scenic Hudson à Cold Springs dans l’état de New York ont permis la collecte systématique de données liées aux marques de briques communes et de briques à feu que l’on retrouve sur tout le territoire de la propriété de la fonderie. Les archéologues ont débuté la corrélation entre les divers matériaux de construction en céramique et les périodes dans l’évolution de ce paysage indus- triel du XIXè siècle. La production de briques dans la vallée de la rivière d’Hudson permet une comparaison intéressante avec l’histoire de la fonderie puisque les deux industries étaient liées au développement d’ensemble du tissu urbain de la ville de New York.

Introduction The West Point Foundry On June 7, 1817, Mr. William Young and The West Point Foundry (1818–1912) began Mr. Muirhead began laying out the first build- operating as a munitions contractor making ings at the site of the new West Point Foundry. cannon and shot. The foundry grew to employ Their workers built the site’s core and began hundreds of workers manufacturing a wide operations before the following year was out. array of weaponry and ordinance, steam The foundry was a very early industrial con- engines, water wheels, iron clad sailing ships, cern set among pastoral, agricultural, and wil- architectural elements, domestic stoves and derness lands at the opening to the Hudson ovens, and innumerable other cast iron objects. River Highlands. The West Point Foundry site The foundry’s prominent owners were among has now become The Scenic Hudson Land the first industrialists to employ “vertically Trust’s first Heritage Preserve. Scenic Hudson integrated” production, where they controlled partnered with Michigan Technological every aspect of manufacture from extracting University’s Industrial Heritage and raw ore to delivering their finished products Archaeology program, initially to assess the (Norris 2002). site’s conditions and help prepare needed con- The topic of archaeological study several solidation, conservation, and restoration plans. times in the past few decades (Grossman et al. After several seasons of work addressing site- 1991; Rutsch et al. 1979), the West Point specific needs, the research effort has begun to Foundry has recently been the subject of study assess wider issues, including the role of the by archaeologists from Michigan Technological foundry in the cultural, economic, and techno- University. This study has resulted in a series logical changes in Hudson River communities of Master’s Theses (Deegan 2006; Finch 2004; during the early-19th century. This paper uses Herzberg 2005; Norris 2002; Timms 2005; some of the data generated by analyzing bricks Valentino 2003), a forthcoming issue of IA: The found at the site to explore the development of Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology, the foundry landscape. We further suggest that as well as a dedicated session of papers and the connections between the workers who tours during the 2006 Annual Meeting of the molded the bricks and those pouring the iron Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology ran deeper than superficial reading might indi- in Tarrytown, New York. cate. 30 West Point Foundry Bricks/Scarlett, Rahn, and Scott

The West Point Foundry was one of four generation and transmission and the manufac- national armories established following the ture and movement of large, heavy iron prod- and enjoyed numerous govern- ucts. Workers built the building complexes and ment contracts for cannon, shot, and shell. landscape with assorted materials, including During the Civil War, the foundry manufac- masses of slag, slabs of iron, courses of tured much of the Union Army’s artillery. undressed and finished stone, and hundreds These products included the famous Parrott of thousands of bricks. Builders constructed gun, a refined rifled cannon developed by the most of the buildings and the site’s main sub- foundry’s Superintendent, Robert Parrott. terranean tailrace, at least in large part, using Guns produced in Cold Spring included both ceramic building materials. brass and iron cannons that ranged from ten to The site’s bricks are important artifacts. four hundred pounders. The foundry staff Ceramic building materials help to answer became so famous for their work that Jules focused questions at the West Point Foundry Verne critically immortalized them in his 1865 site, such as helping to correlate building epi- book From The Earth to the Moon. sodes or identifying sequences of, or modifica- Foundry workers also manufactured a tions to, the construction of the physical plant. variety of non-military cast iron products that The bricks also point to stories about the were marketed throughout the United States common connections between clay and iron- and abroad. For example, they made workers, how the heavy iron and heavy clay machinery for cotton mills in America’s industries interconnected with each other up southern states and sugar mills in Austria, and down the Hudson River. The bricks are Nova Scotia, and the Caribbean. Some of emblematic of the relations people built America’s earliest steam engines were made in amongst themselves in their communities and Cold Spring, as well as several of the first loco- those complex technological and ecological motives manufactured on this continent. The systems that interconnect them. Bricks are the company cast and constructed the Best Friend humble and often ubiquitous artifacts with (1830), the West Point (1831), the DeWitt Clinton which individuals built social and economic (1831), the South Carolina (1832), the Phoenix relations upon a landscape, connecting urban (1832), and the Experiment (1832). The foundry dwellers in what became the fastest growing also cast both cannon and structural parts for city on earth with the iron and clay workers iron clad ships that transformed nautical tech- upriver. nology. Workers cast the marine engines and boilers for the horizontal side-wheel steam Wheat, Iron, and Clay: The Rise of frigates USS Mississippi (1841) and USS Market Capitalism in the Hudson River Missouri (1843) and the steamships Victory (1827), Erie (1832), Champlain (1832), Lexington Valley (1834), Highlander (1835), Rochester (1836), When the West Point Foundry was estab- Swallow (1836), Utica (1837), and Tray (1840), as lished, Hudson River Valley communities were well as iron hulls for the catamaran-type undergoing a series of complex transforma- United States (1832) and the screw-driven reve- tions as market capitalism slowly completed nue-cutter Spencer (1844). When at peak pro- its rise into the dominant mode of social inter- duction, the foundry produced a dizzying action; a social change with roots in both urban array of objects, including high- and low-pres- and rural America (Clark 1996: 223–225). sure stationary steam engines and boilers, a Unlike the rest of early Federal-period variety of mill equipment and machinery, America, much of the land in the Hudson sugar cane presses, kettles, box stoves and Valley was controlled by large landowners in a ovens, wheels, plummer blocks, gudgeons, manorial system, yet tenant/landlord conflicts shafts, cranks, flanges, building facades, and were not unique to this part of 19th-century even the water pipes, hydraulic cylinders, and America (Bruegel 1996; Henretta 1998). While elbows for the Croton water supply system in the mid- and uplands grew, artisans, trades- New York City. people, and merchants in the burgeoning Workers began building the site’s physical metropolis of New York City debated the polit- plant in 1817. Earth-moving over the next sev- ical and social forms that capitalism produced eral decades, particularly the first twenty in this region (Wilentz 1984). years, transformed 88 acres surrounding In the 18th century, the international mar- Margaret’s Brook (now Foundry Brook) into a ket’s high price for wheat in Europe and the rationalized landscape dedicated to power Caribbean drove the Hudson’s up-river Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 31

