Matrix Computations in Basic on a Microcomputer Higham, Nicholas J. 2013 MIMS EPrint: 2013.51 Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences School of Mathematics The University of Manchester Reports available from: And by contacting: The MIMS Secretary School of Mathematics The University of Manchester Manchester, M13 9PL, UK ISSN 1749-9097 This EPrint is a reissue of the 1985 technical report [1]. That report was published as [2] but without the appendices, which are Appendix A. Basic and Comal 29 Appendix B. Summary of Machine and Language Specifications 32 Appendix C. Commodore 64 Assembly Language BLAS Listing 39 Appendix D. BBC Microcomputer Assembly Language BLAS Listing 46 Appendix E. BBC Microcomputer SGEFA/SGESL Test Program 53 Appendix F. CBM Comal-80 SGEFA/SGESL Test Program 56 Appendix G. Amstrad CPC 464 Benchmark Program 59 Since the appendices contain material of historical interest that is not readily available elsewhere, it seems appropriate to re-issue it in the MIMS EPrint series. The following pages are scanned from the surviving original Epson dot matrix printout. This EPrint should be cited as N. J. Higham. Matrix computations in Basic on a microcomputer. Numerical Analysis Report No. 101, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, June 1985. Reissued as MIMS EPrint 2013.51, Manchester Institute for Mathe- matical Sciences, The University of Manchester, UK, October 2013. References [1] Nicholas J. Higham. Matrix computations in Basic on a microcomputer. Numerical Analysis Report No. 101, Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK, June 1985. [2] Nicholas J. Higham. Matrix computations in Basic on a microcomputer. IMA Bulletin, 22(1/2):13{20, 1986. Nicholas J. Higham October 2013 MATRIX COMPUTATIONS IN BASIC ON A MICROCOMPUTER N.J. Higham - Numerical Analysis Report No. 101 June 1985 - Department of Mathematics University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL ENGLAND University of Manchester/UMIST Joint Numerical Analysis Reports Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics The Victoria University University of Manchester Institute of of Manchester Science and Technology Requests for individual technical reports may be addressed to Dr C.T.H. Baker, Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL. The views and op1n1ons expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Department of Mathematics. ABSTRACT We consider the efficient implementation of matrix computations in interpreted Basic on a microcomputer. Linear equations routines SGEFA and SGESL from the LINPACK library of Fortran programs are translated into Basic and run on four microcomputers: the Commodore 64, the Amstrad CPC 464, the BBC Microcomputer, and the BBC with a Z-80 second processor. The computational cost of the routines is found to be dominated by subscripting calculations rather than by floating point arithmetic. For the BBC Microcomputer and the Commodore 64, the BLAS routines which constitute the inner loops of SGEFA and SGESL are coded in assembly language; speed increases of factors 2.8 <BBC> and 5.3 <Commodore 64) accrue, and the improved execution times are comparable to ones which have been quoted for the more powerful and expensive IBM PC running under a Fortran compiler. The computational cost of the routines using coded BLAS is found to be dominated by floating point arithmetic, subscripting calculations and other overheads having been reduced to a negligible level, and it is concluded that these hybrid Basic/assembly language routines extract near optimum performance from their host machines. Our findings are shown to be applicable to any matrix routine whose computational cost can be measured in "flops". Keywords: matrix computations, Basic, microcomputer, interpreter, assembly language, LINPACK, BLAS. -1- 1. Introduction Stewart <1981> describes his experiences in implementing a linear equations solver on three hand-held calculators. His routine for the Hewlett Packard HP-41C, coded in the machine's low level programming language, solved a system of linear equations of order 10 in 250 seconds. Dongarra (1984) gives a list of the times taken by various micro-, mini- and mainframe computers to solve a linear system of order 100 using standard linear equations software written in Fortran. The timings include one for the IBM PC microcomputer: this machine solved the 100x100 problem in 20 minutes. For several years the present author has used in his research the Commmodore Pet and Commodore 64 microcomputers (Higham, 1984a, 1984b, 1984c), which in terms of cost and computing power lie between the hand-held calculators and the more powerful microcomputers such as the IBM PC. Unlike the calculators used by Stewart in Stewart (1981) the author's microcomputers run a high level programming language, Basic, but they are not equipped to run Fortran, the language of choice for scientific computation on large computers. Consideration of the papers of Stewart and Dongarra led us to ask the following questions. (1. 