1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Need and Significance

1.3 Statement of the Research Problem

1.4 Fundamental Concepts

1.5 Objectives of the Study

1.6 Hypotheses

1.7 Research Methodology

1.8 Survey of Literature

1.9 Chapterisation Scheme

1.10 Limitations of the Study CHAPTER I


1.1 Background of the study

In this chapter attempt is made to lay down the structural I'ramework of research in\'eslii>ation. h^ this structural framework an attempt is made to focus on riitional of the study. The core objecti\'c mix have been identified and appropriate hypotheses is lormulated. Then the segment of research metliodoloi^ focusin,i> on descriptive and exploratory methods of research have been ^iven. A scheme of presentation and principle areas of limitations have been highlighted.

Pune is emerging as a high growth potential of tourism destination for foreign tourists as well as domestic tourists in India. has become a most favored destination for foreign and domestic toiirisls due (o its (.'merging sc'cnario of all round dex'eloi^ment. climate and cosmopolitan culture. Pune has emerged as the cultural, educalional, IT. historic'al. automobile and sports c'apital of Maharaslitra.

The International Marathon. Commonwealth Youth Games have been organized in Puu('. This has placed Pune on the map of international sports tourism and opened a tloocl gate for sports .

Puu(' is known for the histoiy of battles between Maratha ruler and Moghals. The evidences of living histoiy viz forts are the magnetic attractions to the inbound and outbound tourists.

Pune has de\'cloped world ciass institutions of science. technolog\^ and managenu'ui. It Iras ten universities of 'Fi\'(' Star' rating obtained from Ni\AC'. Its significance as a hot spot center of tourism can be focused with tlu' help of empirical evidence. Pune has the highest number of students for study from different parts of the country. Even out of total foreign students come for study in India, 45% of total come for study to Pune. Thus, Pune has a record share in education tourism in India.

Medical tourism is an emerging tourism business in global tourism market. Pune is emerging a favored destination for foreign medical tourists. It has highly qualified, skilled and professional doctors, nurses with world class standard of hospitals. The cost benefits analysis of foreign medical tourists, a self explosion of patients’ experience is an evidence of success of foreign medical tourist. The case study of medical tourism is published and it has become the ethical and true promotional campaign of medical tourism of Pune

Pune has become one of the leading centers of information technology. It has a famous Hinjawadi IT park. There are also numbers of IT parks in different parts of city. Most of the foreign IT companies have their business centers along with India’s leading IT companies viz. Infosys, Wipro, Satyam, KPIT, etc. The IT companies have outsourcing business. The growing IT business and availability of trained and professional human resources, modem infrastructure and supportive attitude of political leaders have provided boost up to development of IT business. This has increased the foreign business tourists to Pune. A world class business tourism is growing in Pune.

An innovative area of Agri Tourism has been developed in Pune to generate rural employment and income. So Agri Tourism is package approach to supplement rural income and integrate the urban city bread population with real India.

The highly developed industrial sector, modem infrastmcture, a modem network of communications, a world class standard star hotels, railways, roads and railway have transform Pune as a leading high growth center of tourism in . Therefore, an attempt is made lor research probe into multi facets research study of tourism of Pune. A multi parameter analysis is undertaken to hitfhli^ht the sensitive problems, i^rowth and explores the future prospects of tourism of Pune.


Tourism is an acti\'ity which has dominant economic impact on International Horizon. Due to its economic and other advantages tourism can be helpful in the development of poor economies like India. Tourism helps to improve the balance of payment situation by earning in Foreign Exchange. It is. therefore, utmost necessity for India to develop its tourism activity and tourism development programmes for the following reasons.

1) To improx’e the balanc'c of payment situation. 2) To overcome the problems of regional imbalance. 3) To generate employment opportunities. 4) To foster International Co-ordination. 5) To achieve National Integration. 6) To promote the liandicrafts.

An important feature of the present centuiy is an emergence of tourism as an industiy in developing countries. This can be justified on economic grounds. To get success in tourism business. India has to adopt scientific approach and sound planning. Fortunately the subject of tourism is attracting the attention of researchers.

In the present study efforts have been made to assess the development of tourism industry at National Level as well as scope for development of tourism industry at Maharashtra Level in general and to locate the potential tourist centers in Pune city and .

In Maharashtra M/F.D.C. is playing very important role in developing tourist centers all over the Maharashtra. M.T.IXC. has already taken the decision to develop the tourist estates in dllTerent parts of the state, in which private investments will be attracted. Various tourist points at and are being renovated. Within a short period of time the surrounding villages around Mahabaleshwar shall also be developed so that the pressure on Mahabaleshwar shall be reduced. Similarly in Area tourist centers at Tarkarli. Murud Janjira. Ganpatipule, and Harihareshwar are also being developed. Thus, it c'an be said that Maharashtra is not lagging behind as compared to other states as regards development of tourism industiy. However, it is necessaw to make more budgetaiy pro\isions in the State Budget for Toiuism sector. This will add to the re\'('nue of the Government, in addition to creation of employment of tourism centers.