growth. People found colonization attractive mechanics, by comparison, had developed the because initial settlers benefited from the high Salisbury District in northwestern Connecticut, yield produced by the rich, virgin topsoil. southwestern Massachusetts, and a slice of Large landowners could attract settlers to their eastern New York by 1790. Iron mines and lands by offering them good land and subsi- charcoal-smelting furnaces dotted the Hudson dizing the initial time needed to clear it. River landscape before 1800, but their number Settlers often had credit through the landlord’s expanded dramatically during the 19th cen- local store and they could get needed addi- tury along with new forges, coke-smelting fur- tional credit or goods by converting acres of naces, foundries, and rolling mills. timberland into potash, which the large land- Concentrations of iron production grew up lords often organized to trade downriver in around quality ore lodes, particularly those exchange for cash or commodities. Landlords areas with magnetite ores low in phosphorous. sometimes offered similar arrangements for Clusters of production sites included the maple sugar or beef cattle (Taylor 1995: 86–138, region that trended southwest from West Point 386–392). The landlords also initiated or facili- and Newburgh in Green County, in Putnam tated some infrastructural investment, such as and Dutchess Counties, at Troy, and spread building grist or lumber mills, but the resi- widely over the lands west of Lake Champlain, dents of the Hudson’s mid- and uplands as well as northwest Connecticut. The same approached the “market revolution” with canal that created problems for farming com- some skepticism (Bruegel 1996:1398–1399). munities along the river provided inexpensive The region’s soils became increasingly anthracite coke to the Hudson market starting exhausted by the turn of the century while the in 1831, and capacity expanded with the com- growing rush of westward expansion created pletion of the Erie Railroad in 1843 (Gordon competing farms that filled the market with 1996: 64–73). grain grown in new virgin fields with higher As the iron market developed in the 19th yield per acre. As roads and canals began to century, and quite dramatically so during the crisscross the region, the rural farmers Civil War, the demand for diverse product throughout the valley joined the market with wide ranging characteristics meant that economy in complex and highly localized ironmasters and workers engaged with the ways. Households adopted strategies that relations of market capitalism in ways equally ranged from pursuing of market advantage in complex as the owners of the nearby large and some areas, such as taking winter put-out small farm communities. While skilled workers work, cutting timber, harvesting ice, or often had to be imported in the late-17th and laboring in brick-yards, to avoiding direct early-18th centuries, both skilled staff and gen- market involvement in others, including eral laborers increasingly received their ongoing participation in community-based training on-site as the industry took root in the systems of barter and neighboring (Harris and 19th century (Gordon 1996: 118–119). Pickman 2000: 49–50; Wermuth 1998: 179–182). Immigrant labor remained important to Most large farming communities along the Hudson River iron works. Consumers’ steadily Hudson increasingly turned to more intensive demanded diverse types of iron for different agricultural production or gradually shifted products while furnace technology underwent toward other, non-agricultural enterprises. The an explosion in technological innovation. This heterogeneous development of industrial and meant that one large furnace might profitably market-oriented capitalist labor relations and use cutting edge technology driven by heavily the market economy shared roots in the textile, capitalized investment while a neighboring metallurgy, mining, cattle, tanning, clothing furnace could still profitably use 18th-century manufacture (particularly boots, shoes, and methods and make only judicious expendi- hats), and machine tools industries (Lewis tures on equipment and improvements, since a 2005: 33–35; Weil 1998: 1335–1336). This shift single consumer might seek iron produced also heralded an increased rate of landscape using both methods (Gordon 1996: 55–59). modifications along the Hudson River, European immigrant brick makers, by including transportation improvements (Harris comparison, also worked clay yards in the and Pickman 1996). Hudson River Valley as early as the 17th cen- The Hudson River iron industry’s growth tury (O’Conner 1987: 43–43). Much of the was somewhat retarded by the manorial sys- Hudson’s shores consist of glacially emplaced tem’s large landowners who favored agricul- beds of Cretaceous sediments on top of layers tural development. New England’s Yankee of Pleistocene clays. While these clays were 32 West Point Foundry Bricks/Scarlett, Rahn, and Scott

