

Help the Foundation earn 5% on all purchases, including fuel by simply using your COMMUNITY GIVING CARD when shopping. Nothing for you to do but your weekly grocery shopping! MORE FUNDS FOR A GREAT CAUSE – YOUR COMMUNITY! It’s easy! Here’s how: Step 1: Buy a card for $5 from the Prowers Medical Center Foundation. It comes preloaded with $5 on the card. Step 2: Go to SAFEWAY and fill your cart with everything you need. Step 3: At the cashier, show them your card and tell them you’d like to ADD money to the card. You just swipe your credit card and the cashier will add the money to your SAFEWAY gift card. Up to $500 can be loaded onto the card. This must be a separate transaction from your grocery purchase. Step 4: The cashier will ring up your groceries and you will swipe your SAFEWAY gift card. The amount remaining on the card will be listed on your receipt. Step 5: Keep the card and continue to reload the card whenever the dollar amount is low.

Safeway Community Giving Cards can also be loaded at Customer Service or their fuel station. Many people prefer to load their card before doing their shopping or before leaving the store so they are ready to go for their next shopping trip. It can also be used in other Safeway-owned stores in other states including: , Dominick’s, , Tom Thumb, and Carrs. That means friends and family in other states can help the Foundation too!

The Foundation will receive 5% of all purchases (except services such as other gift cards, lottery tickets, money orders and postage stamps). Once $5,000 of accumulated purchases is reached with all participating cards, SAFEWAY donates $250 to the Foundation- as frequently as monthly! This has been proven to be an excellent fundraiser and is easy because everyone buys groceries, prescriptions and gas!

Note – Gift cards function like cash and cannot be replaced. They are identified as fundraiser cards and should be reloaded and not thrown away.

You will still receive your regular discounts if you’re a SAFEWAY member.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected] or call our Office at 719-336-7065. *********************************************************************************************** The SAFEWAY COMMUNITY GIVING CARD New Card Request Form Gift Cards benefiting Prowers Medical Center Foundation can only be purchased through the Foundation. Please complete the following information to order your gift card(s). Please make checks payable to PMC Foundation.

Contact Name: ______Phone Number: ______Email: ______Number of Cards - $5 each: ______For delivery, mailing address:______

*********************************************************************************************** Foundation use: Amount Collected: ______Date Delivered: ______Card number(s)______

May 2019