The present study also aims to evaluate the role played by M.T.rxC. in the promotion and development of tourism activity in Maharashtra.

The study of tourism in Pune District is also equally important as Pune City and Pune f)istricl is having cultural and historical background. In Pune I^istrict there are many forts, pilgrimage centers, museums . lakes, hill stations, meditation centers, natiu'e cure centers. etc. ha\'e been located. Pune Festival is being organized e\'ery year during Ganpati Utsav in which many tourist from other slates and countries visit Pime City.

I'he present study examines the impact of tourism on infrastructural dev('lopmeni. The olht'r variables such as quantity

4 and quality of transport, accommodation, entertainment and recreation . trainint^ , marketing and publicity etc. shall also be studied.

The researchcr has ])ro\’ided the full coverage oi' tourism places, practices and emerging; new and innovative arcs of lourism business in Pune district. After a descriptive probe of researc'h the researcher with the help of structured questionnaire and close ended questions collected the data and information for the commercial analysis in the research study. The researcher has adopted a multiparamter commercial analysis in the study. The researcher for commercial analysis quantil'ied the commercial parameters namely viz. total number of tours conducted by tourists companies, investments, growth rate, a\'crage turnover, average employees, breakup of expenses on tours by tourists, means of transport availed by tourists, place of Ihcir slay etc. Tlic detailed multiparamcler commercial analysis is given in the core chapier of collection of data and analysis.


The present study is titled as:



The researcher would lik(' to clarify the meaning of various concepts used in the present research work. These concepts liave been clarified with the help of the authentic definitions as embodied in the classic work on tourism. 'Fhese have been explained in the subsequent paragraplis. 1.4.1. Tourist: The origin of the word TonrisL’ dates back to 1292 A.D. h has come li-oni the word Tour', The lerin Tourist’ as has been used in the context of the present research work means. ‘Person’ who goes on lioliday to visit places away from his home Ibr a period not less than 24 hours.

1.4.2. TOUR :

Tour means. ‘Journey to various places and coming back in the end to the place the journey started from’.


Tour operator means. 'Person or a Company which organizes and sells tours, destinations, travel and fixes itineraiy’.


Tra\Tller is defined as, ‘A person who travels from one place to another for various purposes such as Business . Leisure. Medical Treatment. Meeting the relatives etc’.


Excursionists is defined as. Temporary visitors staying less than 24 hours, including cruise travellers but excluding travellers in transit'. 1.4.6 TOURISM ; The word “Tourism” is related to Tour’ which is derived from a latin word “Tomos”. “Tomos” means a tool for describing a circle or turners wheel. It was as late as 1643 that the term was first used in the sense of going round or travelling from places to places, around an excursion, a journey including visiting a number of places in circuit or sequence, circuitous journey, embracing the principal places of a country or region.

Tourism has defined by Burkart A. J. and Medlic S. denotes ‘ The temporary, short term movement of people to destination outside the place where they normally leave and work and their activities during their stay at these destinations’.

The concepts of tourism adopted by the International Association of Scientific Experts in tourism was put forward by the Swiss Professors, Hunziker and Krapf as , ‘ Tourism is the sum of the Phenomena and relationships arising from the travel and stay of non residents, in so far as they do not lead to permanent residence and are not connected with any earning activity.


The following are the core objectives mix of the research study:

• To study the existing tourism infrastructural facilities in Pune District. • To review the plans and policies of Maharashtra Government in Development of Tourism activity through the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation ( M.T.D.C.) • To study the impact of tourism operations on the commercial activities at various tourist places. • To study the existing pattern of services rendered to tourists. 7 • To study the problems faced by tourism industry like tourists awareness, lack of proper human resources, tourist information and publicity etc. • To sut>^est measures for promoting and effective tourism activity in Pune District. 1.6 HYPOTHESES : The present study is based on the following Hypotheses.

• Various tourist and religious places and hill stations play vital role in the entertainment and cullural life of Indian people as well as foreign nationals. However, number of tourist and religious places and hill stations are neglected and unplanned development and inadequate facilities failed to attract tourist at such places.

• M.T.D.C. is tiying to pro\’ide essential facilities to the tourist, but the facilities are not suffici('nt and adequate senlces are not j^rovided by the Government. Theretore. Government should proiide adequate incentives and infrastructural facilities to stimulate tourists, the business and private investments should be induced, so that tourist business will nourish in future and will meet the needs of Indian as well as foreign tourist.