originally deposited in lakes, isostatic rebound stabilization, and preliminary interpretation. raised the ground after the glaciers retreated When fieldwork commenced in the summer of and erosion exposed the clay beds along the 2002, the archaeology crew began a thorough river’s banks (Gilbert, Harbottle, and digital survey of the site. During the mapping deNoyelles 1993: 23–25). The brick industry process, the survey crew initially relied upon a grew explosively, however, during the 19th composite base map created by archaeologist century at the same time that workers built the Edward Rutsch in 1979. Rutsch had superim- West Point Foundry’s infrastructure. The 19th- posed all the Sanborn fire insurance maps of century growth was such that by 1910 one the facility to create a working base map for American trade journal proclaimed the his study. The 2002 survey crew divided the Hudson River Valley’s brick industry to be the foundry’s acreage into operations based upon world’s largest center for that trade (O’Conner commonsense, although arbitrary, decisions. 1987: 1). George V. Hutton asserted that if one Each operation was to contain a manageable picked any random brick building in New volume of space where the features could be York City, the odds were three to one that it drawn during the digital mapping process. contained Hudson River bricks (Hutton 2003: The operation boundaries, the crew hoped, 11). Brick making along the Hudson rose to a would also fall upon divisions in the work dominant national position due to the pro- process at the foundry so that the molding ducers’ easy access to moderate quality clay, shop, for example, would fall into a different coal for fuel, laborers (particularly immigrants) operation than the boring mill. The surveyors who would work for low wages, and espe- assigned numeric identifiers to the operations cially because of market access to New York sequentially, establishing dividing lines where City. The voracious demand for brick in New visible features and topography seemed to cor- York City during the 19th century fed this relate with boundaries between buildings on developing sector of the valley’s economy Rutsch’s composite map. (Gilbert, Harbottle, and deNoyelles 1993: 35). During the 2002 survey (Valentino 2003), The city’s growth, indeed the fastest growth of and in the 2003, 2004, and 2005, seasons that any city in the world by century’s end, pro- followed, researchers identified variation in vided an enormous market of consumers for the locations of branded and unbranded bricks both the regional brickyards and the West throughout the foundry site. Some brands Point Foundry, since the shops of the latter appeared to cluster in certain smaller areas of started producing fashionable iron building the site. In 2003, the field researchers studied facades in the 1870s. the foundry’s extensive waterpower network The common and fire brick used in con- and thus excavation was directed at ground- struction at the foundry site provide archaeolo- truthing geophysical data (Finch 2004). gists with an important tool to understanding Whenever the crew spotted a unique brick the evolution of the foundry’s 88-acre factory brand in the course of their other tasks during campus. Researchers can also use the bricks to fieldwork, they marked the brick of interest. pose a number of interesting questions about One of the research team would periodically the development of the heavy clay industry in move about the site, collecting those bricks New York, the clay yards’ connections to the and recording their provenience. During the Hudson River market, and larger process of 2004 and 2005 seasons, excavations focused on social and economic change in the region. detailed explorations of smaller areas within Archaeologists, students, and volunteers began the complex of buildings. These provided the creating a comprehensive database of bricks first opportunity to study bricks in situ, set in identified on the site in 2002. The database courses of foundation structure in Operation 9 continued to mature after each season of field- at the blast furnace (Kotlensky 2006) and its work and analysis. This is the first interim associated blowing engine (Timms 2005), report from this effort. Operation 4 at the cannon boring mill complex and the head of the tailrace (Herzberg 2005), Fieldwork at the West Point Foundry and in Operation 16 at the East Bank House (Deegan 2006) and the 1865 office building Michigan Technological University’s (Scarlett and Deegan 2005). Industrial Archaeologists concentrated their The bricks were all initially identified as initial research efforts on identifying the site’s part of surface deposits. Bricks sitting on the features and remains, supporting the Scenic modern ground surface have potentially been Hudson Land Trust’s needs for conservation, moved from their original context. These Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 33

bricks therefore provided examples of brands ture of the foundry at moments in time, but used in foundry construction at some time she also found their limitations. She noted that during the site’s history. Since the foundry’s the historic maps typically only captured the closure, a series of anthropogenic processes outlines of each building’s footprint, and espe- have contributed to the movement of bricks cially for the earlier maps, often without illus- around on the site’s surface. These transforma- trating details of internal walls or the division tions included the “robbing” of brick and stone of space. The older maps neglected to distin- for recycled use in local architecture, the col- guish between additions and the building’s lapse and erosion of buildings and sediments, primary exterior walls. Because the drafters and the construction of a long pedestrian did not intend the maps to record historic walking path of assorted bricks that ran along information, they generally did not indicate Foundry Brook through the sites of the which portions of buildings had been torn machine shop to the eastern side of the black- down, modified, or where a wooden structure smith shop. had been replaced with brick or iron framing. While the presence of surface-find bricks Valentino completed a detailed comparison was important, the field crew recorded only of individual complexes and activity areas at the operation in which they were found. the foundry in her study of the overall site Precise map coordinates were not considered development. The most detailed of these inves- meaningful on surface rubble. Crew members tigations, for the boring mill complex have entered an increasing number of bricks (Operation 4), guided portions of the field- into the database which they removed from work in 2003 and 2004. The first map to show foundations and structural remains uncovered the boring mill dated to 1853, although other during excavations, in direct contrast to sur- face finds, and for which they recorded precise documents confidently indicated that the com- chronological and spatial information. plex was among the first structures built at the site in 1817. Adding to the site’s uncertainty, the first two maps of the boring mill showed Mapping the Evolution of the Physical an inconsistent footprint. Changes and addi- Plant tions to the building’s outline showed that While the surface finds provided informa- workers had linked the structure to the black- tion about brands and makers for whom the smith and casting house complexes on the field crews should be “on the lookout,” the northern and southern sides. Another addition bricks taken directly from architectural foun- had been built to the east between the complex dations should provide the most information and the foundry’s central rail line. The first about the evolution of the West Point map that showed any internal organization or Foundry’s physical plant. In two detailed subdivision was the 1872 Scofield Map. The studies of the historic maps and documents documents provided no genuine clues about that illustrate or describe the foundry’s growth the early phases of construction and modifica- and change, both Alicia Valentino (2003) and tion of the building. Kimberly Finch (2004) determined that historic When research team members compared documents aptly represent the authors’ Valentino’s analysis of the maps to the actual impression of various building outlines at dis- remains underfoot, the importance of studying crete moments in time. All of the documents ceramic building materials became immedi- depicted things that varied to some degree ately apparent. In 2003, preliminary testing in from the archaeological survey map. Valentino the boring mill complex sought to identify the used all the known maps that show details of major components of the foundry’s water- the West Point Foundry site to build a series of power network. Excavations during that wet- comparative images showing the physical ter-than-average summer showed that the changes over time. She used assorted local and foundation and walls were of stone. The mill’s regional maps that were made in ca. 1840, 36-foot diameter wheel was fed by a wooden 1853, 1867, 1872, 1876, and 1887; a set of flume from above and then drained through a Sanborn Company fire insurance maps from large tailrace, which was exposed through 1897, 1900, 1912, 1927, and 1965; Ed Rutsch’s excavation and geophysical prospection (Finch archaeological map from 1979, and MTU’s 2004: 43–45, 77–93). In 2004, archaeologists survey of surface remains from 2002 (Valentino used pumps to lower the water level in the 2003: 68). channel at the head of the tailrace and con- Valentino’s systematic comparison showed tinued excavation. This further excavation the utility of the maps to illustrate the struc- revealed that while the tailrace was faced with 34 West Point Foundry Bricks/Scarlett, Rahn, and Scott

