Composition of Magna Charta Universitatum Observatory As of 31 March 2002 Collegium Prof. Fabio Roversi-Monaco, President, University of Bologna Prof. Josep Bricall, University of Barcelona Sir John Daniel, UNESCO, Paris Prof. Michael Daxner, UNMIK, Belgrade Prof. Josef Jarab, Czech Senator, Olomouc Prof. Lucy Smith, University of Oslo Prof. Ludvik Toplak, University of Maribor Board Dr. Kenneth Edwards, Chair, University of Cambridge Prof. Eric Froment, University of Lyon 2 Prof. Dimitris Glaros, University of Ioannina Dr. Eduardo Marçal Grilo, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon Prof. Angelo Varni, University of Bologna Secretariat Dr Andris Barblan, Secretary General, EUA, Geneva Ms Carla Pazzaglia, SEPS, Bologna Contact address * Observatory of the Magna Charta Via Val d’Aposa, 7 40123 Bologna, Italy Tel +39.051.272992 Fax +39.051.231296 e-mail :
[email protected] * temporary location until end of 2002 but e-mail address will remain the same Bononia University Press Via Zamboni 25 - 40126 Bologna © 2002 Bononia University Press ISBN 88-7395-000-0 e-mail:
[email protected] I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riprodu- zione e di adattamento totale o parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo (com- presi i microfilm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i Pa- esi. Stampa: Centro Grafico Ambrosiano Prima edizione: settembre 2002 Ristampe: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Contents Foreward 9 Dr. Andris Barblan Secretary General of the Observatory The Setting up of the Magna Charta