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GREAT YELDHAM PARISH COUNCIL DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4th February 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom

Present: Cllr Philip Rawlinson (Chairman) Cllr John Marks (Deputy Chairman) Cllr Georgina Burr Cllr Phil King Cllr Barry Sargeant Cllr Gary Theobald Cllr Robin Weiland In attendance: Tracy Wigmore (Parish Clerk)

No members of the public present

21/001 Welcome and to receive and record apologies for absence Apologies received from Cllr Burrows

21/002 Declarations of Interest. To declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, other Pecuniary Interest or Non-Pecuniary Interest relating to items on the agenda. None declared.

21/003 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd December 2020. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting were a correct record. All in favour. Chairman signed the minutes outside the meeting due to COVID 19 restrictions.

21/004 Public Participation Session with respect to items on the agenda and other matters of mutual interest. No members of the public present.

21/005 Invitation to Cllr David Finch, County Council and Cllr Richard van Dulken, Council to address the meeting on matters of mutual interest. David

Cllr Finch  Budget – Decision not to increase the ECC element on Council Tax bills for 2021/22 as regrettable lots of people been made redundant/furloughed; ECC did not want to increase the bill when people are struggling. There will be a Social care precept which focuses specifically on the elderly and vulnerable, this year it will be 1.5 % .38 p increase (the Government has set a cap of 3% on social care).  Covid Vaccination - roll out is being managed by the NHS. Vaccination centres at Earls Colne and St Michaels, London Rd.  ECC Elections will still go ahead on May 6th.  Green Agenda - Climate Action Commission – bursary of £5m to look at more activities to reduce carbon foot print, effective ways of working i.e. flooding – looking at longer term and short term proposals for increasing capacity to respond to emergencies quicker.  Freeport - proposal to develop a new freeport zone on the Thames Estuary is being developed with links to the Port of Felixstowe and International Port. Around 30 ports and airports are expected to bid to become one of the 10 special economic zones proposed by the Treasury. It is hoped that the sites, which enjoy a number of tax- free advantages, can hope to bolster the UK’s appeal as an investment destination post Brexit.

Gt Yeldham Parish Council Minutes 4th February 2021 Signed as a true record by the Chairman

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 School children qualify free school meals - ECC rolled summer hunger programme for children up to March beyond. 4,000 Computers have been donated to education/school settings for children/young people studying at home.

Cllr Dulken raised the issue of fallen trees, although ECC not directly responsible, there have been issues with flooding from , Gt Yeldham, Colne Valley and Sible Hedingham to over the years. Increase of trees falling into rivers, as well as not being attractive, this maybe escalating flooding issues. Environment Agency (EA) don’t seem to be on top of it may be due to resources. Gt Yeldham had severe flooding 2 weeks ago in North Road and the High Street. Is there anything ECC can do? The Fire service are assisting ECC to pump out places; due to Covid 19 there is a 60% reduction in fires in the country as less demand for fire engines; working closely to reutilise resources to help ECC where there are flooding issues. EA doesn’t dredge rivers anyone or remove fallen trees. Inform Cllr Finch where there are trees down he will write on behalf to the EA to see what ECC can do to help.

Cllr Van Dulken  Fishing Lakes - planning application, has submitted an objection as ward councillor and has requested that the application is ‘called in’ for discussion. and Gt Yeldham PC have also objected to the application. Will keep informed of progress.  Recycling – BDC are receiving contaminated bags of recycling which gets rejected by the recycling plant, costing the district money. Important reminder - wet cardboard cannot be recycled so please do not put out the night before if there is an indication of rain.  Budget – decision to increase CT has not yet been decided. If it is it will be a maximum 2% which will be £3.86 a year or 7p per week, it’s been a tough year for everybody, trying to keep costs low as possible.  Car Park charges will be frozen.  The Essex Essential Living Funds for people on financial income. Details on ECC website  Cllrs Community grant scheme – GT Yeldham PC received £500 towards the new website. £100 for play equipment for the sports ground if not used this year can be carry over to next year, if required perhaps increase the amount.

21/006 Planning Applications: Received as at 28/01/21

20/01976/FUL | Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of single storey detached outbuilding | Weybridge Bungalow Stambourne Road Essex CO9 4RB. Consultations End Date: 12/02/20 RESOLVED: No objections to application proceeding.

20/02109/FUL Retention of Fishery Manager's Temporary Dwelling and fish hatchery. | Fishing Lakes Great Yeldham Hall Toppesfield Road Great Yeldham Essex RESOLVED: that an objection to the application was made through delegated powers, a response was sent on the 13th January 2021. The application would not protect and enhance the landscape character and amenity of the countryside nor have regard to the character of the landscape and is therefore contrary to policies CS5 (Countryside) and CS8 of BDC Local Development Framework Core Strategy and 170 and 83 of the National planning policy framework. .

20/02226/HH and 21/00010/LBC | Proposed open air swimming pool for the sole use of the residents of Spaynes Hall. | Spaynes Hall Cherry Lane Great Yeldham Essex CO9 4HH. RESOLVED: that there was no objection to the application proceeding, response was made through delegated powers and sent on the 27th January 2021

Gt Yeldham Parish Council Minutes 4th February 2021 Signed as a true record by the Chairman

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TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 APPEAL UNDER SECTION 78 Site Address: 20 Ridgewell Road Great Yeldham Essex CO9 4RG Description of Development: Erection of 1 No. 3 bedroom dwelling and detached Garage. Comments can be made online at http://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/. All representations must be received by 3 March 2021 and sent directly to the Planning Inspectorate. The Parish Council had no objections to the application when considered at its meeting on the 1st October 2020. No further comments to make.