stone, the inner vault had been built using turers used culm (coal dust added to improve brick. A submersible Remote Operated Vehicle firing) in the mixture for the bricks, indicating from Michigan Technological University’s Isle that they could have been made before 1828 Royale Institute confirmed that the brick when this practice was introduced to the vaulted passage remained intact as it curved Hudson River brickyards (Hutton 2003: 21). southward under the foundry’s infrastructure It does not follow that because the bricks (Herzberg 2005). The race’s brick vault are physically similar to one another the struc- remained full of water and crewmembers tures from which they came were built simul- could not remove any bricks for analysis taneously. The similarity of the bricks, how- without significant risk of destabilizing the ever, can contribute evidence regarding the structure. This analysis will go forward after sequence of construction that can lend support consultation with a structural engineer or pres- to a larger argument. Since the addition walls ervation mason. and the machine pad seem to be built of the Herzberg’s detailed attention to the boring same type of brick, it suggests that the struc- mill area showed how the footprint of the tures were built at the same time. It seems building evolved. The western brick addition likely that the machine footer was not signifi- may have been added as early as 1849–1850. cantly modified or rebuilt at some later date. William Blake described the site in his book, A This interpretation is further supported by the History of Putnam County (1849). He explained excavators’ observations that while the brick that during his visit to the site, workers were courses only abut the original building’s stone erecting another boring mill that would con- foundation, the north and east addition walls tain machines for slotting, planing, drilling, were keyed together at the corner, as are the and a large face lathe (Blake 1849: 244; different parts of the machine footer and pad. Herzberg 2005: 16). Blake did not say if the The section of the northern wall which appears new mill was freestanding or with which different from the rest (Feature 55) was built materials workers planned to construct it. On using the same brick, suggesting that the dif- later maps, the western addition is labeled ference in course pattern followed from the “Iron Turning and Planing.” Herzberg’s exca- plan to sit the wheel lathe pit at that location, vations in the brick addition located a wheel complete with a deep pit and belt drive wheel lathe in the northern corner that had also been attachments bolted to the wall north of the recorded in an 1890s photograph (Herzberg machine itself. 2005: 26–30). This lathe may have been the The argument becomes weaker, however, “large faced lathe” mentioned by Blake in when one considers that Brick #18 is also 1849. These excavations also provided an nearly identical to those from the addition. At opportunity to examine the bricks used in con- some point, someone laid this brick in a foun- struction of these additions. dation course next to the water wheel pit (Feature 30 in Grid 4M). The bricks became Common Red Bricks: Boring Mill embedded into the iron sub floor of the mill as Complex the boring waste built up under the wooden floor. The stone building is purportedly several The bricks from different areas of the decades older than the brick addition, which boring mill complex can help archaeologists to makes it unlikely that someone installed the determine a more detailed sequence of con- course of bricks while the building was first struction and modification. During excavation, built. If this brick was contemporary with the archaeologists removed a single brick from the others, then this wall was built at about the northern wall of the brick addition (Feature 48, same time as the addition and the machine Brick/Brand #29), a separately built section of base. It also follows that the construction or that wall (Feature 55, Brick/Brand #34), the formation of the iron flooring postdates the western wall of the wheel lathe pit (Feature 47, addition, which we have suggested in this Brick/Brand #35), and a course of bricks laid article was built around 1849–1850. into the iron floor next to the water wheel All of this must be contextualized by the inside the original stone boring mill building fact that the technology used to manufacture (Feature 30, Brick/Brand #18). While none of these bricks is perhaps the single most these bricks bear a brand, they are nearly iden- common production method of the first half of tical in size, color, and manufacture. They all the 19th century. Any of these construction measure nearly the same 20 × 9 × 6 (cm) or 8 × sequences could also represent re-use of old 31/2 × 23/4 (in). None of the bricks’ manufac- brick stock on the site. Nineteenth-century Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 35

mortar was much easier to clean from bricks brand to a particular yard. Through his anal- than the modern equivalent, so they could be ysis of the brick industries’ history, O’Conner reused more easily. More study of the bricks describes the prominence of Irish workers in and the architecture of the boring mill complex the 19th-century labor pool and the relative is required to resolve these questions, but the ease with which someone who had gathered promise of studying the bricks in detail is some modest capital and experience in the fac- clearly evident. tory could sublet a yard and enter into produc- tion during a given year. Common Red Brick: 1865 Office Building Common Red Brick: Turbine Flume Identified brick brands also help correlate Pylons construction sequences and landscape evolu- Many of the bricks used in the modern tion throughout the site. Among the seven construction of a brick pedestrian path through brands discovered on common red bricks (t a b . the site’s ruins bear the “BUDD” mark (Brick/ 1, f i g . 1), three deserve specific mention here. Brand #2). W. D. Budd Brick Co of Duchess The “OB&V” brand (#13) appears on bricks Junction, NY, used this brand. Daniel used to build the 1865 office building. deNoyelles found reference to this brand in Preservation masons removed several bricks 1899 (deNoyelles 1982: 227). The “BUDD” with this brand from the office building’s mark appears ubiquitously among the rubble chimneys during stabilization efforts in 2004. used by volunteers to build a walking path The O’Brien and Vaughey Company is likely through the current ruins, but also in situ in the match to this brand. These two partners the brick pylons that supported a flume pipe ran a brickyard in Brockway, N.Y., about 10 that brought water to the machine shop’s miles north of the foundry on the Hudson’s power house. Kimberly Finch argued that eastern shore. O’Brien and Vaughey’s factory workers built those pylons during the 1890s sat adjacent to the Edwin Brockway brickyard when the Cornell Brothers enhanced the (Hutton 2003: 87). According to George foundry’s physical plant. They added a turbine Hutton’s research, Brockway opened his brick- and a generator in a powerhouse at the north yard in 1886 and founded the town that also end of the machine shop complex. The flume bore his name for the factory workers. O’Brien and the generator appear on maps and in pho- and Vaughey operated their adjoining yard at tographs from that period (Finch 2004: an undetermined time thereafter. However, 136–140) and their installation probably corre- since foundry workers built the office building lated with the installation of porcelain knob- in 1865, and the preservation masons think the and-tube fixtures during the electrification of chimneys were not rebuilt, the attribution of the 1865 office building once electricity was this brand to that particular yard is suspect. made on site. O’Brien and Vaughey may have started earlier While the pylons seem to date the BUDD than Hutton believes, or may have operated a brand to the last decade of the 19th century, different yard somewhere else before moving William D. Budd is listed in the 1850 census as to their Brockway facility. Our current assump- a brickmaker ( 2005), and his family continued to operate the yard after his tion is that the office building chimneys were death. George V. Hutton mentioned the Budd part of the original brick construction, and that yard when he recorded that, “the two daugh- the OB&V brand therefore provides a time ters of the deceased owner inherited the marker for foundry buildings constructed William Budd yard at Fishkill Landing during the Civil War-era building expansion. [Beacon, NY]. ‘The Misses Budd’ not only Other companies may also have used the increased the plant’s output but reputedly OB&V mark, though none have been identi- made the first use of electric power for the fied. There were many O’Briens making brick operation of Hudson River brick machines” in different companies throughout the region (Hutton 2003: 87). The foundry workers could also have used old, existing brick stock when (deNoyelles 1982: 253), and other companies constructing the pylons. William D. Budd’s were using an “O&B” or “OB” brand in the yard may have also produced brick bearing 1880s (Gurcke 1987: 274). Richard O’Conner the “WDB” brand that was also found at provides perhaps the best insight into the Operation 1 in the foundry’s molding shop ambiguities of this region’s brick identification complex (Brick/Brand #39). This brand, if it in his 1987 dissertation, although he does not was a product of the Budd yard, could date to explicitly discuss the challenge of attributing a a different period. 36 West Point Foundry Bricks/Scarlett, Rahn, and Scott References Hutton 2003: 86–87; 1987: 228 Gurcke deNoyelles 1982: 227; Hutton: 2003: 87 deNoyelles 1982: 246, 253–254; Hutton 2003: 87 1880 United States Census; 1932, 1942–43, & 1940 New Haven, CT City Directory ( deNoyelles 1982: 240, 271 1987: 242 Gurcke deNoyelles 1982: 227; Hutton: 2003: 87 deNoyelles 1982: 252 deNoyelles 1987: 270 Hutton 2003: 119 References Ries & Kümmel 1904:324 Clayton 1882: 582; Ries & Kümmel 1904: 324 1987: 68–69 Gurcke Known Dates 1881–1899, 1926 1850?–1899 1865 1880–1940 1905–1910 1921–42 1850–?1899 Known Dates 1845–1896 1845–1896 ca.1800–1936 ca. 1880? 1905