1) How should algorithms for matrix computations be implemented on a microcomputer in order to make the best possible use of the machine's processing power, if Basic is the only available high-level language? ( 1. 2) What will be the dominant computational costs in implementations that answer question (1.1>? -2- (1.3) How can one make use of the rich supply of high quality Fortran software when coding algorithms in Basic? We investigate these questions in this report. In this work we experimented with four microcomputers: the Commodore 64, the Amstrad CPC 464, the standard BBC Microcomputer, and the BBC with a Z-80 second processor <we will regard the last two configurations as different machines). All the machines were used in their standard interpreted Basic programming environment; in addition the Commodore 64 was used with the Basic-related Carnal programming language. For details of Basic and Carnal, and an explanation of the differences between an interpreter and a compiler, see Appendix A and the references cited therein. The technical specifications of the four machines and of their particular language implementations are described in Appendix B. At this point we pause to define two terms that we will use frequently in the following sections. Machine code <or machine language) is the collection of instructions that a microprocessor recognises and can execute as fundamental operations. To the microprocessor, a machine code instruction is simply a binary bit pattern that specifies an action to be performed. Assembly language is a low level language bearing a one to one relationship to machine code; it allows the use of mnemonics to refer to machine code instructions, and symbolic names (or labels) to refer to numeric values and addresses. The translation from assembly language to machine code is carried out by an assembler . Programming in assembly language is easier, less prone to error, and much less tedious than programming in machine code. -3- In sections 2 and 3 we describe the development of efficient hybrid Basic/assembly language translations of two standard Fortran subroutines for solving systems of linear equations. Section 4 presents and analyses the results of timing experiments carried out on the four test machines using the hybrid routines and, for comparison, the equivalent purely Basic versions. In section 5 we introduce a set of benchmarks for interpreted Basics and apply them to the four test machines. The results obtained are used to gain insight into the results of section 4. Finally, in section 6 we summarise our findings in relation to questions <1.1>, (1.2) and (1.3>. The view taken in this work is that one wishes to use the fastest and most accurate special-purpose algorithms available for solving on a microcomputer the problem at hand (cf. K. Stewart (1980)). This is the view that is naturally taken by a numerical analysis researcher who uses a microcomputer as a more convenient, easy-to-use substitute for a mainframe computer. An alternative approach, taken by Nash (1979, 1985>, is to develop compact, versatile routines for small computers that are easy to implement and to maintain, and that can be used to solve a variety of computational problems; some loss of efficiency is accepted in return for the economies achieved. We believe that our findings concerning the efficiency of interpreted Basic programs could usefully be employed in enhancing the efficiency of the compact routines, such as those in Nash (1985>, albeit with loss of machine independence. -4- 2. Translating Two LINPACK Subroutines into Basic To investigate questions (1.1>, (1.2> and (1.3>, and to enable us to compare our experiments with those of Stewart and Dongarra, we decided to focus on the problem of solving a system of linear equations - probably the most fundamental and widely occurring problem in numerical linear algebra. We took as our starting point the routines SGEFA and SGESL in the LINPACK library of Fortran programs for analysing and solving linear systems <Dongarra, Bunch, Maler and Stewart, 1979). SGEFA performs LU factorisation of a matrix A, using a column oriented version of Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, and SGESL uses the factorisation to solve a linear system Ax=b <Dongarra et al., 1979, Ch. 1). Consider the following outline of the factorisation algorithm used by SGEFA. Here A= <a:~._,) is an nxn real matrix. Algorithm 2.1. For k=1, ... , n-1 (2. 1> Find the smallest r 2 k such that l a..-k l =max { l a:~.k l : i=k, ••• , n} Swap akk and a..-k <2.2) For i=k+1, ••• , n Endfor i For j=k+l, ••• , n Swap ak_, and a..-_, (2.3) For i=k+1, ••• , n Endfor i Endfor j Endfor k. -5- In the Fortran code SGEFA the loops (2.2> and (2.3), and the search <2.1>, are executed by the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms <BLAS> <Lawson, Hanson, Kincaid and Krogh, 1979).