Planning Decisions -To note any decisions received as at 28/01/21 21/007 20/00603/OUT REVISED PLANS: Application for Outline Granted Planning Permission with all matters reserved - Proposed 2 No. dwellings and associated access and landscaping work. | Chapel House Leather Lane Great Yeldham Essex CO9 4HX 20/01603/HH Creation of off street parking and the provision Pending of two dropped kerbs. | St Crispins Leather Lane 20/01735/LBC Removal of corrugated roof to Garage to be Granted replaced with pitched roof and new oak frame and garage doors-revised scheme | Spaynes Hall Cherry Lane Great Yeldham 20/00382/TPO Notice of intent to carry out works to tree Granted protected by Tree Preservation Order 10/76 - Species - Oak (T3) Following options – 1.Remove the tree - Pollard the tree or option 2 Remove 30% - %50 of foliage throughout the crown mainly in areas of heavy elongated limbs 20/02081/HH Replace missing roof and one missing wall and Pending repair the existing three walls to create space for a gym. | Spaynes Hall Cherry Lane Great Yeldham Essex CO9 4HH 20/02109/FUL Retention of Fishery Manager's Temporary Pending Dwelling and fish hatchery. | Fishing Lakes Great Yeldham Hall Toppesfield Road Great Yeldham Essex 20/02226/HH and Proposed open air swimming pool for the sole Pending 21/00010/LBC use of the residents of Spaynes Hall. | Spaynes all Cherry Lane Great Yeldham Essex CO9 4HH

21/008 Memorial for the late Marlene Broomfield Cllr Rawlinson reported that he had explored the possibility of erecting a memorial board at the site of the memorial trees. 2 quotes had been received depending on the size: 600 x 200m at £250; and 300 x 300 at £140.00 plus VAT, the later option preferred. Cllr Rawlinson proposed that the Burial Grounds could contribute 50% of the costs and a request be made to the Reading Room Management Committee to contribute the other 50% as Marlene had been a Trustee for many years.. RESOLVED that the Burial Ground contribute £70.00 towards the memorial board. All in favour. Clerk to liaise with Chair

21/009 To Review the Parish Council Working Groups To fill the vacancies on the following Working Groups. (Rpt circ):  ICT/Communication (1 vacancy) – Cllr Theobald  Emergency Planning (1 vacancy) - Cllr Theobald  Environment Amenities & Footpaths (1 vacancy) – Cllr King  Finance & General Purposes (1 vacancy) – to be filled at a later date

Gt Yeldham Parish Council Minutes 4th February 2021 Signed as a true record by the Chairman

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 Open Areas (1 vacancy) - Cllr Theobald  Young People/Families and Vulnerable People (1 vacancy)- Cllr Rawlinson

21/010 To Review the Appointment of Representatives for 2020/21 to outside bodies To fill the Trustee vacancy on the Sports & Recreation Ground Management Committee. RESOLVED: that Cllr Theobald is appointed as Trustee to the Sports and Recreation Ground Management Committee.

21/011 Network 5 Cllr Rawlinson reported that the network consists of representatives from 5 Parishes (originally Birdbrook, Great Yeldham, Ridgewell, Stambourne, Toppesfield, ) working together to inform, build knowledge, consult, seek advice, provide potential solutions and opinions on common issues to assist their Parish Council. The last meeting was held in May 2018. Birdbrook had dropped out but Sturmer expressed an interest. Useful network raised the profile of Gt Yeldham. Cllr Rawlinson enquired whether the Parish Council wished to continue and whether there would be benefits to welcome other parishes. ACTION: that the Clerk contact the other parishes and ask whether the network should continue

21/012 Clerks Report Councillors to review actions list, update and report progress to date (rpt circa).  Telephone Kiosk – BT Completion Notice received. Handyman to undertake site inspection to identify works required. Need to discuss future use and practicalities.  Bridge over Topplesfield brook footpath 25 – bridge damaged, reported to ECC For note.

21/013 Approval of Invoices/Accounts for Payment (rpt circa). To approve the invoices and accounts due for payment. RESOLVED that payments of £7034.04 be approved. All in favour. The Accounts for Payment were approved by Cllrs Rawlinson and Marks outside of the meeting due to COVID 19 restrictions.

21/014 Receipts and Payments ending 31st January 2021 (rpt circa). The Clerk presented the Receipts and Payments report which represented the accounts as at 31st January 2021. No comments. RESOLVED that the report be approved. All in favour.

21/015 Information Exchange/Communication Received/Next Agenda Items Only  Parish Council Casual Vacancy - A notice of casual vacancy has been prepared by BDC and posted to website. Closing date for receipt of elector requests is the 18th February 2021.  Parish Council Resignation - Cllr Robin Weiland reported that with regret she will be resigning at the end of this meeting due to work and family commitments. The Chairman thanked Cllr Weiland for all her effort and work especially through lock down this year even when on holiday Cllr Weiland kept the prescriptions rota going. Members of the Parish Council wished Cllr Weiland well in the future. Clerk to advise BDC to prepare a notice of casual vacancy.  Covid Testing Kits - no more kits available from BDC, nearest availability is .

21/016 Date and time of next meeting The next meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Thursday 4th March 2021 at 7.30 pm via Zoom.

The meeting closed at 20.35 pm

Gt Yeldham Parish Council Minutes 4th February 2021 Signed as a true record by the Chairman