Companies N.J. Woodbridge H. Berry and Company, William N.J. Woodbridge H. Berry and Company, William Rufford, Brick, Francis T. Rufford Hungary Hill, Stourbridge, England Five Hughes identified as brickmakers in Stourbridge, England Companies Beacon, NY Dennings Point Brick Works, D. Budd Co., Dutchess Junction, NY; William Fishkill Landing (Beacon, NY) Beacon, NY Brockway, O’Brien and Vaughey?, Stiles Brick; Isaac L. and Frank Stiles; Stiles of North Haven CT / Camden NJ Geirge K. Hammond Dutchess Junction, N.Y. William Virginia Brick Co. West Hammond Fire D. Budd Company Dutchess Junction, NY; William Fishkill Landing (Beacon, NY) NY J. Nicholson Haverstraw, Dutchess Junction, NY Nicholson Brothers NY Nicholson and Reilly Haverstraw, WPF Operation 1, Surface OP 1, Surface OP 9, Surface, 04-04-04-4N-10, OP 04-04-04-Surface Rubble 04-03-9-Surface WPF Operation Brick Path, Machine & Blacksmith Shop Flume Pylons, Brick Path Op 16, Surface Building Chimney Op 16 Office Boring Mill Op 4, Surface Brick Path, Machine & Blacksmith Shop 1, Surface OP 16 Boiler house Surface OP Table 1. Common brick brands identified at the West Point Foundry Site. These bricks appear on the map in Figure 1. Point Foundry Site. These bricks appear on the map in Figure 1. Common brick brands identified at the West Table Brand [WPF Brick #] DPBW [#01] BUDD [#02] OB&V [#13] STILES [#26] HAMMOND [#37] WDB [#39] NICHOLSON [#48] 3 and 4. Point Foundry Site. These bricks appear on the map in Figures the West bricks from Assorted fire 3: Table Brand [WPF Brick #] No.1 W.H.BERRY&Co WOODBRIDGE N J [#21, #21b] Ø Ø EXTRA BERRY WOODBRIDGE. N.J. [#23] RUFFORD STOURBRIDGE [#25, #25b, #30] HUGHES & EA… STOURBRID…[#31] Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 37

Table 2: Fire Bricks from Operation 16, including the Pattern Complex Boiler House and the Office Building. These bricks appear on the map in Figure 2.

Brand [WPF Brick #] Companies Known Dates References KING [#50] King Brick Company, Kingston, NY n.d. deNoyelles 1982: 244 Louisville Fire Brick Works, KY 1942 Gurcke 1987: 256–257 North American Refractories Co., PA 1930–1942 Gurcke 1987: 256–257 Queen’s Run Fire Brick Co., PA 1904–1927 Gurcke 1987: 256–257 KEYSTONE [#49] Elk Fire Brick Co. 1919–1931 Gurcke 1987: 256 North American Refractories Co. 1930–1942 Gurcke 1987: 256 GLOBE [#47] Globe Brick Company, Haverstraw, NY 1883 deNoyelles 1982: 239 Globe Brick Company, WV 1921–1930 Gurcke 1987: 240 PEEKSKILL No1 [#53] Peekskill Fire Brick Co., NY 1921 Gurcke 1987: 278–279 STRASBU… [#27] Columbia Fire Brick Co, OH 1921–1942 Gurcke 1987: 302 CBM SPEC [#28] Clearfield Brick Manufacturing Co., PA. 1921–1931 Gurcke 1987: 214