For the sake of present research, the researcher collected primaiy and secondaiy data. The Primary data is based on the information collected through questionnaires. Theretbrc. separate questionnaires were prepared for Indian 'Fourist, FonMgn Tourist, Tourist Companies, and M.T.D.C. Sen’ice Personnel. The researcher, after evaluating the criterias aiTi\'cd at certain common and standard criterias in selecting the representative sample size for multiparameter analysis of foreign tourists. The data and infomiation are collected from 61 foreign tourists. In the same manner 150 sample size of Indian tourists and 35 tourists sampled companies have been selected. This sample size is an ideally representative ol total population. Therefore, researcher on the basis of data processing feels lhat it is an aggregate responses of population. Alongwith multiparamelcr empirical analysis which has been us('d for testing the hypothesis and attempt is further made through the case studies of two innovative and experimental tourism areas. The case of medical tourism is conducted through the cost benefit analysis. U highlights the potentiality, competency and capability of doctors, nurses and hospitals in Pune. The second case study is also an innovative experiment in a agro based economy of Pune District. This case study has opened a new area for urban tourists and equally helps the fanners for supplementing lhf>ir income and generating self-employment for non-farm population. Discussion and intei'views were also organized with the experts, developers, tourist officers, and govt, officials w'ith an aim to formulate appropriate development plans and policies for the development of tourism industiy in Pune District.

Secondaiy data is collected from different Govt, officials, publications, records, books, and newspapers, etc. Maps and Photographs are also used to locate the various tourist destinations in Pune District. The information of Historical and Cultural facts is collected from the otficial sources and District Gazetteers.

1.8 Survey of Literature

1'he area of research is unorganized. The researcher had mounting difficulties in the sun^ey of lit('rature. The tourism area is the recent emerging area after globalization. A new global trend and awareness art' developed in tlie field of tourism. A global cultiu'e of toinism through tourism market is developing in the global economy. The developed countries are the trend setter for tourism industiy for income propagation and employment generation. As a consequence of high growth pertbrmanc(' during post economic reforms a new thrust area of policy and strategy has emerged in hidia. Therefore, researcher has selected tourism a sei-\1ce sector area, the research work of \'olume and magnitudes are not done. In fact it is a neglected area of research, louring the sui'vey of research work, the researcher lias difficulties to find tlic iiselul books on tourism. 1'he research articles are also very few. Most of them are descriptive in nature. They do not have research input. The researcher has been heavily relied on news papers reporting on various aspects of tourism. However, an attempt is made to svmimaries the core areas of survey of literature.

A research work of I3r. Pran Nath Seth on ‘Successful Touiism Management, lundamentals of Tourism’, published by Sterling Publislrers P\4. Ltd is an introductory on tourism. This research work is fundamental in nature. The research work has a theoretical approach and historical in nat ure.

Maneet Kumar. Associate Professor, of Himachal Pradesh University, has done research on Tourism 'Poday An Indian Perspectix'c and Published by Kanishka Publishing house. New Delhi, has focus on conceptual frame work of tourism, growth of tourism in India and tourism market. The research work is more informative in nature and focus is placed on tourism working in India. It seems, the research st'holar has given less attention to the core areas of tourism.

A research work on ‘Development of Tourism in India, by H. Lajipathi Rai. published by Printwell Jaipur, has provided the co\^erage to global tourism, profile of foreign tourists, problems of development on tourism future prospect to the tourism in India, and role of government in promoting the tourism in India. The researcher has tried to provide a vast coverage. The w^ork has no coverage to cost benefit analysis. It seems more descriptive.

A researc'h output on Tourism of Hotelliering by JMvS Negi. o! Institute of Hotel Management Nt'w Delhi is pioneering research work of good quality contents approach and methodology. He lias focused on finance and investment, marketini^, infrastructure and socio-economic benefits of tourism. He has used the Keynesian approach of multiplier to examine the cost benefit relationship of tourism.

A research work on Basics o f'^ourism-^'heor}^ Operation and Practice by KK Kamra and M. Chand, puljlishcd by iCanishka Publishers l\ cw Delhi is technically sound work. It has tocused on current tourism areas. He has created a conceptual frame work of tourism, tourism products, travel motivation, attractive function, travel intermediaries, data analysis and useful exhibits for supplementin_t^ the descriptive and mathematical explanation.

