Supplementary Letters 1975–1997 The Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library aims to post, in the fullness of time, PDFs of all Berlin’s uncollected and unpublished work, including lectures, interviews and broadcasts, so that it is conveniently readable and searchable online. The present PDF is part of this series. All enquiries, including those concerning rights, should be directed to the Isaiah Berlin Legacy Fellow at Wolfson College,
[email protected] Supplementary Letters 1975–1997 Most of these letters do not appear in Affirming: Letters 1975–1997, being later discoveries. More annotation may be provided later, but for now the texts are made available here for the convenience of readers. Abbreviations and other editorial apparatus follow the conventions adopted in the published volume, including those listed here. Some sources are given at the end of the PDF. Thanks to Richard Davenport-Hines, David Herman, Matthew Howard and Tal Nadan for their help. Two (asterisked) letters from the published volume are also included: one because only a carbon copy was available to the editors (since then a top copy has come to light, and manuscript additions made by Berlin are shown here in this green); the other because the question arose on social media of what had been cut from it. In both cases the passages omitted from Affirming have been restored in this blue. See also the further online supplement, ‘More Explaining: Isaiah Berlin on His Own Ideas’. © The Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust, Henry Hardy and Mark Pottle 2016–2021 First posted in the Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library 18 November 2016 Most recently revised 27 April 2021 TO DERRICK PUFFETT 9 May 1975 Headington House Dear Puffett, When I last talked to Isaac Stern he was quite clear that it is the Sheldonian he would like to play in – for Wolfson, or for the University, or for some other charity – or whatever (he kindly suggested) I advised.