Common Red Brick: Other Surface Finds Since the “D.P.B.W.” was known to employ The “DPBW” branded bricks are also brick making machines powered by a sixty- potential chronological indicators. Karl Gurcke horsepower steam engine (Hutton 2003: listed the D.P.B.W. brand as used by the 86–87), Brick #1 may be an early product of the Dennings Point Brickworks in 1926 (Gurcke yard or perhaps an experiment with river 1987: 228), and Daniel deNoyelles describes clays. This brick was also found in the jumbled Homer Ramsdell of Fishkill, NY, operating the rubble construction of the brick path through Dennings Point Brick Works with the D.P.B.W. the machine shop complex. Archaeologists can brand in use in 1899 (deNoyelles 1982: 231). now use the “D.P.B.W.” brand, however, as a Denning’s Point is immediately south of marker for architecture constructed after 1881 Fishkill Landing and was owned by the and perhaps as late as the final expansion of Verplanck family until William Denning pur- buildings in the 1890s. Further research may chased it sometime after the Revolutionary narrow these bracketing dates. War, giving it his name. In the late-19th cen- tury, Homer Ramsdell took possession of the The Foundry’s Firebrick property as part of a larger business deal of land and property exchanges with the Hartford Firebricks are used for different purposes and Erie Railroad. Ramsdell opened the than common brick because they can be Dennings Point Brick Works in 1881 (Hutton exposed to higher heat and for extended 2003: 86–87). The raw clay came from the yard periods of time. They are made using partic- grounds at first, then was supplemented by ular clays that are often processed more inten- river dredge clay until the clays were totally sively than common brick. The earliest fire- exhausted in the 1930s. The workers ground brick were made using soft-clay molds and the property’s red shale and used it as a col- then were repressed during their green phase oring agent (Hutton 2003: 86–87). The factory, before firing to create their required sharp including the large Dennings Point yards at edges. Even after the introduction of extruded Dutchess Junction and Fishkill Landing, shut brick machines, most firebrick was still down for a year in 1894 while market prices repressed. All these additional processing steps bottomed out (Hutton 2003: 97). made firebrick more expensive than common The D.P.B.W. (Brick/Brand #1) brick recov- brick. Firebrick became essential to the con- ered at the West Point Foundry Preserve was struction and operation of a furnace because made in a five-part mold using sand as a lubri- they replaced the older sandstone and clay cant. It included fine red gravel mixed in with lining, which was more expensive to build and the ceramic fabric, clearly the ground red shale burned out quickly. mentioned by Hutton. The strike marks on the Most brickyards in the Hudson River backside of the brick are just uneven enough Valley could not make firebrick during the that the initial inspection in the laboratory sug- early- or mid-19th century because the region’s gested that it could have been hand struck. clays contain high levels of calcium. Calcium lowers the bricks’ vitrification point, causing 38 West Point Foundry Bricks/Scarlett, Rahn, and Scott

Figure 1. Common bricks found bearing brands at the West Point Foundry site. Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 39

Figure 2. Map of firebrick brands found at the West Point Foundry in Operation 16, including the office building and pattern complexes. 40 West Point Foundry Bricks/Scarlett, Rahn, and Scott

Figure 3. Map of the firebrick brands found at the West Point Foundry site, including bricks from around the entire foundry campus. Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 41

Figure 4. Map of the William H. Berry Company firebricks found at the West Point Foundry site. 42 West Point Foundry Bricks/Scarlett, Rahn, and Scott

them to loose structural integrity at high heat. been a brand belonging to Balthazar Kreischer, While a few of the United States’ brick-making who operated a brickyard just south of regions produced firebrick in the early-19th Rossville, Staten Island. Kreischer opened his century, many industries imported them from first factory in in 1845. In 1855, he England. Some early imports appeared at the opened a second factory on Staten Island. By West Point Foundry site, but the majority of 1860, he was producing a million firebricks identified firebrick originated with American annually. The Manhattan works closed in 1876, producers. Most of the known brands, how- but the Staten Island plant continued opera- ever, were identified on surface finds. As a tion. The firm reached its height of production result, the prominence of American manufac- in the 1890s as B. Kreischer and Sons, turers may reflect the purchasing decisions employing 300 workers and producing made at the end of foundry operations and by 3,500,000 bricks annually. It closed in the 1930s subsequent businesses that utilized the area (Sachs 1988:60–62). This partial brand lacks surrounding Foundry Cove. any reference to Balthazar’s sons, so if pro- Sixteen firebrick brands representing at duced by his company, the yard probably least fifteen different companies have appeared made this brick between 1845 and 1890. on the foundry campus to date. Seven of these A brand of the similar period may be brands indicated firebrick installed in the ear- “WATSON.S.No.2 / P.AMBOY.N.J.” (Brick ly-20th century, although more research is #20). Watson’s factory was established in Perth required to form definitive conclusions about Amboy in 1836 (Ries and Kümmel 1904:324). these bricks’ date of manufacture. The West Daniel deNoyelles listed F. B. Watson still in Point Foundry had shut down by this time and operation in that town in 1855 (deNoyelles other industries operated on the site. Four of 1982: 267). As the company was not listed in a these seven firebricks appeared either on the 1904 directory, it was apparently out of busi- ground surface or in the lining of the two ness by then (R. Veit 2005: personal communi- boiler house rooms in the pattern complex cation). A stiff-paste machine extruded this building in Operation 16, just south of the brick, although it may also have been Office Building (f i g . 2). These brands are listed repressed. A worker stamped this brand by with possible makers and dates in Table 2, and hand, suggesting that it is also probably an include the KING (#50), GLOBE (#47), earlier product. PEEKSKILL (#53) and KEYSTONE (#21) Three different brands appeared in brands. Companies published these brands in Operation 7, the blacksmith shop complex. The trade journals during the 1920s and the bricks first, “…UTIER & CO / …XTRA / …Y CITY, were probably installed during the era when N.J.” (#54), remains unidentified. The next the Astoria Silk Works operated on the prop- brand was highly degraded from heat, but is erty. barely legible as “WOODLAND” (#52). While In addition, two firebrick brands appeared Karl Gurcke identified a company using that in the rubble inside the nearby office building mark in in the mid-20th century, in Operation 16 (see also f i g . 2 and t a b . 2). this brick was hand stamped which indicates These included CBM SPEC (#28) and that it is likely older. Brick #24 is similarly STRAUSBU[RG] (#27), both brands published degraded, is broken, and is very difficult to by companies during the 1920s through the read. It is stamped “JRLA…” and like brick 1940s in Pennsylvania and Ohio, respectively. #54, was made in New Jersey. One other brand seemed to date from this later Surveyors and excavators have recovered time period. The as yet unidentified BAR- three examples of bricks bearing the CLAY brand (#41), found in the molding shop “RUFFORD / STOURBRIDGE” stamp (f i g . 3). complexes in Operation 1, may date to the Two of these bricks appeared in the surface Cornell-era works (f i g . 3). More research rubble at the boring mill (Op 4, Brick #30) and should determine if this brand was also in use the blast furnace and blowing engine (Op 9, during the 20th century. Brick #25b). A third example was recovered Several other firebricks scattered over the from a stratigraphic unit in Unit 4N at the foundry’s surface date from the 19th century boring mill complex (Brick #25b). Francis T. (f i g . 3, t a b . 3). In Operation 3, an area identi- Rufford made glass in Stourbridge, England, fied variously as a molding house, casting and was also manufacturing firebrick by 1800. shop, and gun foundry, a brick appeared with His company operated until going out of busi- the mostly-complete brand “… .KREISCH / … ness in 1936. E.J. and J. Pearson Limited con- NY No 1” (#51). This partial mark may have tinued the brand under the name of Rufford Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 43