ACPI (Ang. Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, Zaawansowany Interfejs Zarządzania Konfiguracją I Energią) – Otwarty
ACPI (ang. Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, zaawansowany interfejs zarządzania konfiguracją i energią) – otwarty standard opracowany przez firmy Intel, Microsoft i Toshiba, do których później dołączyły HP oraz Phoenix, po raz pierwszy ogłoszony w grudniu 1996. ACPI zwiększa możliwości systemów zarządzania energią oferowane przez wcześniejsze rozwiązanie APM. Umożliwia systemowi operacyjnemu kontrolowanie ilości energii dostarczanej do poszczególnych urządzeń komputera (napędu CD-ROM, twardego dysku oraz urządzeń peryferyjnych) i, podobnie jak APM, umożliwia ich wyłączanie, gdy nie są używane a konieczne jest oszczędzanie energii. ADC - Przetwornik analogowo-cyfrowy A/C (ang. A/D – analog to digital; ADC – analog to digital converter), to układ służący do zamiany sygnału analogowego (ciągłego) na reprezentację cyfrową (sygnał cyfrowy). Dzięki temu możliwe jest przetwarzanie ich w urządzeniach elektronicznych opartych o architekturę zero-jedynkową oraz gromadzenie na dostosowanych do tej architektury nośnikach danych. Proces ten polega na uproszczeniu sygnału analogowego do postaci skwantowanej (dyskretnej), czyli zastąpieniu wartości zmieniających się płynnie do wartości zmieniających się skokowo w odpowiedniej skali (dokładności) odwzorowania. Przetwarzanie A/C tworzą 3 etapy: próbkowanie, kwantyzacja i kodowanie. Działanie przeciwne do wyżej wymienionego wykonuje przetwornik cyfrowo-analogowy C/A. AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP, czasem nazywany Advanced Graphics Port) – zmodyfikowana magistrala PCI opracowanej przez firmę Intel zaprojektowana do obsługi kart graficznych. Jest to 32- bitowa magistrala PCI zoptymalizowana do szybkiego przesyłania dużych ilości danych pomiędzy pamięcią operacyjną a kartą graficzną. Wyparta przez szybszą magistralę PCI Express. AGP Pro - specjalna wersja gniazda rozszerzeń AGP przeznaczona do profesjonalnych kart graficznych, które zużywają dużo prądu. Gniazdo AGP Pro ma 48 pinów więcej niż standardowe gniazdo AGP. Służą one niemal wyłącznie jako dodatkowe linie zasilania. Adding a 5 pin DIN to an Amstrad CPC 464 Share 4-5 minutes Adding a 5 pin DIN to an Amstrad CPC 464 After mentioning that I had gotten a CPC and attached a DIN to it so that I could connect it to the TZXDuino I have had a few requests on how to do it so I thought I'd try a guide. You will need to purchase 180 degree 5 pin female din that is chassis mountable. This is the type that I purchased except mine also had a mounting plate too. The standard 6128 cassette connector is wired like this. Each pin is numbered on the back so that you know which one you are connecting it too so don't worry if the pins are in different positions as it depends on whether you are looking from the connection side or the soldering side. I would use different coloured wiring for each type of connection. I used the following Ground - Black Data Input - White Data Output - Pink Remote Control - Brown At this point I added 4 male pins to the end of my wiring so that I could build a connector so that I could easily disconnect the DIN should I need to work on the cassette drive. Next is connecting the wiring to the cassette drive Make sure that when you solder you do not create any shorts and connect the wiring as follows. Close Up your computer and then test to make sure that it all works. If you want to use the built in cassette recorder you just unplug the cassette leads from the DIN and use it as normal.
