
Outlineof a poetictext

The following outline will help you recallall that you havestudied in the sectiondevoted to asa literary genre.You can refer to it any time you haveto analysea poetic text on your own' or Preparefor an oral/written test. A final guidelineis alsogiven about the importanceof contextualizingthe text and expressingpersonal resPonse'

Data ofthe poem Author Title Takenfrom Date

References Thetirle relevontto meoning? The contentoddresserloddressee; sefttng in timeond ploce;situotion Layout troditi o n o l, exp eri m e nto I Poetìcform ,bollod, ode, dromotic poem, free verse

Sound devices Rhymeregu/or; irregular,hints otlemphosizes words' creotes musicol I comiceffect - Stressand rlrythm ,run-onJine, end-stoppedline;the rhtlthm rs s/ow, fost, smooth, hommering,flowing Caesuraunderlines key words or concepts,morks o chongein mood

Analysis of language Useof: . . onomatopoeia . . qualityof soundharsh, smooth, soft, - . repetBon . grating,gentle EffecVsof sounddevices on meaning Useof . similés . metaphors . symbolsconvey, express, evoke, represent, stond for . personifìcation ochievedthrough copitolizoaon, use ofpersonol pronouns, verbs or odjectlvesusually opplied to humans . paradox . languageof senseimpression sight,heoring, sme/l taste, touch

The message Semanticareas Linguisticregister lofty, colloquiol, stroighfowvard Key-words Turning-poinUsand climax Toneneutrol irontc, trogic. committed, regretful, humorous, bitter meloncholic -

From text to context Theme/sThe poem deols with I is concernedwrth unlersolI existentiolI socrol I morolI psychologtcolthemels;the moin therne is Poet'sstyle cleor I stroighforvvordI vivtd I detoiledI imognotiveI elegont Poet'saim sotidses / criticlses / outiines / shows / focuseson I oppeolsto - The poem o1enswith...,'rhe fust stúnzo sels the I the pottern,thesecond stonzo introducesthe therneof, is basedupon, the loststonzo surns up Tiesbetween the text and . the collectionit belongsto . the authot"sbiography and work . the literarycontext . the hilorical andsocial context . othertextsbelonging to the sameor differentperiods

Personal response Reader'sreaction/s Possibleconnections between a pictureand the text

è autorizzataai solifini dell'utilizzo ldee per insegnarela letteraturainglese con La nproduzionedi questaPaSina tramite fotocoPia che hannoadottato il testo 2l Spiaài, TovetlaONLY CONNECÍ... NEW DIRECÍIONSI o Zanichelli2009 nell'attivrtàdidattica desli alunni delle classi