Firebrick Co. Ltd. until 1963. Stourbridge com- of firebricks made after 1845 presents consider- mercial directories also list a Brettell and able problems for the interpretation of the site. Rufford as makers of firebrick in 1828 and 1835 The current belief that the blast furnace fell out (Gurcke 1987: 68–69). The RUFFORD bricks of use after 1844 came from Edward Rutsch’s appear to be the earliest firebrick on the site. archaeological study (1979: 77), which was in The stratigraphic position of Brick #25 sug- turn based upon Wilson’s Thirty Years of Early gests that it was deposited during or shortly History of Cold Spring and Vicinity (1886: 27). after the construction of the boring mill com- Wilson began his text by begging forgive- plex’s brick addition, probably completed in ness for a lack of chronological precision and 1849–1850. The three bricks’ locations suggest explained that his writing was based upon his that workers used Rufford company bricks in recollections of decades previous and had not the blast furnace, but probably also in the been thoroughly fact-checked and researched. cupola furnaces in the casting house. One Ries and Kümmel provide no explanation of other English firebrick appeared in the surface how they determined the date when the Berry rubble at the blast furnace and blowing engine yard began producing firebrick. Since the com- complex (Op 9). Brick #31 was stamped pany was still in operation in 1904, they pre- “HUGHES & EA… / STOURBRID…” There sumably worked from company records or were at least five brickmakers named Hughes oral histories. Given the presence of the BERRY working in Stourbridge during the latter part brand in the collapse rubble of the furnace, far of the 19th century alone, so more research up the canyon from any other similar produc- needs to be completed before this English tive structure, the final charge and blast of the brand can be correlated with the RUFFORD furnace appears to have occurred sometime mark. after 1845 (if Ries and Kümmel are correct), or The final three identified firebrick brands perhaps several years later. Careful attention were all marks of the William H. Berry and research about these bricks will continue Company of Woodbridge, New Jersey (f i g . 4, to yield substantial refinement of our under- t a b . 3). The Berry brand appeared on an arc standing of the historical evolution of the West brick from the surface rubble in the boring mill Point Foundry. complex (Op 4, Brick #21), a key brick in the molding house complex (Op 1, Brick #21b), Summary and Conclusions and an arch brick used by volunteers to make the pedestrian path through the machine and A significant amount of information about blacksmith shop complexes (Brick #23). During the brickmakers remains unknown, but a pro- the 2005 excavation season, BERRY bricks visional interpretation serves to guide future began to appear in some quantity within the archaeological and historical research. When rubble layers excavated from the southern side the foundry was first laid out, the builders of the blast furnace (Op 9). This rubble formed could not find a satisfactory domestic supplier during sequences of collapse after the furnace of firebrick for the furnaces that fed their had been abandoned (Kotlensky 2005, per- casting. This was still the case nearly a decade sonal communication). One firebrick fragment, later when the workers erected a cold blast with a small portion of a mark, also appeared furnace in 1827. They ordered their first fire- in the excavation on the western side of the bricks from Stourbridge, England. These 1865 office building (Scarlett and Deegan bricks, which probably came from the yards of 2005). Francis T. Rufford and perhaps “Hughes and Ries and Kümmel wrote “the works of W. EA…,” were used to line the earliest furnaces H. Berry, at Woodbridge, began operation in built and operated on the site. As those bricks 1845, and have continued up to the present wore out and were replaced, the foundry day, although in 1896 the name was changed workers transitioned to domestically produced to J. E. Berry” (Ries and Kümmel 1904: 324). firebrick, particularly those made by Balthazar The Berry yard apparently produced firebrick Kreischer in New York and William H. Berry from its beginning and by the 1880s could in New Jersey. The latter became the dominant manufacture a million firebricks annually brick used around the site by the 1850s. The when in full production (Clayton 1882: 582). worn out bricks with Stourbridge marks mixed Since the West Point Foundry blast furnace with other rubble and workers interred them purportedly operated between 1827 and 1844 as part of the aggressive earthmoving and (Finch 2004: 114; Norris 2002: 62–63) and was building program initiated after the foundry’s never reused for other purposes, the presence directors began consolidating and expanding 44 West Point Foundry Bricks/Scarlett, Rahn, and Scott