THE BEST SELLIINIG IVI A<3 AZI INI E EOF=t THE AMSTRAD PCW Ten copies ofMin^g/jf^^ Office Professional to be ISSUE 17 • FEBRUARY 1988* £1.50 Could AMS's new desktop publishing package be the best yet? f PLUS: Complete buyer's guide to word processing, accounts, utilities and DTP software jgl- ) MASTERFILE 8000 FOR ALL AMSTRAD PCW COMPUTERS MASTERFILE 8000, the subject of so many Any file can make RELATIONAL references to up enquiries, is now available. to EIGHT read-only keyed files, the linkage being effected purely by the use of matching file and MASTERFILE 8000 is a totally new database data names. product. While drawing on the best features of the CPC versions, it has been designed specifically for You can import/merge ASCII files (e.g. from the PCW range. The resulting combination of MASTERFILE III), or export any data (e.g. to a control and power is a delight to use. word-processor), and merge files. For keyed files this is a true merge, not just an append operation. Other products offer a choice between fast but By virtue of export and re-import you can make a limited-capacity RAM files, and large-capacity but copy of a file in another key sequence. New data cumbersome fixed-length, direct-access disc files. fields can be added at any time. MASTERFILE 8000 and the PCW RAM disc combine to offer high capacity with fast access to File searches combine flexibility with speed. variable-length data. File capacity is limited only (MASTERFILE 8000 usually waits for you, not by the size of your RAM disc.
October 2018 Issue 23 PLUS MAKING CODE ZERO part 2 Includes material PLAY BLACKPOOL not in the video Report from the show! event... CONTENTS 32. RECREATED SPECTRUM Is it any good? 24. MIND YOUR LANGUAGE 18. Play Blackpool 2018 Micro-Prolog. The recent retro event. FEATURES GAME REVIEWS 4 News from 1987 DNA Warrior 6 Find out what was happening back in 1987. Bobby Carrot 7 14 Making Code Zero Devils of the Deep 8 Full development diary part 2. Spawn of Evil 9 18 Play Blackpool Report from the recent show. Hibernated 1 10 24 Mind Your Language Time Scanner 12 More programming languages. Maziacs 20 32 Recreated ZX Spectrum Bluetooth keyboard tested. Gift of the Gods 22 36 Grumpy Ogre Ah Diddums 30 Retro adventuring. Snake Escape 31 38 My Life In Adventures A personal story. Bionic Ninja 32 42 16/48 Magazine And more... Series looking at this tape based mag. And more…. Page 2 EDITORIAL Welcome to issue 23 and thank you for taking the time to download and read it. Those following my exploits with blown up Spectrums will be pleased to I’ll publish the ones I can, and provide hear they are now back with me answers where fit. Let’s try to get thanks to the great service from Mu- enough just for one issue at least, that tant Caterpillar Games. (see P29) means about five. There is your chal- Those who saw the review of the TZX All machines are now back in their lenge. Duino in episode 76, and my subse- cases and working fine ready for some quent tweet will know I found that this The old school magazines had many filming for the next few episodes.
