Co Gressioj. L Record-Sen'
4832 CO GRESSIOJ. L RECORD-SEN ' TE. experimenting with methods for avoiding any unnecesimry loss INDIAN .APPROPRIATIO~ DILL. to the fruit ruise1·s · to the Committee on Agriculture. :Mr. Sl\IOOT. I mo1e that the Senate proceed to llie consid· By 1\lr. FORNES': Petiti-0n of Cleveland Typographical Union, eration of the conference report on House bill 2G 74, the Indian No. rm, Cleveland, Ohio, fayoring the passage of legislation mak• appropriation bill. · ing it unlawful to circulate any malicious statement, oral or The motion was agreed to; and the Senate re urned the con·. printed, for cash consideration or for ga~. that can not be sideration of the report of the committee of conference on the substantiated; to the Committee on the Judiciary. cli agr eing vote of the two Houses on the amendments of the By Mr. GOLD FOGLE: Petition of the New York State Con~ Senate to the bill (II. R. 26874) making appropriation for the ference on Taxation, Binghamton, N. Y., faYoTing the passage current and contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, of legislation to ~"tend the work of the Censu Department; to for fulfilling treaty stipulations with yarious Indian tribe , and the Oommi ttee on the Census. for other purpose , for the fi. cal year euding June 30, 1014. Also petition of the Employers' Liability Assurance Corpora Mr. FALL. l\fr. President-- tion (Ltd.), of London, England, by Edmund Demght, re ident Mr. GA..\IBLE. If the Senator from New Mexico will yie1d manager, New York, pr-0testing again.~ the pa snge of_t~e work to me for a few moment , I desire, with his courte:3·, to take men's compensation bill; to the Comnnttec on the Judicm~y .
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