the Cold Spring works at mid-century. Berry’s New York’s urban fires did more than stim- firebricks, along with others from the period, ulate expanded production by increasing the were also removed from the furnaces as they demand for bricks. The evolving needs of the wore out. They ended up mixed with fill urban environment linked the industries along events after mid-century, including the 1865 the Hudson with the downriver landscape. office building construction and landscaping The Croton Reservoir provides an excellent events. example of that link. The First Great Fire of This study of bricks from archaeological 1835 inspired a significantly increased commit- research at Scenic Hudson’s West Point ment to complete and expand the Croton Foundry Preserve indicates the important and water system. That system included enormous practical result from careful attention to a iron pipes cast at the West Point Foundry and humble and ubiquitous type of artifact. The miles of vaulted sewers into which workers bricks and their brands provide important pointed billions of Hudson Valley bricks clues to the construction and evolution of the throughout New York City’s urban fabric. Yet foundry’s landscape, which even at this early the water system itself also tied both the stage in the overall study provides two major foundry and brickyards to developments in examples of important potential insights. First construction technologies—iron beams, steel among the common red brick, the BUDD and frames, tile cladding, Portland cement, and OB&V brands appeared in discrete architec- even plastic and concrete piping. When the tural building periods and thus provide impor- nephews of the company’s original founders tant chronological markers across the site. The took over the West Point Foundry after the firebrick brands, particularly RUFFORD and Civil War, they gambled their capital on cast BERRY marks, proved to be the source of sig- iron building façades, trying to open new areas nificant questions about the sequence of imple- of manufacture as the military demands dried mentation and abandonment of productive up. These fashionable façades further con- facilities throughout the foundry’s campus. nected the foundry to the numerous brick- Attempts to correlate brick making with yards producing fire-resistant construction foundry construction in the Hudson River materials. The evolution of the urban ecolog- Valley also ties the West Point Foundry and the ical system thus tied the workers of the dif- clay yards to larger issues. George V. Hutton ferent clay yards and the West Point Foundry (2003), Richard P. O’Conner (1987), and Alan S. together more tightly and over a longer period Gilbert et al. (1993) each wrote about the con- than the direct business interactions of the two nections between the region’s brick industry companies. A full accounting of either the and New York City’s growth downriver. While brickyards or the foundry must explore the Americans began producing soft-mud, larger contextual ties that bound business in machine-molded bricks in the 1820s, and the Hudson River Valley and the downriver machines were introduced in the mid-Hudson metropolitan market. by 1855, the trajectory of production in the industry followed the city’s needs and popula- Acknowledgements tion growth. New York City’s laws relating to wood construction span the mid-17th through We owe thanks to each of Michigan early-20th centuries (c.f. O’Connor 1987: 8–36; Technological University’s graduate students Hutton 2003: 17–107). These laws sought to that have worked diligently as an area super- control the risk of fire by mandating that all visor during our summer research program. chimneys not be made of clay-daubed wood, The Scenic Hudson Land Trust, and particu- that party walls shared by two different build- larly Rita Shaheen, have been excellent part- ings be of masonry construction, that some city ners in our study at the preserve site. We blocks be made of all masonry so they acted as appreciate their enthusiastic support. This firebreaks during disaster, and promoting article was prepared following collaborative overall fire-proof or slow-burn construction. research during two different semesters of Government legislators promoted these laws Timothy Scarlett’s Archaeological Laboratory following a series of actual urban disasters, Sciences course. The text of this article was including New York’s Great Fires of 1835 and improved by conversations and comments 1845. The resulting rebuilding booms, under from Rich Veit, Sarah Neale Fayen, Wendy the codes that followed, fired the market for Harris, Karl Gurcke, and two anonymous Hudson River Brick. reviewers. Any remaining errors are entirely our own. Northeast Historical Archaeology/Vol. 35, 2006 45

References 2005 An Analysis of Activity Areas Within an Industrial Site: The Boring Mill Complex at the West Point Foundry, Cold Spring, New York. 2005 United States Census Bureau, 1850, 1860, 1870, MS Thesis, Department of Social Sciences, and 1880 Federal Census Records. Retrieved on Michigan Technological University. July 15, 2005 from http:// www. ancestry. com. Hutton, George V. 2003 The Great Hudson River Brick Industry: Bruegel, Martin Commemorating Three and a Half Centuries of 1996 Unrest: Manorial Society and the Market in Brick making. Purple Mountain Press, the Hudson Valley, 1780–1850. The Journal of Fleischmanns, New York. American History 82(4): 1393–1424. Kotlensky, Aaron Clark, Christopher 2005 Personal communication. 1996 Rural America and the Transition to Capitalism. Journal of the Early Republic 16(2): Lewis, Tom 223–236. 2005 The Hudson: A History. Yale University Press, New Haven. Clayton, W. Woodford 1882 History of Union and Middlesex Counties, New Norris, Elizabeth Jersey with Biographical sketches of Many of 2002 An Historical and Industrial Archaeology Their Pioneers and Prominent Men. Everts and Strategy for the West Point Foundry Site, Cold Peck, Philadelphia. Spring, New York. MS Thesis, Department of deNoyelles, Daniel Social Sciences, Michigan Technological 1982 Within These Gates. Published by the author, University. Thiels, New York. O’Conner, Richard P. Finch, Kimberly A. 1987 A History of Brickmaking in the Hudson Valley. 2004 Waterpower: A Geophysical and Archaeological Ph.D. Dissertation, Arts and Sciences, Investigation of the Water Power System at the University of Pennsylvania. West Point Foundry, Cold Spring, New York. MS Thesis, Department of Social Sciences, Ries, Heinrich, and Henry B. Kümmel Michigan Technological University. 1904 The Clays and Clay Industry of New Jersey. Volume VI of the Final Report of the State Gilbert, Alan, Garmon Harbottle, and Daniel Geologist. MacCrellish and Quigley, Trenton, deNoyelles N.J. 1993 A Ceramic Chemistry Archive for New Netherlands/New York. Historical Rutsch, Edward, JoAnn Cotz, and Brian H. Morrell Archaeology 27(3):17–56. with Herbert J. Githens and Leonard A. Eisenberg Gordon, Robert B. 1979 The West Point Foundry Site, Cold Spring, 1996 American Iron: 1607–1900. Johns Hopkins Putnam County, New York. Cultural Resource University Press, Baltimore. Management Services, unpublished report, copy on file at office of the Program in Gurcke, Karl 1987 Bricks and Brick making: A Handbook for Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, Historical Archaeology. University of Idaho Department of Social Sciences, Michigan Press, Moscow. Technological University.

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Random House, New York. pottery and structural clay industries. Both Daniel Scott and Jeremy Rahn participated in Timms, Erin C. this research while undergraduate students at 2005 The Archaeological and Historical Interpretation of Waterpower and Blowing Engine Technology Michigan Technological University. Mr. Rahn at the West Point Foundry Blast Furnace, Cold also went on to conduct fieldwork as part of Spring, New York. MS Thesis, Department of the West Point Foundry Research Team before Social Sciences, Michigan Technological graduating with his Bachelor’s degree in 2005. University.

Valentino, Alicia B. Timothy James Scarlett 2003 Visualizing the Past at the West Point Foundry, Program in Industrial Heritage & Archaeology Cold Spring, New York. MS Thesis, Department of Social Sciences / AOB 209 Department of Social Sciences, Michigan Michigan Technological University Technological University. 1400 Townsend Dr. Veit, Richard Houghton, MI 49931 2005 Personal Communication, May 25, 2005. [email protected]

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Timothy James Scarlett is co-director of the West Point Foundry Archaeology Project. He has undertaken research into various American