Vol. 1 No. 4 December 1986 AMSTRAD£1.25 | COMPUTING- V; ■ I mm m >■ V aL- The Official Amstrad Business Magazine The Condor 1 Commands - They couldn’t be simpler! Database Creation and Maintenance DEFINE Create, redefine or describe a database DESTROY Eliminate a database or file FORMAT Create or revise a form or HELP screen REORG Reorganize the structure of a database; add or delete items Information Input and Update APPEND Attach records of one database to another EMPTY Eliminate all data in a database ENTER Insert new data into a database POST Update entries in one database with those from another UPDATE Change entries in a J--.abase meeting specified cni Jiiitions Informations* ssingand Report Writing COMPARE ' ;v*i.*are orgies in two ■■■...•.vjfcsfa- /not) n • hing o editions and The Database Manager and Reporter. c. < RE ;• i JLT database COMPUTE . ie<: iesina You know that Caxton only publish superior software products. LIST 0; datf.'i j;,se records in Cardbox is the world’s best-selling simple electronic card index. sesjc :?-^er Brainstorm is the world’s first ideas processor. Scratchpad plus is the PRINT Pirfctf. shtab^va records in ewisr only enhanced Virtual Memory Spreadsheet available foryour PRINTER Pri; ;lei output control and Amstrad. And Touch ’n’ Go is the UK’s most highly respected disk- refection SELECT Select database records based typing T\itor. meeting specified conditions, creating a Now we present Condor 1 - Mainframe computing for your Amstrad. RESULT database SORT Sort database records by Condor 1 is an extensive database management and reporting system entries STAX View or print statistics of for the non-programmer.
ARM Assembly Language Programming - Chapter 4 - The BBC BASIC Assembler 4. The BBC BASIC Assembler There are two main ways of writing ARM assembly language programs. One is to use a dedicated assembler. Such a program takes a text file containing ARM assembly language instructions, assembles it, and produces another file containing the equivalent machine code. These two files are called the source files and object files respectively. An alternative approach is to use the assembler built-in to BBC BASIC. The ability to mix assembler with BASIC is a very useful feature of the language, and one that is relatively straightforward to use. For this reason, and because of the widespread availability of BBC BASIC, we describe how to use its built-in assembler. The examples of the next two chapters are also in the format expected by the BASIC assembler. 4.1 First principles Two special 'statements' are used to enter and exit from the assembler. The open square bracket character, [, marks the start of assembly language source. Whenever this character is encountered where BASIC expects to see a statement like PRINT or an assignment, BASIC stops executing the program and starts to assemble ARM instructions into machine code. The end of the source is marked by the close square bracket, ]. If this is read where BASIC is expecting to see an instruction to be assembled, it leaves assembler mode and starts executing the (BASIC) program again. To see the effect of entering and leaving the assembler, type in this short program: 10 PRINT "Outside the assembler" 20 [ ;In the assembler 30 ] 40 PRINT "Outside the assembler" If you RUN this, you should see something like the following: Outside the assembler 00000000 ;In the assembler Outside the assembler Between the two lines produced by the PRINT statements is one which the assembler printed.
TUTORIAL BASIC BASIC: THE LANGUAGE THAT TUTORIAL STARTED A REVOLUTION Explore the language that powered the rise of the microcomputer – JULIET KEMP including the BBC Micro, the Sinclair ZX80, the Commodore 64 et al. ike many of my generation, BASIC was the first John Kemeny, who spent time working on the WHY DO THIS? computer language I ever wrote. In my case, it Manhattan Project during WWII, and was inspired by • Learn the Python of was on a Sharp MZ-700 (integral tape drive, John von Neumann (as seen in Linux Voice 004), was its day L very snazzy) hooked up to my grandma’s old black chair of the Dartmouth Mathematics Department • Gain common ground with children of the 80s and white telly. For other people it was on a BBC from 1955 to 1967 (he was later president of the • Realise how easy we’ve Micro, or a Spectrum, or a Commodore. BASIC, college). One of his chief interests was in pioneering got it nowadays explicitly designed to make computers more computer use for ‘ordinary people’ – not just accessible to general users, has been around since mathematicians and physicists. He argued that all 1964, but it was the microcomputer boom of the late liberal arts students should have access to computing 1970s and early 1980s that made it so hugely popular. facilities, allowing them to understand at least a little And in various dialects and BASIC-influenced about how a computer operated and what it would do; languages (such as Visual Basic), it’s still around and not computer specialists, but generalists with active today.
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