A research work on f:)ynamics of tourism ‘Planning and Manat^ement edited by PS. Gill published by Amol Publications. Delhi, has focused on lomism, growth and de\'elopment of tourism. I^ublicity and promotion and travel agencies. The book is inlbrmative in nature and lacks research input in its approach,

A research work on Tourism marketing of SM Jha is published by Himalaya Publishing House. New Delhi. Dr. Jha has done an innovative applied research on tourism marketing. This work is an applied research exercise of marketing to the tourism. He has also used a veiy fundamental concept of demand and price elasticity of demand. He has provided application of pricing methods and strategies for tourism. This appreciable contribution is in the area of tourism product development, strategy formation, product liie cycle, market segmentation, user’s behavior profile and establishing a theoretical demand function for tourism.

A book on Tourism and Trawl Management by I3ishwanath Ghosh published by Vikas Publishing house has a theoretical approach to the tourism. The book has covered the concept evolution, statislical measurements, and historical perspec'tiv-e of tourism in India. It seems that the book has a little coverage on research methodologv^

A research work on Hotel Industry and 'Fourism in India has been done by Pragati Mohonly. published by Ashish Publishing House. The research has provided profile of tourism in Orissa, growth of hotel industry and degree of concentration in the industry. The researcher has used regression analysis and Gronroos model and a the diagrams of exhibiting linear trend and exponential trend. This work is technically and methodologically very sound. /

The researcher has made a timely study of Travel, Trend, Today a monthly cross section publication and Safari Plus published by S. Kesari from every two months. The issues having coverage to various current areas of tourism in India and abroad have been examined, analyzed and utilized in research. Some of the core areas in these issues are as follows;

1. Brand Equity in Tourism

2. Humpy World Heritage - India International Travel Market

3. The Changing Face of Tourism

4. Rural Tourism Focus

5. A Road Map to Policy - Nareshchandra Committee Report - Aviation Report

6. C II’s Special Report - Tourism And Heritage

A booklet published by district information centre on development profile of Pune district. This booklet provides a broad profile of development historic, religious and administrative and institutional setup of the district.

A recent agri tourism development at in Baramati is an innovative tourism for employment generation for non-farm and farmers in Pune district. The agri tourism development corporation has provided a case history with all sided coverage of activities is published by the corporation.

12 A time frame study of survey of literature is further extended to the news papers publishing the issues of tourism. A cost benefits case study in medical tourism, the problems of railways and roads, the existing and emerging scenario of hospitality sector, innovative concept of service apartment, problems of li\ing histoiy of I^une exhibited by Ibrts, sports tourism and significance through commonwealth games. Pune Festival, Pune darshan, religious scenario of Pune district and education potential of tourism of Pune have been useful through a sur\^ey of literature in this research study.

The study of sun'cy of literatiu'c is further benefited by the policy document of tourism of India in general and Maharashtra in particular.

The researcher has used the sun^ey of actixaties published in the annual report of MTDC. This has been used not as an input of research but it has been used as an information in the study.

Thus, a rigorous exercise of siu'vey of literature has been useful in this untiring exercise of research and it has been functioned as the input of the research output.


The present research w'ork is divided into six chapters. The brief contents of each chapter are given below^:

The first chapter deals with introduction, title of the thesis, objectives of the study, scope, limitations of the study and research methodologv^ adopted for the study.

The second chapter discusses the historical background of toiuism in hidia. It also covers study of inbound tourism, outbound tourism and domestic tourism in India.

13 The third chapter provides an ovei-view of tourism in Maharastitra. It has highlighted MTDC as nodal agency in developing tourism culture in Maharashtra. The second part of chapter three includes a detailed discussion on ‘I’une Dislrict - A lourisl destination.’

The fourth chapter covers the analysis of responses from Indian and Foreign Tourisls. The chapter includes inferences drawn from the data collected through questionnaire and personal inteniews of the respondent tourists.

The fifth chapter contains an analysis of the problems faced by tourist companies in Pime District.

The sixth chapter deals with the summaiy of findings and suggestions based on the analysis of the primary data.


The tourism is an emerging area of research. Since economic reforms of 1991, the global tourism has produced a demonstration elfect and created a new status of business entity. Accordingly, our government has given the priority for development of tourism industry as a service sector. This being a new developing industry, the concepts, methods, products, and practices are new and innovative. However, central and state governments are making or-ganizational. promotional and marketing nrix efforts for expanding its market coverage. 'I'lrer-efore. researcher had mounting diffic'ulties in collecting the rele\'anl liter-ature on the subject. More o\er. the area has been remained

14 neglected for research. The secondaiy source of data and information are also not available. Therefore, the input of research probe is collected by researcher through field visits and personal interviews and interactions with tourists and tourists companies. This research study has the time frame c'o\-erage of study for the period 199iS to 2003. However, attempts have been made to incorporate the current scenario of tourism to a possible extent. The coverage of the research study is limited to the emerging scenario of tourism in Pune district. This will emerge as a model study for the Maharashtra state.